Increased procoagulant activity of peripheral blood monocytes in human and experimental obstructive jaundice

Increased procoagulant activity of peripheral blood monocytes in human and experimental obstructive jaundice

GASTROENTEROLOGY 1989:96:892-8 Increased Procoagulant Activity of Peripheral Blood Monocytes in Human and Experimental Obstructive Jaundice NICOLA ...

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Increased Procoagulant Activity of Peripheral Blood Monocytes in Human and Experimental Obstructive Jaundice NICOLA





di Patologia


GIORDANO, Generale



and Istituto

di Clinica

We studied the procoagulant activity of peripheral blood monocytes in 41 patients with severe obstruccontrol pative jaundice and in 27 nonjaundiced tients using a one-stage clotting assay. Mononuclear cells from jaundiced patients, tested immediately after isolation, expressed low levels of procoagulant activity, which were, however, significantly higher than in cells from controls (p < 0.01). In addition, after incubation in short-term cultures with and without endotoxin, these cells generated more procoagulant activity than did the control ones (p < 0.001). No significant difference in procoagulant activity was found between patients with and without malignancy in either group. The relief of biliary obstruction resulted in the reduction of both serum bilirubin levels and monocyte procoagulant activity. Endotoxin-induced monocyte procoagulant activity was about threefold higher in the jaundiced patients who died than in the survivors (p < 0.001). In rabbits made icteric by bile duct ligation and separation (15 days), the endotoxin-induced monocyte procoagulant activity was markedly increased as compared with sham-operated animals (p < 0.005). In all instances, procoagulant activity was identified as tissue factor. The increased capacity of mononuclear phagocytes to produce procoagulant activity might help explain the activation of blood coagulation in severe obstructive jaundice.

ctivation of intravasdular coagulation and subsequent microvascular thrombosis are frequent findings in severe obstructive jaundice (OJ] and are considered important pathogenetic factors in renal failure (hepatorenal syndrome) associated with this pathologic condition, particularly after surgery (1). The hemostatic abnormalities indicating intravascular coagulation that have been recognized in OJ include increased levels of fibrinogen/fibrin degrada-





of Bari, Bari, Italy

tion products (FDPs), the presence of circulating soluble fibrin, and increased fibrinogen catabolism with reduced fibrinolysis (Z-4). In some instances an overt disseminated intravascular coagulation could be documented (5). In addition, an increased deposition of radioactive fibrinogen in the kidneys has been reported in an animal model of OJ (6). Despite this evidence, precise sources of procoagulant activities triggering the coagulation cascade in OJ remain to be identified. Cells of the monocytemacrophage series, when exposed in vitro to a wide variety of stimuli, can respond, directly or indirectly, with the production of selected procoagulant activities (PCAs) whereby they initiate the coagulation pathways (7-11). The most commonly described PCA, particularly in human cells, was tissue factor, although under certain circumstances prothrombinases or factor X activators have been shown (T-15). Mononuclear phagocytes can also produce or assemble coagulation factors on their surface, or both (16-18). The generation of PCAs in vivo has been implicated in the activation of intravascular and extravascular coagulation occurring in some pathologic conditions such as endotoxemia, malignancy. and immunologic diseases (9,10,19-21). In this study we demonstrated that (a) the capacity of peripheral blood monocytes to produce PCA is significantly increased in patients with OJ of different origin as compared with control nonjaundiced patients and (b) increased monocyte PCA is associated with a poor prognosis. The association between

Abbreviations used in this paper: FDP, fibrinogen/fibrin degradation product; OJ, obstructive jaundice: PCA, procoagulant activity. 0 1989 by the American Gastroenterological Association 0016-5065/69/$3.50

March 1989


and increased








in a


Materials and Methods Patients Forty-one patients with OJ, 19 women and 22 men, aged 39-86 yr (mean age, 64 yr), were studied on admission to the University Department of Surgery, after written informed consent had been obtained. They included 27 patients with malignant disease (16 with carcinoma of the pancreas, 5 with hepatoma, 3 with carcinoma of the ampulla, 2 with carcinoma of the common bile duct, and 1 with carcinoma of the duodenum) and 14 patients with nonmalignant cholestasis (8 with stones of the common bile duct, 3 with bile duct stricture, 2 with chronic pancreatitis, and 1 with bile duct fistula). All patients had a serum bilirubin level of >8 mg/lOO ml (range, 8-34; mean, 18). Serum creatinine levels, at the time of study, were normal in all but 3 patients, who had levels of 6.8, 2.0, and 3.2 mg/lOO ml, respectively. Six patients with OJ were also studied after surgery when bilirubin levels had fallen to <3 mg/lOO ml (11-15 days). A control group consisted of 27 nonjaundiced patients (15 women and 12 men; aged 32-80 yr; mean age, 59 yr), including 13 with cholelithiasis, 12 with malignancy (6 with carcinoma of the colon, 3 with carcinoma of the stomach, and 3 with carcinoma of the pancreas), and 2 with chronic pancreatitis. No severe bacterial infection was present at the time of investigation. Results of screening studies of the hemostatic system, including platelet count, activated partial thromboplastin time, and prothrombin time, were within the normal range in all patients and controls.


ase staining, made up 12%-29% (mean, 17%) and 12%30% (mean, 19%) of the mononuclear cells in patients and controls, respectively. Rabbit cell preparations contained 14%-27% (mean, 20%) monocytes. There were no changes after operation. Cell viability (trypan blue test) was always >95%. Cells of jaundiced patients or rabbits were isolated simultaneously with those of controls. All reagents used were free of endotoxin (co.2 ng/ml) as determined by the limulus amebocyte lysate assay (Microbiological Associates, Walkersville, Md.).


of Procoagulant


Procoagulant activity was first measured in mononuclear cell suspensions immediately after isolation [basal PCA). To study the capacity of mononuclear cells to produce PCA in vitro, aliquots of cell suspensions (2 x lO”/ml) were incubated with endotoxin (Escherichia coli Olll:B4; lipopolysaccharide; final concentration, 1 pg/ml) or sterile saline for 4 h at 37°C before testing (12). All assays were performed in duplicate with cells disrupted by repeated (triple) freezing and thawing. Procoagulant activity was evaluated by a one-stage plasma recalcification time, using human or rabbit plasma as substrate, and expressed in arbitrary units (U)/lO” monocytes, as previously described (12). To define the nature of PCA, in some clotting assays human plasma deficient in clotting factor VII, IX, or X was used as substrate instead of normal plasma. To further characterize PCA, a goat antiserum against the apoprotein III component of human brain thromboplastin (kind gift of Professor H. Prydz, Research Institute for Internal Medicine, Rikshospitalet, Oslo, Norway) was used.



Animals Male New Zealand white rabbits (Charles River Laboratories, Calco, Italy), weighing 1.8-2.5 kg, were anesthetized by intramuscular injection of 0.4 ml/kg body wt of Hypnorm (Duphar, Amsterdam, the Netherlands), containing 10 mgiml of fluanisone and 0.2 mgiml of fentanil. The animals were then subjected to bile duct ligation and division or sham operation and kept in clean cages in a temperature-controlled environment. Blood samples (10 ml) were collected from the central ear artery immediately before and 2 wk after the operation. Serum bilirubin measurements were made to confirm jaundice in the bile duct-ligated rabbits.


of Mononuclear


Mononuclear cells from patients and rabbits were isolated from titrated blood by the Ficoll-Hypaque (Lymphoprep: Nyegaard, Oslo, Norway) gradient technique (22), as reported (12). Final cell preparations, suspended in RPM1 1640 medium (Flow Laboratories, Irvine, U.K.), contained >97% mononuclear cells and less than one platelet per nucleated cell. Monocytes, identified by ester-

The levels of FDPs were measured by the staphylococcal clumping test (Boehringer Biochemia, Mannheim, F.R.G.); serum levels >lO pg/ml were considered elevated. Soluble fibrin was determined on titrated plasma samples by a sensitized red cell agglutination assay (23) using a commercial kit [FM test; Boehringer Biochemia). Endotoxin was detected in heparinized plasma samples by the limulus amebocyte lysate assay (Microbiological Associates) (24,25); firm gel formation within 1 h was recorded as positive.



Results were always expressed as the mean t SEM. The significance of the difference between means was estimated by Student’s t-test after logarithmic conversion of the data. Differences between the frequency of abnormalities in groups and evidence of association between phenomena have been tested by the ,$ test. The analysis of variance [split-plot design) was used for comparisons of results before and after induction of experimental jaundice.






Vol. 96, No. 3




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BASAL Figure

1. Procoagulant activity of peripheral blood mononuclear activity was measured immediately after cell isolation endotoxin [lipopolysaccharide (LPS)].


cells from 41 patients with OJ and 27 control patients. Procoagulant (basal PCA) and after incubation for 4 h at 37°C with sterile saline or

Results Human



Peripheral blood mononuclear cells, freshly isolated from both jaundiced and control patients, expressed low basal PCA (Figure 1). However, this was significantly higher in jaundiced patients (p < 0.01). Figure 1 also shows the PCA generated in vitro by cell preparations after 4 h of incubation with and without endotoxin. In both conditions, cells from jaundiced patients produced significantly more PCA than cells from controls (p < 0.001). No significant

difference in PCA was found between patients with and without malignancy in either group (Table 1). In 6 patients, 3 with malignant and 3 with benign OJ, who were also studied 11-15 days after surgery, the drop in serum bilirubin was associated with a significant reduction in PCA generated in vitro by unstimulated and lipopolysaccharide-stimulated cells (Figure 2). In all instances, the PCA produced by mononuclear cells was identified as tissue factor, as it required factor VII for its expression and was neutralized by a goat antiserum against the apoprotein III

Table 1. Mononuclear Cell Procoagulant Activity in Patients With Malignant and Benign Disease PCA (U/l@

monocytes) Generated

Patients Nonjaundiced Jaundiced LPS, lipopolysaccharide;

Malignant 2.1 * 0.5 5.3 L 1.5 PCA, procoagulant

Benign 2.2 t 0.4 7.7 r 3.7 activity.

Malignant 89" 17 219 2 36

Benign 54 + 18 354 t 136

in vitro

Malignant 227 k 34 605 IL 125

Benign 179 k 52 935 + 275












rl I






2. Serum


and PCA of mononuclear

cells before

component of human brain thromboplastin (Table 2). Table 3 summarizes the abnormal results in assays of FDPs, soluble fibrin, and endotoxin. The percentage of abnormalities in FDPs and soluble fibrin was significantly higher in the jaundiced group. Levels of FDPs in this group were increased about three times as compared with nonjaundiced controls (15.9 2 2.5 vs. 4.4 -+ 1.0 pgiml, p < 0.01). No correlation was found between any of these parameters and monocyte PCA. In OJ, 12 of 41 patients died in the hospital during the first month after admission. They included 7 patients with malignant disease and 5 with nonmalignant cholestasis; in 8 of these patients death occurred after surgery. The causes of death were (7 patients), septicemia (2 acute renal failure patients), and cardiac failure (3 patients). Monocyte PCA generated in vitro was significantly higher in these patients than in the survivors (460 k 147 vs.




of Mononuclear



(0) and after (D) surgery


(n = 6).LPS, lipopolysaccharide.

182 2 34 U, p < 0.02 without

endotoxin; 1183 + 282 U, p < 0.001 with endotoxin). As illustrated in Figure 3, 100% of the patients with a fatal evolution had >500 U of endotoxin-induced PCA, whereas such high levels of PCA were found only in 8 (28%) of the jaundiced patients and in 1 (4%) of the control patients (all without complications). Table 4 shows the relationship between mononuclear cell PCA, as compared with other relevant laboratory parameters, and lethal outcome. In patients in whom PCA was above 500 U at the time of admission, the mortality rate was about 60% as compared with SO%, SO%, and 33% in those with elevated FDPs, positive soluble fibrin, and positive endotoxin, respectively. On the other hand, a value of PCA below 500 U at the time of admission was never associated with death, whereas normal values of FDP, negative soluble fibrin, and negative endotoxin were associated with a death rate of 13%24%.






in Patients

With Obstructive



Controls PCA (U/10” monocytes) Patients

Sample Tested Tested Tested Tested Treated Treated

in normal plasma in factor IX-deficient plasma in factor VII-deficient plasma in factor X-deficient plasma with anti-apoprotein III” with normal goat serumb

Basal 7.5 k 1.5 7.1 + 1.4 c-l Cl il 7.4 2 1.3

(n = 10) LPS induced 829 L 99 848 2 94 11 k 2 Cl 2 + 0.5 835 2 102

Controls (n = 8) LPS induced 225 2 38 219 + 35 4+1 il il 229 t 41

Tissue factor” (n = 4) 800 789 2 14 921 -Cl 4 + 0.3 804 It 12

LPS, lipopolysaccharide; PCA, procoagulant activity. Basal PCA indicates PCA of mononuclear cells tested immediately after isolation; LPS-induced PCA indicates PCA of mononuclear cells after incubation at 37°C for 4 h with endotoxin. a Human brain thromboplastin ’ Samples (n = 5) of mononuclear cells or diluted to achieve a PCA comparable to that of patients’ cells stimulated with endotoxin. thromboplastin were incubated with a goat antiserum to apoprotein III or normal goat serum (1:20 final dilution) for 1 h at room temperature before testing in normal plasma. The sera were adsorbed with 10 mg/ml of BaSO, for 15 min before use; after adsorption they contained




Table 3. Abnormal Assays in Patients Taundice



Abnormal Positive Elevated Positive



9123 15131 14131

endotoxin FDP fibrin

FDP, fibrinogen/fibrin


With Obstructive


4. Relationship




Parameters Controls

patients Percent


39 48 45



Assay x”

NS p < 0.05 p < 0.02

NS, not significant.


Rabbit peripheral blood mononuclear cells, unlike human cells, had undetectable levels of basal PCA in both the icteric and the control group (
?? 0


PCA >500 u <500 u FDP >lO &ml Cl0 &ml Soluble fibrin Positive Negative Endotoxemia Positive Negative




20 21

12 0

60 0

p < 0.0005

15 16


60 13

p < 0.025


14 17

7 4

50 24



3 3

33 23



FDP, fibrinogen/fibrin degradation PCA, procoagulant activity.





4116 25 3121 14 2121 10



Vol. 96, No. 3




NS, not


Vitro Study

Experiments were performed to evaluate whether plasmas from jaundiced patients who had increased monocyte PCA contain factors that enhance the in vitro generation of PCA. Isolated mononuclear cells from normal subjects were suspended in jaundiced or control plasma and incubated at 37°C with or without endotoxin. After 4 h the cells were washed [three times) with RPM1 medium, resuspended at a concentration of 2 x l@/ml, and tested for PCA. In all experiments PCA generation was unaffected by the presence of jaundiced plasma (65 rf: 14 vs. 63 + 15 U without endotoxin; 245 * 64 vs. 230 t 57 U with endotoxin; n = 6).









D ??


___ - i-_-_-_-__-__-





.. . . ?? ?? ? ?


?? *9**

.. . . ?? e*





3. Endotoxin-induced mononuclear to the clinical outcome of the period = I mo).

cell PCA in relation disease (observation


4. Endotoxin-induced

1 15


PCA in rabbit peripheral blood mononuclear cells harvested before and 15 days after bile duct ligation and separation or sham operation (10 animals per group).

March 1989

Discussion This study demonstrates that OJ is associated with an increased capacity of peripheral blood monocytes to produce PCA. Cells from jaundiced patients expressed significantly higher PCA than controls when tested immediately after rapid isolation, suggesting in vivo induction. In addition, after incubation in short-term culture with and without endotoxin, they generated significantly more PCA than did cells from control patients. Recent studies have shown that both in human and experimental malignancy, mononuclear phagocytes may have an increased ability to generate PCA (9,19,26-29). We did not find significant differences between patients with and without malignancy, suggesting that enhanced PCA is associated with OJ rather than with the underlying disease. This view is supported by the simultaneous decrease of bilirubin and monocyte PCA after relief of biliary obstruction, even in those neoplastic patients in whom the primary tumor mass could not be removed. Moreover, monocytes from jaundiced rabbits generated significantly higher PCA in response to endotoxin than cells from controls. The lack of difference in basal PCA in our animal model may be due either to the sensitivity of PCA assay (freshly isolated rabbit mononuclear cells express






the jaundiced plasma did not affect the generation of PCA by normal mononuclear cells, suggesting that either in vivo interactions with other components not present in the test tube or much longer exposure to the patients’ plasma environment is required for stimulation of monocyte PCA. It is unclear whether the hypothetical stimulating factor acts directly on monocytes or interferes with cells known to modulate PCA production (8,12). Whatever the activating mechanism, monocyte PCA could be one of the triggering factors for fibrin deposition in OJ. These findings, together with evidence from our laboratory that OJ is associated with impaired fibrinolysis (XI), indicate that, in this pathological condition, the coagulation-fibrinolytic balance is shifted toward promotion of fibrin deposition. Analysis of the data in relation to the clinical outcome of the disease revealed a significant association between exceedingly high levels of endotoxininduced PCA and lethal outcome. Previous studies have shown that preoperative elevated serum FDP concentration, positive endotoxin, and positive soluble fibrin are associated with a poor postoperative recovery from OJ (2,3). Monocyte PCA may represent an additional parameter of clinical value, although adequately constructed studies are required to assess its precise prognostic significance.

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Received November 23, 1987. Accepted October 10, 1988. Address requests for reprints to: Professor Nicola Semeraro, Istituto di Patologia Generale, Universita-Policlinico, Piazza G. Cesare, 70124 Bari, Italy. This work was presented in part at the XIth International Congress on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Brussels, Belgium, July 5-10, 1987.