Importance of predation by infaunal polychaetes in controlling the structure of a soft-bottom community in Maine, USA

Importance of predation by infaunal polychaetes in controlling the structure of a soft-bottom community in Maine, USA

790 E. Biological Oceanography 82:6193 Yntema, C.L. and N. Mrosovsky, 1982. Critical periods and pivotal temperatures for sexual differentiation in ...

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E. Biological Oceanography

82:6193 Yntema, C.L. and N. Mrosovsky, 1982. Critical periods and pivotal temperatures for sexual differentiation in loggerhead sea turtles. Can. J. Zool., 60(5):1012-1016. Caretta caretta eggs were incubated at constant temperatures ranging 24-34°C. At temperatures >32°C all embryos developed into females; at < 28°C, all males. At 30°C there were approximately equal numbers of both sexes. Sexual differentiation is not determined by temperature throughout incubation but during a critical period (somewhere between stages 12 and 22) of embryonic development. Mrosovsky: Dept. of Zool., Univ. of Toronto, Ont., M5S IAI, Canada.

OLR (1982) 29 (12)

distribution; and Benthoctopus sibiricus in the eastern Arctic. (isz) 82:6197 Chandran, R., G.S. Thangaraj, V. Sivakumar, B. Srikrishnadhas and K. Ramamoorthi, 1982. Ecology of macrohenthos in the Vellar Estuary least India]. Indian J. mar. Sci., 11(2):122-127. Macrobenthos in 3 different (marine, gradient and tidal) zones comprised polychaetes, bivalves, gastropods and crustaceans; distribution was studied in relation to seasonal changes of bottom salinity, temperature, oxygen, pH, bacterial population, total organic carbon and physical nature of the substratum. A rapid depletion of benthos occurred during the NE monsoon. Centre of Adv. Study in Mar. Biol., Annamalai Univ., Porto Novo 608 502, India.

E l l 0 . Bottom communities 82:6194 Bay, Daniel, 1982. In-situ study of the metabolism of three infraiittorai benthic communities of the Aqaba Gulf. C. r. hebd. S~anc. Acad. Sci., Paris, (III)294(11):463-466. (In French, English abstract.) Station Stareso, Univ. de Liege, B.P. no. 33, 20260 Calvi, Haute-Corse, France. 82:6195 Bell, S.S. and L.D. Coen, 1982. Investigations on epihenthic meiofauna. II. Influence of microhabitat and macroalgae on abundance of small invertebrates on Diopatra cuprea (Bosc) (Polychaeta: Onuphidae) tube-caps in Virginia. J. expl mar. Biol. Ecol., 61(2):175-188. Nematodes, harpacticoid copepods and polychaetes were the most numerous taxa on the tube-caps. Meiofauna abundance was not affected by tube-cap density or complexity; presence of the macroalga Ulva significantly increased the number of meiofauna. Results were compared with data from a similar study in Florida. Dept. of Biol., Univ. of South Florida, Tampa, Fla. 33620, USA. (msg) 82:6196 Bondartchuck, L.L. et al., 1980. Ecological investigations of the shelf. Trudy Inst. Okeanol. P. P. Shirshova, 1980:1-98; 10 papers. (In Russian, English abstracts.) This collection covers algal seasonality, anemone feeding behavior and effects of pollution on benthic diatoms of the White Sea; Chukchi Sea benthos; techniques for trophic analysis of amphipods; Southern Hemisphere cold-water brachiopods; paleobenthic productivity determinations; polychaete

82:6198 Commito, J.A., 1982. Importance of predation by infaunai polychaetes in controlling the structure of a soft-bottom community in Maine, USA. Mar. Biol., 68(1):77-81. Density of the abundant (63% of the total number of individuals in the benthic community) amphipod Corophium volutator was reduced in the presence of Nereis virens adults, and also was negatively correlated with the total density of all other infaunal species, indicating the existence of 'at least a 3-level interactive system.' Dept. of Biol., Hood Coll., Frederick, Md. 21701, USA. (mjj) 82:6199 Davis, G.E., 1982. A century of natural change in coral distribution at the Dry Tortugas: a comparison of reef maps from 1881 and 1976. Bull. mar. Sci., 32(2):608-623. A detailed color map of 23,000 hectares produced by Alexander Agassiz was compared with one produced in the mid-1970's by the interdisciplinary Tortugas Reef Atoll Continuing Transect Studies (TRACTS) investigation. The area covered by living hermatypic corals had changed little--from 2.8 to 3.8%--but coral species distribution and reef types showed major changes, some attributed to hurricanes or thermal shock. Includes 2 color maps as loose inserts. Natl. Park Service., Channel Islands Natl. Park, 1699 Anchors Ways Dr., Ventura, Calif. 93003, USA. (mwf) 82:6200 Felbeck, Horst and G.N. Somero, 1982. Primary production in deep-sea hydrothermai vent organisms: roles of sulfide-oxidizing bacteria. Trends biochem. Sci., 7(6):201-204.