Index to volume 37

Index to volume 37

Index to Volume 37 Author index* a ABI)o[-, S. I., IXETII. A.. d.’ C., 39’ A. R,. (See IIISENBERG, AKESTER, al.), E. 83 I. v., HIL- izk...

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Index to Volume 37 Author

index* a





A.. d.’ C., 39’ A. R,. (See










117 (hbsi.)






AI 1IA& ~~TSSIITII I M G., h”(Xbst.)


J. M., md






PKIETO, al.‘),



GRAY, k’., Mm~~eroN, and YoLx;, J., 14 (hbst.) Ax(:wIxE, C. C. (SW (!oKr)Ealr ant1 VINE), 105 (Abst.) ~%RBESSfAN, C. E. (SW &JBAVASIIT, ~KI)ERSOK,




(See dkZ, M. (SW r~hN(;I,OIS, (SW REISXAN,

















\VICHER, k’., ct 329 J. (See WAISBRRN

















il.. and HIRSCH. S. J. k. (Bw MIT&ET,L





TARE ) , 35 (Abst.) ARQI-EJIBOVRG, P. C., (SW

et al.), kr. F., (Abst.) SITZIC,



SALVAGCIO, 107 (dbst.) and HIIEF’FER, A. I.,



.J. E., L.,



B T%AISE, R. rLu,L, IV. IiA~ovlTz,

(SW QTINTERO, .T. M., C’.. .TK. ~SCP RA~IIREZ. al.),’ 46 (dbst.) J. ( SCC, T





ct al.), 84 R. .T.. rxt









\-INE, M. r., 105 (ast.)

-. (SPY E:HKEN, R. k-., ct T&\I,L, G. N., I.3 (hbst.1 -. (See ZAID anil BEAI~I,),



c,t al.), 304 E., 4.5 (llbst.) and Vmsm, R., 36














(st al.),

(Ah&. j

TQLBO, R. (SW PARKER, C., rt al.), 11 (dhst.) BING, R. (ACR CIIIBA, C., et al.), 22 (Aibst.) ~%J~~R&?u:R(:, A,, and GIGSLEN, H., :?fi (i\bst.) ~~LECJIINK, E. (SC<, BERRICNS mu1 BLEUXINK), 45 (Abst.) BLOCII, 3i. J. (SW OPTIC, I., t? al.), 73 ROBITT, J. R., SCIIECIITER, H., am1 POLLAK, V. E., 6 (4bst.) BOESXAN, 11. (SW E’IRImrAN, P., vt al.), 123 ( sbst. ) HREHEMAN, .J. C., 1.5’ (Abst.) nROI)ER,




116 (zkbst.) HROI)ZHA(;EE~, H. BRODZIIAGFX BROSSESTAX, R., (Abst.)

al.), al.),

295 I16




), 12 (Abst.) and T~A~,T,HEI:G,

E., Rlld





104 (Ahst.)

H. A. (StrS.\I.V.U:C:IO, .T. 1:., ct al.), 107 (-Ybst.) R. VT., (h’rc ~CIIRIER all(1 t21.1.(;t:l~ ),

8.9 -.

( hbd.

( &‘cC %?lIRllCR.

) K.









(Abst.1 KI-ssw:,







l31-1,(:~~, ST, .T.’

am1 .J.







I,., et al. ), 99 (Xbst.) C., vt RI.), ml R. F:., ct al.),

(Ahst.) S.


(Xbst.) (hbst.) and ,i L. J.,

H., I.



i AlMt.,

-. -. -.

114‘ 39 I,., idhst. \


R. al.),

.T. (Rrc JTBTUIXII, JO3 (Abst.)






I D~o~19szKv.

(’I. 11. (SCU QUINTEKO, J. hf., et al.), x4 CEKSEI>C. I).. 34 iAbst.1 CHAI. 11:. FALLIE~S. C. ‘J.. MICJIILLIAX. IV.. kl HURST, A., ilO (Abst.) ’ ’ -. (SN FALLIERS, C. J., et al.), 1, 10, 100 (Abst.) -. (See TAYLOK, IV’. F., ct al.), 109 (Abst.) Cmrar~x. S. D.. PARKIIOUSE. R. 11. E.. &cl D&ON, R. IV., i0 (Abst.) ’ CIIIHA, C.. ROSENBLATT, M., HAJIANAKA, J., \$oI,F, I-‘., BASSENOE, IL, and I&w, R., 2% (Abst.) CLAXAS, H. N., and BROP~SKY, E. A., 117 (hbst.) CLARK, 11. I,., REIXIIARI~T, H., JIILLEE, M. III, and WILSON, I~., 36 c., (Ahst.) CLT~FF, L. E. (SW PELLER, R. N., ct al.), 21 ihbst.1 C’OCIIRASE, c‘. G. (SW XcKm, W. D., et al.), 38 COHEN, H. A., 44 (Abst.) Cor,~:. L. J. (See PLAWAIR, J. H., rt al.), 15 (;lbst.) COLLINS-\VILLIAJIS, C., and RALAJIA, P., 4 (Abst.) COLJIAS, R. W., and KTCI~GILL, B. C., 8






J. J., and AP;OEVIKE, C. D., 105 (Abst.) J. T., 100 (Abst.), 127 SIIEI:~~AN ant1 CoxxELL), 123 (hbst.) G. (SW MANUKI, A. M., et al.), 38 (Abst.) J. 1). (SW PIWHERA, A., cat al.), ai (Abst:) L. V., ROANE, J., TKII’I~ETT, F., md HANISSIAN, A. S., 38 (Abst.) H., ant1 BEAJI, L. It., ‘7 (Abst.) D


T. M., S17~~tI,~s~), I,. C., and WEISUEROER, A. s., 7 (Abst.) DAYIS, A. L., GROBOW, E. J., RAIWNSKI, T., TOJIPSETT. R.. and MCCLEUEST, J. H., 40 (r&t:) DEAS, P. 11. (Sfc 1\IILSER, F. H., ct al.), 18 (Ahd.) 1)~s~Is, M. (SC? ITKIK and Ikm~~s), 18i 1)~ VRIES, A. ~( SW KAXTOK, S. Z., ct a\.), 65 DICK, C. (SW GIRSH, L. R., et al.), 111 (AM.) DomI~m~, M. (SW HEWS and DOI.LIP;GER),





(SW FREEI)~UN, S. O., ct al.), 113 (Ahd.) -. (SCC’ ROSE, ?;. R., et al.), 112 (hbst.) Dower,r,, A. R., HEY.\IAN, A., SIEKER, H. O., xnci TRIphTHY. K.. 28 iAbSt.) DPBISKI, S. (SW EP&EIN; 8. iv., et al.), 116 (Abst.) DIXX, Y. 0. L. (SC? BRWSKV and DEW), ~‘9 (Ah&.) DPTTOS, R. W. (Src CTIAP~~AE~, N. D., et al.), 30 (Abst.)

, M.. , (Ahst.) H. (SW (Abst.)













R. K., BAIXHAtLI), F. D., Rnd LEVIXE. M. 1.. 104 iilbst.) -. (SW B~I~s~IIA~~, F. ‘D., clt al.), 105 (Abst.) $&AX, T. G., 50 (Abst.) ELLIS, E. F. (SW FALLIERS, C. J., (It al.), 1 ET,-SILZBOT~RY, A. II., 28 (Abst.) -. (SW SANERKIK and EL~HHABOTRY), 18 ( Abst. ) EI’STEIK, S. TV., DCRISKI, H., and FITZGERALI), J. D. L., 116 (Abst.) EpSTEIPi, \V. 1,. (SW MILBIad EI’STEIN), 3 ( Ahst. ) ERICKSON, R. (SW O’CONXOR and ISIWKSOS), do (Abst.) EvAiYS, R. G., 34 (Abst.)


C. J., CIIAT, H., and KOTSOKIS, H., 109 (Ahst.) , -, SEARLS, D. T., and ROREKTSOX, C. o., 10 -, MCCANN, IV. I’., ELLIS, E. F., and CIIAI,

-. (SW %A: H. et al ) 110 (Abst ) FARAH, G. (S:,P I~TXKS; iV. J., et ai.), 106 (Abst.) E’ARR, R. 8. (Ncc LIIm and FARR), 54 -. (SW AICKEE, \V. I)., et al.), 38 -. (SW MIKI)EN, P., et al.), 115 (Abst.) FATJR, P. (See KUHN, WT. J., et al.), 106 (Abd.) FEI~-~BF.KO, A. R., BWKER, R. J., SLAUK, R. G and FE~~HEIW, 8. M., 108 (:ibst.) FEINBER~:, R. M. (SW FEISBERO, A. R., et al.), 108 (Abst.) FEIXCIOLI). B. F.. MICHAEIJ, I)., BENJANINI, k., and’ MINER, R.’ C.,’ 114 (Abst.j FEI,AR(~A, A. H., and ITKIX, I. H., 223 FEI,I)UAN, I). P. (SW PECORA, I,. J., et al.), 204 FF.LLEI:S, F. X. (SW GOTOFF, H. P., et al.), 87 (AlA.) FISK, J. N., PATTEKSOS, R., ASU PRYFANSKY, J. J., 115 (Abst.) -. (See PATTERSON ) H., et al.), 122 (A1d.J. 295 FINKF:I>, ‘H. E.“(S?c THL-RN and FINKEL), 47 (Aid) FIRE~IAN, P., BOES~IAX, M., and GITLIX, I)., 123 (Abst.) FITZGRRALI), J. I). L. (SW E~STEIP*T, S. IV., et al.), 116 (Abst.) F~KTAKA, V. J., HOLT, I,. E., JR., and MAIKLAKL). D.. 104 iAl)&.\ -, ~M~.4XITRO, h.’ S.,’ \$rOLFE, H. ‘I., and M~RENO, F., d (Abst.) Fow.I~:R, .J. \V., 111, and Lowem, F. C., with tl;c assistance of \vILLIAJIS, TAT., 19 Fox, A. M., 13 (Abst.)

FRAh‘K, M. (SC c KAKTOR, H. Z., et FRANKLIK, W. (SW I,ow~:r,r, and MS), d (AM.) -. (SW LOWELL, F. C., ct al.), 101 FliF,EI)JIAN. S. 0.. DOLOVICII. .T.. and F:, 113 ‘(Abst.) ’ ’ -. (See GOLD and FREED~LAN), 113 -. (See GOLD, I’., et al.), 311 FREEJIAP;, A. G. (SW PIN~II~R.~, A., 22 (Abst.) FRICK, 0. 1,. (Sfe TOLLACKSOK and 195 F~r~mras, R. 11. (SW SABESW and MAN), 46 (AbSt.)

al.), 65 FRANK


(i&t.) SA~~I,T.













D. (SW POPPER, H., et al.), 89 (Abst.) GEER, J. H. (See LEVIKE, M. T., rt al.), 246 GIRARI), J. P. (SW KOBAYASHI, S., rbt al.), 122 (Abst.) -. (SCC KUNZ, M. L., et al.), 99 (Ah&.) -. (SW ROSE, N. R., et al.), 112 (Abst.) zR($‘eeLIVI;HER, K., et al.), 120 (Abst.) SH~BIN, E., DICK, C., and ’ &&A~R, F., 111 (Abst.) GISSLEN, II. (See BJ~~RNBERG and GISSLEN), 56 (Abst.) GITLIK, I). (SW FIRE~IAN, P., cat al.), 123 (Ah&.‘) GOLD, P.,‘ and ~REETUIAN, R. O., 115 (Abst.) -, JONSON, J.. and FREED~IAN. 8. 0.. 311 G~ODFRIEND, L:, Kovacs, B. A., and ‘ROSE, B.. 122 iAbst.1 -. (See ‘PERF.T&TTER~ L., et al.), 119 (Abst.), 236 GoKDOx, V. H., and MANSU’ANN, H. C., JR., 264 GORE, H. C., ld (Abst.) GOTOFF, 8. P., FELLF~S, F. X., VAWTER, G. JANEWAY C. A., and ROSEN, ::’ S 21 (A&t ) GRAY, K. (S& ANT)ERS~&, J., et al.), 14 (Abst.) GREEKE, F. C. (SW LA~TOK and GREENE). / , 64 (Ah&.) GREGG, D. MAC. (See PARISH, TV. E., et al.), 63 (Ah&.) GRTFFITIIS, E. I,. (SW SWIPI’EFOKI), O., JR., et al.). 123 (Abat.) GROBOW, E. J:’ (SW ‘DAVIS; A. L., et al.), 40 (Ah&) GRWDEN. W. G. (See MILLJIAK, M.. rt al.). I i6 (Abst:) GTERRANT, J. L. (See LEROY and GCERRANT), 67 (Abst.) I

H Ham,




(AlIst.) T.




G. and




(8 ee






B.’ t., and WASSF.R.\IAN, Ii., 46 (Ah&.) HOLT, L. E., JR. (SW FONTA~‘A, V. J., ct al.), 104 (Abst.) HOLTKAJIP, D. E., and LEVE’, A. C., 20 (Abst.) HORNBROOK, M. 111. (See ISHT~AKA, K., et al.), 121 (Abst.) HL-PI‘TLEY, C. D., JOHNSOK, H. IV., and LYERLY, A. D., 10 (Abst.) HURST, A. (See CHAI, H., rt al.), 110 (Abst.)

INDERBITZIN, T. M., 124 (Abst.) IESEN, .T. (SW BROWN, E. G.. et al.). 10 (Ah&.) ’ ’ ” TSHT~AKA, K., and ISHIZAKA, T., 169 -, -, and HORNBROOK, aI. M., 121 (Abst.) -, -, and LEE, E. H., 336 and RICHTER, M., 135 ISHIZAKA, T., et al.), 120 (Abst.) ISHIZAKA, T., ISHIZAKA, K., and TERRY, TV’. I)., 120 (Abst.) -. (SW ISHIZAKA and ISHIZAKA). 169 -. (SW ISHIZAKA, K., et al.), 12i (Abst.), 135, 336 ISRAEL, H. L., and SONES, M., SB (Abst.) ITKIN, I. H., and DENNIS, RI., 187 -, and NACUN, M., 253 -. (SW FELARCA and ~TKIN), 223 IVE, ‘H., LLOYD, J., and MAG&IjS, T. A., 4 (Abst.)

q : (iw

107 J



A. S. (SW (‘RAWFORD, L. V., et al.), SB (Abst.) M. C., HH~~RE, N., and UWER, L., 32 (Abst.) J. G., and ~OVITCII, A. M., 108 (Abst.) J. (Sm MILL~IAN, M., et al.), 86 (Abst.) A. M., and SMITTI, R. E., 125 (Abst.) E. M., STRICK, L., and BUSHER, R. J.. 103 (Abst.) TAY&R, W.‘F., et al.), 109 (Abst.) S., and DOLLINGER, M., 12 (Al&.) MAKOUS, S., and VAKDERVEGR, a., 40 (Ah&.) A. (See DOWELL, A. R., et al. j, 68 (Abst.) E. A. (SW ABDOI~, N. T., et al.), ll? (Abst.) ZW~I~IAN, B., clt al.), 48 S. R. (See ARKINS and HIRSCH),

C. I.,“and LOWELL, F. C., with assistancr of WII,I,~A~~, M.. (Abst.) IIA.\IAsAKA, J. (See CHIBA, C., et al.), (Abst.)

tllr 100 22

JAlr;KOVA, .Tomso~,‘


A. (See GOTOFF, 8. P., rt al.), 31 (hbst.) J. (See \\rAGNER, I-., et al.), I/i (A1d.J A. G. (See, VASSRLOW, N. A., ct al.), 145






E. (Abst.) JOHNSON. H. TV. il.), 10 .TOHNSON, K. J., JOHNSON, L. A., $5 (A&t.) JONSON, J. (Spe







(See HUSTLES. (‘Abst.) ’ ,%,I (Abst.) and WINKLEMANN.








et ’


-. I(..


J. (See PELLER, R. N., et al.), (Abst.) KA~IINsKI, T. (See DAVIS, A. L.. et al.), 40 (Abst.) ’ ” KBNTOR, S. Z., FRAXK, M., HOCH-KANTOR, D., BARKAI-GOLAN, R., MARIAN, D., SCHACHNNER, E., KESSLER, A., and DE VKIES, A., 65 K.~PLAX, D. (See KOCH and KAPLAN), 102 (Abst.) KARETZKY, M. R. (See MITHOEFER, J. C., et al.), 86 ‘(Abst.) KASCH, F. (See MILLMAN, M., et al.), 26 ( Abst.) KAP, N. (See NEBLETT, T. R.., et al.), 36

P. 21



11. L., GIRARD, J. P., KOBAYASHI, REISXAN, R. E., ROSE, N. R., XRBESXAN, C. E., 99 (Abst.) (Srr ROSE, N. R., et al.), 112 (Abst.)

J. R. (See VANSELOW. N. A.. et ’ al.), 145 KEJI\IIP, V. E. (See RAPER and KEVP), 13 (Abst.) KENUNE. P. A.. 46 (Abst.) KENNEDY, C. B. (See O'&INN and KENNEDY), 29 (Abst.) KERN, F., JR. (See STRUTHERS, J. E., JR., et al.), 6 (Abst.) KESSLER, A. (See KANTOR, S. Z., et al.), 65 KEYSTONE, E. (See BRODER, I., et al.), 116 (Abst.) KIEFFER, R. F., JR. (See RA~I~I~EZ, R. J., et al.), 46 (Abst.) KIND, L. S., and BANOVITZ, J., 113 (Abst.) KTRTON, V., and MUNRO-ASHMAN, D., 19 (Abst.) KLEIN, R. C., and SALVAGGIO, J., 111 (Abst.), 158 KXOWT,EK, L. A. (See %ITH and KnowLER), 67 (Abst.) KOBAPASIII, S., GIRARD, J. P., and ARBESMAN, C. E., 12” (Ahst.) -. (See KIJNZ, M. L., et al.), 99 (Abst.) -. (See ROSE, N. R., et al.), 112 (Abst.) -. (See WICHER, K., et al.), 120 (Abst.) KOCH, TV., and KAPLAN, D., 102 (kbst.) KOCHAN, I., and BENDEL, W. L., JR., 284 KORNFELD, P., SIEGAL, S., WEINER, ‘L. B., and OSSER~~AN, K. E., 14 (Abst.) KOST, P. F. (See LEVINE, M. I., et al.). 246 KOTSONIS, S.‘ (See FALLIERS, C: J., et’al.), 109 (Ahst.) KOVACS, B. A. (See GOODFRIEND. I L.. I et al.). ,I 122 (A&t.) Kozarucz. S. (See LANGLOIS, C., et al.). 359 KREINES,’ K., ‘5 (Abst.) ” KRONENBERG, R. (See MURRAY and KRONEXBERG). 18 (Abst.) KI~HPI‘S, TV. J., FAIR, Y.: and F.\RAH, G., 106 (Abst.)

S., and


K. (See TRESER, G., et al.), di (Abst). LAN~:I,OIS, C., SHULXAN, S., Koz~Iycz, H., and ARBESI\IAN. C. E.. 359 -. (See RHULMAN, S., ‘et al.), 350 L~R~sE, C. (See LOEB, L. J., et al.), 107 (Abst.) Lhu, H. S., and HCHERAGO, M., 119 (Abst.) LAYTON, L. L., and GREENE, F. C., 24 (hbst.) -. (See PERLMAN and LAYTON), 121 (Abst.j LEE, E. H. (See ISHIZAKA, K., ct al.), 336 LEE, F. I.. 47 (Abst.) LEOPOLD, H. C.‘ (See ‘RYNES, S. E., et al.), 125 (Abst.) LEROY, N. B., and GUERRAXT, J. L., 27 (Abst.) LEVINE, B. B. ‘(See REDXONU and LEVIXE), 98 (Abst.) -. (See VOSS, H. E., et al.), 99 (hbst.) LEVINE, M. I., GEW, J. H., and KOST, P. F., 246 -. (See BAUSCHARD, F. D., et al.), 105 ( Abst.) -. (See EBKEN, R. K., et al.), 104 (Abst.) LEVY, A. (See HOLTKA~CP and LEVY). ,I b0 ’ (A&t.) LEVY, D. A., and OSLER, A. G., 112 (Abst.) LICHTENSTEIN, L. M., XOR>IAN, P. S., OSLER, A. G., and WINKENWERDER. W. L.. 124 fAbst.1 LIDD, D., and FAR;, R. S., 54 LINDSEY, N. J. (See PAPPAOIONIS, D., et al.), 30 (Abst.) Lr.oun, J., and JOIIXSON, B. E., 12 (Xbst.) -. (See IVE, H., et al.), 4 (Abst.) LOEB, L. J., LAROSE, C., and SIDDIQUI, A. T., 107 (Abst.) LOWELL, F. C., and FRANKLIN, W., B (Abst.) and MELBY, J. C., with the assistance -, -f of WILLIAAIS, M., 101 (Abst.) -. (RCP FOWLER and LOWELL), 19 -. (See HALLE and LOWELL), 100 (Abst.) LYERLP, A. D. (See HUNTT~EY, C. D., et al.), 10 (Abst.)


W. P. (See FALLIERS, C. J., et al.), 1 MCCLE~IENT, J. H. (See DAVIS, A. L., et al.), 40 (Abst.) MCCOIIBS, R. P.. 37 (Abst.) MACGILLI~ROY, M. H. (Se> PIXCHERA, A., et al.), &‘l (Abst,) MCKEE, TV. D., COCHRANE, C. G., and FARR, R. R.. 38 M~KEXNA, J. M. (See ABDOU, N. l., et al.), 117 (Abst.) MCMILLIAN, W. (See 01~1, H., et al.), 110 (Abst.) M\IAGSUS, I. A. (See TV):, H., et al.), 4 ( Abst.) 1

Alcthor MAISI~ASI),

1). (See FoNTA?;A, V. J., et al.), 104 ( Abst. 1 MAKOIX, N. (;)‘~e Hiy, E., et al.), 40 (Abst.) MANCINI, A. M., ZA~I~A, G. A., VECCHI, A., and COSTANZI. G.. 38 (Abst.) MASSMANN, II. C. (Sk I&l\r, L. R., dt al.), 36 (Abst.) MAP;S~UXN, H. C., JR. (See Gosno~ and M~NSJIANX), 264‘ MARCY, J. H. (See BEAI\I, L. X., et al.), 26 (Abst.) MAKIAN, D. (See KANTOR, R. Z., et al.), 65 MATRON, L. IV., MOSKO, M. M., and BamlI, P., 116 (Abst.) MELBY, J. C. (See LOWELL, F. C., et al.), 101 (Ah&.) MRI,T,ITS, E. 1~. (See RH~XE and MEJUTS), 104 (Abst.) MENZEL, A. E. O., and SHFXMAN, TV. B., 120 (Abst.) MERI~AN, T. C. (See PETRAT,T,T, J. K., et al.), 28 (Abst.) METZGAK, R. S. (Rcc BTJCKLRY and METZCAK), 118 (Abst.) MEYEKS, M. C. (See VAxsmow, N. A., ct al.), 145 MICIIAELI, D. (See FEISGOLD, B. F., et al.), 114 (Abst.) MIDIUXTON, D. (See ANDEKSON, J., ct al.), 14 (Abst.) MILBY, T. H:, and &STEIN, TV. L., 3 (Abst.) MILORO’JI. F. (See WICIIER, K., ct al.). 329 MILLER, i. B. (See SFIUI,&N, d., et al.‘), 350 MII,I,ER, M. C., III (See CURK, M. L., et al.), 36 (Al&.) MITIXAX, M., GRUNI~EN. W. G., KASCH, F., iVII,tiEHSON, H.; and hEAl)LEY; J.; 16 (Abst.) MILNEK, F. H., TEES, E. C., DYBAS, B., and DEAN, P. M., 48 (Abst.) MIT~ON, C. F. (See RYNES, R. E., et al.), 125 (Abst.1 MINDEN, P., R&b, R. T., and FAKK, H. S., 115 (Abst.) -. (See REID’ and MINDEN), 119 (Abst.) MINK, R. C. (See FF,IN(:oI,T), B. F., rt al.), 114 (Abst.) MISIIIJIA, T. (Sre SIIIOIIA and MISH~~IA), 321 MITCFIEI,T,, J. C., and ARXITA~E, .J. S., 35 (Abst.) MITHOEFEK, J. C., RLXSER, R. H., and KAKETZKY, M. S., 66 (Abst.) MORENO, F. (See FONTAXA, V. J., et al.), & ( Abst.) MORRIS, 5. H. (Rrr BEKREXS, L., rt al.), 36 ( Abst.) MOSKO, M. M. (See MAYKO~‘, 1,. TV., et al.), 116 (Abst.) -. (See SELCOW. J. E.. et al.). 113 (Abst.) RJI:s’Ko-AsHIxAN, ’ D. ’ (See ’ &TO< and MTJNRO-ASFI~IAN), 2.9 (Abst.) MIKRAY, M. J., and KI&NENRER~, R., 68 (AM) s NACIIAN, SACATA,

JI. (See 1mIx and NA~~IAx), 253 II., PEACOCKR, I. L., and SIEKEK, Ii. O., 118 (AM.)




T. R., HT~RNFIA~I, T. K., and KAY, N., 56 (Abst.) SIETT\~EKKERK, II. T. M. (See VAP~BEKKU~I and NIEUWEKKEKK), 6 (Abst.) NISFIIII~RA, E. T. (See PATTERSON, R., et al.), 295 NORJ\IAN, P. S., and X~NKENWERIIEK, TV’. L., 103 (dbst.) -. (6, e LICIITENSTEIX, I,. M., et al.), 124 (Abst.) SovAcKov~. 1). (See TVAGXEK, V., , et al.), 15 (dbst.) ~ SOVITCII, A. M. (See HARTER and NOVITCH), 108 (Abst.) 0 O’COXSOR, O’QT‘INS,

R., and EKICKSON, R., $0 (Pabst.) S. E., and KEximny, C. B., 19 (Abst.) ORTIz, F., 274 OSLEK, A. G. (See Lsvy and OSLER), 112 (Abst.) -. (See LICHTENSTEIN, L. M., nt al.), 124 (Abst.) OSJXSDSEN, P. E., and BK~I)ZIIA~E:~-, H., 12 (Abst.) -. (See THOXSEN and OS>I~NUSEX), 43 (dbst.) OSSER~IAN, K. E. (See KORNFET,U, I’., et al.), 14 (Ah&) O~ELLETTE, J. .J., and Rsen, C. E., 102 (Abst.) P PAPEK~IASTER, B. \V. (See PT~AYFAIR, J. H., et al.), 15 (Ah&.) PA~PA~I~NIS, I).. LINDSEY. S. J.. SJIITFI. C. E., ‘and’ SAITO, M. T., SI? (Abst.‘) PARISII, \V. E., AKESTER. A. R.. and GREGG. I). Mk!., 23 (Abst.) ’ PAKKEK, C., BILBO, R., and REED, C., 11 (Abst.) PAHKHOTSK, R. M. E. (See CFIUUAN, S. D., cat al.), 30 (Abst.) PAROSETTI, E’. (S?r POPPER, H., et al.), 29 (Abst.) PATTERSOS, R., FIP;K, J. S., ant1 PRT~~ASSK~, .J . *J. . 12% (Abst I . ) -, -, TVmI&Am, J., n~u.11, 5., PRUZAXSKT, J., and NISHIJIURA. E. T., 205 -. (Src FINK, J. N., et al.); 115 (Ah&.) PEACOCKE, I. L. (Src SA~AYA, H., et al.), 118 (Abst.) PECORA, L. J., BERNSTEIN, J. L., and FEI,DJIAN, D. P., 204 PEI,I.F.R, R. S., KAI)TXI,, I’. J., ant1 CLUFF, L. E., %I (Abst.) PEREIXUTTKR. L.. ROSE. B.. and GOODFRIE.UII. L., 1’19 (Abst.:, 236 PEKIXAX, F., and LAYTOW. L. L.. 121 (Abst.) and TVoI.&, H. F., 126 (Abst.) ’ PETRALLI, .J. K., MPRI~AN, T. C., and ~VII,HI~, J. X., 68 (Abst.) 1’111 I,SON, A. D. ($f<: DWoRti;TSzK\and PImsnlv), 110 (Abst.)


E. (S’cc (hbst.)


J. H., PAPER)IASTER, B. IV’., and COLE, L. J., 1.5 (Abst.) PoLLAK, V. E. (SW BOBITT, J. ii., ct al.), 6 (Abst.) POPOLYTS, C. (See BROWN, E. G., et al.), 10 PoppER,

(Abst.) iI., B&IN, NER,










S~HA~FF., 29

et al.),


(Abst.) PRO~ENZANO, R. W., WETTERT~OW, L. STLLIVBN, ‘(1. L., 32 (Abst.) PRI-~AXSK~. a. .T. i&c! FIP;K. J. S..

lli -.


H., et

KINI al.).




et al.),






J. M., BURRELL, C. H., WY~IES, B.,


R. J., KIEFFER, R. F., JK., and BALL, W. C., JR., 48 (Abst.) RAPER, A. J., and Kmr~, V. E., 23 (Abst.) REAI), J. (See WOOLCOCK and REAU), 34 (Abst.) RED~~OXD, A. P., and LEWXE, B. B., 98 (hhtk) -. (SW VOSS, H. E., ct al.), 99 (hbst.) REED, C. (SW PAKKER, C., et al.), 12 (Xbst.) REED, c‘. E. (SW OTELLETTE and REEI)), 102 (Abat.) REID, R. T., and MINDEN, I?., 119 (Abst.) -. (SC? MINWN, P., et al.), 115 (Abst.) REIXHARI)T, H. (See CLARK, M. L., et al.),




R. E., SHuLnlAN, S., BIGELSEN, F., and ARBESJ~AX, (1. E., 106 (Abst.) -. (Scc~ KVNZ, hf. L., et al.), 99 (Abst.) -. (SW WICHER, I(., ct al.), 120 (Sbst.) R.EX:BEN, c‘. M., 5 (Abst.) RHY~-E, M. H., and MET&ITS, E. I)., 104 (Abst.) Rrcmnsoix. H. B.. and SEEBOHX P. 11.. 103



M. J.

(SW I SIIIZAKA, K., et al.), 133 (SW CRAWFORD, L. \‘., ct al.), 38

iAbst.1 ROBERTSO;,

C. ‘0. (See F~LLIERS, c’. J.. ct al.), 10 ROSE, B. (SW GOOIWRIENI), L., ot al.), 122 (Abst.) -. (See PERELI\ITTTER, I,., ct al.), 119 (Abst.), 236 ROSE, PT. R., GIRARD, J. I’., Kr-m, M. I,., K~BAYASHI, S., Do~ovrc~, .T., and ARHESXAN. C. E., 112 (Abst.) -. (See Klr~z, M. L., et al.), 99 (hbst.) Rosm, F. S. (SW GOTOFF. H. I?.. rt al.), 27 (Ab&) R.OSEXELATT, M. (See CHIBA, C., et al.), 2%




8. M., and FRIEINAK, R. (Xl&.) SAW, J. (See WAGXER, V., et al.), 75 S:IZ~‘~~ERXAN R. S. (SW HERNSTEIX SA&ER~IAN ) , 106 (Abst.) SAGEL, I. (See TRESER, G., et al.), 8%’ SAITO, M. T. (SW PA~PAGIONIS, D., 30 (Abst.) ~ALAUA, Y. (SW Cor,l,I~S-TVlJ,l,iA~IS AALA~TA), 4 (Abst.) SALAKITRO, A. 8. (Set FONTAXA, V. d






(hbst.) and (Abst.) ct al.), and J.,


BUECHNER, H. A., HEABUR~, ARQl‘EnrBOl~KG, P. C., 107





S. G., and EL-SIIABOUI~Y, (Abst.) (SW FmEDhIAx. 8. 0..

18 F.



(bhst.) ~~~~~




J. E.,







R. 11. (See MITIIOEFRR, J. C., et al. j, 66 (Abst.) 8. F:., LEOPOLI), 11. C., and AfILox, c’. F., 125 (Abst.)





A. ?t

II., al.).


SCIIACHSNER, E. (Sr’c KAXTOR, R. Z., et, al.), 65 SQIIAFPNER, F. (Scr POPPER, II., ct al.), 69 (hhst.) RC~HI~CFITER, II. (SW BOBITT, J. li., et al.),










(Abst.) SCHOENWETTER, W. F. (See ZWENAN, H., et al.), 48 ACIIRIER. R. W., and BI,JGER. R. J.. 19 ’ (Abst.) ant1 VANARSUEI., P. P., 44 (Am.) -9 SCHUL~NER, F. (See GIRSII, L. S., ct al.),



H. J., 27 (Ahst.) J. H. (See SAIXAGGIO, 1OT (Abst.) D. T. (SW FALLIERS,


J. E., C.

et al.),

.T. (St al. j,



1’. ;\I. (SW Rl(‘lIERSOS BOHhl), 108 (Ahst.)





.T. E..








’ P., 11’3 (Ahst:) H., and TWKWEBER,



R., 47 (Ahst.) u., 23 (!&St.) G. A. (SW HAGY and SETIWAKE), 107 (Ah&) A. L. (SW AUSTFX and SHWFER), 76 (Ahst.) W. R., and CONNEI.T,, .T. I'., 123

-. iScc fiHI&A, 8HTBIX.

MENZEL and ~lIRRJI.4~). 1% ( hbst). H., and MISHIbrA, T., 3%1 ' " E. (See GIKSII. L. 8.. et al.). 111



’ (Abk) S~rr~ar~s,



’ L~i~r,ors, ARBESXAN,

” (‘., JIILJXK, C. I<:., X0



Author -. -.

(See (See




C., et al.), 359 R. E., et al.), 106 (Abst.) HARRIS, M. C., et al.), 31

(Abut.) SIDDIQGI, A. I. (See LOEB, L. J., ct al.), 107 (Abst.) SlF(‘E1 >I 1, R. (See KURNFELD, P., et al.), 14 (Abst.) SIEKER, H. 0. (See DOWELL, A. I%., et al.), 68 (Abst.) -. (See NAGAYA, H., et al.), 118 (Abst.) SINGLETON, J. TV. (See STKUTIIERS, J. E., JR., et al.), 6 (Abst.) HLAVIN, R. G. (See FEINBERG, A. R., et al.), 108 fAbst.) S~~ITH, C. E. ‘(See PAPPAGIONIS, I)., et al.), 30 (A&t.) and KNOWLER, L. A., $7 SI\IITH, J. M., (Abst.) SMITH, R. E. (See HEGRE and SXITH), 125 (Abst.) flOLO1LION, W. R., 216 ,sONES, ;M. (Sre ISRAEL and Soms), 3d (Abst.) SPOTNITZ, M., 10 (Abst.) HPUZ~C, I., BLOCH, K. J., and AUSTEN, K. F., 75 RTEPIIENS, A. L. (See SWINEFORD, O., JR., et al.), 125 (Abst.) ST~IJGHTOK;. R. B.. 43 (Abat.) STRICK, L.’ (See HEIJILiCH, 8. M., et al.), 103 (Al)&) -. (See TAYLOR, W. F., et, al.), 109 (Abst.) HTRT~TIIERS. J. E.. JR.. SINGLETON. J. W.. and KERR, F.,’ JR., 6 (AbAt.) ’ STUKGILL, B. C. (See C~IXAN and ST~RGILL), 8 (Abst.) SIJHELAND, L. C. (See DANIEL, T. M., et al.) 7 (Abst.) S~KA~~ALCHANTRA, Y., and WILLIABIS, M. H., JR., 14 (Abst.) HIXLIVAN, C. L. (See PKOVENZANO, R. W., et al.). 31 (Abst.) HWIXEFORD, 01,’ JR., ‘STEP&NS, A. I,., and GRIFFITHS, E. L., with the assistance of TINSL~Y, A.; 125 (Abst.) ,~%sNTIVAhYI, A. (See TOWNIXY, R. G., et al.), 101 (Abst.) T E’., IIEL~ILICH, E. M., RTRICK, and CHAI, H., 109 (Abst.) TEFS, E. C. (See MILNER, F. H., et al.), 48 (Abst.) TERK~, W. I,. (See ISHIZAKA, T., et al.), 120 (Abst.) THUAISEN, K.,’ and OS~~CTNDSEP;, P. E., 43 (Abst.) THKIFT, C. B., I6 (Abst.) TH~R~I, R. H., aad FINKEL, H. E., 47 (Abst.) TI~LEY, A. (See SWINEFORI+ O., JR., et al.), 125 (Abst.) TOLLACKSON, K. A., and FRICK, 0. L., 195 TOXZPSETT, R. (See DAVIS, A. L.? et al.), 40 TAYLOK,






R. G., TRAPANI, I. L., and SZENTIVANYI, A., IOI (Abut.) T~LAPANI, I. L. (See TOWNLEY, R. G., et al.), 101 (Abst.) TRFSER SAGEL, I., and LANGE, K., $3 ’ 1 G (ii)bst.) TEIPATHY, K. (See DOWELL, A. R., et al.), 28 (Abst.) TRIPLRTT, F. (See CRAWFOKI), L. V., et al.), i8 (Abst.) TRUELOVE, S. C. (See WRIGHT and TRUELOVE), 24 (Abst.) TTJCKWEBER, B. (See SELYE and TUCKWEBER), 47 (Abst.) U IJXGRR,

L. (See (Al)&)






V VANARSDEL, P. P. (See SCHRIER, R. W., et al.). 44 fAbst.) VANBEKK&, D. W., an’d NIEUWERKERK, H. T. M., 6 (Abst.) VANDERVEER, J. (See HEY, E., at al.), 40 (Abut.‘) VANSELO~, N.’ A., KELLY, J. R., MEYERS, M. C., and JOHNSON, A. G., 145 VAWTM, 0. F. (Sre GOTOFF, 8. P., et al.), 21 (Abst.) VRCCHI, A. (See MANCINI, A. M., et al.), 38 (Abst.) VERSIE, R. (See BERREXS, L., et al.), 36 ’ (Abit.) Voss, II. E., REDAIOND, A. I’., a.nd LFXINE, B. B., 99 (Abst.) W WAGKER,

V., TOJISKIKOVA, A., SACH, J., JANKOVA, J., and NO~ACKOVA, D., 15 (Abst.) WAI~:BREN, B. A., and AREXA, J., 76 (Abst.) WAHSER~IAN, K. (See Hor,~ and WASSEKMAN), 46 (Abst.) WEINER, L. B. (See KORNFELD, I’., et al.), 14 (Abst.) WEISBERGER, A. S. (See DAXIEL, T. M., ot al.). 7 (Abst.) WEISS, A., ‘48 (Abst.) WEKNE~IAKK, J. (See PATTERSON, R., et al.), 295 WETTERLOW, L. H. (See PKOTENZAKO, R. W’., et al.), 32 (Abst.) WICH~R. K.. &IlLoROJI. F.. and AKBESSIAS. ’ c. B., 329 ’ ’ J. P., Kom-, REI~~IAN, R. E., GIRARD, YASHI, S., and ARBES~I~N. C. E., 120 (‘Al,&) WII,W~~, J. R.‘ (S~~‘PETR~I,LI, J. K., et al.), 88 (Abst.) WILKERS~N, X. (See AIILL1IAP;, N., et al. j, Z6 (Abst.) TV~LIJA~IS, M. (See FOT~LER and LOLI.EI,I.),

(Abst.) TOXSKIKOVB, 15

A. (See (Abst.)






-. -.


and F.

LOWELL) C., et al.


100 101

jh1~yt.i (Al,&.)




H., JR. (Srr S~JKAXAL~HANand U’ILLIAAlS), 24 (hbst.) \\‘ILsON, R. (See CLARK, 11. L., et, al.), 3.3 (Abst.) WINKELNANN, R. I(., 29 \VILLIA~~S,









\VY.\lER, -.


R., and TRLXLOW, (hbst.) B. (8~ ~LI.ASS>~ITH, 114 (r\bst.) QIYNTERO, J. X, ct

L. -.





al.), and






’ 103

(Abst.) (See CHIBA, C., et al.), Id (hbst.) F. (SRA ~EF&AN ai,d WOLFE), 126 (AM.) \\‘OLFE. H. T. (SW FOXTAXA. V. J., et al.), 2 (Abit.) \VTOOI,COCK, A., and WEAD, J., 34 (dbst.) WOLF,




AI., al.),


24 al.),


Y W.







J. (,%c (Abst.)




al. ),


z ZAID, G., and BEALL, G. N., 101 ( L1bst. ) ZAXPA, 0. h. (SW MAKCYNI, dY. M., rt, al.), 38 (hbst.) ZWEIXAN, B., SCHOENWETTER, \V. F., and HILDRETH, F,. A., 48


index* A

Acetyl-beta-methylcholinc, dose response to, in asthma and hay fever subjects and nonatopic volunteers. Studies with quantitative-inhalation ehallenge technique (Felarca and J tkin), 223 and histamine in obstructive airwav disnonspecificity of br&hoease, constricting effect of (Klein and Salvaggio), 158 Adrenal function in hypersensitive asthmatics, effect of synthetic corticotrophic polypeptide on, 18 (Abst.) suppression, steroid-induced, effect of intravenously injected endotoxin on oosinophils and other leukocytes in, 101 (Abst.) Adrenalitis, chronic, with bronchial asthma, 18 (Abst.) Aerosol desensitization and spontaneous resensitization of activelv sensitized guinea pigs, 125 (Pabst.) methacholine, as test for bronchial asthma, 11 (Abst.) Agglutination test with ragweed pollen (Wither et al.), 329 as’ complication of Air, extrapulmonary, asthma in children, 111 (Abst.) Airborne allergens, response of asthmatics in Arad, Israel, to (Kantor et al.), 65 Airway, cross%&ional nasal, instrument for measuring effective (Connell), 1”” 1‘1 disease, obstructive, nonspecificity of bronchoconstricting effect of histamine and acetyl-beta-methylcholine in (Klein and Salvaggio), 158

nasal, response to exercise, 103 (Abst.) obstruction, pulmonary, in asthmatic chilradiologic assessment of, dren, 110 (Abst.) Albumin, bovine serum, commonly used methods for detecting antibodies to, in human serum, 115 (Abst.) Alcoholic liver disease, active, and viral hepatitis, immunoglobulin in, 47 (Abst.) Algae, green, sensitivity of skin and hronrhial mucosae to, 106 (Abst.) Alkylation and reduction, effect on allergencombining properties of reaginio antibody (Ishizaka et al.), 135


applied to denuded skin surface, accumulation of eosinophils as allergic response (Fowler and Lowell ) . 19 cvornbining properties of reaginic antibody, effect of reduction and alkvlation on (Ishizaka et al.), 135 . Allergenic extract, specific effect of injections of: diminution of eosinophilotactic response, 100 (Abst.) Allergens, airborne, response of asthmatics in Arad, Israel, to (Kantor et al.), 65 dimethyl sulfoxide as penetrant carrier through intact human skin, 126 (Abst.) Allergic asthma, bronchiolitis, relationship between (Zweiman et al.), 48 reactor to penicillin, detection by immunological tests, 99 (Abst.) Allergy, insulin, use of various insulins in, 5 (Abst.) milk, diagnosis of, 4 (Abst.) Alum-precipitated pyridine ragweed extract, effect on guinea pigs (Gordon and Mansmann), 264 Aminophylline, effect on respiratory-center sensitivity in Cheyne-Stokes respiration and pulmonary emphysema, 28 (Abst.) Anamnestic response to tetanus toxoid in man, suppression by chloramphenicol, 7 (Abst.) Anaphylactic death after administration of triphenylmethane dye to determine burn depth, 12 (Abst.) Anaphylactoid purpura, experimental production of, 47 (Abst.) shock induced by oral penicillin and rcsulting in Gerstmann’s syndrome, 13 (Abst.) hnaphylaxis, passive cutaneous, comparison with Arthus reactivity after single dose : effect of alum-precipitated pyridine exragweed tract on guinea pigs (Gordon and Mansmann), 264 response of human smooth muscle in Schultz-Dale experiments (Tollackson and Frick), 195 rocntgenographic demonstration of bronchospasm in, 63 (Abst.) and susceptibility to Anemia, secondary, hydrocarbon combustion products, BO (Abst.)


pp. l-64; February, pp. 65.126; Rrarch, pp. 127-186; June, pp. 321-392. dbstrarts: January, pp. 2-R ; February, pp. n-16 ; March, pp. May, pp. 53-40; June, pp. 42-48.





; May,











edema, heredit,ary, detection by demonstration of reduction in second component of human complement, 16 (Abst.) superior vena cava syndrome masquerading as, 105 (Abst.) ArlIIoullC~rnents, 64, 96, 186, 251, 366 .Ynti-anti-inflammation concept,, BO (Abst.) &\ntibodies, anti-insulin, in human sera, histoimmunological techniques for detecting, 38 (Abst.) to bovine serum albumin, commonly used methods for detecting, in human serum, 115 (hbst.) HHA, USC of DMHO to develop, 125 (Abst.) circulating, to dietary proteins in ulremtive colitis, 64 (Abst.) immunoelectr0pll0in coccidioidomycosis~ retie properties, 30 (Abst.) to sinus tissue in chronic bronchial asthma, detection of (@inter0 et al.), 84 skiwscnsitizing, in autoimmune thyroiditis, 118 ( Abst.) metabolism of intradermally administered, 123 (Abst.) anti-DNA, association of lupusAnt ihody, like syndrome induced by procaine amide with, 8 (Abst.) antigen-, soluble complexes, in vitro bioassay for, 116 (Abst.) 11uman, to heterologous serum proteins, 115 characterization of, (Abst.) l~roduction in atopic individuals, effect of 6.mrrcaptopurine on (Vansclow et al.), 145 focal, by transferred spleen cells in irradiated mice, 15 (Abst.) reaginic, allergen-combining properties of, effect of reduction and alkylation on (Ishizaka et al.), 135 human, physicochrmical propert,ies and structure, 120, 121 antigenic (Abuts.) immunization an?, in newborn rrsponse, pertussis inoculation infant: twenty-four hours 0 f within birth, 32 (Abst.) skin-sensitizing, and yA protein, relationship between, in ragweed-allergic F;ividuals (Perelmutter et al.), following injection t h e r a p y, changes in, 123 (Abst.j Anti-DXA antibody, association of lupuslike syndrome induced by procaine amide with, 8 (Abst.) absence of cellular localization Antigen(s), in delayed hypersensitivity, 46 (Abst.) E, treatment of ragweed hay fever with, 103 (Abst.) titer,

Antigen(s)-Cont’d extract of Aspcrgilhs fzlmi,qatw in aspergillosis or other pulmonary disprecipitins against, 15 eases, (Abst.) hymenoptera : immunological comparison of venoms, venom sac extracts, and whole-insect extracts, 20 (Abst.) ragweed, purified, induction of immediate and delayed skin reactivity with emulsion of, 108 (Abst.) stimulated proliferation in lymphoid and myeloid tissues from immunized rabbits, 50 ( Abst.) Antigen-antibody complexes, soluble, in vitro bioassay for, 116 (Abst.) Antigmic relationships between crude extracts and lmrified fractions of ragweed pollen (Lidd and Farr), 54 structure and pl~ysicocl~emical properties of human reaginic antibody, 120, I21 (Absts.) Antihistamine and asthmalytic compounds, Sb (Abst.) Anti-insulin antibodies in human scra, histoimmunological techniques for detecting, 38 (Abst.) Antilymphocyte and antithymus sera, com pnrison of effect of, 118 (Abst.) Antiserum and skin and t,umor homografts, interactions of: immunological h 0 m 0 g 5 a f t enhancement, 39 (Abst.) Antithymus and antilymphocyte swa, comparison of effect of, 118 (Abst.) Arad, Israel, response of asthmatics to airborne allergens in (Kantor et al.), 65 Arthus reactivity, comparison of passive cutaneous anaphylaxis with, after single dose: effect of alum-precipitated pyridine ragweed extract on guinea pigs (Gordon and Mansmann), 264 Artificial fever in treatment of allergic diseases, 48 (Abst.) hspergillosis or other pulmonary diseases, precipitins against antigen extract of Aspergilhs fzcmigatus in, 15 (Abst.) Aspc~gillu8 fumigates in xspergillosis or other pulmonary diseases, precipitins against antigen extract of, 15 (Abst.) Asthma, allergic, relationship between bronchiolitis and (Zweiman et al.). 48 and allergic rhinitis, epidemiology of, 27 (Abst.) associated with urticaria pigmentosa, unusual case (McKee et al.), 38 breathing mechanics in, d7 (Abst.) ,


Subject Asthma--Cont,‘d bronchial,,

acute, sodium bicarbonate used m treatmrmt of, $6’ (Abst.) chronic adrenalitis with, .18 (Abst.) detection of ant,ihodies to sinus tissue in (Quintero et al.), 84 efftxtiveness of 6-mcrcaptopurine in (Arkins and Hirsch), 90 improvement in, not reflected in forced expiratory volume, 54 (Abst.) mcthacholine aerosol as test for, 12 (Abst.) c~l~iltll~ood, exorcise res~ponsc test in, 10.3 (AM.) in c~llildrm, extrapulmonary air as eom plieation of, 111 (Abst.) in Philadelphia, epidemiology of, 111 (Ah& ) ant1 hay fever subjects and nonatopic volunteers, dose response to acetyl-l)cta-nlrthylcllolinr in (Felarca and Itkin), 223 infectious, bacterial vaccine and, 2 (AM.) intractable, with and without chronic overinflation of lungs, pulmonary diffusing capacity, membrane diffusing capacity, a n d capillary blood volume in (Peeora et al.), 204 longitudinal study, clinical methods for (Falliers et al.), 1 Sew Orleans epidemic: comparison of involved and uninvolved individuals, 111 (Abst.) severity of, statistical computation of numrrieal indices for grading (Falliers et al.), 10 short stature, and elevated &globulins, 10 (Abst.) --status asthmaticus, medically irreversible, treated with paralysis and controlled respiration, 26 (Abst.) study, New Orleans, 46 (AM.) Yokohama, significance of, 10 (Alrst,.) Asthmalytic and antihistamine cornpoumls, Jd (Ahst.) Asthmatic children, comparison of climate a n d specific Iryposensitieation treatment in, 34 (Abst.) c*ontrollrd exercise in, d6 (AM.) posterior orientation of vrctorcarcliogram in, 109 (Abst.) radiologic assessment of pulmonrtry airmay obstruction in, 110 (Abst.) patients, hospitalized, effect of exercise on (Itkin and Nacman), 253 hospitalized, 15 year study of, 110 (Abst.) Asthmatics in Arad, Israel, response to airborne allergens (Kantor ct al.), 65 hypcrscnsitive, effcet of synthetic corticotrophic polypeptide on adrenal function in, 18 (Abst.)




cretin fed soybean formula, thyroid refractonnws in, $1 (Abst.) .\topic allergens, spectroscopic evidence for S-glycosidic 1 i n k a g e s in, 45 ( Abd.) children, cutaneous vascular reactivity in, 35 (Abst.) dermatitis, guanet,hidine in treatment of, dclavod blanch phenomenon in atop& and nonatopic indivicluala, 45 -(Abst.) nonallergic factors in (Winkelmann), 29 imlividuals, effect of A-mercaptopurine on antibody production in (Vansclow et al.), 16 and nonatopic individuals, blanch phenom enon in, 45 (Abst.) patients, properties of irnmumogln~~ulins of sera from, 120 (Abst.) in vitro sensitization of smcoth rnusrle by sera from: pharmacologic and physiologic studies, 122 (Abst.) sera, human, use of monkey lung tissue for in vitro detection of rcagins in, 122 (Abst.) dtopy, systemic sensitization of subhuman primates as m 0 d e 1 0 f, 122 (Abst.) Autoantibodies, organ-specific, in reagincon taining sera from allergic patients, dd (Abst.) Autoimmune mechanism in diseases of respiratory tract, 15 (hbst.) tlryroiditis, skin-sensitizing antibodies in, 118 (hbst.) Autoimmunity and tlryrotosicosis, 24 (AM. j

n liacilli,

grant-negative, shock associated with l~actereniia due to, 76 (Alrst.) l~atc~tereniia due to gran-negative lracilli, shock associated with, 16 (AM.) I3wcterial infection and effects of chernoprophylaxis in chronic pulmonarv emphysema : c~hmio~)ro~)11y1asi’s with daily ~~llloran~~~l~c~~~i~~ol, 40 (AM.) vxwine and infectious asthma, d (Alwt.) Ilagassosis, precipitins against, extracts of crude bagasse in serum of patients with, 107 (Ahst,.) Basopliil degranulation test, indirect, eraluation of, 6 (Abst.) 13ec, fractionation of whole body and venom sac extracts for skin testing (Shulman et al.), 350 Rcekcepcrs, immunological studies of, 106 (Abst.) Brnzidinr, his-diazotized, Ilrmaggluti~latio~i reaction, eff rvt of sf~q”““cc! of erythrwytc sensitization on (Gold et “I.), 311 I

38% Subject



blockade, effect on bronchial response of hay fever subjects to ragweed aerosol, 102 (Abst.) to histamine and metl~acholine, 101 ( Abst.) blocking agents, species and strain diff erences in hypersensitivity to pl~nrmacological nmdiators produced by, 101 (Ah&.) Beta,, globulin in cl~ildl~ood nephrotic syndrome : diagnosis of progressive glomerulonephritis, $1 (Abst.) Beta,,..,, globulin in renal disease, measurement of, 116 (Abst.) Bioassay, in vitro, for soluble antigen-antibody complexes, 116 (Abst.) Hiologio consequences of immediate type hypersensitivity transferred from man to monkey (Patterson et al.), 295 Hiological behavior and stability of rcaginic antibodies, f?ffect of freezing, thawing, and lyophilizing reaginic sera, 121 (Abst.) Biologically

active materials in pollen extracts, 113 (Abst.) Bis-diazotized benzidine hemagglutination reaction, effect of sequence of erythrocytr sensitization on, 115 (Abst.), (Gold et al.), 311 Hlanch phenomenon in atopic and nonatopic individuals, 43 (Abst.) Blood volume, capillary, pulmonary diffusing capacity, and membrane diffusing capacity in intractable asthma with and without chronic overinflation of lungs (Pecora et al.), 204 Body


Breathing I~rorwhial


cooling, transient, recumbency, and induced obstruction, effects in allergic rhinitis (Solomon), 216 serum albumin, commonly used methods for detecting antibodies to, in human serum, 115 (Abst.) mechanics in asthma, 87 (Abst.)

asthma., acute, sodium bicarbonate in treatment of, 16 (Abst.) chronic: adrenalitis with, 18 (Abst.) detection of antihodies to sinus tissue in (@inter0 et al.), 84 cffcctiveness of 6-mercaptopurine in (Arkins and Hirsch), 90 improvement in, not reflected in forced expiratory volume, 34 (Abst.) mcthacholine aerosol as test for, 11 (Abst.) hypersensitivity to Can&da alhinans (Itkin and Dennis), 187 mucosae and skin, sensitivity to green algae, 106 (Abst.) reactivity and “law of initial value,” 109 (Abst.)


of hay fever suhjrcts to ragweed aerosol, effect of beta-adrenergie blockade on, 102 (Abst.) to histamine and methacholinr, effect of beta-adrenergic blockade on, 101 (Abst.) Bronchiolitis and allergic asthma, relationship between (Zweiman et al.), 48 Hroncho~onstrirting effect of histamine and acetyl-beta-metliylcl~oline in obstructivc airlvay disease, non(Klein and Salspecificity of vaggio), 15X Bronchopulmonary 1 a v a g e i n man, 46 (Ahst.) Bronchospasm in anaphylaxis, roentgenographic demonstration of, 23 (Abst.) BSA antibodies, use of DMRO to develop, 125 (Abst.) Burn drpth, anaphylactic death after administration of triphenylmethane dye to determine, 1.8 (Abst.) C Candida

albicans, bronchial hypersensitivity to (Itkin and Dennis), 187 Capillary blood volume, pulmonary diffusing capacity, and membrane diffusing capacity, in intractable asthma with and without chronic ovcrinflation of lungs (Pecora et al.), 204 Cardiac pulmonary edema, pulmonary reactions simulating, caused by nitrofurantoin, 88 (Abst.) Carisoprodol and meprobamate, cross-reaction of, ld (Abst.) Carrier specificity of tuberculin-type reaction to trivalent chromium, 44 (Abst.) C’ellular localization of antigen, absence in d e 1a y e d hypersensitivity, 46 (Abst.) Challenge technique, quantitative-inhalation, studies with. Dose response to acetyl-beta-metl~ylcholine in ast,hma and hay fever subjects and nonatopic volunteers (Felarca and Itkin), 223 Chemoprophylaxis with daily chloramphenieol, effects in bacterial infection and chronic pulmonary emphysema, 40 (Abst.) Cheyne-Stokes respiration and pulmonary emphysema, effect of aminophylline on respiratory-center sensitivity in, 68 (Abst.) Childhood asthma, exercise response test in, 103 (Abst.) (‘hills and fever as reaction to procainamidc hydrochloride therapy, 40 (Abst.)

C~l~lorxrr~l~l~n~icol, cl a i 1 y, chemoprophylaxis with, effects in bacterial infection and chronic pulmonary emphysema, 40 ( Abst.) s”ppre”“l0n of anamnestic response to tetanus toxoid in man by, 7 (Abst.) Chloroquine: mechanism of action upon immune phenomena, 36 (Abst.) Chromatographically distinct reagins associated with yG globulins in xera of ragweed allergic individuals, 119 (Abst.) C’hromium, trivalent, carrier specificity of tuberculin-type reactions to, 44 (Abst.) (‘hronic pulmonary emphysema and bacterial infection, effects of rllcInoprophylaxis with daily chloramphenicol in, 40 (Abst.) Circumoval precipitins: localization by gel diffusion in serum infected with S. mansoni, 30 (Abst.) Climate and specific hyposcnsitization treatment in asthmatic children, COIIIparison of, 34 (Abst.) Coccidioidomycosis, antibodies in, immunoelectrophoretic properties, so (Abst.) Colitis, and regional ileitis, intestinal lactase deficiency in, 6 (Abst.) ulcerative, circulating antibodies to dietary proteins in, 24 (Abst.) Collagen of skin and flea saliva, reaction between, in induction of flea bite hypersensitivity, 114 (Abut.) College students, frequency of allergies and skin tests among, 107 positive (Abst.) Complement, human, detection of hereditary angioneurotic edema by demonstration of reduction in second component of, 16 (Abst.) Contact dermatitis due to formaldehyde in clothing textiles, 19 (AM.) from neomycin and framycetin, 19 (Abst.) sensitivity to malathion, 3 (Abst.) Cooling, body surface, recumbency, and induced obstruction in allergic rhinitis and control subjects (Solomon), %I6 Correspondence, 319 Corticotrophic

polypeptide, synthetic, effect on adrenal function in hypersensitive asthmatics, 18 (Abst.) Cortisone, effect on fever of delayed hypersensitivity, 32 (Abst.) Cretin, athyreotic, f e d soybean formula, t h y r o i d refractoriness in, 21 (Abst.) Cross-waction of meprobamatc, carisoprodol, lb (Abst.)


culture, Cutaneous

nasal airway, instrument for (Connell), measuring effcxtive 127 tissue, of lymphocytes from allergic patients, 112 (Abst.) vascular reactivity in atopic children, 35 (Abst.) D


allergen, human, complexity of house dust with special reference to presence of, 36 (Abst.) 1)cgrAnulation test, indirect, basophil, evalmtion of, 6 (Abst.) Delayed hypersensitivity, tuberculin, in vitro detection of, 116 (Abst.) Dermatitis, atopic, guanethidine in treatment delayed blanch phenomenon of, in atopic and nonatopic individ uals, 43 (Abst.) uonallergic factors in ( Winkelmann), 29 Contact, due to formaldehyde in clothing textiles, 19 (Abst.) from neomycin and framycetin, 19 (Abst.) from cross-reaction of meprobamate and carisoprodol, 12 (Abst.) eczematous influence of 4:: soap 011, (LAhst.)

venrnata Dermographism


lichens, 35 (Abst.) : definition, demonstration, and prevalence, 104 (Abst.) Desert area, Arad, Israel, response of asth matics to airborne allergens in (Kantor et al.), 65 Dietary proteins in ulcerative colitis, circulating antibodies to, 24 (Ahst.) Diffusing capacity, pulmonary, membrane, and capillary blood volume in intractable asthma with and with out chronic over-inflation of lungs (Pecora et al.), 204 1)iniethyl sulfoxide as penetrant carrier of allergens through intact human skin, 126 (Abst.) DJIHO, use to develop BHA antibodies, 125 (Abst.) DNA, anti-, antibody, association of lupuslike syndrome intluwd lry pr,icainc amide with, 8 (Ahst.) Drug fever due to potassium iodide, 47 (Abst.) Drug-induced liver disease, 29 (Abst. j Dust, house, immunological studies of, 107 (Abst.) E Eckstoin, Eczcmatous

Emanuel, obituary, 368 dermatitis, influence of 43 (Ahst.)







angioneurotic, hereditary, detection by demonstration of reduction in second component of human cornplement, 16 (Abst.) superior vcna cava syndrome mnsqueratiling as, 105 (Abst.) E~mpliyscrna, familial, 46 (Abst.) pulmonary, and (Ihcyne-Stokes respiration, c:Rec,t of aminophylline on respiratory-center sensitivity in, 68 ( Abst .) chronic, and bacterial infection, effects of chemoprophylaxis with daily ~l~loraI~lpll~nicc,1 in, 40 (AM.) l+:mulsion injection, effect of, 7 (Abut.) of purified ragweed antigen, induction of immediate and delayed skin reartivity with, 108 (Abxt.) l~:ncloc~arditis, bacterial, use of steroids in penicillin-sensitive patients with, .I3 (AM.) Entlotoxin, effect of intravenous injection on circulating eosinophils and other leukocytes i n steroid-induced adrenal suppression, 101 (Abst.) Enuresis, noctwndl, twatnwnt regimen for, 13 (Abut.) Enzyme synthesis, adaptive, inhibition of, as analogur of immunologic tolcrante,




rrsponsc, effect of

diminution of: specific injections of allrrgenic extract, 100 (hbst.) F:osinophils, accumulation, responsiveness to allergen applied to denuded skin surf ace (Fowlrr and I,owcll), 19 count, direct, effect of acute salicylatc intoxicntion on, 26’ (Abst.) ant1 other leukocytes in steroid-induced adrenal suppression, effect. of intravenously injected endotoxin 011, 101 (Abst.) morl~hologic changes in, in allergic disease, 100 (hbst.) E:pidemic asthma, New Orleans: comparison of involved and uninvolved individuals, 111 (AM.) study of, 4& (Ahst.) Epi~lemiology of asthma and allergic rhinitis, 67 (hbst.) in children in Philadelphia, 111 (Abst.) E:rythrocyte sensitization, effect on bis-diazotized benzidine hemagglutination reaction (Gold et al.), 311 of sequence on bis-diazotized henzidine hemagglutination reaction, 115 (Abst.) Ewrrise, controlled, in asthmatic children, 26’ (Abst.) effect on hospitalized asthmatic patient (Itkin and Sacman), 253 uasal airway response to, 103 (dbst.)

Exercise-Cont’d response

test in child1~ood asthma, IO3 (Abd.) Expirxtory volume, forced, improvement in bronchial asthma not reflected in, 54 (Abst.) l+:stracts, pollen, biologically active materials in, 113 (AM.) l:?ctrapulmonary air as complication of asthma in children, 111 (Abat.) E’ Familial Farmer’s Fever,

emphysema, 46 (Abst.) lung and “fog fever,” 24 (Aljst.) artificial, in treatment of allergic diswms, 48 (Abst.) and chills as reaction to procaindmide hydrochloride therapy, 40 (Abst. j of delayed hypersensitivit,y, effect of cortisone on, 52 (Abst.) drug, due to potassium iodide, 47 (Abst.) “fog,” and farmer’s lung, 24 (Abst.) Flea bite hypersensitivity, role of skin in induction of, 1‘14 (Abst.) “E’og fever” and farmer’s lung, 64 (AM.) Food allergy, significance of mast cells in nasal smears from patients with ( Ahioda and Mishima), 321 Foods, legume family, immunologic~ studies on, 38 (Abst.) Forced expiratory volume, improvement in bronchial asthma not reflected in, 34 (Abst.) Formaltlehydc in clothing textiles, contact dermatitis due to, 19 (Abst.) Framycetin, neomycin and, contact dermatitis from, 19 (hbst.) G ~;::nrllllla-h-isoll(,nlagglutillin and yD-globulin, human, properties of reaginic antibody different from ( lshizaka et al.), 336 protein and skin-sensitizing antibody, relationship between, in ragmeedallergic individuals (Perrlmuttcr et a).), 236 Dglobulin, and yA-isohemagglutinin, human, properties of reaginic antibody different from (Ishizaka et al.), 336 G globulins in sera of ragweed allergic individuals, chromatograpl~ically distinct reagins associated with, 119 (AM.) glolmlin, nonspecific, rft’ect on passive sensitization in vitro at different temperatures (Spuzic et al.), T5 Gel diffusion, localization by, in serum inferted with 8. m~nsmi, SO (Ah&)


syndrome, anaphylactoid shock oral penicillin and induced by resulting in, 1s (Abst.) measurement Globulin, /31C.1., in renal disease, of, 116 (Abst.) beta,,., in childhood nephrotic syndrome : diagnosis of progressive glomerulonephritis, II (Abst.) gamma, nonspecific, effect on passive sensitization in vitro at different temperatures (Spuzic et al.), 75 Globulins, elevated ,,A-, asthma, and short stature, 10 (Abst.) yA and yG, antigenic difference of reaginic antibody from, 120 (Abst.) yA- or yG-, association of reaginic activity with immunoglobulin other than (Ishizaka and Ishizaka), 169 yD-, and yA-isohemagglutinin, human, properties of rcaginic antibody different from (Ishizaka et al.), 336 yG, in sera of ragweed allergic individuals, chromatographically distinct rcagins associated with, 119 (Abst.) Glomerulonephritis, progressive, diagnosis of : in childhood nebeta, r globulin phrotic syndrome, 82 (Abst.) N-glycosidic linkages, spectroscopic evidence for, in atopic allergens, 45 (Abst.) Grafts, thymic, specific adoptive t,olrrance by, 117 (Abst.) Grant-negative bacilli, shock associated nith hacteremin due to, 16 (Ah&) Gmttnethidinr in treatment of atopic dermatitis, delayed blanch phanomcnon in atopic and nonatopic individuals, 43 (Ahst.) H Hair


inhaled, thesaurosis from, 5 (Abst.) 1 Iay fever and asthma subjwts anal nonatopic volunteers, dose response to awtglbeta-methylcl~oline in (Felarca and Itkin), 223 r:tg\vccd, in children, rffwtivencss of hyposensitization therapy in, 104 (Abst.) etTectiveness and specificity of injrction therapy in, d (Ahst.) relationship of pollen dosage to symptom reporting in children with, 104 (Ahst.) treatment by desensitization with antigen E, 103 (Abut,.) use of poison oak rxtract in, 10 (Abst.) subjects, et?& of h&a-adrencrgic hlockade on bronchial response to ragweed aerosol, 102 (Ahst.)

Hypersensitivity-Cont’d immediate, transfer by lymphocytes from blood of ragweed-sensitive patients. 125 iAbst.i type, biolog& consequ&es of transfer from man to monkev (Patterson et al.), 295 lcukocytic, and host susceptibility in streptococcal infection, 119 (Abst.) penicillin, immunologic studies, 99 (AM.) tuberculin delayed, in vitro detection of, 116 (Abxt.) passive transfer ’ of, in guinea pigs (Kochan and Sendel), 284 Hypnotic suggestion and histamine wheal (Levine et al.), 246 Hypogammaglobulinemia, sarcoidoxis with, 69 (Abst.) Hyposensitization, specific, and climate treatment in asthmatic children, comparison of, 34 (Abst.) effect on serum and leukocyte reactivit,y to ragweed pollen, 124 (Abst.) therapy in ragweed hay fever in children, effectiveness of, 194 (Abst.) I Ileitis,

regional, and ulcerative colitis, intestinal lactase deficiency in, 6 (Abst.) Immediate hypersensit,ivity, transfer by lymphocytes from blood of ragweedsensitive patients, 125 (Abst.) Immune phenomena, action of chloroquinc upon, 36 (Abst.) Immunization and antibodv resuonse in newborn infant : p&tu&is inoculation within twenty-four hours of birth, 32 (Abst.) intensive, evaluation of possible adverse consequences, dl (Abst.) Immunized rabbits, antigen stimulated proliferation in lymphoid and myeloid tissues from, 30 (Abst.) Tmmunoelrctrophoretic properties of antibodies in coccidioidomycosis, 30 (Abst.) Imnmnofluorescence in experimental and human renal disease, specificity of, 8.8 (Abst.) Immunogenic differentiation of in vivo and vitro grown Mycobacterittm in tubemZosis, 39 (Abst.) Tmmunoglobulin other than yAor globulin, assoridtion L * of re c&(Z- : activity with (Ishizalta and lshizaka), 169 repeated determinnt,ions in 15 indivicluals over 6 month ptriod, 114 (Ah&) unique, as carrier of rexginin activit,y, 121 (Abst.) in viral hepatitis and active alcoholic liver disease, 47 (Ahst.) 1


Tmmunoglobulins of scra from atopic patients, properties of, 120 (Abst.) Immunologic -defect in. patients recovered from sarcoidois, Sd (Abst.) response, in myasthenia gravis, in thymecnonthymectomized tomized and patients, 14 (Abst.) studies on legume family of foods, 38 (Abst.) t olcrance, inhibition of adaptive enzyme synthesis a s analogue 0 f, 6 ( Abst.) Irnnmnological comparison of venoms, venom sac extracts, and whole-insect extracts: hymenoptera antigens, $0 (Abst.) homograft enhancement,: interactions of antiserum and skin and tumor homografts, 99 (Abst..) studies of beekeepers, 106 (Abst.) of house dust, 107 (Abst.) trsts, detection of allergic reactor to penicillin by, 99 (Abut.) Immunologically produced lymphopenia, db (Abst.) Immunosuppressive therapy, tolerance produced in immunized mice, and potentiation by, 117 (Abst.) Infection, streptoeoecal, leukocytic hypersensitivity and host susceptibility in, 119 (Abst.) Infectious asthma, bacterial asthma and, d (Abst.) Inflammation, anti-anti-, concept, 10 (Abst.) Influenza vaccine! polyvalent : comparison of jet injection with intradermal and subcutaneous administration, 38 (Abst.) 1 nhalation challenge technique, quantitative, studies with. Dose response to acetyl-beta-methylcholine in asthma and hay fever subjects and nonatopic, volunteers (Felarca and Itkin), 223 Injection of allergenic extract, specific effect of: diminution of eosinophilotaetic response, 100 (Abst.) emulsion, effect of, 7 (Abst.) therapy, changes in skin-sensitizing antibody titer following, 123 (Abst. j in ragweed hay fever, effectiveness and specificity of, 8 (Abst.) Tnoculation,

pertussis, within twenty-four hours of birth, immunization and antibody response, 31 (Abst.) Insect allergy, skin sensitivity in, d7 (Abst.) Tnsecfn, st,inging, allergic response to. Fractionation of whole body and venom sac extracts of bee [Shulman et al.), 350 of masp (Langlois et al.), 359 Tnstrumcnt for measuring effective cross-settional nasal airway (Connell), 127


all~lrgy, use of various insulins in, 5 (Abst.) anti-, antibodies in human sera, histoim munological techniques for detecting, 38 (Abst.) Interferon, circulating, after measles vaccination, 28 (Abst.) Intestinal lactase deficiency in ulccrativc regional ileitis, 6 colitis ana (Abst.) lntoxic~ation, acute salicylate: c:Eect on direct eosinophil count, 16 (Abst.) Irradiated mice, antibody production by transferred spleen cells in, 15 (Abst.) Tsohemagglutinin,’ yA-, and yI)-globulin, human, DroDertles of reaeinic antibody &ff&nt from (rchizaka et al.), 336 Tsrwl, Arad, response of asthmatics to airborne allergens in (Kant,or et, al.), 65


T,ymphocyte 1,ymphocytcs blood


Lymphopwia, Lyophilizing,

M Malathion, Mast, cells


deficiency, intestinal, in ulcerative colitis regional ileitis, 6 and ( Abst.) Lavage, hronchopulmonary, in man, 4% (Abst.) Legume family of foods, immunologic studies on, 38 (Abst.) Leukocyte reactivity to ragweed pollen, effect of specific hyposensitization on serum and, 124 (Abst.) T,rukocytes, eosinophils and other, in steroidinduced adrenal suppression, effect of intravenously injected endotoxin on, 101 (Abst.) human, enhancement by hcparin of passive sensitization vitro of, 112 in ( Abst.) Lcukocytie hypersensitivity and host susceptibility in streptococral infection, 119 (Abst.) Lichens, dermatitis vcnenata from, 35 (Abst.) Light protection and triprolidine, 1% (Ahst.) Liver disease, alcoholic, active, and viral hepatitis, immunoglobulin in, 47 (Abut.) drug-induced, %9 (Abst.) Longitudinal study of asthma, clinical methods for (Falliers et al.), 1 Lung, farmer’s, and “fog fever,” %4 (Abst.) tissue, monkey, use for in vitro detection of reagins in human atopic sera, 722 (Abst.) cdhronic ovrrinflation of, pulmonary diffusing capacity, membrane diffusing (*aparity, and capillary blood volumr in intractable asthma with and without (Prcora rlt al.), 204

syndrome induced 1)~ proc-ainr amide, association with anti-1)S.k antibody, 8 (At&.) transfer reactions in Hodgkin’s disease, 39 (Abut.) from allergic patients, tissue culture of, 112 (Abst.) of ragweed-sensitive patients, transfer of immediate hypersensitivity by, 125 (Abst.) and myeloid tissues, antigen stimulated proliferation in, from immuni&I rabbits, 50 (Abst.) immunologically produced, %% (Abst.) freezing, and thawing reaginic sera. effect on stabilitv and biological behavior of rea$nic antibodies, 121 (Abst.)

contact sensitivity to, 3 (Abst.) in nasal smears from patients with food allergy, significance (Shioda and Mishinm), 321 Xcaslw vaccination, circulating interferon after, 18 (Abst.) Membrane diffusing capacity, pulmonary difand capillary fusing capacity, blood volume in intractable asthma with and without chronic overinflation of lungs (Pecora et al.), 204 Meprobamate and carisoprodol, cross-reaction of, 2% (Abst.) 6-blrrcaptopurine, effect on antibody produetion in atomic individuals (Vanselow et al.); 145 eff’ectivrnrss in bronchial asthma (Arkins and Hirsch), 90 Metabolism of intradermally administered skin-sensitizing antibodies, 123 ( Abst.) Methacholine aerosol as test for bronchial asthma, 11 (Abst.) and histamine, effect of beta-adrenergic blockade on bronchial response to, 101 (Abst.) Milk allergy, diagnosis of, 4 (Abut.) Minden, Bendix S., obituary, 252 Monkey lung tissue, use for in vitro detection of reagins in human atopic sera, 122 (Abst.) Morphologic changes in eosinophils in allergic disease, 100 (Abst.) Mucosar, skin and bronchial, sensitivity to green algae, 106 (Abst.) Nuscle, smooth, human, rrsponse in SrhultzDale experiments (‘rollackson and Frick), 195 in vitro sensitization by srra from atopic patients: pharmacologic and physiologin studies, 122 (hhst.)


gravis, immunologic thymeetomized and tomixed patients, 14

response in nonthymec(Ah&.) Jtycohrtctcriwn tuberculosis, immunogenic diftcrmtiation of in vivo and in vitro grown, SD (AM.) l\lycloid and lymphoid t,issurs, antigen stimulated proliferation in, from immunized r&hits, 30 (Alwt.)


sensitization in vitro at different temperatures, effect of nonspecific y;mma globulin on (Spuzic et al.) of

human leukocytes, enhancement by beparin of, 112 (2&t.) transfer of tuberculin hypersensitivity in guinea pigs (Kochan and Bendel), 2x4 , I’assivrly sensitized monkeys, systemic allergic shock induced in, by intraveN nous injection of buman allergy serum, 64 (Abst.) Sasal airway, cross-sectional, instrument for Patl~oplrysiology of ventilatory failure, 14 measuring cffwtivr (Connell), 127 ( Abst.) rc~.;ponso to exercise, 103 (hhat.) Eenic*illin, allergic reactor to, detection lry cwnstriction, method of measuring, 102 immunologicnl tests, 99 (Abst. ) (AbSl.) and homologues, nephropatby associated smears from patients wit11 food allergv, with, 44 (Abst.) significance of nlast cells in hypersensitivity, delayed, in man, to, 98 (Shioda and Mishinra), 321 ( Abst.) Kecrotizing vasculitis, thiazides, cause of a SC? immunologic studies, 99 (Ahst.) ( Abst.) oral, anapbylactoid shock induced by, and Sromycin and framywtin, contact dermatitis resulting in Gerstmann’s syndrome, from, 19 (Abst.) 23 (Ahat.) Nrphropathy associated with penicdillin and Penic~illinsensitive patients with haeterial lron~ologurs, 44 (Ah&) endocarditis, use of steroids in, Seplrrotic~ syndrome, Iota,,. globulin in: 13 (Abst.) diagnosis of progrwsiw glonirrulol’rrmc~ahility increasing factor, studies on, ncpbritin, 22 ( Ahst.) 124 (Ahst.) ;“;ew Orleans asthma study, 4& (A&t.) Pertussis inoculation within twenty-four hours cpidemic~ asthma: comparison of involved of birth, immunization and antiand uninvolved individuals, 111 body response, 31 (Abst.) (AM.) Pharmacologic and physiologic studies : in Sitrofurantoin, pulmonary react,ionn simulatvitro sensitization of smooth ing cardiac pulmonary edema muscle hy scra from atopic pacaused hy, 28 (hlmt.) tients, 122 (Abst.) Swturnal cnurrsis, trratmrnt, wgirwn for, Pharmac~ologicnl mediators, hypersensitivity I.7 (Ahst.) to, produced by beta-adrcnrrgic: blocking agents, species and strain 0 differences in, 101 (Ah&) ~‘lrilacl~~lphia, epidemiology of asthma in c*bilOhituarics, 97, 252, 367, 36X tlren in, 111 (Aljst.) Ohstrucl ion, nasal, induced, transicwt body Plr,vsicoc~lremicaI properties and antigenic surface cooling, and rtwunbnu~v structure of human waginic antic+frcts in allergic rlrinitis (SoloI body, 120, 121 (dhsts.) mon )) “16 Of reaginic antibody. Association of pulmonary airway, in asthnmtic c~hiltlren, reaginic activity with immunoradioloyic~ aswssment 110 of, globulin other tlran yhor yG(AM.) globulin (Ishizaka and 1 shizaka), Ohstrwtiw airlray diwasc, nonspecificity of 169 l~ronchoconstric*ting rflcct of histadilferent f ram human y A-isolumagmim and a,crtyl-b(,ta-~nrtl~ylcholinc glutinin and yD-globulin (Ishiaaka in (Klein and Xalvaggio), 158 et al.), 336 Organspwifin autoantihodirs in rc~agin-wnPhysiologic and pharmacologic studies, in taining sera from allwgir patients, vitro sensitization of smooth 83 (Abst.) muscle by sera from atopic patients, 122 (Ahst.) P Poison oak extract in ragweed hay fever, I’ancrc~atitis, steroiil-inc~ucc~cl, 29 (Ahst.) use of, 10 (dhst.) l’aralysis and controllrtl respiration, mrdic*ally Pollon dosage, relationship to symptom raportirrtw~rsihle status asthmaticws ing in children with ragweed hay treated with, &fi (Ah&) fever, 104 (Abst.)

8ubject l’ollell-Cont’d extracts,

biologically active materials in, 113 (Abst.) ragweed, agglutination test with (TViehrl et al.), 329 antigenic relationships between crude extracts and purified fractions of (Lidd and Farr), 54 c+Frr+ of specific hyposensitizntion on serum and leukocyte reactivity to, 124 (Abst.) corticotrophic, synthetic, effect Polypt~ptide, on adrenal function in hypersensitive asthmatics, 18 (AM.) due ‘to, 47 I’otassium iodide, drug fever (Abst.) PPD, 0.005 my., effect of repeated tuberculin skin testing in children with, 113 (Abst.) tubf~rculin, in human and guinea pig sera, circulating TS and 19s hrmagglutinins to, 113 (Abst.) Prrlcipitins against antigen extract of Aspergillus fumigatus in aspergillosis or other pulmonary diseases, 15 (Abst.) extracts of crude bagassc: in serum of patients with bagassosis, 107 (Abst.) circumoval: localization by gel diffusion in serum infected with R. mansoni, 30 (Abst.) Primates, subhuman, systemic sensitization, as model of atopy, 122 (Abst.) Procaine amide hydrochloride therapy, fever and chills as reaction to, 40 (Abst.) lupuslike syndrome induced by, association with anti-DNA antibody, 8 (Abst.) Prolifrration, antigen stimulated, in lymphoid and myeloid tissues from immunized rabbits, JO (Abst.) Proteins, dietary, in ulcerative colitis, circulating antibodies to, 24 (Abst.) yA, and skin-sensitizing antibody, relationship between, in ragweed-allergic individuals (Perelmutter et al.), 236 lreterologous serum, characterization of human antibody to, 115 (Abst.) serum, histamine bound by, 23 (Abst.) Pulmonary airway obstruction in asthmatic children, radiologic assclssment of, 110 (Abst.) diffusing capacity, membrane diffusing capacity, and capillary blood voiw&in intractabl; asthma with and without chronic overinflation of lungs (Pocora et al.), 204 ~liscases, aspergillosis or other, precipitins against antigen extract of Aspcrgi2Zus fumigatus in patients Jvith, 16 (Abst.)



Pulmonary-Cont’d emphysema and Cheyne-Stokes respiration, &oct of amlnophylline on respiratory-center sensitivity in, 88 ( Abst.) vhroniv. and bacterial infection. effects of chemoprophylaxis wit’h dail) c~hloramphenicol in, 40 ( Abst.) cardiac pulmonary rrxc*tions simulating edema caused by nitrofurantoin, 28 (Absk) Purpura, anaphylactoitl, rxprrimnntal prodmation of, 47 (Abst.) Pyritline, alum-prrcipitatrtl, ragweed rstractj effect on guinea pigs I,Gordoll and Mansmann), 264 R Radiation,

ultrsviolrt, and triprolidinr, rcsponse of skin to, 12 (AM.) Radiologic techniques in assessment of puImonary airway obstruc*tion in :tt;tllmatic children, 110 (Abst.) Hngwerd aerosol, effec~t of beta-adrcnergic blockade on bronczhial rc~spons? of hay fovclr subjects to, 102 (A%bst.) antigen, purified, emulsion, induc*tion of immediate and delavrrl skin rc~tivity with, 108 (AL) extract, alumprecipitated pyridine, c+Tcct on guinea pigs (Gordon and Mansmann), 264 hay fever in children, effectiveness of hypo104 sensitization therapy in, (Abst.) cffoctiveness am1 spwific~ity ol' ir~.jcvtion therapy in, 2 (AlA.) rrlationship of pollen (losagcb to ?;ymltin c,hildrrn with, tom reporting 104 (Al)&.) treatment, by desensitization witli antigen E, 103 (hbst.) “se of poison oak extract in, 10 (A1)rt.j pollen, agglutination test with C~\Vic*hc,r cxt al.), 329 crude extracts and purifirtl fr:rc.tion* of. rc~lationships antigcbnic 1wt\\ (‘(‘II (Lidd and Farr), 64 effect of specific: lI~poSellsitiz;~tio~~ OII st=l‘um anI1 Icukocptc wactirity to, 124 (Abst.) rcaginic scra., fractions ol~taincel 11ill, Kivanol from, 120 (Abst.) Ilag\\rrd~allergic individuals, clrromat ograpliirally distinct roagin:: asao~iwl~l with yD globulins in PINKO. of, 11 !I (Abst.) relationship betwern skill-s:rnsitizitlp antibody and y.\ protein in ( 1’1,r1,1 mutter et al. 1, 23ti











cI~ron~atograpI~icalIy distinct, associated with yG globulins in sera of rag119 weed allergic individuals, (Abst.j in human atopic sera, use of monkey lung tissue for in vitro detection of, 122 (Abst.) Reagin-containing sera from allergic patients, organ-specific autoantibodies in, 13 ( Abst.) Reaginic activity, presence of unique immunoglobulin as carrier of, 121 ( Abst.) antibodies, stability and biological behavior of: effect of freezing, thawing, and lyophilizing reaginic sera, 122 (AIM.) antibody, effect of reduction and alkylation on allergen-combining properties of (Ishizaka et al.), 135 human, physicochemical properties and antigenic structure of, 120, 121 (Absts.) physirochemical properties of. Association of reaginic activity with immunoglobulin other than yAor yG-globulin (Ishizaka and Ishizaka), 169 different from human y.-A isohemagglutinin and yD-globu III (Ishizaka et al.), 336 sera, effect of freezing, thawing, and lyophilizing reaginic sera on stability and biological behavior of reaginin antibodies, 121 ( Abst.) ragweed, fractions obtained with Rivanol from, 120 (Al&J , Recumbency, transient body surface cooling, and induced obstruction, effects in allergic rhinitis (Solomon), 216 R,eduction and alkylation, effect on allergenrombining properties of rcaginic antibody (Ishizaka et al.), 135 R.rnaI disease, experiment,al and human, specificity of immunofluorescencr in, 82 (Abst.) measurement of ,6,?.,. globulin in, 116 (Abst.) Krsensitization, spontaneous, of actively sensitized guinea pigs, aerosol desensitization and, 125 (Abst.) Respiratory allergy, sporobolomyces as cause of, 34 (Abst.j center sensitivity, effect of aminophylline respiration on, in Cheyne-Stokes and pulmonary emphysema, 88 (Abst. j tract, autoimmune mechanism in diseases of, 1.5 (Abst.) Rhinitis, allergic, and asthma, epidemiology of, d7 (Sbst.) I

Rhinitis, allergic-Cout’d transient bodv surface cooling. cl, rccuminduced obstruction, benry, I and effects in (Solomon), 216 Rivanol from ragweed reaginic writ, fractions obtained with, 120 (hbst.) tloentgcnographic demonstration of bronchospasm in anaphylaxis, 83 (Abst.)

s Salicylate

intoxication, acute : effect on direct eosinophil count, 16 (Abst.) Saliva. flea. reaction between collagen of skin ‘and, in induction of- flea bite hypersensitivity, 114 (Abst.) Parcoidosis with hypogammaglobulinemia, d9 (Abst.) immunologic defect in patients recovered from, 36 (Abst.) Schaffer, Nathan, obituary, 367 Schultz-Dale rxneriments. resnonse of human smo&h muscle in ~Tollackson and Frick), 195 Sensitivity, respiratory-center, effect of aminophylline on, in Cheyne-Stokes respiration and pulmonary emphysema, 18 (Abst.) skin, in insect allergy, .%‘7 (Abst.j Sensitization, erythrocyte, effect on bis-diazotized benzidine hemagglutination reaction (Gold et al.), 311 Hera, human, Iiistoimnmnological techniques for detecting anti-insulin antibodies in, 38 (Abst.) Serologic studies in case due to rabbit serum: serum sickness in man (Ortiz), 274 Serum, rabbit, serologic st,udies in case due to: serum sickness in man (Ortiz), 274 sickness in man: serologic studies in ease due to rabbit serum (Ortiz), 274 Shock, anaphylactoid, induced by oral penicillin and resulting in Grrstmann’s syndrome, 13 ( Abst. j associated with bacterrmia due to grantnegative bacilli, 16 ( Abst,.) s.vsteniic allergic, induced in monkeys passively sensitized by intravenous injection of human allergy serum, 84 (Abst.) Sinus tissue, detection of antibodies to, in chronic bronchial asthma (@intero et al.), X4 Skin and bronchial mucosae, sensitivity to green algae, 106 (Abst.) intact human, dimethyl sulfoxide as penetrant carrier of allergens through, 126 (Abst.) reactivity, immediate and delayed, in&wtion with emulsion of purified ragweed antigen, 108 (Abst.)

Subject Skin-Cont’d response role


sensitivity surface.





to ultraviolet radiation, triprolidine and, 11 (hbst.) induction of flea bite hypersensitivity, 114 (Abst.) in insect allergy, $7 (Abst.) denuded. accumulation of eosinophils showing responsiveness to allergen applied to (Fowlrr and Lowell), 19 repeated tuberculin, wit,h 0.005 mg. PPD in children. effect of.

113 (AlIst.)


positive, and allergies among college students, frequency of, 107 (Abst.) and tumor homoerafts. antiserum and. interactio& of: immunological 11 0 m 0 g r a f t enhancement, 3.9 (Abst.)Skin-sensitizing antibodies in autoimmune thyroiditix, 118 (Abst.) metabolism of intradermdlly administered, 123 (Abst.) antibody and yA protein, relationship between, in ragweed-allergic individuals (Perrlmutter et al.), 236 titer following injection t h e r a p y, changes in, 123 (Abst.) s. mnnsoni, localization by gel diffusion in serum infected with, 30 (Ah&) Smooth muscle, human, response in SchultzDale experiments (Tollackson and Friek), 195 in vitro sensitization by scra from atopic patients: pharmacologic an d physiologic studies, 122 (Abst.) Soap, influence on eczematous dermatitis, 43 (Abst.) Sodium bicarbonate in treatment of acute bronchial asthma, 16 (Ahst.) Solar urtinaria, idiopathic, action spectra in, 4 (Abst.) Soybean formula, thyroid refractoriness in athyreotic cretin fed, tL (Abst.) Species and strain differences in hypersensitivity to pharmaeoloeical mediators produced by beta-adrencrgic blocking agents, 101 (Abst.) Spectra, action, in idiopathic solar urticaria, 4 (AM.) Spectroscopic evidence for N-glycosidic, linkages in atopic allergens, 45 (Abst.) Rpleen ccl1 s, transferred, in irradiated mice, focal antibotly production by, I.5 (AM.) Rl’orobololny~rs as cause of respiratory allergy, 54 (AM.) Statistical computation of numerical intliws for grading severity of asthma (Falliers et al.), 10 Stature, short, asthma and elevated ,&globulins, 30 (Abst.) ;


asthmaticus, medically irreversible, treated with paralysis and controlled respiration, 66 (Abst.) suitability for alternate Steroid analogurs, day steroid therapy, 108 (Abst.) therapy, alternate evaluation 0 f day, analogues for, 108 steroid (Abst.) use in penicillin-sensitive patients with bacterial endocarditis. I3 (Ahat. ) Steroid-induced adrenal suppression, effect of intravenously injectrd endotoxin on cosinophils ant1 other leukocytes in, 101 (Abst.) pancreatitis, B9 (Abst.) Stinging insects, allergic response to. Fracationation of whole b o d y an cl venom sac extracts of bee (Shulman et al.), 350 of wasp (Langlois et al.), 359 Strcptococcal infection, lrukocytic hyperscnsitivity and host susceptibility in, 119 (Abst.) Kul~human primates, systemic sensitization, as model of atopy, 122 (Abst.) Sunburn, action spectra in, 4 (Abst.) Superior vena cava syndrome masquerading as angioneurotic 105 e d e m a, ( Abxt.) hystenmrc allergic shock induced in monkevs paa&ly sensitized by intra- ” venous injection of human allergy serum, 24 (Abst.) vasculitis, clinical and pat,hological relationships, 37 (Abst.) sensitization 0 f sulhuman primates as model of atopy, 122 (Abst.) T Temperatures,

different, effect of nonspecific gamma globuliu on passive sensitization in vitro at (Apuzic et al.), 75 Tetanus toxoid, suppression of anamnwtit response to, in man by rhlnranrphenicol, 7 (Abst.) Textiles, clothing, contact dermatitis tluc to formaldehyde in, 1.9 (AlA. j ‘l’hesaurosis from inhaled hair spray, 2 ( Abst.) Thiazidcs, cause of nrcrotizing rxsculitis! 36 (Abst.) Thymectomized and nonthyrl~(~(~to~tlizetl pa ticnts, immunologic response in, in nryasthtwia gravis, 24 (.Ilbst.) ‘l’hymic~ grafts, specific alloy)tivc tolcrancc 11y. 117 (Abst.)





culture of lymphocytes from allergic patients, 112 (Abst.) Tohrancc produced in immunized mice, and potcntintion by immunosuppressive therapy, 117 (Abst.) specific adoptive, by thymic grafts, 117 (Abst.) Toxoid, tetanus, suppression of anamnestic response to, in man by chloramphenicol, 7 (Abst.) ‘Transfer reactions, lymphocyte, in Hodgkin’s disease, 39 (Abst.) Transfusion reactions, urticarial, 106 (Abst.) Triphenylmethane dye to determine burn anaphylactic death after depth, administration of, 18 (Abst.) Triprolidine and light protection, II (Abst.) and response of skin to ultraviolet radiation, 11 (Abst.) hypersensitivity, delayed, i n Tuberculin, vitro detection of, 116 (Abst.) passrve t,ransfer of, in guinea pigs (Kochan and Rendel), 284 PPD in human and guinea pig sera, circulating 75 and 19s hemagglutinins to, 113 (Abst.) skin testing, repeated, with 0.005 mg. PPD in children, effect of, 113 (Abst.) Tuhrrculin-type reaction, carrier specificity to trivalent chromium, 44 of, ( Abst.) Tumor and skin homografts, antiserum and, immunological interactions of: ho m 0 g r a f t cnliancement, 39 (Xbst.)

Urticaria, idiopathic

chronic, (Ahst.) solar,

Clinical acti

Course on



105 in,


( Abst.)

pigmcntosa, TJrticarial

asthma usual case transfusion

associated with, un(McKee et al.), 38 reactions, 106’ i AM.)




measles, circulating interferon after, 88 (Abst.) Vaccine, bacterial, and infectious asthma, 2 (Abst.) polyvalent influenza: comparison of jet injection with intradermal and subcutaneous administration, 38 (Abut.) Vascular reactivitv. cutaneous. i n atooic children” ‘36 (Abst.) ’ Vasculitis, necroti&ng, thiazides, cause of P 36 (Abst.)l systemic “allergic,” clinical and pathological relationships, 37 (Abst.) Vectorcardiogram in asthmatic children, posterior orientation of, 109 (Abst.) Vena cava, superior, syndrome masquerading as angioneurotic 105 edema, (Abst.) Venoms, venom sac extracts, and whole-insect extracts, comparison of : hymenoptera antigens, ,%I (Abst.) Vcntilatory failure, pathophysiology of, 24 (Abst.) Viral hepatitis and active alcoholic liver disease, immunoglobulin i n, 47 (Abst.) I

wasp, TJ Ulcerative Ultraviolet

colitis, circulating antibodies dietary proteins in, 64 (Abst.) radiation and triprolidine, sponse of skin to, 12 (Abst,.)

w frxrtiormtion of whole body venom sac extracts for skin ing (Langlois et al.), 359

and test-

to Y



a s t h m a, (Abst.)

