Index to volume 53

Index to volume 53

INDEX TO VOLUME AUTHOR A I~ARON, ROREI adaptations in sponge fishermen (skin divers), 83.5 AKREIT, SIDNEY R., AND MORET, PIERRE. .A biologic test f...

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' MARIANo M.’ (See Steinzeig, Pinsky, Alimurung, and Dimond), 73.5 .~N.4GNOSTClU, JOHN L., ZAKOPOULOS, KONSTANTINE, S., AND WHITE, PAUL D. Circulator> adaptations in sponge fishermen (skin divers), 83.5 AKREIT, SIDNEY R., AND MORET, PIERRE. .A biologic test for digitalis effect, 293 B BAGWK,

MARIANNE, BJBRK, VIKING OLOV, AND MALMwRBM, GUNNAR. Technique and sequelae of catheterization of the left side of the heart, 91 BAKST, ALVIN II., COHEN, CLIFFORD, AND LOEWE, LEO. SimLIltaneOLIS left ventricular and aortic pressure measurements in the evaluation of aortic valve surgery, 193 BALAGIXR - VINTK~, I. (See Torner - Soler, MaNorat&Portell, and Balaguer-VintrO), 213 BALCAZAK, JOSEFINA. (See Mall&n, Evans, and Balcjzar), 767 BAKK, RICHARD W., END SOMMERS, SHELDON C. ITnusual causes of death after cardiac surgery, 232 BENTIWGLIO, LAMBERTO G., URICCHIO, JOSEPH F., AND LIKOFF, WILLIAM. The influence of left bundle branch block on the clinical result following aortic commissurotomv, 922 BIORCK, GUNNAR. Socizil cardiology in international perspective, 941 BJ~RK, YIXINC OLOV. (See Bagger, BjGrk, and MalmstrGm), 91 BLACK, HARRISON, AND HARKEN, DWIGHT E. Current indications for the surgical correction of mitral stenosis, 439 BLACKBURN, HENRY W., JR., AND SIMONSON, EKNST. The total QRS duration, 699 BWODKIN. HOWAKD D., AND MASSEY, FKANKLIN C. Myocardial trauma produced by nonpenetrating chest injury, 795 BRANDETBURG, ROBERT 0. (See Wakai, Brandenburg, and Kierland), 754



K. (.Ser Rosenberg, Eliakim. ;ind Braun), 18 BKAUSWALD, EUGENE. (.See Donoso, Jick, Braunwald, Lamelas, and Grishman;, 760 BKA~ERMAN, Ievrx B., AND GIBSON, STANLEY. The outlook for children with ~11genital aortic stenosis, 487 BRODY, DANIEL X. A method for applying approximately ideal lead connectmns to homogeneous volume conductors of irregular shape, 174 The asostat. I\:. An analysis c)f the planar and spatial electrocardicjgraphic indices of normal subjects as referred to an orthogonalizrd lead system, 125 BK~D~. ~EKOME I.. GOLDEN. LAWRENCE H.. -4x.1) "'I.~BIN, GAMES L. A review of 3.309 electrocardiograms in young m,lle hospitalized patients, 821 BRVCE, JAMES C. (Spe Kistin and Bruce ). 6.5 BUKCH, G. E., AND HYMAN, :\LBEKT. Influence of a hot and humld environment upon cardiac output and work in norm4 man and in patients with chronic. (:ongestive heart failure at rest, 665 --~ ~. CKONVICH, J. r\., CREECH, Osc~a, ASI) HYMAK, ~~LBIIRT. Pressure-"volrltrI(." diagrams of the left ventricle of man, 890 --m. (Sre HoraIl, Burch. and Cronvich), 7-l Burtce~, H. C. A theoretical elucidation of the notion “ventricular gradient,” 21-O ---- -, NOOKDERT~KAAF! .%.. AND KAMPS: II. J. I,. Physical hasts of ballistocardlograph\ \‘, 907 c CARAMELLI,

ZAKKO. (Ser Leng)-el, C;tramrlii, Monfort, and Guerra), 334 CARPETTER, LEWIS G. (See Kalis, Harris. Sokolow, and Carpenter), 572 CEKA, LKSLIE J., KARI,INSKY, W., ANI) Rou14. A. E. 'l‘umor embolism of the Itaft coronary artery, 172 CHAPMAN, CARLETON B., MITCHELL, JERE I(.. GLOVEK, JACK F., AND MILLILK, \V~I.I.IAM F. The interpretation and diagnostic value of oximetrically-recorded T-1824 dye curl-es in congenital he;crr disease, 519




KENNETH. (See Yuceoglu, Pordy, Chesky, and Donoso), 447 CLAVIJO, JORGE. (See Villamd, France, Clavijo, and Zuviria), 365 COHEN, CLIFFORD. (See Bakst, Cohen, and Loewe), 193 COMSTOCK, G. W., AND KENDRICK, M. A. Blood pressure and the weather, 825 CONTRO, STEPHEN, MILLER, ROBERT A., AND DERRICK, JOHN. Relative pulmonic stenosis, 542 CORCORAN, A. C. (See Helmcke, Schneckloth, and Corcoran), 549 CREECH, OSCAR. (See Burch, Cronvich, Creech, and Hyman), 890 CRONVICH, J. A. (See Burch, Cronvich, Creech, and Hyman), 890 -. (See Horan, Burch, and Cronvich), 74 CULBERTSON, JAMES W. (See Wild, Eckstein, Van Epps, and Culbertson), 393 D DERRICK,

JOHN. (See Contro, Miller, and Derrick), 542 DICKENS, JANET. (See Goldberg, Dickens, Raber, and Hayes), 579 DIMOND, E. GREY. (See Steinzeig, Pinsky, Alimurung, and Dimond), 735 DOCK, WILLIAM, AND GRANDELL, FRANCIS. The significance of large lateral and small head-foot waves in the ballistocardiogram of ectopic beats, 641 DOHERTY, JAMES E. (See Johnson and Doherty), 150 DONOSO, EPHRAIM, JICK, SIDNEY, BRAUNWALD, EUGENE, LAMELAS, MELQUIADES, AND GRISHMAN, ARTHUR. The spatial vectorcardiogram in mitral valve disease, 760 -. (See Silverblatt, Rosenfeld, Grishman, and Donoso), 380 -. (See Yuceoglu, Pordy, Chesky, and Donoso), 447 DRINAN, FRANCIS W., ADAMIS, DIONYSIOS, SISE, HERBERT S., AND MOLONEY, WILLIAM C. Studies on the anticoagulant phenindione. III. Its use in ambulatory patients, 284 DRUEPPLE, LEROY G. Complete pulmonary venous drainage into the portal vein with multiple congenital anomalies, 790 DYER, JOSEPH F., JR. (See Johnson, Lawlah, McFadden, Dyer, Fairley, and Collings), 40



W. Translated by Blackburn, Henry W., Jr., The telecardiogram, 602 EI,DRIDGE. FREDERIC L. (See Heinz and Eldridge), 624 ’ ELIAKIM, M. (See Rosenberg, Eliakim, and Braun), 18 ESCHER, DORIS W. (See Schwedel, Escher, Aaron, and Young), 163 EVANS, MARY. (See Mallen, Evans, and Balcbzar), 767 F FINDLEY,

THOMAS. The nephrotic syndrome, (Edit.). 323 FOWLER,‘NOB~~ O., MANNIX, EDGAR P., Jr+, AND NOBLE, WILLIAM. Difficulties m interpretation of right heart catheterization data, 343 Fox, THEODORE T. Further remarks on the syndrome of aberrant A-V conduction (Wolff-Parkinson-White), 771 FRANCO, RODOLFO J. (See Villamil, France, Clavijo, and Zuviria), 365 G GARC~A-P;~~;F~I,

MARIO R., AND RAM~REZ, . The electrocardiogram in tetanus, 809 GARDBERG, MANUEL, AND ROSEN, IRVING L. The effects of nonnatholoeic factors on the electrocardiogram. ?I, 711 p. (See Rosen and Gardberg), 494 GIBSON, f;;rt; (See Braverman and GibGLENN, FRAN;. (See Wierum and Glenn), 359 GLOVER, JACK F. (See Chapman, Mitchell, Glover, and Miller), 519 GOLDBERG, HARRY, DICKENS, JANET, RABER, GEORGE, AND HAYES, EDWARD, JR. Simultaneous (combined) catheterization of the left and right heart, 579 GOLDEN, LAWRENCE H. (See Brody, ‘Golden, and Tobin), 821 GRANDELL, FRANCIS. (See Dock and Grandell), 641 GRISHMAN, ARTHUR. (See Donoso, Jick, Braunwald, Lamelas, and Grishman), 760 --. (See Rosenfeld, Silverblatt, and Grishman), 463 -. ( S~;dS$o;~rb~;t,3~nfeld, Grishman, GUERRA, GUTTAS,

Jo& CLEME~TE. (See Lengyel, Caramelli, Monfort, and Guerra), 334 CHARLES G. (See Sise, Moloney, and Guttas), 132


JOHN W. (See Wild, Eckstein, Van Epps, and Culbertson), 393 -, WOOD, J. EDWIN, AND WILKINS, ROBERT W. Comparative vasoconstrictor effects of inhaling tobacco smoke in warm and cool environments and before and after abstinence from tobacco, 455 EDDLEMAN, E. E., JR. Kinetocardiographic findings m aortic insufficiency, 530



KNUT, JOHANSSON, BENGT, AND SJ&TRIM, BJ~RN. Electrocardiographic studies on fibrillating and nonfibrillating hypothermic dogs with or without previous treatment with acetylcholine or procaine amide, 31 DWIGHT E. (See Black and Harken), A?0 ROBERT E. (See Kalis, Harris, Sokolow, and Carpenter), 572 A”,




EDWAKD, JK. (See Goldberg, Dickens, Raber, and Hayes), 579 HEINZ, RAX'DAL E.,ANDELDRIDGE,FREDEHIC L. Ventricular parasystole m a five-yearold child, 624 HF.JTMANCIK. MILTON R. (See Herrmann, Oates, Runge, and Hejtmancik), 254 ---. (See Zao. Herrmann. and Heitmancik),


HELLERSTEIN, HERMAN K. (See Sana, Hellerstein and Vavda), 8.54 HELM, ROBERT A. &n accurate lead system for spatial vectorcardiography, 415 HELMCEZE, J, G., SCHNECKLOTH, ROLAND, AND CORCORAN, A. C. Electrocardiographic changes of left ventricular hypertrophy: effects of antihypertensive treatment, 549 HEKKMAXN,GEORCE R.,OATES, J. R., RUNGE, THOMAS M., AND HEJTMANCIK, MILTON Ii. Paroxysmal pseudoventricular tachycardia and pseudoventricular fibrillation in patients with accelerated A-V conduction, 254 --~ --. (See Zao, Herrmann, and Hejtmancik), 880 I-IONIC, C. R., AND TENNEY, S. M. Determinants of the circulatory response to hypoxia and hypercapnia, 687 ---and --. Genesis of late systolic and diastolic ballistic vibrations, 655 HWAN, L. G., BUKCH, C. E., AND CRONVICH, J. A. A study of the inAuence upon the spatial vectorcardiogram of localized destruction of the myocardium HYMAN, ---~--,




(See Burch, Cronvich, Hyman), 890






SIDNEI'. (See Donoso, Jick, Braunwald, Lamelas and Grishman). 760 JOHANSSON, BENGT. (See Haeger, johansson, and SjGstram), 31 JOHNSON, E. C. (See Mandel and Johnson), 145 JOHNSON,JOHN B., LAWLAH,JOHN W.,MCFADDEN, FREDERICK, AND DYER, JOSEPH F., JK. With the technical assistance of Fairlev. Audrev I.. and Callings, Vera. Thbracic abrtography, 40 JOHNSON, LAWSON C. (See Saslaw and Johnson), 814 JOHNSON,NORMAN J.,AND DOHERTY,JAMES E. Simultaneous electrocardiograms in thoracopagus twins, 150 K KALIS,

BETTY L., HAKKIS, ROBERT E., SOKOLOW, MAURICE, AND CARPENTER, LEWIS G. Response to psychological stress in patients with essential hypertension, 572 KAMPS, H. J. L. (See Burger, Noordergraaf, and Kamps), 907 KARLINSXY, W. (See Cera, Karlinsky, and R&n), 472




&I. drirl






), 825

Hrandci~R 0 'BERT 12. (See Wakai. burg, an- d -~~~ KierlandI. ~,, 7.54 KILLIP, THOMAS, III. (Ste Ma&r, Killip, a:itl Lukas), 680 ('. KISTIN, !$LRI'.KT D., AND BKL.CE, JAMW Simultaneous esophageal and stnnrlard electrocardiographic leads for the study of cardiac arrhythmias, 65 KLEINEHMAN, JEWME. (See Sancetta, Kleint-rman, Heckman, and Janousko\c~~), 404 KNIGHTS, EDWIN hI., JK. (.Sre \f’icner ,iilti Knights), 157 KIEKLAND,


LAWRENCE E. E:lectrorardiogml,hic. findings of pericarditis anti hi*coplastnin sensitivity, 301 LAMF.LAS, MELQUADES. (See Donoso, ]:~-k. Braunwald, Lamelas, and Grishm I II 1. 760 LAWI,AH, JOHN W. (See Johnson, Lawlah, hit,Fadden, Dyer, Fairley, and Colliugs). LEE<,

l;,‘rP TAIK. (See Spitzer, Ler, rind ‘Thomas), 805 Lexx~;.r., LADISLAU, CARAMELLI, %ARKO, hIoxFORT, Jo&, AND GUEKRA, Josh CLEMENTE. Initial electrorardiographi(. changes in experimental occlusion of the coronary artery in nonanesthetized dogs with closed thorax, 3.54 LF.~INE, HOWARD. AND MADDEN, 'I‘HOMA~ ,l. \%‘egener’s granulomatosi~, 632 IXWITUS, i!., AE~D NE~MAXN, J, On the tlistribution of coronary throtnbosi? ;tttacks. 339 I.I~~oFF, WILLIAM. (See Bentivoglio, I 'ric clrio. and Likoff), 922 LITVAI(, JACK, SIDERIDW LAMBKOS K., AW VINEBERG. *ARTHUR M. ‘The eruerimental production of coronary a&q insufficiency and occlusion, 505 Lor,w~, LEO. (, See Bakst, Cohen, and Loewc), 193 LOWE, ‘l’. E. Control of body fluid volume, 265 LURAS, DANIIX S. (See hlahrer. I


(.Seu Ltrvine



PI&R R., KILLIP, THOMAS, IIIz AND L~KAS. DANIEL S. Hemodvnamlcs ill atria1 flutter with spontaneous reversion to normal sinus rhythm, 680 MAI.HOTRA, R. P., AND WAHI, I'. L. (;iallt P wave in a case of rheumatic: heart disease (associated with rheumatoid arthritis), 628 MALLI&, MAR10 SALAZAR, EVANS, bIA11y, AND BALCAZAR, JOSEFINA. Further studies on rheumatic fever epidendology, 767




(See Bagger, Bjork, and 91 J, (See Torner-Soler, and Balaguer-Vin-


Malmstrom), M~MORAT~PORTELL,

MaMoratb-Portell, tr6). 213

W&LIAM,.AND JOHNSON, E. C. Pleuropericardial effusion following myocardial infarction, 145 MANNIX, EDGAR P., JR. (See Fowler, Mannix, and Noble), 343 MARGOLIS, JAW. Kelationship of the Q-T interval to the average ventricular rate in auricular fibrillation, 52 MARRIOTT, HENKV J. L. Interaction between atria and ventricles during interference-dissociation and comolete A-V block, 884 MANDEL,





riguez-Alvarez riguez), 841 MASSEY,


Massey), T;$vartz, MAXWELL,


olications 829




M. The respiratory of congenital heart



of the cardiac valve lesions,

(See Lewitus and Neumann), 339 (See Fowler, Mannix, and Noble), 343 NOORDERGRAAF, A. (See Burger, Noordergraaf, and Kamps), 907

0 and




2.54 P








Plpberger, Prmzmetal),



R Raber,



and Hayes),




579 Garcia-Palmieri



JK. Frequency spectra of some normal heart sounds, 183 ROBERTSON, DOUGLAS. On consistency in convention of “view” in vectorcardiography, 247 JOSEPH’~.,




M., time

and calibrated contour of the pulse wave, determined indirectly from recordings of arterial compression sounds, 205 RODIN, A. E. (See Cera, Karlinsky, and Rodin). 472 RODRIGUEZ-ALVAREZ, ANTONIO, AND MARTfiiEz DE RODRfCUEZ, GLORIA. Studies in angiocardiography, 841 ROSEN, IRVING L., AND GARDBERG, MANUEL. The effects of nonpathologic factors on the electrocardiogram. I, 494 --. (See Gardberg and Rosen), 711 ROSENBERG. S. Z.. ELIAKIM. M.. AND BRAUN. K. Relationships between electrical and mechanical events in atria1 fibrillation : a study of direct arterial pressure tracings, 18 ROSENBLUM, SOL. (See Rodbard, Rubinstein, and Rosenblum), 205 ROSENFELD,









Donoso). 380 --, SILVERBLATT, MARVIN L., AND GRISHMAN, ARTHUR. Allergic shock in humans: report of two cases with electrocardiographic findings, 463 -a ---I AND STRAUSS. LOTTE. Total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage into the portal vein, 616 ROSSI, BALDO, AND RULL!, VINCENZO. The hypocholesterolemic effect of phenylethylacetic acid amide in hypercho!e_sLerolemic atherosclerotic patients, RUBINSTEIN,



447 Massumi,









and Moret), 293 WILDER, ROBERT

J. The pressure events cycle in the dog: mitral 741 N




WILLIAM C. (See Drinan, Adamis, Sise! and Maloney), 284 --. (See Slse, Maloney, and Guttas), 132 MONFORT, Jo&. (See Lengyel, Caramelli, Monfort, and Guerra), 334

J. R.



A. (See Pipberger, Massumi, and Prmzmetal),






K. I:, AND SHISTER, H. E. General systemic’ effects and electrocardiographic changes following injections of digitalis elvcosides into the lateral vent&e of-the brain, 42.5 MERRILL, ARTHUR J. The nephrotic syndrome, 305 MILLER, ROBERT A. (See Contro, Miller, and Derrick), 542 MILLER, WILLIAM F. (See Chapman, Mitchell, Glover, and Miller), 519 MITCHELL, JERE H. (See Chapman, Mitchell, Glover, and Miller), 519 MoGABG~~~WT. J. Virus myocarditis, (Edit.),







de Rod-



MORTON LEE, AND CHAPMAN, MYKON G. The evaluation of Q aVF by the initial sagittal QRS vectors in 70 autopsied cases, 782 PIWSKY, SHELDON T. (See Steinzeig, Pinsky, Alimurung and Dimond), 73.5 PIPRERGER, HUBERT, SCHWARTZ, LOIS, MASSUMI, RASHID A., AND PKINZMETAL, MYRON. Studies on the nature of the repolarization process. XIX. Studies on the mechanism of ventricular activity, 100









and I RULLI,




and Rosenblum), (See Rossi and


205 Rulli),




M. and



(See Herrmann, Hejtmancik), 254



S~LVATORE M., AND KLEINERMAN’ JEROME. With the technical assist-

ance of Heckman, Gladys, and Janouskovec, Hanna. Effect of mild, steady state exercise on total pulmonary resistance of normal subjects aud those with isolated aortic valvular lesions, 404 S.4~0,






Frequency in Miami, 814




of rheumatic heart disease Florida: autopsy findings,

R. MC.%., AND SILBERBERG, F. G. Further studies of the electrocardiographic spatial magnitude curve (in the rabbit), 558 SCHAFFER, ABRAHAM I. Posture, the manifest heart vector, and the volume conductor, 895 SCHNECRLOTH, ROLAND. (See Helmcke, Schneckloth, and Corcoran), 549 SCHWAKTZ, LOIS. (See Pipberger, Schwartz, Massumi, and Prinzmetal), 100 SCHWDEL, JOHN B., ESCHER, DORIS W., AARON, ROBERT S., AND YOUNG, DENNISON. The roentgenologic diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension in mitral stenosis. 163 SHUIRO, MORT~MER. (See Wailer, Shapiro, and Paltauf), 479 SHIUXR, H. E. (See Melville and Shister) 425 SIDERIDES. LAMBROS E. (See Litvak. Sider’ides. ’ ’ a’nd Vineberg), jOS SILHBRBE;;~ F. G. (See Sayers and Silberberg), SAYERS,







of Wolff-Parkinson-White 940


a familial



Snkc I.


Carpenter), 572 SHELDON C. (see Barr mers), 232 ROBERT S., LEE, KYU



menopause fatal acute %EINZEIG,





SI ,,tl.

TAIL, ~hf, Early age #,I


in young myocardial

women infarction,

with 8O5

M., PINSKY, SHELDON MARIANO M., A~XD GREY. Phonocardiographx.

changes in mitral after valvulotomy: mitral valve size. (See

‘1 ., Y):-

stenosis before an11 a correlation wit II 73.5




and Strauss), 616 SUTTON. DON C. (Sep Sxtton, Swisher. ;ir:cl Sutton), 171 SC.TTON, GEOHGE C., SWISHER, \ITILLIAM L’.. .\\I) SUTTON, DON C. l’ariations in t.hc: response of normal persons aud cils-disc patieuts to the N>-lin heart l’~rna tion test, 171 SWISHIXR, \VILLIAM I’. ( See Suttotr. Slvisl)t I. and Sr1tto11 1, 171





of fa, tars affecting the high-frequellc 1 (Starrj and the low-frequency, cl-iiitally. damped (Nickerson) baliist~~cardiographs with special referellcc I st age and body dimension, 326 TE&;NEY, S. $1. (Sake Honig and Tenor>,). 05i, 687 THOMAS, \~II.BUK .i. (.Scje Spitzer, I,cc. .11:81 Thomas). 805 TOBIN, JAMES I,:’ (See Brady, Goldcr, i11(1 Tobin), 82 1 H.



lrary stenosis septum. 213




it )-




ARTHUR, AND DONThe vectorcardiogram and electrocardiogram in interatrial septal defect, 380 . (.See Rosenfeld, Silverblatt, and Grish\ ‘,^ man), 405 (.Ge Rosenfeld, Silverblatt, and Strauss), 616 SIMONSON, ERNST. (See Blackburn and Simonson), 699 SISE, HERBERT S., MOLONEY, WILLIAM C., AND G~JTTAS, CHARLES G. Studies on the anticoagulant phenindione. II. Details regarding its administration in two hundred cases, 132 .- .-----. (See Drinan, Adamis, Sise, and Molouey), 284 SJ~STR~~M, BJGKN. (See Haeger, Johansson, and SjBstWm), 31 %KMEN,



P vector loop in health and disease as studied by the technique of electrical dissection of the vectorcardiogram (differential vectorcardiography), 8.54



low, and






c,hio, alld

F. (See Bentivoplio. I.ikoff). 922

Ir11 _

\’ VAN DtSli ‘I’Q’EEL, L.. H. Some physical ahper!* of blood pressure, pulse wave, ;~lrrl blood pressure measurements, + \-AN ISr~rs. EUGF.XI< F. (See &‘iId, Ecksteill. Van Epps, and Culbertson), 39.3 EUGENE. (See Sano, Hellerstein. :iliil VA~DA ’ \-avda), 85-1 \.ILI,AMIL.


I., 1?1,-



in artificial hibernation, 36.5 M. (See Litvak, Sideride-, and \‘incberg )? 505 .~RTHI:R



syndrome, \VAHI,

I’. I,.

(See Malhotra




954 \$‘AKAI,


COOLIDGE S., BRANDENBURG, ROBERT O., AND KIERLAND, ROBERT R. The electrocardiogram in patients with polymyositis and dermatomyositis, 754 ~VALICER, H. CHARLES. (See Taylor and Walker), 326 WALLER, JOHN V., SHAPIRO, MORTIMER, AND PALTAUF, RUDOLF. Congestive heart failure in postmenopausal muscular dystrophy: myositis, myocarditis, thymoma, 479 WHITE, PAUL D. (See Anagnostou, Zakopoulos, and White). 835 WIENER, MORTON J:; AND KNIGHTS! EDWIN M,., endocardltls parietahs Jr. Lijffler’s fibroplastica with eosinophilia, 157 WIERUM, CARL, AND GLENN, FRANK. Electrocardiographic indications of significant mitral insufficiency in patients with mitral valve disease, 3.59 WILD, JOHN B., ECE(STEIN, JOHN W., VAN EPPS, EUGENE F., AND CULBERTSON, JAMES W. Three patients with congenital pulmonic valvular stenosis surviving for more than fiftv-seven years. 393 WILDER, ROBERT J. (See Mo&ovi& and Wilder), 741


ROBERT \n;. (See Eckstein, Wood, and Wilkins), 455 WITHAM, A. CALHOUN. Double outlet right ventricle, 928 WOOD, J. EDWIN. (See Eckstein, Wood, and Wilkins), 455 Y YOUNG,

DENNISON. (See Schwedel, Escher, Aaron, and Young), 163 YUCEOGLU, YUSUF ZIYA, PORDY, LEON, CHESKY, KENNETH, AND DONOSO, EPHRAIM. The ballistocardioaram in coarctation of the aorta, 447 Z ZAKOPOULOS, KONSTANTINE S. (See Anagnostou, Zakopoulos, and White), 835 ZAO, ZANG Z., HERRMANN, GEORGE R., AND HEJTMANCIK, MILTON R. The two main QRS vectors in the frontal plane in electrocardiograms of complete left bundle branch block, 880 ZuvIRfA, EFRA~N MARTINEZ. (See Villamil, France, Clavijo, and Zuviria), 36.5

SUBJECT A Acetylcholine

or procaine amide, electrocardiographic studies on fibrillating and nonfibrillating hypothermic dogs with or without previous treatment with (Haeger et al.), 31 Age and hody dimension, comparison of factors ;tffecting high-frequency (Starr) and low - frequency, critically damped (Sickerson) ballistocardiographs with special reference to (Taylor and LValker), 326 QKS dt;rga:ion and (Backburn and Simonson), .\llergic


in humans: .report of two cases electrocardiographic find1ngs (Kosenfeld et al.), 463 Ambulatory patients, use in (III); studies on anticoagulant phenindione (Drinan et al.), 284 Anesthesia for surgery of heart, 802 (B. Rev.) Angiocardiography, studies III (Rodriguez.AlvareL and Martinez de Rodriguez), 841 .\nnounrements, 162, 321, 484, 640, 804 Anomalies, congenital, multiple, complete pulmonary venous drainage into portal vein with (Druepple), 790 12nticoagulant phenindione, studies on. II (Sise et al.), 132 III. I:se in ambulatory patients (Drinan et al.), 284 Antihypertensive treatment, effects of; electrocardiographic changes of left ventricular hypertrophy (Helmcke et al.), 549 Xntistreptolysin titers, comparative incidence of rheumatic fever! streptococcal carries, and, in tropics and in Mexico Citv (MallCn et al.), 767 :\orta, ballistocardiogram in coarctation of (Yuceoglu et al.), 447 Aortic commissurotomy, influence of left bundle branch block on clinical result following (Bentivoglio et al.), 922 insufficiency, kinetocardiographic findings in (Eddleman), 530 pressure, left ventricular and, measurements, simultaneous, in evaluation of aortic x-alve surgery (Bakst et al.), 193 stenosis, congenital, outlook for childreu with (Braverman and Gibson), 487 valve surgery, simultaneous left ventricular and aortic pressure measurements in evaluation of (Bakst et al.), 193 \-alvular lesions, isolated effect of mild, steady state exercise on total pulmonary resistance of normal subjects and those with (Sancetta and Kleinerman), 404 Aortography, thoracic (Johnson et al.), 40 Xrrhythmia, ventriculoatrial, during complete A-V block (Marriott), 887

INDEX 1 Arrhythmias,

cardiac, simultaneous esophageal electrocardiographic. and standard leads for study of (Kistin and Bruce 1, j 65 1 review of 3,369 electrocardiograms in you no male patients (Brody et al.), 822 Arri\,al time and calibrated contour of puYs<. wave, determined indirertly from rri cot-dings of arterial compressiori sounds (Rodbard et al.), 205 Arterial compression sounds, arrival time angi calibrated contour of pulse wave, tletermined indirectly from recordings caf ~ (Rodbard et al.), 205 I pressure tracings, direct, study of; relation!j ships between electrical and mechanicai events in atrial iibrillatioii (Roscr~I berg et al.), 18 Artery, coronary, initial electroc~ardioyraphic changes in experimental occlusion t~f, in nonanesthetized dogs with closed / thorax (Lengyei et al.), 3.14 1 I insufli~iency and occlusion, esperimenr .il production of (Litvak et al.), 50.5 I left, tumor embolism of (Cera et al.), 472 ! Atherosclerotic patients, hypercholesterolenli[,, ( hypercholesterolemic effect of pheny-lethvlacetic acid amide iu (Rossi :,rt(l ( Rullij, 277 / Atria and ventricles, interaction between, dliri ing, interference-dissociation and complete A-V block (Marriott ), 884 i Atria1 enlargement, quantitative study of electrocardiographic effects of ( Ahildsko\ J. 55 fibrillation, relationships between electricxl 1 and mechanical events in: stud> ( of direct arterial pressure tracirlgs / (Rosenberg et al.), 18 flutter with spontaneous reversion to nor’ ma1 sinus rhythm, hemodynamic:; in I (Xlahrcr et al.), 680 h)pertrophy, borderline: I’ vector loop stud1 ied by differential vectorcardiogr;ll)h! (San0 et al.), 874 , combined; 1’ vector loop studied by dif. , ferential vectorcardiograph?. (Sai~cr CI ) al.), 873 left; I’ vector loop studied by differential vectorcardiogram (Sane et al.), 868 right; P vector loop studied by differential vectorcardiography (Sano et al.), 872 I \ectorcardiogram, value of (Sane et al.‘l, 477 1 Auricular fibrillation, relationship of (2-‘1~ iiiterval to average ventricular rnt+.~ iI1 (Margolis 1. 52 1 ( .4-V block, complete, fortuitous forward t OII/ duction in (Marriott), 887 interaction between atria and ventricles during iilterference - tlisscxiatiim ;I nd (Marriott), 884 ‘JjV,

956 -4-i’


block, complete-Cont’d ret;;rade conduction



branch block, left, complete, two main QRS vectors in frontal plane in eletrocardiograms of (Zao et al.). 880 influence of, on clinical result followinrr aortic commissurototny (Bentivoglio et al.), 922 review of 3,369 electrocardiograms in young maIe patients (Brody et al.), 822


arrhythmias, simultaneous esophageal and standard electrocardiographic lgegds for study of (Kistin and Bruce),


synchronization during A-V dissociation and (Marriott). 888 ventriculoatrial arrhythmia during (Marriott), 887 conductionJ aberrant, (Wolff - Parkinson White), further remarks on syndrome of (FOX), 771 accelerated, paroxysmal pseudoventricular tachycardia and pseudoventricular fibrillation in patients with (Herrmann et al.), 254 dissociation and complete A-V block, synchronization during (Marriott), 888 Axostat. IV (Brody), 125 B


vibrations, late systolic and diastolic, genesis of (Honig and Tenney), 655 Ballistocardiogram in coarctation of aorta (Yuceoglu et al.), 447 of ectopic beats, significance of large lateral and small head-foot waves in (Dock and Grandell), 641 Ballistocardiographs, high - frequency (Starr) and low-frequency, critically damped (Nickerson), comparison of factors affecting, with special reference to age and body dimension (Taylor and Walker), 326 Ballistocardiography, physical bases of, V (Burger et al.), 907 Beats, ectopic, significance of large lateral and small head-foot waves in ballistocardiogram of (Dock and Grandell), 641 Beat - to - beat variability in QRS duration (Blackburn and Simonson), 708 Block, A-V, complete, interaction between atria and ventricles during interference-dissociation and (Marriott), 884 bundle branch, left, complete, two main QRS vectors in frontal plane in electrocardiograms of (Zao et al.), 880 influence of, on clinical result following aortic commissurotomy (Bentivoglio et al.). 922 Blood pressur; and weather (Comstock and Kendrick), 825 pulse wave, and blood pressure measurements, some physical aspects of (van der Tweel), 4 Body dimension, comparison of factors affecting high-frequency (Starr) and Iow-frequency, critically damped (Nickerson) ballistocardiographs with special ref72~ to age and (Taylor and Walker), fluid size,


volume (Lowe), 265 QRS duration and (Blackburn and Simonson), 707 Book reviews, 162, 320, 638, 802 Brain, general systemic effects and electrocardiographic changes following injections of digitialis glycosides into lateral ventricle of (Melville and Shister), 42.5



oressure events of. in dog: mitral valve ‘lesions (Moscovitz a& Wilder), 741 output and work, influence of hot and humid environment upon, in normal man and in patients with chronic congestive heart failure at rest (Burch and Hyman), 665 patients, variations in response of normal oersons and. to Nvlin heart function test (Sutton’et al.); 171 surgery, unusual causes of death after (Barr and Sommers), 232 Cardioloev. social. in international oersoective (BiGrck), 941 Catheter reflections, physical aspects of blood pressure (van der Tweel), 13 Catheterization data, right heart, difficulties in interpretation of (Fowler et al.), 343 of left side of heart, technique and sequelae of (Bagger et al.), 91 simultaneous (combined), of left and right heart (Goldberg et al.). 579 Chest injury,‘ nonpen>tratiig, myocardial trauma produced by (Borodkin and Massey), 795 Child, five-year-old, ventricular parasystole in (Heinz and Eldridge), 624 Children with congenital aortic stenosis, outlook for (Braverman and Gibson). 487 Circulation, diseases of heart and, 638 (B. kev.) Circulatory adaptations in sponge fishermen (skin divers) (Anagnostou et al.), 835 disorders, 802 (B. Rev.) Coarctation of aorta. ballistocardioeram in (Yuceoglu et al.), 447 ” Comissurotomy, aortic, influence of left bundle branch block on clinical result following (Bentivoglio et al.), 922 Complications, respiratory, of congenital heart disease (Maxwell!, 829 Compression sounds, arterial, arrival time and calibrated contour of pulse wave, determined indirectly from recordings of (Rodbard et al.), 205 Conduction, A-V, aberrant, (Wolff-ParkinsonWhite), further remarks on syndrome of (Fox), 771 accelerated. oaroxvsmal oseudoventricular tachy&dia ‘and pseudoventricular fibrillation in patients with (Herrmann -,


et al.),




fortuitous, in complete A-V (Marriott), 887 Conductor, volume, posture, manifest vector, and (Schaffer), 89.5

block heart

SUBJECT Conductors,

volume, homogeneous,, of irregular shape, method for applymg appro\-imately ideal lead connections to (Hrody), 174 Conaeative heart failure. chronic. influence of hot and humid environment upon cardiac output and work in normal mall and in patients with, at rest (Burch and Ilyman), 665 Contour, calibrated, arrival time and, of pulse wave, determined indirectly from recordmgs of arterial compression sounds (Rodbard et al.), 205 Coronary artery, initial electrocardiographic changes in experimental occlusion of, in nonanesthetized dogs with closed thorax (Lengyel et al.), 334 insufliriency and occlusion, experimental production of (Litvak et al.), 505 left, tumor embolism of (Cera et al.), 472 thrombosis attacks: on distribution of (Lewitus and heumann), 339 Curve, magnitude, spatial, electrocardiographic, (in rabbit), further studies of (Sayers and Silberberg), 5.58 Cyc.le, cardiac, pressure events of, in dog: mitral \.alvc lesions (Moscovitz and Wilder), 741 I) Death. 11 r~usd criuses of, after cardiac surgeq ( Rarr and Sommers!, 232 I )erma tom~ositis, electrocardiogram in patients wvlth polymyositis and (\\‘akai et al. ), 754 I )eterminnllts of circulatory response to hypoxia and hypercapnia (Honig and Tennevi, 687 I)estroc~arcii;~; review of 3,369 electrocardiograms in >.oung male patients (Brad) et al.), 822 Diastolic, late s>atolic and, ballistic vibrations, genesis of (Honig and Tenney), 6.55 IXgitalis effect, biologic test for (Arbeit and Moret), 293 gl!,cosides, general systemic effects and elertrocardiographic changes following injections of, into lateral ventricle of brain (lZlelville and Shister), 425 I §ion. electrical, of vectrocardiogram (diffel-ent ial vectrocardiography), P vector loop in health and disease as studied by technique of (Sane et A,), 854 I tog, pressure events of cardiac q.cle in: mitral valve lesions (Moscovitz and Il’ilderl, 711 study of influence upon spatial vectorcardiogram of localized destruction of myocardium of (Horan et al.), 74 I)ogs. rlonanesthetized, with closed thorax, initial electrocardiographic changes in experimental occlusion of coronar\’ artery in (Lengyel et al.), 334 Double outlet right ventricle (Witham), 928 Drainage, total anomalous pulmonary venous. into portal vein (Rosenfeld et al.), 616 I )ye curves, T-1 824, osimetrically-recorded, interpretation and diagnostic value of, in c.ongenital heart disease (Chapman et .,I.), 519


1NDE.S Dystrophy-,

muscular, postmenopausal, congative heart failure in: myositis. myo cnrditir, th!,mom;t (\Valler et al. 1. -IF I-:


beats, significance of large lateral anti small head-foot waves in ballistocardiogram of (Dock alld C;r;~ndrll i, 611 Editorials. 1, 323, 485 Effusion, pleuropericardial, following my< 1” cardial infarction (Mandell nn(l Johllson j, 11.5 Electrical dissection of vectorcardiogram (tlit fcrential vector<-ardiography), P \-rc‘tor loop in health and disease as studied by technique of (Sane et al.), 854 E:lectrl)c;lrdiograrn, effects of nonpathologic factors on. I. Results of observatiori-: under c.ontrolled conditions ! Kose~~ and Gardberg), 194 II. Analysis (Gardberg and Rose11 1, ill in patients with polymvositis and dermatomyo.iitis (N’akai-et al. 1, 7.51 111 tct~thmi:l~ i(Kistin and Hrure), 6.5 spatial nlagnitude curve [in rabbit I, further -;t udiw


Electrocardiographic-Cont’d studies on fibrillating and nonfibrillating hypothermic dogs with or without previous treatment with acetylcholine or procaine amide (Haeger et al.), 31 Embolism, tumor, of left coronary artery (Cera et al.), 472 Endocarditis parietalis fibroplastica, Ltiffler’s with eosinoDhilia (Wiener and Kniehts). 157 Enlargementyatr&l, quantitative study of electrocadriographic effects of (Abildskov), 55 Environment, hot and humid, influence of, upon cardiac output and work in normal man and in patients with chronic congestive heart failure at rest (Burch and Hyman), 665 Environments, warm and cool, comparative vasoconstrictor effects of inhaling tobacco smoke in, and before and after abstinence from tobacco (Eckstein et al.), 455 Eosinophilia, Laffler’s endocarditis parietalis fibroplastica with (Wiener and Knights), 157 Esophageal and standard electrocardiographic leads! simultaneous,, for study of cardiac arrhythmias (Kistin and Bruce). 65 Essential hypeitension, response to psychological stress in Datients with (Kalis et al. ). 572 Exercise, effect of, on electrocardiogram (Rosen and Gardberg), 495 QRS duration and (Blackburn and Simonson), 705 state, steady, mild, effect of, on total pulmonary resistance of normal subjects and those with isolated aortic valvular lesions (Sancetta and Kleinerman), 404 F heart, congestive, chronic, influence of hot and humid environment upon cardiac output and work in normal man and iti patients with, at rest Burch and Hyman), 665 in postmenopausal muscular dystrophy: myositis, myocarditis, thymoma (Waller et al.), 479 Familial case of Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, summary of (Sijkmen), 940 Fever, rheumatic, epidemiology, further studies on (Mall& et al.), 767 Fibrillating and nonfibrillating hypothermic dogs with or without orevious treatment with acetylcholine or procaine amide, electrocardiographic studies on (Haeger et al.), 31 Fibrillation, atrial, relationships between electrical and mechanical events in: study of direct arterial pressure tracings (Rosenberg et al.), 18 auricular, relationship of Q-T interval to average ventricular rate in (Margolis), 52


Fibrillation-Cont’d pseudoventricular, paroxysmal pseudoventricular tachycardia and, in patients with accelerated A - V conduction (Herrmann et al.), 254 1Fibroplastica, parietalis, endocarditis, Laffler’s, with eosinophilia (Wiener and Knights), 157 Fishermen, sponge, (skin divers), circulatory adaptations in (Anagnostou et al.), 8.X _.. Florida, Miami, frequency of rheumatic heart disease in: autopsy findings (Saslaw and Johnson), 8i4Fluid, body, volume, control of (Lowe), 265 Fluids, body, clinical recognition and management of disturbances of, 320 (B. Rev.) Flutter, atrial, with spontaneous reversion to normal sinus rhythm, hemodynamics in (Mahrer et al.), 680 Food, effects of, on electrocardiogram (Rosen and Gardberz‘i. 498 Frequency spectra of s&e normal heart sounds (Richard), 183 Frontal plane, two main QRS vectors in, in electrocardiograms of complete left bundle branch block (Zao et al.), 880 G


digitalis, general systemic effects and electrocardiographic changes following injections of, into lateral ventricle of brain (Melville and Shister)! 425 “Gradient, ventricular,” theoretical elucidation of notion (Burger), 240 Granulomatosis, Wegener’s (Levine and Madden), 632 H Head-foot,



small, large lateral and, waves, significance of, in ballistocardiogram of ectopic beats (Dock and Grandell), 641 and circulation, diseases of, 638 (B. Rev.)

anesthesia for surgery Of, 802 (B. Rev.) disease, congenital, interpretation and diagnostic value of oximetrically-recorded T-1824 dye curves in (Chapman et al:), 519 res8px$ory complications of (Maxwell),


rheumatic, (associated with rheumatoid arthritis), giant P wave in case of (Malhotra and Wahi), 628 frequency of, in Miami, Florida: autopsy findmgs (Saslaw and Johnson), 814 diseases of, 639 (B. Rev.) failure, congestive, chronic, influence of hot and humid environment upon cardiac out-put and work in normal man and in patients with, at rest (Burch and Hyman), 665 in postmenopausal muscular dystrophy: myositis, myocarditis, thymoma (Waller et al.), 479


Heart-Cont’d function



Hypoxia and hypercapnia, determinants OI test, Nylin, variations in response of circulatory response to (Honig anti normal persons and cardiac patients Tenney), 687 to (Sutton et al.), 171 left and right, simultaneous (combined) I cathe&iation of (Goldberg et al.); Infarction, myocardial, acute, fatal, early age 579 of menopause in young women \vith rate, QRS duration and (Blackburn and , (Spitzer et al.), 805 Simonson), 706 pleuropericardial effusion following (Mall right, catheterization data, difficulties in inde1 and Johnson), 145 terpretation of (Fowler et al.), 343 tobacco smoke, comparative vast, sounds, normal, some, frequency spectra of i Inhaling constrictor effects of. in warm anti (Richard), 183 I cool environments and before and technique and sequelae of catheterization after abstinence from tobacco (Eric of left side of (Bagger et al.), 91 stein et al.), 1.55 \:ec-tor, manifest, posture, and volume conInjury, chest, nonpenetrating, myocardxai ductor (Schaffer), 895 trauma produced by (Borodkin anI1 Hemodynamics in atria1 flutter with spontanMassey J, 795 eous reversion to normal sinus rhythm Insufficiency, coronary artery! and occlusiorl, (Mahrer et al.), 680 experimental production of (Litvak e; Hibernation, artificial! electrocardiographic al.), 505 changes in (Vdlamil et al.), 365 mitral, significant, electrocardiographic ill High - frequency (Starr) and low - frequency, die-ations of, in patients with mitral critically damped (Nickerson) balvalve disease (Wierum alld Glenn listocardiographs, comparison of 359 factors affecting, with special reference Interatrial septal defect, vectorcardiogram ant! to age and body dimension (Taylor electrocardiogram in (Silverblatt. f.2. and \Valker), 326 al.), 380 Histoplasmin sensitivity, electrocardiographic Interference - dissociation and complete ;\ - \ findings of perlcarditis and (Lamb), block! interaction between atria ancl 301 ventricles during (Marriott), 884 Hospitalized patients, male, young, review of Internal medicine, advances in, 162 (B. lice , 3,369 electrocardiograms in (Brody et al.), 821 K Hot and humid environment, influence of, upon cardiac output and work in Kinetocardiographic findings in aorticit,normal man and in patients with sufficiency (Eddleman), 530 chronic congestive heart failure at rest (Burch and Hyman), 665 Humans, allergic shock in: report of two cases with electrocardiographic findings Lateral, large, and small head-foot wave-, (Rosenfeld et al.), 463 significance of, in ballistocardiogram Humid, hot and, environment, influence of, of ectopic beats (Dock and GrandelI!, 641 upon cardiac output and work in normal man and in patients with Lead connections, approximately ideal, method chronic congestive heart failure at for applying to homogeneous volume c.onductors of irregular shape (Rrotiy ), rest (Burch and Hyman), 665 174 Hypercapnia, determinants of circulatorv res)-stem, accurate, for spatial vectorcardi-sponse to hypoxia and (Honigand ography (Helm), 41.5 Tennev). 687 orthogonalized, analysis of planar dud Hypertension, e&kntial, response to psychologispatial electrocardiographic indices of cal stress in patients with (Kalis et normal subjects as referred to (I\‘r; al.), 572 asostat (Brody), 125 pulmonary, in mitral stenosis, roentgenologic Leads, electrocardiographic, simultaneous es,,diagnosis of (Schwedel et al.), 163 phageal and standard, for study l)f If>.pcrtrophy, ventricular, left, electrocardiocardiac arrhythmias (Kistin 3f.d graphic changes of: effects of antiBruce), 65 hypertensive treatment (Helmcke et Lesions, mitral valve; pressure events of cardiac al.), S-29 cycle in dog (Moscovitz and Wildcl i, Hypocholesterolemic effect of phenylethylacetic 741 acid amide in hypercholesterolemic valvular, aortic, isolated! effect of mild, atherosclerotic patients (Rossi and steady state exercise on total pulRulli), 277 monary resistance of normal subjects Hypothermic dogs, fibrillating and nonfibriland t.hose with (Sancetta and Kleinerlating, with or without previous treatman), 404 ment with acetylcholine or procaine LBffler’s cndocarditis parietalis fibroplasti<,a amide, electrocardiographic studies on with eosinophilia (\$fiener arid (Haeger et al.), 31 Knights), 157



Low-frequency, critically damped (Nicker-son), high-frequency (Starr) and, ballistocardiographs, comparison of factors affecting, with special reference to age and body dimension (Taylor and Walker), 326


Nonanesthetized dogs with closed thorax, initial electrocardiographic changes in experimental occlusion of coronary artery in (Lengyel et al.), 334 Nylin heart function test, variations in response of normal persons and cardiac patients to (Sutton et al.), 171

M curve, spatial, electrocardiographic, (in rabbit), further studies of (Sayers and Silberberg), 558 Male, young, hospitalized patients, review of 3.369 electrocardiograms in (Brodv ~ < et al.), 821 Manifest heart vector, posture, and volume conductor (Schaffer). 89.5 Medicine, internal, advances’in, 162 (B. Rev.) Menopause, early age of, in young women with fatal acute myocardial infarction (Spitzer et al.), 805 Mexico City, comparative incidence of rheumatic fever, streptococcal carriers, and antistreptolysin titers in tropics and in (Mallen et al.), 767 Mitral insufficiency, significant, electrocardiographic indications of, in patients with mitral valve disease (\t’ierum and Glenn), 3.59 stenosis, 803 (B. Rev.) current indications for surgical correction of (Black and Harken), 439 phonocardiographic changes in, before and after valvulotomy: correlation with mitral valve size (Steinzeig et al.), 735 roentgenologic diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension in (Schwedel et al.), 163 valve disease, electrocardiographic indications of significant mitral insufficiency in patients with (\h’ierum and Glenn), 3.59 snatial vectorcardiogram in (Donoso et al.), 760 ~ lesions; pressure events of cardiac cycle in dog (Moscovitz and Wilder), 741 Muscular dystrophy, postmenopausal, congestive heart failure in: myositis, myocarditis, thymoma (Wailer et al.), 479 Myocardial infarction, acute, fatal, early age of menopause in young women with (Spitzer et al.), 805 pleuropericardial effusion following (Mande1 and Johnson), 145 trauma produced by nonpenetrating chest injury (Borodkin and Massey), 795 Myocarditis, myositis,, thymoma; congestive heart failure m postmenopausal muscular dystrophy (Wailer et al.), 479 virus (Mogabgab), 485 Myocardium of dog, study of influence upon spatial vectorcardiogram of localized destruction of (Horan et al.), 74 Myositis, myocarditis: thymoma; congestive heart failure m postmenopausal muscular dystrophy (Wailer et al.), 479



N Nephrotic syndrome (Merrill), 305




experimental, of coronary artery, Initial electrocardiographic changes in, in nonanesthetized dogs with closed thorax (Lengyel et al.), 334 production of coronary artery insufficiency and (Litvak et al.), 505 Orthogonalized lead system, analysis of planar and spatial electrocardiographic indices of normal subjects as referred to (IV); axostat (Brody), 125 Outlet, double, right ventricle (Witham), 928 Oximetrically-recorded T-1824 dye curves, interpretation and diagnostic value of, in congenital heart disease (Chapman et al.), 519 I’ I’ loop,

normal; I’ vector loop studied by differential vectorcardiography (Sano et al.), 862 loops of ectopic origin; P vector loop studied by differential vector-cardiography (San0 et al.), 874 vector loop in health and disease as studied by technique of electrical dissection of vectorcardiogram (differential vectorcardiography) (Sano et al.), 854 wave, giant, in case of rheumatic heart disease (associated with rheumatoid arthritis) (Malhotra and U’ahi), 628 waves and QRS complexes; review of 3,369 electrocardiograms in young male patients (Brody et al.), 822 Parasystole, ventricular, in five-year-old child (Heinz and Eldridge), 624 Paroxysmal pseudoventricular tachycardia and pseudoventricular fibrillation in patients with accelerated .-l-V conduction (Herrmann et al.), 254 Pericarditis and histoplasmin sensitivity, electrocardiographic findings of (Lamb), 301 Peripheral vascular disorders, diagnosis and treatment of, 320 (B. Rev.) anticoagulant, studies on. II Phenindione, (Sise et al.), 132 III. lTse in ambulatory patients (Drinan et al.), 284 Phenylethylacetic acid amide, hypercholesterolemic effect of, in hypercholesterolemic atherosclerotic patients (Rossi and Rulli), 277 Phonocardiographic changes in mitral stenosis before and after valvulotomy: correlation with mitral valve size (Steinzeig et al.), 73.5 Phonokardiographie und verwandter I:ntersuchungsmethoden, Atlas und Kurzgefastcs Lehrbuch der, 320 (B. Rev.)

SIJB JECT Physical



basis of ballistocardiography. V j f’ulse wave Cont’d i Burner et al. ). 907 blood pressure, and l~loocl pressure mea+. Planar and spatial electrocardiographic indices urements, some physical aspelt-: t-1 of normal subjects, analysis of, as (van drr ‘I‘weel 1, -1 referred to orthogonalized lead system (IV); axostat (Brody), 125 Q l’leuropericardial effusion following myocardial Q a\..~, evaluation of, by initial sagittal QKS infarction (Mandel and Johnson), 115 vectors in 70 autopsird cases f Pearce t’olymyositis and dermatomyositis, electrocarand Chaptnan 1, 782 diogram in patients with (\Vakai et QRS antI 3‘ vectors, mean spatial, spatial angle al.), 7.54 I’ortal vein, complete pulmonary venous drainbetween (Gardberg and Rosen), 732 complexes, I’ waves and; review of 3..169 age into, with multiple congenital electrocardiograms in young malt, anomalies (l>ruepple), 790 total anomalous pulmonary venous drainpatients (Hrody et al.), 822 age into (Rosenfeld et al.), 616 duration and age (Rlackhrtrn and Simonson i07 I’ostural change. effects of, on electrocardiogram (Rosen and Cardberg), 498 I’osl ure, manifest heart vector, and volume arrtl exercise I Blackburn and Simonson conductor (Schaffer), 895 705 I’ressure, blood, and weather (Comstock and Kentlrick), 825 aud heart rate (lIaxwell& 829 effect of mild, steady state exercise on level, effect of changes in, on electrocartlio(Sancetta and Kleinerman), 404 gram (Rosen and Gardberg), SO1 stenosis with closed ventricular septum fiest, influence of hot arid humid envirorunertt (‘i‘oruer-Soler et al.), 213 upon cardiac output and work in norvenous drainage, anomalous, total, into pormal man and in patients with chronil, tal vein (fiosenfeld et al.), 616 congestive heart failure at (Butch anI1 complete. into portal vein with multiple H>-tll;ul), 665 congenital anomalies (Druepple), 790 l’ulmonic stenosis. relative (Contro et al.), 542 Retrograde conduction during complete A-\’ valvular stenosis, congenital, three patients block (Marriott). 886 with, surviving for more than fiftyRheumatic fever epidemiology, further 5tritliez sen’t~ years (\\Yd et al.), 393 on (&lallen et al.), 767 f’ulse wave. arrivnl time and calibrated constreptococcal carriers, and antistreptolysiu tour of, determined indirectly from titers, comparative incidents of, irr recordings of arterial compression tropics and in Mexico City, f Mallerr so~~rrds ( fZodbard et al.), 205 et al. ). 76i




Rheumatic--Cont’d heart disease (associated with rheumatoid arthritis), giant P wave in case of (Malhotra and Wahi), 628 frequency of, in Miami, Florida: autopsy findings (Saslaw and Johnson), 814 Rhythm, sinus, normal, hemodynamics in atria1 flutter with spontaneous reversion to (Mahrer et al.), 680 Roentgenologic diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension in mitral stenosis (Schwedel et al.), 163


S Sagittal

QRS vectors,. initial, evaluation of Q aVF by, m 70 autopsied cases (Pearce and Chapman), 782 Septal defect, interatrial, vectorcardiogram and electrocardiogram in (Silverblatt et al.), 380 Septum, ventricular, closed, pulmonary stenosis with (Torner-Soler et al.), 213 Shock, allergic, in humans: report of two cases with electrocardiographic lindings (Rosenfeld et al.), 463 Sinus rhythm, normal, hemodynamics in atrial flutter with spontaneous reversion to (Mahrer et al.), 680 Smoke, tobacco, inhaling, comparative vasoconstrictor effects of, in warm and cool environments and before and after abstinence from tobacco (Erkstein et al.), 455 Smoking, effects of, on electrocardiogram (Rosen and Gardberg), 498 Social cardiology in international perspective (BiBrck), 941 Spatial analysis; effects of nonpathologic factors on electrocardiogram (Gardberg and Rosen), 724 angle between mean spatial QRS and T vectors (Gardberg and Rosen), 732 magnitude curve, electrocardiographic, (in rabbit), further studies of (Sayers and Silberberg), 5.58 planar and, electrocardiographic indices of normal subjects, analysis of, as referred to orthogonalized lead system (IV); axostat (Brody), 125 vectorcardiogram in mitral valve disease (Donoso et al.), 760 study of influence upon, of localized destruction of myocardium of dog (Horan et al.), 74 vectorcardiography, accurate lead system for (Helm), 415 Spectra, frequency, of some normal heart sounds (Richard), 183 Sponge fishermen (skin divers), circulatory adaptations in (Anagnostou et al.), 835 S-T segment and T-wave abnormality; review of 3,369 electrocardiograms in young male patients (Brody et al.), 822 Standard, esophageal and, electrocardiographic leads, simultaneous, for study of cardiac arrhythmias (Kistin and Bruce), 6.5

state exercise, mild, effect of, on total pulmonary resistance of normal subjects and those with isolated aortir valvular lesions (Sancetta and Kleinerman), 404 Stenosis, aortic, congenital, outlook for children with (Braverman and Gibson), 487 mitral, 803 (B. Rev.) current indications for surgical correction of (Black and Harken), 439 phonocardiographic changes in, before and after valvulotomy: correlation with mitral valve size (Steinzeig et al.), 735 roentgenologic diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension in (Schwedel et al.), 163 pulmonary, with closed ventricular septum (Torner-Soler et al.), 213 pulmonic, relative (Contro et al.), 542 valvular, pulmonic, congenital, three patients with, surviving for more than fifty-seven years (Wild et al.), 393 Streptococcal carriers, rheumatic fever, and antistreptolysin titers, comparative incidence of, in tropics and in Mexico City (Mall&n et al.), 767 Surgery, aortic valve, simultaneous left ventricular and aortic pressure measurements in evaluation of (Bakst et al.), 193 cardiac, unusual causes of death after (Barr and Sommers), 232 of heart, anesthesia for, 802 (B. Rev.) valvular, evaluation of (Goldberg et al.), 599 Surgical correction of mitral stenosis, current indications for (Black and Harken), 439 Syndrome, nephrotic (Merrill), 305 of aberrant A-V conduction (Wolff-ParkinT707;-White), further remarks on (Fox), Wolff-Parkinson-White, summary of familial case of (SBkmen), 940 System, lead, accurate, for spatial vectorcardiography (Helm), 415 Systemic effects, general, and electrocardiographic changes following injections of digitalis glycosides into lateral ventricle of brain (Melville and Shister), 425 Systolic, late, and diastolic ballistic vibrations, genesis of (Honig and Tenney), 655 ,. I T, mean spatial QRS and, vectors, spatial angle between (Gardberg and Rosen), 732 T-wave abnormality, S-T segment and; review of 3,369 electrocardiograms in young male patients (Brody et al.), 822 Tachycardia, pseudoventricular, paroxysmal, and pseudoventricular fibrillation in patients with accelerated A-V conduction (Herrmann et al.), 254 Telecardiogram (Einthoven), 602 Test, biologic, for digitalis effect (Arbeit and Moret), 293 heart function, Nvlin. variations in response of normal per&s and cardiac paiients to (Sutton et al.), 171



electrocardiogram in (Garcia-Palmieri and Ramirez), 809 Thoracic aortography (Johnson et al.), 40 Thoracopagus twits, simultaneous electrocar;)tograms m (Johnson and Doherty), Thorax,

closed, initial electrocardiographic changes in experimental occlusion of coronary artery in nonanesthetized dogs with (Lengyel et al.), 334 Thrombosis, coronary, attacks, on distribution of (Lewitus and Neumann), 339 ‘I‘hymoma, myocarditis, myositis; congestive heart failure in postmenopausal muscular dystrophy (Wailer et al.), 479 Tobacco smoke, inhaling, comparative vasoconstrictor effects of, in warm and cool environments and before and after abstinence from tobacco (Eckstein et al.), 455 Tracings, arterial pressure, direct, study of; relationships between electrical and mechanical events in atria1 fibrillation (Rosenberg et al.), 18 Trauma, myocardial, produced by nonpenetrating chest injury (Borodkin and Massey), 795 Tropics and in Mexico City, comparative incidence of rheumatic fever, streptococcal carriers, and antistreptolysin titers in (Mall&n et al.), 767 Tumor embolism of left coronary artery (Cera et al.), 472 T\vins, thoracopagus, simultaneous electrocar:Fograms m (Johnson and Doherty), \ mitral, disease, electrocardiographic indications of significant mitral insufiiciency in patients with (Wierum and Glenn), 359 spatial vectorcardiogram in (Donoso et al.), 760 lesions; pressure events of cardiac cycle in dog (Moscovitz and LVilder), 741 size, correlation with; phonocardiographic changes in mitral stenosis before and after valvulotomy (Steinzeig et al.), 735 Valvular lesions, aortic, isolated, effect of mild, steady state exercise on total pulmonary resistance of normal subjects and those with (Sancetta and Kleinerman ), 404 stenosis, pulmoniq, congenital, three patients with, surviving for more than fiftyseven years (Wild et al.), 393 surgery, evaluation of (Goldberg et al.), 599 Valvulotomy, phonocardiographic changes in mitral stenosis before and after: correlation with mitral valve size (Steinzeig et al.), 73.5 \.ascular disorders, peripheral, diagnosis and treatment of, 320 (B. Rev.) Vasoconstrictor effects, comparative, of inhaling tobacco smoke in warm and cool environments and before and after abstinence from tobacco (Eckstein et al.), 455





heart, manifest, posture, and volt~nlc* conductor (Schaffer), 895 Vectorcardiogram and electrocardiogram in interatrial septal defect (Silvert~lat t ~,t al.), 380 atrial. value of (San0 et al.). 877 spatial, in mitral valve disease ( I)OIIO~O 8.t al.), 760 study of influence upon, of locali& destruction of myocardiurn of don (I-loran et al.), 74 technique of electrical dissection of, (tliffrrential vectorcardiographyj, 1’ vectt)r loop in health and disease as stcttli<,tl bv (Sano et al.), 854 \:ectorcardiographic technique; P vector lr~~p studied by differential vectorc;lrtlij,gram (Sane et al.), 859 Vectorcardiographv on consistency ill con\ C:Ition of “l’iew” in (Robertson). 247 spatial, accurate lead system for (Helm i. 11.5 Vectors, QRS. sagittal, initial. evalnutiorl of Q al’s by, in 70 autopsied (‘,1+5 (Pearce and Chapman), 782 two main, in frontal plane in electrocardiograms of complete left bundle hrjn,,h block (230 et al.), 880 Vein. portal, complete pulmonary venous dr.cillage into, with multiple congenii. anomalies (Druepple), 790 total anomalous pulmonary venous clr;~iilage into (Kosenfeld et al.). 616 Venous drainage, pulmonary anomalous, t





conductors, homogeneous, of irregular shape, method for applying approximately ideal lead connections to (Brody), 174



conductor, posture, tor, and (Schaffer

manifest heart et al.), 89.5

large lateral and small head-foot, significance of, in ballistocardiogram of e&opic beats (Dock and Grandell),

blood pressure and (Comstock and Kendrick), 825 Megener’s granulomatosis (Levine and Madden), 632 IVolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, summary of familial case of (Sijkmen), 940 Wave, pulse arrival time and calibrated conWomen, young, with fatal acute myocardial tour of, determined indirectly from infarction, early age of menopause in recordings of arterial compression (Spitzer et al.), 805 sounds (Rodbard et al.), 205 lVork, influence of hot and humid environment upon cardiac output and, in normal blood pressure, and blood pressure measman and in patients with chronic urements, some physical aspects of congestive heart failure at rest (Rurch (van der Tweel), 4 I and Hyman), 665
