Discrete Mathematics 31 (1980) 107-109 @ North-Holland Publishing Company
Laboratoire I.M.A.G., BP. 53X, 38041 Grenoble, France Communicated by C. Benzaken Received 11 February 1980
1. Intrsduction The maximum cardinality basis problem in a genoid (i.e. an independence system), although NP-complete in general, is solvable in a polynomial time in the following cases: matchings of a graph [l], intersection of two matroi’ds [2,4] and independent set of vertices in claw-free graphs [S, 71. These three genoi’ds satisfy the continuous cardinal&y of bases for all their minors. The aim of this paper is to characterize those genoids having this property and to answer thereby a question posed by Sakarovitch [6].
2. A few definitions Definition 1.Let E be a finite non empty set and 9 a family of subsets of E such that
The pair % = (E, 9) is called a genoi’d on E. We call independent sets of % the elements of 9, buses of % the maximal (by inclusion) elements of 9 and circuits of Y# the minimal elements fo P(E) - S. A genoid can be defined by the set of its bases or as well by the set of its circuits. Definition 2. Let 3 be a gendid on E defined by the set % of its circuits and S a subset of E. We define the contraction of 9 over s’ (respectively the reduction of % 107
D. Naddef, N. Sbihi, M. Tchuente
:o S)
by 9 x S (resp. ($9 S), with circuit family
zznoi’d, denoted
to be the
u(sexs)={cE%~C~S} (req. %(% . S) = min(F# 8, F = C n S and CE %I). A minor of $ is any gendid obtained from 29 by a finite nur&er of contractions and reductions. It can be shown using the methods of Tattc [S] that any minor of % is of the form: (3~ S). T where Tc S c E. DeisnitioIB 3. A geno’id defined by the family 92 of its bases satisfies the pcontinuous cardinal& of hoses property (p E N”) if: WB E 92 (B not of maximum cardinal&y), 3 B’E 9 such that 0 < IS’\ - [BIG p. 3. The 4hewe.m
Theorem. All the minors of a genoi’d98satisfy the p-continuous cardinality of bases propetiy if and only if % has no minor whose circuit family is isomorphic to the edge set of &.tp+2p0 Note, This theorem has been proved by F. Jaeger [3] in the case of the genoi’d of
sets of vertices for p = 1.
Prod of the theorem. (;,J Necessary condition; trivial, (b) sufficient conditioll: Let 93 be a gendid satisfying the condition
of the theorem and B a basis OC% not of maximum cardinality. Consider a basis B’ of % *such that 1B’l>IBf and IS n B’( is maximum. Let a E B -- B’, %’= % x (8’ U {a)) and %’ the circuit family of %‘. Any element C of %?’cannot be contained in B, so C n (B’- B) # 8. Therefore let 0 be a minimal transversal of %’ contained in B’- B. By minimality of In, we have: WoEl2,
such that
Since every circuit of %’ contains
a, it follows that
= {{a, W}/OE a).
Thus %([%X(B’U(a})] hyrathesis, we have
(i2 W(a)))
is isomorphic
to the edge set of Kl,lnl. By
is an independent set of 99 and since \777BI>IB’nBI, then by the maximality of !B’nBl we Ina~ ITI~IB~ so
Since T=
B’[+ l-I.ni6IBl hence
Independence systems
[l] J. Edmonds, Paths, trees and flowers, Canad. J. Math. 17 (1965) 449-67. [2] J. Edmonds, Matro’id intersection (Conference on Discrete Optimization, Vancouver, August 1977), Annals Discrete Math., Vol. 4 (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1979) 39-49. [3] F. Jaeger, Etude de quelques invariants et problemes d’existence en theorie des graphes, These d’Etat, Universite Scientifique et Medicale de Grenoble (1976). [4] E. Lawler, MatroId intersection algorithms, Math. Programming 9(l) (1975) 31-56. [S] G.J. Minty, On maximal independent sets of vertices in claw-free graphs, Department of Mathematics, Indiana University (1977). [6] M. Sakarovitch, Deux ou trois chases que je sais des ‘bitrdides, Rapport de recherche, I.M.A.G. (1976). [7] N. Sbihi, Algorithme de recherche d’un stable, de cardinalite maximum dans un graphe sans etoile, Discrete Math. 29 (1980) 53-76. [S] W.T. Tutte, Lectures on matrdids, J. Research NBS 69B (1) (1965).