Index to volume 39, 1987

Index to volume 39, 1987

Index to VOLUME 39, 1987 PHYSIOLOGY & BEHAVIOR PHYSIOLOGY & BEHAVIOR VOLUME 39 NUMBER 1 1987 CONTENTS Editorial . . . . . . . . . . ...

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Index to VOLUME 39, 1987






CONTENTS Editorial






































































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Articles Control of protein intake in golden hamsters. DIBATTISTA, D ...........................................................


Short-term responses of plasma norepinephrine, epinephrine, glucocorticoid and testosterone titers to social and stressors in male guinea pigs of different social status. SACHSER, N ..............................................................


Influence of postnatal rearing conditions on the response of squirrel monkey infants to brief perturbations in mother-infant relationships. W I E N E R , S. G., D. F. J O H N S O N and S. L E V I N E ..........................


Gonadal steroids and the extinction of conditioned taste aversions in young domestic fowl. C L I F T O N , P. G. and R. J. A N D R E W .......................................


A comparison of acute stress paradigms: Hormonal responses and hypothalamic serotonin. P A R I S , J. M., S. A. L O R E N S , L. D. V A N D E KAR, J. H. U R B A N , K. D. R I C H A R D S O N - M O R T O N and C. L. B E T H E A ........................


Effects of ethanol on aggression in three inbred strains of mice. E V E R I L L , B. and M. S. B E R R Y ...........................................


Salt and water intake in Brattleboro rats with hypothalamic diabetes insipidus. E L F O N T , R. M. and H. W. S O K O L ........................................


Enhancement of responses to sequential presentation of oral chemical irritants. S T E V E N S , D. A. and H. T. L A W L E S S .....................................


An improved chamber for the observation and analysis of the sexual behavior of the female rat. M E N D E L S O N , S. D. and B. B. G O R Z A L K A ...............................


A lack of avoidance of flank gland secretions by male Syrian hamsters. F U L L E N K A M P , A. M., R. B. F I S C H E R and R. A. V A N C E



Handling facilitates the acquisition of lever-pressing for brain self-stmulaUon in the posterior hypothalamus of rats. W E S T , C. H. K. and R. P. M I C H A E L ......................................


Influences of ACTH 4-10 on event-related potentials reflecting attention in man. B O R N , J., G. F E H M - W O L F S D O R F , K. H. V O I G T and H. L. F E H M



Prior stress and behaviorally conditioned histamine release. P E E K E , H. V. S., K. D A R K , G. E L L M A N , C. M c C U R R Y and M. S A L F I (+)-8-OH-DPAT and 5-MeODMT induced analgesia is antagunised by noradreuallne depletion. A R C H E R , T., E. A R W E S T R ( S M , B. G. M I N O R , M.-L. P E R S S O N , C. POST, E. S U N D S T R O M and G. J O N S S O N .........................................




Contents continued

VOLUME INDEX Effects of detention and illumination on rats' exploratory behavior in a two-box apparatus. A M B R O G I L O R E N Z I N I , C., C. B U C H E R E L L I and A. G I A C H E T T 1 ..........


Infusion of cholecystokinin between meals into free-feeding rats fails to prolong the intermeai interval. WEST, D. B., M. R. C. G R E E N W O O D , A. C. S U L L I V A N , L. P R E S C O D , L. R. M A R Z U L L O and J. T R I S C A R I .......................................


Adrenal hormonal indices of stress in laboratory rats. N A T E L S O N , B. H., D. C R E I G H T O N , R. M c C A R T Y , W. N. TAPP, D. P I T M A N and J. E. O T T E N W E L L E R .................................................


Pharmacological subtraction of the sensory controls over grasping in rats. P E L L I S , S. M., V. C. P E L L I S , D. P. O ' B R I E N , F. DE LA C R U Z and P. T E I T E L B A U M ..........................................................


Recruitment time of conditioned opioid analgesia. M A T Z E L , L. D. and R. R. M I L L E R



Brief Communication The aromatase inhibitor, 1,4,6-androstatriene-3,17-dione (ATD), blocks testosterone-induced olfactory behaviour in the hamster. S T E E L , E. and J. B. H U T C H I S O N .........................................

Software Survey Section







CONTENTS Editorial


Articles Nonaromatizable androgens may stimulate a male mouse reproductive behavior by binding estrogen receptors. N Y B Y , J. G. and N. G. S I M O N ............................................


Inefficient licking during forced spout alternation in rats: Violation of the law of effect? M A M E D O V , Z., N. H E R N A N D E Z - M E S A and J. B U R E ~ ....................


Investigation of tolerance to chronic intrathecal morphine infusion in the rat. A D V O K A T , C., P. B U R T O N and C. B. T Y L E R .............................


Effects of feeding and light cycles on activity rhythms of maternally isolated rat pups. A N D E R S O N , V. N. and G. K. S M I T H ......................................


Lack of synchrony between feeding activity and pulsatile growth hormone secretion in rats. M O S I E R , H. D., JR. and R. A. J A N S O N S ..................................


Transfer of effects from environmentally enriched and impoverished female rats to future offspring. D E L L , P. A. and F. D. R O S E ...............................................


An alternative explanation for apparent satiating properties of peripherally administered bembesin and cholecystokinin in domestic fowls. S A V O R Y , C. J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The effect of desynchronization on meal patterns of humans living in time isolation. G R E E N , J., C. P. P O L L A K and G. P. S M I T H ..............................


The ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus is not essential for the prefeeding corticosterone peak in rats under restricted daffy feeding. H O N M A , S., K.-I. H O N M A , T. N A G A S A K A and T. H I R O S H I G E ............


Cholecystokinin stimulates and inhibits lordosis behavior in female rats. B L O C H , G. J., A. M. B A B C O C K , R. A. G O R S K I and P. E M I C E V Y C H



Progesterone inhibition of aggressive behaviors in hamsters. F R A I L E , I. G., B. S. M c E W E N and D. W. P F A F F


Pinealectomy blocks vernal courtship behavior in red-sided garter snakes. N E L S O N , R. J., R. T. M A S O N , R. W. K R O H M E R and D. C R E W S


A quantitative study on the tail flick test in the rat. K A W A K I T A , K. and M. F U N A K O S H I



Contents continued

V O L U M E INDEX Effects of prenatal testosterone propionate treatment on saccharin preference of adult rats exposed to ethanol in utero.


R. F . , C. H O L C O M B

a n d R. E. P O L A N D



Phenylalanine and aspartame fail to alter feeding behavior, mood and arousal in men.


M . , L . A. L E I T E R a n d G. H . A N D E R S O N



Behavioral differences between male and female Wistar rats on DRL schedules: Effect of stimuli promoting collateral activities.


A . , F . VAN H A A R E N

a n d N. E. VAN DE P O L L



Behavioral differences between male and female Wistar rats in food rewarded lever holding.


A . , F. VAN H A A R E N

a n d N . E. VAN DE P O L L



Brief Communications

Sex differences in response rates during random ratio acquisition: Effects of gonadectomy. HEINSBROEK, R. P. W . , F. VAN H A A R E N , F . Z A N T V O O R D a n d N . E. VAN DE P O L L ........................................................


Hypogiossai responses to macular stimulation in the rabbit.


O. a n d E. T O L U


Age-dependent effects of acute and chronic intermittent stresses on serum metallothionein. A R M A R I O , A . , J. H I D A L G O , J. B A S , C. R E S T R E P O , A . D I N G M A N a n d J. S. G A R V E Y ............................................................



Environmental enrichment facilitates foraging behavior.


M. L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Software Survey Section










Articles The preference-aversion behavior of rats for nutritionally-controlled diets containing oil or fat. N A I M , M., J. G. B R A N D and M. R. K A R E .................................


Self-selection of calcium during pregnancy and lactation in rats. W O O D S I D E , B. and L. M I L L E L I R E ........................................


The effects of bilateral and unilateral frontal lesions on visual cortical hypersynchronous bursting and behavioral activity. K I N G H O R N , E. W., D. E. F L E M I N G and R. H. A N D E R S O N ...............


A procedure for within-trial repeated measurement of gastric emptying in the rat. C O N O V E R , K. L., H. P. W E I N G A R T E N and S. M. C O L L I N S



Males increase serum estrogen and estrogen receptor binding in brain of female voles. C O H E N - P A R S O N S , M. and C. S. C A R T E R .................................


Gold thioglucose-induced brain lesions in hamsters. B R O W N , D. F. and O. R. F L O O D Y



Circadian rhythms in sleep-wakefulness and wheel-running activity in a congenitally anophthalmic rat mutant. IBUKA, N .................................................................


Pirenperone effects on temperature preference and body temperature in maturing mice. D O B R E A , G. M. and C. G O O D R I C H .......................................


Mapping of jumping, rearing, squealing and switch-off behaviors elicited by periaqueductal gray stimulation in the rat. S A N D N E R , G., P. S C H M I T T and P. K A R L I



Effects of ventromedial nucleus lesions on the display of lordosis behavior in the male rat. Interactions with facilitory effects of male urine. C H A T E A U , D., A. CI-IABLI and CL. A R O N .................................


Influence of regimen and insulinemia on orexigenic effects of GRFt-44 in sheep. R I V I E R E , P. and L. B U E N O ...............................................


Caloric regulation and patterns of food choice in a patchy environment: The value and cost of alternative foods. J O H N S O N , D. F. and G. H. C O L L I E R .....................................


Short- and long-term effects of ovariectomy on food intake, body weight, carcass composition, and brown adipose tissue in rats. M c E L R O Y , J. F. and G. N. W A D E .........................................


Contents continued

V O L U M E INDEX Hypothalamic temperature and deep body temperature during copulation in the male rat. B L U M B E R G , M. S., 3. A. M E N N E L L A and H. M O L T Z ....................


Transcervical sperm transport in the rat: The roles of pre-ejaeulatory behavior and copulatory plug fit. T O N E R , J. P., A. I. A T T A S a n d N. T. A D L E R .............................


The effect of forced running on heat production in brown adipose tissue in rats. S H I B A T A , H. a n d T. N A G A S A K A ..........................................


Basal forebrain infusion of HCo3 in rats: Maze learning deficits and neuropathology. H U R L B U T , B. J., J. F. L U B A R , R. S W I T Z E R , J. D O U G H E R T Y a n d M. L. E I S E N S T A D T .......................................................


Modulation during sleep of the cat trigeminal neurons responding to tooth pulp stimulation. S A T O H , T., S. Y A M A D A , T. Y O K O T A , T. O H S H I M A a n d S. K I T A Y A M A Gastric balloon reduces food intake and body weight in obese rats. G E L I E B T E R , A . , S. W E S T R E I C H , S. A . H A S H I M a n d D. G A G E





Brief Communications Fear-potentiated startle using an auditory conditioned stimulus: Effect of lesions of the amygdala. H I T C H C O C K , J. M. a n d M. D A V I S ........................................


Absence of behavioral differences between male and female rats in different radial-maze procedures. V A N H A A R E N , F . , M. W O U T E R S a n d N. E. V A N D E P O L L ..............


Effects of acute exercise on food intake and plasma free fatty acid levels. LARUE-ACHAGIOTIS, C. a n d J. L O U I S - S Y L V E S T R E



Preparation and maintenance of rats with chronic esophagostomy and gastric cannula. M O O K , D. G. a n d S. W A G N E R ............................................

Software Survey Section







CONTENTS Editorial



Articles Mating-induced inhibition of receptivity in the female golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus): HI. Stimuli mediating long-term effects.

H U C K , U. W., R. D. L I S K , E. J. P A R E N T E and C. L. G U Y T O N



Male rat behavior, endocrinology and reproductive physiology in a mixed-sex, socially stressful colony. T A Y L O R , G. T., J. W E I S S and R. R U P I C H .................................


Behavioral correlates of vitamin D deficiency. A L T E M U S , K. L., S. F I N G E R , C. W O L F and S. J. B I R G E



Chronic nicotine and withdrawal effects on body weight and food and water consumption in female rats. L E V I N , E. D., M. M. M O R G A N , C. G A L V E Z and G. D. E L L I S O N .........


Effect of morphine and naloxone on shock avoidance learning in headless cockroaches

(Periplaneta americana L.). W E I S S , A. and H. P E N Z L I N



Changes in neurotransmitter amino acids content in several CNS areas from aggressive and non-aggressive bull strains. M U ] ~ O Z - B L A N C O , J. and A. P O R R A S C A S T I L L O ..........................


Water drinking caused by intracerebroventricular infusions of hypertonic solutions in cattle.

M c K I N L E Y , M. J., D. A. D E N T O N , D. G E L L A T L Y , R. R. M I S E L I S , J. B. S I M P S O N and R. S. W E I S I N G E R .....................................


Changes in sodium appetite in cattle induced by changes in CSF sodium concentration and osmolality. B L A I R - W E S T , J. R., D. A. D E N T O N , D. R. G E L L A T L Y , M. J. M c K I N L E Y , J. F. N E L S O N and R. S. W E I S I N G E R ......................................


Early separation of young rats from the mother and the development of play fighting. JANUS, K .................................................................


Tyrosine administration to pregnant rats induces persistent behavioral modifications in the male offspring. A R E V A L O , R., R. C A S T R O , M. D. P A L A R E A and M. R O D R I G U E Z ........


Auditory elicitation of the P300 event-related evoked potential in the rat. H U R L B U T , B. J., J. F. L U B A R and S. M. S A T T E R F I E L D



Conditioned taste aversion in vasopressin-deficient rats (Brattleboro strain). Y I R M I Y A , R., M. D. H O L D E R and J. G A R C I A .............................


Effects of adrenalectomy upon proceptivity, receptivity and sexual attractiveness in ovariectomized marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). D I X S O N , A. F. " ° ' "

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Contents continued

VOLUME INDEX Effects of naitrexone on learning and performance of conditional fear-induced freezing and opioid analgesia. H E L M S T E T T E R , F. J. and M. S. F A N S E L O W ..............................


Food deprivation dissociates pancreatic glucagon's effects on satiety and hepatic glucose production at dark onset. G E A R Y , N., N. F A R H O O D Y and A. G E R S O N Y ............................


Behavioral correlates of hippocampal type 2 theta in the rat. S A I N S B U R Y , R. S., A. H E Y N E N and C. P. M O N T O Y A



The effect of photoperiod on development of sexual behavior and fertility in golden hamsters. C H E R R Y , J. A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Practical liquid diets for rats: Effects on growth. RAMIREZ, I...............................................................


Synergism of a compound unconditioned stimulus in taste aversion conditioning. K U S N E C O V , A. W., M. G. K I N G and A. J. H U S B A N D ....................


Role of central a2-adrenoceptors on the development of muricidai behavior in olfactory bulbectomized rats: Effect of a2-adrenoceptor antagonists. H O N G , K. W., W. S. L E E and B. Y. R H I M ................................


Separate mechanisms for central osmotically-induced drinking and vasopressin release in minipigs. T H O R N T O N , S. N., M. L. F O R S L I N G , B. A. B A L D W I N and C. E. D E L A N E Y


Brief Communications Naltrexone reverses a long term depressive effect of a toxic lithium injection on saccharin preference. L I E B L I C H , I. and g . Y I R M I Y A ............................................


Effect of phentolamine on wakefulness and sleep during recovery from REM sleep deprivation in cats. L E P P ? , V U O R I , A. and I. H I L A K I V I ........................................





CONTENTS Editorial


Articles Intermaie social aggression: Reinstatement in castrated rats by implants of testosterone propionate in the medial hypothaiamus. A L B E R T , D. J., E. M. D Y S O N and M. L. W A L S H .........................


Macronutrient relationships with meal patterns and mood in the spontaneous feeding behavior of humans. DE C A S T R O , J. M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Increased aversion to bitter-tasting fluids in the Brattleboro rat. G A R T S I D E , I. B. and J. F. L A Y C O C K .....................................


Effects of cerebellar vermai lesions on species-specific fear responses, neophobia, and taste-aversion learning in rats. S U P P L E , W. F., JR., R. N. L E A T O N and M. S. F A N S E L O W ...............


A role for the fiver in the effects of glucagon on food intake in domestic fowl. H O W E S , G. A. and J. M. F O R B E S .........................................


Cyciosporine and alpha-interferon do not attenuate morphine withdrawal in rats but do impair thermoregulation. D A N T Z E R , R., E. S A T I N O F F and K. W. K E L L E Y



Effects of repeated as compared to single aggressive confrontation on nociception and defense behavior in C57BL/6 and DBA/2 mice. K ( ] L L I N G , P., H. R. F R I S C H K N E C H T , A. PASI, P. G. W A S E R and B. S I E G F R I E D ............................................................


Degree of light damage to the regina varies with time of day of bright light exposure. W H I T E , M. P. and L. J. F I S H E R ...........................................


Spontaneous testicular recrudescence of Syrian hamsters: Role of stimulatory photoperiods. N E L S O N , R. J. and I. Z U C K E R ............................................


Taste effectiveness of some D- and L.amino acids in mice. K A S A H A R A , T., K. I W A S A K I and M. SATO



Testicular hormones during the first few hours after birth augment the tendency of adult male rats to mount receptive females.

R O F F I , J., F. C H A M I , P. C O R B I E R and D. A. E D W A R D S



Circadian variation of food intake and digestive tract contents in the rat. V A C H O N , C. and L. S A V O I E ..............................................


Patterns of mternal behavior in the spontaneously hypertensive rat. C I E R P I A L , M. A., D. E. S H A S B Y and R. M ¢ C A R T Y



Contents continued

VOLUME INDEX Longitudinal changes in sweet preferences in humans. D E S O R , J. A. and G. K. B E A U C H A M P



Brief Communications Hippocampal substrate of sensory associations. P O R T , R. L . , A. L. B E G G S and M. M. P A T T E R S O N



Easy construction of an improved f'me wire electrode for chronic single neuron recording in freely moving animals. YAMAMOTO, T ...........................................................


No increase in reaction-time after lesion of the dorsal noradrenergic bundle. B R E N N E R , E., B. C. T H E U N I S S E , M. M I R M I R A N and J. V A N D E R G U G T E N


Computer-automated method to study cardiac conditioning to a chemical cue in young salmon. M O R I N , P.-P., J.-L. V E R R E T T E , J. J. D O D S O N and F. Y. DORI~ ...........


Effective intervals for the administration of estradiol pulses and the induction of sexual behavior in female rats. C L A R K , A. S. and E. J. R O Y


The effect of naloxone on nocturnal food intake in female and male rats. W A G E R - S R D A R , S. A . , M. G A N N O N and A. S. L E V I N E




Technical Note Recent improvements in the UNO BP monitor/conditioner. E L D E R , S. T., E. H. G A M B L E , E. B R A N L E Y and D. G A R R E T T

Book Review












Articles Scent marking in the musk shrew (Suncus murinus). T E N N A N T , L. E., E. F. R I S S M A N and F. H. B R O N S O N



Further studies on nicotine-induced emesis: Nicotinic mediation in area postrema. B E L E S L I N , D. B. and S. K. KRSTI(~ ......................................


Effects of dietary dehydroepiandrosterone on food Intake and body weight in rats with medial hypothaiamic knife cuts. G O S N E L L , B. A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Intermale social aggression in rats: Suppression by medial hypothalamic lesions independently of enhanced defensiveness or decreased testicular testosterone. A L B E R T , D. J., E. M. D Y S O N , M. L. W A L S H and B. B. G O R Z A L K A ......


Chronic methamphetamine and its withdrawal modify behavioral and neuroendocrine circadian rhythms. M O R I M A S A , T., A. W I R Z - J U S T I C E , K. K R A E U C H I , J. A R E N D T , J. B A U M A N N , A. H A E U S L E R , P. D E G E N and H. F E E R ...................


Time course of insulin, corticosterone and metabolic changes caused by lesion of the ventromedial hypothalamus in the rat. Z A I A , T. B. V., C. M. P. O L L E R DO N A S C I M E N T O , C. T I M O - I A R I A and M. S. D O L N I K O F F ........................................................


Open field activity and passive avoidance responses in rats after lesion of the central amygdaloid nucleus by electrocoagulation and ibotenic acid. R I O L O B O S , A. S. and A. I. M A R T ~ N GARC~A .............................


Effects of pre- and early postnatal protein malnutrition on carcass composition and lipoprotein lipase activity in male rats. B A R T N E S S , T. J., C. R. G O O D L E T T and P. J. M O R G A N E .................


Reduction in cold-water swim analgesia following hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus lesions. T R U E S D E L L , L. S. and R. J. B O D N A R ....................................


Sympathetic responses of the heart and adrenal medulla in developing Dahl hypertensive rats. M U R P H Y , C. A., M. A. C I E R P I A L , A. H. B O R O M and R. M c C A R T Y .......


The measurement of food preferences in humans: Do taste-and-spit tests predict consumption? L U C A S , F. and F. B E L L I S L E ...............................................


Inhibited drinking and pica in rats following 2-deoxy-D-glucose. W A T S O N , P. J., C. H A W K I N S , J. M c K I N N E Y , S. B E A T E Y , R. R. B A R T L E S and K. R H E A ..............................................................


Contents continued

VOLUME INDEX Central admini~l'ation of motiUn stimulates feeding in rats. R O S E N F E L D , D. J. and T. L. G A R T H W A I T E


Caffeine enhancement of saccharin but not cyclamate flavor avoidance. M A S O N , J. R. and N. J. B E A N ............................................ Further evidence that stress hyperthermia is a fever. K L U G E R , M. J., B. O ' R E I L L Y , T. R. S H O P E and A. J. V A N D E R




Poly-A+ mRNA and defeminization of sexual behavior and gonadotropin secretion in rats. U L I B A R R I , C. and P. Y A H R ...............................................



Brief Communications Changes in serum cortisol reveal functional differences in frustration.induced chain chewing in pigs. D A N T Z E R , R., H. W. G O N Y O U , S. E. C U R T I S and K. W. K E L L E Y .......


Long-term effects of naturally occurring within-litter differences in body weight of rats. P E R U Z O V I ( ~ , M., J. M. J O F F E and K. M I L K O V I C .........................


Retention of reference memory following isehemic hippocampal damage. D A V I S , H. P., J. R. B A R A N O W S K I , W. A. P U L S I N E L L I and B. T. V O L P E


I n d e x to V o l u m e 39



VOLUME 39 1987 SUBJECT INDEX Acquisition, 489 stress, acute, 277 conditioned taste aversion stress, chronic, 277 diabetes insipidus sweet preference, 639 extinction Age effects, 779 vasopressin-deficiency behavior differences ACTH 4-10, 83 body weight attended stimuli sex differences auditory evoked potentials Aggression blood pressure all-male/mixed-sex colony heart rate comparisons, 429 human studies avoidance, 73 inattended stimuli castration, 225,693 Activity rhythms, 169 defensiveness, 693 circadian rhythm endocrinology, 429 feeding ethanol, 45 light/dark cycles flank gland secretions, 73 maternal isolation hamsters, 73, 225 Acute exercise, 413 hyperadrenalism, 429 body weight inbred mice, 45 food intake lesions, medial hypothalamus, 693 plasma free fatty acid levels medial hypothalamus, 693 swimming odor stimulus, 73 Administration/observation intervals, 665 ovariectomy, 225 estradiol progesterone, 225 rats, females rats, males, 429, 693 sexual behavior reproductive physiology, 429 Adrenal hormonal indices, 117 social behavior, 45 behavioral arousal social stress, 429 corticosterone strain differences, 45 epinephrine testosterone, 693 norepinephrine Aggressive behavior stress castration, 555 Adrenal medulla, 733 intermale social aggression, 555 blood pressure medial hypothalamus, 555 epinephrine neurotransmitter amino acids, 453 heart selective breeding, 453 hypoglycemia testosterone propionate, 555 ornithine decarboxylase Aggressive confrontation, single, 599 rats, hypertensive aggressive confrontation, repeated salt sensitivity analgesia strain differences defense behavior sympathetic nervous system nociception Adrenalectomy strain differences cholecystokinin octapeptide, 217 tolerance lordosis behavior, 217 Aggressive confrontation, repeated, 599 marmosets, 495 aggressive confrontation, single ovariectomy, 217, 495 analgesia proceptivity, 495 defense behavior receptivity, 495 nociception sexual attractiveness, 495 strain differences a2-Adrenoceptor antagonists, 535 tolerance ~tz-adrenoceptors All-male/mixed-sex colony comparisons, muricidal behavior 429 noradrenaline aggression olfactory bulbectomy endocrinology turnover rate hyperadrenalism c~2-Adrenoceptors, 535 rats, males a2-adrenoceptor antagonists reproductive physiology muricidal behavior social stress noradrenaline Alpha-interferon, 593 olfactory bulbectomy cyclosporine turnover rate morphine withdrawal Age differences operant behavior human studies, 639 thermoregnlation longitudinal changes, 639 Alternation, forced, 153 metallothionein serum levels, 277

law of effect licking control motor learning rhythmic movements D-Amino acids, 619 L-amino acids conditioned taste aversion relation to molecular properties taste effectiveness L-Amino acids, 619 D-amino acids conditioned taste aversion relation to molecular properties taste effectiveness Amnesia, 783 hippocampus ischemia memory, reference memory, working d-Amphetamine, 77 handling intracranial self-stimulation lever-pressing locomotor activity posterior hypothalamus rate of acquisition Analgesia aggressive confrontation, repeated, 599 aggressive confrontation, single, 599 aversive conditioning, 135 caloric factor, 235 cold-water swim, 727 defense behavior, 599 8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)tetralin, 95 lesions, paraventricular nucleus, 727 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyl-tryptamine, 95 nociception, 599 noradrenaline depletion, 95 opioid system, 135 paraventricular nucleus, 727 quantitative analysis, 235 recruitment time, 135 response temperature, 235 strain differences, 599 tail flick test, 235 tolerance, 599 Androgens, nonaromatizable, 147 castration estrogen receptors mice, males reproduction ultrasonic vocalizations Anti-lymphocyte serum, 531 conditioned taste aversion drug interactions lithium chloride unconditioned stimulus Apparatus actimeter, 477 chemical calibration system, 657 8-arm radial maze, 783 gastric balloon, 399 gastric cannula, 417 open field, 435

radial arm maze, 435 radial maze, 409 Skinner box, 187 stabilimeter, 435 testing chamber, 67 two-box apparatus, 103 Appetite, 753 central administration food intake motilin Appetite regulation, 247 aspartame eating human studies, males neurobehavioral effects phenylalanine Area postrema, 681 copper sulfate drug interactions emesis inhibitory action nicotine Aromatase inhibitor, 141 castration hamsters, male olfactory behavior testosterone Artificial cerebrospinai fluid, 465 COWS

drinking Na sensors sodium appetite Aspartame, 247 appetite regulation eating human studies, males neurobehavioral effects phenylalanine Attended stimuli, 83 ACTH 4-10 auditory evoked potentials blood pressure heart rate human study inattended stimuli Attention, 653 dorsal noradrenergic bundle 6-hydroxydopamine lesions, dorsal noradrenergic bundle lesions, 6-hydroxydopamine reaction time Auditory elicitation, 483 event-related evoked potential P300 Auditory evoked potentials, 83 ACTH 4-10 attended stimuli blood pressure heart rate human studies inattended stimuli Auditory stimulus, 403 conditioned stimulus fear-potentiated startle lesions, amygdala lesions, bilateral electrolytic Aversive conditioning, 135 analgesia opioid system recruitment time Avoidance, 73

aggression flank gland secretions hamsters odor stimulus Bandaging, 127 catalepsy grasping haloperidol labyrinthectomy sensory controls Basal forebrain, 381 hemicholinium learning and memory maze learning neuropathology nucleus basalis magnocellularis Behavior differences, 779 age effects body weight sex differences Behavioral arousal, 117 adrenal hormonal indices corticosterone epinephrine norepinephrine stress Behavioral correlates hippocampus, 513 learning, 435 type 2 theta, 513 vitamin D deficiency, 435 Behavioral differences, 409 radial maze sex differences Behavioral effects early weaning, 471 offspring, males, 477 oral administration, 477 play fighting, 471 pregnancy, 477 social isolation, 471 tyrosine, 477 Behavioral effects, offspring, 187 environmental enrichment environmental impoverishment maternal environmental manipulation pre-pregnancy environmental manipulation Behavioral estrus, 421 hamsters, females inhibition, mating-induced long-term effects pseudopregnancy receptivity Behavioral responses, l dietary self-selection eating hamsters protein intake Biofeedback, 673 blood pressure continuous monitoring recent improvements UNO blood pressure monitor/conditioner Biologic clock, 183 chronic cannulation feeding behavior growth hormone secretion Blood pressure

ACTH 4-10, 83 adrenal medulla, 733 attended stimuli, 83 auditory stimuli, 83 biofeedback, 673 continuous monitoring, 673 epinephrine, 733 heart, 733 heart rate, 83 human studies, 83 hypoglycemia, 733 inattended stimuli, 83 ornithine decarboxylase, 733 rats, hypertensive, 733 recent improvements, 673 salt sensitivity, 733 strain differences, 733 sympathetic nervous system, 733 UNO blood pressure monitor/conditioner, 673 Body temperature copulation, 367 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors, 327 hypothalamus, 367 maturation, 327 medial preoptic area temperature, 367 pirenperone, 327 sexual behavior, male rats, 367 temperature preference, 327 thermoregulation, 327, 367 Body weight acute exercise, 413 age effects, 779 behavior differences, 779 brown adipose tissue, 361,721 carcass composition, 361,721 chronic administration, 441 dehydroepiandrosterone, 687 eating, 687 ethanol, 241 feminization, 241 food intake, 361,399, 413, 441 gastric balloon, 399 hyperphagia, 687 in utero, 241 lesions, medial hypothalamus, 687 lipoprotein lipase, 721 long-term effects, 361 malnutrition, postnatal, 721 malnutrition, prenatal, 721 medial hypothalamus, 687 nicotine, 441 nonshivering thermogenesis, 361 norepinephrine turnover, 361 obesity, 399, 687 ovariectomy, 361 plasma free fatty acid levels, 413 protein deficiency, 721 rats, females, 441 saccharin preference, 241 sex differences, 241,779 short-term effects, 361 swimming, 413 testosterone propionate, 241 water intake, 241,441 withdrawal effects, 441 Bombesin, 191 cholecystokinin domestic fowls feeding activity gastrointestinal motility satiety

Brain amygdala, 403 anterior colliculus, 453 area postrema, 315, 681 basal forebrain, 381 central amygdaloid nucleus, 715 cerebellum, 579 cerebral cortex, 653 dorsal noradrenergic bundle, 653 dorsomedial nucleus, 341 fastigial nucleus, 453 forebraln, 535 frontal cortex, 297 hippocampus, 513, 643,783 hypothalamus, 33,341,367 medial hypothalamus, 555,687, 693 medial preoptic area, 367 mesencephalon, 333 midbrain reticular formation, 453 nucleus basalis magnocellularis, 381 olfactory bulb, 535 paraventricular nucleus, 721 periaqueductal gray, 333 pineal gland, 231 pons, 453 posterior colliculus, 453 posterior hypothalamus-ventral tegmental area, 77 preoptic area, 767 suprachiasmatic nucleus, 321 trigeminal neurons, 395 ventral tegmentum, 453 ventromedial hypothalamus, 211,315, 707 ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus, 341,767 vermis, 579 Brown adipose tissue body weight, 361,721 carcass composition, 361,721 exercise, 377 food intake, 361 heat production, 377 lipoprotein lipase, 721 long-term effects, 361 malnutrition, postnatal, 721 malnutrition, prenatal, 721 nonshivering thermogenesis, 361 norepinephrine turnover, 361 ovariectomy, 361 protein deficiency, 721 rats, trained, 377 rats, untrained, 377 running, 377 short-term effects, 361 thermogenesis, non-shivering, 377 Caffeine, 757 conditioned taste avoidance cyclamate flavor profiling saccharin taste potentiation Calcium deficiency, 291 dietary self-selection lactation pregnancy Caloric factor, 235 analgesia quantitative analysis response temperature

tail flick test Caloric intake, 285 diet, corn oil diet, lard diet, vegetable oil dietary preference preference-aversion behavior taste preference Caloric regulation, 351 eating feeding costs and benefits food choice patchy environment profitability Capsaicin, 63 human studies oral chemical irritation piperine sequential preventation trigeminal receptors Carcass composition body weight, 361,721 brown adipose tissue, 361,721 food intake, 361 lipoprotein lipase, 721 long-term effects, 361 malnutrition, postnatal, 721 malnutrition, prenatal, 721 nonshivering thermogenesis, 361 norepinephrine turnover, 361 ovariectomy, 361 protein deficiency, 721 short-term effects, 361 Cardiac conditioning, 657 chemical calibration system chemosensory perception computer control morpholine salmon Castration aggression, 225,693 aggressive behavior, 555 androgens, nonaromatizable, 147 aromatase inhibitor, 141 defensiveness, 693 estrogen receptors, 147 food intake, nocturnal, 669 gonadal hormones, 669 hamsters, 225 hamsters, male, 141 hormonal influences, 677 intermale social aggression, 555 lesions, medial hypothalamus, 693 lesions, ventromedial nucleus, 341 lordosis behavior, 341 medial hypothalamus, 555, 693 mice, males, 147 mounting, 625 naloxone, 669 odor, urine, 341 olfactory behavior, 141 olfactory system, 341 orchidectomy, 341 ovariectomy, 225, 669, 677 progesterone, 225 rats, male, 341,625,693 reproduction, 147 scent marking, 677 sex differences, 677 sexual behavior, 625 sexual differentiation, 625 shrews, 677

testicular hormones, 625 testosterone, 141,693 testosterone propionate, 555 ultrasonic vocalizations, 147 Catalepsy, 127 bandaging grasping haloperidol labyrinthectomy sensory controls Cats, 551 phentolamine REM sleep drprivation REM sleep rebound Central administration, 753 appetite food intake motilin Chain chewing, 775 frustration pits plasma cortisol levels schedule-induced behavior stereotypy, oral Chemical calibration system, 657 cardiac conditioning chemosensory perception computer control morpholine salmon Chemosensory perception, 657 cardiac conditioning chemical calibration system computer control morpholine salmon Chickens, 587 food intake glucagon liver metabolism vagotomy Cholecystokinin adrenalectomy, 217 bombesin, 191 domestic fowls, 191 feeding activity, 191 free-feeding, 111 gastrointestinal motility, 191 intermeal interval, 111 lordosis behavior, 217 meal pattern, 111 meal size, 111 ovariectomy, 217 satiety, 191 Chronic administration body weight, 441 circadian rhythm, behavioral, 699 circadian rhythm, neuroendocrine, 699 cross-tolerance, 161 food intake, 441 hot plate test, 161 intrathecal infusion, 161 methamphetamine, 699 morphine analgesic tolerance, 161 morphine sulfate, 161 nicotine, 441 rats, females, 441 tail flick test, 161 water intake, 441 withdrawal effects, 441,699 Chronic cannulation, 183

biologic clock feeding behavior growth hormone secretion Chronic esophagostomy, 417 double fistula gastric cannula preparation and maintenance Chronic single neuron recording, 649 electrode construction electrode implantation fine wire electrode freely moving animals Circadian rhythms activity rhythms, 169 corticosterone levels, 211 desynchrony, 203 digestive tract contents, 629 feeding, 169 food intake, 629 human studies, 203 intermeal interval, 203 lesions, ventromedial hypothalamus, 211 light/dark cycles, 169 locomotor activity, 321 maternal isolation, 169 meal patterns, 203 rats, anophthalmic, 321 restricted feeding, 211 sleep-wakefulness, 321 sleep-wake periods, 203 time isolation, 203 ventromedial hypothalamus, 211 Circadian rhythm, behavioral, 699 chronic administration circadian rhythm, neuroendocrine methamphetamine withdrawal Circadian rhythm, neuroendocrine, 699 chronic administration circadian rhythm, behavioral methamphetamine withdrawal Classical conditioning, 89 cortisol guinea pigs histamine release odor stimulus stress Cockroaches, headless, 445 drug comparisons learning leg-lifting behavior morphine naloxone shock avoidance Cold-water swim, 727 analgesia lesions, paraventricular nucleus paraventricular nucleus Collateral activities differential reinforcement of low rate of responding, 255 general activity, 255 open-field, 255 reinforced behavior, 263 sex differences, 263,255 Computer control, 657 cardiac conditioning chemical calibration system chemosensory perception morpholine

salmon Conditioned fear paradigm, 33 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid concentrations 5-hydroxytryptamine concentrations hypothalamus plasma corticosterone levels plasma prolactin levels plasma renin activity stress, acute Conditioned stimulus, 403 auditory stimulus fear-potentiated startle lesions, amygdala lesions, bilateral electrolytic Conditioned taste aversion acquisition, 489 D-amino acids, 619 L-amino acids, 619 anti-lymphocyte serum, 531 caffeine, 757 cyclamate, 757 diabetes insipidus, 489 domestic fowl, 27 drug interactions, 531 extinction, 27, 489 flavor profiling, 757 gonadal steroids, 27 lithium chloride, 531 relation to molecular properties, 619 saccharin, 757 taste effectiveness, 619 taste potentiation, 757 unconditioned stimulus, 531 vasopre ssin-deficiency, 489 Continuous monitoring, 673 biofeedback blood pressure recent improvements UNO blood pressure monitor/conditioner Copper sulfate, 681 area postrema drug interactions emesis inhibitory action nicotine Copulation, 367 body temperature hypothalamus medial preoptic area temperature sexual behavior, male rats thermoregulation Copulatory behavior, 371 copulatory plug ejaculatory immobility intromissions sperm transport Copulatory plug, 371 copulatory behavior ejaculatory immobility intromissions sperm transport Cordycepin, 767 defeminization gonadotropin secretion poly-A ÷ MRNA sexual behavior Corticosterone adrenal hormonal indices, 117 behavioral arousal, 117 circadian rhythms, 211

epinephrine, 117 lesions, ventromedial hypothalamus, 211 norepinephrine, 117 restricted feeding, 211 stress, 117 ventromedial hypothalamus, 211 Corticosteronemia, 707 food intake glycemia insulinemia lesions, electrolytic bilateral lesions, ventromedial hypothalamus liver glycogen time course of changes ventromedial hypothalamus Cortisol, 89 classical conditioning guinea pigs histamine release odor stimulus stress Courtship behavior, 231 hibernation pinealectomy seasonal temperature information snakes, red-sided garter Cows artificial cerebrospinal fluid, 465 drinking, 459, 465 hypertonicity, 459 Na sensors, 459, 465 osmoreceptors, 459 sodium appetite, 465 Cross-tolerance, 161 chronic administration hot plate test intrathecal infusion morphine analgesic tolerance morphine sulfate tail flick test Cyclamate, 757 caffeine conditioned taste avoidance flavor profiling saccharin taste potentiation Cyclosporine, 593 alpha-interferon morphine withdrawal operant behavior thermoregu]ation Defeminization, 767 cordycepin gonadotropin secretion poly-A ÷ mRNA sexual behavior Defense behavior, 599 aggressive confrontation, repeated aggressive confrontation, single analgesia nociception strain differences tolerance Defensiveness, 693 aggression castration lesions, medial hypothalamus medial hypothalamus rats, males

testosterone Dehydroepiandrosterone, 687 body weight eating hyperphagia lesions, medial hypothalamus medial hypothalamus obesity 2-Deoxy-D-glucose, 745 drinking inhibition kaolin malaise pica Desynchrony, 203 circadian rhythms human study intermeal interval meal patterns sleep-wake periods time isolation Detention, 103 exploratory behavior grooming illumination step-through latency two-box apparatus Diabetes insipidus acquisition, 489 conditioned taste aversion, 489 drinking, 53 extinction, 489 renin-angiotensinsystem, 53 sodium appetite, 53 strain differences, 53 vasopre ssin-deficiency, 489 Diet, corn oil, 285 caloric intake diet, lard diet, vegetable oil dietary preference preference-aversion behavior taste preference Diet, lard, 285 caloric intake diet, corn oil diet, vegetable oil dietary preference preference-aversion behavior taste preference Diet, vegetable oil, 285 caloric intake diet, corn oil diet, lard dietary preference preference-aversion behavior taste preference Dietary preference, 285 caloric intake diet, corn oil diet, lard diet, vegetable oil preference-aversion behavior taste preference Dietary self-selection behavioral responses, 1 calcium deficiency, 291 eating, 1 hamsters, 1 lactation, 291 pregnancy, 291 protein intake, 1

Differential reinforcement of low rate of responding, 255 collateral activities general activity open-field sex differences Digestive tract contents, 629 circadian rhythm food intake Domestic fowls bombesin, 191 cholecystokinin, 191 conditioned taste aversion, 27 extinction, 27 feeding activity, 191 gastrointestinal motility, 191 gonadal steroids, 27 satiety, 191 Dorsal noradrenergic bundle, 653 attention 6-hydroxydopamine lesions, dorsal noradrenergic bundle lesions, 6-hydroxydopamine reaction time Double fistula, 417 chronic esophagostomy gastric cannula preparation and maintenance Double sampling, 303 gastric emptying within-trial repeated measurement Drinking artificial cerebrospinal fluid, 465 cows, 459, 465 2-deoxy-D-glucose, 745 diabetes insipidus, 53 drinking motivation, 571 hypertonic solutions, 541 hypertonicity, 459 ICV administration, 541 inhibition, 745 kaolin, 745 malaise, 745 minipigs, 541 Na sensors, 459, 465 osmoreceptors, 459, 541 pica, 745 quinine, 571 rats, diabetics, 571 renin-angiotensin system, 53 sodium appetite, 53,465 sodium receptors, 541 strain differences, 53 sucrose octa-acetate, 571 taste aversion, 571 vasopressin release, 541 Drinking motivation, 571 drinking quinine rats, diabetics sucrose octa-acetate taste aversion Drug alpha-interferon, 593 d-amphetamine, 77 antazoline, 681 anti-lymphocyte serum, 531 aspartame, 247 atropine, 681 caffeine, 757 capsaicin, 63 N-2-chloroethyl-N-ethyl-2-

bromobenzylamine, 95 chloropyramine, 681 chlorpromazine, 681 copper sulfate, 681 corynanthine, 535 cyclosporine, 593 dehydroepiandrosterone, 687 2-deoxy-D-glucose, 311,745 desmethylimipramine, 653 diazepam, 127 5,6-dihydroxytryptamine, 681 ethanol, 45,241 gold thioglucose, 315 haloperidol, 127, 681 hemicholirdum-3, 381, 681 hexamethonium, 681 hydrocortisone hemisuccinate, 495 8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)tetralin, 95 6-hydroxydopamine, 95, 653, 681 ibotenic acid, 715 idazoxan, 535 indomethacin, 763 lithium chloride, 531,547 mannitol, 541 mecamylamine, 681 methamphetamine, 699 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyl-tryptamine, 95 methysergide, 767, 681 morphine, 127, 445, 547 morphine sulfate, 161 morpholine, 657 motilin, 753 naloxone, 135, 445, 593,669 naltrexone, 501,547 nicotine, 441,681 pancreatic glucagon, 507 phenoxybenzamine, 681 phentolamine, 551,681 phenylalanine, 247 piperine, 63 pirenperone, 321 practolol, 681 propranolol, 681 quinine, 571,745 rauwolscine, 535 reserpine, 681 scopolamine, 681 sodium salicylate, 763 sucrose octa-acetate, 571 tolazoline, 681 tyrosine, 477 yohimbine, 535, 681 Drug comparisons, 445 cockroaches, headless learning leg-lifting behavior morphine naloxone shock avoidance Drug interactions anti-lymphocyte serum, 531 area postrema, 681 conditioned taste aversion, 531 copper sulfate, 681 emesis, 681 inhibitory action, 681 lithium chloride, 531 nicotine, 681 unconditioned stimulus, 531

Duration of male exposure, 309 estradiol binding site serum estrogen levels sexual development voles, females Early weaning, 471 behavioral effects play fighting social isolation Eating appetite regulation, 247 aspartame, 247 behavioral responses, 1 body weight, 687 caloric regulation, 351 dehydroepiandrosterone, 687 dietary self-selection, 1 feeding costs and benefits, 351 food choice, 351 food deprivation, 507 hamsters, 1 hepatic glucose production, 507 human studies, males, 247 hyperphagia, 687 lesions, medial hypothalamus, 687 medial hypothalamus, 687 neurobehavioral effects, 247 nocturnal feeding, 507 obesity, 687 pancreatic glucagon, 507 patchy environment, 351 phenylalanine, 247 profitability, 351 protein intake, l satiety, 507 Ejaculatory immobility, 371 copulatory behavior copulatory plug intromissions sperm transport Electrical stimulation, 395 pain-modulatory system sleep-induced changes sleep-regulatory system tooth pulp, cats trigeminal neurons Electrode construction, 649 chronic single neuron recording electrode implantation fine wire electrode freely moving animals Electrode implantation, 649 chronic single neuron recording electrode construction fine wire electrode freely moving animals Emesis, 681 area postrema copper sulfate drug interactions inhibitory action nicotine Endocrine responses, 11 epinephrine fighting behavior glucocorticoid guinea pigs norepinephrine short-term responses social status

stress testosterone Endocrinology, 429 aggression all-male/mixed sex colony comparisons hyperadrenalism rats, males reproductive physiology social stress Endogenous opioid peptides, 547 lithium chloride naltrexone taste preference toxicity Environment, novel/familiar comparisonsm 21 housing, group/individual comparisons, 21 monkeys, squirrel mother-infant separation pituitary-adrenal responses plasma cortisol levels vocalizations Environmental enrichment behavioral effects, offspring, 187 environmental impoverishment, 187 foraging behavior, 281 gerbils, 281 maternal environmental manipulation, 187 pre-pregnancy environmental manipulation, 187 Environmental impoverishment, 187 behavioral effects, offspring environmental enrichment maternal environmental manipulation pre-pregnancy environmental manipulation Epinephrine adrenal hormonal indices, 117 adrenal medulla, 733 behavioral arousal, 117 blood pressure, 733 corticosterone, 117 endocrine responses, 11 fighting behavior, 11 glucocorticoid, 11 guinea pigs, 11 heart, 733 hypoglycemia, 733 norepinephrine, 11, 117 ornithine decarboxylase, 733 rats, hypertensive, 733 salt sensitivity, 733 short-term responses, 11 social status, 11 strain differences, 733 stress, 11, 117 sympathetic nervous system, 733 testosterone, 11 Estradiol, 665 administration/observation intervals rats, females sexual behavior Estradiol binding site, 309 duration of male exposure serum estrogen levels sexual development voles, females Estrogen receptors, 147 androgens, nonaromatizable castration

mice, males reproduction ultrasonic vocalizations Ethanol aggression, 45 body weight, 241 feminization, 241 inbred mice, 45 in utero, 241 saccharin preference, 241 sex differences, 241 social behavior, 45 strain differences, 45 testosterone propionate, 241 water intake, 241 Event-related, 483 auditory elicitation evoked potential P300 Evoked potential, 483 auditory elicitation event-related P300 Exercise, 377 brown adipose tissue heat production rats, trained rats, untrained running thermogenesis, non-shivering Exploratory behavior, 103 detention grooming illumination step-through latency two-box apparatus Extinction acquisition, 489 conditioned taste aversion, 27,489 diabetes insipidus, 489 domestic fowl, 27 gonadal steroids, 27 vasopressin-deficiency, 489 Fear, 579 learning lesions, cerebellar vermis neophobia species-specific effects taste-aversion Fear-induced freezing, 501 learning naltrexone opioid-induced analgesia pain stress Fear-potentiated startle, 403 auditory stimulus conditioned stimulus lesions, amygdaia lesions, bilateral electrolytic Feeding, 169 activity rhythms circadian rhythm light/dark cycles maternal isolation Feeding activity, 191 bombesin cholecystokinin domestic fowl gastrointestinal motility

satiety carcass composition, 361 central administration, 753 Feeding behavior chickens, 587 biologic clock, 183 chronic administration, 441 chronic cannulation, 183 circadian rhythm, 629 growth hormone releasing factorl_~, corticosteronemia, 707 347 growth hormone secretion, 183 digestive tract contents, 629 food preferences, 739 insulinemia, 347 gastric balloon, 399 orexigenic effects, 347 glucagon, 587 regimen, 347 glycemia, 707 route of administration, 347 human studies, 561,739 sheep, 347 Feeding costs and benefits, 351 insulinemia, 707 interrneal interval, 561 caloric regulation eating lesions, electrolytic bilateral, 707 food choice lesions, ventromedial hypothalamus, 707 patchy environment liver glycogen, 707 profitability liver metabolism, 587 Feminization, 241 long-term effects, 361 body weight macronutrients, 561 ethanol in utero meal patterns, 561 mood, 561 saccharin preference sex differences motilin, 753 nicotine, 441 testosterone propionate water intake nonshivering thermogenesis, 361 Fertility, 521 norepinephrine turnover, 361 obesity, 399 hamsters photoperiod ovariectomy, 361 sexual behavior plasma free fatty acid levels, 413 ultrasonic vocalizations rats, females, 441 Fever, 763 short-term effects, 361 hyperthermia, stress-induced sucrose concentration, 739 swimming, 413 prostaglandin release Fighting behavior, 11 taste-and-spit tests, 739 endocrine responses time course of changes, 707 epinephrine ventromedial hypothalamus, 707 glucocorticoid water intake, 441 guinea pigs withdrawal effects, 441 norepinephrine vagotomy, 587 short-term responses Food intake, nocturnal, 669 social status castration stress gonadal hormones testosterone naloxone Fine wire electrode, 649 ovariectomy chronic single neuron recording Food preferences, 739 electrode construction food intake electrode implantation human studies freely moving animals sucrose concentration Flavor profiling, 757 taste-and-spit tests caffeine Foraging behavior, 281 conditioned taste avoidance environmental enrichment cyclamate gerbils saccharin Flank gland secretions, 73 taste potentiation aggression Food choice, 351 avoidance caloric regulation hamsters eating odor stimulus feeding costs and benefits Free-feeding cholecystokinin octapeptide, patchy environment Ill profitability intermeal interval Food deprivation, 507 meal pattern eating meal size hepatic glucose production Freely moving animals, 649 nocturnal feeding chronic single neuron recording pancreatic glucagon electrode construction satiety electrode implantation Food intake fine wire electrode acute exercise, 413 Frustration, 775 appetite, 753 chain chewing body weight, 361,399, 413,441 pigs brown adipose tissue, 361 plasma cortisol levels

schedule-induced behavior stereotypy, oral Gastric balloon, 399 body weight food intake obesity Gastric cannula, 417 chronic esophagustomy double fistula preparation and maintenance Gastric emptying, 303 double sampling within-trial repeated measurement Gastrointestinal motility, 191 bombesin cholecystokinin domestic fowls feeding activity satiety General activity, 255 collateral activities differential reinforcement of low rate of responding open-field sex differences Gerbils, 281 environmental enrichment foraging behavior Glucagon, 587 chickens food intake liver metabolism vagotomy Glucocorticoid, 11 endocrine responses epinephrine fighting behavior guinea pigs norepinephrine short-term responses social status stress testosterone Glycemia, 707 corticosteronemia food intake insulinemia lesions, electrolylic bilateral lesions, ventromedial hypothalamus liver glycogen time course of changes ventromedial hypothalamus Gonadal hormones, 669 castration food intake, nocturnal naloxone ovariectomy Gonadal steroids, 27 conditioned taste aversion domestic fowl extinction Gonadectomy, 269 random ratio schedules response acquisition sex differences Gonadotropin secretion, 767 cordycepin defeminization poly-A÷ mRNA sexual behavior

Grasping, 127 bandaging catalepsy haloperidol labyrinthectomy sensory controls Grooming, 103 detention exploratory behavior illumination step-through latency two-box apparatus Growth hormone releasing factor1_44, 347 feeding behavior insulinemia orexigenic effects regimen route of administration sheep Growth hormone secretion, 183 biologic clock chronic cannulation feeding behavior Growth rate, 527 liquid diets nutrition obesity Guinea pigs classical conditioning, 89 cortisol, 89 endocrine responses, 11 epinephrine, 11 fighting behavior, 11 glucocorticoid, 11 histamine release, 89 norepinephrine, 11 odor stimulus, 89 short-term responses, 11 social status, 11 stress, 11, 89 testosterone, 11

Hamsters, female, 421 behavioral estrus inhibition, mating-induced long-term effects pseudopregnancy receptivity Hamsters, male, 141 aromatase inhibitor castration olfactory behavior testosterone Handling, 77 d-amphetamine intracranial self-stimulation lever-pressing locomotor activity posterior hypothalamus rate of acquisition Heart, 733 adrenal medulla blood pressure epinephrine hypoglycemia ornithine decarboxylase rats, hypertensive salt sensitivity strain differences sympathetic nervous system Heart rate, 83 ACTH 4--10 attended stimuli auditory evoked potentials blood pressure human studies inattended stimuli Heat production, 377 brown adipose tissue exercise rats, trained rats, untrained running thermogenesis, non-shivering Hemicholenium, 381 basal forebrain Haloperidol, 127 learning and memory bandaging maze learning catalepsy neuropathology grasping nucleus basalis magnocellularis labyrinthectomy Hepatic glucose production, 507 sensory controls eating Hamsters food deprivation aggression, 73, 225 nocturnal feeding avoidance, 73 pancreatic glucagon behavioral responses, 1 satiety castration, 225 Hibernation, 231 dietary self-selection, 1 courtship behavior eating, 1 pinealectomy fertility, 521 seasonal temperature information flank gland secretions, 73 snakes, red-sided garter lesions, area postrema, 315 lesions, gold thioglucose-induced, 315 Hippocampus amnesia, 783 lesions, ventromedial hypothalamus, behavioral correlates, 513 315 ischemia, 783 odor stimulus, 73 memory, reference, 783 ovariectomy, 225 memory, working, 783 photoperiod, 521 type 2 theta, 513 photoperiodism, 615 Histamine release, 89 progesterone, 225 classical conditioning protein intake, 1 cortisol sexual behavior, 521 guinea pigs spontaneous testicular recrudescence, odor stimulus 615 stress ultrasonic vocalizations, 521

Hormone 1,4,6-androstatriene-3,17-dione, 141 cordycepin, 767 corticosterone, 33, 117, 211,707 deoxycorticosterone pivalate, 495 diethylstilbestrol, 147 a-dihydrotestosterone propionate, 27 epinephrine, 11, 117, 733 estradiol, 665, 669 17fl-estradiol, 495 estradiol benzoate, 67, 217, 225,341, 767 estradiol dipropionate, 27 estrogen, 309 glucocorticoid, 11 insulin, 707,733 methyltrienolone, 147 moxestrol, 767 noradrenaline, 95,535,653 norepinephrine, 11, 117, 361 progesterone, 67, 217, 225, 341,665, 669, 767 prolactin, 33 testosterone, 11, 141,147,625,669,693 testosterone propionate, 27, 241,555, 767 Hormonal influences, 677 castration ovariectomy scent marking sex differences shrews Hot plate test, 161 chronic administration cross-tolerance intrathecal infusion morphine analgesic tolerance morphine sulfate tail flick test Housing, group/individual comparisons, 21 environment, novel/familiar comparisons monkeys, squirrel mother-infant separation pituitary-adrenal responses plasma cortisol levels vocalizations Human studies ACTH 4-10, 83 age differences, 639 attended stimuli, 83 auditory evoked potentials, 83 blood pressure, 83 capsaicin, 63 circadian rhythms, 203 desynchrony, 203 food intake, 561,739 food preferences, 739 heart rate, 83 inattended stimuli, 83 intermeal interval, 203,561 longitudinal changes, 639 macronutrients, 561 meal patterns, 203,561 mood, 561 oral chemical irritation, 63 piperine, 63 sequential presentation, 63 sleep-wake periods, 203 sucrose concentration, 739 sweet preference, 639

taste-and-spit tests, 739 time isolation, 203 trigeminal receptors, 63 Human studies, males, 247 appetite regulation aspartame eating neurobehavioral effects phenylalanine 8-Hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)tetralin, 95 analgesia 5-methoxy-N, N-dimethyl-tryptamine noradrenaline depletion 6-Hydroxydopamine, 653 attention dorsal noradrenergic bundle lesions, dorsal noradrenergic bundle lesions, 6-hydroxydopamine reaction time 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid concentrations, 33 conditioned fear paradigm 5-hydroxytryptamine concentrations hypothalamus plasma corticosterone levels plasma prolactin levels plasma renin activity stress, acute 5-Hydroxytryptamine concentrations, 33 conditioned fear paradigm 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid concentrations hypothalamus plasma corticosterone levels plasma prolactin levels plasma renin activity stress, acute 5-Hydroxytryptamine receptors, 327 body temperature maturation pirenperone temperature preference thermoregulation Hyperadrenalism, 429 aggression all-male/mixed-sex colony comparisons endocrinology rats, males reproductive physiology social stress Hyperphagia, 687 body weight dehydroepiandrosterone eating lesions, medial hypothalamus medial hypothalamus obesity Hypersynchronons bursting, 297 lesions, bilateral lesions, frontal lesions, unilateral open-field activity photically evoked after-discharge spontaneous alternation Hypertension, 633 maternal behavior spontaneously hypertensive rats Hyperthermia, stress-induced, 763 fever prostaglandin release

Hypertonic solutions, 541 drinking ICV administration minipigs osmoreceptors sodium receptors vasopressin release Hypertonicity, 459 COWS

drinking Na sensors osmoreceptors Hypoglossal neurons, 273 macular stimulation rabbits vestibular system Hypoglycemia, 733 adrenal medulla blood pressure epinephrine heart ornithine decarboxylase rats, hypertensive salt sensitivity strain differences sympathetic nervous system Hypothalamus body temperature, 367 conditioned fear paradigm, 33 copulation, 367 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid concentrations, 33 5-hydroxytryptamine concentrations, 33 medial preoptic area temperature, 367 plasma corticosterone levels, 33 plasma prolactin levels, 33 plasma renin activity, 33 sexual behavior, male rats, 367 stress, acute, 33 thermoregulation, 367 ICV administration, 541 drinking hypertonic solutions minipigs osmoreceptors sodium receptors vasopressin release Illumination, 103 detention exploratory behavior grooming step-through latency two-box apparatus Inattended stimuli, 83 ACTH 4--10 attended stimuli auditory evoked potentials blood pressure heart rate human studies Inbred mice, 45 aggression ethanol social behavior strain differences Inhibition, 745 2-deoxy-D-glucose drinking kaolin

malaise pica Inhibition, mating-induced, 421 behavioral estrus hamsters, females long-term effects pseudopregnancy receptivity Inhibitory action, 681 area postrema copper sulfate drug interactions emesis nicotine Insulinemia corticosteronemia, 707 feeding behavior, 347 food intake, 707 glycemia, 707 growth hormone releasing factor, 347 lesions, electrolytic bilateral, 707 lesions, ventromedial hypothaiamus, 707 liver glycogen, 707 orexigenic effects, 347 regimen, 347 route of administration, 347 sheep, 347 time course of changes, 707 ventromedial hypothalamus, 707 Intermaie social aggression, 555 aggressive behavior castration medial hypothaiamus testosterone propionate Intermeal interval cholecystokinin octapeptide, 111 circadian rhythms, 203 desynchrony, 203 food intake, 561 free-feeding, 111 human studies, 203,561 macronutrients, 561 meal patterns, 111,203, 561 meal size, 111 mood, 561 sleep-wake periods, 203 time isolation, 203 Intracranial self-stimulation, 77 d-amphetamine handling lever-pressing locomotor activity posterior hypothalamus rate of acquisition Intrathecal infusion, 161 chronic administration cross-tolerance hot plate test morphine analgesic tolerance morphine sulfate tail flick test Intromissions, 371 copulatory behavior copulatory plug ejaculatory immobility sperm transport In utero, 241 body weight ethanol feminization saccharin preference

sex differences testosterone propionate water intake Ischemia, 783 amnesia hippocampus memory, reference memory, working Jumping, 333 learning periaqueductal gray rearing squealing stimulation-induced behaviors switch-off responding Kaolin, 745 2-deoxy-D-glucose drinking inhibition malaise pica Labyrinthectomy, 127 bandaging catalepsy grasping haloperidol sensory controls Lactation, 291 calcium deficiency dietary self-selection pregnancy Law of effect, 153 alternation, forced licking control motor learning rhythmic movements Learning behavioral correlates, 435 cockroaches, headless, 445 drug comparisons, 445 fear, 579 fear-induced freezing, 501 jumping, 333 leg-lifting behavior, 445 lesions, cerebellar vermis, 579 lesions, hippocampus, 643 lesions, kainic acid, 643 morphine, 445 naloxone, 445 naltrexone, 501 neophobia, 579 opioid-induced analgesia, 501 pain, 501 periaqueductal gray, 333 rabbits, 643 rearing, 333 sensory associations, 643 shock avoidance, 445 species-specific effects, 579 squealing, 333 stimulation-induced behaviors, 333 stress, 501 switch-off responding, 333 taste-aversion, 579 vitamin D deficiency, 435 Learning and memory, 381

basal forebrain hemicholinium maze learning neuropathology nucleus basalis magnocellularis Leg-lifting behavior, 445 cockroaches, headless drug comparisons learning morphine naloxone shock avoidance Lesions, amygdala, 403 auditory stimulus conditioned stimulus fear-potentiated startle lesions, bilateral electrolytic Lesions, area postrema, 315 hamsters lesions, gold thioglucose-induced lesions, ventromedial hypothalamus Lesions, bilateral, 297 hypersynchronous bursting lesions, frontal lesions, unilateral open-field activity photically evoked after-discharge spontaneous alternation Lesions, bilateral electrolytic, 403 auditory stimulus conditioned stimulus fear-potentiated startle lesions, amygdala Lesions, central amygdaloid nucleus, 715 lesions, electrocoagulation lesions, ibotenic acid open field passive avoidance Lesions, cerebeUar vermis, 579 fear learning neophobia species-specific effects taste-aversion Lesions, dorsal noradrenergic bundle, 653 attention dorsal noradrenergic bundle 6-hydroxydopamine lesions, 6-hydroxydopamine reaction time Lesions, electrocoagulation, 715 lesions, central amygdaloid nucleus lesions, ibotenic acid open field passive avoidance Lesions, electrolytic bilateral, 707 corticosteronemia food intake glycemia insulinemia lesions, ventromedial hypothalamus liver glycogen time course of changes ventromedial hypothalamus Lesions, frontal, 297 hypersynchronous bursting lesions, bilateral lesions, unilateral open-field activity photicaUy evoked after-discharge spontaneous alternation Lesions, gold thioglucose-induced, 315

hamsters lesions, area postrema lesions, ventromedial hypothalamus Lesions, hippocampus, 643 learning lesions, kainic acid rabbits sensory associations Lesions, 6-hydroxydopamine, 653 attention dorsal noradrenergic bundle 6-hydroxydopamine lesions, dorsal noradrenergic bundle reaction time Lesions, ibotenic acid, 715 lesions, central amygdaloid nucleus lesions, electrocoagulation open field passive avoidance Lesions, kainic acid, 643 learning lesions, hippocampus rabbits sensory associations Lesions, medial hypothalamus aggression, 693 body weight, 687 castration, 693 defensiveness, 693 dehydroepiandrosterone, 687 eating, 687 hyperphagia, 687 medial hypothalamus, 687,693 obesity, 687 rats, males, 693 testosterone, 693 Lesions, paraventricular nucleus, 727 analgesia cold-water swim paraventricular nucleus Lesions, unilateral, 297 hypersynchronous bursting lesions, bilateral lesions, frontal open-field activity photically evoked after-discharge spontaneous alternation Lesions, ventromedial hypothalamus castration, 341 circadian rhythms, 211 corticosterone levels, 211 corticosteronemia, 707 food intake, 707 glycemia, 707 hamsters, 315 insulinemia, 707 lesions, area postrema, 315 lesions, electrolytic bilateral, 707 lesions, gold thioglucose-induced, 315 liver glycogen, 707 lordosis behavior, 341 odor, urine, 341 olfactory system, 341 orchidectomy, 341 rats, males, 341 restricted feeding, 211 time course of changes, 707 ventromedial hypothalamus, 211,707 Lever-pressing, 77 d-amphetamine handling intracranial self-stimulation

locomotor activity posterior hypothalamus rate of acquisition Licking control, 153 alternation, forced law of effects motor learning rhythmic movements Light adaptation, 607 light exposure photoreceptor damage retina rod outer segment phagocytosis time of exposure Light/dark cycles, 169 activity rhythms circadian rhythm feeding maternal isolation Light exposure, 607 light adaptation photoreceptor damage retina rod outer segment phagocytosis time of exposure Lipoprotein lipase, 721 body weight brown adipose tissue carcass composition malnutrition, postnatal malnutrition, prenatal protein deficiency Liquid diets, 527 growth rate nutrition obesity Lithium chloride, 547 anti-lymphocyte serum, 547 conditioned taste aversion, 531 drug interactions, 531 endogenous opioid peptides, 547 naltrexone, 547 taste preference, 547 toxicity, 547 unconditioned stimulus, 531 Liver glycogen, 707 corticosteronemia food intake glycemia insulinemia lesions, electrolytic bilateral lesions, ventromedial hypothalamus time course of changes ventromedial hypothalamus Liver metabolism, 587 chickens food intake glucagon vagotomy Locomotor activity d-amphetamine, 77 circadian rhythm, 321 handling, 77 intracranial self-stimulation, 77 lever-pressing, 77 posterior hypothalamus, 77 rate of acquisition, 77 rats, anophthalmic, 321 sleep-wakefulness, 321 Longitudinal changes, 639 age differences human studies

sweet preference Long-term effects behavioral estrns, 421 body weight, 361 brown adipose tissue, 361 carcass composition, 361 food intake, 361 hamsters, females, 421 inhibition, mating-induced, 421 nonshivering thermogenesis, 361 norepinephrine turnover, 361 ovariectomy, 361 pseudopregnancy, 421 receptivity, 421 short-term effects, 361 Lordosis adrenalectomy, 217 castration, 341 cholecystokinin octapeptide, 217 lesions, ventromedial nucleus, 341 odor, urine, 341 olfactory system, 341 orchidectomy, 341 ovariectomy, 217 pacing behavior, 67 rats, males, 341 sexual behavior, female, 67 Macronutrients, 561 food intake human studies intermeal interval meal patterns mood Macular stimulation, 273 hypoglossal neurons rabbits vestibular system Malaise, 745 2-deoxy-D-glucose drinking inhibition kaolin pica Malnutrition, postnatal, 721 body weight brown adipose tissue carcass composition lipoprotein lipase malnutrition, prenatal protein deficiency Malnutrition, prenatal, 721 body weight brown adipose tissue carcass composition lipoprotein lipase malnutrition, postnatal protein deficiency Marmosets, 495 adrenalectomy ovariectomy proceptivity receptivity sexual attractiveness Maternal behavior, 633 hypertension spontaneously hypertensive rats Maternal environmentalmanipulation, 187 behavioral effects, offspring environmental enrichment environmental impoverishment

pre-pregnancy environmental manipulation Maternal isolation, 169 activity rhythms circadian rhythm feeding light/dark cycles Maturation, 327 body temperature 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors pirenperone temperature preference thermoregulation Maze learning, 381 basal forebrain hemicholinium learning and memory neuropathology nucleus basalis magnocellularis Meal patterns cholecystokinin octapeptide, 111 circadian rhythms, 203 desynchrony, 203 food intake, 561 free-feeding, 111 human studies, 203, 561 intermeal interval, 111,203,561 macronutrients, 561 meal size, 111 mood, 561 sleep-wake periods, 203 time isolation, 203 Meal size, 111 cholecystokinin octapeptide free-feeding intermeal interval meal pattern Medial hypothalamus aggression, 693 aggressive behavior, 555 body weight, 687 castration, 555,693 defensiveness, 693 dehydroepiandrosterone, 687 eating, 687 hyperphagia, 687 intermale social aggression, 555 lesions, medial hypothalamus, 687,693 obesity, 687 rats, males, 693 testosterone, 555,693 Medial preoptic area temperature, 367 body temperature copulation hypothalamus sexual behavior, male rats thermoregulation Memory, reference, 783 amnesia hippocampus ischemia memory, working Memory, working, 783 amnesia hippocampus ischemia memory, reference Metallothionein serum levels, 277 age differences stress, acute stress, chronic Methamphetamine, 699

chronic administration circadian rhythm, behavioral circadian rhythm, neuroendocrine withdrawal Method chronic esophagostomy, 417 double fistula, 417 double sampling technique, 303 high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection, 33 radioimmunoassay, 11, 33 taste-and-spit tests, 739 two bottle preference test, 571 within trial repeated measurement, 303 5-Methoxy-N,N-dimethyl-tryptamine, 95 analgesia 8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)tetralin noradrenaline depletion Motilin, 753 appetite central administration food intake Mice, males, 147 androgens, nonaromatizable castration estrogen receptors reproduction ultrasonic vocalizations Minipigs, 541 hypertonic solutions drinking ICV administration osmoreceptors sodium receptors vasopressin release Monkeys, squirrel, 21 environment, novel/familiar comparisons housing, group/individual comparisons mother-infant separation pituitary-adrenal responses plasma cortisol levels vocalizations Mood, 561 food intake human studies intermeal interval macronutrients meal patterns Morphine, 445 cockroaches, headless drug comparisons learning leg-lifting behavior naloxone shock avoidance Morphine analgesic tolerance, 161 chronic administration cross-tolerance hot plate test intrathecal infusion morphine sulfate tall flick test Morphine sulfate, 161 chronic administration cross-tolerance hot plate test intrathecal infusion morphine analgesic tolerance tail flick test

Morphine withdrawal, 593 alpha-interferon cyclosporine operant behavior thermoregulation Morpholine, 657 cardiac conditioning chemical calibration system chemosensory perception computer control salmon Mother-infant separation, 21 environment, novel/familiar comparisons housing, group/individual comparisons monkeys, squirrel pituitary-adrenal responses plasma cortisol levels vocalizations Motor learning, 153 alternation, forced law of effect licking control rhythmic movements Mounting, 625 castration rats, males sexual behavior sexual differentiation testicular hormones Muricidal behavior, 535 a2-adrenoceptor antagonists a2-adrenoceptors noradrenaline olfactory bulbectomy turnover rate Na sensors artificial cerebrospinal fluid, 465 cows, 459, 465 drinking, 459, 465 hypertonicity, 459 osmoreceptors, 459 sodium appetite, 465 Naloxone castration, 669 cockroaches, headless, 445 drug comparisons, 445 food intake, nocturnal, 669 gonadal hormones, 669 learning, 445 leg-lifting behavior, 445 morphine, 445 ovariectomy, 669 shock avoidance, 445 Naltrexone endogenous opioid peptides, 547 fear-induced freezing, 501 learning, 501 lithium chloride, 547 opioid-induced analgesia, 501 pain, 501 stress, 501 taste preference, 547 toxicity, 547 Neophobia, 579 fear learning lesions, cerebellar vermis species-specific effects taste-aversion Neurobehavioral effects, 247

appetite regulation aspartame eating human studies, males phenylalanine Neuropathology, 381 basal forebrain hemicholinium learning and memory maze learning nucleus basalis magnocellularis Neurotransmitter amino acids, 453 aggressive behavior selective breeding Nicotine area postrema, 681 body weight, 441 chronic administration, 441 copper sulfate, 681 drug interactions, 681 emesis, 681 food intake, 441 inhibitory action, 681 rats, females, 441 water intake, 441 withdrawal effects, 441 Nociception, 599 aggressive confrontation, repeated aggressive confrontation, single analgesia defense behavior strain differences tolerance Nocturnal feeding, 507 eating food deprivation hepatic glucose production pancreatic glucagon satiety Nonshivering thermogenesis, 361 body weight brown adipose tissue carcass composition food intake long-term effects norepinephrine turnover ovariectomy short-term effects Noradrenaline, 535 a2-adrenoceptor antagonists a2-adrenoceptors muricidal behavior olfactory bulbectomy turnover rate Noradrenaline depletion, 95 analgesia 8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)tetralin 5-methoxy-N,N-demethyl-tryptamine Norepinephrine adrenal hormonal indices, 117 behavioral arousal, 117 corticosterone, 117 endocrine responses, II epinephrine, 11, 117 fighting behavior, 11 glucocorticoid, 11 guinea pigs, 11 short-term responses, 11 social status, ll stress, ll, ll7 testosterone, ll

Norepinephrine turnover, 361 body weight brown adipose tissue carcass composition food intake long-term effects nonshivering thermogenesis ovariectomy short-term effects Nucleus basalis magnocellularis, 381 basal forebrain hemicholinium learning and memory maze learning neuropathology Nutrition, 527 growth rate liquid diets obesity Obesity body weight, 399, 687 dehydroepiandrosterone, 687 eating, 687 food intake, 399 gastric balloon, 399 growth rate, 527 hyperphagia, 687 lesions, medial hypothalamus, 687 liquid diets, 527 medial hypothalamus, 687 nutrition, 427 Odor stimulus aggression, 73 avoidance, 73 classical conditioning, 89 cortisol, 89 flank gland secretions, 73 guinea pigs, 89 hamsters, 73 histamine release, 89 stress, 89 Odor, urine, 341 castration lesions, ventromedial nucleus lordosis behavior olfactory system orchidectomy rats, males Offspring, males, 477 behavioral effects oral administration pregnancy tyrosine Olfactory behavior, 141 aromatase inhibitor castration hamsters, male testosterone Olfactory bulbectomy, 535 az-adrenoceptor antagonists a2-adrenoceptors muricidal behavior noradrenaline turnover rate Olfactory system, 341 castration lesions, ventromedial nucleus lordosis behavior odor, urine orchidectomy rats, males

Opon-field activity collateral activities, 255 differential reinforcement of low rate of responding, 255 general activity, 255 hypersynchronous bursting, 297 lesions, bilateral, 297 lesions, central amygdaloid nucleus, 715 lesions, electrocoagulation, 715 lesions, frontal, 297 lesions, ibotenic acid, 715 lesions, unilateral, 297 passive avoidance, 715 photically evoked after-discharge, 297 sex differences, 255 spontaneous alternation, 297 Operant behavior, 593 alpha-interferon cyciosporine morphine withdrawal thermoregulation Opioid-induced analgesia, 501 fear-induced freezing learning naltrexone pain stress Opioid system, 135 analgesia aversive conditioning recruitment time Oral administration, 477 behavioral effects offspring, males pregnancy tyrosine Oral chemical irritation, 63 capsaicin human studies piperine sequential presentation trigeminal receptors Orchidectomy, 341 castration lesions, ventromedial nucleus lordosis behavior odor, urine olfactory system rats, males Orexigenic effects, 347 feeding behavior growth hormone releasing factor insulinemia regimen route of administration sheep Ornithine decarboxylase, 733 adrenal medulla blood pressure epinephrine heart hypoglycemia rats, hypertensive salt sensitivity strain differences sympathetic nervous system Osmoreceptors cows, 459 drinking, 459, 541 hypertonicity, 459 hypertonic solutions, 541

ICV administration, 541 minipigs, 541 Na sensors, 459 sodium receptors, 541 vasopressin release, 541 Ovariectomy adrenalectomy, 217, 495 aggression, 225 body weight, 361 brown adipose tissue, 361 carcass composition, 361 castration, 225,669, 677 cholecystokinin octapeptide, 217 food intake, 361 food intake, nocturnal, 669 gonadal hormones, 669 hamsters, 225 hormonal influences, 677 long-term effects, 361 lordosis behavior, 217 marmosets, 495 naloxone, 669 nonshivering thermogenesis, 361 norepinephrine turnover, 361 proceptivity, 495 progesterone, 225 receptivity, 495 scent marking, 677 sexual attractiveness, 495 sex differences, 677 short-term effects, 361 shrews, 677 P300, 483 auditory elicitation event-related evoked potential Pacing behavior, 67 lordosis sexual behavior, female Pain, 501 fear-induced freezing learning naltrexone opioid-induced analgesia stress Pain-modulatory system, 395 electrical stimulation sleep-induced changes sleep-regulatory system tooth pulp, cats trigeminal neurons Pancreatic glucagon, 507 eating food deprivation hepatic glucose production nocturnal feeding satiety Paraventricular nucleus, 727 analgesia cold-water swim lesions, paraventricular nucleus Passive avoidance, 715 lesions, central amygdaloid nucleus lesions, electrocoagulation lesions, ibotenic acid open field Patchy environment, 351 caloric regulation eating feeding costs and benefits

food choice profitability Peptide ACTH 4--10, 83 angiotensin II, 465 bombesin, 191 cholecystokinin octapeptide, 111, 119, 217 glucagon, 587 growth hormone releasing factor, 347 saralasin, 53 Periaqueductal gray, 333 jumping learning rearing squealing stimulation-induced behaviors switch-off responding Phentolamine, 551 cats REM sleep deprivation REM sleep rebound Phenylalanine, 247 appetite regulation aspartame eating human studies, males neurobehavioral effects Photically evoked after-discharge, 297 hypersynchronous bursting lesions, bilateral lesions, frontal lesions, unilateral open-field activity spontaneous alternation Photoperiod, 521 fertility hamsters sexual behavior ultrasonic vocalizations Photoperiodism, 615 hamsters spontaneous testicular recrudescence Photoreceptor damage, 607 light adaptation light exposure retina rod outer segment phagocytosis time of exposure Pica, 745 2-deoxy-D-glucose drinking inhibition kaolin malaise Pigs, 775 chain chewing frustration plasma cortisol levels schedule-induced behavior stereotypy, oral Pinealectomy, 231 courtship behavior hibernation seasonal temperature information snakes, red-sided garter Piperine, 63 capsaicin human studies oral chemical irritation sequential presentation trigeminal receptors

Pirenperone, 327 body temperature 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors maturation temperature preference thermoregulation Pituitary-adrenal responses, 21 environment, novel/familiar comparisons housing, group/individual comparisons monkeys, squirrel mother-infant separation plasma cortisol levels vocalizations Plasma corticosterone levels, 33 conditioned fear paradigm 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid concentrations 5-hydroxytryptamine concentrations hypothalamus plasma prolactin levels plasma renin activity stress, acute Plasma cortisol levels chain chewing, 775 environment, novel/familiar comparisons, 21 frustration, 775 housing, group/individual comparisons, 21 monkeys, squirrel, 21 mother-infant separation, 21 pigs, 775 pituitary-adrenal responses, 21 schedule-induced behavior, 775 stereotypy, oral, 775 vocalizations, 21 Plasma free fatty acid levels, 413 acute exercise body weight food intake swimming Plasma prolactin levels, 33 conditioned fear paradigm 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid concentrations 5-hydroxytryptamine concentrations hypothalamus plasma corticosterone levels plasma renin activity stress, acute Plasma renin activity, 33 conditioned fear paradigm 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid concentrations 5-hydroxytryptamine concentrations hypothalamus plasma corticosterone levels plasma prolactin levels stress, acute Play fighting, 471 behavioral effects early weaning social isolation Poly-A + mRNA, 767 cordycepin defeminization gonadotropin secretion sexual behavior Posterior hypothalamus, 77 d-amphetamine handling

intracranial self-stimulation lever pressing locomotor activity rate of acquisition Preference-aversion behavior, 285 caloric intake diet, corn oil diet, lard diet, vegetable oil dietary preference taste preference Pregnancy behavioral effects, 477 calcium deficiency, 291 dietary self-selection, 291 lactation, 291 offspring, males, 477 oral administration, 477 tyrosine, 477 Preparation and maintenance, 417 chronic esophagostomy double fistula gastric cannula Pre-pregnancy environmental manipulation, 187 behavioral effects, offspring environmental enrichment environmental impoverishment maternal environmental manipulation Proceptivity, 495 adrenalectomy marmosets ovariectomy receptivity sexual attractiveness Profitability, 351 caloric regulation eating feeding costs and benefits food choice patchy environment Progesterone, 225 aggression castration hamsters ovariectomy Prostaglandin release, 763 fever hyperthermia, stress-induced Protein intake, 1 behavioral responses dietary self-selection eating hamsters Pseudopregnancy, 421 behavioral estrus hamsters, females inhibition, mating-induced long-term effects receptivity Quantitative analysis, 235 analgesia caloric factor response temperature tail flick test Quinine, 571 drinking motivation drinking rats, diabetics sucrose octa-acetate

taste aversion

Rabbits hypoglossal neurons, 273 learning, 643 lesions, hippocampus, 643 lesions, kaluic acid, 643 macular stimulation, 273 sensory associations, 643 vestibular system, 273 Radial maze, 409 behavioral differences sex differences Random ratio schedules, 269 gonadectomy response acquisition sex differences Rate of acquisition, 77 d-amphetamine handling intracranial self-stimulation lever pressing locomotor activity posterior hypothalamus Rats, anophthalmic, 321 circadian rhythm locomotor activity sleep-wakefulness Rats, diabetic, 571 drinking drinking motivation quinine sucrose octa-acetate taste aversion Rats, female administration/observation intervals, 665 body weight, 441 chronic administration, 441 estradiol, 665 food intake, 441 nicotine, 441 sexual behavior, 665 water intake, 441 withdrawal effects, 441 Rats, hypertensive, 733 adrenal medulla blood pressure epinephrine heart hypoglycemia ornithine decarboxylase salt sensitivity strain differences sympathetic nervous system Rats, male aggression, 429, 693 all-male/mixed-sex colony comparisons, 429 castration, 341,625,693 defensiveness, 693 endocrinology, 429 hyperadreualism, 429 lesions, medial hypothalamus, 693 lesions, ventromedial nucleus, 341 lordosis behavior, 341 medial hypothalamus, 693 mounting, 625 odor, urine, 341 olfactory system, 341 orchidectomy, 341

reproductive physiology, 429 sexual behavior, 625 sexual differentiation, 625 social stress, 429 testicular hormones, 625 testosterone, 693 Rats, trained, 377 brown adipose tissue exercise heat production rats, untrained running thermogenesis, non-shivering Rats, untrained, 377 brown adipose tissue exercise heat production rats, trained running thermogenesis, non-shivering Reaction time, 653 attention dorsal noradrenergic bundle 6-hydroxydopamine lesions, dorsal noradrenergic bundle lesions, 6-hydroxydopamine Rearing, 333 jumping learning periaqueductal gray squealing stimulation-induced behaviors switch-off responding Recent improvements, 673 biofeedback blood pressure continuous monitoring UNO blood pressure monitor/conditioner Receptivity adrenalectomy, 495 behavioral estrus, 421 hamsters, females, 421 inhibition, mating-induced, 421 long-term effects, 421 marmosets, 495 ovariectomy, 495 proceptivity, 495 pseudopregnancy, 421 sexual attractiveness, 495 Recruitment time, 135 analgesia aversive conditioning opioid system Reinforced behavior, 263 collateral activities sex differences Regimen, 347 feeding behavior growth hormone releasing factor insulinemia orexigenic effects route of administration sheep Relation to molecular properties, 619 D-amino acids L-amino acids conditioned taste aversion taste effectiveness REM sleep deprivation, 551 cats phentolamine

REM sleep rebound REM sleep rebound, 551 cats phentolamine REM sleep deprivation Renin-angiotensin system, 53 diabetes insipidus drinking sodium appetite, strain differences Reproduction, 147 androgens, nonaromatizable castration estrogen receptors mice, males ultrasonic vocalizations Reproductive physiology, 429 aggression all-male/mixed-sex colony comparisons endocrinology hyperadrenaiism rats, males social stress Response acquisition, 269 gonadectomy random ratio schedules sex differences Response temperature, 235 analgesia caloric factor quantitative analysis tail flick test Restricted feeding, 211 circadian rhythms corticosterone levels lesions, ventromedial hypothalamus ventromedial hypothalamus Retina, 607 light adaptation light exposure photoreceptor damage rod outer segment phagocytosis time of exposure Rhythmic movements, 153 alternation, forced law of effect licking control motor learning Rod outer segment phagocytosis, 607 light adaptation light exposure photoreceptor damage retina time of exposure Route of administration, 347 feeding behavior growth hormone releasing factor insulinemia orexigenic effects regimen sheep Running, 377 brown adipose tissue exercise heat production rats, trained rats, untrained thermogenesis, non-sMvering Saccharin, 757

caffeine conditioned taste avoidance cyclamate flavor profiling taste potentiation Saccharin preference, 241 body weight ethanol feminization in utero sex differences testosterone propionate water intake Salmon, 657 cardiac conditioning chemical calibration system chemosensory perception computer control morpholine Salt sensitivity, 733 adrenal medulla blood pressure epinephrine heart hypoglycemia ornithine decarboxylase rats, hypertensive strain differences sympathetic nervous system Satiety bombesin, 191 cholecystokinin, 191 domestic fowls, 191 eating, 507 feeding activity, 191 food deprivation, 507 gastrointestinal motility, 191 hepatic glucose production, 507 nocturnal feeding, 507 pancreatic glucagon, 507 Scent marking, 677 castration hormonal influences ovariectomy sex differences shrews Schedule-induced behavior, 775 chain chewing frustration pigs plasma cortisol levels stereotypy, oral Seasonal temperature information, 231 courtship behavior hibernation pinealectomy snakes, red-sided garter Selective breeding, 453 aggressive behavior neurotransmitter amino acids Sensory associations, 643 learning lesions, hippocampus lesions, kalnic acid rabbits Sensory controls, 127 bandaging catalepsy grasping haloperidol labyrinthectomy Sequential presentation, 63

capsaicin human studies oral chemical irritation piperine trigeminal receptors Serum estrogen levels, 309 duration of male exposure estradiol binding site sexual development voles, females Sex differences age effects, 779 behavior differences, 409, 779 body weight, 241,779 castration, 677 collateral activities, 255,263 differential reinforcement of low rate of responding, 255 ethanol, 241 feminization, 241 general activity, 255 gonadectomy, 269 hormonal influences, 677 in utero, 241 open-field, 255 ovariectomy, 677 radial maze, 409 random ratio schedules, 269 reinforced behavior, 263 response acquisition, 269 saccharin preference, 241 scent marking, 677 shrews, 677 testosterone propionate, 241 water intake, 241 Sexual attractiveness, 495 adrenalectomy marmosets ovariectomy proceptivity receptivity Sexual behavior administration/observation intervals, 665 castration, 625 cordycepin, 767 defeminization, 767 estradioi, 665 fertility, 521 gonadotropin secretion, 767 hamsters, 521 mounting, 625 photoperiod, 521 poly-A+ mRNA, 767 rats, females, 665 rats, males, 625 sexual differentiation, 625 testicular hormones, 625 ultrasonic vocalizations, 521 Sexual behavior, female, 67 lordosis pacing behavior Sexual behavior, male rats, 367 body temperature copulation hypothalamus medial preoptic area temperature, 367 thermoregulation Sexual development, 309 duration of male exposure estradiol binding site serum estrogen levels

voles, females Sexual differentiation, 625 castration mounting rats, males sexual behavior testicular hormones Sheep, 347 feeding behavior growth hormone releasing factor insulinemia orexigenic effects regimen route of administration Shock avoidance, 445 cockroaches, headless drug comparisons learning leg-lifting behavior morphine naloxone Short-term effects, 361 body weight brown adipose tissue carcass composition food intake long-term effects nonshivering thermogenesis norepinephrine turnover ovariectomy Short-term responses, 11 endocrine responses epinephrine fighting behavior glucocorticoid guinea pigs norepinephrine social status stress testosterone Shrews, 677 castration hormonal influences ovariectomy scent marking sex differences Sleep-induced changes, 395 electrical stimulation pain-modulatory system sleep-regulatory system tooth pulp, cats trigeminal neurons Sleep-regulatory system, 395 electrical stimulation pain-modulatory system sleep-induced changes tooth pulp, cats trigeminal neurons Sleep-wake periods, 203 circadian rhythms desynchrony human studies intermeal interval meal patterns time isolation Sleep-wakefulness, 321 circadian rhythm locomotor activity rats, anophthalmic Snakes, red-sided garter, 231 courtship behavior hibernation

pinealectomy seasonal temperature information Social behavior, 45 aggression ethanol inbred mice strain differences Social isolation, 471 behavioral effects early weaning play fighting Social status, 11 endocrine responses epinephrine fighting behavior glucocorticoid guinea pigs norepinephrine short-term responses stress testosterone Social stress, 429 aggression all-male/mixed-sex colony comparisons endocrinology hyperadrenalism rats, males reproductive physiology Sodium appetite artificial appetite, 465 artificial cerebrospinal fluid, 465 cows, 465 diabetes insipidus, 53 drinking, 53, 465 Na sensors, 465 renin-angiotensinsystem, 53 strain differences, 53 Sodium receptors, 541 drinking hypertonic solutions ICV administration minipigs osmoreceptors vasopressin release Species-specific effects, 579 fear learning lesions, cerebellar vermis neophobia taste-aversion Sperm transport, 371 copulatory behavior copulatory plug ejaculatory immobility intromissions Spontaneous alternation, 297 hypersynchronous bursting lesions, bilateral lesions, frontal lesions, unilateral open-field activity photically evoked after-discharge Spontaneously hypertensive rats, 633 hypertension maternal behavior Spontaneous testicular recrudescence, 61: hamsters photoperiodism Squealing, 333 jumping learning

periaqueductal gray rearing stimulation-induced behaviors switch-off responding Step-through latency, 103 detention exploratory behavior grooming illumination two-box apparatus Stereotypy, oral, 775 chain chewing frustration pigs plasma cortisol levels schedule-induced behavior Stimulation-induced behaviors, 333 jumping learning periaqueductal gray rearing squealing switch-off responding Strain differences adrenal medulla, 733 aggression, 45 aggressive confrontation, repeated, 599 aggressive confrontation, single, 599 analgesia, 599 blood pressure, 733 defense behavior, 599 diabetes insipidus, 53 drinking, 53 epinephrine, 733 ethanol, 45 heart, 733 hypoglycemia, 733 inbred mice, 45 nociception, 599 ornithine decarboxylase, 733 rats, hypertensive, 733 renin-angiotensinsystem, 53 salt sensitivity, 733 social behavior, 45 sodium appetite, 53 sympathetic nervous system, 733 tolerance, 599 Stress adrenal hormonal indices, 117 behavioral arousal, 117 classical conditioning, 89 corticosterone, 117 cortisol, 89 endocrine responses, 11 epinephrine, 11, 117 fear-induced freezing, 501 fighting behavior, 11 glucocorticoid, 11 guinea pigs, 11, 89 histamine release, 89 learning, 501 naltrexone, 501 norepinephrine, 11, 117 odor stimulus, 89 opioid-induced analgesia, 501 pain, 501 short-term responses, 11 social status, 11 testosterone, 11 Stress, acute age differences, 277 conditioned fear paradigm, 33

5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid concentrations, 33 5-hydroxytryptamine concentrations, 33 hypothalamus, 33 metallothionein serum levels, 277 plasma corticosterone levels, 33 plasma prolactin levels, 33 plasma renin activity, 33 stress, chronic, 277 Stress, chronic, 277 age differences metallothionein serum levels stress, acute Sucrose concentration, 739 food intake food preferences human studies taste-and-spit tests Sucrose octa-acetate, 571 drinking motivation drinking quinine rats, diabetics taste aversion Sweet preference, 639 age differences human studies longitudinal changes Swimming, 413 acute exercise body weight food intake plasma fatty acid levels Switch-off responding, 333 jumping learning periaqueductal gray rearing squealing stimulation-induced behaviors Sympathetic nervous system, 733 adrenal medulla blood pressure epinephrine heart hypoglycemia ornithine decarboxylase rats, hypertensive salt sensitivity strain differences Tail flick test analgesia, 235 caloric factor, 235 chronic administration, 161 cross-tolerance, 161 hot plate test, 161 intrathecal infusion, 161 morphine analgesic tolerance, 161 morphine sulfate, 161 quantitative analysis, 235 response temperature, 235 Taste-and-spit tests, 739 food intake food preferences human studies sucrose concentration Taste aversion drinking motivation, 571 drinking, 571

fear, 579 learning, 579 lesions, cerebellar vermis, 579 neophobia, 579 quinine, 571 rats, diabetics, 571 species-specific effects, 579 sucrose octa-acetate, 571 Taste effectiveness, 619 D-amino acids L-amino acids conditioned taste aversion relation to molecular properties Taste potentiation, 757 caffeine conditioned taste avoidance cyclamate flavor profiling saccharin Taste preference caloric intake, 285 diet, corn oil, 285 diet, lard, 285 diet, vegetable oil, 285 dietary preference, 285 endogenous opioid peptides, 547 lithium chloride, 547 naltrexone, 547 preference-aversion behavior, 285 toxicity, 547 Temperature preference, 327 body temperature 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors maturation pirenperone thermoregulation Testicular hormones, 625 castration mounting rats, males sexual behavior sexual differentiation Testosterone aggression, 693 aromatase inhibitor, 141 castration, 141,693 defensiveness, 693 endocrine responses, ! 1 epinephrine, 11 fighting behavior, i 1 glucocorticoid, 11 guinea pigs, 11 hamsters, male, 141 lesions, medial hypothalamus, 693 medial hypothalamus, 693 norepinephrine, 11 olfactory behavior, 141 rats, males, 693 short-term responses, 11 social status, 11 stress, 11 Testosterone propionate aggressive behavior, 555 body weight, 241 castration, 555 ethanol, 241 feminization, 241 intermale social aggression, 555 in utero, 241 medial hypothalamus, 555 saccharin preference, 241 sex differences, 241

water intake, 241 Thermogenesis, non-shivering, 377 brown adipose tissue exercise heat production rats, trained rats, untrained running Thermoregulation alpha-interferon, 593 body temperature, 327, 367 copulation, 367 cyclosporine, 593 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors, 327 hypothalamus, 367 maturation, 327 medial preoptic area temperatute, 367 morphine withdrawal, 593 operant behavior, 593 pirenperone, 327 sexual behavior, male rats, 367 temperature preference, 327 Time course of changes, 707 corticosteronemia food intake glycemia insulinemia lesions, electrolytic bilateral lesions, ventromedial hypothalamus liver glycogen ventromedial hypothalamus Time isolation, 203 circadian rhythms desynchrony human studies intermeal interval meal patterns sleep-wake periods Time of exposure, 607 light adaptation light exposure photoreceptor damage retina rod outer segment phagocytosis Tolerance, 599 aggressive confrontation, repeated aggressive confrontation, single analgesia defense behavior nociception strain differences Tooth pulp, cats, 395 electrical stimulation pain-modulatory system sleep-induced changes sleep-regulatory system trigeminal neruons Toxicity, 547 endogenous opioid peptides lithium chloride naltrexone taste preference Trigeminal neurons, 395 electrical stimulation pain-modulatory system sleep-induced changes sleep-regulatory system tooth pulp, cats Trigeminal receptors, 63 capsaicin human studies oral chemical irritation

piperone sequential presentation Turnover rate, 535 c~-adrenoceptor antagonists ~2-adrenoceptors muricidal behavior noradrenaline olfactory bulbectomy Two-box apparatus, 103 detention exploratory behavior grooming illumination step-through latency Type 2 theta, 513 behavioral correlates hippocampus Tyrosine, 477 behavioral effects offspring, males oral administration pregnancy Ultrasonic vocalizations androgens nonaromatizable, 147 castration, 147 estrogen receptors, 147 fertility, 521 hamsters, 521 mice, males, 147 photoperiod, 521 reproduction, 147 sexual behavior, 521 Unconditioned stimulus, 531 anti-lymphocyte serum conditioned taste aversion drug interactions lithium chloride UNO blood pressure monitor/conditioner 673 biofeedback blood pressure continuous monitoring recent improvements Vagotomy, 587 chickens food intake glucagon liver metabolism Vasopressin-deficiency, 489 acquisition conditioned taste aversion diabetes insipidus extinction Vasopressin release, 541 drinking hypertonic solutions 1CV administration minipigs osmoreceptors sodium receptors Ventromedial hypothalamus circadian rhythms, 211 corticosterone, 211 corticosteronemia, 707 food intake, 707 glycemia, 707 insulinemia, 707 lesions, electrolytic bilateral, 707

lesions, ventromedial hypothalamus, 211,707 liver glycogen, 707 restricted feeding, 211 time course of changes, 707 Vestibular system, 273 hypoglossal neurons macular stimulation rabbits Vitamin D deficiency, 435 behavioral correlates learning Vocalizations, 21 environment, novel/familiar comparisons housing, group/individual comparisons monkeys, squirrel mother-infant separation

pituitary-adrenal responses plasma cortisol levels Voles, females, 309 duration of male exposure estradiol binding site serum estrogen levels sexual development Water intake body weight, 241,441 chronic administration, 441 ethanol, 241 feminization, 241 food intake, 441 in utero, 241 nicotine, 441 rats, females, 441

saccharin preference, 241 sex differences, 241 testosterone propionate, 241 withdrawal effects, 441 Withdrawal effects body weight, 441 chronic administration, 441,699 circadian rhythm, behavioral, 699 circadian rhythm, neuroendocrine, 699 food intake, 441 methamphetamine, 699 nicotine, 441 rats, females, 441 water intake, 441 Within-trial repeated measurement, 303 double sampling gastric emptying

AUTHORINDEX Adler, N. T., 371 Advokat, C., 161 Albert, D. J., 555,693 Altemus, K. L., 435 Ambrogi Lorenzini, C., 103 Anderson, G. H., 247 Anderson, R. H., 297 Anderson, V. N., 169 Andrew, R. J., 27 Archer, T., 95 Arendt, J., 699 Arevalo, R., 477 Armario, A., 277 Aron, CI., 341 Arwestr6m, E., 95 Attas, A. I., 371 Babcock, A. M., 217 Baldwin, B. A., 541 Baranowski, J. R., 783 Bartles, R. R., 745 Bartness, T. J., 721 Bas, J., 277 Baumann, J., 699 Bean, N. J., 757 Beatey, S., 745 Beauchamp, G. K., 639 Beggs, A. L., 643 Beleslin, D. B., 681 Bellisle, F., 739 Berry, M. S., 45 Bethea, C. L., 33 Birge, S. J., 435 Blair-West, J. R., 465 Bloch, G. J., 217 Blumberg, M. S., 367 Bodnar, R. J., 727 Born, J., 83 Borom, A. H., 733 Brand, J. G., 285 Branley, E., 673 Brenner, E., 653 Bronson, F. H., 677 Brown, D. F., 315 Buchereili, C., 103 Bueno, L., 347

Buret, J., 153 Burton, P., 161 Carter, C. S., 309 Castro, R., 477 Chabli, A., 341 Chami, F., 625 Chateau, D., 341 Cheal, M. L., 281 Cherry, J. A., 521 Cierpial, M. A., 633,733 Clark, A. S., 665 Clifton, P. G., 27 Cohen-Parsons, M., 309 Collier, G. H., 351 Collins, S. M., 303 Conover, K. L., 303 Corbier, P., 625 Creighton, D., 117 Crews, D., 231 Curtis, S. E., 775 Dantzer, R., 593,775 Dark, K., 89 Davis, H. P., 783 Davis, M., 403 de Castro, J. M., 561 Degen, P., 699 de la Cruz, F., 127 Delaney, C. E., 541 Dell, P. A., 187 Denton, D. A., 459, 465 Desor, J. A., 639 DiBattista, D., 1 Dingman, A., 277 Dixson, A. F., 495 Dobrea, G. M., 327 Dodson, J. J., 657 Dolnikoff, M. S., 707 Dor6, F. Y., 657 Dougherty, J., 381 Dyson, E. M., 555,693 Edwards, D. A., 625 Eisenstadt, M. L., 381 Elder, S. T., 673

Elfont, R. M., 53 EUison, G. D., 441 Ellman, G., 89 Everill, B., 45 Fanselow, M. S., 501,579 Farhoody, N., 507 Feer, H., 699 Fehm, H. L., 83 Fehm-Wolfsdorf, G., 83 Finger, S., 435 Fischer, R. B., 73 Fisher, L. J., 607 Fleming, D. E., 297 Floody, O. R., 315 Forbes, J. M., 587 Forsling, M. L., 541 Fraile, I. G., 225 Frischknecht, H. R., 599 Fullenkamp, A. M., 73 Funakoshi, M., 235 Gage, D., 399 Galvez, C., 441 Gamble, E. H., 673 Gannon, M., 669 Garcia, J., 489 Garrett, D., 673 Garthwaite, T. L., 753 Gartside, I. B., 571 Garvey, J. S., 277 Geary, N., 507 Geliebter, A., 399 Gellatly, D. R., 459, 465 Gersony, A., 507 Giachetti, A., 103 Gonyou, H. W., 775 Goodlett, C. R., 721 Goodrich, C., 327 Gorski, R. A., 217 Gorzalka, B. B., 67, 693 Gosnell, B. A., 687 Green, J., 203 Greenwood, M. R. C., 111 Guyton, C. L., 421

Haeusler, A., 699 Hashim, S. A., 399 Hawkins, C., 745 Heinsbroek, R. P. W., 269 Helmstetter, F. J., 501 Hernandez-Mesa, N., 153 Heynen, A., 513 Hidalgo, J., 277 Hilakivi, I., 551 Hiroshige, T., 211 Hitchcock, J. M., 403 Holcomb, C., 241 Holder, M. D., 489 Hong, K. W., 535 Honma, K.-I., 211 Honma, S., 211 Howes, G. A., 587 Huck, U. W., 421 Hurlbut, B. J., 381,483 Husband, A. J., 531 Hutchison, J. B., 141 Ibuka, N., 321 Iwasaki, K., 619 Jansons, R. A., 183 Janus, K., 471 Joffe, J. M., 779 Johnson, D. F., 21,351 Jonsson, G., 95 Kare, M. R., 285 Karli, P., 333 Kasahara, T., 619 Kawakita, K., 235 Kelley, K. W., 593,775 King, M. G., 531 Kinghorn, E. E., 297 Kitayama, S., 395 Kluger, M. J., 763 Kraeuchi, K., 699 Krohmer, R. W., 231 Krsti~, S. K., 681 Kiilling, P., 599 Kusnecov, A. W., 531

Larue-Achagiotis, C., 413 Lawless, H. T., 63 Laycock, J. F., 571 Leaton, R. N., 579 Lee, W. S., 535 Leiter, L. A., 247 Lepp~ivuori, A., 551 Levin, E. D., 441 Levine, A. S., 669 Levine, S., 21 Lieblich, I., 547 Lisk, R. D., 421 Lorens, S. A., 33 Louis-Sylvestre, J., 413 Lubar, J. F., 381,483 Lucas, F., 739 McCarty, R., 117,633,733 McCurry, C., 89 McElroy, J. F., 361 McEwen, B. S., 225 McGivern, R. F., 241 McKinley, M. J., 459, 465 McKinney, J., 745 Mamedov, Z., 153 Mameli, O., 273 Martin Garcia, A. I., 715 Marzullo, L. R., 111 Mason, J. R., 757 Mason, R. T., 231 Matzel, L. D., 135 Mendelson, S. D., 67 Mennella, J. A., 367 Micevych, P. E, 217 Michael, R. P., 77 Milkovi6, K., 779 Millelire, L., 291 Miller, R. R., 135 Minor, B. G., 95 Mirmiran, M., 653 Miselis, R. R., 459 Moltz, H., 367 Montoya, C. P., 513 Mook, D. G., 417 Morgan, M. M., 441 Morgane, P. J., 721

Morimasa, T., 699 Morin, P.-P., 657 Mosier, H. D., Jr., 183 Mufioz-Blanco, J., 453 Murphy, C. A., 733 Nagasaka, T., 211,377 Naim, M., 285 Natelson, B. H., 117 Nelson, J. F., 465 Nelson, R. J., 231,615 Nicolov, N. A., 675 Nyby, J. G., 147 O'Brien, D. P., 127 Ohshima, T., 395 Oiler do Nascimento, C. M. P., 707 O'Reilly, B., 763 Ottenweller, J. E., 117 Palarea, M. D., 477 Parente, E. J., 421 Paris, J. M., 33 Pasi, A., 599 Patterson, M. M., 643 Peeke, H. V. S., 89 Pellis, S. M., 127 Pellis, V. C., 127 Penzlin, H., 445 Persson, M.-L., 95 Peruzovi6, M., 779 Pfaff, D. W., 225 Pitman, D., 117 Poland, R. E., 241 Pollak, C. P., 203 Porras Castillo, A., 453 Port, R. L., 643 Post, C., 95 Prescod, L., 111 Pulsinelli, W. A., 783 Ramirez, I., 527 Restrepo, C., 277 Rhea, K., 745 Rhim, B. Y., 535 Richardson-Morton, K. D., 33 Riolobos, A. S., 715

Rissman, E. F., 677 Riviere, P., 347 Rodriguez, M., 477 Roffi, J., 625 Rose, F. D., 187 Rosenfeld, D. J., 753 Roy, E. J., 665 Rupich, R., 429 Ryan-Harshman, M., 247 Sachser, N., 11 Sainsbury, R. S., 513 Salfi, M., 89 Sandner, G., 333 Satinoff, E., 593 Sato, M., 619 Satoh, T., 395 Satterfield, S. M., 483 Sovoie, L., 629 Savory, C. J., 191 Schmitt, P., 333 Shasby, D. E., 633 Shibata, H., 377 Shope, T. R., 763 Siegfried, B., 599 Simon, N. G., 147 Simpson, J. B., 459 Smith, G. K., 169 Smith, G. P., 203 Sokol, H. S., 53 Steel, E., 141 Stevens, D. A., 63 Sudakov, K. V., 675 Sullivan, A. C., 111 Sundstr6m, E., 95 Supple, W. F., Jr., 579 Switzer, R., 381 Tapp, W. N., 117 Taylor, G. T., 429 Teitelbaum, P., 127 Tennant, L. E., 677 Theunisse, B. C., 653 Thornton, S. N., 541 Timo-Iaria, C., 707 Tolu, E., 273 Toner, J. P., 371 Triscari, J., 111

Truesdell, L., 727 Tyler, C. B., 161 Ulibarri, C., 767 Urban. J. H., 33 Vachon, C., 629 Vance, R. A., 73 van De Kar, L. D., 33 van de Poll, N. E., 255,263, 269, 409 Vander, A. J., 763 Vander Gugten, J., 653 van Haaren, F., 255, 263,269, 409 van Hest, A., 255, 263 Verrette, J.-L., 657 Voigt, K. H., 83 Volpe, B. T., 783 Wade, G. N., 361 Wager-Srdar, S. A., 669 Wagner, S., 417 Walsh, M. L., 555,693 Waser, P. G., 599 Watson, P. J., 745 Weingarten, H. P., 303 Weisinger, R. S., 459, 465 Weiss, A., 445 Weiss, J., 429 West, C. H. K., 77 West, D. B., 111 Westreich, S., 399 White, M. P., 607 Wiener, S. G., 21 Wirz-Justice, A., 699 Wolf, C., 435 Woodside, B., 291 Wouters, M., 409 Yahr, P., 767 Yamada, S., 395 Yamamoto, T., 649 Yirmiya, R., 489, 547 Yokota, T., 395 Zaia, T. B. V., 707 Zantvoord, F., 269 Zucker, I., 615