Index to Volume 15 February, April, June, October and December
August, 1004
Articles - Titles A compurison of rhc truvel arrangements OJ intrmationul travelers Jrom France, C&many and the UK. Alastair M Morrison. Sheauhsing Hsieh and Joseph 7 O’Leary, 15. 6. 451-463 Assessing .socio-cultural impacts: the cuse oj Singupore, Peggy Tco. 15. 2, l2f~l3h Attitudes of tourism plannerv: implication.\ for humun rc~ource development, Gerald Shortt. 15, 6, 444-4.50 C’ommunity purticipation in Tourism plunning, David G Simmons. 15, 2, YX-10X Corporutetravel in the USA: churacteri.stic\ of manuger.s und depurtments, Alastair M Morrison, Kelly A Ladig and Sheauhsing llsich, 15, 3, 177-184 L)cveloping humun resources Ji)r TurkcTy ‘s tourism industry in /he IWO.~, Bob Brotherton. Gerry Woolfenden and Biilent Himmetoglu. 15, 2, IOY-I 16 EC‘ support for tourism in A C‘P states und regions, Gahricl P Lee and Geoffrey W Barrett 15, 3. 20&202 Environmentul attitude by trip and vi.vitor US Virgins l.slands c.huructc,risti~,r: National Park. Muzaffcr Uysal, Francis P Not, Claudia Jurowski and Cary McDonald. IS, 4, 2X4-294 Munqing growth in mountain tourism communitic,s. Alison Gill and Peter Williams, 15, 3, 212-220 Market opportunity analysis: u DIY upproa~~h J&r vmull touri.vm enterprises, D Brownlic. 15, I. 37-45 Market-bused product development in heritage tourism, Duncan Light and Richard Prentice, 15, 1. 27-36 National tourism po1icie.s: implementing the resource dimemion, Tom humun Baum. IS, 3. 25%266 Puckuge holiduys: legal uspects. Trevor Atherton, 15, 3, lY3-IYY Peculiur humun resource munagement pructices:’ A study of a microstute hotel, Godfrey Baldacchino. IS, I, 46S2 Re.vidrnt.s’ uttitudes towurds tourism: a /oregitudinal study in Spey Valley, Scotlund, Donald Gctz, 1.5. 4. 247-258 Resort timeshuring - coming oJuge. Gary A Terry, 1.5, 5, 327-332 Service yuulity ideals umong hospitulity industry employees. Glen F Ross, 15, 4. 273-i80 The development und implementation of nulionul tourism policies, Tom Baum. 15.3, 18%192 The economic impact oJ Europeun Community grunts for tourism in the Repuhlit of Ireland, Angelo Hurley, Brian Archer and John Flctchcr. 15, 3, 203211 The eJJects of North Sea oil devcjlopment on the development oJ tourism: the case o/ the Shetland Isles, R W Butler and D A Fennell, 15, S, 347-357 The endeurment &h&our oJ tourists
1094 Volume
IS Number
through their interaction with the host Richard C Prentice, community. Stephen F Witt and Eve G Wydenhack, 15. 2. 117-125 The Europeun timc~hure murket: the growth. development, rcgulution und economic benefits of one oJ tourism’.~ most .successful sectors. Ron Haylock. 15.5, 33Ib3-341 The implementation oJ totul quuli!y murlugement in tourism: some guidelines, $124yjtt and A P Muhlemann, 15, 6. The lund oJ L-, NepullTihet: the Jirst eight months of tourism, Myra Shacklcy, 15, 1. 17-26 The measurement oJ tourist income multipliers, Stephen Wanhill. 15, 4. 2X1-283 The perceptions of tourism c>mployees and their fumilies towurds tourism: u croxcultural coml~uri.ton, Abraham Pizam, Ady Milman and Brian King. 15, 1, 53-61 The strutegic role oJ tourism trude fuir.5 in the new ugr of tourism. Eduardo FayoaSoki, Alherto Marin and Claudio Mcffcrt. IS. 1, Y-16 The use oJ C’PI for tourism prices in demund modelling. Clive I> Morley. 15, 5, 342-346 Tourism und prostitution: sleeping with the enemy?, David Harrison, 15. 6. 43% 443 Tourism higher educution in islund microstates: the cuse of‘the South Pacific. Brian King. 15, 4. 267-272 Tourism marketing orgunizations in industriul cities, Bill Bramwcll and Liz Rawding. 15. 6, 425-434 Articles - Authors Archer, Brian, see Hurlcy, Angelo Atherton. Trevor, Packuge holidays: legul uspects. 15, 3. IY3-IYY Baldacchino, Godfrey, Peculiar human resource manugement practices A study of a microstute hotel. 15, 1, 4652 Barrett, Geoffrey, W. see Lee. Gahricl, P Baum. Tom, National tourism po1icie.s: implementing the human resource dimension, 15, 4, 2SY-266 Baum, Tom. The development and implementution of‘ nutionul tourism policies, 15, 3, 1x5-192 Bramwell, Bill, Tourism murketing organizutions in industrial cities, 15. 6, 42S434 Brotherton, Bob. Developing humun resources for Turkey’s tourism industry in the IVYOS. 1s. 2, IO’)-1 Ih Brownlie, D, Market opportunity analysis: a DIY approach for smull tourism enterprises, IS, I, 37-45 Butler, R W. The effects of North Seu oil development on.- the development of tourism: the case of the Shetland I.vle.s, 15,s. 347-357 Fayos-Sola. Eduardo. The strategic role oJ tourism trude fairs in the new uge of tourism. 15, I, $16 Fcnnell, D A, see Butler, R W Fletcher, John. see Hurley, Angelo Getz, Donald. Residents’ uttitudes towards tourism: a longitudinal study in Spey
Vulley, Scotland. 15, 4, 247-258 Gill, Alison. Munuging growth in mountain lourism communities, 15. 3, 212-220 Harrison, David, Tourism and prostitution: sleeping with the enemy?. 15,6.435-443 Haylock. Ray, The European timc,.Thure market: the growth, development. regulution und economic henefit,y oJ one 01 tourism’s most successful Tect0r.s. 15. 5 1 333-34 I Himmctoglu, Biilcnt. see Brotherton, Boh Hsich. Sheauhsing, vet Morrison, Alastair. M Hurley. Angelo. The economic impuct oJ Europeun community grants Jbr tourism in the Republic oJ Ireland, 15. 3. 2O.q 21 I Jurowski, Claudia. see Uysal, Muxaffer King. Brian, Tourism higher educution in islund microstutes: the case oJ the South Pacific, 15, 4. 267-272 King, Brian, see Pizam. Abraham Ladig, Kelly A, see Morrison, Alistair M Lee. Gahriel P. EC’ support Jijr tourism in ACP ,stutes und regions, 15. 3, 20&202 Light, Duncan, Market-bused product drvelopment in ht~ritqe lortri.rm. IS, I, 27-36 McDonald, Cary D. see Uysal Muzaffer Marin. Alhcrto. see Fayos-Sob, Eduardo Meffcrt. Claudio see Fayos-S&i, Eduardo Milman, Ady. see Pizam, Abraham Morley, Clive L. The use of (‘PI for touri.ym prices in drmund modelling. 15, S. 342-346 Morrison, Alastair M. A comparison of‘thc truvel arrangements oJ internutionul truvelers from France, Ciermuny und the UK, 15, 6, 4.51-463 Morrison, Alastair M, C‘orporrrte trar~c~lin the USA: churucteristics oJ munagers und depurtments. IS. 3, 177-1X4 Muhlemann, A P, see Witt. C A Noe, Francis P. see Uysal, Muzaffcr O’Leary, Joseph. T see Morrison, Alastair M Pizam, Abraham, The perceptions oJ touri.rm employee.\ und their Junrilies towards tourism: u cross-cultural compurison. 15, 3, 53-61 Prentice, Richard, see Light, Duncan Prentice, Richard. C, The endearment lxhuviour of tourists through their interuction with the host community, 15, 2. 117-12.5 Rawding. Liz, see Bramwcll, Bill Ross. Glenn F, Service quulity ideuls umong hospitulity industry employees. IS, 4, 273-280 Shackley, Myra, The lund oJ L-. Nepull Tibet: the first eight months of tourism. 15, I. 17-26 Shortt, Gerald, Attitudes of tourism plunners: implicutions Jbr human resource development. IS, 6, 444-450 Simmons, David G, Community purticipution in tourism planning, IS. 2. 9%10X Tco, Peggy, Assessing socio-culturul impurls: the cuse oJ Singupore, 15. 2, 12fvF-136 Terry, Gary A, Rex. )rt timesharing - coming oJuge, 15, 5, 327-332 Uysal, Muzaffer, Noe, Francis P, Jurowski, Claudia, McDonald, Cary. Environmental uttitude by trip and visitor chur-
Index acferistics: Us Virgin Islands Nafionul Purk, 15,4, 284-294 Wanhill, Steven. The meusuremenf qf fourht income multil~l~ers, IS, 4, 281-283 Williams, Peter, see Gill, Alison Witt, C A, The ~mplemenfafion of folui qualify management in tourism: some guidelines, 15, 6, 416424 Witt, Ste hen F, see Prentice, Richard C Woolfen s en, Gerry, see Brotherton. Bob Wydenbach, Eve G, set Prentice, Richard, C Case Studies Oxford: a heritage cif.y under pressure, John Glasson, 15. 2, 137-144 The attitudes of Bakewell residents to fourism and issues in community responsive tourism, B Chris Ryan, 15, 5, 35X-369 Current
A carry-on up the jungle. Brian Wheeller. 15. 3, 231-233 A descriptive analysis of North Cyprus fourism, Sevgin Akls and Jonathan Warner, 15, 5,37Y-388 A \*isiforcode for the Arctic, Peter Mason. 15, 2, 93-97B Cfmsequenccs of infegr~fi~n in UK fffur #~erafi~g, Michael Bottomley Rcnshaw, 15. 4. 243-245 Australian research and education examined, Bill Faulkner and Michael Davidson, 15, 5. 39&393 Demand for city tourism in Europe: four operators’ catalogues, Jan van der Borg. 15, 1. 66-69 E~it~~afion for tourism in Poland: the PHARE’Progra~~,,~e, David Airey. 15. 6. 467-471 Eiec&zic markets, Gilbert H Archdale. 15, 3, 23>234 Financial food for thought. Raphael Raymond Bar-On, 15, 4, 301-302 Growth of tourism in East Asia and the Pacific, J S Perry Ho&on, 1.5, 2, ISO156 I;lo& ~na~lagernenl careers: a research update, Adele Ladkin and Michael Riley, 15, 3, 221-222 Implications of the North American Free Trade Agreement _for the US tourism industry. Ginger Smith, 15, 5, 323---3X1 Informal tourism employment: vendors in Bali, Indonesia, Judie Cukier and Geoffrey Wall, 15. 6. 46jit67 M(~f~hing products anrf markets: to smoke or not to smoke?, Paul Morrison and Bronwyn Sutton. 15. 6, 407-410 North American tourism and the NAFTA, D C Frcchtling. 15. 5, 315 Profile of tourism degree courses in thr UK iYY.3. Victor T C Middleton, 15, I. 70 info practice - the Putting research WTTERC, Rchccca Hawkins, 15, J, 2YY-301 Regonal marketing partnerships and advenlure travel, Gordon D Taylor, 15?. 4, 302-303 S’mull IOWIISand touri,vm. Frances Brown, 15, 3, 234-235 Some currenf issues in airline catering.
Arnaud J M Frappin-BeaugC, Marion M Bennet and Roy C Wood, 15, 4, 29.5-299 Structure of tourism in the Ukraine. A Mazaraki and E Voronova, 15, 3, 23Q231 Taking ieisure seriously, David Leslie. 15. 4, 303-305 The implications of Free Trade Agreements for tourism in Canada, Gordon D Taylor, 15, 5, 315-318 The ‘new’ tourism revolution, Auliana Poon, 15, 2, 91-92 The Tenth General A,~s-ernb~yof the World Tourism Organization. Michael V Conlin, 15, 2, 156-159 Tourism and NAFTA: towards a regional tourism policy, Manuel Rodriguez and Julio Portales, 15. 5, 319-322 Tourism in Northern Cyprus: patterns policies and prospects, Douglas Lockhart, 15, 5. 370- 379 T~~z;ri.~rn in walled towns, David Rrucc. 15, 3, 228-230 Tourism marketing myopia, Roger March. 15, 6. 411-415 Tourism multinlier Jfudies: a more iudicious appriach, Howard L Hughes, 15, 6, 403-406 Tourism’s impacts in the Pefzghu IVu~i~~nal Scetlic Area, T&wan, Samuel V Lankford, John S Y Chcn and Wellin Chen, 15, 3, 222-227 Training for the UK four operufing indusfry: advuncing current practice. S Collins. A E Sweeney and A G Green, 15, I. 5-8 Travel, lifestyles and health, S Clift and S J Page, 15, 1. 69-70 Trend.7 in Brif~s/zhotel and catering i??dusfr?~ employment in the i&%X$, Rosemary Lucas. 15, 2, 145-150 Visitor management in herirage cities. John Glasson. Godfrey, Brian Kerry Goodall, Jan van dcr Borg and Helen Ahsalom, 15, 5, 388-389 What do Au~ralian school iearsers want oj the industry?, Glenn F Ross, 15. I. 62-66 What is ethnic tourism? An Ar~fraiian perspective, Brian King. 15. 3, 173-176 When i.s the past? Authenticity and the commodifizufion oJ heritage, Myra Shackle , 15. 5. 396-3Y7 Working Iyor tourt~m in Whistler. C R Goeldner, Gin Hayden and Cindy DiPersio, 15, I. 7%77 Working de~:e~~)~~t~l~~~f purfto wurds nerships, Peter Grahowski. 15, 5, 393395 World,v apari. Chris Ryan. 15, 1, 77-78 Tourism
New law jnurrud launched,
15, 2, 164
Book Reviews (author, title, reviewer)
237 Cooper, C P and Lockwood, A, Progress in Tourism, Recreation and Hospitulify ~~ag~~~f Vol5, (F L Dick Shafer), Craig~&ifh, S and French, C N, Learning to t,ive with Tourism (Brian King), 15. 4. 308-309 Davidson, Rob, Business Travel. (Eric Laws) 15, 6, 480 Fowler. Peter J, The Pus! in Contemporary Society: Then, Now (Paul Barrett), 15, I, Xl-82 Gayle, Dennis J and Goodrich, Jonathon N (eds), Tourism Marketing and Management in the Caribbeun (Michael V Conlin), 15, 2, 160-161 Hahn, Heinz and Kagclmann, H Jurgen Tourismuspsychologie (eds), und Toourismussoziologie: ein Handhuch zur To~~rism~.~wi.~senseha~(S Mcdlik). 15, 4. 309 Hitchcock, M, King, V T, and Parnwell M J G (eds), Tourism in South East Asiu (Brian King), 15, 2, 163-164 Inskeep, Edward and Kallenbergcr, Mark, An Integrated Approach IO Resort Development (Stephen Mills). 15. I, 81-82 Jones, Peter and Pizam. Abraham (cds), The lr~fernationa~ H~~spitu~if v fndusfry: Orga~iizafi~~tlaland Oper~lf~ona~ I.~~sues (Frank Go), 15, 3, 2X-239 Law, Christopher M, Urban Tourbm: Aifrucfing Visifors to Large C’ities, (Jan van der Borg), 15. 5, 39Y-400 McIntyre, George. Hctherington. Arlcnc and Inskeep, Edward, Sustainable Tourism Development: Guide for Local Piunners, (Gordon D Taylor). 15, 6, 177-378 Medli k, S, L?iciionury of Travel, Tourism and Hospitality (Alan Jefferson) 15. 2, 161-162 Minhinnick, Robert, A Po.vfc,ard Home (Paul Barrett), 15, 4. 307-308 Owen, R Elwyn, Tourism 2000 - A Sfrufegy for Waie.? (Gordon D Taylor), 15. 3. 237-23X Poon, Auliana., Te~liflt~f[~gyami Sirufegies Competitive (Gil&t Archdale). 15. 3, 306-307 Shaw, Gareth and Williams, Allan M, Crificul Issues in Tour&m: A Geographical Perspective (Bill Bramwell) 15, S, 3Y739x Soanc. J V N, Fashionah/e Resort Regions: Their E~,~~lufi~lrz und Triirz.~~ornzafi~~~z. (A V Seaton), 15. 6, 47X-479 Tourism Research and Marketing London, Theme Purks: UK und International Murk&s (L J Lickorish), 1.5, 4. 306 Uysal. Muzaffer and Fesenmaicr. Daniel R (eds), Communication and Chunnel Systems in Tourism Marketing. (Alan Jefferson), 15. 5. 39%3Y Conference
Baum. T (cd), Humrm Resource lssucs in Internafionul Tourism (Roy C Wood). 15. 2. 162-163 Cooper. C, Fletcher. J. Gilbert. D and Wanhill. C. Tourism: Principles and Practice (Stephen J Page), 15, 3. 23%
15.6. 471-476 Publications
15.1, 83. 15.2, 165-6, 15.3, 240, 15.4, 3 IO. 15.5. 397, 15.6, 4x7
Touri.vm Munagcmenf
iYY4 Volume 15 Number 6