JULY 1981
CONTENTS Effects of housing on corticosterone rhythm and stress responses in female mice. N I C H O L S , D. J. and P. F. D. C H E V I N S ......................................................... Palatability of sugar solutions and dietary selection? C A S T O N G U A Y , T. W., E. H I R S C H and G. C O L L I E R ............................................................... Suppression of wet-dog shakes by tall and scruff-pinch. O R N S T E I N , K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Learned aversion to the odors of male mice: Effects on agonistic behavior. S A W Y E R , T. F . . . . .
Rewarding effect of noradrenergic stimulation of the amygdala in food deprived rats. J U R K O W L A N I E C , E. and J. B I A L O W ~ S .............................................
Circadian organization of food intake and meal patterns in the rat. R O S E N W A S S E R , A. M., Z. B O U L O S and M. T E R M A N ..............................................
Paradoxical sleep deprivation and performance of an active avoidance task: Impairment in C57BR mice and no effect in C57BL/6 mice. K I T A H A M A , K., J.-L. V A L A T X and M. J O U V E T ...
Comparison of taste qualities and thresholds of D- and L-amino acids. S C H I F F M A N , S. S., K. S E N N E W A L D and J. G A G N O N ..........................................
Drinking by rats following sodium depletion or sodium load. C H I A R A V I G L I O , E. M. F. P E R E Z G U A I T A .....................................................
Effects of suprageniculate lesions on temporal pattern discrimination in the cat. C O L A V I T A , F. B. and D. H. W E I S B E R G ..........................................................
An acute drinking response in hens induced by thermal stimuli. K E C H I L , A. A., S. A. R I C H A R D S and A. H. S Y K E S ..........................................................
Toxic heat as a UCS in conditioning in internal and external milieus in rats. G R E E N , K. F., G. L. H A R T and H. S. H A G E N .............................................
Sexually dimorphic acquisition of a conditioned taste aversion in rats: Effects of gonadectomy, testosterone replacement and water deprivation. C H A M B E R S , K. C., C. B. S E N G S T A K E , R. L. Y O D E R and J. E. T H O R N T O N ........................................
An effect of photoperiod history on reproductive function and a circadian rhythm of blind male hamsters. M O R I N , L. P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Refractory periods and anatomical linkage of the substrates for lateral hypothalamic and periaqueductal gray self-stimulation. B I E L A J E W , C., C. J O R D A N , J. F E R M E - E N R I G H T and P. S H I Z G A L ...............................................................
Modulation of food intake by amygdaloid estradiol benzoate implants in female rats. D O N O H O E , T. P. and R. S T E V E N S ..........................................................
Metabolic consequences of food restriction in rats. L I M A , F. B., N. S. H E L L , C. T I M O - I A R I A , R. S C I V O L E T T O , M. S. D O L N I K O F F and A. A. P U P O .......................
Odorant discrimination by tiger salamanders after combined offactory and vomeronasal nerve cuts. M A S O N , J. R., M. M E R E D I T H and D. A. S T E V E N S .........................
Prenatal psychological stress effects on taste neophobia. P F I S T E R , H . R. M c G E E .................................................................
P. G O L U S
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Sensory specific satiety in man. R O L L S , B. J., E. T. R O L L S , E. A . R O W E a n d K . S W E E N E Y
Attenuation of shock-induced ulcers after lesions in the medial amygdala. H E N K E ,
P. G . . . . . . .
Effect of lithium intake on sodium and lithium appetite in sodium deficient cattle. S L Y , J. a n d F . R. B E L L ................................................................
Cholecystokinin satiety and orosensory feedback. G O S N E L L ,
B. a n d S. H S I A O
Trigeminal contribution to the head righting reflex. T R O I A N I , D . , F. P A S S A N I ...............................................................
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Sex differences in the effects of high-fat feeding on behavior and carcass composition. J E N , K . - L . C . , M. R. C. G R E E N W O O D a n d J. A . B R A S E L ..................................
BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS Sex dlmorphism in responsiveness to hormonal induction of female behavior in frogs. R A I M O N D I , D. a n d C. D I A K O W ...........................................................
Electroconvulsive shock effects on food and water intake as a function of prior deprivational state. W A L K E R , M. K . , W . B. G U M M a n d H . D. D A Y .............................
A new swivel for double infusion of fluids into rats. V I N K , P. C. a n d F. R O E L F S E M A
Corticosterone response in group-housed rats exposed to psychogenic stresses in different social conditions. A R M A R I O , A . a n d J. B A L A S C H ............................................
Locomotor activity, defecation score and corticosterone levels during an openfield exposure: A comparison among individually and group-housed rats, and genetically selected rat lines. G E N T S C H , C., M. L I C H T S T E I N E R a n d H. F E E R ...........................................
CONTENTS The role of odor in the maintenance of flavor aversion. V A N B U S K I R K ,
R. L . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Human obesity, dieting, and anticipatory salivation to food. K L A J N E R , F . , C. P. H E R M A N , J. P O L I V Y a n d R. C H H A B R A ...............................................
Taste neophohia in individually and socially reared male rats. G E N T S C H , C . , M. L I C H T S T E I N E R and H. FEER ..............................................................
Physostigmine and norepinephrine: Effects of injection into the amygdala on taste associations. E L L I S , M. E. a n d R. P. K E S N E R ...................................................
Reward improves working memory of rats in the radial maze.
Pavlovian conditioning of the cephalic phase of gastric acid secretion in the rat. WEINGARTEN, a n d T. L . P O W L E Y ........................................................ Slow and fast wave activity in the olfactory system in cats during perception of pheromones. D E J. N . a n d G. V E R B E R N E ...................................................
H. P. 217
BOER, 223
Electroconvulsive shock and water deprivation: Effects on drinking behavior and locomotor activity in rats. D O K L A , C. P. J., D. O L S O N , M. H A V I L A N D , K . J E N N I N G S , R. S I D E L E A U , S. Z I M M E R M A N , J. S P R A N O a n d J. J. B O I T A N O ...........................
Medial and orbital cortex and the suppression of behavior in the rat. W I L C O T T , R. C . . . . . . . .
Influence of activity-stress on thymus, spleen and adrenal weights of rats: Possibility for an immunodeficiency model. H A R A , C . , K . M A N A B E a n d N . O G A W A ........................
Behavioral response of the genetically obese (ob/ob) mouse to heat stress: Effects of naloxone and prior exposure to immobilization stress. A M I R , S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Skin reflectance, iris pigmentation and information processing in children. KING .....................................................................
FLOYD, H . M. and M. G. 255
Stress related effects in the control of sexual receptivity and in the secretion of progesterone by the adrenals in cyclic female rats. P L A S - R O S E R , S. a n d CI. A R O N ...........................
Eating, drinking and temperature response of chicks to brain catecholamine injections. D E N B O W , D. M . , J. A . C H E R R Y , P. B. S I E G E L a n d H . P. V A N K R E Y ..................
Endotoxin-elicited fever and anorexia and elfazepam-stimulated feeding in sheep. BAILE, C. J. N A Y L O R , C. L. M c L A U G H L I N a n d C. A . C A T A N Z A R O ..................
Interocular transfer in albino rats as a function of forebrain or forebrain plus midbrain commissurotomy. H O T T M A N , T. J., C. L . S H E R I D A N a n d D. M. L E V I N S O N ..................
Protein and energy consumption, plasma amino acid ratios, and brain neurotransmitter concentrations. P E T E R S , J. C. a n d A . E. H A R P E R ..........................................
Meal-interval correlations: What can they tell us?
SCHILSTRA, A. J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Selective increase in brain dopamine metabolism during REM sleep rebound in the rat. W O J C I K , W . J. a n d M. R A D U L O V A C K I .....................................................
Disruption of maternal retrieving by perioral anesthesia. K E N Y O N , P., P. C R O N I N and S. K E E B L E ................................................................
Reduced lordosis response following unilateral hypothalamic knife cuts. O S T R O W S K I , N. L., C. W. S C O U T E N and C. W. M A L S B U R Y ..........................................
Copulatory behavior and reproductive capacity of the genetically obese female Zucker rat. C H E L I C H , A. M. and E. S. E D M O N D S .................................................
Pattern of dietary self-selection in VMH-lesioned rats. K A N A R E K , R. B., P. G. F E L D M A N and C. H A N E S .................................................................
"Coping" and gastric ulceration in rats after prolonged active avoidance performance. M U R I S O N , R., E. I S A K S E N and H. U R S I N ................................................
Effects of divided feeding on activity-stress ulcer and the thymus weight in the rat. T S U D A , A., M. T A N A K A , K. I I M O R I , Y. I D A and N. N A G A S A K I ........................
Intracellular recording from spinal cord motoneurons in the chronic cat. M O R A L E S , F. R., J. S C H A D T and M. H. C H A S E ..............................................
The use of sodium pentobarbital for the study of immobility-related (Type 2) hippocampal theta. B L A N D , B. H., R. S. S A I N S B U R Y , M. SETO, B. R. S I N C L A I R and I. Q. WHISHAW ................................................................
Effects of LH kainic acid infusions on ingestion and autonomic activity. W A Y N E R , M. J., K. M. K A N T A K , F. C. B A R O N E , D. L. D E H A V E N , M. J. W A Y N E R III and R. C. C O O K
Effects of cold-restraint stress on rat gastric and hepatic glutathione: A potential determinant of response to chemical carcinogens. BOYD, S. C., H. A. S A S A M E and M. R. B O Y D ..........
Lateraiization of norepinephrine, serotonin and choline uptake into hippocampal synaptosomes of sinistral rats. V A L D E S , J. J., C. F. M A C T U T U S , R. N. C O R Y and W. R. C A M E R O N ...
Scopolamine impairs spatial maze performance in rats. S T E V E N S , R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Preoperative gentling does not attenuate septal-lesion induced hyperreactivity. A L B E R T , D. J., G. L. C H E W , A. T O B A N I , M. L. W A L S H , C. Y. S. L E E and J. R Y A N ..............
A convenient feeder for measurement of consumption of powdered food by rats. L E S H E M , M.
CONTENTS Differential effects of amygdaloid lesions on conditioned taste aversion learning by rats. AGGLETON, J. P., M. P E T R I D E S and S. D. I V E R S E N ....................................
Feeding and hyperglycemia induced by 1,5-anhydroglucitol in the rat. S A K A T A , T., K. T S U T S U I , M. F U K U S H I M A , K. A R A S E , H. K I T A , Y. O O M U R A , K. O H K I and S. N I C O L A I D I S ............................................................
Cholecystokinin reduces exploratory behavior in mice. C R A W L E Y , J. N., S. E. H A Y S , S. M. P A U L and F. K. G O O D W I N ..........................................
Responses to novelty and changes in behavior across a 3-week postoperative period in hippocampallesioned mice. M I S S L I N , R., E. H A B E R K O R N and P. R O P A R T Z ................
Effects of prenatal and neonatal androgen on estrous cyclicity and attractiveness of female hamsters. L A N D A U E R , M. R., A. I. A T T A S and S. L I U ................................
Weight gain in young Mongolian gerbils (Meriones ungu.iculatus) of mothers treated with neurotropic substances, hypoxia or electroconvulsive shock. B L O S C H , M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Effects of small basolateral amygdala lesions on ingestion in the rat. FITZGERALD, R. E. and M. J. B U R T O N ............................................................
Thermal alliesthesial response in man is independent of skin location stimulated. A T T I A , M. P. E N G E L .................................................................
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Evaluation des r~actions emotionnelles d6clench6es par des odeurs ~ signification biologique chez le rat au cours d'un conditionnement operant. C A T T A R E L L I , M. E T M. V I G O U R O U X .......
Pregastric stimulation and cholecystokinin are not sufficient for the meal size-intermeal interval correlation in the rat. K R A L Y , F. S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hypotension and thirst in rats after phentolamine treatment.
HOSUTT, J. A. and E. M. S T R I C K E R
Long-term effects of insulin in weanling rats with dorsomedial hypotbalamic hypophagia: Food intake, efficiency of food utilization, body weight and composition. BERNARDIS, L. L., R. L U B O S H I T Z K Y and L. L. B E L L I N G E R ..................................
Tonic immobility and shivering in birds: Evolutionary implications. H O H T O L A , E . . . . . . . . . . . .
Diurnal patterns of food intake and plasma corticosterone levels in lactating rats. T A C H I , N., H. T O M O G A N E and A. Y O K O Y A M A .......................................
A reexamination of tail-pinch
elicited eating behavior following lateral hypothalamic lesions. G R E E N S P O N , J. M. and B. F A S S ...........................................
Human kin recognition by olfactory cues. P O R T E R , R. H. and J. D. M O O R E
Task dependent rate of recovery following serial posterior hypothalamic lesions. G R U E N T H A L , M.
Rats' responses to blood and body odors of stressed and non-stressed conspecifics. M A C K A Y - S I M , A. and D. G. L A I N G ..........................................................
The sources of odors from stressed rats. M A C K A Y - S I M , A. and D. G. L A I N G
Endogenous corticosterone alterations and appetitive learning in the rat. O ' R E I L L Y , H. M., G. J. C O L E M A N and S. A R M S T R O N G ......................................
Postabsorptive hyperinsulinemia in rats with subdiaphragmatic vagotomy. K I N G , G. R. P H E L P S and L. A. F R O H M A N ........................................
Effect of short-term food deprivation and prolactin upon milk yield in the lactating rabbit. M E N A , F.,
D. A G U A Y O , G. M A R T I N E Z - E S C A L E R A and C. E. G R O S V E N O R
Hypothalamic knife-cut hyperphagia and obesity in weanling rats. SIMSON, E. L. and R. M. G O L D
Interaction of developmental and environmental variables on shock-induced jumping behavior in rats. N I S H I K A W A , T., A. T S U D A , N. T O S H I M A , M. T A N A K A and N. N A G A S A K I
Olfactory pedunculotomy induced anosmla in the wolf (Canis lupus). P E T E R S O N , E. K., M. A. L E T E L L I E R , J. A. P A R S O N S , E. D. P L O T K A , L. D. M E C H and U. S. S E A L
Dietary dilution and intake in the cat. C A S T O N G U A Y , T. W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Retrograde amnesia: Lack of attenuation with centrally administered adrenergic antagonists. S T E R N B E R G , D. B. and P. E. G O L D ........................................
In utero injection of rat fetuses. S T I C K R O D , G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
An improved method for chronic catheterization of the rat spinal subarachnoid space. L o P A C H I N , R. M., T. A. R U D Y and T. L. Y A K S H .......................................
Sawing table for slicing frozen organs of small animals. C A R V A L H O , J. S. and G. P A N O L
CONTENTS Behavioral and corticosterone effects in conditioned taste aversion following hippocampal lesions. S M O T H E R M A N , W. P., G. B U R T , D. P. K I M B L E , G. S T I C K R O D , R. B R E M I L L E R and S. L E V I N E ............................................................
Lithium-induced polydipsia in birds: A comparative study and analysis of electrolyte excretion. H A R D Y , W. T. and R. F. W E S T B R O O K ..............................................
Acquisition of conditioned suppression and responsivity to thermal stimulation in spontaneously hypertensive, renal hypertensive and normotensive rats. R A N D I C H , A. and W. M A I X N E R ...
The effect of pregnancy and stress on the onset of placentophagia in Long-Evans rats. K R I S T A L , M. B., L. C. P E T E R S , J. R. F R A N Z , J. F. W H I T N E Y , J. K. N I S H I T A and M. A. S T E U E R ............................................................
Ventromedial hypothalamic damage and sexual proceptivity in female rats. C L A R K , A. S., J. K. P F E I F L E and D. A. E D W A R D S ........................................
Facilitation of lordosis behavior in rats by social isolation: Adrenal mediation. G O R Z A L K A , B. B. and L. H. R A I B L E .............................................................
The activity-stress ulcer and antibody production in rats. H A R A , C., N. O G A W A and Y. I M A D A
Relationship of free and bound testosterone to sexual behavior in old rhesus males. C H A M B E R S , K. C., D. L. H E S S and C. H. P H O E N I X .....................................
Meal patterns in "free-rnnning" humans. B E R N S T E I N , I. L., J. C. Z I M M E R M A N , C. A. C Z E I S L E R and E. D. W E I T Z M A N .....................................
Period lengthening and disruption of socially facilitated circadian activity rhythms of goldfish by lithium. KAVALIERS, M ...........................................................
Chemical castration with cyproterone acetate (Androcur®) and sexual behavior in the laboratory-housed male stumptailed macaque (Macaca arctoides). S L O B , A. K. and P. E. S C H E N C K .....
Testicular effects on food intake, body weight, and body composition in male hamsters. S L U S S E R , W. N. and G. N. W A D E ....................................................
Response involvement in brain stimulation reward. E T T E N B E R G , A., A. L A F E R R I ~ R E , P. M. M I L N E R and N. W H I T E ..............................................
The structure of meals in humans: Eating and drinking patterns in lean and obese subjects. B E L L I S L E , F. and J. L E M A G N E N ........................................................
Do ring doves copulate more than necessary for fertilization? C H E N G , M.-F., M. P O R T E R and G. B A L L ..................................................................
Circadian rhythms in monkeys: Variability and behavioral correlations. R E I T E , M. and R. S H O R T
Effects of illumination on activity following superior colliculus and caudate lesions in young and older rats. D E L A Y , E. R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Effects of portal volatile fatty acid infusions on meal patterns and blood composition in goats. DE J O N G , A., A. B. S T E F F E N S and L. D E R U I T E R .......................................
Conditioned cardiac response to the olfactory stimuli of amino acids in the channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. L I T T L E , E . E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Behavioral and cardiac reflex assays of the chemosensory acuity of channel catftsh to amino acids. H O L L A N D , K . N . a n d J. H . T E E T E R .......................................
Ventromedial hypothalamic lesions and weight gain in rats: Absence of a static phase. H A L L O N Q U I S T , J. D. a n d J. S. B R A N D E S ...........................................
A new experimental model of stress ulcers employing aggressive behavior in 6-OHDA-treated rats. MINE, K . , T. N A K A G A W A , M. F U J I W A R A , Y. I T O , Y. K A T A O K A , S. W A T A N A B E a n d S. U E K I ...............................................
Structure analysis of spontaneous behavior during the estrous cycle of the rat. M U L L E N I X ,
Effects of castration and sex steroid treatment on the motor copulatory pattern of the rat. B E Y E R , C . , J. L. C O N T R E R A S , G. M O R A L I a n d K . L A R S S O N ..........................
Facilitation of progesterone induced lordosis behavior by phosphodiesterase inhibitors in estrogen primed rats. B E Y E R , C. a n d E. C A N C H O L A ........................................
Influence of nerve lesions, strain differences and continuous cold stress on chronic pain behavior in rats. W I E S E N F E L D , Z. a n d R. G. H A L L I N .......................................
Paradoxical sleep deprivation and locomotor activity in rats. VAN H U L Z E N , A . M. L . C O E N E N .........................................................
Z. J. M. a n d
Effect of dentate cooling on lateralized reaching behavior in rats. M O R O Z , V. M. a n d J. B U R E ~ Evoked potentials and concept formation in man. G R I N B E R G - Z Y L B E R B A U M , E . R. J O H N ................................................................
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CONTENTS Learned aversions in rats fed a tryptophan-free diet. T R E N E E R , C. M. and I. L. B E R N S T E I N
Environmental influence on development, behavior, and endocrine morphology of gerbils. C L A R K , M. M. and B. G. G A L E F , JR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The effects of voluntary exercise on the sexual behavior of the female hamster. V I C E N T E , I. and ..................... . .................. . ......... .. . . . . . . . . . . R. G. N O B L E
Behavioral responses during approach and escape induced by hypothalamic stimulation in mice. U N G E R E R , A . , A. R O M I E U , M. B A C K and P. S C H M I T T ....................
Water intake regulation in rats after intestinal bypass surgery. S C L A F A N I , A. a n d T . H. K R A M E R
Postpartum copulation and induction of pregnancy in roof rats (Rattus rattus). B E A N , C. A. and D. Q. E S T E P ...............................................................
Mouse and weanling rat killing by spontaneous mouse killing rats, and by rats with lesions of the lateral septum or the region ventral to the anterior septum: Similarities in killing latency and prey eating. A L B E R T , D. J., G. L. C H E W , K. J. D E W E Y , M. L. W A L S H , C. S. Y. L E E and J. R Y A N ...................................................................
Environmental enrichment to alleviate maze performance deficits in rats with microcephaly induced by X-irradiation. S H I B A G A K I , M., M. S E O , T. A S A N O and S. K I Y O N O ...........
Control of food intake and meal patterns in monkeys. H A N S E N , B. C., K . - L . C. J E N and L. W. K A L N A S Y ..........................................................
Olfactory bulbectomy in infant rats: Survival, growth and ingestive behaviors. H I L L , D. L. and C. R. A L M L I ..............................................................
Cadaverine and putrescine initiate the burial of dead conspecifics by rats. P I N E L , B. B. G O R Z A L K A and F. L A D A K .......................................... Glucose metabolism increases in visual pathways following habituation. T O G A , R. C. C O L L I N S ............................................................
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Do lesions of the superior colliculus affect acoustic orientation in echolocating bats? W E N S T R U P , J. J. and R. A. S U T H E R S .......................................................
Effects of interrupting cat mothers' lactation with bromocriptine on the subsequent play of their kittens. B A T E S O N , P., P. M A R T I N and M. Y O U N G .................................
Characteristics of muricide induced by thiamine deficiency and its suppression by antidepressants or intraventricular serotonin. O N O D E R A , K . , Y. O G U R A a n d K. K I S A R A ...........
Rostrai medial preoptic area lesions' influence on female estrous processes and LHRH distribution. P O P O L O W , H. B., J. C. K I N G and A. A. G E R A L L ...........................
Timidity prevents the virgin female rat from being a good mother: Emotionality differences between nulliparons and parturient females. F L E M I N G , A. S. and C. L U E B K E ..............
Ultrasonic vocalizations in male deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus bairdi): Their role in male sexual behavior. P O M E R A N T Z , S. M. a n d L. G. C L E M E N S ..........................
Ejaculation is important for mating-induced testosterone increases in male rhesus monkeys. H E R N D O N , J. G . , J. J. T U R N E R a n d D. C. C O L L I N S ........................
Effects of malnutrition, maternal stress, or ACTH injections during pregnancy on sexual behavior of male offspring. R H E E S , R. W . a n d D. E. F L E M I N G ................................
Hormonal control of the development of sexual behavior in androgen-insensitive (tfm) rats. O L S E N , K . L . a n d R. E. W H A L E N ..................................................
A comparison of dependent measures used to quantify radiation-induced taste aversion. S P E C T O R , A. C., J. C. S M I T H a n d G. R. H O L L A N D E R .......................................
Taste aversions conditioned with partial body radiation exposures. S M I T H , J. C., G. R. H O L L A N D E R a n d A . C. S P E C T O R ...................................................
Circadian pattern of stress response to affective cues of foot shock. F U K U S H I M A , M . , T. S A K A T A , K . T S U T S U I , K . A R A S E , Y. G O M I T A a n d C. A S A N O .......................
Infanticide: Genetic, developmental and hormonal influences in mice. S V A R E , B. a n d M. M A N N
Gastrointestinal and metabolic consequences of a rat's meal on maintenance diet ad libitum. N E W M A N , J. C. a n d D. A . B O O T H .....................................................
Restraint stress inhibited healing in rats. D E R R , R. F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Copulation affects body weight but not food intake or dietary self-selection in male rats. S I E G E L , L. I., A . A. N U N E Z a n d G. N. W A D E ............................................
Improved fixation of the pigeon brain by transcardiac carotid catheterization. E D E N , M. J. C O R R E I A ............................................................
A. R. a n d
A simple device for eliciting tail pinch induced behavior in the rat. S O B E L , E. a n d D. C O R B E T T
A technique for quantitating suckling behavior in brooder reared kittens. G A L L O , K. KNOX ..................................................................
P. V. a n d
CONTENTS Relationship between pain and obesity: An electrophysiological study. P R A D A L I E R , J.-C. W I L L E R , F. B O U R E A U a n d J. D R Y ...................................
A., 961
Correlated behavioral and cardiac activity: Amygdala mediated amnesia or fear gradients. C R O S S , J. D. a n d I. J. G O O D M A N .......................................................
Consummatory responses to taste stimuli in rats selected for high and low rates of self-stimulation. G A N C H R O W , J. R., I. L I E B L I C H a n d E. C O H E N ...........................
Impaired heat discrimination learning after capsaicin treatment. O B , ~ L , F . , J R . , M. H A J O S , G. B E N E D E K , F. O B , ~ L a n d A . J A N C S O - G , ~ B O R ...........................
Melatonin and the adrenal cortex: Relationship to territorial aggression in mice. P A T E R S O N , a n d C. V I C K E R S ...........................................................
A. T.
Entry into hibernation in M.flaviventris: Sleep and behavioral thermoregulation. MILLER, V. M. and F. E. S O U T H ..............................................................
Taming in the wild Norway rat following lesions in the basal ganglia. B L A N C H A R D , D. C . , R. J. B L A N C H A R D , E. M. C. L E E a n d G. W I L L I A M S .......................
2-Deoxy-D-glucose produces delayed hypophagia and conditioned taste aversion in rats. T H O M P S O N , C. I. a n d I. S. Z A G O N ......................................................
Effects of motivational variables and contextual stimuli on schedule-induced behavior. C O L L I E R , A. C., M. U. C O H N , D. H O T H E R S A L L a n d B. S. B E R S O N .........................
Schedule-induced drinking by rats in the runway on DNC schedules of reinforcement. C O L L I E R , A. C., M. F. P E T E R S a n d M. U. C O H N ............................................
Naloxone and phencyclidine: Interacting effects on the limbic system and behavior. C O N T R E R A S , C. M . , C. G U Z M A N - F L O R E S , M. E. D O R A N T E S , F. R. E R V I N a n d R. P A L M O U R ...
Differences in schedule induced behaviour as a function of reinforcer in humans. WALLACE, M. and T. P. S. O E I ............................................................... 1027 Hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus lesions produce overeating and obesity in the rat. LEIBOWITZ, S. F . , N . J. H A M M E R a n d K . C H A N G ....................................... 1031 Effects of different housing conditions on intraspecies fighting between male Long-Evans hooded rats. B A R R , G. A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Circadian variation of strain differences in body temperature and activity in mice. C O N N O L L Y , a n d C. B. L Y N C H ..........................................................
M. S.
Effect of septal lesions on conditioned defensive burying. G R A Y , D. S., L. J. T E R L E C K I , D. T R E I T a n d J. P. J. P I N E L ................................................
Failure of periodic presentation of palatable diet to entrain feeding, drinking and activity rhythms under constant conditions. G R E E N W O O D , K . , S. A R M S T R O N G a n d G. C O L E M A N .....
Passive avoidance learning in young chicks: Time of day effects. R A D F O R D , S. M. A R M S T R O N G ........................................................
S., K . T. N G a n d
Kyotorphins affect aversive pecking in chicks. K A S T I N , A. J,, L. C. H O N O U R and D. H. COY
Haloperidol, catalepsy, and equilibrating functions in the rat: Antagonistic interaction of clinging and labyrinthine righting reactions. S C H A L L E R T , T. and P. T E I T E L B A U M ............ 1077 Changes in corticosterone levels in iron deficient rats. W l L L I A M S O N , A. M., K. T. NG and A. R I C H D A L E .............................................................
The effect of iron deficiency during development on passive avoidance learning in the adult rat. F I N D L A Y , E., K. T. NG, R. L. R E I D and S. M. A R M S T R O N G ...............
Developmental changes in body iron status following prolonged iron depletion in the rat. FIN D L A Y , E., K. T. NG, R. L. R E I D and S. M. A R M S T R O N G ..............................
BRIEF COMMUNICA TiONS Artificial rearing of preweanling rats: The effectiveness of direct intragastric feeding. DIAZ, J., E. M O O R E , F. P E T R A C C A , J. S C H A C H E R and C. S T A M P E R ................
Female sexual behaviour in the GnRH deficient, hypogonadal (hpg) mouse. W A R D , B. J. and H. M. C H A R L T O N .........................................................
System for instrumental motor conditioning in cats and temporal parameters computation. G 1 A N N A Z Z O , E. and S. T E R R A N O V A ...................................... 1111 Long-lasting changes in morphine sensitivity following amygdaloid kindling in mice. M A N S O U R , A., R. D O Y L E , R. K A T Z and E. S. V A L E N S T E I N ...............................
Low cost oscilloscope histogram generator with memory. M c C O R M I C K , D. A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Perfusion of small animals using a mini-peristaltic pump. S T I C K R O D , G. and M. S T A N S I F E R
I N D E X TO V O L U M E 27
& Behavior,
vol. 21.
Copyright o 1981by Pergamon Press and Brain Research F’ubl. Printed in the U.S.A.
Absorption rate, 929 blood metabolites brain glucose uptake gastric emptying pattern gluconeogenesis and feeding satiety signals Acetylcholine, 203 amygdala apomorphine conditioned taste aversion norepinephrine physostigmine recovery from neophobia Acoustic orientation, 835 bats echolocation obstacle avoidance superior colliculus lesions Acquisition, 83 conditioned taste aversion gonadectomy sexual dimorphism testosterone water deprivation ACTH, 879 copulation ejaculation lordosis sexual behavior Active avoidance adrenocortical system, 345 C57BL/6 mice, 41 C57BR/cd mice. 41 gastric ulcers, 345 memory consolidation, 41 paradoxical sleep deprivation, 41 strain differences, 41 time dependent performance improvement, Activity body temperature, 1045 body weight, 1057 circadian rhythm, 1045, 1057 conditioned taste aversion, 1085 corticosterone, 1085 defecation, 1045 drinking, 1057 eating, 1057 entrainment, 1057 heritability, 1045 iron deficiency, 1085 memory, 1085 open field, 1045
palatable diet, 1057 post-prandial relationships, 1057 strain differences, 1045 Activity-stress and organ weights, 243 activity-stress ulcer adrenal glands immunodeficiency model immunosuppression spleen thymus Activity-stress ulcer activity stress and organ weights, 243 adrenal glands, 243 divided feedinn. 349 gastric ulcers,>49 immunodeficiency model, 243 immunosuppression, 243 spleen, 243 thymus, 243, 349 Adipose tissue cellularity, 161 carcass composition dietary obesity high-fat diet operant behavior sex differences Adjunctive behavior air licking, 1005 body weight, 1027 DNC schedules, 1015 drinking, 1015, 1027 DRL reinforcement schedules, 1005 eating, 1027 human, 1027 motivation, 1005 runway, 1015 schedule-induced behavior, 1005, 1015, 1027 Adrenal cortex, 983 melatonin territorial aggression Adrenalectomy cardiac puncture, 261 estrogen, 603 estrous cycle, 261 isolation and sexual receptivity, 603 mating frequency, 261 progesterone secretion, 261 sexual receptivity, 261 Adrenal glands activity-stress and organ weights, 243 activity-stress ulcer, 243, 609 immunodeficiency, 609 immunodeticiency model, 243
immunosuppression, 243 spleen, 243 thymus, 243 Adrenocortical system, 345 active avoidance gastric ulcers Adrenomedullary mediation hyperglycemia, 401 Age, 673 hyperactivity light and caudate lesions light and superior collicular lesions Age and footshock-induced jumping envin onmental variables, 539 Aggression agonistic behavior, 1041 dominance-subordination, 1041 dopamine, 715 gastric erosion, 715 housing, 1041 intraspecies fighting, 1041 isolation, 1041 isolation housing, 715 learned aversion, 19 mice, male, 19 olfaction, 19 stress ulcers, 715 urine, 19 Aging, 615 rhesus monkey, sexual behavior testosterone testosterone-binding globulin Agonistic behavior, 1041 aggression dominance-subordination housing instraspecies fighting isolation Air licking, 1005 adjunctive behavior DRL reinforcement schedules motivation schedule-induced behavior Alarm pheromone blood odor, 503 mammalian pheromone, 5 11 olfactory communication, 503 stress odor, sources, 511 Albino rats, 279 brain lesions commissurotomy interocular transfer Ambient temperature, 73 chickens drinking thermal stimuli Amino acids anorexia, 757 chirality, 5 1 learned taste aversion, 757 multidimensional scaling, 51 nutrient deficiencies, 757 taste, 51 thresholds, 51 tryptophan deficiency, 757 Amino acid sensitivity cardiac conditioning, 691, 699 channel catfish, 691,699 cutaneous gustatory system, 699 eating, 699 heart rate, 691 olfaction, 691 olfactory ablation, 691 Amnesia, %5 amygdala stimulation fear
intracranial stimulation memory, autonomic/skeletal indexes Amygdala acetylcholine, 203 apomorphine, 203 basolateral lesions and drinking, 397 conditioned taste aversion, 203 corticomedial lesions and drinking, 397 norepinephrine, 203 physostigmine, 203 recovery from neophobia, 203 Amygdala-lesion syndrome, 995 basal ganglia, lesions defensive behavior fear globus pallidus, lesions pain wild rats, taming Amygdala stimulation, 965 amnesia fear intracranial stimulation memory, autonomic/skeletal indexes Amygdaloid kindling, 1117 clonic convulsions morphine sensitivity Straub tail response Anatomical linkage of substrates, 95 collision test lateral hypothalamus periaqueductal gray refractory period self-stimulation Androgen insensitivity, 883 development estrogen lordosis testicular feminization Anomalous sympathetic innervation, 569 drinking hippocampal lesions and conditioned taste aversion Anorexia amino acids, 757 body temperature, 271 eating, 271 elfazepam-stimulated feeding, 271 endotoxin-induced fever, 271 learned taste aversion, 757 nutrient deficiencies, 757 sheep, 271 tryptophan deficiency, 757 Anosmia burying behavior, 819 cadaverine, 819 carcass, 819 olfaction, 543, 819 putrescine, 819 Anticholinergics, 385 radial arm maze scopolamine spatial memory Antidepressants, 847 muricide pup-killing serotonin thiamine deficiency Aphagia, 487 behavioral recovery eating lateral hypothalamic lesions tail uinch-induced feedinp: Apomorphine, 203 acetylcholine amygdala conditioned taste aversion
norepinephrine physostigmine recovery from neophobia Apparatus electro-pneumatic arm, 1111 feeder for food intake measurement, 391 goldfish, 625 oscilloscope histogram generator with memory, 1121 tail-pinch device, 951 sonic radar apparatus, 445 swivel for double infusion of fluids, 175 Appetitive learning and memory, 515 circadian rhythm deprivation schedules eating plasma corticosterone serotonin Approach, 773 hypothalamic stimulation locomotor activity operant behavior reward Arousal, 989 hibernation marmot paradoxical sleep slow wave sleep thermoregulation Artificial rearing, 1103 direct intragastric feeding early nutrition formula milk Auditory Continuous Performance Test, 255 children information processing iris pigmentation skin reflectance Visual Information Processing Test Autonomic activity, 369 body weight drinking eating kainic acid lateral hypothalamus Autonomic nervous system, 663 body temperature circadian rhythms and behavior heart rate monkeys Autotomy, 735 hypertension pain sciatic nerve lesion Aversive behavior, 773 escape performance hypothalamic stimulation locomotor activity operant behavior Aversive conditioning, 1051 burying behavior conditioned defensive burying defensive behavior septal lesions Aversive pecking, 1073 chicks kyotorphins
Bandage-backfall, 1077 catalepsy catecholamine deficiency haloperidol motor subsystem parkinsonism vestibular righting
Bar-press response, 237 electrical stimulation and behavior suppression medial cortex orbital cortex Basal ganglia, lesions, 995 amygdala-lesion syndrome defensive behavior fear pain wild rats, taming Basolaterai amygdala, 43 1 conditioned taste aversion drinking eating insulin-induced feeding lesions neophobia Bats, 835 acoustic orientation echolocation obstacle avoidance superior colliculus lesions Behavior autonomic nervous system, 663 body temperature, 663 circadian rhvthms, 663 dark rearing; 761 domestication, 761 environment, 761 gerbils, 761 heart rate, 663 monkeys, 663 Behavior suppression and electrical stimulation, 237 bar-press response medial cortex orbital cortex Behavioral development, 841 bromocriptine and play cats early weaning and play maternal behavior Behavioral recovery, 487 aphagia eating lateral hypothalamic lesions tail pinch-induced feeding Benzodiazepine receptor, 797 environmental enrichment maze performance microcephaly radiation Biological odors, 445 emotion operant behavior sonic radar apparatus Blinding. 89 circadian rhythm hamster, mate phase shifts photoperiodism reproductive function Blood metabolites, 929 absorption rate brain glucose uptake gastric emptying pattern gluconeogenesis and feeding satiety signals Blood odor, 503 alarm pheromone olfactory communication stress odor Body composition, 469 body weight dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus eating
food utilization efficiency ghtcoregulation hypophagia insulin-induced feeding lesions linear growth organ weights Body iron status, 1097 development iron depletion time of day Body temperature activity, 1045 anorexia, 271 autonomic nervous system, 663 catecholamines, 265 chicks, 265 circadian rhythms and behavior, 663, 1045 defecation, 1045 drinking, 265 eating, 265, 271 elfazepam-stimulated feeding, 271 endotoxin-induced fever, 271 heart rate, 663 heritability, 1045 monkeys, 663 open field, 1045 sheep, 271 strain differences, 1045 Body weight activity, 1057 adjunctive behavior, 1027 autonomic activity, 369 body composition, 469 carcass composition, 637 castration, 637 circadian rhythms, 1057 copulation, 943 dietary self-selection, 943 dorsomediaf hypothalamic nucleus, 469 drinking, 369, 1027, 1057 eating, 369, 469, 637, 1027, 1031, 1057 energy levels, 299 entrainment, 1057 estradiol and metabolism, 637 feeding models, 299 food intake, 943 food utilization efficiency, 469 glucoregulation, 469 human, 1027 hyperphagia, 1031 hypophagia, 469 hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus lesions, 1031 insulin-induced feeding, 469 kainic acid, 369 lateral hypothalamus, 369 lesions, 469 linear growth, 469 lipoprotein lipase, 943 meal-interval correlations, 299 meal size, 299 norepinephrine, 1031 obesity, 1031 organ weights, 469 palatable diet, 1057 post-prattdial relationships, 1057 schedule-induced behavior, 1027 testosterone and metabolism, 637 Brain amygdala, 203, 397, %5, 1117 autonomic nervous system, 663 basal ganglia, 995 basolateral amygdala, 431, 1019 caudate nucleus, 673
cingulate gyrus, 1019 corpus callosum, 279 cortical amygdala, 105 dentate nucleus, 745 dorsomediaf amygdala, 27 dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus, 469 frontal cortex, 551 globus pallidus, 995 hippocampus, 363, 381, 413, 569 hypothalamus, 323,497, 533, 597, 773, 1031 lateral hypothalamus, 95, 369, 487, 971 lateral septum, 791 medial amygdala, 143 medial cortex, 237 medial preoptic area, 855 occipital lobes, 749 olfactory bulb, 223, 811 olfactory cortex, 223 olfactory system, 125 orbital cortex, 237 paraventricular nucleus, 1031 parieto-temporal lobes, 749 periaqueductal gray, 95 posterior commissure, 279 septum, 387, 1051 spinal cord, 947 striatum, 995 superior colliculus, 279, 673, 835 suprageniculate nucleus, 67 trigeminal system, 125, 157 ventromedial hypothalamus, 105, 337, 709 vestibular system, 157 Brain cooling, 745 dentate nucleus handedness pre-programmed movements Brain dopamine metabolism, 305 REM sleep deprivation, flower pot method REM sleep rebound Brain glucose uptake, 929 absorption rate blood metabolites gastric emptying pattern gluconeogenesis and feeding satiety signals Brain lesions albino rats, 279 cat, 67 commissurotomy, 279 interocular transfer, 279 suprageniculate nucleus, 67 temporal pattern discrimination, 67 Brain stimulation reward, 641 conditioned taste preference response as reinforcement self-stimulation Bromocriptine and play, 841 behavioral development cats early weaning and play maternal behavior Burying behavior anosmia, 819 aversive conditioning, 1051 cadaverine, 819 carcass, 819 conditioned defensive burying, 1051 defensive behavior, 1051 hippocampal lesions, 413 olfaction, 819 putrescine, 819 septal lesions, 1051 C57BL/6 mice, 41 active avoidance
C57BR/cd mice memory consolidation paradoxical sleep deprivation strain differences time dependent performance improvement C57BR/cd mice, 41 active avoidance C57BU6 mice memory consolidation paradoxical sleep deprivation strain differences time dependent performance improvement Cadaverine, 819 anosmia burying behavior carcass olfaction putrescine Caloric regulation, 547 dietary dilution eating Capsaicin, 977 cutaneous heat receptors discrimination learning heat sensitivity Carbohydrate metabolism, 115 eating feeding behavior food restriction Carcass, 819 anosmia burying behavior cadaverine olfaction putrescine Carcass composition adipose tissue cellularity, 161 body weight, 637 castration, 637 dietary obesity, 161 eating, 637 estradiol and metabolism, 637 high-fat diet, 161 operant behavior, 161 sex differences, 161 testosterone and metabolism, 637 Carcinogenesis, 377 cold-restraint stress glutathione Cardiac conditioning amino acid sensitivity, 691, 699 channel cattish, 691, 699 cutaneous gustatory system, 699 eating, 699 heart rate, 691 olfaction, 691 olfactory ablation, 691 Cardiac puncture, 261 adrenalectomy estrous cycle mating frequency progesterone secretion sexual receptivity Carotid catheterization, 947 pigeon brain and spinal cord transcardiac fixation Castration body weight, 637 carcass composition, 637 eating, 637 estradiol and metabolism, 637 genetics, 921 hormonal influences, 921 ovariectomy, 921 population regulation, 921
pup-killing, 921 reproductive strategies, 921 testosterone, 921 testosterone and metabolism, 637 Castration and copulation, 727 hormones and mating patterns sex steroids Cat behavioral development, 841 brain lesions, 67 bromocriptine and play, 841 chronic intracellular recording, 355 early weaning and play, 841 hallucinations, 1019 instrumental motor conditioning, 1111 limbic system, 1019 maternal behavior, 841 naloxone, 1019 phencyclidine, 1019 spike-wave activity, 1019 spinal cord motoneurons, 355 suprageniculate nucleus, 67 temporal pattern discrimination, 67 Cat, male, 223 induced wave activity olfactory system pheromones sinusoidal wave activity slow wave activity telemetry Catalepsy, 1077 bandage-backfall catecholamine deficiency haloperidol motor subsystem parkinsonism vestibular righting Catecholamine deficiencv. 1077 bandage-backfall _ catalepsy haloperidol motor subsystem parkinsonism vestibular righting Catecholamines body temperature, 265 chicks, 265 drinking, 265 eating, 265, 287 protein consumption and plasma amino acid concentrations, serotonin, 287 tryptophan, 287 Cattle, 147 lithiim aversion lithium intake operant conditioning salt appetite sodium deficiency Caudate nucleus, 673 age and hyperactivity lesions light Cephalic phase visceral response, 217 gastric acid secretion Pavlovian conditioning sham feeding Cerebral asymmetry, 381 hippocampus lateralization sinistrality Cesarean section placentophagia, 591 Channel catfish amino acid sensitivity, 691, 699 cardiac conditioning, 691, 699
cutaneous gustatory system, 699 eating, 699 heart rate, 691 olfaction, 691 olfactory ablation, 691 “Chemical” castration, 629 cortisol cyproterone acetate sexual behavior stumptailed macaque testosterone Chickens, 73 ambient temperature drinking thermal stimuli Chicks aversive pecking, 1073 body temperature, 265 catecholamines, 265 drinking, 265 eating, 265 kyotorphins, 1073 memory, 1067 passive avoidance learning, 1067 pecking, 1067 time of day, 1067 Children, 255 Auditory Continuous Performance Test information processing iris pigmentation skin reflectance Visual Information Processing Test Chirality, 51 amino acids multidimensional scaling taste thresholds Cholecystokinin eating, 153, 457 exploratory behavior, 407 extinction, 153 food deprivation, 153 meal size, 457 meal size-intermeal interval correlation, 457 orosensory feedback, 153 preabsorptive satiety, 457 pregastric stimuli, 457 satiety, 153, 457 sham feeding, 457 Chronic intracellular recording, 355 cats spinal cord motoneurons Circadian rhythm activity, 1045, 1047 appetitive learning and memory, 515 autonomic nervous system, 663 blinding, 89 body temperature, 663, 1045 body weight, 1057 defecation, 1045 deprivation schedules, 515 drinking, 1057 eating, 33, 515, 1057 energy regulation, 621 entrainment, 33, 1057 gastric lesions, 915 goldfish, 625 group housing, 1 hamster, male, 89 heart rate, 663 heritability, 1045 human, 621 isolation, 1 lithium, 625 meal patterns, 33, 621
meal size and postprandial interval, 621 mice, female, 1 monkeys, 663 open field, 1045 palatable diet, 1057 phase shifts, 89 photoperiodism, 89 plasma corticosterone levels, 1, 5 15 postprandial correlation, 33 postprandial relationships, 1057 reproductive function, 89 satiety, 621 serotonin, 515 social facilitation, 625 strain differences, 1045 stress levels, 1 stress response, 915 Clonic convulsions, 1117 amygdaloid kindling morphine sensitivity Straub tail response Cold-restraint stress, 377 carcinogenesis glutathione Collision test, 95 anatomical linkage of substrates lateral hypothalamus periaqueductal gray refractory period self-stimulation Commissurotomy, 279 albino rats brain lesions interocular transfer Concept formation, 749 evoked potentials occipital lobes parieto-temporal lobes Conditioned avoidance, 77 conditioned odor aversion conditioned taste aversion conditioned taste preference external milieu hyperthermia internal milieu toxic heat Conditioned defensive burying, 1051 aversive conditioning burying behavior defensive behavior septal lesions Conditioned odor aversion, 77 conditioned avoidance conditioned taste aversion conditioned taste preference external milieu hyperthermia internal milieu toxic heat Conditioned suppression, 585 hypertension, renal hypertension, spontaneous thermal stimulation Conditioned taste aversion acetylcholine, 203 acquisition, 83 activity, 1085 amygdala, 203 anomalous sympathetic innervation, 569 apomorphine, 203 basolateral amygdala, 43 1 conditioned avoidance, 77 conditioned odor aversion, 77 conditioned taste preference, 77 corticosterone, 569, 1085
2-deoxy-D-glucose, 1001 dependent variables, 887 drinking, 43 1, 569 eating, 431, 1001 external milieu, 77 gonadectomy, 83 hippocampal lesions, 569 hyperphagia, 1001 hyperthermia, 77 hypophagia, 1001 insulin-induced feedine. 43 1 internal milieu, 77 iron deficiency, 1085 lesions, 43 1 memory, 1085 neophobia, 43 1, 887 norepinephrine, 203 odor extinction, 189 partial vs whole body radiation exposure, 903 physostigmine, 203 radiation, 887 recovery from neophobia, 203 saccharin, 887, 903, 1001 sexual dimorphism, 83 testosterone, 83 toxic heat, 77 water deprivation, 83 Conditioned taste preference brain stimulation reward, 641 conditioned avoidance, 77 conditioned odor aversion, 77 conditioned taste aversion, 77 external milieu, 77 hyperthermia, 77 internal milieu, 77 response as reinforcement, 641 self-stimulation, 641 toxic heat, 77 Conflict, 143 hemorrhage lesions medial amygdala shock-induced ulcers Copulation ACTH, 879 body weight, 943 dietary self-selection, 943 food intake, 943 lipoprotein lipase, 943 malnutrition, 879 prenatal stress, 879 Copulation and castration, 727 hormones and mating patterns sex steroids Copulation frequency and fertilization, 659 hormonal mechanisms reproductive strategy ring dove Copulatory behavior litter size, 785 obesity, 33 1 postpartum estrus, 785 pregnancy initiation, 785 reproductive capacity, 33 1 sexual behavior, female rat, 331, 785 Zucker rat, 331 Cortical amygdala, 105 eating estradiol benzoate ovariectomized rats ventromedial hypothalamus Corticosterone activity, 1085 anomalous sympathetic innervation, 569 conditioned taste aversion, 1085
drinking, 569 hippocampaJ lesions and conditioned iron deficiency, 1085 memory, 1085 Corticosterone levels defecation, 183 emotionality, 183 genetic differences, 183 locomotor activity, 183 open field, 183 social conditions, 179, 183 stress, 179 Cutaneous gustatory system, 699 amino acid sensitivity cardiac conditioning channel cattish eating Cutaneous heat receptors, 977 capsaicin discrimination learning heat sensitivity Cyclic nucleotides, 731 estrogen estrous cycle lordosis progesterone sexual behavior Cyproterone acetate, 629 “chemical” castration cortisol sexual behavior stumptailed macaque testosterone
taste aversion, 569
Dark rearing, 761 domestication environment and behavior environment and development environment and endocrine morphology gerbils Deer mouse, 869 sexual behavior ultrasonic vocalizations and copulation Defecation activity, 1045 body temperature, 1045 circadian rhythm, 1045 corticosterone levels, 183 emotionahty, 183 genetic differences, 183 heritability, 1045 locomotor activity, 183 open field, 183, 1045 social conditions, 183 strain differences, 1045 Defensive behavior amygdala-lesion syndrome, 995 aversive conditioning, 1051 basal ganglia, lesions, 995 burying behavior, 1051 conditioned defensive burying, 1051 fear, 995 gentling, 387 alobus pallidus. lesions, 995 &in, 995 septal lesions, 387, 1051 wild rats, taming, 995 Dentate nucleus, 745 brain cooling handedness pre-programmed movements I-Deoxy-D-glucose, 401 hyperglycemia 2-Deoxy-D-glucose, 1001 conditioned taste aversion
eating hyperphagia hypophagia saccharin Dependent variables, 887 conditioned taste aversion neophobia radiation saccharin Deprivation schedules, 515 appetitive learning and memory circadian rhythm eating plasma corticosterone serotonin Development androgen insensitivity, 883 body iron status, 1097 dark rearing, 761 domestication, 761 environment, 761 estrogen, 883 gerbils, 761 iron deficiency, 1089 iron depletion, 1097 lordosis, 883 memory, 1089 passive avoidance learning, 1089 testicular feminization, 883 time of day, 1097 Diestrus, 723 estrus spontaneous motor behavior Dietary dilution, 547 caloric regulation eating Dietary obesity, 161 adipose tissue cellularity carcass composition high-fat diet operant behavior sex differences Dietary self-selection body weight, 943 copulation, 943 eating, 337 food intake, 943 lesions, 337 lipoprotein lipase, 943 ventromedial hypothalamus, 337 OOlDietary selection, 7 eating obesity palatability sugar solutions Dietary self-selection body weight, 943 copulation, 943 eating, 337 food intake, 943 lesions, 337 lipoprotein lipase, 943 ventromedial hypothalamus, 337 Dieting, 195 humans obesity palatability salivation weight set point Direct intragastric feeding, 1103 artificial rearing early nutrition formula milk Discrimination learning, 977 capsaicin
cutaneous heat receptors heat sensitivity Divided feeding, 349 activity-stress ulcers gastric ulcers thymus weight DNC schedules, 1015 adjunctive behavior drinking runway schedule-induced behavior Domestication, 761 dark rearing environment and behavior environment and development environment and endocrine morphology gerbils Dominance-subordination, 1041 aggression agonistic behavior housing intraspecies fighting isolation Dopamine, 715 aggression gastric erosion isolation housing stress ulcers Dorsomedial amygdala, 27 food deprivation noradrenergic stimulation reward system T-maze learning Dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus, 469 body composition body weight eating food utilization efficiency glucoregulation hypophagia insulin-induced feeding lesions linear growth organ weights Drinking activity, 1057 adjunctive behavior, 1015, 1027 ambient temperature, 73 amygdaloid lesions and taste aversion, 397 anomalous sympathetic innervation, 569 autonomic activity, 369 basolateral amygdala, 43 1 body temperature, 265 body weight, 369, 1027, 1067 catecholamines, 265 chickens, 73 chicks, 265 circadian rhythms, 1057 conditioned taste aversion, 43 1 corticosterone, 569 DNC schedules, 1015 eating, 171, 265, 369, 431, 649, 779, 811, 1027, 1057 electroconvulsive shock, 171, 231 entrainment, 1057 food deprivation, 171 hippocampal lesions and conditioned taste aversion, 569 human, 1027 insulin-induced feeding, 431 jejunoileal bypass, 779 kainic acid, 369 lateral hypothalamus, 369 lean human subjects, 649 lesions, 43 1 LiCl, 575 locomotor activity, 23 1
meal structure, 649 mortality rates, 811 neophobia, 43 1 nipple-attachment, 8 11 obese human subjects, 649 olfactory bulbectomy , 8 11 ontogeny, 811 palatability, 649 palatable diet, 1057 peritoneal dialysis, 61 physiology of motivation, 171 post-prandial relationships, 1057 regulation, 779 runway, 1015 schedule-induced behavior, 1015, 1027 serum sodium concentrations, 61 sodium depletion, 61 sodium load, 61 taste, 811 thermal stimuli, 73 thirst, 779 water deprivation, 61, 171, 231 DRL reinforcement schedules, 1005 adjunctive behavior air licking motivation schedule-induced behavior Drug apomorphine, 203 bromocriptine, 841 capsaicin, 977 chloramphenicol, 41 chlorimipramine, 41 cycloheximide, 41 cyproterone acetate, 629 I-deoxy-D-glucose, 401 2-deoxy-D-glucose, 1001 dipyrone, 271 dopamine, 265, 715 elfazepam, 271 endotoxin, 271 epinephrine, 265 estradiol benzoate, 883 ethanol, 425 haloperidol, 425, 1077 kainic acid, 369 lidocaine, 313 lithium, 625 lithium chloride, 147, 575 d-methamphetamine, 41 cY-methyl-DOPA, 41 a-methyl-p-tyrosine, 41 morphine, 1117 norepinephrine, 265, 1031 naloxone. 249. 1019 phencyclidine, 1019 phentolamine, 463 physostigmine, 203 polyethylene glycol, 779 quinine hydrochloride, 971 reserpine, 425 scopolamine, 385 serotonin, 847 sodium pentobarbital, 363, 425 sodium saccharin, 971 testosterone propionate, 883 thiamphenicol, 41 Early nutrition, 1103 artificial rearing direct intragastric feeding formula milk Early weaning and play, 841 behavioral development bromocriptine and play
cats maternal behavior Eating absorption rate, 929 activity, 1057 adjunctive behavior, 1027 amino acids, 757 amino acid sensitivity, 699 anorexia, 271, 757 aphagia, 487 appetitive learning and memory, 515 autonomic activity, 369 basolateral amygdala, 43 1 behavioral recovery, 487 blood composition, 683 blood metabolites, 929 body composition, 469 body temperature, 265, 271 body weight, 299, 369, 469, 637, 943, 1027, 1031, 1057 brain glucose uptake, 929 caloric regulation, 547 carbohydrate metabolism, 115 carcass composition, 637 cardiac conditioning, 699 castration, 637 catecholamines, 265, 287 channel catfish, 699 chicks, 265 cholecystokinin, 153, 457 circadian rhythm, 33, 515,621, 1057 conditioned taste aversion, 431, 1001 copulation, 943 cortical amygdala, 105 cutaneous gustatory system, 699 1-deoxy-glucose and hyperglycemia, 401 2-deoxy-D-nlucose, 1001 depriv&on-schedules, 515 dietary dilution, 547 dietary selection, 7 dietary self-selection, 337, 943 diurnal patterns, 481 dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus, 469 drinking, 171, 265, 369,431,649,779, 811, 1027, 1057 electroconvulsive shock, 171 elfazepam-stimulated feeding, 271 endotoxin-induced fever, 271 energy levels, 299 energy regulation, 621 entrainment, 33, 1057 estradiol and metabolism, 637 estradiol benzoate, 105 extinction, 153 feeding behavior, 115 feeding models, 299 feeding pattern, 803 food deprivation, 153, 171 food intake, 943 food restriction, 115 food utilization efficiency, 469 gastric emptying pattern, 929 gluconeogenesis and feeding. 929 glucoregulation, 469 growth, 811 hippocampal lesions, 413 human, 137, 1027 human meal patterns, 621 hunger, 803 hyperphagia, 1001, 1031 hypophagia, 469, 1001 hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus lesions, 1031 insulin-induced feeding, 43 1, 469 intermeal interval, 803 jejunoileal bypass, 779 kainic acid, 369 lateral hypothalamic lesions, 487
lateral hypothalamus, 369 lean human subjects, 649 learned taste aversion, 757 lesions, 337, 431, 469 linear growth, 469 lipoprotein lipase, 943 meal duration, 803 meal frequency, 803 meal-interval correlations, 299 meal pattern regulation, 683 meal patterns, 33 meal size, 299, 457, 803 meal size and postprandial interval, 621 meal size-intermeal interval correlation, 457 meal structure, 649 mortality rates, 8 11 neophobia, 43 1 nipple-attachment, 811 norepinephrine, 1031 nutrient deficiencies, 757 obese human subjects, 649 obesity, 7, 1031 olfactory bulbectomy, 811 ontogeny, 811 organ weights, 469 orosensory feedback, 153 ovariectomized rats, 105 palatability, 7, 649 palatable diet, 1057 physiology of motivation, 171 plasma corticosterone, 515 portal infusions, 683 postprandial correlation, 33 postprandial relationships, 1057 preabsorptive satiety, 457 pregastric stimuli, 457 protein consumption and plasma amino acid concentrations, regulation, 779 rhesus monkey, 803 saccharin, 1001 satiety, 153, 457, 621, 803 satiety signals, 929 schedule-induced behavior, 1027 sensory specific satiety, 137 serotonin, 287, 515 sham feeding, 457 sheep, 271 stress, 951 sugar solutions, 7 tail-pinch device, 951 tail-pinch induced feeding, 487 taste, 137, 811 testosterone and metabolism, 637 thirst, 779 tryptophan, 287 tryptophan deficiency, 757 ventromedial hypothalamus, 105, 337 volatile fatty acids, 683 water deprivation, 171 Echolocation, 835 acoustic orientation bats obstacle avoidance superior colliculus lesions Ejaculation ACTH, 879 malnutrition, 879 prenatal stress, 879 rhesus monkey, 873 sexual behavior, male monkeys, 873 testosterone, 873 Electrical stimulation and behavior suppression, 237 bar-press response medial cortex orbital cortex
Electroconvulsive shock drinking, 171, 231 eating, 171 food deprivation, 171 locomotor activity, 23 1 maternal behavior, 425 physiology of motivation, 171 water deprivation, 171, 231 weight gain in young, 425 Elfazepam-stimulated feeding, 271 anorexia body temperature eating endotoxin-induced fever sheep Emotion, 445 biological odors operant behavior sonic radar apparatus Emotionahty corticosterone levels, 183 defecation, 183 genetic differences, 183 locomotor activity, 183 maternal behavior, 863 nulhparous rats and timidity, 863 open field, 183 parturient rats, 863 social conditions, 183 Endocrine morphology, 761 dark rearing domestication environment gerbils Endotoxin-induced fever, 271 anorexia body temperature eating elfazepam-stimulated feeding sheep Energy levels, 299 body weight feeding models meat-interval correlations meal size Energy regulation, 62 1 circadian rhythms human meal patterns meal size and postprandial interval satiety Entrainment activity, 1057 body weight, 1057 circadian rhythm, 33, 1057 drinking, 1057 eating, 33, 1057 meal patterns, 33 palatable diet, 1057 postprandial correlation, 33 postprandial relationships, 1057 Environment, 761 behavior dark rearing development domestication endocrine morphology gerbils Environmental enrichment, 797 benzodiazepine receptor maze performance microcephaly radiation Environmental variables and footshock-induced age, 539
Escape performance, 773 aversive behavior hypothalamic stimulation locomotor activity operant behavior Estradiol benzoate cortical amygdala, 105 eating, 105 estrogen, 1107 female sexual behavior, 1107 gonadotropin-releasing hormone deficiency, hypogonadal mouse, 1107 ovariectomized rats, 105 progesterone, 1107 ventromedial hypothalamus, 105 Estrogen adrenalectomy, 603 androgen-insensitivity, 883 cyclic nucleotides, 731 development, 883 estrous cycle, 731 female sexual behavior, 1107 gonadotropin-releasing hormone deficiency, hypogonadal mouse, 1107 isolation and sexual receptivity, 603 lordosis, 731, 883 progesterone, 73 1, 1107 sexual behavior, 731 sexual proceptivity, 597 sexual receptivity, 597 testicular feminization, 883 Estrous cycle adrenalectomy, 261 cardiac puncture, 261 cyclic nucleotides, 731 dies&us, 723 estrogen, 731 LHRH, 855 lordosis, 731 mating frequency, 261 medial preoptic area lesions, 855 neonatal androgen, 419 prenatal androgen, 419 progesterone, 731 progesterone secretion, 261 puberty, 855 sexual behavior, 731 sexual receptivity, 261 spontaneous motor behavior, 723 testosterone propionate, 419 Ethanol, 425 maternal behavior weight gain in young Evoked potentials, 749 concept formation occipital lobes parieto-temporal lobes Exercise, 767 female hamsters running wheel activity sexual behavior Experimental model, 715 aggression dopamine stress ulcers Exploratory behavior cholecystokinin, 407 hippocampal lesions, 413 External milieu. 77 conditioned avoidance conditioned odor aversion conditioned taste aversion conditioned taste preference hyperthermia internal milieu toxic heat
Extinction cholecystokinin, 153 eating, 153 food deprivation, 153 odor and conditioned taste aversion, 189 orosensory feedback, 153 satiety, 153
Fear, 965 amnesia amygdala stimulation intracranial stimulation memory, autonomic/skeletal indexes Feeding behavior, 115 carbohydrate metabolism eating food restriction Feeding models, 299 body weight energy levels meal-interval correlations meal size Feeding pattern, 803 eating hunger intermeal interval meal duration meal frequency meal size rhesus monkey satiety Female hamsters, 767 exercise running wheel activity sexual behavior Female sexual behavior, 1107 estradiol benzoate estrogen gonadotropin-releasing hormone deficiency hypogonadal mouse progesterone Fetal injection in urero , 557 Food deprivation cholecystokinin, 153 dorsomedial amygdala, 27 drinking, 171 eating, 153, 171 electroconvulsive shock, 171 extinction, 153 lactation, 529 noradrenergic stimulation, 27 orosensory feedback, 153 physiology of motivation, 171 reward system, 27 satiety, 153 T-maze learning, 27 water deprivation, 171 Food intake, 943 body weight copulation dietary self-selection lipoprotein lipase Food restriction, 115 carbohydrate metabolism eating feeding behavior Food utilization efficiency, 469 body composition body weight dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus eating glucoregulation hypophagia insulin-induced feeding
lesions linear growth organ weights Footshock-induced jumping, 539 age environmental variables Formula milk, 1103 artificial rearing direct intragastric feeding early nutrition Frogs, 167 release call sexual behavior sexual dimorphism vasotocin
Gastric acid secretion, 217 cephalic phase visceral response Pavlovian conditioning sham feeding Gastric emptying pattern, 929 absorption rate blood metabolites brain glucose uptake gluconeogenesis and feeding satiety signals Gastric erosion, 715 aggression dopamine isolation housing stress ulcers Gastric lesions, 915 circadian rhythm stress response Gastric ulcers active avoidance, 345 activity-stress ulcers, 349 adrenocortical system, 345 divided feeding, 349 thymus weight, 349 Genetic differences, 183 corticosterone levels defecation emotionality locomotor activity open field social conditions Genetic strain, 971 lateral hypothalamus quinine hydrochloride self-stimulation sex differences sodium saccharin taste Genetics, 921 castration hormonal influences ovariectomy population regulation pup-killing reproductive strategies testosterone Genital morphology, 419 neonatal androgen prenatal androgen testosterone propionate Gentling hyperreactivity and septal lesions, 387 Gerbils, 761 dark rearing domestication environment and behavior environment and development environment and endocrine morphology
Globus pallidus, lesions, 995 amygdala-lesion syndrome defensive behavior fear pain wild rats, taming Gluconeogenesis and feeding, 929 absorption rate blood metabolites brain glucose uptake gastric emptying pattern satiety signals Glucoregulation, 469 body composition body weight dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus eating food utilization efficiency hypophagia insulin-induced feeding lesions linear growth organ weights Glucose metabolism, 825 habituation photic flash visual evoked response Glutathione, 377 carcinogenesis cold-restraint stress Goats meal pattern regulation, 683 Goldfish, 625 circadian rhythms lithium social facilitation Gonadectomy, 83 acquisition conditioned taste aversion sexual dimorphism testosterone water deprivation Gonadotropin-releasing hormone deficiency, estradiol benzoate estrogen female sexual behavior hypogonadal mouse progesterone Group housing, 1 circadian rhythm isolation mice, female plasma corticosterone levels stress levels Growth, 811 drinking eating mortality rates nipple-attachment olfactory bulbectomy ontogeny taste
Habituation, 825 glucose metabolism photic flash visual evoked response Hallucinations, 1019 cat limbic system naloxone phencyclidine spike-wave activity
Haloperidol bandage-backfall, 1077 catalepsy, 1077 catecholamine deficiency, 1077 maternal behavior, 425 motor subsystem, 1077 parkinsonism, 1077 vestibular righting, 1077 weight gain in young, 425 Hamster blinding, 89 circadian rhythm, 89 hypothalamic knife cuts, 323 lordosis, 323 phase shifts, 89 photoperiodism, 89 reproductive function, 89 sexual receptivity, 323 Handedness, 745 brain cooling, dentate nucleus pre-programmed movements Head righting reflex, 157 lesions trigeminal atferents vestibular system Head-twitches, 13 scruff-pinch tail-pinch tonic immobility wet-dog shakes, suppression Healing restraint stress, 941 Heart rate amino acid sensitivity, 691 autonomic nervous system, 663 body temperature, 663 cardiac conditioning, 691 channel cattish, 691 circadian rhythms and behavior, 663 monkeys, 663 olfaction, 691 olfactory ablation, 691 Heat sensitivity, 977 capsaicin cutaneous heat receptors discrimination learning Heat stress, 249 immobilization stress naloxone ob/ob mice pituitary endorphins Hemorrhage, 143 conflict lesions medial amygdala shock-induced ulcers Heritability, 1045 activity body temperature circadian rhythm defecation open field strain differences Hibernation, 989 arousal marmot paradoxical sleep slow wave sleep thermoregulation High-fat diet, 161 adipose tissue cellularity carcass composition dietary obesity operant behavior sex differences
Hippocampal lesions, 413 burying eating exploratory behavior locomotor activity novelty preference self-grooming Hippocampal theta activity, 363 immobility sodium pentobarbital Hippocampus anamalous, sympathetic innervation, 569 cerebral asymmetry, 381 drinking, 569 lateralization, 381 lesions and conditioned taste aversion, 569 motivation, 413 sinistrality, 381 Histology, 1127 mini-peristaltic pump perfusion Hormonal intluences, 921 castration genetics ovariectomy population regulation pup-killing reproductive strategies testosterone Hormonal mechanisms, 659 copulation frequency and fertilization reproductive strategy ring dove Hormone ACTH. 879 androgkn, 883 cholecystokinin, 407, 457 corticosterone, 1, 179, 183, 481, 515, 569, 1085 cortisol, 629 estradiol, 637, 1107 estradiol benzoate, 105 estrogen, 597, 603, 731, 883, 1107 gonadotropin-releasing hormone, 1107 insulin, 431, 469 LHRH, 855 melatonin, 983 noradrenaline, 27 progesterone, 261, 597, 731, 1107 prolactin, 425 testosterone, 83, 615, 629, 637, 873, 921 Hormones and mating patterns, 727 castration copulation sex steroids Housing, 1041 aggression agonistic behavior dominance-subordination intraspecies fighting isolation Human kin interactions, 493 maternal recognition pheromones sibling recognition Humans adjunctive behavior, 1027 body weight, 1027 circadian rhythms, 621 dieting, 195 drinking, 1027 eating, 137, 1027 energy regulation, 621 meal patterns, 621 meal size and postprandial interval, 621 obesity, 195
palatability, 195 peripheral temperature stimulus, 439 salivation, 195 satiety, 621 schedule-induced behavior, 1027 sensory specific satiety, 137 taste, 137 temperature sensation, 439 thermal allesthesia, 439 thermal comfort, 439 weight set point, 195 Hunger, 803 eating feeding pattern intermeal interval meal duration meal frequency meal size rhesus monkey satiety Hyperactivity, 673 age light and caudate lesions light and superior collicular lesions Hyperglycemia, 401 adrenomedullary mediation I-deoxy-glucose Hyperphagia body weight, 1031 conditioned taste aversion, 1001 2-deoxy-D-glucose, 1001 eating, 1001, 1031 hypophagia, 1001 hypothalamic knife-cuts, 533 hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus lesions, 1031 norepinephrine, 1031 obesity, 1031 saccharin, 1001 Hyperreactivity, 387 gentling septal lesions Hypertension, 735 autotomy pain sciatic nerve lesion Hypertension, renal, 585 conditioned suppression thermal stimulation Hypertension, spontaneous, 585 conditioned suppression thermal stimulation Hyperthermia, 77 conditioned avoidance conditioned odor aversion conditioned taste aversion conditioned taste preference external milieu internal milieu toxic heat Hypogonadal mouse, 1107 estradiol benzoate estrogen female sexual behavior gonadotropin-releasing hormone deficiency progesterone Hypophagia body composition, 469 body weight, 469 conditioned taste aversion, 1001 2-deoxy-D-glucose, 1001 dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus, 469 eating, 469, 1001 food utilization efficiency, 469 glucoregulation, 469 hyperphagia, 1001
insulin-induced feeding, 469 lesions, 469 linear growth, 469 organ weights, 469 saccharin, 1001 Hypotension phentolamine and thirst, 463 Hypothalamic knife cuts, 323 hamster lordosis sexual receptivity Hypothalamic lesions, 523 plasma glucose plasma insulin Hypothalamus approach, 773 aversive behavior, 773 body weight, 1031 eating, 1031 escape performance, 773 hyperphagia, 1031 lesions, 1031 locomotor activity, 773 norepinephrine, 1031 obesity, 1031 one-stage lesions, 497 operant behavior, 773 recovery rate, 497 reward, 773 paraventricular nucleus, 1031 serial lesions, 497 stimulation, 773 Hypoxia, 425 maternal behavior weight gain in young
Immobility, 363 hippocampal theta activity sodium pentobarbital Immobilization stress, 249 heat stress naloxone ob/ob mice pituitary endorphins Immunodeficiency, 609 activity-stress ulcers adrenal glands spleen stomach thymus Immunodeficiency model, 243 activity-stress and organ weights activity-stress ulcer adrenal glands immunosuppression spleen thymus Immunosuppression, 243 activity-stress and organ weights activity-stress ulcer adrenal glands immunodeficiency model spteen thymus Individual housing taste neophobia, 199 Induced wave activity, 223 cats, male olfactory system pheromones sinusoidal wave activity slow wave activity telemetry
Information processing, 255 Auditory Continuous Performance Test children iris pigmentation skin reflectance Visual Information Processing Test Instrumental motor conditioning, 1111 cats electro-pneumatic arm execution time quantification reaction time quantitication Insulin-induced feeding basolateral amygdala, 43 1 body composition, 469 body weight, 469 conditioned taste aversion, 431 dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus, 469 drinking, 43 1 eating, 43 1,469 food utilization efficiency, 469 glucoregulation, 469 hypophagia, 469 lesions, 43 1, 469 linear growth, 469 neophobia, 43 1 organ weights, 469 Intermeal interval, 803 eating feeding pattern hunger meal duration meal frequency meal size rhesus monkey satiety Internal milieu, 77 conditioned avoidance conditioned odor aversion conditioned taste aversion conditioned taste preference external milieu hyperthennia toxic heat Interocular transfer, 279 albino rats brain lesions commissurotomy Intracranial stimulation, %5 amnesia amygdala stimulation fear memory, autonomic/skeletal indexes Intramaze cues, 211 radial maze reward and short-term memory scent marking Intraspecies fighting, 1041 aggression agonistic behavior dominance-subordination housing isolation In utero injection fetus, 557 Iris pigmentation, 255 Auditory Continuous Performance Test children information processing skin reflectance Visual Information Processing Test Iron deficiency activity, 1085 conditioned taste aversion, 1085 corticosterone, 1085 development, 1089
memory, 1085, 1089 passive avoidance learning, 1089 Iron depletion, 1097 body iron status development time of day Isolation aggression, 1041 agonistic behavior, 1041 circadian rhythm, 1 dominance-subordination, 1041 group housing, 1 housing, 1041 intraspecies fighting, 1041 mice, female, 1 plasma corticosterone levels, 1 stress levels, 1 Isolation and sexual receptivity, 603 adrenalectomy estrogen Isolation housing, 715 aggression dopamine gastric erosion stress ulcers
Jejunoileal bypass, 779 drinking eating regulation thirst
Kainic acid, 369 autonomic activity body weight drinking eating lateral hypothalamus Knife cuts, 597 sexual proceptivity sexual receptivity ventromedial hypothalamus Kyotorphins, 1073 aversive pecking chicks
Lactation eating, 481 food deprivation, 529 plasma corticosterone leveld, 481 Lateral hypothalamic lesions, 487 aphagia behavioral recovery eating tail pinch-induced feeding Lateral hypothalamus anatomical linkage of substrates. 95 autonomic activiiy, 369 body weight, 369 collision test, 95 drinking, 369 eating, 369 genetic strain, 971 kainic acid, 369’ periaqueductal gray, 95 quinine hydrochloride, 971 refractory period, 95 self-stimulation, 95, 971 sex differences, 971 sodium saccharin, 971 taste, 971
Lateralization, 381 cerebral asymmetry hippocampus sinistrahty Learned aversion, 19 aggression mice, male olfaction urine Learned taste aversion, 757 ammo acids anorexia nutrient deficiencies tryptophan deficiency Lesions acoustic, orientation, 835 age and hyperactivity, 673 aggression, 791 amygdala and taste aversion, 397 amygdala-lesion syndrome, 995 anomalous sympathetic innervation, 569 aphagia, 487 autotomy, 735 aversive conditioning, 1051 basal ganglia, 995 basolateral amygdala, 43 1 bats, 835 behavioral recovery, 487 body composition, 469 body weight, 469, 1031 burying behavior, 1051 caudate nucleus, 673 conditioned defensive burying, 1051 conditioned taste aversion, 431 conflict, 143 defensive behavior, 995, 1051 dietary self-selection, 337 dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus, 469 drinking, 431, 569 eating, 337, 431, 469, 487, 1031 echo location, 835 estrous cycle, 855 fear, 995 food utilization efficiency, 469 globus pallidus, 995 glucoregulation, 469 head righting reflex, 157 hemorrhage, 143 hippocampus and conditioned taste aversion, 569 hyperphagia, 1031 hypophagia, 469 hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus, 1031 hypothalamus, 497 insulin-induced feeding, 43 1, 469 lateral hypothalamus, 487 LHRH, 855 light, 675 linear growth, 469 medial amygdala, 143 medial preoptic area, 855 muricide, 791 neophobia, 43 1 norepinephrine, 1031 obesity, 709, 1031 obstacle avoidance, 835 one-stage, 497 organ weights, 469 pain, 995 predation, 791 puberty, 855 pup killing, 791 recovery rate, 497 sciatic nerve, 735 septum, 791, 1051 serial, 497
set point, 709 sexual proceptivity, 597 sexual receptivity, 597 shock-induced ulcers, 143 superior colliculus, 673, 835 tail pinch-induced feeding, 487 trigeminal afferents, 157 ventromedial hypothalamus, 337, 597, 709 vestibular system, 157 weight regulation, 709 wild rats, taming, 995 LHRH, 855 estrous cycle medial preoptic area lesions puberty LiCl drinking, 575 sodium-loss, 574 Lidocaine, 3 13 maternal behavior perioral anesthesia retrieving vibrissal removal Light, 673 age and hyperactivity caudate lesions superior collicular lesions Limbic system, 1019 cat hallucinations naloxone phencyclidine spike-wave activity Linear growth, 469 body composition body weight dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus eating food utilization efficiency glucoregulation hypophagia insulin-induced feeding lesions organ weights Lipoprotein lipase, 943 body weight copulation dietary self-selection food intake Lithium, 625 circadian rhythms goldfish social facilitation Lithium aversion, 147 cattle lithium intake operant conditioning salt appetite sodium deficiency Lithium intake, 147 cattle lithium aversion operant conditioning salt appetite sodium deficiency Litter size, 785 copulatory behavior postpartum estrus pregnancy initiation sexual behavior, female rats Locomotor activity approach, 773 aversive behavior, 773 corticosterone levels, 183 defecation. 183
drinking, 231 electroconvulsive shock, 23 1 emotionality, 183 escape performance, 773 genetic differences, 183 hippocampal lesions, 413 hypothalamic stimulus, 773 open field, 183 operant behavior, 773 paradoxical sleep deprivation, 741 reward, 773 social conditions, 183 water deprivation, 23 1 Lordosis ACTH, 879 adrenalectomy, 603 androgen insensitivity, 883 cyclic nucleotides, 731 development, 883 estrogen, 603, 731, 883 estrous cycle, 731 hamster, 323 hypothalamic knife cuts, 323 isolation, 603 malnutrition, 879 prenatal stress, 879 progesterone, 73 1 sexual behavior, 731 sexual receptivity, 323 testicular feminization, 883
Malnutrition, 879 copulation ejaculation lordosis sexual behavior Mammalian pheromone, 5 11 alarm pheromone olfactory communication stress odor, sources Marmot, 989 arousal hibernation paradoxical sleep slow wave sleep thermoregulation Maternal behavior bromocriptine, 841 cats, 841 electroconvulsion, 425 ethanol, 425 hafoperidol, 425 hypoxia, 425 lidocaine, 3 13 perioral anesthesia, 313 retrieving, 313, 425 sodium phenobarbital, 425 vibrissal removal, 313 weight gain in young, 425 Mating frequency, 261 adrenalectomy cardiac puncture estrous cycle progesterone secretion sexual receptivity Maze performance, 797 benzodiazepine receptor environmental enrichment microcephaly radiation Meal duration, 803 eating
feeding pattern hunger intermeal interval meal frequency meal size rhesus monkey satiety Meal frequency, 803 eating feeding pattern hunger intermeal interval meal duration meal size rhesus monkey satiety Meal-interval correlations, 299 body weight energy levels feeding models meal size Meal pattern regulation volatile fatty acids, 683 Meal patterns circadian rhythm, 33, 621 eating, 33 energy regulation, 621 entrainment, 33 meal size and postprandial interval, 621 postprandial correlation, 33 satiety, 621 Meal size body weight, 299 cholecystokinin, 457 eating, 457, 803 energy levels, 299 feeding models, 299 feeding pattern, 803 hunger, 803 intermeal interval, 803 meal duration, 803 meal frequency, 803 meal-interval correlations, 299 meal size-intermeal interval correlation, 457 preabsorptive satiety, 457 pregastric stimuli, 457 rhesus monkey, 803 satiety, 457, 803 sham feeding, 457 Meal size and postprandial interval, 621 circadian rhythms, 621 energy regulation, 621 human meal patterns, 621 satiety, 621 Meal size-intermeal interval correlation, 457 cholecystokinin eating meal size preabsorptive satiety pregastric stimuli satiety sham feeding Meal structure, 649 lean human subjects obese human subjects palatability Medial amygdala, 143 contlict hemorrhage lesions shock-induced ulcers Medial cortex, 237 bar-press response electrical stimulation and behavior suppression orbital cortex
Medial preoptic area lesions, 855 estrous cycle LHRH puberty Melatonin, 983 adrenal cortex territorial aggression Memory activity, 1085 adrenergic antagonists, 551 chicks, 1067 conditioned taste aversion, 1085 corticosterone, 1085 development, 1089 frontal cortex stimulation, 551 iron deficiency, 1085, 1089 passive avoidance learning, 551, 1067, 1089 pecking, 1067 retrograde amnesia, 551 time of day, 1067 Memory, autonomic/skeletal indexes, %5 amnesia amygdala stimulation fear intracranial stimulation Memory consolidation, 41 active avoidance C57BL/6 mice CS7BWcd mice paradoxical sleep deprivation strain differences time dependent performance improvement Metabolism testicular steroids, 637 Method chronic intracellular recording, 355 direct intragastric feeding, 1103 fetal injection, 557 flower pot method, 305 HPLC, 305 mini-peristaltic pump for perfusion, 1127 olfactory pedunculotomy, 543 peritoneal dialysis, 61 quantifying suckling behavior, 953 spinal cord catheterization, 559 time-lapse photographic analysis, 723 Mice, female, 1 circadian rhythm group housing isolation plasma corticosterone levels stress levels Mice, male, 19 aggression learned aversion olfaction urine Microcephaly, 797 benzodiazepine receptor environmental enrichment maze performance radiation Mini-peristaltic pump, 1127 histology perfusion Monkeys, 663 autonomic nervous system body temperature circadian rhythms and behavior heart rate Morphine sensitivity, 1117 amygdaloid kindling clonic convulsions Straub tail response
Mortality rates, 811 drinking eating growth nipple-attachment olfactory bulbectomy ontogeny taste Motivation, 1005 adjunctive behavior air licking DRL reinforcement schedules schedule-induced behavior Motor subsystem, 1077 bandage-backfah catalepsy catecholamine deficiency haloperidol parkinsonism vestibular righting Multidimensional scaling, 51 amino acids chirality taste thresholds Muricide aggression, 791 antidepressants, 847 predation, 791 nun-killina. 791 septal lesions, 791 serotonin, 847 thiamine deficiency, 847
Naloxone cat, 1019 hallucinations, 1019 heat stress, 249 immobilization stress, 249 limbic system, 1019 oblob mice, 249 phencvclidine. 1019 pituitary endo’rphins, 249 spike-wave activity, 1019 Neonatal nutrition, 953 kittens quantifying suckling behavior Neophobia basolateral amygdala, 43 1 conditioned taste aversion, 43 1, 887 dependent variables, 887 drinking, 43 1 eating, 43 1 insulin-induced feeding, 43 1 lesions, 431 radiation, 887 saccharin, 887 Nerve section, 125 odorant discrimination olfactory nerve Tiger salamanders trigeminal system vomeronasal nerve Nipple-attachment, 811 drinking eating growth mortality rates olfactory bulbectomy ontogeny taste
Nociceptive threshold, 961 obesity pain saphenobicipital reflex Noradrenergic stimulation, 27 dorsomedial amygdala food deprivation reward system T-maze learning Norepinephrine acetylcholine, 203 amygdala, 203 apomorphine, 203 body weight, 1031 conditioned taste aversion, 203 eating, 1031 hyperphagia, 1031 hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus lesions, 1031 obesity, 1031 physostigmine, 203 recovery from neophobia, 203 Novel environment, 133 prenatal stress taste neophobia Novelty preference hippocampal lesions, 413 Nulliparous rats, 863 emotionality maternal behavior Nutrient deficiencies. 757 amino acids anorexia learned taste aversion tryptophan deficiency
oblob Mice, 249 heat stress immobilization stress naloxone pituitary endorphins Obesity body weight, 1031 copulatory behavior, 331 delayed, 533 dietary selection, 7 dieting, 195 eating, 7, 1031 high-fat diet, 533 humans, 195 hyperphagia, 1031 hyhothalamic knife-cuts, 533 hypothalamic parventricular nucleus lesions, 1031 juvenile onset, 533 lesions, 709 low-fat diet, 533 nociceptive threshold, 961 norepinephrine, 1031 pain, 961 palatability, 7, 195 reproductive capacity, 33 1 salivation, 195 saphenobicipital reflex, %l set-point, 709 sexual behavior, female rat, 331 sugar solutions, 7 ventromedial hypothalamic lesions, 709 weight set point,~ 195 Zucker rat, 331 Occipital lobes, 749 concept formation evoked potentials Odor and conditioned taste aversion extinction, 189
Odorant discrimination, 125 nerve section olfactory nerve Tiger salamanders trigeminal system vomeronasal nerve Olfaction aggression, 19 amino acid sensitivity, 691 anosmia, 819 burying behavior, 8 19 cadaverine, 819 carcass, 819 cardiac conditioning, 691 channel cattish, 691 heart rate, 691 learned aversion, 19 mice, male, 19 olfactory ablation, 691 putrescine, 819 urine, 19 Olfactory ablation, 691 amino acid sensitivity cardiac conditioning channel cattish heart rate olfaction Olfactory bulbectomy, 811 drinking eating growth mortality rates nipple-attachment ontogeny taste Olfactory communication alarm pheromone, 503, 511 blood odor, 503 mammalian pheromone, 511 stress odor, 503, 5 11 Olfactory cues, 493 human maternal recognition human sibling recognition pheromones and kin interactions Olfactory nerve, 125 nerve section odorant discrimination Tiger salamanders trigeminal system vomeronasal nerve Olfactory pedunculotomy anosmia, 543 Olfactory system, 223 cats, male induced wave activity pheromones sinusoidal wave activity slow wave activity telemetry Ontogeny, 811 drinking eating growth mortality rates nipple-attachment olfactory bulbectomy taste Open field activity, 1045 body temperature, 1045 circadian rhythm, 1045 corticosterone levels, 183 defecation, 183, 1045 emotionality, 183
genetic differences, 183 heritability, 1045 locomotor activity, 183 social conditions, 183 strain differences, 1045 Operant behavior adipose tissue cellularity, 161 approach, 773 aversive behavior, 773 biological odors, 445 carcass composition, 161 dietary obesity, 161 emotion, 445 escape performance, 773 high-fat diet, 161 hypothalamic stimulation, 773 locomotor activity, 773 reward, 773 sex differences, 161 sonic radar apparatus, 445 Operant conditioning, 147 cattle lithium aversion lithium intake salt appetite sodium deficiency Orbital cortex, 237 bar-press response electrical stimulation and behavior suppression medial cortex Organ weights, 469 body composition body weight dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus eating food utilization efftciency glucoregulation hypophagia insulin-induced feeding lesions linear growth Orosensory feedback, 153 cholecystokinin eating extinction food deprivation satiety Oscilloscope histogram generator with memory unit analysis, 1121 Ovariectomized rats, 105 cortical amygdala eating estradiol benzoate ventromedial hypothalamus Ovariectomy, 921 castration genetics hormonal influences population regulation pup-killing reproductive strategies testosterone
Pain amygdala-lesion syndrome, 995 autotomy, 735 basal ganglia, lesions, 995 defensive behavior, 995 fear, 995 globus pallidus, lesions, 995 hypertension, 735 nociceptive threshold, %1 obesity, %1
saphenobicipital reflex, %1 sciatic nerve lesion, 735 wild rats, taming, 995 Palatability dietary selection, 7 dieting, 195 eating, 7 humans, 195 obesity, 7, 195 salivation, 195 sugar solutions, 7 weight set point, 195 Palatable diet, 1057 activity body weight circadian rhythms drinking eating entrainment post-prandial relationships Paradoxical sleep active avoidance, 41 arousal, 989 C57BL/6 mice, 41 C57BRicd mice, 41 hibernation, 989 locomotor activity, 741 marmot, 989 memory consolidation, 41 paradoxical sleep deprivation, 4 1, 74 1 slow wave sleep, 989 strain differences, 41 thermoregulation, 989 time dependent performance improvement, 41 Paraventricular nucleus, 1031 body weight hyperphagia hypothalamus lesions norepinephrine obesity Parieto-temporal lobes, 749 concept formation evoked potentials Parkinsonism, 1077 bandage-backfall catalepsy catecholamine deficiency halopexidol motor subsystem vestibular righting Partial vs whole body radiation exposure, 903 conditioned taste aversion saccharin Parturient rats, 863 emotionality maternal behavior Passive avoidance learning adrenergic antagonists, 551 chicks, 1067 development, 1089 frontal cortex stimulation, 551 iron deficiency, 1089 memory, 551,1067,1089 pecking, 1067 retrograde amnesia, 551 time of day, 1067 Pavlovian conditioning, 217 cephalic phase visceral response gastric acid secretion sham feeding Pecking, 1067 chicks memory passive avoidance learning time of day
Peptide a&nine-8-vasotocin, 167 cholecystokinin, 153 glutathione, 377 kyotorphins, 1073 Perfusion, 1127 histology mini-peristaltic pump Periaqueductal gray, 95 anatomical linkage of substrates collision test lateral hypothalamus refractory period self-stimulation P&oral anesthesia, 313 lodocaine maternal behavior retrieving vibrissal removal Peripheral temperature stimulus, 439 humans temperature sensation thermal allesthesia thermal comfort Peritoneal dialysis, 61 drinking serum sodium concentrations sodium depletion sodium load water deprivation Phase shifts, 89 blinding circadian rhythm hamster, male photoperiodism reproductive function Phencyclidine, 1019 cat hallucinations limbic system naloxone spike-wave activity Phentolamine hypotension and thirst, 463 Pheromones cats, male, 223 human maternal recognition, 493 human sibling recognition, 493 induced wave activity, 223 olfactory system, 223 sinusoidal wave activity, 223 slow wave activity, 223 telemetry, 223 Photic flash, 825 glucose metabolism habituation visual evoked response Photoperiodism, 89 blinding circadian rhythm hamster, male phase shifts reproductive function Physiology of motivation, 171 drinking eating electroconvulsive shock food deprivation water deprivation Physostigmine, 203 acetylcholine amygdala apomorphine conditioned taste aversion norepinephrine
recovery from neophobia Pigeon brain and spinal cord, 947 carotid catheterization transcardiac fixation Pituitary endorphins, 249 heat stress immobilization stress naloxone ob/ob mice Placentophagia, 591 Cesarean section pregnancy stress Plasma corticosterone levels appetitive learning and memory, 515 circadian rhythm, 1, 515 deprivation schedules, 515 eating, 515 group housing, 1 isolation, 1 lactation, 48 1 mice, female,lserotonin, 515 stress levels, 1 Plasma glucose, 523 hypothalamic lesions vagotomy Plasma insulin. 523 hypothalamic lesions vagotomy Play, 841 behavioral development bromocriptine cats early weaning Population regulation, 921 castration genetics hormonal influences ovariectomy pup-killing reproductive strategies testosterone Postpartum estrus, 785 copulatory behavior litter size pregnancy initiation sexual behavior, female rats Postprandial correlation, 33 circadian rhythm eating entrainment meal patterns Post-prandial relationships, 1057 activity body weight circadian rhythms drinking eating entrainment palatable diet Preabsorptive satiety, 457 cholecystokinin eating meal size meal size-intermeal interval correlation pregastric stimuli satiety sham feeding Pregastric stimuli, 457 cholecystokinin eating meal size meal size-intermeal interval correlation preabsorptive satiety satiety
sham feeding Pregnancy, 591 Cesarean section placentophagia stress Pregnancy initiation, 785 copulatory behavior litter size postpartum estrus sexual behavior, female rats Prenatal stress copulation, 879 ejaculation, 879 lordosis, 879 novel environment, 133 sexual behavior, 879 taste neophobia, 133 Pre-programmed movements, 745 brain cooling, dentate nucleus handedness Progesterone cyclic nucleotides, 73 1 estradiol benzoate, 1107 estrogen, 731, 1107 estrous cycle, 731 female sexual behavior, 1107 gonadotropin-releasing hormone deficiency, 1107 hypogonadal mouse, 1107 lordosis, 731 sexual behavior, 73 1 sexual proceptivity, 597 sexual receptivity, 597 Progesterone secretion, 261 adrenalectomy cardiac puncture estrous cycle mating frequency sexual receptivity Protein consumption and plasma amino acid concentrations, catecholamines eating serotonin tryptophan Puberty, 85.5 estrous cycle LHRH medial preoptic area lesions Pup-killing aggression, 791 antidepressants, 847 castration, 921 genetics, 921 hormonal influences, 92 1 muricide, 791 ovariectomy, 921 population regulation, 921 predation, 791 reproductive strategies, 921 septal lesions, 791 serotonin, 847 testosterone, 921 thiamine deficiency, 847 Putrescine, 819 anosmia burying behavior cadaverine carcass olfaction
Quantifying suckling behavior, 953 kittens neonatal nutrition
Quinine hydrochloride, 971 genetic strain lateral hypothalamus self-stimulation sex differences sodium saccharin taste
Radial arm maze anticholinergics, 385 intramaze cues, 211 reward and short-term memory, 211 scent marking, 211 scopolamine, 385 spatial memory, 385 Radiation benzodiazepine receptor, 797 conditioned taste aversion, 887, 903 dependent variables, 887 environmental enrichment, 797 maze performance, 797 microcephaly, 797 neophobia, 887 partial vs whole body exposure, 903 saccharin, 887, 903 Recovery from neophobia, 203 acetylcholine amygdala apomorphine conditioned taste aversion norepinephrine physostigmine Refractory period, 95 anatomical linkage of substrates collision test lateral hypothalamus periaqueductal gray self-stimulation Regulation, 779 drinking eating jejuneal bypass thirst Reinforcement, 641 brain stimulation reward conditioned taste preference response self-stimulation Release call, 167 frogs sexual behavior sexual dimorphism vasotocin REM sleep deprivation, flower pot method, 305 brain dopamine metabolism REM sleeo rebound REM sleep rebound, 305 brain dopamine metabolism REM sleeo deorivation. flower Dot method ReproductiveAcapacity, 33 f copulatory behavior obesity sexual behavior, female rat Zucker rat Reproductive function, 89 blinding circadian rhythm hamster, male phase shifts photoperiodism Reproductive strategy castration. 921
copulation frequency and fertilization, 659 genetics, 921 hormonal mechanisms, 659, 921 ovariectomy, 921 population regulation, 921 pup-killing, 921 ring dove, 659 testosterone, 921 Reserpine, 425 maternal behavior weight gain in young Response, 641 brain stimulation reward and reinforcement conditioned taste preference self-stimulation Restraint stress healing, 941 Retrieving, 313 lidocaine maternal behavior perioral anesthesia vibrissal removal Retrograde amnesia, 551 adrenergic antagonists frontal cortex stimulation memory passive avoidance learning Reward, 773 approach aversive behavior escape performance hypothalamic stimulation locomotor activity operant behavior Reward and short-term memory, 211 intramaze cues radial maze scent marking Reward system, 27 dorsomedial amygdala food deprivation noradrenergic stimulation T-maze learning Rhesus monkey eating, 803 ejaculation and testosterone, 873 feeding pattern, 803 hunger, 803 intermeal interval, 803 meal duration, 803 meal frequency, 803 meal size, 803 satiety, 803 sexual behavior, male monkeys, 873 Ring dove, 659 copulation frequency and fertilization hormonal mechanisms reproductive strategy Running wheel activity, 767 exercise female hamsters sexual behavior Runway, 1015 adjunctive behavior DNC schedules drinking schedule-induced behavior
Saccharin conditioned taste aversion, 887, 903, 1001 2-deoxy-D-glucose, 1001 dependent variables, 887 eating, 1001
hyperphagia, 1001 hypophagia, 1001 neophobia, 887 partial vs whole body radiation exposure, 903 radiation, 887 Salivation, 195 dieting humans obesity palatability weight set point Salt appetite, 147 cattle lithium aversion lithium intake operant conditioning sodium deficiency Saphenobicipital reflex, %l nociceptive threshold obesity pain Satiety absorption rate, 929 blood metabolites, 929 brain glucose uptake, 929 cholecystokinin, 153, 457 circadian rhythms, 621 eating, 153,457,803 energy regulation, 621 extinction, 153 feeding pattern, 803 food deprivation, 153 gastric emptying pattern, 929 gluconeogenesis and feeding, 929 hunger, 803 intermeal interval, 803 meal duration, 803 meal frequency, 803 meal patterns, 621 meal size, 457, 803 meal size and postprandial interval, 621 meal size-intermeal interval correlation, 457 orosensory feedback, 153 preabsorptive satiety, 457 pregastric stimuli, 457 rhesus monkey, 803 sham feeding, 457 Scent marking, 211 intramaze cues radial maze reward and short-term memroy Schedule-induced behavior adjunctive behavior, 1005, 1015, 1027 air licking, 1005 body weight, 1027 DNC schedules. 1015 drinking, 1015, iO27 DRL reinforcement schedules, 1005 eating, 1027 human, 1027 motivation, 1005 runway, 1015 Scopolamine, 385 anticholinergics radial arm maze spatial memory Scruff-ninth. 13 head-twitches tail-pinch tonic immobility wet-dog shakes, suppression Self-grooming hippocampal lesions, 413 Self-stimulation anatomical linkage of substrates, 95
collision test, 95 genetic strain, 971 lateral hypothalamus, 95, 971 periaqueductal gray, 95 quinine hydrochloride, 971 refractory period, 95 sex differences, 971 sodium saccharin, 971 taste, 971 Sensory specific satiety, 137 eating humans taste Septal lesions aversive conditioning, 1051 burying behavior, 1051 conditioned defensive burying, 1051 defensive behavior, 1051 hyperreactivity and gentling, 387 Septum, 791 aggression lesions muricide predation pup-killing Serotonin antidepressants, 847 appetitive learning and memory, 515 catecholamines, 287 circadian rhythm, 515 deprivation schedules, 515 eating, 287, 515 muricide, 847 plasma corticosterone, 515 protein consumption and plasma amino acid concentrations, pup-killing, 847 serotonin, 287 thiamine deficiency, 847 tryptophan, 287 Serum sodium concentrations, 61 drinking peritoneal dialysis sodium depletion sodium load water deprivation Set-point, 709 obesity ventromedial hypothalamic lesions weight regulation Sex differences adipose tissue cehularity, 161 carcass composition, 161 dietary obesity, 161 genetic strain, 971 high-fat diet, 161 lateral hypothalamus, 971 quinine hydrochloride, 971 operant behavior, 161 self-stimulation, 971 sodium saccharin, 971 taste, 971 Sex steroids, 727 castration copulation hormones and mating patterns Sexual behavior ACTH, 879 cortisol, 629 cyclic nucleotides, 731 cyproterone acetate and “chemical castration”, 629 estrogen, 73 1 estrous cycle, 73 1 exercise, 767 female hamsters, 767 frogs, 167
lordosis, 73 1 male deer mouse, 869 malnutrition, 879 neonatal androgen, 419 prenatal androgen, 419 prenatal stress, 879 progesterone, 73 1 release call, 167 rhesus monkey, aging, 615 running wheel activity, 767 sexual dimorphism, 167 stumptailed macaque, 629 testosterone, 615, 629 testosterone-binding globulin, 615 testosterone propionate, 419 ultrasonic vocalizations and copulation, 869 vasotocin, 167 Sexual behavior, female rat coPulatory behavior, 33 1, 785 litter size, 785 obesity, 331 postpartum estrus, 785 pregnancy initiation, 785 reproductive capacity, 331 Zucker rat, 331 Sexual behavior, male monkeys, 873 ejaculation and testosterone rhesus monkey Sexual dimorphism acquisition, 83 conditioned taste aversion, 83 frogs, 167 gonadectomy, 83 release call, 167 sexual behavior, 167 testosterone, 83 vasotocin, 167 water deprivation, 83 Sexual proceptivity, 597 estrogen progesterone sexual receptivity ventromedial hypothalamic knife cuts ventromedial hypothalamic lesions Sexual receptivity adrenalectomy, 261 cardiac puncture, 261 estrogen, 597 estrous cycle, 261 hamster, 323 hypothalamic knife cuts, 323 lordosis, 323 mating frequency, 261 progesterone, 597 progesterone secretion, 261 sexual proceptivity, 597 ventromedial hypothalamic knife cuts, 597 ventromedial hypothalamic lesions, 597 Sham feeding cephalic phase visceral response, 217 cholecystokinin, 457 eating, 457 gastric acid secretion, 217 meal size, 457 meal size-intermeal interval correlation, 457 Pavlovian conditioning, 217 preabsorptive satiety, 457 pregastric stimuli, 457 satiety, 457 Sheep, 271 anorexia body temperature eating elfazepam-stimulated feeding endotoxin-induced fever
Shock-induced ulcers, 143 conflict hemorrhage lesions medial amygdala Short-term memory and reward, 211 intramaze cues radial maze scent marking Sinistrality, 381 cerebral asymmetry hippocampus lateralization Sinusoidal wave activity, 223 cats, male induced wave activity olfactory system pheromones slow wave activity telemetry Skin reflectance, 255 Auditory Continuous Performance Test children information processing iris pigmentation Visual Information Processing Test Slow wave activity, 223 cats, male induced wave activity olfactory system pheromones sinusoidal wave activity telemetry Slow wave sleep, 989 arousal hibernation marmot paradoxical sleep thermoregulation Social conditions corticosterone levels. 179, 183 defecation, 183 emotionahty, 183 genetic differences, 183 locomotor activity, 183 open field, 183 stress, 179 Social facilitation. 625 circadian rhythms goldfish lithium Sodium deficiency, 147 cattle lithium aversion lithium intake operant conditioning salt appetite Sodium depletion, 61 drinking peritoneal dialysis serum sodium concentrations sodium load water deprivation Sodium load, 61 drinking peritoneal dialysis serum sodium concentrations sodium depletion water deprivation Sodium-loss LiCl, 575 Sodium pentobarbital, 363 hippocampal theta activity immobility
Sodium phenobarbital, 425 maternal behavior weight gain in young Sodium saccharin, 971 genetic strain lateral hypothalamus quinine hydrochloride self-stimulation sex differences taste Sonic radar apparatus, 445 biological odors emotion operant behavior Spatial memory, 385 anticholinergics radial arm maze scopolamine Spinal cord subsrachnoid space, 559 Spinal cord motoneurons, 355 cats chronic intracellular recording Spleen activity-stress and organ weights, 243 activity-stress ulcer, 243, 609 adrenal glands, 243 immunodeficiencv. 243. 609 immunosuppres&n, 243 thymus, 243 Spontaneous motor behavior, 723 dies&us estrus Stomach, 609 activity-stress ulcers immunodeticiency Strain differences active avoidance, 41 activity, 1045 body temperature, 1045 C57BL/6 mice, 41 C57BWcd mice circadian rhvthm. 1045 defecation, iO45 heritability, 1045 memory consolidation, 41 open field, 1045 paradoxical sleep deprivation, 41 time dependent performance improvement, Straub tail response, 1117 amygdaloid kindling clonic convulsions morphine sensitivity Stress corticosterone levels, 179 eating, 951 placentophagia, 591 social conditions, 179 tail-pinch device, 951 Stress levels, 1 circadian rhythm group housing isolation mice, female plasma corticosterone levels Stress odor alarm pheromone, 503, 511 blood odor, 503 mammalian pheromone, 5 11 olfactory communication, 503, 511 Stress response, 915 circadian rhythm gastric lesions Stumptailed macaque, 629 corns01
cyproterone acetate and “chemical” sexual behavior testosterone Sugar solutions, 7 dietary selection eating obesity palatability Superior colliculus, 673 age and hyperactivity lesions light Superior colliculus lesions, 835 acoustic orientation bats echolocation obstacle avoidance Suprageniculate nucleus, 67 brain lesions cat temporal pattern discrimination
Tail-pinch, 13 head-twitches scruff-pinch tonic immobility wet-dog shakes, suppression Tail-pinch device, 951 eating stress Tail pinch-induced feeding, 487 aphagia behavioral recovery eating lateral hypothalamic lesions Taming, wild rats, 995 amygdala-lesion syndrome basal ganglia, lesions defensive behavior fear globus pallidus, lesions pain Taste amino acids, 51 chirality, 51 drinking, 811 eating, 137, 811 genetic strain, 971 growth, 811 humans, 137 lateral hypothalamus, 971 mortality rates, 8 11 multidimensional scaling, 51 nipple-attachment, 811 olfactory bulbectomy, 811 ontogeny, 811 quinine hydrochloride, 971 self-stimulation, 971 sensory specific satiety, 137 sex differences, 971 sodium saccharin, 971 thresholds, 51 Taste aversion amygdaloid lesions, 397 Taste neophobia individual housing, 199 novel environment, 133 prenatal stress, 133 Telemetry, 223 cats, male induced wave activity olfactory system pheromones
sinusoidal wave activity slow wave activity Temperature sensation, 439 humans peripheral temperature stimulus thermal allesthesia thermal comfort Temporal pattern discrimination, 67 brain lesions cat suprageniculate nucleus Territorial aggression, 983 adrenal cortex melatonin Testicular feminization, 883 androgen insensitivity development estrogen lordosis Testicular steroids metabolism, 637 Testosterone acquisition, 83 castration, 921 conditioned taste aversion, 83 ejaculation, 873 genetics, 921 gonadectomy, 83 hormonal influences, 92 1 ovariectomy, 921 population regulation, 921 pup-killing, 921 reproductive strategies, 921 rhesus monkey, 873 rhesus monkey, aging, 615 sexual behavior, 615 sexual behavior, male monkeys, 873 sexual dimorphism, 83 water deprivation, 83 Testosterone-binding globulin, 615 rhesus monkey, aging sexual behavior Testosterone propionate, 419 estrous cyclicity genital morphology sexual behavior Thermal allesthesia, 439 humans peripheral temperature stimulus temperature sensation thermal comfort Thermal comfort, 439 humans peripheral temperature stimulus temperature sensation thermal allesthesia Thermal stimulation, 585 conditioned suppression hypertension, renal hypertension, spontaneous Thermal stimuli, 73 ambient temperature chickens drinking Thermogenesis, 475 shivering tonic immobility Thermoregulation, 989 arousal hibernation marmot paradoxical sleep slow wave sleep Thiamine deficiency, 847 antidepressants
muricide pup-killing serotonin Thirst drinking, 779 eating, 779 jejunoileal bypass, 779 phentolamine treatment, 463 regulation, 779 Thresholds, 51 amino acids chirality multidimensional scaling taste Thymus activity-stress and organ weights, 243 activity-stress ulcer, 243, 609 adrenal glands, 243 immunodeficiency, 243, 609 immunosuppression, 243 spleen, 243 Thymus weight, 349 activity-stress ulcers divided feeding gastric ulcers Tiger salamanders, 125 nerve section odorant discrimination olfactory nerve trigeminal system vomeronasal nerve Time dependent performance improvement, active avoidance C57BLi6 mice C57BRicd mice memory consolidation paradoxical sleep deprivation strain differences Time of day body iron status, 1097 chicks, 1067 development, 1097 iron depletion, 1097 memory, 1067 passive avoidance learning, 1067 pecking, 1067 T-maze learning, 27 dorsomedial amygdala food deprivation noradrenergic stimulation reward system Tonic immobility head-twitches, 13 scruff-pinch, 13 shivering, 475 tail-pinch, 13 thermogenesis, 475 wet-dog shakes, suppression, 13 Toxic heat, 77 conditioned avoidance conditioned odor aversion conditioned taste aversion conditioned taste preference external milieu hyperthermia internal milieu Transcardiac fixation, 947 carotid catheterization pigeon brain and spinal cord Trigeminal atferents, 157 head righting reflex lesions vestibular system Trigeminal system, 125 nerve section
odorant discrimination olfactory nerve Tiger salamanders vomeronasal nerve Tryptophan, 287 catecholamines eating protein consumption and plasma amino acid concentrations serotonin Tryptophan deficiency, 757 amino acids anorexia learned taste aversion nutrient deficiencies
Ulcers activity-stress, 609 adrenal glands, 609 aggression, 715 dopamine, 715 experimental model, 715 gastric erosion, 715 immunodeficiency, 609 isolation housing, 715 spleen, 609 stomach, 609 stress, 715 thymus, 609 Ultrasonic vocalizations, 869 copulation deer mouse sexual behavior Unit analysis oscilloscope histogram generator with memory, 1121 Urine, 19 aggression learned aversion mice, male olfaction
Vagotomy, 523 plasma glucose plasma insulin Vagus nerve subdiaphragm, 523 Vasotocin, 167 frogs release call sexual behavior sexual dimorphism Ventromedial hypothalamus cortical amygdala, 105 dietary self-selection, 337 eating, 105,337 estradiol benzoate, 105 estrogen, 597 knife cuts, 597 lesions, 337, 597 ovariectomized rats, 105 progesterone, 597 sexual proceptivity, 597 sexual receptivity, 597 Vestibular righting, 1077 bandage-backfall catalepsy catecholamine deficiency haloperidol motor subsystem parkinsonism
Vestibular system, 157 head righting reflex lesions trigeminal afferents Vibrissal removal, 313 lidocaine maternal behavior perioral anesthesia retrieving Visual evoked response, 825 glucose metabolism habituation photic flash Visual Information Processing Test, 255 Auditory Continuous Performance Test children information processing iris pigmentation skin reflectance Vomeronasal nerve, 125 nerve section odorant discrimination olfactory nerve Tiger salamanders trigeminal system
Water deprivation acquisition, 83 conditioned taste aversion, 83 drinking, 61, 171,231 eating, 171 electroconvulsive shock, 171, 231 food deprivation, 171 gonadectomy, 83 locomotor activity, 23 1 peritoneal dialysis, 61
physiology of motivation, 171 serum sodium concentrations, 61 sexual dimorphism, 83 sodium depletion, 61 sodium load, 61 testosterone, 83 Weight gain in young maternal behavior, 425 Weight regulation, 709 obesity set-point ventromedial hypothalamic lesions Weight set point, 195 dieting humans obesity palatability salivation Wet-dog shakes, suppression, 13 head-twitches scruff-pinch tail-pinch tonic immobility Wild rats, taming, 995 amygdala-lesion syndrome basal ganglia, lesions defensive behavior fear globus pallidus, lesions pain
Zucker rat, 33 1 copulatory behavior obesity reproductive capacity sexual behavior, female rat
Vol. 27. Copyright 0 1981 by Pergamon Press and Brain Research Publ. Printed in the U.S.A.
AGGLETON, J. P., 397 AGUAYO, D., 529 ALBERT, D. J., 387, 791 ALMLI, C. R., 811 AMIR, S., 249 ARASE, K., 401,915 ARMARIO, A., 179 ARMSTRONG, S. M., 515, 1057, 1067, 1089, 1097 ARON, CL., 261 ASANO, C., 915 ASANO, T., 797 ATTAS, A. I., 419 ATTIA, M., 439 BACK, M., 773 BAILE, C. A., 271 BALASCH, J., 179 BALL, G., 659 BARONE, F. C., 369 BARR, G. A., 1041 BATESON, P., 841 BEAN, C. A., 785 BELL, F. R., 147 BELLINGER, L. L., 469 BELLISLE, F., 649 BENEDEK, G., 977 BERNARDIS, L. L., 469 BERNSTEIN, I. L., 621, 757 BERSON, B. S., 1005 BEYER, C., 727, 731 BIAEOWAS, J., 27 BIELAJEW, C., 95 BLANCHARD, D. C., 995 BLANCHARD, R. J., 995 BLAND, B. H., 363 BLGSCH, M., 425 BOITANO, J. J., 231 BOOTH, D. A., 929 BOULOS, Z. 33 BOUREAU, F., 961 BOYD, S. C., 377 BRANDES, J. S., 709 BRASEL, J. A., 161 BREMILLER, R., 569 BURES, J.,,211, 745 BURESOVA, O., 211 BURT, G., 569 BURTON, M. J., 431 CAMERON, W. R., 381 CANCHOLA, E., 731 CARVALHO, J. S., 563
CASTONGUAY, T. W., 7,547 CATANZARO, C. A., 271 CATTARELLI, M., 445 CHAMBERS, K. C., 83,615 CHANG, K., 1031 CHARLTON, H. M., 1107 CHASE, M. H., 355 CHELICH, A. M., 331 CHENG, M.-F., 659 CHERRY, J. A., 265 CHEVINS, P. F. D., 1 CHEW, G. L., 387, 791 CHHABRA, R., 195 CHIARAVIGLIO, E., 61 CLARK, A. S., 597 CLARK, M. M., 761 CLEMENS, L. G., 869 COENEN, A. M. L., 741 COHEN, E., 971 COHN, M. U., 1005, 1015 COLAVITA, F. B., 67 COLEMAN, G. J., 515, 1057 COLLIER, A. C., 1005, 1015 COLLIER, G., 7 COLLINS, D. C., 873 COLLINS, R. C., 825 CONNOLLY, M. S., 1045 CONTRERAS, C. M., 1019 CONTRERAS, J. L., 727 COOK, R. C., 369 CORBE-IT, D., 951 CORREIA, M. J., 947 CORY, R. N., 381 COY, D. H., 1073 CRAWLEY, J. N., 407 CRONIN, P., 313 CROSS, J. D. %5 CZEISLER, C. A., 621
DAY, H. D., 171 DE BOER, J. N., 223 DEHAVEN, D. L., 369 DE JONG, A., 683 DELAY, E. R., 673 DENBOW, D. M., 265 DERR, R. F., 941 DE RUITER, L., 683 DEWEY, K. J., 791 DIAKOW, C., 167 DIAZ, J., 1103 DOKLA, C. P. J., 231 DOLNIKOFF, M. S., 115
DONOHOE, T. P., 105 DORANTES, M. E., 1019 DOYLE, R., 1117 DRY, J., %1 EDEN, A. R., 947 EDMONDS, E. S., 331 EDWARDS, D. A., 597 ELLIS, M. E., 203 ENGEL, P., 439 ERVIN, F. R., 1019 ESTEP, D. Q., 785 E’I-TENBERG, A., 641 FASS, B., 487 FEER, H., 183, 199 FELDMAN, P. G., 337 FERME-ENRIGHT, J., 95 FINDLAY, E., 1089, 1097 FITZGERALD, R. E., 431 FLEMING, A. S., 863 FLEMING, D. E., 879 FLOYD, H. M., 255 FRANZ, J. R., 591 FROHMAN, L. A., 523 FUJIWARA, M., 715 FUKUSHIMA, M., 401, 915 GAGNON, J., 51 GALEF, B. G., JR., 761 GALLO, P. V., 953 GANCHROW, J. R., 971 GENTSCH, C., 183, 199 GERALL. A. A.. 855 GIANNAZZO, Ii., 1111 GOLD, P. E., 551 GOLD. R. M.. 533 GOLUS, P., 133 GOMITA, Y., 915 GOODMAN, 1. J., %5 GOODWIN, F. K., 407 GORZALKA, B. B., 603, 819 GOSNELL, B., 153 GRAY. D. S.. 1051 GREEN, K. F., 77 GREENSPON, J. M., 487 GREENWOOD, K., 1057 GREENWOOD, M. R. C., 161 GRINBERG-ZYLBERBAUM. J.. 749 GROSVENOR, C. E., 529 GRUENTHAL, M., 497 GUMM, W. B., 171
C., 1019
HABERKORN, E., 413 HAGEN, H. S., 77 HAJGS, M., 977 HALLIN, R. G., 735 HALLONQUIST, J. D., 709 HAMMER, N. J., 1031 HANES, C., 337 HANSEN, B. C., 803 HARA, C., 243, 609 HARDY, W. T., 575 HARPER, A. E., 287 HART. G. L.. 77 HAVILAND,‘M., 231 HAYS, S. E., 407 HELL, N. S., 115 HENKE. P. G.. 143 HERMAN, C. i’., 195 HERNDON, J. G., 873 HESS, D. L., 615 HILL. D. L.. 811 HIRSCH, E.; 7 HOHTOLA, E., 475 HOLLAND, K. N., 699 HOLLANDER, G. R., 887, 903 HONOUR, L. C., 1073 HOSUTT, J. A., 463 HOTHERSALL, D., 1005 HOTTMAN, T. J., 279 HSIAO, S., 153 IDA, Y., IIMORI, IMADA. ISAKSEN, ITO, Y., IVERSEN,
349 K., 349 Y.. 609 E., 345 715 S. D., 397
JANCSG-GABOR, A., 977 JEN, K.-L. C., 161, 803 JENNINGS. K.. 231 JOHN, E. Ii., 749 JORDAN, C., 95 JOUVET, M., 41 JURKOWLANIEC, E., 27 KALNASY, L. W., 803 KANAREK. R. B.. 337 KANTAK, K. M., 369 KASTIN, A. J., 1073 KATAOKA, Y., 715 KATZ, R., 1117 KAVALIERS, M., 625 KECHIL, A. A., 73 KEEBLE. S.. 313 KENYON, P:, 313 KESNER, R. P., 203 KIMBLE. D. P.. 569 KING, B: M., 523 KING, J. C., 855 KING, M. G., 255 KISARA, K., 847 KITA, H., 401 KITAHAMA, K., 41 KIYONO, S., 797 KLAJNER, F., 195 KNOX, K., 953 KRALY, F. S., 457 KRAMER, T. H., 779 KRISTAL, M. B., 591 LADAK, F., 819 LAFERRIERE, A., 641 LAING, D. G., 503, 511
LANDAUER, M. R., 419 LARSSON, K., 727 LEE, C. S. Y., 791 LEE. C. Y. S.. 387 LEE, E. M. C:, 995 LEIBOWITZ, S. F., 1031 LE MAGNEN, J., 649 LESHEM, M., 391 LETELLIER, M. A., 543 LEVINE, S., 569 LEVINSON, D. M., 279 LICHTSTEINER, M., 183, 199 LIEBLICH, I., 971 LIMA, F. B., 115 LITTLE, E. E., 691 LIU, s., 419 LoPACHIN, R. M., 559 LUBOSHITZKY, R., 469 LUEBKE. C.. 863 LYNCH, C. B., 1045
MCCORMICK, D. A., 1121 MCGEE, R., 133 MCLAUGHLIN, C. L., 271 MACKAY-SIM, A., 503, 511 MACTUTUS, C. F., 381 MAIXNER. W.. 585 MALSBURY, C. W., 323 MANABE, K., 243 MANN. M.. 921 MANS&JR, A., 1117 MARTIN, P., 841 MARTiNEZ-ESCALERA, G., 529 MASON, J. R., 125 MECH, L. D., 543 MENA, F., 529 MEREDITH, M., 125 MILLER, V. M., 989 MILNER, P. M., 641 MINE, K., 715 MISSLIN. R.. 413 MOORE, E., i 103 MOORE, J. D., 493 MORALES, F. R., 355 MORALi, G., 727 MORIN, L. P., 89 MOROZ, V. M., 745 MULLENIX, P., 723 MURISON, R., 345 NAGASAKI, N., 349, 539 NAKAGAWA, T., 715 NAYLOR, J., 217 NEWMAN, J. C., 929 NG, K. T., 1067, 1085, 1089, 1097 NICHOLS, D. J., 1 NICOLAIDIS, S., 401 NISHIKAWA, T., 539 NISHITA, J. K., 591 NOBLE, R. G., 767 NUNEZ, A. A., 943 OBAL, F., 977 OBAL. F., JR., 977 OEI, T. P. S., 1027 OGAWA, N., 243, 609 OGURA, Y., 847 OHKI, K., 401 OLSEN, K. L., 883 OLSON, D., 231 ONODERA, K., 847 OOMURA, Y., 401 O’REILLY, H. M., 515
K., 13 N. L., 323
PALMOUR, R., 1019 PANOL, G., 563 PARSONS, J. A., 543 PASSANI, F., 157 PATERSON, A. T., 983 PAUL, S. M., 407 PEREZ GUAITA, M. F., 61 PETERS, I. C., 287 PETERS, L. C., 591 PETERS, M. F., 1015 PETERSON, E. K., 543 PETRACCA, F., 1103 PETRIDES, M., 397 PETROSINI, L., 157 PFEIFLE, J. K., 597 PFISTER, H. P., 133 PHELPS, G. R., 523 PHOENIX, C. H., 615 PINEL, J. P. J., 819, 1051 PLAS-ROSER, S., 261 PLAS-ROSER, S., 261 PLOTKA, E. D., 543 POLIVY, J., 195 POMERANTZ, S. M., 869 POPOLOW, H. B., 855 PORTER, M., 659 PORTER, R. H., 493 POWLEY, T. L., 217 PRADALIER, A., 961 PUPO, A. A., 115 RADFORD, S., 1067 RADULOVACKI, M., 305 RAIBLE, L. H., 603 RAIMONDI, D., 167 RANDICH, A., 585 REID, R. L., 1089, 1097 REITE, M., 663 RHEES, R. W., 879 RICHARDS, S. A., 73 RICHDALE, A., 1085 ROELFSEMA, F., 175 ROLLS, B. J., 137 ROLLS, E. T., 137 ROMIEU, A., 793 ROPARTZ, P., 413 ROSENWASSER, A. M., 33 ROWE, E. A., 137 RUDY, T. A., 559 RYAN, J., 387, 791 SAINSBURY, R. S., 363 SAKATA, T., 401, 915 SASAME, H. A., 377 SAWYER, T. F., 19 SCHACHER, J., 1103 SCHADT, J., 355 SCHALLERT, T., 1077 SCHENCK, P. E., 629 SCHIFFMAN, S. S., 51 SCHILSTRA, A. J., 299 SCHMITT, P., 773 SCIVOLETTO, R., 115 SCLAFANI, A., 799 SCOUTEN. C. W.. 323 SEAL, U. S., 543 SENGSTAKE, C. B., 83 SENNEWALD. K., 51 SEO, M., 797 SETO, M., 363 SHERIDAN, C. L., 279 SHIBAGAKI, M., 797
SHIZGAL, P., 95 SHORT, R., 663 SIDELEAU, R., 231 SIEGEL, L. I., 943 SIEGEL, P. B., 265 SIMSON, E. L., 533 SINCLAIR, B. R., 363 SLOB, A. K., 629 SLUSSER, W. N., 637 SLY, J., 147 SMITH, J. C., 887, 903 SMOTHERMAN, W. P., 569 SOBEL, E., 951 SOUTH, F. E., 989 SPECTOR, A. C., 887, 903 SPRANO, J., 231 STAMPER, C., 1103 STANSIFER, M., 1127 STEFFENS, A. B., 683 STERNBERG, D. B., 551 STEUER, M. A., 591 STEVENS, D. A., 125 STEVENS, R., 105, 385 STICKROD, G., 557, 569, 1127 STRICKER. E. M.. 463 SUTHERS;R. A., 835 SVARE, B., 921 SWEENEY, K., 137 SYKES, A. H., 73 TACHI, N., 481 TANAKA, M., 349, 539 TEETER, J. H., 699 TEITELBAUM, P., 1077
TERLECKI, L. J., 1051 TERMAN, M., 33 TERRANOVA, S., 1111 THOMPSON, C. I., 1001 THORNTON, J. E., 83 TIMO-IARIA, C., 115 TOBANI. A.. 387 TOGA, A. W., 825 TOMOGANE, H., 481 TOSHIMA. N.. 539 TREIT, D.; 1051 TRENEER, C. M., 757 TROIANI, D., 157 TSUDA, A., 349, 539 TSUTSUI, K., 401,915 TURNER, J. J., 873 UEKI, S., 715 UNGERER, A., 773 URSIN, H., 345 VALATX, J.-L., 41 VALDES, J. J., 381 VALENSTEIN. E. S.. 1117 VAN BUSKIRK, R. Ii., 189 VAN HULZEN, Z. J. M., 741 VAN KREY. H. P.. 265 VERBERNE, G., 223 VICENTE, I., 767 VICKERS, C., 983 VIGOUROUX, M., 445 VINK, P. C., 175 VERBERNE, G., 223
WADE, G. N., 637,943 WALKER, M. K., 171 WALLACE, M., 1027 WALSH, M. L., 387,791 WARD, B. J., 1107 WATANABE, S., 715 WAYNER, M. J., 369 WAYNER. M. J.. III. 369 WEINGARTEN,‘H. i’., 217 WEISBERG, D. H., 67 WEITZMAN, E. D., 621 WENSTRUP. J. J.. 835 WESTBROOK, R.‘F., 575 WHALEN, R. E., 883 WHISHAW, I. Q., 363 WHITE, N., 641 WHITNEY, J. F., 591 WIESENFELD, Z., 735 WILCOTT, R. C., 237 WILLER. J.-C.. 961 WILLIAMS, G:, 995 WILLIAMSON, A. M., 1085 WOJCIK, W. J., 305
YAKSH, T. L., 559 YODER, R. L., 83 YOKOYAMA, A., 481 YOUNG, M., 841 ZAGON, I. S., 1001 ZIMMERMAN, J. C., 621 ZIMMERMAN, S., 231