PII: S0043-1354(98)00176-6
Wat. Res. Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 266±278, 1999 # 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved Printed in Great Britain 0043-1354/98 $ - see front matter
IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF A WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT EFFLUENT USING INSTREAM INVERTEBRATES AND THE CERIODAPHNIA DUBIA CHRONIC TOXICITY TEST A. KOSMALA1*, S. CHARVET2, M.-C. ROGER2 and B. FAESSEL2 1 Laboratoire d'eÂcotoxicologie, Cemagref, Division Biologie des EcosysteÁmes Aquatiques, 3 bis quai Chauveau, 69336 LYON Cedex 09, France and 2Laboratoire de Diagnose des SysteÁmes Aquatiques, Cemagref, Division Biologie des EcosysteÁmes Aquatiques, 3 bis quai Chauveau, 69336 Lyon Cedex 09, France
(First received June 1997; accepted in revised form March 1998) AbstractÐThe purpose of this study was to assess the speci®c impact of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) euent on the receiving water. A combination of a ®eld survey and laboratory toxicity tests was used to detect a possible cause-eect relationship between the plant discharge and the receiving water quality. In addition to biological and chemical quality of the river upstream and downstream from the WWTP outfall, we assessed Hydropsychid life cycle as a ®eld bio-indicator. Laboratory experiments were carried out using the 7-day Ceriodaphnia dubia chronic toxicity test. Field and laboratory studies were performed simultaneously almost every month from March 1995 to February 1996. Throughout the year, we observed a biological degradation at downstream site compared to upstream site based on biological indices, while we detected a constant chronic toxicity from C. dubia test. Field and laboratory indicators showed that the eect of the WWTP euent on organisms was at its highest in summer. By studying both the euent and the receiving water, we showed that not only the concentration of the euent in the river but also its quality explain the impact of the WWTP euent in summer. Thanks to ®eld investigation, we detected the impact of the WWTP above the outfall, the WWTP upstream site being polluted by the stormwater over¯ow. Disturbances described were due to nutrient loading from the organic matter and to micropollutants contained in the WWTP euent. # 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved Key wordsÐCeriodaphnia dubia, Hydropsyche angustipennis, caddis ¯ies, benthic macroinvertebrates, chronic toxicity test, wastewater treatment plant euent, impact assessment
The purpose of this study was to measure the impact of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) on the receiving water. Measuring such an impact is a challenge because of the variability and the complexity of the euent. Moreover, multi-point source pollution, added to agricultural pollution, often makes it impossible to establish a clear relationship between in situ eects and discharges. As Chapman (1986), Monda et al. (1995), Bervoets et al. (1996) recommended, chemical analyses, ecological survey and euent toxicity tests were combined to discriminate between the eects of the discharge and those of the background pollution. This combination was developed for sediment quality monitoring by Chapman (1986, 1990) as the Triad approach. Variability of euent quality and its *Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed. [Tel.: +33-4-7220-8788; Fax: +33-4-7847-7875; Email:
[email protected]]. 266
impact were recorded by a monthly sampling design during a period of one year. By comparing chemical analyses and macroinvertebrate studies made at WWTP upstream and downstream sites, we tried to describe the disturbances that occurred in the receiving water. We also worked on changes in one invertebrate family population structure and in the development of invertebrate species (global instar distribution, annual development cycle and morphometric measures). Indeed, studies dealing with individual and population responses helped to record physiological disturbances which could explain ecosystem changes (Forbes and Forbes, 1994). Hydropsychid caddis¯ies were chosen because of their high abundance, their wide distribution and their important role in the ecology of lotic ecosystems (Vuori and Parkko, 1996). In addition, toxicity tests were made to detect a possible cause±eect relationship between an identi®ed discharge and the observed ®eld impact. As no (or little) acute toxicity was revealed testing WWTP
Impact of a wastewater treatment plant euent
Fig. 1. Geographical locations of the Chalaronne River and the ChaÃtillon-sur-Chalaronne WWTP. The location of WWTP, upstream and downstream sites are indicated. Site A was chosen for micropollutant analysis in the sediment (June 1995) and in ®sh (September 1995). The bold arrows indicate stormwater discharges located between the town and the WWTP (which come from the combined sewers).
euent on dierent organisms (Metikosh et al., 1980; Craig et al., 1991; Arbuckle and Alleman, 1992), we chose the chronic toxicity test using Ceriodaphnia dubia (Mount and Norberg, 1984). This test is largely used to check the toxicity of euents: it belongs to the battery of tests proposed by USEPA (1991) for the biological control of euents. Moreover, the Ceriodaphnia dubia chronic test
is the most sensitive test among existing sublethal tests (Neiheisel et al., 1988; Garric et al., 1996). MATERIAL AND METHODS
Study area The study area is the Chalaronne stream above and below the ChaÃtillon-sur-Chalaronne WWTP which pours
Fig. 2. Chalaronne river ¯ow and instream wastewater concentration during the sampling period (March 1995 to February 1996). Dates mentioned are dates of invertebrates and river water sampling.
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Table 1. Sampling dates and corresponding euent and river ¯ows. For toxicity test, euent and river water from WWTP upstream site were sampled while for invertebrates sampling, invertebrates and river water to be analysed were sampled from WWTP upstream and downstream sites Toxicity test sampling/ invertebrates sampling 22 February/02 March 22 March 19 April/5 May 24 May/7 June 21/27 June 19/20 July 23/24 August 27 September 18/19 October 22/23 November 20/21 December 24/25 January 21/22 February Min±max (March 1995± February 1996)
Instream waste concentrationa (%)
River ¯ow (m3/s)
NMb/NM 5 12/3 4/2 4/14 24/23 16/10 3 1/1 1/2 3/3 2/2 1/1 0.3±42
2.30/2.63 1.77 0.27/1.19 0.66/0.75 0.41/0.11 0.05/0.05 0.07/0.09 0.53 1.48/1.53 1.12/0.93 0.71/0.50 0.90/0.71 1.81/1.61 0.03±11.20
Obtained by validated river ¯ow data from database. NM: not measured.
its euents into this river. It is situated on the Dombes plateau, some 30 km northeast of Lyon (Fig. 1). The WWTP receives domestic and industrial (pharmaceutical, plastic and metal industries) discharges and has a capacity of 6000 inhabitants. The Chalaronne River is a third order stream (Strahler, 1957) which belongs to the drainage basin of the SaoÃne river. This lowland river (gradient of 2.7 m/km) runs on sediments deposited during the Riss glaciation. The stream bottom is covered with a mixture of cobbles, clay and loess. Field and laboratory experiments were carried out from March 1995 to February 1996 approximately every month according to the hydrological conditions. For ®eld experiments, two sites were chosen above and below the WWTP discharge. They had similar substrates, current velocities and water depths. In both sites, we sampled invertebrates and river water for conventional chemical analyses. Once a year, we collected sediments and ®sh for micropollutant analysis. (Sites above and below the WWTP were separated by a rie area which prevents ®sh transfer). For this analysis, an additional reference site situated upstream from the city (site A) was sampled (see Fig. 1). Each month, a 24 h composite euent sample proportional to the WWTP ¯ow was collected using a refrigerated Contronic PSW2000 sampler which preserved the euent at T < 48C. This euent sample was used for conventional chemical analysis. Both euent and river water were used for toxicity tests which started less than 48 h after the beginning of the 24 h euent sampling. Sampling for toxicity testing were performed at the maximum within the two weeks preceding the invertebrate sampling (Table 1). The ¯ow of both the river above the euent discharge and the WWTP euent were recorded. The river ¯ow data, collected by a gauging station, were available on a database managed by RhoÃne±Alpes DIREN (Direction ReÂgionale de l'Environnement). For WWTP euent, we set a ¯owmeter which registered the continuous ¯ow. Together these allowed us to detect the ¯oods and to calculate the instream waste concentration (IWC) which is the ratio of WWTP euent in the river. For toxicity testing, the IWC was estimated using real time river ¯ow data. IWC obtained by real time was found to be dierent from the IWC calculated by validated river ¯ow data in 2 cases out of 10: in May and July during the low water period.
Chemical analysis Temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, suspended ÿ ÿ 3ÿ matter (SM), NH+ 4 , NO3 , NO2 , PO4 , Ptot were measured in the river and euent samples. River sediment (June 1995) and ®sh muscle (September 1995) analyses were performed using a multi-residue procedure suitable for the determination of 132 organic molecules (EEC, 1990). Ten grams of 10 chub (Leuciscus cephalus) muscles were pooled. Organic extracts obtained from ®sh muscle and sediment using dichloromethane and Soxhlet extraction were analysed with GC-MS, GC-FID-ECD and HPLC. For ®sh muscle, the extraction was microwaveassisted. Metal contents in the sediment were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry.
Instream invertebrates Macroinvertebrates were collected from rie areas with a Surber sampler (with a net of 250 mm mesh-width) and from pool areas by raking sediment along the bank with a hand-net. Five samples were collected in the rie and ®ve in the pool covering together an area of 1 m2. With the hydropsychid larvae, ®ve extra random rie samples were taken at each site in order to cover a total rie area of 1 m2. Samples were preserved in 10% formalin. In the laboratory, samples were washed through a column of 3 sieves (2.5, 1.25, 0.63 mm) and the coarse gravel was removed. The macroinvertebrates were then sorted, counted and identi®ed under a binocular microscope. Biological index (IBG) was determined using AFNOR (1992) NF T 90-350. Hydropsychid larvae were identi®ed down to species. Hydropsyche angustipennis Curtis and H. pellucidula Curtis were retained for further measurements concerning life cycle. Head capsule widths (HC) were measured using a micrometer ®tted in the binocular microscope in order to determine the instar of the larvae. Our protocol allowed us to collect the last three instars and partially the second instar. The larvae of the ®rst instar were discarded as species identi®cation was impossible. Body surfaces (S) were obtained by image analysis. Images were taken using a CCD monochrome camera and computer with a data logger board (512 512 pixel). Then, they were treated using Visilog 4.1 software (Noesis, France). Additional morphological analyses (including HC, S and wet weight) were performed from a set of 100 individualised animals sampled in August. Wet weight (W) was obtained using a Sartorius RC 210 D balance with a precision of 0.01 mg.
Toxicity testing WWTP euent and river water from the upstream site were frozen at the laboratory at T < ÿ188C in polyethylene containers to ensure the best possible preservation during the 7-day test (Naudin et al., 1995). Within 24 h of sample collection, a semi-static 7-day Ceriodaphnia dubia test was performed using USEPA (1991) guidelines. A laboratory water Ð mixed natural (80% v/v) and deionized water Ð (hardness 80±100 mg/L CaCO3) was used for stock culture. Four dierent samples were simultaneously tested: an upstream WWTP Chalaronne water, a 90% euent concentration, a mixture of Chalaronne water and euent at the IWC (see } study area) and the laboratory water. Survival, reproduction and growth of the organisms exposed were assessed during the test. The reproduction of C. dubia was estimated by counting the neonates daily. The length of adults was measured at the end of the test. The test solutions were prepared and renewed daily using stored samples. Daphnids were fed every day by a mixture of yeast, algae and ®sh food. Physico-chemical parameters (pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity) were measured daily.
Impact of a wastewater treatment plant euent
Fig. 3. Chemical analyses in Chalaronne water samples from WWTP upstream (w) and downstream (.) sites from March 1995 to February 1996 (see also Fig. 1).
Data analysis Statistical analysis for toxicity tests was performed using Toxstat 3.0 software (Gulley et al., 1989). Ceriodaphnid survival, reproduction and growth data were statistically analysed according to USEPA (1991) ¯ow charts.
Statistical analyses [including principal components factor analysis (PCA), ANOVA, Wilcoxon matched pair test, linear regression, t-test] for IBG, chemical analysis and hydropsychid population were performed using Statistica software (Statsoft, Tulsa).
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Fig. 4. Chemical analyses of WWTP euent samples from March 1995 to February 1996.
Water quality The study of the ¯ow of the euent and the river allowed us to distinguish a low river water period from July to September accompanied by a high instream waste concentration (IWC>10%) (Table 1 and Fig. 2). Conventional chemical parameters measured in the river water did not allow us to clearly distinguish the WWTP downstream site from the upstream site. (Only 3.1% of the total variability of chemical parameters was able to separate the upstream from the downstream site according to a computation of between class inertia associated with PCA). Thus, SM, NOÿ 3 , temperature and dissolved oxygen variations were explained by other factors than the WWTP outfall (Fig. 3). First of all, SM variations measured in the river were aected by the river ¯ow and upstream supply. SM were at
high concentration in euent samples of rainy periods (euent of April and March, Fig. 4). NOÿ 3 measured in the river depended also on upstream supply. And last, temperature and dissolved oxygen variations, important parameters for the macroinvertebrate distribution, were caused by the season. As with conventional analyses, we detected no signi®cant micropollutant concentration between the two sites above and below the WWTP. Thus, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), HCB, lindane, pp'DDE detected in ®sh and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) detected in sediments upstream and downstream from the WWTP euent discharge but not at the site upstream from the town (Table 2 and Table 3). It is the same for metals in sediments: we did not notice any signi®cant metal concentration dierences between the two sites above and below the WWTP whereas we recorded some metal concentration dierences
Impact of a wastewater treatment plant euent
Fig. 5. Hydropsychidae abundance in Chalaronne river from March 1995 to February 1996.
between the two sites respectively above and below the town. However, some chemical parameters allowed us to measure dierences between the WWTP upstream and downstream sites. First, conductivity ÿ 3ÿ and NH+ concentrations were at 4 , NO2 , PO4 higher levels at the WWTP downstream site than the upstream site especially in summer. This was in accordance with the chemical characteristics of dry summer euent samples (euent of June, July and 3ÿ September) whose conductivity and NH+ 4 and PO4 concentrations were higher than other euent samples. Moreover, phenol and methylphenol had accumulated in ®sh only below the WWTP. Finally, Cu and Hg were detected at higher concentrations at the WWTP downstream site than the upstream site.
Biological quality Biological indices ¯uctuated between 7 and 14 upstream from the WWTP, and between 6 and 12 downstream (Table 4). For all the sampling period, the biological index was signi®cantly lower downstream than upstream (Wilcoxon matched pairs test, p = 0.008). The biggest dierence upstream versus downstream was noted in September (D = 8). IBG varied versus time at upstream and downstream sites. At the upstream site, the variability was due among other things to an overestimation of the indicator group by the Leptophlebiidae (7) which were at the limits of their ecological requirement (present only two months with less than 6 individuals) (Table 4). From March to July, IBG was inferior or equal to 10 if we disregard the
Table 2. Concentrations of pollutants in chub muscle from the Chalaronne River (June 1995) (mg/g lipid weight)
PCB 101 PCB 138 PCB 153 PCB 180 Lindane HCB Chlordane pp'DDE Phenol Methylphenol Lipids % wet weight a
ND: not detected.
Upstream town (site A)
Upstream WWTP
Downstream WWTP
0.430 0.664 0.586 0.313 0.469 0.039 ND 1.445 ND ND 2.6
0.071 0.095 0.143 0.071 0.143 0.024 ND 0.643 11.900 1.190 4.2
ND ND ND ND 0.233 ND 0.633 0.667 ND ND 3
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Table 3. Contaminants concentrations in sediments of the three sites from the Chalaronne River (September 1995) (mg/kg dry weight)
Arsenic Cadmium Chromium Copper Mercury Nickel Lead Zinc Benzo(a)pyrene Benzo(b + k) ¯uoranthene Chrysene Fluoranthene Fluorene Naphthalene Phenanthrene Pyrene PCBs
Upstream town (site A)
Upstream WWTP
Downstream WWTP
4.9 1.7 69.0 13.4 0.1 29.0 30.3 85.0
Metals 6.0 1.9 65.0 38.6 1.1 27.7 74.0 175.0
4.4 1.8 66.1 57.9 3.1 28.7 73.6 199.0
ND ND ND 0.15 0.05 ND 0.13 0.17 ND
PAHs 0.28 0.41 0.39 0.38 0.13 0.10 0.35 0.39 ND
0.26 ND 0.39 0.33 0.07 ND 0.24 0.35 ND
Referencea 5.0 0.5 25.0 20.0 0.1 10.0 20.0 75.0
DW is dry weight, ND not detected. a From the Water Agency of RhoÃne-MeÂditerraneÂe-Corse 1994. A sediment is said to be contaminated when concentrations are two-fold these reference levels.
Leptophlebiidae. Between July and September, the biological quality of the river upstream from the WWTP was improving. This improvement was detectable downstream only from October on. Toxicity testing Ceriodaphnids exposed to river water were considered as controls: reproduction and growth measured on these organisms were higher than those measured on organisms exposed to laboratory water. The latter was poorer in some chemical substances. Two experiments out of the 13 planned, failed (in June and August): reproduction in the
controls was less than the acceptable average (15 or more young per surviving female). In May and July, signi®cant mortality occurred in the 90% euent tested (Fisher exact test, p < 0.05) after 7 days (Table 5). However, this mortality was not signi®cant when measured after only 48 h of exposure, which correspond to acute time exposure. Chronic toxicity of the 90% euent tested was revealed for all the tests (except for the test of April) regarding both parameters: reproduction and growth. For the river water and euent diluted to the IWC, no signi®cant mortality occurred (minimum of 90% surviving females). The chronic toxicity of
Table 4. Values of the variables associated with biological indices (IBG, AFNOR NF T90-350, see text) in the Chalaronne River (March 1995 to February 1996) Indicator group Sampling dates 2 March 22 March 5 May 7 June 27 June 20 July 24 August 27 September 19 October 23 November 21 December 25 January 22 February
Upstream WWTP Indicator Indicator taxa value
Number of taxa
Downstream WWTP Indicator Indicator taxa value
Biological index
Upstream Downstream Upstream Downstream WWTP WWTP WWTP WWTP
Hydropsychidae Hydropsychidae Leptophlebiidae Hydropsychidae Psychomyidae Hydropsychidae Hydroptilidae Hydroptilidae
3 3 7 3 4 3 5 5
Hydropsychidae Hydroptylidae Ephemerellidae Ephemerellidae Hydropsychidae Hydropsychidae Hydropsychidae Baetidae
3 5 3 3 3 3 3 2
16 26 25 20 24 19 23 33
13 20 17 16 19 19 18 16
7 10 14 8 10 8 11 14
7 10 8 7 8 8 8 6
Leptophlebiidae Hydropsychidae
7 3
Psychomyidae Hydropsychidae
4 3
25 29
17 23
14 11
9 9
Ephemeridae Ephemeridae
6 6
Ephemeridae Ephemeridae
6 6
30 24
24 21
14 12
12 12
NM (50)c 5 12 16 14 4 1 2 (20) 3 2 1
IWC (%)
988 2 66 10822 74 936 2 63 947 2 75 929 258* 960 2 59 997 2 38 925 2 47 978 2 35 10342 55 10242 42 9 10 9 9 10 9 10 10 10 10 10
23 211* 372 5 282 8 302 9* 212 9 402 6 382 9 222 3* 272 6 342 10 462 9
Hydropsychid observations
*Signi®cantly dierent (p < 0.05) according to statistical test detailed in USEPA (1991). Estimated IWC (instream waste concentration) obtained by real time river ¯ow data. NM is not measured. c In parentheses: euent concentration tested for C when euent concentration tested dierent from IWC.
813 2204* 979 275 888 244 ÿ 683 2 35* 795 2 71* 941 225 901 258 883 2 35* 984 2 37* 945 2 78* 142 6* 24 211* 23 29 ÿ 1 2 1* 9 2 3* 192 7* 152 5* 9 2 3* 16 210* 412 13 10 7 10 0* 3* 8 8 10 10 9 10 1029 250 1068 280 931 246 983 250 1023 260 999 264 983 2 4 948 236 991 232 1047 2 6 1053 265 332 7 36 210 292 4 392 7 312 8 34 211 45 210 272 7 212 6 27 211 43 213 10 10 10 9 10 10 9 9 10 10 10 February March April May July September October November December January Feb 24 24 21 26 21 29 20 23 22 26 23
the euent at the estimated IWC was revealed in February, May, July and November. The two sublethal parameters used (growth and reproduction) appeared to be complementary even if reproduction was found to be often more sensitive than growth. In February, May and November, the tested IWC was overestimated.
adult length neonates
C euent at estimated IWCa
survival adult length neonates
B 90% euent
survival adult length A river water
neonates survival
Table 5. Ceriodaphnia dubia adults survival, reproduction (in number of neonates: mean 2 S.D.) and length (in mm: mean 2 S.D.) at the end of a 7-d chronic toxicity test of WWTP euents collected every month from March 1995 to February 1996. (Ceriodaphnia dubia were exposed to river water A and to two concentrations of WWTP euent diluted with river water B and C (10 replicates per tested sample)
Impact of a wastewater treatment plant euent
Hydropsychid family. Hydropsychids were the indicator group most often used in our study to calculate biological indices (Table 4). Whereas the same four hydropsychid species were found above and below the euent discharge Ð H. angustipennis Curtis, H. pellucidula Curtis, H. siltalai DoÈhler and H. exocellata Dufour (Fig. 5) Ð the euent appeared to modify the Hydropsyche population structure. Indeed, among these four species, only H. angustipennis was well-represented downstream (87% of Hydropsychidae). So the dierence of the number of individuals of this species upstream versus downstream was not statistically signi®cant (Wilcoxon matched pair test, p = 0.13). On the contrary, H. pellucidula, which was the most abundant species upstream (47% of the Hydropsychidae), did not exceed 30 individuals downstream in any sample (11% of the Hydropsychidae). The same disappearance at the downstream site was noted for H. siltalai which was well-represented upstream and for H. exocellata which was the rarest hydropsychid species upstream. H. angustipennis and H. pellucidula populations. Head width frequency distribution of H. angustipennis from the two sites for all the study period allowed us to recognise 4 instars with the same head capsule (HC) widths observed by Edington and Hildrew (1995): instar 2 with a HC width between 0.3 and 0.5 mm, instar 3 with HC: 0.5± 0.7 mm, instar 4 with HC: 0.7±1.1, instar 5 with HC: 1.1±1.7. For the whole study period, the distribution of H. angustipennis instars was dierent comparing the upstream versus the downstream site: whereas the numbers of 4th and 5th instars were almost the same in both sites, the 2nd and 3rd instars were less abundant downstream than upstream from the WWTP (downstream, they represented 37% of the upstream population) (Fig. 6). The same distribution was obtained for H. pellucidula. (Fig. 7). All the instars were less numerous downstream than upstream, but the 2nd instar was particularly aected and it was absent downstream. H. angustipennis was found to have a one year life cycle with an emergence period between May and June and the 4th instar stage as overwintering instar (Fig. 8). The distribution of instars with time was approximately the same between the WWTP upstream and downstream sites except in August and September during the growth period.
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For H. angustipennis of the August sample, we obtained three relations between weight or surface and head capsule width for the upstream site (Table 6). The determination coecient R2 was higher for surface Ð weight regression than for surface or weight and head width regression. These organisms have a continuous growth of surface and weight and a discontinuous growth of the head capsule. At the downstream site, we did not succeed in determining a regression line between weight and surface and weight and head capsule width because of a widespread distribution of weight or surface for the same head capsule. By mixing the upstream and downstream data and obtaining a multiple regression equation (where all the coecients except the site coecient were signi®cant, Fisher, p < 0.05), we showed that, for the same head capsule width i.e. same instar, the surface of H. angustipennis individuals was bigger downstream. This result was con®rmed by surface distribution of the H. angustipennis 5th instar that we succeeded in separating from the others instar stages, for all the sampling period. Thus, whereas globally no dierence between the two sites was observed (ANOVA, p = 0.46), the 5th instar larvae of H. angustipennis from the 20th July sample was found to be signi®cantly bigger downstream than upstream (t-test, p < 0.05). DISCUSSION
Detection of the WWTP euent impact First, ammonia and phosphorus, detected particularly in summer at the WWTP downstream site,
were known to be brought by WWTP euents (Morris et al., 1992; Monda et al., 1995; Garric et al., 1996). Organochlorines (including PCBs), PAHs, and metals found in the river under study, were detected in WWTP euents (Marchand et al., 1989; Lara-Cazenave et al., 1994; Makepeace et al., 1995) or in ®sh contaminated by sewage outfall (Brown et al., 1986; Miskiewicz and Gibbs, 1994). However, for such compounds, the presence of the city of ChaÃtillon and the stormwater euents were more important than WWTP discharge in explaining the contamination increase. Then, macroinvertebrate community structure was in¯uenced by the WWTP discharge as was the case in other studies (Kondratie and Simmons, 1982; Monda et al., 1995; Wright et al., 1995). The population structure of the hydropsychid family was also aected by WWTP discharge because of dierent sensitivity of species. This was already observed by Petersen (1986) for a hydrospychid guild where H. angustipennis was also found to be the most tolerant species. Studies on species development allowed us to detect some mechanisms of disturbances of the ecosystem functioning such as the disappearance of the young hydrospychid larvae, some morphological modi®cations of H. angustipennis and some disturbances during the larval development. Vuori and Parkko (1996) already found that larval growth was delayed in polluted sites. Petersen and Petersen (1984) also observed that pulp mill euent prolonged and delayed emergence. The prolongation of emergence of H. angustipennis would disrupt life cycle synchrony having
Impact of a wastewater treatment plant euent
Fig. 7. Distribution of the larval of H. pellucidula in all samples.
an eect on reproductive success and competition between closely related species. At last, WWTP euent tested showed some chronic toxicity as already observed by Schroder et al. (1991). Variations in the WWTP euent impact Temporal variations. In summer, between WWTP upstream and downstream sites, we noticed: . the biggest disturbance through biological indices; . the disappearance of H. angustipennis young larvae which were present in summer following the life cycle of this species and hydropsychid morphological disturbances; . a peak of toxicity through chronic test. (Comparison with time of toxicity test results is delicate because of possible health variations of the exposed organisms (DeGraeve and Cooney, 1987)). Two causes could be put forward to explain the peak of impact during summer. First, there was an increase of the IWC which was then higher than 14%. Second, there was a change in euent quality which was more concentrated regarding conductivity and contained a high concentration of NH+ 4 . On the contrary, the lack of reaction of laboratory and ®eld organisms was characteristic of rainy periods when both euent and river are load in suspended matter. Metikosh et al. (1980) and Craig et al. (1991) found that WWTP winter euent samples were more toxic than summer samples. They explained this by an inferior plant performance associated
with lower operating temperatures. Dierences in seasonal toxicity highlight the site-speci®c characteristic of such studies. Spatial variations. Thanks to chemical dierences measured between sites above and below the town, we were able to reveal the pollution caused by stormwater over¯ow from combined sewers. Moreover, the global improvement of the biological river quality registered at both sites after summer could be related to a combination of the end of nitrate load and ¯ow increase. A ®eld survey, such as the biological and chemical quality assessment of a river, integrates all the instream disturbances such as ¯ow or chemical disturbances from agricultural practices (Monda et al., 1995; Bervoets et al., 1996). Cause±eect relationships: characterization of the WWTP euent impact First, water temperature was discarded as a cause of insect larvae disturbances as no dierence between WWTP upstream and downstream sites was measured using this parameter. Hydropsychidae is made up of saprobionte collector-®lterers organisms. The conspicuous abundance of H. angustipennis in small rivers in relation to other species such as H. pellucidula and H. siltalai is a fairly good indicator of modest organic enrichment (Edington and Hildrew, 1995). Moreover, the increase of H. angustipennis body surface observed between WWTP downstream and upstream sites could be due to trophic brought of such type of euent.
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Fig. 8. Distribution (in percent) of the dierent larval instars of H. angustipennis (Numbers on the top of the graph are total numbers of hydropsychids sampled each month).
As previously reported by Schroder et al. (1991), no relationship could be closely established between conventional pollutants analysed and toxic eect, except for un-ionized ammonia. Thus, the biggest disturbance in the instream invertebrate structure between upstream and downstream sites was when the chemical analyses revealed a high load of ammonia. Moreover, toxicity observed through C.
Table 6. Regressions between weight (W), surface (S) and head capsule width (HC) of H. angustipennis at WWTP upstream and downstream sites Upstream WWTP
Downstream WWTP
NDa log W = 1.5 log S-0.6, R2=0.94 ND log W = 2.6 log HC + 0.9, R2=0.78 log S = 2.1 log HC + 1, log S = 1.6 log HC + 1, R2=0.72 R2=0.77 log S = 1 + 1.2 log HC + 0.02 station + 0.5 station*log HC, R2=0.79 a
ND: not determined (regression not statistically signi®cant).
dubia test in July could be linked to NH3 concentration reaching 0.1 mg/l in the euent: such a concentration is close to chronic toxicity concentrations reported for invertebrates (Gersich and Hopkins, 1986; Arthur et al., 1987). Finally, as hydropsychid young larvae were more aected by the WWTP discharge than old larvae, we could suspect acute toxicity caused by ammonia. Vuori and Parkko (1996) explained the increased mortality of the older instar stages of an hydrospychid population by the presence of bioaccumulative pollutants. However, as we detected the presence of organic compounds or metals in the receiving water, we could identify these compounds as additional causes of toxicity as some authors (Birge et al., 1989; Craig et al., 1991; Garric et al., 1996) showed. Comparison of the dierent approaches In this study, we noticed that whereas it was only in summer that we detected some dierences in chemical water quality between downstream and
Impact of a wastewater treatment plant euent
upstream sites, biological indices showed a disturbance of the biological quality of the river due to the WWTP discharge during the whole year. Biological investigations appeared to be more a sensitive indicator of WWTP euent disturbance than chemical analysis. Moreover, no toxicity was suspected through C. dubia exposed to river water sampled at the upstream site whereas the biological index showed a degraded upstream site. Indeed, because benthic invertebrate community is exposed to the temporal variations in the quality of the euent, this could be a more sensitive indicator of disturbance than the C. dubia test, as Clements and Kiney (1994) already observed. In spite of the dierence of sensitivity of ®eld survey and toxicity testing, we observed the same responses with both approaches. Throughout the year, we detected a chronic toxicity at 90% euent concentration tested using C. dubia while we observed a dierence between upstream and downstream sites through biological indices. In summer, we detected a chronic toxicity at IWC through the C. dubia bioassay, when the dierence of biological indices between the two sites was biggest. Thus, previous researchers (Eagleson et al., 1990; Dickson et al., 1992) had demonstrated good agreement between results of 7-d chronic toxicity tests using Ceriodaphnia dubia and benthic community structure. Through chemical analysis, we also detected a more important impact in summer. A ®eld survey integrates all the instream disturbances. The combination of a ®eld survey and euent toxicity testing helped us to reveal the eect of a one-point discharge such as a WWTP euent. Our integrate approach diered from the Triad approach (Chapman, 1986) as we known the disturbance source and we could study it. Studying both the receiving water and the euent allowed us to show that the impact of a WWTP euent was due not only to the instream waste concentration but also to the quality of the euent.
Through analytical, biological and toxicological approaches, we managed to detect disturbances due to WWTP euent. Chemical investigations helped us to reveal ammonia and to a lesser extent micropollutants as factors of WWTP euent impact on a receiving water. Biological investigations revealed the eects of WWTP euent on the receiving water with a decrease of instream invertebrates diversity. Toxicity testing indicated the potential toxicity of the euent. Finally, studies on hydropsychid species populations showed disturbances which could have consequences on ecosystem functioning and allowed us to distinguish the eect of organic matter and ammonia. Temporal studies allowed us to detect
seasonal variations of WWTP while ®eld survey showed upstream in¯uences. As we have already noted (Kosmala et al., in press), the combination of ®eld survey and euent study allowed us to distinguish the eects of the WWTP among various factors of disturbances. Thus, as Bervoets et al. (1993) proposed, impact assessment of euent should always include an ecological survey of the receiving water, a whole euent toxicity testing, and chemical analysis.
AcknowledgementsÐThis research was partly supported by the French Ministry of the Environment through grant No. DRAEI 92133. Herve Pella is to be thanked for his support in image analysis and Henri Tachet for his comments on the manuscript. REFERENCES
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