IMP 1020 The biliary tract in pregnancy: an ultrasonography view. Luscia1doS.M.; Gutierrez,S.; Palerm0,M.S.; Mel&M.; Monaco,A. Maternal and child Departament, Hospital “Prof. Dr. A. Posadas”, Buenos Aires, Argentina. The biliary tract was observated by ultrasonography in 2 13 healthy pregnant women with mean age 26.2 years, rango 14-44 years, attending an antenatal control. We have evalueted some risk factors for the development of sludge or stones in these patiens: age, parity, contraceptive steroids and obesity, and modifications on the intrahepatic bile duct, common bile duct and gallblader wall during the pregnancy, too. We didn’t find modifications on the structures bile tract during the pregnancy. 16% patients with stones undervent obesity being stadistically
IMP 1022 CHOLESTEROLOSIS -TWO CASE REVIEW Jelica Raikovic, Mila Milekic Dep. for Radiology, DZ ” Zvezdara “, Belgrade, Yugoslavia Cholesterolosis belong to group of hyperplestic cholesterolosis - nonintlamatory lesion in the wall of the gallbladder. Pathological changes comprehend cellinfiltration and cholesterol esters and other lipoids accumulation in the submuwsee and muwsee and appearance of pseudopolypiod shapes. Aim, of this report is to present two cases of cholesterolosis in our material. Both of patients were clinically asymptomatic. They were examined by 3.5 MHz transducer. It was observed thickness of GB wall, view of internal wntour, existence of multiple polyplike forms, also the size and view of this pseudopolypqand existence of GB calwlosis.
We found no significant with oral contraception, This study suggest that stones in women increse with the parity and age, being stadistically significant after 3rd. pregnancy (20.3%) and after 30 years (DS 5.8).
IMP 1021 REGENERATING NODULES IN CIRRHOSIS : SONOGRAPHIC-PATHOLOGIC CORRELATION Jae Hoon Limi. Eung Yeop Kim’, Dongil Choi’, Cheol Keun Park’. Departments of Radiology’ & Diagnostic Pathology’, Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, Korea. To define sonographic appearances of regenerating nodules in cirrhosis, we undertook a sonographicpathologic correlation study. Sonograms of five resected noncirrhotic livers and ten resected cirrhotic liver specimens were obtained by using 2-4 MHz and 5-10 MHZ broadband transducers. The presence of focal lesions in the sonograms were investigated by two radiologists without pathologic information and correlated with pathological specimens. By using S-10 MHz transducers, majority of regenerating nodules were depicted as ill-defined or welldefined hypoechoic focal lesions surrounded by complete or incomplete hyperechoic fibrous rim. By using 2-4 MHz transducers, regenerating nodules larger than 6 mm were depicted as hypoechoic focal lesions whereas nodules smaller than 5 mm were not depicted clearly but produce inhomogeneous, increased echogenicity and coarsening of the parenchymal echotexture depending on the amount of fibrous septae surrounding regenerating nodules. It is concluded that, in routine abdominal sonography by using 2-4 MHz transducers, regenerating nodules larger than 6 mm can be depicted but nodules less than 5 mm produce increased and coarse hepatic echotexture.
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IMP 1208 ANALYSISOF BLOODFLOWSIGNALSiN iiEPATOCELLtiLAR CAHClNOMA USiNGijLTRASOtiND DOPPLERMETHOD MASAKAZIJ KMltilRA. MlTStiCi FUTAMJRA,TAKE0WAkAKA OMIYAMEDiCALCENTERJICHI MEDICALSCHOOL Weassessed acceleration time index(ATI. Fig.)of the Blood flow signais on 13 hepatoceilular carcinoma(HCC) patients. at tne borderline-area of HCC. the central area of HCC. main hepatic artery and the second biancfis of artery. ATi of central area increased (
= s
AT1 was 0.152/O. 036: (mean)/G. D. ) in the central area of iiOC, O.i66/0.037 in the borderline-area of HCC. 0.088/0.037 in the second blancbs of hepatic artery, O.OY6/0.028 in main hepatic artery.