.4rchs oralEio/. Vol. 34,No. IO,pp. 767-771,1989 Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
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Copyright 0 1989Pergamon Press plc
INCORPORATION OF MAGNESIUM INTO RAT DENTAL ENAMEL AND ITS INFLUENCE ON CRYSTALLIZATION P. SPENCER,* C. BARNES,J. MARTINI, R. GARCIA, C. ELLIOTT and R. DOREMUS Materials Engineering Department, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590, U.S.A. (Accepted 2 May 1989) Summary-The
incorporation of magnesium into the enamel of immature rats was studied by chemical analysis and X-ray diffraction. Magnesium solutions were injected subcutaneously and later intra-orally into growing rats. Increased magnesium was detected in the enamel at the late developmental stage, and a delay in enamel mineralization resulted from increased magnesium uptake. Incisal enamel from the
Mg-injected rats had significant line-broadening on X-ray diffraction, characteristic of poorly crystallized enamel
INTRODUCTION The chemical composition and crystalline structure of dental enamel resemble those of the mineral hydroxylapatite. Relatively small differences in the dimensions of a unit cell, the degree of crystallinity, and the elemental structure have been linked to impurities in the lattice of enamel (Cutress, 1972; Featherstone et al., 1983; LeGeros, 1974; LeGeros, Bane1 and LeGeros, 1978; LeGeros, Miravite and Curzon, 1977). Although these impurities, which include Na, K, Mg, CO,, Sr and F, constitute only a fraction of the enamel, they are particularly effective at modifying or regulating its response to environmental agents (Curzon and Cracker, 1978; Featherstone and Nelson, 1980). As reported by Pate1 and Brown (1975), impurities in the lattice are largely responsible for the distinctly enhanced acid-solubility of human enamel compared to that of hydroxylapatite. Magnesium, one of the prominent inorganic contaminants in dental enamel (Asgar, 1956; Robinson, Weatherell and Hallsworth, 1981), is closely associated with acid-solubility (Feagin and Thiradilok, 1979; Pak and Diller, 1969) and thus, potentially, with tooth decay. When enamel is attacked by acid, as occurs during early dental caries, the first tissue removed is rich in magnesium (Besic et af., 1979; Cutress, 1978; Duncan and Featherstone, Hallsworth, Robinson and Weatherell, 1972; Zuoma et al., 1983). Animals on magnesium-supplemented diets frequently have increased levels of caries (McClure and McCann, 1960; Navia, 1970; Zuoma and Nuija, 1977). This increased acid-solubility, paralleled in hydroxylapatite in vitro, is perhaps caused by the adverse effect of magnesium on crystallization (Backra, Trauts and Simon, 1965; Eanes, Termine and Posner, 1967; LeGeros, 1984; Robinson, Hallsworth and Kirkham, 1984). *Address correspondence to: Dr Paulette Spencer, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, UMKC School of Dentistry, 650 East 25th Street, Kansas City, MO 65108, U.S.A.
In mature human enamel, the concentration of magnesium varies from 0.1% near the enamel surface to about 0.4% near the enamel-dentine junction (Robinson et al., 1981). Isolated deposits of very high concentrations of magnesium are associated with increased levels of protein in enamel (Landis and Navarro, 1983; Robinson et al., 1981). Whether the magnesium is an integral part of the protein or is loosely bound to it is uncertain. These magnesiumrich areas are, however, tooth sites that are recognized clinically as being particularly susceptible to caries. Little information is available on either the mechanism of uptake or the developmental stage during which magnesium is incorporated into enamel. In addition, efforts to isolate magnesium in the tooth and to study its effects have been frustrated by the low concentration of magnesium involved. Thus we have now sought to increase the concentration of magnesium in the tooth through a rigorous schedule of systemic supplementation, and to evaluate changes in the chemistry and crystalline structure of the enamel as a function of magnesium uptake. MATERIALS
Animals and schedule
Immature Sprague-Dawley rats of either sex were provided with rat chow and distilled water ad libitum. Control and experimental groups were weighed every other day. Pups in the experimental groups received daily subcutaneous injections of MgS04 from day 1-18. These injections provided Mg at a concentration of 5 parts/lo6 of Mg per log of body weight. At day 19 until day 29, the experimental rats were injected intra-orally with MgSO, at a concentration of 12 parts/lo6 of Mg. The MgSO, solution was injected via a 27-gauge needle angled below the surface of the oral mucosa at the inferior border of the mandible and in line with the mesial margin of the central incisors. This technique deposited the magnesium solution close to the site of active mineralization of the mandibular incisors. 761
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On day 30, the rats were killed by an overdose of nembutal. The jaws from each animal were immediately dissected and the molar teeth and incisors removed through careful dissection of the surrounding soft tissue and bone. Enamel from the incisors was isolated from the dentine and separated according to the stage of mineralization, using an ultra-thin diamond disc in a dental drill. The stages of mineralization in the rat incisor have been described as stage l-immature: stage 2-transitional; stage 3-maturing (Hiller, Robinson and Weatherell, 1975; Leblond and Warshawsky, 1979). These samples were immediately placed on dry ice in preparation for freeze-drying. Selected samples from the freeze-dried enamel were ground into fine particles in a percussion hammer mill (Spex Industries, Model 6700) bathed in liquid nitrogen.
Cu Kor radiation at 35 kV and 20 mA. Exposure times were 12--12.5 h. Samples of synthetic hydroxylapatite, prepared by MS Julie Martini in the Laboratory for Materials Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, were examined in the same manner as the enamel samples. RESULTS
Plasma spectrometry
These results are shown in Table I. The molar ratio of Ca/P was little different along the length of each tooth, either in controls (no injection of Mg) or in experimental samples (Mg-injected). The range for control samples was 1.42-1.50, with a mean of 1.48 i: 0.18 for all samples; the experimental samples had a range of 1.44-l .46, with a mean of 1.45 &-0.12. There was a significant difference (p < 0.001) in the molar ratio of Ca/P in segment III in controls (1 .SO) from that in experimental samples (1.44). The molar ratios of Mg/Ca and Mg/P in control samples showed little variation along the length of each tooth. The range for Mg/Ca (0.01-0.03) and the range for Mg/P (0.02-0.05) are similar to those reported for select density-fractions recovered from bovine teeth (Landis and Navarro, 1983). The experimental samples showed a significant increase in Mg from the immature enamel at the root apex to the more mature enamel at the tip. Molar ratios of Mg/Ca and Mg/P showed a three-fold increase between samples from segment I and those from segment III. At the root apex, the range for the molar ratio of Mg/Ca was 0.0 134.0 15, while towards the incisal tip this ratio was significantly increased (p < O.OOl), its range being 0.044-0.047. Similarly, the molar ratio of Mg/P from segment I ranged between 0.022 and 0.025, while the range at segment TITwas 0.066-0.076. There was no significant difference between segment I and segment II, however, in these ratios. Finally, the molar ratios of Mg/Ca and Mg/P from segment III of the experimental samples were significantly greater (p < 0.001) than the corresponding ratios in control samples.
Chemical anulysis by plasma spectrometry
Samples of freeze-dried and ground enamel representing each of the stages of mineralization were weighed in polyethylene vials and then dissolved overnight in 1.0 ml of 3 M HCl. The concentrations of magnesium, calcium and phosphorus in these solutions were determined by direct-current, plasmaemission spectrometry (Beckman Spectra Span). Concentrations of calcium and magnesium were also evaluated by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (Perkin-Elmer Model 2380). The synthetic apatites were similarly analysed. By plasma-emission mass spectroscopy, it was possible to measure Ca, P and Mg within each sample to an accuracy of 24%. Interference from the matrix was minimized by correlating samples with standards. The concentrations of Ca, P and Mg in dissolved hydroxylapatite was determined first, to give a standard calibration curve, and this standard was then compared with emissions for measured concentrations of Ca, P and Mg from enamel. Results for emissions from plasma were analysed statistically using Student’s t-test; the results were regarded as significant at p < 0.001. X-ray d#raction
Ground and freeze-dried senting the various stages incisors were examined by using a Dcbye-Scherrer
X -ra,v diffraction These results are shown in Table 2 and in Figs l-4. The control incisors had differences in their patterns of diffraction as a function of the ratio of Ca/P:
samples of enamel repreof mineralization of the powder X-ray diffraction camera and Ni-filtered
Table I. Chemical analysis by plasma-spectrometry of incisors of Mg-treated and control rats Segment I, molar ratios (n = 9)
Segment II,
Segment III,
molar ratios (n = IO)
molar ratios (n = 10)
i .45 0.007
1.46 0.02
1.45 0.01
1.44 0.02
1.51 0.03
1.44 0.05
0.014 0.002
0.012 0.001
0.017 0.001
0.016 0.003
0.028 0.001
0.049 0.009
0.020 0.001
0.023 0.001
0.026 0.003
0.027 0.004
0.045 0.005
0.07 1 0.009
Mean SD MgiCa Mean SD &iP
Mean SD
Magnesium and crystallization of enamel
Table 2. Comparison of interplanar spacing of enamel of segments II and III in controls and in experimental samples (Exptal) with spacing in hydroxylapatite
with lower from segment
II Controls
II Exptal
III Controls
III Exptal
8.17 5.26 3.88 3.44 3.17
8.248 5.288 3.910 3.440 3.175
3.891 3.439 3.168
3.897 3.444
3.08 2.814 2.778 2.720 2.631
3.094 2.828 2.770 2.721 2.634
3.087 2.826 2.780 2.727 2.634
3.072 2.822 2.774 2.724 2.627
2.528 2.262 2.148 2.065 2.000
2.539 2.270 2.156 2.059 1.998
2.269 2.155
2.538 2.268 2.159
1.943 1.890 1.841 1.806 1.780
1.948 1.89 1.844 1.798 1.785
I.949 1.897 1.841 1.811 1.791
I.947 1.897 1.842 1.815 1.786
1.946 1.893 1.842 1.811 I .790
1.754 1.722 1.503 1.474
1.757 1.719 1.505 1.479
1.755 1.717
1.756 I.719
I, had fewer reflections and significant line-broadening in comparison to samples from mature enamel of segment III. The control samples produced diffraction patterns with peak positions characteristic of hydroxylapatite, and with only slight differences in d-spacing. Patterns of diffraction in enamel from Mg-injected rats showed line-broadening for each of the three segments. The weak and widened pattern for enamel collected from their segment III indicated significant interference by Mg in the process of mineralization. Both their segment II and III had fewer reflections and pronounced line-broadening in comparison to those produced by control samples. The results of diffraction analysis for samples from Mg-injected animals were characteristic of immature enamel. enamel
Bone is recognized to be the tissue of choice for measuring the body’s store of magnesium because it contains 65% of the magnesium in the body. Elevated levels of Mg are found in the mineral phase of bone as well as in dentine when dietary Mg is increased. Dentine, enamel and bone have similar inorganic compositions so in the active mineralizing phase of enamel in increased level of Mg should be registered in animals injected with Mg. We have used localized injections to deliver a high concentration of Mg to the site of active enamel mineralization. In contrast to previous studies done with dietary supplements of Mg (Eisenmann and Yaeger, 1969; Irving, 1944), these injections led to uptake of Mg. Hiller et al. (1975) found a decrease in Mg from immature to mature enamel in the rat incisor but we
3.239 2.829 2.783 2.733 2.637
found a sharp increase in Mg over this region, thus supporting the trends reported by Robinson et al. (1984). In bovine incisors, for example, Robinson noted an increase in magnesium at the border between transitional and maturing enamel and reported that the magnesium concentration rose from 0.25% in the younger tissue of stage I to 0.5% at the border between stages II and III. The molar ratio of Mg/P increased from 0.03 in stage I to 0.065 at the border between stages II and III. Our model provides a means of studying magnesium uptake in dental enamel according to the stage of mineralization. Localizing Mg in enamel is difficult because of its low concentration. In our model, Mg in the enamel approaches concentrations previously reported in dentine. The rise in Mg concentration and the rise in the molar ratio of Mg/P occur in an area similar to the border identified by Robinson et al. (1984). The high concentrations of Mg in this region and the low Ca/P ratio suggest a delay in enamel maturation as a result of enhanced Mg uptake. The results of our diffraction analysis indicate that the supplemental Mg interfered significantly with enamel mineralization. Patterns of diffraction from the experimental enamel were characteristic of immature enamel. LeGeros (1984) has reported limited incorporation of Mg into synthetic and biological apatites; she has further suggested a limited pattern of substitution of Mg for Ca in apatite. We have thus shown that localized supplemental Mg produces significant changes in enamel mineralization in the normal young rat. Enamel maturation was particularly inhibited in the transitional and mature stages. Magnesium uptake primarily occurred during the final stage of enamel development. There was a possible delay in maturation or a disordered
SPENCER et al.
apatite that will not mature into healthy enamel. Therefore, Mg can directly influence enamel formation and is an important factor in enamel mineralization in vivo in this animal model. Acknowledgemenrs~We gratefully acknowledge the technical assistance of Mr Lloyd Colberg, MS Lisa Hurley and MS Andrea Kazmer. This work was supported in part by the National Institute of Dental Research, grant No. DE07054. REFERENCES
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Plate 1 Fig. 1. X-ray diffraction film of segment II from control rats. Fig. 2. X-ray diffraction film of segment II from Mg-injected rats. Fig. 3. X-ray diffraction film of segment III from control rats. Fig. 4. X-ray diffraction film of segment III from Mg-injected rats.
and crystallization
of enamel