Index to Volume 63

Index to Volume 63


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INDEX TO VOLUME 63 AUTHORS INDEX* A AARON, JULES B. (WITH BEILLY, JACOB S., GREENBERG, MERVIN W., AND PECK, SIDNEY J.), Placenta previa. An eleven-year review, 414 ALLEN, EDWARD, AND FUNNELL, JOSEPH W., Hidradenoma of the vulva, 1364 ANDERMAN, LESTER B., JOHNSON, WILLIAM M., AND HOSMER, FELL, Dysgerminoma treated wi~h nitrogen mustard, 464 ANZ, U. E., WARD, G. H., AND MCCARTHY, A. M., Extraperitoneal cesarean section. Experience with 30 cases, 861 ARENS, ROBERT A. (WITH STEIN, IRVING F.), A table for gynecography, 1169 ASKARI, ASKAR, AND HODAS, JOSEPH H., Methemoglobinemia during pregnancy with subsequent death of infant, 437 ASSALI, N. S., VERGON, J. M., TADA, Y., AND GARBER, S. T., Studies on autonomic blockade. VI. The mechanisms regulating the hemodynamic changes in the pregnant woman and their relation to the hypertension of toxemia of pregnancy, 978 AUER, JANE, Acute myelogenous leucemia in pregnancy, 445 B BAIRD, DUGALD, The cause and prevention of difficult labour, 1200 BAKER, WILLIAM S., JR., Multiple sclerosis complicating pregnancy, 91 7 BALL, THOMAS L., Combined vaginal and abdominal plication and cystopexy for urinary stress incontinence, 1245 BALLENTINE, GEORGE N., An . adjunct to the management of pruritus vulvae, 218 BANNER, EDWARD A. (WITH CRENSHAW, JOHN L., JR.), Hydrocephalic births. 63 BARAN, CHARLES S. (WITH BICKEL, DAVID A.), Cortical venous thrombosis following delivery, 927 BARFIELD, WM. E. (WITH GREENBLATT, ROBERT B.), Hormonal control of functional uterine bleeding, 153 BARNES, ALLAN C., AND EpPERSON, JOHN W., Studies in the cholinesterase-hormone relationship, 326 BARROWS, D A V I D NYE (WITH GRUNSTEIN, ISAAK), Multiple neoplasms of the ovaries associated with carcinoid of the appendix, 679 BARTER, ROBERT H. (WITH PARKS, JOHN), The myomatous uterus complicated by pregnancy, 260 BARTON, BENNETT (WITH JAVERT, CARL T.), Congenital and acquired lesions of the umbilical cord and spontaneous abortion, 1065 BATEMAN, JEANNE C. (WITH CROMER, J. KEITH, BERRY, G. NEILL, KENNELLY, JOHN M., KLOPP, CALVIN T., AN!) PLATT, LOIS I.), Use of intra-arterial nitrogen mustard therapy in treatment of cervical and vaginal cancer, 538 BEACHAM, DAN W., AND BEACHAM, W. D., Dystocia due to fetal megabladder, 203 - , TURNER, J. L., AND BEACHAM, W. D., Morbidity after cesarean section. A clinical evaluation of prophylaxis with aureomycin in 100 conH~cutive cases, 818

BEACHAM, W. D. (WITH BEACHAM, DAN W.), Dystocia due to fetal megabladder, 203 (WITH BEACHAM, DAN W., AND TURNER, J. L.), Morbidity after cesarean section. A clinical evaluation of prophylaxis with aureomycin in 100 consecu ti ve cases, 818 BEECHAM, CLAYTON T., AND EMICH, JOHN, Evaluation of cervical biopsy in the diagnosis of carcinoma, 645 BEER, MORTON A. (WITH POSNER, A. CHARLES), "Pig face" fetus, a teratological study, 1157 BEILLY, JACOB S., GREENBERG, MERVIN "V., AARON, JULES B., AND PECK, SIDNEY J., Placenta previa. An eleven-year review, 414 BELL, DOROTHY (WITH MILLER, H. LLOYD, AND FLANNERY, FRANCIS E.), Education for childbirth in private practice; 450 consecutive cases, 792 BELL, J. SHERIDAN, AND RAWLINGS, ARTHUR L., Roentgen fetal cephalometry, 1371 BERNS'rINE, J. BERNARD; AND BOYSEN, THEO. H., III, Blood sugar values in labor, 627 AND BRECKINRIDGE, R. L., Sarcoma of the round ligament, 1367 AND DE ANDINO, AUGUSTIN M., Studies on the circulating eosinophils in normal and toxemic pregnant women, 181 BERRY, G. NEILL (WITH CROMER, J. KEITH, BATEMAN, JEANNE C., KENNELLY, JOHN M., KLOPP, CALVIN T., AND PLATT, LOIS I.), Use of intra-arterial nitrogen mustard therapy in the treatment of cervical and vaginal cancer, 538 BERTLING, M. H. (WITH TANNENBAUM, A. J., AND BURWELL, J. C., JR.), Idiopathic diabetes insipidus with normal pregnancy, 472 BICKEL, DAVID A., AND BARAN, CHARLES S., Cortical venous thrombosis following delivery, 927 BIRNBERG, CHARLES H., BRAND MAN, LEONARD J., AND GREENBLAT, BERNARD, The use of ethinyl estradiol in pregnancy, 1151 - , SHERBER, DANIEL A., AND BRAND MAN, LEONARD J., Estrone sulfate soluble in the treatment of estrogen deficiency, 1358 - , - , AND KURZROK, RAPHAEL L., Fructose and fructolysis in human semen, 877 BLACK, MARION E. (WITH MARSTERS, ROGER W., AND SCHMIDT, RICHARD T. F.), Efficacy of Rh hapten therapy in th,., prevention of erythroblastosis, 549 BLANTON, G. CLAIBORNE, JR. (WITH WALDROP, EDWIN G.), The conservative treatment of eclampsia, 856 BLOOD, BEVERLY (WITH KING, JOHN A., HERRING, J. S., AND WITT, E. D.), Monoamniotic twin pregnancy: report of five new cases, 691 BLUM, EDWARD (WITH DIAMOND, BERNARD, AND MITCHELL, NATHAN), An evaluation of surface sponge biopsy in a cancer detection clinic with special reference to the use of an endometrial sponge biopsy forceps, 668 BOBKER, DAVID L. (WITH JACOBY, ADOLPH), Clinical evaluation of sulfonamides in cervical and vaginal therapy, 1349 BOGUE, ROBERT E. (WITH TURNER, JOHN J.), A new circumcision instrument, 220 BOND, WILLIAM, AND ROGERS, GERALD, Unusual vesicouterine fistula, 215

'January, pp. 1-240; February, pp. 241-478; March, pp. May, pp. 951-1184; June, pp. 1185-1420.


479-716; April, pp. 717-950;



BOURGEOIS, GEORGE A., AND PHANEUF, LOUIS E., The bilateral paravesical-supravesical approach for extraperitoneal cesarean section, 730 BOYSEN, THEO. H., III (WITH BERNSTINE, J. BERNARD), Blood sugar values in labor, 627 BRADEN, ROBERT G. (WITH LI, GAIL GAR LYALl. Rupture of a subserous vein on the surface of a -uterine myonla c a u sin g massive intraperitonf'al hemorrhage, 1167 BHADY, LEO, An unusual complication following a BaldY-Webster uterine suspension, 922 BRAND MAN, LEONARD J. (WITH BIRNBERG, CHARLES H., AND GREENBLAT, BERNAIm) , The use of ethinyl estradiol in pregnancy, 1151 ---- (WITH BIRNBERG, CHARLES H., AND SHERBER, DANIEL A.), gstrone sulfate soluble in the treatment of estrogen deficiency, 1358 BRANSCOMB, LOUISE, Induced sensitivity from the vaginal use of a sulfonamide jelly, 175 BRECKINRIDGE, R. L. (WITH BERNSTINE, J. B.), Sarcoma of the round ligament, 1367 BHISCOE, CLARENCE C., The use of intravenous iron in the practice of obstetrics and gynecology, 99 BROWN, NELSON H. (WITH GREENBLATT, ROBERT B.), The storage of estrogen in human fat after ('strogen administration, 1361 BURCH, JOHN C., AND JONES, HARRY E., Large nonparasitic cyst of the liver simulating an ovarian cyst, 441 BURKE, LOUIS (WITH FENTON, ARNOLD N.), Sarcoma of the uterus. A record of twenty-six cases, 158 BURWELL, J. C., JR. (WITH TANNENBAUM, A. J., AND BERTLING, M. H.), Idiopathic diabetes insipidus with normal pregnancy, 472 BUSBY, JONATHAN G., Neurofibromatosis of the cervix, 674



0 .. AND WEBSTER, HERMAN D., The effects of ligation of the inferior vena cava and ovarian vessels on ovulation and pregnancy in the human being, 351 COHRADINI, gVERETT \V. (WITH HALL, J. I'JD·· WARD), Intrapartum cerebral hemor,'hage, 132 COSBIE, W. (;., The fate of the patient with advanced cancer of the .2ervjx of 0)(; uterus, 108 --, The treatment of can"er' of the vulva, ~Gl CREADICK, ROBERT N. (WITH CARTER, BAYARD, l'ALU~1BO, LEONAHD, AND Ross, ROBERT 1\.')' Vesicovaginal fistulas, 479 CllENSHAW, .JOHN L., JR .. AND BANNER, l'JDWAHD A., Hy'Jroeephalic births, 63 CRISSEY, R. R, (WITH SIDDALL, R. S., A.'ol!) KNAPP, W. L.), Effect on cesare"n section babies of stripping or milking of the umbilical cords, 1059 CROMER, .J, KEITH, BATEMAN, JEANNE C., BEHHY, G. NEILL, KENNELLY, JOHN M., KLOPP, CALVlN T., AND PLATT, LOIS 1., C se of intra-arterial nitrogen lllustard therapy in the treatment or cervical and vaginal cancer, 5~8 eRON, R. S., STAUFFER, JAMES, AND PAEGEL, HOLLIS, JH., Morbidity studies in 1,00U consecutive hysterectomies, 344 CUSHNER, 1. M. (WITH KAISER, 1. H.), Efficiency of placental exchange, 94{; (Correspondence) D

DAVIDS, ARTHUR ~1., Myomectomy. Surgical technique and results in a series of 1,15U cases, 592 DAVIES, STANLEY D. (WITH HAGER, HERBERT F.), Nonfatal maternal pulmonary embolism by amniotic fluid, 901 DAVIS, HARWELL, JR. (WITH McELIN, THOMAS \V.), Mesodermal mixed tumor of the corpus uteri, 605 DAVIS, JULIUS T., JR. (WITH WAHO, SIMON V., AND SELLERS, THOMAS BENTON), Causes of death in carcinoma of the cervix infiuencing modern trends in treatment, 989 C DA VIS, M. (WITH DIDDLE, A. W., JENKINS, H. H., AND O'CONNOR, K. A.), Analysis CAMPBELL, ROBERT M., The diagnosis and ; of fetal mortality in cesarean section. management of ectopic pregnancy, 54 Experience in an urban community, CAMPBELL, WILLIAM N. (WITH FORMAN, ISA967 An un'DOR), Hemangiopericytoma. DE ALVAREZ. RUSSELL R., AND RICHARDS, DA1'A usual pelvic tumor, 929 F., The effect on renal output of drugs used in the pregnancy toxCARPENTER, R. J., JR., AND JAMESON, W. J., emias, 1263 Uterus bicornis unicollis with rudiDE ANDINO, AUGUSTIN M. (WITH BERNSTINE. mentary horn, 206 J. BERNARD), Studies on the circulatCARTER, BAYARD, PALUMBO, LEONARD, CREAing eosinophils in normal and toxemic DICK, ROBERT N., AND Ross, ROBERT pregnant women, 181 A., Vesicovaginal fistulas, 479 DECKER, ALBERT, Culdoscopy, 654 CASTELLANO, CARLOS J. (WITH \VOMACK, WILDECKER, WAYNE H., Lipoma of the uterus, 911 LIAM S.), Migratory thrombophlebitis DENNEN, EDWARD H., A classification of forassociated with ovarian carCinoma, ceps operations according to station 467 of head in pelvis, including results in CASTLETON, KENNETH B., AND WYATT, GEORGE 3,8B:! forceps deliveries, 272 W., Ovarian pregnancy, with report DIAMO.'olD, BERNARD, MITCHELL, NATHAN, AND of a case, 897 BLUM, EDWARD, An evaluation of surface sponge biopsy in a cancer detecCERONE, DANIEL M., AND PANNULLO, JOHN N., tion clinic with special reference to Fur the r clinical experience with the use of an endometrial sponge Methergine in 1.000 deliveries, 184 biopsy forceps, 668 CHANEY, ALBERT L. (WITH FISCHER, RICHARD DIDDLE, A. W., JENKINS, H. H., DAVIS, Moo H., AND MCCOLGAN, STANLEY P.). AND O'CONNOR, K. A., Analysis of Progesterone metabolism: I. Pr.'gfetal mortality in cesarean section. nanediol excretion in the menstrual Experience in an urban community, cycle, ~13 967 CHAPMAN, gUGENE R., A new pelvimeter, 217 DIECKMANN, \VM. J., POTTINGER, R. E., AND CHRISTY, CHRIST J., The abuse of estrogens in RYNKIEWlCZ, L. M., Etiology of preU,e treatment of leukoplakia of the eclampsia-eclampsia. IV. Sodium vulva, 1133 chloride test for the diagnosis of preCLARK, CHESTER E., AND WIERSMA, ALVIN F., eclampsia, 783 Bacteroides infections of the female DIEHL, \VILLIAM K. (WITH HUNDLEY. J. genital tract, 371 MASON, JR., AND KAlIDASH, THEODORE), COLLINS, CONRAD G., NIX, FRANK G., DYER, The treatment of benign uterine ISADORE, AND WJ!1BSTER, HERMAN D., bleeding with intracavitary radiation, JR., Tracheotomy in eclampsia, 1052 1234


AUTHORS INDEX DOCKERTY, MALCOLM B. (WITH HE P L E R, THOMAS K., AND RANDALL, LAWRENCE M. ), Primary adenocarcinoma of the cervix, 800 DODGE, ANNE C., A test for pregnancy based on the histaminolytic activity of serum, 1213 DOUGLAS, R. GORDON (WITH LANDESMAN, ROBERT, AND SNYDER, STUART S.), Retinal changes in the toxemias of pregnancy. II. Mild and severe hypertension, renal disease, and diabetes mellitus, 16 DUPERROY, G. C., The endometrium and its vasculature 0 v e r I yin g submucous ff[gidS in relation to uterine bleeding, DYER,

ISADORE (WITH COLLINS, CONRAD G., NIX, FRANK G., AND WEBSTER, HERMAN D., JR.), Tracheotomy in eclampsia, 1052

FOLEY, MAURICE P. (WITH SCHADE, FRANK F.), Pregnancy in myasthenia gravis, 1154 FORMAN, ISADOR, Fever in endometriosis, 634 AND CAMPBELL, WILLIAM N., Hemangiopericytoma. An unusual pelvic tumor, 929 FORMAN, JOSEPH B., AND FLOYD, RICHARD D., The use of the male North American toad (Bufo Americanus) in the diagnosis of pregnancy, 1352 - AND SULLIVAN, R. L., The effects of intravenous injections of ergonovine and ~~thergine on the postpartum pa:ient, FOUST, GLENN T., JR. (WITH PRATT, JOSEPH HYDE, AND HIGGINS, ROBERT S.), Ruptured endometrial cysts as a cause of acute abdominal symptoms (endometrial pelviperitonitis), 90 FUNNELL, JOSEPH W. (WITH ALLEN, EDWARD), Hidradenoma of the vulva, 1364



EARN, A. A., AND NICHOLSON, D., The placental circulation, maternal and fetal, 1 ELLER, WILLIAM C., The recognition and treat'tO~~t of somatic abdominopelvic pain,

GAINEY, HAROLD L., KEELER, JAMES E., AND NICOLAY, KENNETH S., Endometriosis in pregnancy, clinical observations,

EMERSON, ERNEST B., JR., A catheterizing laryngoscope for tracheobronchial aspiration of the newborn and premature infant, 1374 EMICH, JOHN (WITH BEECHAM, CLAYTON T.), Evaluation of cervical biopsy in the diagnosis of carcinoma, 645 ENGSTROM, VVILLIAM W. (WITH LINDEMANN, CHARLES, AND FLYNN, RICHARD T.), Herpes gestation is : results of treatment with adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and cortisone, 167 EpPERSON, JOHN W. (WITH BARNES, ALLAN C.), Studies in the cholinesterasehormone relationship, 326 EpSTEIN, HARRY H. (WITH SCHAEFER, GEORGE), Results following therapeutic abortion in pulmonary tuberculosis, 129 F

FARRIS, EDMOND J., A formula for selecting the optimum time for conception, 1143 FENTON, ARNOLD N., AND BURKE, LOUIS, Sarcoma of the uterus. A record of twenty-six cases, 158 - AND SINGH, BAWA P., Pregnancy associated with congenital abnormalities of the female reproductive tract, 744 FIELDING, WALDO L., Bilateral follicular rupture, 1384 (WITH MARMELL, MILTON, AND WEINTRAUB, SOLOMON), Donovanosis of tubes and ovary treated with aureomycin and surgery, 893 FINKELSTEIN, RUTH, GUTTMACHER, ALAN, AND GOLDBERG, RAYMOND, A critical study of the efficacy of jelly as a contraceptive, 664 FINN, WILLIAM F., The postoperative recognition and further management of unsuspected cervical carcinoma, 71 7 FISCHER, RICHARD H., MCCOLGAN, STANLEY P., AND CHANEY, ALBERT L., Progesterone metabolism: I. Pregnanediol excretion in the menstrual cycle, 613 FITZGERALD, WILLIAM J., The use of semisynthetic oxytocic (Metherg-ine) in the third stage of labor, 865 FLANNERY, FRANCIS E. (WITH MILLER, H. LLOYD, AND BELL, DOROTHY), Education for childbirth in private practice' 450 consecutive cases, 792 ' FLOYD, RICHARD D. (WITH FORMAN, JOSEPH B.), The use of the male North American toad (Bufo Americanus) in the diagnosis of pregnancy, 1352 (WITH LINDEMANN, CHARLES, AND ENGSTROM, WILLIAM W.), Herpes gestationis: results of treatment with adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and cortisone, 167


GALLAHER, WILLIAM T., The Marshall-Marchetti operation. A review, 842 GARBER, S. T. (WITH ASSALI, N. S .. VERGON, J. M., AND TADA, Y.), Studies on autonomic blockade. VI. The mechanisms regulating the hemodynamic changes in the pregnant woman and their relation to the hypertension of toxemia of pregnancy, 978 GAREIS, LOUIS C., AND RITZENTHALER, JOHN C., Transverse presentation, 583 GIBSON, THOMAS E., Renal contraindications to pregnancy, 1326 GIBSON, WILLIAM E. (WITH MCGARVEY, RICHARD N.), Adenocarcinoma of the endometrium, a clinicopathologic study, 836 GIOIA, JOSEPH (WITH LISA, J. R., AND PACK, GEORGE T.), Composite endometrial carcinosarcoma, leiomyofibroma, and infiltrating cervical epidermoid carcinoma in the same uterus, 1162 GOLDBERG. RAYMOND (WITH FINKELSTEIN, RUTH, AND GUTTMACHER, ALAN), A critical study of the efficacy of jelly as a contraceptive, 664 GOLDFARB, WILLIAM S., Viability of human spermatozoa mixed with penicillin G deposited in the female 1322 GORDON, CHARLES A., Cesarean section death, 284 GORDON, EVE B. (WITH WIENER, ALEXANDER S., AND NAPPI, RAFFAELE), Studies in Rh sensitization. V. Importance of the titer of Rh antibodies in the sensitized pregnant Rh-negative woman for prognosis, 6 Go ZAN, HENRY A., Successful termination of pregnancy with 116 days of ruptured membranes, 920 GRANT, ROALD N., AND PIERCE, VIRGINIA K., Adenocarcinoma occurring in one cervix of a uterus didelphys associated with solitary kidney, 212 GREENBERG, MERVIN W. (WITH BEILLY, JACOB S .. AARON, JULES B., AND PECK, SIDNEY J.), Placenta previa. An elevenyear review, 414 GREEN BLAT, BERNARD (WITH B I R N B ERG. CHARLES H., AND BRANDMAN, LEONARD J.), The use of ethinyl estradiol in pregnancy, 1151 GREENBLATT, ROBERT B., AND BARFIELD, WM. E., Hormonal control of functional uterine bleeding, 153 AND BROWN, NELSON H., The storage of estrogen in human fat after estrogen administration, 1361 GREENE, R. R. (WITH PECKHAM, B. M.), Rhabdomyosarcoma of the uterus, 1379



Multiple neoplasms of the ovaries associated with carcinoid of the appenrlix, 679 (l lTTT MACHER, ALAK (w I T H FINKELSTEIK, RUTH, AND GOLDBERG, RAYMOND), A critical study of the efficacy of jelly as a contraceptive, 664 H

HAGEAGE, CHARLES (WITH KOTZ, J., AND KAUFMAN, M. S.), Missed labor, 209 HAGER, HERBERT F., AND DAVIES, STANLEY D., Nonfatal maternal pulmonary embolism by amniotic fluid, 901 HA HN, GEORGE A., Gastric ulcer in hiatal hernia complicating pregnancy, 222 -~, Metastasis from carcinoma of the cervix uteri simulating coronary disease, 433 HALL, DONALD VI. (WITH RANDALL, CLYDE L.), Results of the treatment of ovarian malignancies, 497 HALL, J. EDWARD, AND CORRADINI, EVERETT \V., Intrapartum cerebral hemorrhage, 192 HANSOK, SAMUEL, Sagittal expansion in narrow mid pelves, 1312 HARD" JOSEPH A. (WITH SUTTO", CHARLES E.), Endometriosis of the vermiform appendix, 1139 - , AND MORAGUES, VINCENTE, Mesodermal mixed tumors of the body of the uterus, with a report of two cases, 307 HAlTSE, WELLAND A., Use of the male grass frog (Rana pipiens) in pregnancy testing, 1356 HELLMAN, L. M., AND PRYSTOWSKY, HARRY, The duration of the second stage of labor, 1223 HENDELMAN, M., AND PHILPOTT, N. \V" A clinical report on the toxemias of pregnancy, 72 HENNESSY, JAMES P., AND ROTTDfO, ANTONIO, Hodgkin's disease in pregnancy with a report of 12 cases, 756 HEPLER, THOMAS K., DOCKERTY. MALCOLM B., AND RANDALL, LAWRENCE R., Primary adenocarcinoma of the cervix, 800 HEPKER, W. R., JR., Thiourea derivatives and the fetus. A review and report of a case, 869 HgRRING, J. S. (WITH KIKG, JOHN A., WITT, I":. D., AND BLOOD, BEVERLY), Monoamniotic twin pregnancy: report of five new cases, 691 fIERSHENSON, BERT B., l\:Iouern trends in obstetrical anesthesia, 559 HESSELTINE, H. CLOSE, AKD TURNgR, I~DWIN C., Salmonella suipes ifer val'. Kunzendorf infection in the puerperium, 697 HIGGINBOTHAM, W. H. (WITH SCHOENVOGEL, O. F., JR.), Stillbirths and neonatal deaths. A three-year survey, 41 HWGINS, ROBERT S. (WITH PRATT, JOSEPH HYDE, Al\D FOUST, GLENN T., JR.), Ruptured endometrial cysts as a cause of acute abdominal symptoms (endometrial pelviperitonitis), 90 HODAS, JOSEPH H. (WITH ASKARI, ASKAH), Methemoglobinemia during pregnancy with subsequent death of infant, 437 HOFBAUER, J., The interaction of hormone-induced tissue growth and vital inorganic elements in uterine carcinogenesis, 136 HOFMEISTER, F. J., AND PAgGEL, H., Infant mortality in a voluntary hospital, 999 HOLLENBECK, ZEPH J. R, (WITH WILLIAMS, JAMES H.), Recent trends in cesarean section and their influence on maternal and fetal mortality, 1254 HOLMSTROM, E. G., Experience with Pranone and ACTH in Rh-sensitized pregnancies, 1038

HOPMAl\, B. C:)HNELIS, A method for the tI.,tection of ruptured m e m b I' a n e R through examination of vaginal cytology, 1342 HORNBROOK, F. E. (Wl'fH PETEHSON, PAUL). Surgical treatment of carcinoma of the cervix uteri, 1290 HOSMER, FELL (WITH ANDEHMAl\, LESTgR H .. AND JOHNSON, \VILLIAM M.), Dysgerminoma treated with nitrogpn musmustard, 464 HeNDLEY, J. MASON, .lIt., DIEHL, '\'ILLIA;l K., AND KAHDASH, THEODOHE, The treatment of benign uterine bleeding with intracavitary radiation, 12:l4 HUSTOK, J. WILSON, AND LEBHERZ, THOMAS B., Spinal anesthesia for vaginal df'livery with special reference to prevention of pos ~partum headache, I:l9

.r JAcoBes,

\\'A YKE N., Gunshot woun!] of the gravid uterus. Report of a case, 687 JACOBY, ADOLPH, AND BOBKER, DAVID L., Clinical evaluation of sulfonamides in cervical and vaginal therapy, 1349 JAMESON, \V. J. (WITH CARPENTER, R. J., JR.), Cterus bicornis unicoilis with rudimentary horn, 206 JANSSEN, G. A (WITH SAGE, Ie. C.), Exstrophy of the bladder, 196 JAVEHT, CARL T., AND BARTON, BEN.:-.J"ETT, Con-

genital and acquired lesions of the umbilical cord and spontaneous abortion, 1065 JENKINS, H. H. (WITH DIDDLg, A. \V., DAVIS, M., AND O'CONNER, K. A.), Analysis of fetal mortality in cesarean section. Experience in an urban comnlunity.


JEWETT, JOHN FIGGIS, Vaginal length and incidenc~ of dyspareunia following total abdominal hysterectomy, 400 JOHNEON, W.O., Is selective right lower quadrant surgery in

"romen curative'.)

1040 JOHNSON, \VILLIA~f M. (WITH ANmJRMAK. LgSTER B., AND HOSMEH, FELL), Dysgerminoma treated with nit I' 0 g e n mustard, 464 JONES, HAHHY J;J. (WITH BUHCH, JOI-IN C.), Large nonparasitic cyst of the liv"l Simulating an ovarian cyst, 441 K

KAISER, 1. E., AKD CI;SHNgR, I. M., gtficiency of placental exchange, 946 (Correspondence) KALTHmDEH, D. FHAKK, Criteria of midplane contraction, What is their value? 392 ~, pelvic shape and its relation to midplane prognosis, 116 KARDASH, THEODORE (WITH HUNDLEY, J. MASON, JR., AND DIEHL, WILLIAM K.J, The treatment of benign uterine bleeding with intracavi1"ary radiation, 1234 KATZMAN, BERTRAM, Use of androgen-estrogen combination to prevent pain and lactation in the puerperium, 1338 KAUFMAN, M. S. (WITH KOTZ, J., AND HAGEAGE, CHARLES), Missed labor, 209 KEELER, E. (WITH GAINEY, HAHOLD L., AND NICOLAY, KENNETH S,), J

AUTHORS INDEX KISTNER, ROBERT W., Malignant syncytioma following benign hydatidiform mole, 888 AND YOUNGE, PAUL A., Endometriosis occurring in a vaginoperineal fistula, 455 KLOPP, CALVIN T. (WITH CROMER, J. KEITH, BATEMAN, JEANNE C., BERRY, G. NEILL, KENNELLY, JOHN M., AND PLATT, LOIS I.), Use of intra-arterial nitrogen mustard therapy in the treatment of cervical and vaginal cancer, 538 KNAPP, W. L. (WITH SIDDALL, R. S., AND CRISSEY, R. R.), Effect on cesarean section babies of stripping or milking of the umbilical cords, 1059 KOBAK, ALFRED J., AND LE VINE, LAWRENCE, Interstitial pregnancy developing into the broad ligament, 684 KOHL, MATHIAS F. F., Abortion of decidual cast complicating pregnancy in uterus didelphys, 676 KOSAR, WALTER P. (WITH STEER, CHARLES M.), The causes of' fetal mortality at the Sloane Hospital for 'Women, 19401949, 1091 KOTZ, J., KAUFMAN, M. S., AND HAGEAGE, CHARLES, Missed labor, 209 KURLAND, IRVING I. (WITH LEVINE, WILLIAM), Detection and treatment of unsuspected tuberculous endometritis, 420 KURZON, ALVIN M. (WITH RUBENSTEIN, M. WILLIAM), Adenomyoma of the round ligament in pregnancy, 458 KURZROK, RAPHAEL L. (WITH BIRNBERG, CHARLES H., AND SHERBER, DANIEL A.), Fructose and fructolysis in human semen, 877 L

LANDESMAN, ROBERT, DOUGLAS, R. GORDON, AND SNYDER, STUART S., Ret ina I changes in the toxemias of pregnancy. II. Mild and s eve r e hypertension, lSnal disease, and diabetes mellitus, LEBHERZ, THOMAS B. (WITH HUSTON, J. WILSON), Spinal anesthesia for vaginal delivery with special reference to prevention of postpartum headache, 139 LEMAR, JOHN D., Cytologic diagnosis of malignancy of the female generative tract - a pathologist's viewpoint, 1147 LENZ, WILLARD R. (WITH PRIDDLE, HAROLD D., YOUNG, DONALD C., AND STEVENSON, CHARLES S.), Poliomyelitis in pregnancy and the puerperium. Experience in Detroit epidemics of 1949 and 1950, 408 LE VINE, LAWRENCE (WITH KOBAK, ALFRED J.), Interstitial pregnancy developing into the broad ligament, 684 LEVINE, WILLIAM, AND KURLAND, IRVING I., Detection and treatment of unsuspected tuberculous endometritis, 420 LEWIS, LLOYD G. (WITH MARCHETTI, ANDREW A.), Homologous ovarian and testicular tumors, 294 LI, GAIL GAR LYAI, AND BRADEN, ROBERT G., Rupture of a subserous vein on the surface of a uterine myoma causing massive intraperitoneal hemorrhage, 1167 LINDEMANN, CHARLES, ENGSTROM, WILLIAM W., AND FLYNN, RICHARD T., Herpes gestation is : results of treatment with adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and cortisone, 167 LIPPSETT HERBERT L. (WITH WARWICK, HARRY A., AND WEINER, SAMUEL), Torsion of normal uterine adnexa, 883 LISA, J. R., PACK, GEORGE T., AND GIOIA, JOSEPH, Composite endometrial carcinosarcoma, leiomyofibroma, and infiltrating cervical epidermoid carcinoma in the same uterus, 1162


SAMUEL (WITH ROWE-DuTTON, GILLIAN, AND REYNOLDS, SAMUEL R. M.), Uterine contractions at term af er administration of progesterone and water-soluble extracts of desiccated corpus luteum, 1318 (WITH ROWE-DuTTON, GILLIAN, REYNOLDS, SAMUEL R. M., AND WALTMAN RICHARD), Missed abortion-a study with the tokodynamometer, 650 Mc

MCCALLIN, PAUL F. (WITH TAYLOR, E. STEWART), A correlation of the cytology of the urinary sediment with endometrial histology, 1009 MCCARTHY, A. M. (WITH ANZ, U. E., AND WARD, G. H.), Extraperitoneal cesarean section. Experience with 30 cases, 861 MCCARTNEY, CHARLES P., VALLACH, FRANK J., AND POTTINGER, RUSSEL E. Further studies on the inactivation of Pitressin antidiuretic effect by the blood of pregnant women, 847 MCCOLGAN, STANLEY P. (WITH FISCHER RICHARD H., AND CHANEY, ALBERT L.,) Progesterone metabolism: I. Pregnanediol excretion in the menstrual cycle, 613 MCCONNELL, EDWARD L. (WITH MOHLER Roy W.), Chorionepithelioma, 428 ' McELIN, THOMAS W., AND DAVIS HARWELL JR., Mesodermal mixed tumor of the corpus uteri, 605 McFADYEN, E. H., An analysis of one hundred es of postmenopausal bleeding,


MCGARVEY, RICHARD N., AND GIBSON WILLIAM E., Adenocarcinoma of the endometrium, a clinicopathologic study, 836 McKENNA, RICHARD (WITH MARRANGONI ALBERT G.), Multiple cancer primary in the female genitals and other sites 660 ' MCSWEENEY, DANIEL J., The pelvic outlet, 765 M MARCHETTI, ANDREW A., AND LEWIS, LLOYD G., Homologous ovarian and testicular tumors, 294 MARMELL, MILTON, FIELDING, WALDO L., AND WEINTRAUB, SOLOMON, Donovanosis of tubes and ovary treated with aureomycin and surgery, 893 MARRANGONI, ALBERT G., AND McKENNA, RICHARD, Multiple cancer, primary in ~~~ female genitals and other sites,

MARSTERS, ROGER W., SCHMIDT, RICHARD T. F., AND BLACK, MARION E., Efficacy of Rh hapten therapy in the prevention of erythroblastosis, 549 MELODY, GEORGE F., Presacral epidermoid cysts in women, 1119 MENDELSON, CURTIS L., Coronary artery disease in pregnancy, 381 MILLER} H. LLOYD, FLANNERY, FRANCIS E., AND

BELL, DOROTHY, Education for childbirth in private practice; 450 consecutive cases, 792 MILLER, LEE F. (WITH SINGH, BAWA P.), Effect of ACTH on acute rheumatic fever in pregnancy, 452 MITCHELL, NATHAN (WITH DIAMOND, BERNARD, AND BLUM, EDWARD), An evaluation of surface sponge biopsy in a cancer detection clinic with special reference to the use of an endometrial sponge biopsy forceps, 668 MOE, RUSSELL J., The value of maternal mortality surveys, 951 MOHLER, Roy W., AND MCCONNELL, EDWARD L., Chorionepithelioma, 428 MONTO, RAYMOND W. (WITH STEWART, H. L., JR.), Hodgkin's disease and pregnancy, 570



::\100N, C. F. (WITH RUMBOLZ, W. L., AND NOVELLI, J. C.), Use of protamine sulfate and toluidine blue for abnormal uterine bleeding, 1029 MOORE, J. G., AND RANDALL. J. H., Trends in therapeutic abortion. A review of 137 cases, 28 MORAGUES, VINCENTE (WITH HARDY, JOSEPH A .. JR.), Mesodermal mixed tumors of the body of the uterus, with a report of two cases, 307 MORRIS, LUCIEN E., THORNTON, MADELINE J., AND HARRIS, JOHN W., Comparison of the effect of Pituitrin. Pitocin, and ergonovine on cardiac rhythm during cyclopropane anesthesia for parturition, 171 MULLANE, D. J., Varicose veins of pregnancy, 620 N

NACE, FAY MORRIS, Carcinoma of the meso· nephric duct, 914 NAPPI, RAFFAELE (WITH WIENER, ALEXANDEI! S., AND GORDON, EVE B.), Studies in Rh sensitization. V. Importance of the titer of Rh antibodies in the sensitized pre g nan t Rh-negative woman for prognosis, 6 NELSON, WALLACE W., Carcinoid of the appendix, 905 NEWELL JAMES W., AND ROCK, JOHN, Upper 'age limit of parturition. A review of the literature, 875 NICHOLSON, D. (WITH EARN, A. A. ), The placental circulation, maternal and fetal, 1 NICOLAY, KENNETH S. (WITH GAINEY, HAROLD L., AND KEELER, JAMES E.), Endometriosis in pregnancy, clinical observations, 511 NIX, FRANK G. (WITH COLLINS, CONRAD G., DYER, ISADORE, AND WEBSTER, HERMAN D., JR.), Tracheotomy in eclampsia, 1052 NORTON, ROBERT O. (WITH COLLINS, CONI!AD G., WEINSTEIN, B. BERNARD, AND WEBSTER, HERMAN D. l, The effects of ligation of the inferior vena cava and ovarian vessels on ovulation and pregnancy in the human being, 351 NOVELLI, J. C. (WITH RUMBOLZ, W. L., AND MOON, C. F.l, Use of protamine sulfate and toluidine blue for abnormal uterine bleeding, 1029

o O'CONNELL, C. PAUL, Full-term tubal pregnancy, 1305 O'CONNELL, ,VILLIAM T., Hepatitis complicating pregnancy, 449 O'CONNOR, K. A. (WITH DIDDLE, A. ,V., JENKINS, H. H., AND DAVIS. M.l, Analysis of fetal mortality in cesarean section. Experience in an urban community, 967 P PACK, GEORGE T. (WITH LISA, J. R., AND GIOIA, JOSEPH), Composite endometrial carCinosarcoma, leiomyofibroma, and Infiltrating cervical epidermoid carcinoma in the same uterus, 1162 PAEGEL, H. (WITH HOFMEISTER, F. J.), Infant mortality in a voluntary hospital, 999 (WITH CRON. R. S.. AND STAUFFER, JAMES), Morbidity studies in 100 consecutive hysterectomies, 344 PALUMBO, LEONARD (WITH CARTER, BAYARD, CREADICK, ROBERT N., AND Ross, ROBERT A. ) , Vesicovaginal fistulas, 479 PANNULLO, JOHN N. (WITH CERONE, DANIEL M.l, Further clinical experience with Methergine in 1.000 deliveries. 184

PARKS, JOHN, AKD BARTER, ROBERT H .. The myomatous uterus complicated by pregnancy, 260 PAYNE, ,VAVERLY R., The role of vaginal plas· tic surgery in rehabilitation of wonwn past age 60, :n7 PECK, SIDNEY J. (WITH BEILLY, JACOB S .. GREENBERG, MERVIN W .. AARON, JULES B., AND PECK, SIDNEY J.), Placenta previa. An eleven-year revie\v. 414 PECKHAM, B. M., AND GREENE, R. R., Bhabdomyosarcoma of the uterus, 1379 PETERSON, PAUL, AND HORNBROOK, F. E .. Surgical treatment of carcinoma uf the cervix uteri, 1290 PETERSON, 'VILLIAM F., A moliifie,l out].,; furceps, 226 PHANEUF, LOUIS l'J. (WITH BOURGEOIS, GEORGI<: A.) The bilateral paravesical-supravesical approach for extraperitoneal cesarean section, 730 PHILPOTT, N. W. (WITH HENDELMAN, M.), l\ clinical report on the toxemias of pregnancy, 72 PIERCE, VIRGINIA K. (Wl~'H GRAKT, ROALD N.), Adenocarcinoma occurring in one cervix of a uterus liidelphys associated with solitary kidney, 212 PLATT, LOIS 1. (WITH CROMER, J. KEITH, BATEMAN, JEANNE C., BERRY, G. NEILL, KENNELLY. JOHN M., Al\:D KLOPP, CALVIN T.), Use of intraarterial nitrogen mustard therapy in the treatment of cervical and vagina] cancer, 538 POSNER, A. CHARLES, AND BEER. MORTO." A .. "Pig face" fetus, a teratological study, 1157 POT~'INGER, R. E. (WITH DIECKMANN, 'VM ..r.. AND RYNKIEWICZ. L. M.), Etiology of pre-eclampsia-eclampsia. IV. Sodium chloride test for the diagnosis of pre· eclampsia, 783 (WITH MCCARTNEY, CHARLES P., AND VALLACH, FRANK J.). Further studies on the inactivation of Pitressin antidiuretic effect by the blood of pregnant women, 847 PRATT, JOSEPH HYDE, HIGGINS, ROBER'r S., AND FOUST, GLENN T., JR., Ruptured endometrial cysts as a cause of acute abdominal symptoms (endometrial pelviperitonitis). 90 PRESTON, FRAKCIS G-.• Ovarian pregnaney, 471l PRIDDLE, HAROLD D., Rupture of an aneurysm of the left external iliac artery during pregnancy, 461 LENZ, 'VILLARD B., YOliXG, DONALD C., AND STEVENSON, CHARLES S., Poliomyelitis in pregnancy and the puerperium. FJxperience in Detroit epidemiCS of 1949 and 1950, 408 PRYSTOWSKY, HARHY (WI'rH HELLMAN, L. M.). The ,juration of the second stage of labor, 1223

Q QUIGLEY, JAMES KNIGHT, Then and no\\'. Obstetrics in 1900 and in 1950, 241 R

RANDALL, CLYDE, L., AKD HALL, DONALD ,V., Results of the treatment of ovarian malignancies, 497 RANDALL, J. H. (WITH MOORE, J. G.), Trends in therapeutic abortion. A review of 137 cases, 28 RANDALL, LAWRENCE M. (WITH H E P L E R, THOMAS K., AND DOCKERTY, MALCOLM B. ), Primary adenocarcinoma of the cervix, 800 RAWLINGS, ARTHUR L. (WITH BELL. J. SHERIDAN), Roentgen fetal cephalometry, 1371

AUTHORS INDEX REYNOLDS, SAMUEL R. M. (WITH ROWE-DuTTON, GILLIAN, AND LUBIN, SAMUEL), Uterine contractions at term after administration 0 f progesterone and water-soluble extracts of desiccated corpus luteum, 1318 (WITH ROWE-DuTTON, GILLIAN, LUBIN, SAMUEL, AND WALTMAN, RICHARD), Missed abortion-a study with the tokodynamometer, 650 RICHARDS, DANA F. (WITH DE ALVAREZ, RusSELL R.), The effect on renal output of drugs used in the pregnancy toxemias, 1263 RITZENTHALER, JOHN C. (WITH GAREIS, LOUIS C.), Transverse presentation, 583 ROBERTS, LEONARD M., A critical study of eclampsia in a municipal hospital, 1102 ROBINSON, DAVID, AND SHETTLES, LANDRUM, B., The use of diethylstilbestrol in threatened abortion, 1330 ROCK, JOHN (WITH NEWELL, JAMES 'V.), Upper age limit of parturition. A review of the literature, 875 ROEMER, F. J., Proposed use of birth certificate for obstetric data, 186 (Special article) ROGERS, GERALD (WITH BOND, WILLIAM), Unusual vesicouterine fistula, 215 ROLAND, MAXWELL, A simple test for .the determination of ovulation, estrogen activity, and early pregnancy using the cervical mucus secretion, 81 ROMNEY, SEYMOUR, L. (WITH SMITH, GEORGE V., AND SMITH, O. WATKINS), Trials with penicillin in the treatment of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, 1185 Ross, ROBERT A. (WITH CARTER, BAYARD, PALUMBO, LEONARD, AND CREADICK, !\09BERT N. ), Vesicovaginal fistulas, ROTTINO,

ANTONIO (WITH HENNESSY, JAMES P.), Hodgkin's disease in pregnancy with a report of 12 cases, 756 ROWE-DuTTON, GILLIAN, REYNOLDS, SAMUEL R. M., AND LUBIN, SAMUEL, Uterine contractions at term after administration of progesterone and water-soluble extracts of desiccated corpus luteum, 1318 - , LUBIN, SAMUEL, REYNOLDS, SAMUEL R. M.,

AND WALTMAN, RICHARD, Missed abortion-a study with the tokodynamometer, 650 RUBENSTEIN, M. WILLIAM, AND KURZON, ALVIN M., Adenomyoma of the round ligament in pregnancy, 458 RUMBOLZ, W. L .. MOON, C. F., AND NOVELLI, J. C., Use of protamine sulfate and toluidine blue for abnormal uterine bleeding, 1029 RYNKIEWICZ, L. M. (WITH DIECKMANN, WM. J., AND POTTINGER, R. E.), Etiology of pre-eclampsia-eclampsia. IV. Sodium chloride test for the diagnosis of preeclampsia, 783

S SAGE, E. C., AND JANSSEN, G. A., Exstrophy of the bladder, 196 SCHADE, FRANK F., AND FOLEY, MAURICE P., Pregnancy in myasthenia gravis, 1154 SCHAEFER, GEORGE, AND EpSTEIN, HARRY H., Results following therapeutic abortion in pulmonary tuberculosis, 129 SCHMIDT, RICHARD T. F. (WITH MARSTERS, ROGER W., AND BLACK, MARION E.), Efficacy of Rh hapten therapy in the prevention of erythroblastosis, 549 SCHNEIDER, CHARLES L., Rupture of the basal (decidual) plate in abruptio placentae: a pathway of autoextraction from the decidua into the maternal circulation, 1078 SCHOENVOGEL, O. F., JR., AND HIGGINBOTHAM, 'V. H., Stillbirths and neonatal deaths. A three-year survey, 41


SCHWARTZ, JEROME, A surgical needle-holder, 219 - , Furacin vaginal suppositories in pre- and postoperative treatment of cervix and vagina, 579 - , The endocervical biopsy curette. An instrument for detection of early carcinoma of cervix, 1382 SELLERS, THOMAS BENTON (WITH WARD, SIMON V., AND DAVIS, JULIUS T., JR.), Causes of death in carcinoma of the cervix infiuencing modern trends in treatment, 989 SHERBER, DANIEL A. (WITH BIRNBERG, CHARLES H., AND BRAND MAN, LEONARD J.), Estrone sulfate soluble in the treatment of estrogen deficiency, 1358 (WITH BIRNBERG, CHARLES H., AND KURZROK, RAPHAEL L.), Fructose and fructolysis in human semen, 877 SHETTLES, LANDRUM B. (WITH ROBINSON, DAVID), The use of diethylstilbestrol in threatened abortion, 1330 SIDDALL, R. S., AND WEST, R. H., Incision of the placenta at cesarean section. A cause of fetal anemia, 425 - , CRISSEY, R. R., AND KNAPP, W. L., Effect on cesarean section babies of stripping or milking of the umbilical cords, 1059 SINCLAIR, T. A., The accuracy of the diagnosis of endometriosis, 1334 SINGH, BAWA P. (WITH FENTON, ARNOLD N.), Pregnancy associated with congenital abnormalities of the female reproductive tract, 744 AND MILLER, LEE F., Effect of ACTH on acute rheumatic fever in pregnancy, 452 SMITH, GEORGE V., SMITH, O. WATKINS, AND ROMNEY, SEYMOUR L., Trials with penicillin in the treatment of preeclampsia and eclampsia, 1185 SMITH, O. WATKINS (WITH SMITH, GEORGE v., AND ROMNEY, SEYMOUR L.), Trials with peniCillin in the treatment of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, 1185 SNYDER, STUART S. (WITH LANDESMAN, ROBERT, AND DOUGLAS, R. GORDON) , Retinal changes in the toxemias of pregnancy. II. Mild and severe hypertension, renal disease, and diabetes mellitus, 16 SOPHIAN, JOHN, Acute renal failure, 944 (Correspondence) SPEERT, HAROLD, The rate of growth of uterine myomas, 880 _ AND TILLMAN, ALVIN J. B., Rupture of .the liver in pregnancy: a rare complIcation of eclampsia, 1127 STARR, SILAS H., Prolonged labor, 333 STAUFFER, JAMES (WITH CRON, R. S:' !o-ND PAEGEL, HOLLIS, JR.), Morbldlty studies in 1,000 consecutive hysterectomies, 344 STEER, CHARLES M., AND KOSAR, WALTER P., The causes of fetal mortality at the Sloane Hospital for Women, 19401949, 1091 STEIN, IRVING F., AND ARENS, ROBERT A., A table for gynecography, 1169 STEIN, ROBERT J. (WITH STUERMER, VIRGINIA MAE), Cytodynamic properties of the human endometrium. V. Metabolism and the enzymatic activity of the human endometrium during the menstrual cycle, 359 STEINBERG, WERNER, Uterine malformations in the management of sterility and infertility, 827 STEVENSON, CHARLES S. (WITH PRIDDLE, HAROLD D., LENZ, 'VILLARD R., AND YOUNG, DONALD C. ) , Poliomyelitis in pregnancy and the puerperium. Experience in Detroit epidemics of 1949 and 1950, 408 STEWART, H. L., JR., AND MONTO, RAYMOND ~o Hodgkin's disease and pregnancy,



SnJERMER, VIRGINIA MAE, AND STEIN, ROBERT J., Cytodynamic properties of the human endometrium. V. Metabolism and the enzymatic activity of the human endometrium during the menstrual cycle, 359 SULLIVAN, CHARLES LgAVITT, The return of reproductive capacity following spontaneous abortion, 671 SULLIVAN,. R. L. (WITH FORMAN. J. B.), Th" effects of intra venous injections of erg movine and Methergine on th,' postpartum patient, 640 SVMMERS, A. D., Dystocia uue to horseshoe kidney, 695 SVTTON, CHARLES E., AND HARDY, JOSEPH A .. Endometriosis of the vermiform appendix, 1139

VERGO.'!, J. M. (WITH ASSALI, N. S., TADA, Y., AND GARBER, S. T.), Studies on autonomic blockade. VI. The mechanisms regulating the hemodynamiC changes in the pregnant woman and their relation to the hypertension of toxemia of pregnancy, 978





BORNE, JH., The conservative treatment of eclampsia, 856 \\'ALTMA:-:, RICHARD (WITH ROWE-DuTTOS. G-ILLIAN,





NOLDS. SAMUEL R. M.), Missed abortion-a study with the tokodynamometer, 650 ''lARD, G. H. (WITH Al\Z, U. E., AND McCAnTHY, A.M.), Extraperitoneal cesarean T section. Experience "with 30 cases. 861 TADA, Y. (WITH Ass ALI, N. S., VERGON, J. M., AND GARBER, S. T.), Studies on auto''lARD, SIMON V., SELLEHS, THOMAS BENTO:\,. nomic blockade. VI. The mechanisms AND DAVIS, JULIUS T., JR., Causes of regulating the hemodynamic changes death in carcinoma of the cervix inin the pregnant woman anu tlleir refluenCing modern trends in treatment, lation to the hypertension of toxemia 989 of pregnancy, 978 \YAHwICK, HARllY A., 'VEINER, SAMUEL, A"I1l 'l'ANNENBAUM, A. J., BERTLING, 1\'1. H., AND LIPPSETT, HERBERT L., Torsion of BURWELL, J. C., JR., Idiopathic uia. normal uterine adnexa, 883 betes insipidus with normal pregnancy. 'VEBSTER, HEHMAN D. (WITH COLLINS, CONRAD 472 G., WEINSTEIN, B. BEHNARD, AND NORTAUBER, ROBERT, Causes and prevention of deTON, ROBEHT 0.), The effects of ligafective hemostasis, together with a tion of the inferior vena cava and technique for total hysterectomy, 1272 ovarian vessels on OVUlation and pregnancy in the human being, 351 rAYLOR, E. STEWART, AND MCCALLIN, PAUL F., (WITH COLLINS, CONRAD G., NIX, FHANK A correlation of the cytology of th" G .. AND DYEH, ISADORE), Tracheotomy urinary sediment with endometrial in eclampsia, 1052 histology, 1009 WEINBERG, ARTHUR, Clinical and roentgen pelTERZIAN, PETER. The etiology of postpartum , 'vimetry, 942 (Correspondence) hemorrhage, 809 THIERSCH, JOHN B., Therapeutic abortion" I __, Pelvic inlet contraction, 943 (Correspondence) with a folic add antagonist, 4-amino'VEINEH, SAMUEL (Wl'J'H \VAHWICK, HAHny A .. pteroylglutamic add (4-amino P. n. AND LIPPSETT, IIEHBERT L.), Torsion A.) administered by the oral route. of normal uterine adnexa, 883 1298 THIERSTEIN, SAMTJEL T., Midpelvis diameters. 'VEINSTEIN, B. BERNARD ("VITH COLLI~S. CON1282 RAD G., NORTON, ROBERT 0., AND 'VEBSTER, HERMAN D.), The effects of THORNTON, MADELINE J. (WITH MORRIS, Lvligation of the inferior vena cava and CIEN E., AND HARRIS, JOHN 'V.), Comovarian vessels on OVUlation and parison of the effect of Pituitrin, Pitopregnancy in the human being, 35] cin, and ergonovine on c a I' di a (' rhythm during cyclopropane anesthe'VEIN TRAUB, SOLOMON (WITH MARMELL, MILsia for parturition, ] 71 TON, AND FIELDING, WALDO L.), DonoTILLMAN. ALVIN J. B. (WITH SpgERT, HAROLD). vanosis of tubes and ovary treated Rupture of the liver in pregnancy: a with aureomycin and surgery. 893 rare complication of eclampsia, 1127 WELLS, CLAY N., A:-:D 'VESP, JOSEPH E., ManTORREY, \\'. EDWARD, JR., Vasa previa, 146 agem<:mt of Addison's disease during TRODELLA, GEORGE F., Pregnancy complicated pregnancy with cortisone and desoxby subarachnoid hemorrhage. 1377 ycorticosterone, 925 TIJRNER, EDWIN C. (WITH HESsgLTINE, H. WESP, JOSEPH E. (WITH "'ELLS, CLAY N.). CLOSE), Salmonella suipestifer val'. Management 0 f Addison's disease Kunzendorf infection in the puerduring pregnancy with cortisone an,l perium, 697 desoxycorticosterone, 925 TUHNER, J. L. (WITH BEACHAM. DAN W .. AND 'VEST, R. H. (WITH SIDDALL, R. S.), Incision BEACHA M, W. D.), Morbidity after of the placenta at cesarean section. cesarean section. A clinical evaluaA cause of fetal anemia, 425 tion or prophylaxis with aureomycin in 100 consecutive cases, 818 'YHITE, R. LEONAHD, The combined use of inTUHNER, JOHN J., AND BOGUE, ROBERT E., A travenous ethyl alcohol and intrane\" circumcision instrument, 220 venous Pitocin, 854 WHY'rE, J. C., Pentothal anesthesia in obstetrics. 163 U 'VICKSTEH, GEORGE Z., Posthemorrhagic shock UNGERLEIDEH, JEROME L., Uterus unicornis uniin the newborn, 524 collis associated with renal agenesis WIENER, ALEXANDER S., NAPPI. RAFFAELE, AND and malformation of the bony pelvis, GOHDON, EVE B., Studies in Rh sensi200 tization. V. Importance of the titer of Rh antibodies in the sensitize,] pregnant Rh-negative W 0 man for V prognosis, 6 VALLACH, FHA N K J. (WITH MCCAHTNEY, \YIERs~IA, ALVIN F. (W!'j'H CLARK, CHESTMH CHAHLES P, AND POTTINGER, RUSSEL E.). Bacteroides infections of the E.), Further studies on the inactivafemale genital tract, 371 tion of Pitressin antidiuretic effect by WILLIAMS, JAMES H., AND HOLLENBECK, ZEPH, the blood of pregnant women, 847 J. R., Recent trends in cesarean secV ARVERIKOS, E. D., The variability ot the vastion and their influence on maternal cular supply to the ureter, 774 and fetal mortality, 1254


AUTHORS iNDEX \VITT, E. D. (WITH KING, JOHN A., HERRING, J. S., AND BLOOD, BEVERLY), Monoamniotic twin pregnancy: report of five new cases, 691 'VOLF, WARREN A., The Le Fort operation, 1346 WOMACK, WILLIAM S., AND CASTELLANO, CARLOS J., Migratory thrombophlebitis associated with ovarian carcinoma, 467 WOODSON, EDGAR F., Abdominal pregnancy terminating in a living child and complete removal of placenta, 908 WYATT, GEORGE W. (WITH CASTLETON, KENNETH B.) , Ovarian pregnancy, with report of a case, 897

Y YOUNG, DONALD C. (WITH PRIDDLE, HAROLD D., LENZ, WILLARD R., AND STEVENSON, CHARLES S.), Poliomyelitis in pre&,nancy and the puerperium. Expenence in Detroit epidemiCS of 1949 and 1950, 408 YOUNGE, PAUL A. (WITH KISTNER, ROBERT W.), Endometriosis occurring in a vaginoperineal fistula, 455 Z

ZAROU, GEORGE S., An analysis of four hundred consecutive cesarean sections, 122

SUBJECT INDEX* A Abdominopelvic pains without structural or organic pathology (Skajaa), 475 (Abst.) Abortion, missed; study with the tokodynamometer (Rowe-Dutton et al.), 650 of decidual cast complicating pregnancy in uterus didelphys (Kohl), 676 spontaneous, congenital and acquired lesions of the umbilical cord and (Javert and Barton), 1065 return of reproductive capacity following (Sullivan), 671 therapeutic, in pulmonary tuberculosis, results following (Schaefer and Epstein), 129 trends in; review of 137 cases (Moore and Randall), 28 threatened, use of diethylstilbestrol in (Robinson and Shettles), 1330 Abortions, therapeutic, with a folic acid antagonist, 4-aminopteroylglutamic acid (4-amino P. G. A.) administered by the oral route (Thiersch), 1298 Abruptio placentae, rupture of the basal (decidual) plate in: a pathway of autoextraction from the decidua into the maternal circulation (Schneider), 1078 Abstracts, anatomy, anomalies, 931 anesthesia, analgesia, 931 cancer, 474 cesarean section, 474, 933, 1172 endocrinology, 1172, 1395 endometriosis, 474 gynecologic operations, 228 gynecology, 475, 1175, 1395 labor, 22~ complications, 228 management, complications, 1176 malignancies, 934, 1177 mens~ruation, 230 miscellaneous, 230, 934 ne"born, 231, 476, 935, 1397 placenta, 937, 1179, 1398 pregnancy, complications, 1180 physiology, 937, 1182 toxemia, 477, 938 puerperium, 233, 939 radiation, 233, 477 sterility, 478 fertility, 233, 940 toxemia, 1181, 1398 tubal insufflation, 235 vaginal infections, 236 venereal diseases, 940 ACTH and cortisone, herpes g,estationis treated with, results of (Lmdemann et al.), 167 an (I Pranone, in Hh-sensitized pregnancies, experience with (Holmstrom), 1038 effect of on acute rheumatic fever in preg, nancy (Singh and Miller), 452 Addison's disease during pregnancy, management of, with cortisone and desoxycorticosterone (Wells and Wesp) , 925 Adenocarcinoma occurring in one cervix of uterus dldelphys associated with solitary kidney (Grant and Pierce), 212 of endometrium, a clinicopathologic study (McGarvey and Gibson), 836 primary, of cervix (Hepler et al.), 800 Adenomyoma of round ligament In pregnancy (Rubenstein and Kurzon), 458

Adnexa, uterine, torsion of normal ("Varwick et al.), 883 Adrenocorticotropic hormone, herpes gestationis treated with, results of (Lindemann et al.), 167 Ag'e limit, upper, of parturition; review of literature (NewelI and Rock), 875 Amenorrhea, Prostigmine in (Seims), 2;]0 (Abst.) American Association of Obstetricians, Gynecologists and Abdominal Surgeons, sixty-second annual meeting, Hot Springs, Va., Sept. 6-8, 1951, transactions of, 241, 479 Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 941 (Item) Congress on Obstetrics and Gynecology, thp fifth, 712 (Item) obstetrical and gynecological SOCieties, roster of, 237, 947 Amniotic fiuid, nonfatal maternal pUlmonary embolism by (Hager and Davies). 901 Analgesics, infiuence of, on pain intensity during labor (Javert and Hardy), 932 (Abst.) Anatomy, anomalies, 931 (Absts.) Androgen-estrogen combination, use of, to prevent pain and lactation in the puerperium (Katzman), 1338 Androgens in gyn
'January, pp. 1-240; February, pp. 241-478; March, pp. 479-716; April, pp. 717-950; May, pp. 951-1184; June, pp. 1185-1420.



Bacteroides infections of female genital tract (Clark and Wiersma), 371 Baldwin-Mori operation for congenital absence of vagina, review of ( Brocq and Robert), 1395 (Abst.) Baldy-Webster uterine suspension, an unusual complication following (Brady), 922 Bilateral follicular rupture (Fielding), 1384 Biopsy curette, endocervical; instrument for detection of early carcinoma of cervix (Schwartz), 1382 forceps, endometrial sponge, an evaluation of surface sponge biopsy in a cancer detection clinic with special reference to use of (Diamond et al.), 668 Birth certificate, proposed use of, for obstetric data (Roemer), 186 (Special article) Births, hydrocephalic (Crenshaw and Banner) 63 ' Bladder, exstrophy of (Sage and Janssen) 196 ' Bleeding, postmenopausal, analysis of 100 cases . (McFadyen), 178 uterme, abnormal, use of protamine sulfate and toluidine blue for (Rumbolz et al.), 1029 benign, treatment of, with intracavitary radiation (Hundley et al.), 1234 endometrium and its vasculature overlying submucous fibroids in relation to (Duperroy), 1110 hormonal control of functional (Greenblatt and Barfield), 153 intravenous estrogen in, effect of (Greenblatt and Barfield), 1173 (Abst.) Blood group factors and physiological icterus (Wexler and Wiener), 935 (Abst.) maternal and fetal, blood levels of chloroform in, where chloroform was employed during forceps application (Levy-Solal et al.), 1178 (Abst.) of pregnant women, Inactivation of Pitressin antidiuretic effect by, further studies on (McCartney et aI.), 947 pressure and prognosis in toxemia of pregnancy (Mukherjee and Govan), 939 (Abst.) sugar values in labor (Bernstine and Boysen), 627 Books, review of new, 700, 1386 Boy, one little (Baruch), 1393 (B. rev.) British Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 236, 716 (Items) Broad ligament, interstitial pregnancy developing into (Kobak and Le Vine), 684 Brow presentation (Ingerslev), 228 (Abst.) Bufo Americanus, use of, in diagnosis of n~f'ancy (Forman and Floyd), bufo (Swedish male toad), use of, in diagnosis of pregnancy (Diczfalusy and Westman), 230 (Abst.)

c Cancer, 474 (Absts.) advanced, of cervix of uterus, fate of patient with (Cosbie), 108 cervical and vaginal, intra-arterial nitrogen mustard therapy in treatment of (Cromer et aI.), 538 cytology of uterus (Ayre), 1388 (B. rev.) detection Clinic, an evaluation of surface sponge biopsy in a, with special reference to the use of an endometrial sponge biopsy forceps (Diamond et al.), 668 gynecologic (Corscaden), 704 (B. rev.) multiple, primary, in female genitals and other sites (Marrangoni and McKenna), 660 of cervix, removal of pelviq lymph nodes in (Meigs), 1177 (Abst.) of vulva, treatment of (Cosbie), 251 Carcinoid of appendix (Nelson), 905 multiple neoplasms of ovaries associated with (Grunstein and Barrows), 679


Carcinoma, cervical biopsy in diagnosis of, evaluation of (Beecham and Emich), 645 unsuspected, postoperative recognition and further management of (Finn), 71 7 endometrial, leiomyofibroma, and infiltrating cervical epidermoid carcinoma in same uterus (Lisa et al.), 1162 of cervix, causes of death in, influenCing modern trends in treatment <,Yard et al.), 989 instrument for detection 0 f ear I y (Schwartz), 1382 surgical management of (Kelso) 955 treatment of choice for stage o~e (Laborde), 934 (Abst.) uteri, metastasis from, simulating coronary disease (Kahn), 433 surgical treatment of (Peterson and Hornbrook), 1290 of mesonephric duct (Nace), 914 of ovary, primary, palliative surgery for (Grlinberger), 228 (Abst.) of urethra, primary, with metastases (Eisenstaedt), 474 (Abst.) ovarian, migratory thrombophlebitis associated with (Womack and Castellano), 467 Cardiac rhythm during cyclopropane anesthesia for parturition, comparison of effect of Pituitrin, Pitocin, and ergonovine, on (Morris et al.), 171 Case reports, 192, 428, 674, 883, 1157, 1364 Central Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 19th. annual meeting, Detroit, Michigan, September 21-22, 1951, transactions of, 951 Cerebral hemorrhage, intrapartum (Hall and Corradini) , 192 Cervical and vaginal cancer, intra-arterial nitrogen mustard therapy In treatment of (Cromer et al.), 538 biopsy in diagnosis of carcinoma, evalua. tion of (Beecham and Emich) , 645 carcmoma, unsuspected, postoperative recognition and further management of (Finn), 717 mucus, carbohydrates in human, analysis of, by means of !)aper partition chromatography (Bergman and Werner), 934 (Abst.) osmotic pressure of human (Bergman and Lund), 934 (Abst.) secretion, simple test for determination of ovulation, estrogen activity, and early pregnancy using the (Roland), 81 therapy, sulfonamides in, clinical evaluation of (Jacoby and Bobker), 1349 Cervix, adenocarcinoma of, primary (Hepler et al.), 800 and vagina, pre- and postoperative treatment of, Furacin vaginal suppositories in (Schwartz), 579 cancer of, removal of pelvic lymph nodes in (Meigs), 1177 (Abst.) carcinoma of, causes of death in, influencingmodern trends in treatment (Ward et al.), 989 instrument for d e t e c t ion of early (Schwartz), 1382 surgical management of (Kelso), 955 treatment of choice for stage one (Laborde), 934 (Abst.) neurofibromatosis of (Busby), 674 of uterus, advanced cancer of, fate of patient with (Cosbie), 108 uteri, carcinoma of, metastasis from simulating coronary disease (Hahn), 433 surgical treatment of (Peterson ann Hornbrook), 1290 Cesarean section, 474, 933, 1172 (Absts.) babies, effect on, of stripping or milking of the umbilical cords (Siddall et al.), 1059 broadened indications for (Anders), 474 (Abst. ) classical, improved uterine closure in (Jacobson), 933 (Abst.) death (Gordon), 284



Cesarean section-Cont'd extraperitoncal, b i I ate r a I paruyesicalsupra vesical approach for (Bourgeois and Phaneuf), 730 experiences with 30 cases (Anz ct aJ.). 816 fetal mortality in, analysis of (Diddle et aI.),


incision of placenta at; a cause of fetal anemia (Siddall and \Vest), 425 in,]ications for. the case for reevaluation of (HarriR et al.l. 11 7 2 (Abst.) morbidity after (Beacham et al.). 818 prophylaxis \vith aureomycin in, clinical evaluation of (Beacham et aJ.). 818 l'(·cf.nt trends in, and their infiuence on maternal and fetal mortality ("Williams and Hollenbeck), 1254 sections at Sutter Maternity H 0 S pit a I (Schluter), 933 (Abst.) four hundred consecutive. analysis of (Zarou), 122 Chilrlbirth, exercises after (Helm), 708 (B. rev.) in private practice, education for (Miller (·t al.), 792 Cholinesterase-hormone relationship, studies in (Barnes anrl Epperson), 326 Chorionepithelioma (Mohler am! McConnell). 428

of ovary. primary (Homan and Ferohli), 11 78 ( A bst. ) Circulating eosinophils in normal and toxemic pregnant women, studies on (Bernstine an(! de Andino). 181 Circumcision instrument, a ne\v (Turner and Bogue), 220 Conception, optimum time for. a formula for selecting the (Farris). 1143 Contraceptive, critical study of efficacy of jelly as a (Finkelstein et al.), 664 Contractions. uterine. at term after administration of progesterone and watersoluble extracts of desiccate(1 corpus luteum (Rowe-Dutton et al.). 1318

Cytology-Cont'd of urina.ry sedilnent, correlation of, ,,-ith endometrial histology (Taylor and McCallin). 1009 vaginal, method for detection of ruptured membranes through examination of (Hopman), 1;).12 D

Deliveries. forceps, classification of, according to station of head in pel vis: results in 3,88:1 (Dennen), 272 Methergine in 1,000. further clinical experience with (Cerone and Pannullo), 184 Delivery, cortical vcnous thrombosis following' (Bickel and Baran). 927 pelvic tumors arising extragenitally and obstructing, a review of (Haeger), 1180 (Abst.) c

n-tginal, spinal anesthesia for, \vith 8pecial

reference to prevention of postpartum heaclache (Huston and Lehherz). 139 Diameters, mi
Coronary artery (lisease in pregnancy (M''BLlel[~clanlpsia, consel'vatiyc treatment of ('Yalso!:), 381 drop and Blanton), 856 disease, metastasis from carcinon1a of cercritical study of, in a municipal hospital vix uteri simulating (Hahn), 433 , (Roberts). 1102 Corpus luteum, (!esiccated, water-soluble ex- ' developing In early stages of hYllatidiform tracts Jf, uterine contractions at mole (Pigeaud), 1400 (Abst.) term after administration of prolate prognosis of (Hasmussen et al.). 9:38 gesterone and (Rowe-Dutton "t (Abst.) al.), 1:118 penicillin in treatment of pre-eclampsia and. uteri, mesod"rmal mixed tumor of (McElin trials with (Smith et al.). 1185 and Davis), 605 rupture of liver in pregnancy. rare compliCorrespondence, 942 cation of (Speert and Tillman). Cortical venous thrombosis following deliverY 1127 (Dickel and Baran). 927 . tracheotomy in (Collins et al.), 1. 052 Cortisone and desoxycorticosterone, managetreatment of, high fiuid intake in (Whitment of Addison's disease during acre and Turner), 1398 (Abst.) ~2~gnancy with (Wells and Wesp); Jo;eiamptle toxemia. minerals in etiology anti treatment of (Oarrett), 1184 Culdoscopy (Decker). 654 (Abst.) Cyst of liver. lar!,e nonparasitic, simulating Ectopie pregnancy, diagnosis and manage~4\ ovanan cyst (Burch and Jones), ment of (Campbell), 54 T~ndocel'vical biopsy curette; instrunlent for Cystopexy for urinary incontinence combine(1 detection of early carcinoma of vaginal and abdominai plication cervix (Schwartz), 1382 and (Dall), 1245 Endocrinology. 1172, 1395 (Absts.) Cysts, endometrial, ruptured. as cause of obstetric and gynecologic, fellowship in. 7lU acute abdominal symptoms (Pratt (Item) et al.), 90 Endometrial carcinosarcoma. leiomyofibroma, presacralllef~idermoid, in women (Melody), and infiltrating cervical epidermoit] carcinoma in same uterus (Lisa et Cytodynamic properties of hum a n endoal.). 1162 metrium. V. Metabolism and the cysts, ruptured, as cause of acute abdominal enZymatic activity of the human symptoms (Pratt et al.), 90 endometrium during the menstrual histology, correlation of cytology of urinary cycle (Stuermer and Stein), 359 sediment with (Taylor and McCallin), 1009 Cytologic diagnosis of malignancy of female generative tract-pathologist's viewsponge biopsy forceps, evaluation of surface pOint (LeMar), 1147 sponge biopsy in a cancer. qetection clinic with speCial reference to Cytology. cancer, of uterus (Ayre), 1388 (E. rev,) . (Piamond et al.). 668


SUBJECT INDEX Endometriosis, 474 (Absts.) diagnosis of, accuracy of (Sinclair), 1334 fever in (Forman), 634 in pregnancy, clinical observations (Gainey et al.), 511 occurring in a vaginoperineal fistula (Kistner and Younge), 455 of vermiform appendix (Sutton and Hardy), pelvic,


infrequency of, in Negro women (B lin i c k and Merendino), 474 (Abst.) tuberculous, unsuspected, detection and treatment of (Levine and Kurland), 420 Endometrium, adenocarcinoma of, a clinicopathologic study (McGarvey and Gibson), 836 and its vaSCUlature overlying SUbmucous flbroids in relation to uterine bleeding (Duperroy), 1110 cytodynamic properties of human. V. Metabolism and the enzymatic activity of the human endometrium duringthe menstrual cycle (Stuermer and Stein), 359 during menstrual cycle, metabolism and enzymatic activity of (Stuermer and Stein), 359 Eosinophils, circulating, in normal and toxemic pregnant women, studies on (Bernstine and de Andino), 181 Epidermoid cysts, presacral, in women (Melody), 1119 Ergonovine and Methergine, effects of. intravenous injections of, on postpartulT' patient (Forman and Sullivan), 640 Pituitrin, and Pitocin, comparison of effect of, on cardiac rhythm during cyclopropane anesthesia for parturition. (Morris et al.), 171 Erythroblastosis, efficacy of Rh hapten therapy in prevention of (Marsters et al.). 549 Estrogen activity, ovulation, and early pregnancy, simple test for determination of, using the cervical mucus secretion (Roland), 81 administration, storage of estrogen in human fat after (Greenblatt and Brown), 1361 deficiency, estrone sulfate soluble in treatment of (Birnberg et al.), 1358 intravenous, effect of in uterine bleeding (Greenblatt and Barfield), 1173 (Abst.) Estrog,ms, abuse of, in treatment of leukoplakia of vulva (Christy), 1133 prevention of lactation by (Romani), 1179 (Abst. ) Estrone sulfate soluble in treatment of estrogen deficiency (Birnberg et al.), 1358 Ethinyl estradiol, use of, in pregnancy (Birnberg et al.), 1151 Ethyl alcohol, intravenous, combined use of intravenous Pitocin and (White), 854 Exercises after childbirth (Behn), 708 (B. rev.) Exstrophy of bladder (Sage and Janssen), 196 Extraperitoneal cesarean section, bilateral paravesical-supravesical approach for (Bourgeois and Phaneuf), 730 experience with 30 cases (Anz et al.), 861 F

Fallopian tube, primary carcinoma of (Cruttenden and Taylor), 476 (Abst.) tubes, patency of, false d i a g nos i s of (White), 235 (Abst.) Fetal anemia, incision of placenta at cesarean section, cause of (S i d d a II and West), 425 cephalometry, roentgen (Bell and Rawlings), 1371

Fetal--Cont'd megabladder, dystocia due to (Beacham and Beacham), 203 mortality, cause of, at the Sloane Hospital for Women, 1940-1949 (Steer and Kosar), 1091 cesarean section, analysis of (Diddle et

a~~en~~7 in cesarean section and their Influence on (Williams and Hollenbeck), 1254 placental circulation (Earn and Nicholson). recent



survival. influence of maternal and obstetflcal factors on (FitzGerald et al.). 1397 (Abst.) Fetus and newborn. pathology of (Potter). 1393 (B. rev.) "pig face," a teratological study (Posner and Beer). 1157 thiourea derivatives and. review and report of case (Hepner). 869 Fever in endometriosis (Forman). 634 Fibroids. submucous. endometrium and i's vasculature overlying, in relation to uterine bleeding (Duperroy), 1110 Fistula. vesicouterine. unusual (Bond and Rogers). 215 Fistulae. intestinal. treatment of. by implantation of placenta (Gallegos). 1176 (Abst.) Fistulas. vesicovaginal ( Carter et al.) • 479 Fluid intake. high. in treatment of eclampsfa (Whitacre and T urn e r), 1398 (Abst.) Folic acid antagonist, 4-aminopteroylglutamic acid (4-amino P. G. A.). therapeutic abortions with, administered by oral route (Thiersch), 1298 Follicular rupture. bilateral (Fielding). 1384 Forceps operations, classification of, according to station of head in pelvis; results in 3.883 forceps deliveries (Dennen). 272 outlet. a modified (Peterson). 226 Fructose and fructolysis in human semen (Birnberg et al.). 877 Furacin vaginal suppositories in pre- and postoperative treatment of cervix and vagina (Schwartz). 579 G

Generative tract, malignancy of the female. cytologic diagnosis of-a pathologist's Viewpoint (LeMar). 1147 Genetics, clinical picture and development pathology of gestosis in light of (Sauramo). 1400 (Abst.) Genital tract. bacteroides infections of female (Clark and Wiersma), 371 malignant disease of female (Way). 703 (B. rev.) tuberculosis in women. diagnosis and treatment of (Liljedahl and Ryden). 1396 (Abst.) Genitals. cancer. multiple primary. in female (Marrangoni and McKenna), 660 Genito-urinary surgery, atlas of (Roen). 707 (B. rev.) German Gynecological Society. 716 (Item) Gonadotrophins in sterility. preliminary note on employment of large and small doses of (Palmer). 235 (Abst.) Gonorrheal salpingitis, chronic. cornual resection in 114 cases of (Davidson l. 1396 Gunshot wound of gravid uterus, case of (Jacobus), 687 Gynecography, table for (Stein and Arens). 1169 Gynecologic cancer (Corscaden), 704 (B. rev.) operations. 228 (Absts.) Gynecology, 475. 1175. 1395 (Absts.); 702. 1386 (B. revs.) psychosomatic (Kroger and Freed), 702 (B. rev.)



Headache. postpartum. spinal anesthesia for vaginal delivery with special reference to prevention of (Huston and Lebherz). 139 Healthy children. let·s have (Davis). 710 (B. rev.) Hemangiopericytoma. an unusual pelvic tumur (Forman and Campbell). 929 Hemorrhage. intrapartum cerebral (Hall and Corradini). 192 intraperitoneal. massive. rupture of a subserous vein on surface of a uterine myoma causing (Li and Braden). 1167

postpartum. etiology of (Terzian), 809 subarachnoid. pregnancy complicated by (Trodella). 1377 Hemostasis, defective, causes and prevention of. together with technique for total hysterectomy (Tauber). 1272 Hepatitis complicating pregnancy (O'Connell), 449 Herpes gestationis: results of treatment with ACTH and cortisone (Lindemann et al.). 167 Hiatal hernia. gastric ulcer in, complicating pregnancy (Hahn). 222 Hidradenoma of vulva (Allen and Funnell). 1364

Histidine and histamine. metabolism of. in normal and toxemie pregnancy (Kapeller-Adler). 1399 (Abst.) Hodgkin's disease and pregnancy (Stewart and Monto). 570 report of 12 cases (Hennessy and Rottino). 756 . Homologous ovarian and testicular tumors (Marchetti and Lewis) 294 Hormonal control of functional uterine bleeding (Greenblatt and Barfield). 153 Hormone-induced tissue growth. interaction of, and vital inorganic elements in uterine carCinogenesis (Hofbauer). 136

Horseshoe kidney. dystocia due to (Summers). 695

Hydatidiform mole, benign. malignant syncytioma following (Kistner). 888 eclampsia developing in early stages of (Pigeaut1). 1400 (Abst.i Hydrocephalic births (Crenshaw and Banner). 63

Hyperemesis gravidarum. pot ass i u m deficiency in (Bergqvist). 1183 (Abst.) Hypertension of toxemia of pregnancy. mechanisms regulating the hemodynamic changes in the pregnant woman and their rclation to (Assali et al.). 978

Hypotensive obstetric patients with special reference to gestosis (Sauramo). 1181 (Abst.) Hysterectomies, morbidity studies in ].000 consecutive (Cron et al.), 344 Hysterectomy. ovarian carcinoma subsequent to (Thorp). 1177 (Abst.) total abdominal, vaginal length and incidence of dyspareunia following (.Jewett), 400 technique for. causes and prevention of defective hemostasis. together with (Tauber). 1272 I


diabetes insipidus witb normal pregnancy (Tannenbaum et al.).

Infantile vagina. biology of (Montalvo and Slocker). 1397 (Abst.) Infection, Salmonella suipestifer var. Kunzendorf. in the puerperium (H€sseltine and Turner). 697 Insemination. artifiCial. with husband's sperm (Hanson and Rock). 233 (Abst.) Instruments. new. 192. 428. 674. 883. 1157. 13M Interstitial pregnancy developing into the broad ligament (Kobak and Le Vine). 684 Intra-arterial nitrogen mustard therapy in treatment of cervical and vaginal cancer (Cromer et ai.). 538 Intrapartum cerebral hemorrhage (Hall and Corradini), 192 Intraperitoneal rupture of bladder in puerperium. spontaneous (Deacon). 939 (Abst.) Iron, intravenous. use of. in practice of obstetrics and gynecology (Briscoe). 99 Items. 236. 478, 712, 041 J

.J·elly as a contraceptive. critical study of efficacy of (Finkelstein et al.). 664 K


horseshoe, dystocia mers). 695





Labor. 229 (Absts.) blood sugar values in (Bernstine and Boy, sen), 627 complications. 228 (Absts.) difficult. cause and prevention of (Baird), 1200

management, complications. 1176 ~Absts.) missed (Kotz et al.). 209 pain intensity during. influence of analgesics on (.Javert and Hardy). 932 (Abst. ) prolonged (Starr), 333 second stage of. duration of (HeUman and Prystowsky). 1223 third stage of, use of semisynthetic oxytocic (Methergine) in (Fitzgerald). 865

Lactation. androgen-estrog'en combination to prevent pain and. in puerperium (Katzman). 1338 prevention of, by estrogens (Romani). 1179 (Abst.) Laryngoscope. a catheterizing. for tracheobronchial aspiration of newborn and premature infant (Emerson). 1374

Le Fort operation (Wolf). 1346 Leucemia. acute myelogenous. in pregnancy (Auer). 445 Leukoplakia of vulva. abuse of estrogens in treatment of (Christy). 1133 Leukosis occurring in puerperium. showing deposits in the endometrium (Hampson). 940 (Abst.) Ligation of inferior vena cava and ovarian vessels. effects of, on ovulation and pregnancy in the human being (Co llins et al.), 351 Lipoma of uterus (Decker). 911 Liv€r. Cyst of. large nonparasitic. simulating an ovarian cyst (Burch and Jones). 441

rupture of. in pregnancy: a rare complication of eclampsia (Speert and Tillman), 1127


Incontinence. stress, combined vaginal and abdominal plication and cystopexy for (Ball). 1245 Marshall-Marchetti operation, a review (Gallaher). 842 Infant development (Gesell). 1391 (B. rev.) mortality in a voluntary hospital (Hofmeister and Paege!). 999


Malformations. congenital. maternal states in relation to (Carter). 477 CAbst.) genital. pregnancy and (Fenton and Singh). 744

uterine. in Il1anagement {)f sterility and infertility (Steinberg). 827


SUBJECT INDEX Malignancies, 934, 1177 (Absts.) ovarian, treatment of, results of (Randall and Hall), 497 Malignancy of female generative tract, cytologic diagnosis of; a pathologist's viewpoint (LeMar), 1147 Malignant disease of female genital tract (Way), 703 (B. rev.) Marshall-Marchetti operation, a review (Gallaher), 842 Maternal mortality, recent trends in cesarean section, and their influence on (Williams and Hollenbeck), 1254 surveys, value of (Moe), 951 nonfatal pulmonary embolism by amniotic fluid (Hager and Davies), 901 Placenta\ circulation (Earn and Nicholson), rubella in pregnancy, children born deaf following, psycho educational study of (Levine), 231 (Abst.) Maternity care in two counties (Whitacre and Jones), 701 (B. rev.) Menopause, treatment of, evaluation of an estrogen, androgen, estrogen-androgen combination in (Greenblatt et al.), 1172 (Abst.) Menstrual cycle, metabolism and enzymatic activity of the human endome~1~m during (Stuermer and Stein), pregnanediol excretion in (Fischer et al.), 613

di.ilorders and sterility, diagnosis and treatment of (Mazer and Israel), 706 (B. rev.) Menstruation, 230 (Absts.) Mesodermal mixed tumor of body of uterus; two cases of (Hardy and Moragues) , 307 of corpus uteri (McElin and Davis), 605

Mesonephric duct, carcinoma of (Nace), 914 Metastasis from carcinoma of cervix uteri simulating coronary disease (Hahn), 433 Methemoglobinemia during pregnancy with subsequent death of infant (Askari and Hodas), 437 Methel'gine and ergonovine, effect of intravenous injections of, on postpartum patient (Forman and Sullivan), 640 in 1,000 deliveries, further clinical experi~~~e with (Cerone and Pannullo), in third stage of labor (Fitzgerald), 865 Midpelves, narrow, sagittal expansion in (Hanson), 1312 Midpelvis diameters (Thierstein), 1282 Midplane contraction, criteria of (Kaltreider), 392

prognosis, pelvic shape and its relation to (Kaltreider), 116 Missed abortion; study with the tokodynamometer (Rowe-Dutton et al.), 650 labor (Kotz et al.), 209 Monilia albicans and its localized vulvovaginal pathology, study of (Waskovit), 236 (Abst.) Monoamniotic twin pregnancy; flve new cases (King et al.), 691 Morbidity after cesarean section (Beacham et al.), 818 studies in 1,000 consecutive hysterectomies (Cron et al.), 344 Mortality, fetal, cause of, at the Sloane Hospital for Women, 1940-1949 (Steer and Kosar), 1091 in cesarean section, analysis of (Diddle et al.), 967 infant, in a voluntary hospital (Hofmeister and Paegel), 999 maternal and fetal, recent trends in cesarean section, and their influence on ("Williams and Hollenbeck), 1254 surveys, value of (Moe), 951 Multiple sclerosis complicating pregnancy (Baker), 917

Myasthenia gravis, pregnancy in (Schade and Foley), 1154 Myoma, uterine, rupture of a subserous vein on surface of, causing ma.ssive intraperitoneal hemorrflage (Li and Braden), 1167 Myomas, uterine, rate of growth·' '01 (Speert), 880

Myomatous uterus complicated by pregnancy (Parks and Barter), 260 Myomectomy, surgical technique and results in 1,150 cases (Davids), 592 N

Needle-holder, surgical (Schwartz), 219 Neonatal deaths, three-year survey (&1choenvogel and Higginbotham), 41 jaundice and antibodies, 231 (Abst.) Neuroflbromatosis of cervix (Busby), 674 Newborn, 231, 476, 935, 1397 (Absts.); 1391 (B. revs.) and premature infant, tracheobronchial aspiration of, a catheterizing laryngoscope for (Emerson), 1374 cesarean section babies, effect on, of stripping or milking of the umbilical cords (Siddall et al.), 1059 erythroblastosis, prevention of, efficacy of Rh hapten therapy in (Marsters et al.), 549 fetal survival, influence of maternal and obstetrical factors on (FitzGerald et al.), 1397 (Abst.) infant development (Gesell), 1391 (B. rev.) mortality in a voluntary hospital (Hofmeister and Paegel), 999 physiology of (Smith), 1391 (B. rev.) pathology of fetus and (Potter), 1392 (B. rev.) pneumatosis in testinalis in (Stiennon), 936 (Abst.) posthemorrhagic shock in (Wickster), 524 premature baby, caring for (Saltzman), 711 (B. rev.) Salmonella infections of (Epstein et al.), 935 (Abst.) weight of, variations in duration of pregnancy, and (Bq,e), 476 (Abst.) Nitrogen mustard, dysgerminoma treated with (Anderman et al.), 464 therapy, intra-arterial, in treatment of cervical and vag ina I can c e I' (Cromer et al.), 538 Nurse, public health, and her patient (Gilbert), 710 (B. rev.) Nutrition, handbook of (Council of Foods and Nutrition, American Medical Association), 709 (B. rev.)

o Obstetric and Gynecologic Congress, flrst in Mexico, 711 (B. rev.) endocrinology, fellowship in, 716 (Item) data, proposed use of birth certiflcate for (Roemer), 186 (Special article) Obstetrical anesthesia, modern trends in (Hershenson), 559 practice (Beck), 701 (B. rev.) Obstetrics, 700, 1390 (B. revs.) and gynecology, physiotherapy in (Heardman), 708 (B. rev.) use of intravenous iron in practice of (Bri,scoe), 99 year book of (Greenhill), 701 (B. rev.) in 1900 and 1950 (Quigley), 241 pathology of (Llusia), 700 (B. rev.) practice of (Jamain), 700 (B. rev.) textbook of (Cunningham), 700 (B. rev.) Ovarian and testicular tumors, homologous (Marchetti and Lewis), 294 carcinoma, migratory thrombophlebitis associated with (Womack and Castellano), 467 subsequent to hysterectomy (Thorp), 1177 (Abst.) cyst, large nonparasitic cyst of liver simulating an (Burch and Jones), 441



Ovarian-Cont'd Pitressin antidiuretic effect, inactivation of, by malignancies, treatment of, results of (Ranblood of pregnant women, further dall and Hall), 497 studies on (McCartney et al.), 847 pregnancy (Preston), 470 Pituitrin in uterine inertia (Simon), :!~~ report of case (Castleton and Wyatt), 897 (Abst.) Ovaries, neoplasms of, multiple, associated Pitocin, and ergonovine, effect of, on cardiae with carcinoid of the appendix rhythm during cyclopropane anes(Grunstein and Barrows), 679 thesia for parturition, comparison Ovary, carcinoma, primary, palliative surgery of (Morris et aL), 171 for (GrUnberger), 228 (Abst.) Placenta, 937, 1179, 1398 (Absts.) primary chorionepithelioma of (Roman and human, microscopic study of ramifications Feroldi), 1178 (Abst.) and characteristics of the fetal tubes and, donovanosis of, treated with vessels in (Danesino and Wiederaureomycin and surgery (Marmell 1 mann), 1179 (Abst.) et al.), 893 implantation of, treatment of intestinal Ovulation, eftects of ligation of inferior vena fistulae by (Gallegos), 117 6 (Abst.) cava and ovarian vessels on pregincision of, at cesarean section, a cause of nancy and, in the human being fetal anemia (Siddall and \Vest), (Collins et al.), 351 425 estrogen activity, and early pregnancy, simpremature separation of normally situate(l, ple test for determination of, using due to fetal suicide (Chalmers 1. the cervical mucus secretion (Ro1176 (Abst.) previa, an eleven-year review (Beilly et al.), land), 81 414 Placentae, abruptio, rupture of the basal P (

SUBJECT INDEX Pregnancy-Cont'd antidiuretic substance in urine during, and its frequent association with bacterial growth (Krieger and Butler), 1181 (Abst.) antithyroid drugs during (Astwood), 1174 (Abat.) associated with congenital abnormalities of female reproductive tract (Fenton and Singh), 744 complicated by subarachnoid hemorrhage (Trodella), 1377 complications, 1180 (Absts.) coronary artery disease in (Mendelson), 381 diagnosis of, use of Bufo bufo in (Diczfalusy and Westman), 230 (Abst.) male North American toad (Bufo Americanus) in (Forman and Floyd), 1352 duration of, variations in, and in weight of newborn (B~e), 476 (Abst.) early, simple test for determination of ovulation, eiltrogen activity and, using the cervical mucus secretion (Roland), 81 ectopic, d i a g nos i s and management of (Campbell), 54 effect of ligation of inferior vena cava and ovarian vessels on, in the human being (Collins et al.), 351 endometriosis in, c lin i c a I observations (Gainey et al.), 511 ethinyl estradiol in (Birnberg et al.), 1151 gastric ulcer in hiatal hernia complicating (Hahn), 222 hepatitis complicating (O'Connell), 449 Hodgkin's disease and (Stewart and Mon· to), 570 report of 12 cases (Hennessy and Rottino), 756 idiopathic diabetes insipidus with normal (Tannenbaum et al.), 472 in myasthenia gravis (Schade and Foley) 1154


in uterus diaelphys, abortion of decidual cast complicating (Kohl), 676 induced, in a mammalian host following severe total bod y x-irradiation (Rekers), 477 (Abst.) interstitial, developing into the broad ligament (Kobak and Le Vine), 684 leucemia in, acute myelogenous (Auer), 445 maintenance of early, despite extirpation of three corpora lutea (Kulseng-Hanssen), 1182 (Abst.) maternal rubella in, children born deaf following, psychoeducational study of (Levine), 231 (Abst.) methemoglobinemia during, with subsequent death of infant (Askari and Hodas), 437 monoamniotic twin; five new cases (King et al.), 691 multiple sclerosis complicating (Baker), 917 myomatous uterus complicated by (Parks and Barter), 260 normal and toxemic, metabolism of histidine and histamine in (Kapeller-Adler), 1399 (Abst.) ovarian (Preston), 470 report of case (Castleton and Wyatt), 897 physiology, 937, 1182 (Absts.) renal contraindications to (Gibson), 1326 rheumatic fever in, acute, effect of ACTH on (Singh .and Miller), 452 rupture of aneurysm of left external iliac artery during (Priddle), 461 01' liver in; a rare complication of eclampsia (Speert and Tillman), 1127 of umbilical cord during (Swanberg and Wiqvist), 1182 (Abst.) of' uterus, spontaneous, during (H~lund), 1180 (Abst.) serum proteins in (Miller et al.), 937 test for, based on histaminolytic activity of serum (Dodge), 1213 testing, use of male grass frog (Rana pipiens), in (Hause), 1356

Pregnancy-Cont'd toxemia, 477, 938 (Absts.) blood pressure and prognosis in (Mukherjee and Govan), 939 (Abst.) hypertension of, mechanisms regulating the hemodynamic changes in the pregnant woman and their relation to (Assali et al.), 978 prophylaxis and treatment of late, with special reference to acidifying salts (Parviainen et al.), 477 (Absts.) toxemias of, clinical report on (Hendel man and Philpott), 72 drugs used in, effect of, on renal output (de Alvarez and Richards), 1263 retinal chan~es in. II. Mild and severe hypertension, renal disease, and diabetes mellitus (Landesman et al.), 16 tubal, full-term (O'Connell), 1305 urinary excretion of chorionic gonadotropins in, serum concentration and (Anzisi and Vag-lio), 1182 (Abst.) varicose veins of (Mullane), 620 with ruptured membranes, 116 days of, successful termination of (Gozan), 920

Pregnanediol excretion in menstrual cycle (Fischer et al.), 613 Pregnant woman, hemodynamiC changes in. mechanisms regulating the, and their relation to the hypertension of toxemia of pregnancy (Assali et al.), 978 women, inactivation of Pitressin antidiuretic effect by, further studies on blood of (McCartney et al.), 847 Premature baby, caring for (Saltzman), 711 (B. rev.) Prenatal multiple immunization (Cohen et al.), 232 (Abst.) Presacral epidermoid cysts in women (Melody), 1119 Presentation, brow (Ingerslev), 228 (Abst.) transverse, ten years' experience wit h (Gareis and Ritzenthaler), 583 Progesterone and water-soluble extracts of desiccated corpus luteum, uterine contractions at term after administration of (Rowe-Dutton et al.), 1318

intravenous administration of, 'study of effect of (Diczfalusy and Westman), 1395 (Abst.) metabolism. I. Pregnanediol excretion in the menstrual cycle (Fischer et al.), 613

Prolonged labor (Starr), 333 Prostigmine in amenorrhea




Protamine sulfate and toluidine blue, use of, for abnormal ute r i n e bleeding (Rumbolz et al.), 1029 Pruritus vulvae, management of, an adjunct to (Ballentine), 218 Psychosomatic g y n e colo g y (Kroger and Freed), 702 (B. rev.) Puerperium, 233, 939 (Absts.) androgen-estrogen combination, use of, to prevent pain and lactation in (Katzman), 1338 hemoglobin level in, significance of (Dean), 233 (Abst.) leukosis occurring in, showing deposits in the endometrium (Hampson), 940 (Abst.) poliomyelitis in pregnancy and, experience in Detroit epidemics of 1949 and 1950 (Priddle et al.), 408 rupture of bladder In, spontaneous intraperitoneal (Deacon), 939 (Abst.) Salmonella suipestifer var. Kunzendorf infection in (Hesseltine and Turner), 697

Pulmonary embolism, nonfatal maternal, by 90lniotic fluid (Hager and Davies),



Radiation, 233, 477 (Absts.) intracavitary, treatment of benign uterine bleeding with (Hundley et al.), 1234 Rana pipiens, use of, in pregnancy testing (Hause), 1356 Henal agenesis and malformation of bony pelvis, uterus unicornis unicollis associated with (Ungerleider), 200 contra indications to pregnancy (Gibson) , 1326 failure, acute (Sophian), 944 (Correspondence) output, effect on, of drugs used in pregnancy toxemias (de Alvarez and Richards), 1263 pelvis anci. ureter (Narath), 706 (I3. rev.) ReproductiYe capacity, return of, following spontaneous abortion (Sullivan), 671 tract, congenital abnormalities of female, pregnancy associated with (Fenton and Singh), 744 Retinal changes in toxemias of pregnancy. II. Mild and severe hypertension, renal disease, and d i abe t e s mellitus (Landesman et al.), 16 Retrolental fibroplasia, pathogenesis, role of hemorrhage in (Laupus and Bousquet)' 936 (Abst.) Rh antibodies, importance of the titer of, in sensitized pre g nan t Rh-negative woman for prognosis (Wiener et al.L 6 hapten therapy in prevention of erythroblastosis, efticacy of (Marsters et al.), 549 sensitization, studies in. V. Importance of the titer of Rh antibodies in the sensitized pre g nan t Rh-negative woman for prognosis (,Viener et al.), 6 Rh-sensitized pregnancies, Pranone and ACTH in, experience with (Holmstrom), 1038 Rhabdomyoblastoma, grape-like sarcoma of vagina in children, contribution to study of (Alvarez-Zamora), 1178 (Abst.) Rhabdomyosarcoma of uterus (Peckham and Greene), 1379 Rheumatic fever, acute, in pregnancy, effect of ACTH on (Singh and Miller), 452 Right lower quadrant surgery, selective, it is curatiyc in women (Johnson), 1045 Roentgen fetal cephalometry (Bell and Rawlings), 1371 Roster of American obstetrical and gynecological societies, 238, 947 Round ligament, adenomyoma of, in pregnancy (Rubenstein and Kurzon), 458 sarcoma of (Bernstine and Breckinridge), 1367 Rupture, bilateral follicular (Fielding), 1384 of bladder in puerperium, spontaneous intraperitoneal (Deacon), 939 (Abst.) Ruptured endometrial cysts as cause of acute abdominal symptoms (Pratt et al.). 90 membranes, method for detection of, through examination of vaginal cytology (Hopman), 1342 pregnancy with 116 days of, successful termination of (Gozan), 920 S

Sagittal expansion in narrow midpelves (Hanson), 1312 Saln10nella infections of ne\vborn (E~pstein et al.), 935 (Abst.) suipestifer val'. Kunzendorf infection in the puerperium (Hesseltine and Turner), 697

Salpingitis, gonorrheal, cornual resection in chronic, 114 cases of (Davidson), 1396 (Abst.) Sarcoma of round ligament (Bernstine and Breckinridge), 1367 of uterus, twenty-six cases (Fenton an,j Burke), 158 Sernen, human, fructose and fructolysis in (Hirnberg et al.), 877 Semisynthetic oxytocic (Methergine) use of in third stage of labor (Fitz: gerald), 865 Serum, histaminolytic activity of, test for pregnancy based on (Dodge), 1218 proteins in pregnancy (Miller et al.), 9:l7 (Abst.) Shock, posthemorrhagie, in newborn l'Vickster), 524 Sodium chlori,le test for diagnosis of pr(;eclampsia (Dieckmann et al.), 78:1 Somatic abdominopelvic pain, recognition and treatment (Eller), 1019 Spermatozoa, viability of human, mixed with penicillin G deposited in the female (Goldfarb), 1322 Spinal anesthesia as treatment of postpartum atony of uterus (Fuchs), 93:] (Abst.) in obstetr,cs, single dose low (Torkelson and Cooley), 931 (AbsL) Sterility, 478 (Absts.) and infertility, 233, 940 (Absts.) uterine malformations in manag(";ment of (Steinberg), 827 azoospermia and, statistical study of lOll cases (Seguy and TchiloyansJ 940 (Abst.) , diagnostic routine in, in clinic of government hospital (Goulart de Andrade an,] Campos da Paz Filho), 235 (Abst.) gonadotrophins in large and small doses preliminary note upon employment of (Palmer), 235 (Abst.) menstrual disorders and, diagnosis and treatment of (Mazer and Israel) 706 (B. rev.) , spermigration and fertilization in human problems relating to study of (Moricard), 234 (Abst.) tubal factor in female (Matthew), 478 (Abst.) Steroids in experimental and clinical practice. symposium on (White), 705 (B. rev. ) Stillbirths and neonatal deaths, three-year survey (Schoenvogel and Higginbotham), 41 Stress incontinence, Marshall-Marchetti operation, a review (Gallaher), 842 physiology and pathology of exposure to (Selye), 1393 (B. rev.) Subarachnoid hemorrhage. pregnancy COlllplicated by (TrodeJla), 1377 Sulfonamidt, jelly, vaginal use of, induced sensitivity from (Branscomb), 175 Sulfonamities. clinical evaluation of, in cervi'cal and vaginal therapy (Jacoby and Bobker), 1349 Superfetation, eoneerning question of (SaIfelder and Lambertz), 938 (AbsL) Surgery, right lower quadrant, selective, is it curative in women (Johnson), 1045 Surgical care ( Elman), 707 ( B. rev.) manag en t of carcinoma of cervix (Kelso).


needle-holder (Schwartz). 219 Symphysiotomy. present day problems of (Lopez), 1390 (13. rev.) Syncytioma. malignant, following benig'n hydatidiform mole (Kistner), 888 Syphilis, congenital, in one of apparently ide n tic a I twins (Raskin), 940 ( AbsL)


T Table for gynecography (Stein and Arens), 1169 Thiourea derivatives and the fetus, review and report of case (Hepner), 869 Thrombophlebitis, migratory, associated with ovarian carcinoma (Womack and Castellano), 467 Tokodynamometer, study of missed abortion with (Rowe-Dutton et al.), 650 Toluidine blue and protamine sulfate, use of, for a b norm a I uterine bleeding (Rumbolz et al.), 1029 Torsion of normal uterine adnexa (Warwick et al.), 883 Toxemia, 1183, 1398 (Absts.) eclamptic, minerals in etiology and treatment of (Garrett), 1184 (Abst.) of pregnancy, blood pressure and prognosis of (Mukherjee and Govan), 939 (Abst. ) Toxemias of pregnancy, clinical report on (Hendelman and Philpott), 72 drugs used in, effect of, on renal output (de Alvarez and Richards), 1263 hypertension of, mechanisms regulating the . hemodynamic changes in the pregnant woman and their relation to (Assali et al.), 978 prophylaxis and treatment of late, with special reference to acidifying salts (Parviainen et al.), 477 (Abst.) retinal changes in. II. Mild and severe hypertension, renal disease, and diabetes mellitus (Landesman et al.), 16 Tracheobronchial aspiration of newborn and premature i n fan t, catheterizing laryngoscope for (Emerson), 1374 Tracheotomy in eclampsia (Collins et al.), 1052 Transverse presentation, ten years' experience with (Gareis and Ritzenthaler), 583 Tubal factor in female sterility (Matthew), 478 (Abst.) insufflation, 235 (Absts.) pregnancy, full-term (O'Connell), 1305 Tuberculosis, genital, in women, diagnosis and treatment of (Liljedahl and Ryden), 1396 (Abst.) pulmonary, therapeutic abortion in, results following (Schaefer and Epstein), 129 Tuberculous endometritis, unsuspected, detection and treatment of (Levine and Kurland), 420 Tubes and ovary, donovanosis of, treated with aureomycin and surgery (Marmell et al.), 893 Tumor, hemangiopericytoma, an unusual (Forman and Campbell), 929 nomenclature and coding, manual of (American Cancer Society), 1386 (B. rev.) Tumors, mesodermal mixed, of body of uterus; two cases of (Hardy and Moragues), 307 of corpus uteri (McElin and Davis), 605 ovarian and testicular, homologous (Marchetti and Lewis), 294 pelvic, arising extragenitally and obstructing delivery, review of (Haeger), 1180 (Abst.) U

Umbilical cord, congenital and acquired lesions. of, and spontaneous abortion (Javert and Barton), 1065 rupture of, during pregnancy (Swanberg and Wiqvist), 1182 (Abst.) cords, stripping or milking of, effect of, on cesarean section babies (Siddall et al.), 1059 Ureter, renal pelvis and (Narath), 706 (B. rev.)


Ureter-Cont'd supernumerary, opening extravesically, a case of (Carlsen), 931 (Abst.) vascular supply to, variability of (Varverikosi, 774 Urethra, carcinoma, primary, with metastases (Eisenstaedt), 474 (Abst.) Urinary excretion of chorionic gonadotropins in pregnancy, serum concentration and (Anzisi and Vaglio), 1182 (Abst.) sediment, cytology of, correlation of, with endometrial histology (Taylor and McCallin), 1009 stress incontinence, combined vaginal and abdominal plication and cystopexy for (Ball), 1245 Urine during pregnancy, antidiuretic substance in, and its frequent association with bacterial growth (Krieger and Butler), 1181 (Abst.) Uterine adnexa, normal, torsion of (Warwick et al.), 883 bleeding, abnormal, use of protamine SUlfate and toluidine blue for (Rumbolz et al.), 1029 benign, treatment of, with intracavitary radiation (Hundley et al.), 1234 endometrium and its vasculature overlying submucous flbroids in relation to (Duperroy), 1110 functional, hormonal control of (Greenblatt and Barfield), 153 intravenous estrogen in, effect of (Greenblatt and Barfield), 1173 (Abst.) carcinogenesis, interaction of hormone-induced tissue growth and vital inorganic elements in (Hofbauer), 136 closure in classical cesarean section, an improved (Jacobson), 933 (Abst.) contractions at term after .administration of progesterone and water-soluble extracts of desiccated corpus luteum (Rowe-Dutton et al.), 1318 inertia, posterior pituitary extract in (Simon), 229 (Abst.) primary, di-hydroergotamine in treatment of, experiences with (Gill and Farrar), 1176 malformations in management of sterility and infertility (Steinberg), 827 myoma, rupture of a subserous vein on surface of, causing massive intraperitoneal hemorrhage (Li and Braden), 1167 myomas, growth of, r.ate of (Speert), 880 suspension, a Baldy-Webster, an unusual complication following (Brady), 922 Uterus bicornis unicollis with rudimentary horn (Carpenter and Jameson), 206 body of, mesodermal mixed tumors of, two cases of (Hardy and Moragues) , 307 cancer cytology of (Ayre), 1388 (B. rev.) of cervix of, advanced, fate of patient with (Cosbie), 108 didelphys, adenocarcinoma occurring in one cervix of, associated with solitary kidney (Grant and Pierce), 212 pregnancy in, abortion of decidual cast complicating (Kohl), 676 endometrial carcinosarcoma, leiomyofibroma, and infiltrating cervical epidermoid carcinoma in the same (Lisa et al.), 1162 gravid, gunshot wound of, case of, (Jacobus), 687 inversion of, non-puerperal (Jones), 475 (Abst.) lipoma of (Decker), 911 myomatous, complicated by pre g nan c y (Parks and Barter), 260 postpartum atony of, spinal anesthesia as treatment of (Fuchs), 932 (Abst.) rhabdomyosarcoma of (P e c k ham and Greene), 1379



Ctel'us-Cont'd rupture of, spontaneous, during pregnancy (H~lund), 1180 (Abst.) ~arcoma of, 26 cases (Fenton and Burke I. 158 tmicornis unicollis associated with renal agenesis and malformation of bony pelvis (rngerleider), 200 V


and cervix, pre- and postoperative treatment of, Furacin vaginal suppositories in (Schwartz), 579 congenital absence of, Baldwin-Mori operation for, review of (Brocq and Robert), 1395 (Abst.) infantile, biology of (Montalvo and Siocker). 1397 (Abst.) rhabdomyoblastoma, grape-like sarcoma of, in children, contribution to study of (Alvarez-Zamora), 1178 (Abst.) Vaginal and cervical cancer, intra-arterial nitrogen mustard therapy in treatment of (Cromer et al.), 538 cytology, method for detec:lon of ruptured membranes through examination of (Hopman), 1342 infections, 236 (Absts.) length and incidence of dyspareunia following total abdominal hysterectomy (Jewett), 400

Vaginal-Cont'd plastic surgery, role of, in rehabilitation of women past age 60 (Payne), :117 suppositories, Furacin, in pre- and postoperative treatment of cervix and vagina (Schwartz), 579 therapy, sulfonamides in, clinical evaluation of (Jacoby and Bobker), 1349 use of sulfonamide jelly, induced sensitivity from (Branscomb), 175 Yaginoperineal fistula, endometriosis occurring in a (Kistner and Younge), 455 Varicose veins of pregnancy (Mullane), fi~O Vasa previa (Torrey), 146 Vascular supply to ureter, vilriability of (Va,'\'erikos), 774 Veins, pelvic, in female. radiologic exploration of (auilhem et al.), 233 (Abst,) Yenereal diseases, 940 (Absts.) Vermiform appendix, endometriosis of (Sutton and Hardy), 1139 Vesicouterine fistula, unusual (Rond anll Hagel'S), 215 Vesicovaginal fistulas (Carter et al.), 479 Vulva, cancer of, treatment of (Cosbie), 251 hidradenoma of (Allen and Funnell), 1364 leukoplakia of, estrogens in treatment of, abuse of (Christy), n:l3