INDEX TO VOLUME I, 1952 REFERENCES AND ABBREVIATIONS with the right to the prefix Royal will be found under that prefix, with the AU Universities which are separately indexed under Societies. Medical S’ocieties, exception of Universities. under word the indexed are (A) Annotation, (C) Correspondence,
Institutions and
Leading Article, (ML) Parliament, and (R)
Medicine and the Law, (NI)
New Invention, (0)
Advisory Council
on Alcoholism, 474 in Africans Africa—anæmia (Hutton) (C) 105, (Lehmann) (C) 311, (Foy and Kondi) (C) 416, (Whelan and Cheek)
of Acute Abdomen-Early Diagnosis Abdomen (Cope) (R) 32 ; injury of, from cricket-ball (Read) (C) 717 ; (Davidson) (C) 566, (Hutton) ((’) 617, , neonatal lesions of (Rickham) 334 ; (Foy, Kondi, Hargreaves, and Lowry) recurrent abdominal pain in children 1221 ; Bone Lesions of Yaws in Uganda (Franklin) 1267 (Hackett) (R) 1241: cancer in ((’root and Davies) (C) 158 ; research on Abortion, therapeutic, indications for, 31 Abrahams, M., Modern Dietary Traattropical medicine in Liberia, 323 ment (R) 138 Aftercare of tuberculous (Tattersall) 204 After fifty-six years (Learmonth) 831 Abrahams, Sir A., proctalgia fugax (C) 424 Abscess—Lung Abscess (Brock) (R) 1051; Aged—Beechgrove home for aged sick, of brain (A) 144; of breast (Atkins) 271 1265 ; care of, 154, (P) 463, in Scotland Abstracting services, coordination of (A) 41 (P) 826 ; employment of, 474 ; geriatric Accidents-in factories (A) 455 ; proneproblem in mental hospitals (Cook, ness to (A) 1295 Greenfield Dax, and Maclay) 377 ; home for aged sick, 981 ; homes for, Acetylaminofiuorene (LA) 85 Acetylcholine in anxiety states (A) 862 474, 981, 1265 ; hospital service for phosphatase-rise of serum-acid(Hughes and Pugmire) 1249, (McGregor) phosphatase level after palpation of (C) 1309 ; houses for (P) 516 ; in mental prostate (Daniel and Van Zyl) 998 hospitals in Scotland (P) 827 ; living at home, welfare of, 210 ; Old People in Acrodynia, see Pink disease .Northern Problems Acrylonitrile, 57 Ireland, 1118 ; Acta Geneticœ Medicœ et Gemeliologiœ, 621 of Aging (Shock) (R) 648 A.c.T.H., see Adrenocorticotropic hormone Agene (P) 308, 1050 Actualites hematologiques (Glaunes) (R) Agglutination test for rheumatoid arthritis 194 (Hobson and Gorrill) 389, (Scott) Adamson, A. C., injection routine, 410 392, (Ball) (C) 614 Addiction to drugs--control of, 1026 ; Agranulocytosis during treatment with Indian Hemp (Johnson) (R) 1096 ; in diethazinc hydrochloride (Heller and adolescents (A) 654 ; publicity for, 830 Sime) 192 Adenoma, islet-cell, pituitary growth Agriculture—poisoning by phosphorus hormone in hyperinsulinism due to compounds used in (Bidstrup and and Young) Hunter) (C) 262 ; Agriculture (Poiscnous (Black, MacDougall, Reid,
Adolescents, see Children Adoption of children, 1169 Adrenal, see Suprarenal gland Adrenaline—carbohydrate metabolism and (Long) 329 ; eosinopenia due to (Kark and Muehrcke) 1189 Adrenocorticotropic hormone-882; allergy to bovine (W’est and Newns) (C) 1308 ; and hair growth in alopecia (Wilson) 646, (Bishop and de Mowbray) (C) 1258 ; assay of, on thymus of nestling rat (Bruce, Parkes, and Perry) 790 ; by subcutaneous drip " (West and Xewns) (C) 466 homografts (Butterfield, Williams, and Evans) and 737 ; hyaluronidase and (Pelloja) 233 ; hypothermic and antipyretic effect of (Douglas and Paton) 342 ; in adrenogenital syndrome (LA) 1292 ; in exophthalmic ophthalmoplegia ((’handler and Hartfall) 847. (Shubert) ((’) 1307 ; in hæmolytic anæmia (Clearkin) 183, in (C) (Hansen) 419; postpartum plama, (A) 354, (Boë and Salvesen) (C’) in scleroderma 121U ; (Briggs and Illingworth) 346 : in Stevens-Johnson syndrome (A)40, (Steigman and Kelly) ((’) 875 ; in treatment of peptic ulcer (A) 201 : pigment hormone and (A) 1150, (Morris) (C) 12t0 ; preparation and properties of, 814 ; Proceedings of Second
Conferene test for bloodA.C.T.H. (C) slow(Sulman) 1161 ; release medium for (Bruce and Parkes) 71, Solem and Holtermann) (C) 468 ; Untoward Reactions of Cortisone and A.C.T.H. (Derbes and Weiss) (R) 1145 ; zill- in Holtermann, Heier, and Bergh) (C) 1308 Adrenogenital syndrome (LA) 1292 Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry (Hudson and Cantor) (R 1290)
(Mote) (R) 546 ;
A Concordance of page numbers and dates of issue will be found
Substances) Bill (P) 1263 als H., Ahlenstiel, Rotgriinblindheit Erlebnis (R) 750 Aiken, D., braided tantalum wire (C) 1022 Ainley-Walker, K. M. S., intrathecal aurcomycin in meningitis, 433 Air embolism, cerebral, complicating spontaneous pneumothorax (Laha) (C) 1211 Alastrim (LA) 405, 425, 471, 507, 608, 713, (P) 724, 827, 881, 930, 978, 1025, 1073
Alcock, X. S., unusual epidemic (C) 467 Alcock, S., charges for prescriptions (C) 819 Alcoholism—Advisory Council on Alcoholism, 474 ; facts and figures on (PullarStrecker) 555, (Eggleton) (C) 617 ;
opposite page
American academic grants, 1122 American College of Physicians, 1011 ’
Amino-aciduria-after burn Lysol ’ (Spencer and Franglen) 190 ; in cystine disease and storage (Bickel Smellie) 1093 Ammi majus in vitiligo (A) 1059 Amoebiasis and antibiotics (A) 655. (Malhotra) (C) 823 Amsler, A. M. (0) 1311 Anaemia-Anemias (de la Loma) (R) 546 ; chlorosis (LA) 598, (Bearn) (C) 675 ; dibothriocephalus, 1110 ; haemo-
lytic (Maingot) 626, A.C.T.11. in (Clearkin) 183, (Hansen) (C) 419 ; in Africans (Hutton) (C) 105, (Lehmann) (C) 311, (Foy and Kondi) (C) 416, (Whelan and Cheek) (Davidson) (C) 566, (Hutton) (C) 617 ; in chronic renal failure (Roscoe) 444 ; macrocytic (Narayanan) (C) 1163 ; megaloblastic, in Africans, response of, to penicillin (Foy, Kondi, Hargreaves, and Lowry) 1221 ; sickle-cell anomaly as sign of Mediterranean anaemia. (Caminopetros) 687, (Lehmann) (Caminopetros) (C) 1068, (Choremis) (C) 1069, (Caminopetros) (C) 1212, (Dreyfuss and Benyesch) (C) 1213 ; treatment of acquired hæmolytic anaemia with Compound F acetate (Rosenthal, Spaet, Goldenberg, and Dameshek) 1135 Anaesthesia-a.utomatic (A) 40 ; cyclopropane, risks with (Russell) (C) 878, (Panton) (Weisz) (C) 977, (Rickards) (C) 1022, (Galley) (C) 1072, (Salt) (C) 1309 ; death from administration of anaesthetic (ML) 1167 ; for tuberculous (Mushin) (C) 617, (Ballantine) (Gould) (C) 671, (Wright) (C) 718, (Sandiford) (C) 820 ; hiccup during (Fajardo) (C) 266, (Lee) (Tobin) (Smith) (C) 365, (Hendrie) (Kaufman) (C) 466, (Ballantine) (C) 515, (Bonstein) (C) 564, (Clutton-Brock) (Ghose) (C) 615, (Rollason) (Macdonald) (C) 674, (Moloney) (C) 1020, (Bourne) (C) 1067, (Mostert) in casualty (C) 1310 ; department (Rook) 1202, (Franks) (C) 1259 ; inblood-transfusion under compatible (Hodges) (C) 923, (Hughes) (C) 1308 ; postural nerve block for intranasal operations (Curtiss) 989, (Appleton) (C) 1162 ; potential danger in endotracheal intubation (liddleton) (C) 566 ; thiopentone, use of, by newly qualified doctor (ML) 1167 Analgesia machines, gas-air, and C.M.’ attachment (Moir) (C) 618, (Nixon and
of chronic alcoholics 200 (Williams) 787 ; Sober Truth : Alcoholic Realities (Williams) (R) 32 see also ’ Antabus’ Alexandrides, C., unusual epidemic (C) 561 Allan. T. M.—blood-groups and reproduction ((’) 102, ((’) 370 ; rhesus nomenclature (C) 615, (C) 1210 Allen, A. C., Kidney (R) 32 Ransom) (C) 674 Allergy—erythema nodosum (A)) 1009 ; Anaphylaxis, discovery of, 1121 Progress in Allergy (Kallos) (R) 246 ; Anatomy—Applied Anatomy for Nurses to hoTine A.C.T.H. (West and Newns) (Bocock and Haines) (R) 1146 ; Cunn(C) 1308 ; tuberculin, and B.C.G. vaccinaingham’s Textbook of Anatomy (Brash) tion (Palmer) 935, (LA) 953 84 ; (R) temporomandibular joint as standard for Allopregnane -3&bgr;-diol (Berry) 82 detcrmination of urinary pregnanediol Anatomy Act (Fcrbes) (C) 611 (Haslam and Klyne) 399 W., mass radiography Anderson, A. (C) 764 Allport, H. W., Individual and His Religion (IW 137 Andrtrson, C. M., cœliac disease, 836 Alopl’cia. effect of A.C.T.H. on hair growth Andenion, J. P.. age at onset of tuberin (Wilson) 646, (Bishop and de Mowculosis (C) 876 Anderson, T.. pneumonia in Glasgow, 640 bxay? (C) 1238 Alvarez, W. C.. Neuroses (R) 245 Andrejevié. M., night acidity and duodenal ulcer (0 1306 Ambroise Paré—Apologic and Treatise of Ambroise Pare (Keynes) (R) 906 Andrews, E. D., needs and means (C) 364 Ambrose, G., nervous control of sweating Aneurine (LA) 140 of ((’) 926 Aneurisms, intracranial, treatment Ambulance service aided by radio, 306 (correction) 60
Angiography—angiocardiography, .Normal Cerebral (R) 1146
thecal, in meningitis (Ainley-Walker and Bosanquet) 433, (Martinez) (C) 561, (Liversedge) (C) 675, (Shee) (C’) 924 ; therapy followed by moniliasis pneumonia (Wolff) 1236
1011 ;
Angus, J., poisoning by barbiturates, 580 Animals- Animal W-elfare and Teaching of Biology (Dark) 110 ; animal welfare Auricular fibrillation-and anti-histamine in U.S.A. (A) 1104 ; living, experiments drugs (A) 403 ; paroxysmal, 761, on (P) 662 ; neuroses in, 665 (correction) 830 Annals of Physical Medicine, 427 Auricular flutter (A) 251, (Hahn) (C) Annee therapeutique en ophtalmologie 368, (Fleischmann) (C) 767 and 800 Dubois-Poulsen) (R) (Jayle Australia—Murray Valley encephalitis (A) Anning, S. T., varicose ulcers (C) 877, 501 ;; scarcity of resident posts in (C) 1021 hospitals in (A) 603 Annotated Bibliography of 3ledic-al llyco- Autosensitisation in skin diseases (A) 90, logy, 10 7 5 (Baikie) (C) 213 Annual Review of Microbiology (Clifton, and 402 Raffel, Barker) (R) B Anorectal spasm, see Proctalgia fugax B52 (A) 499 Anorexia nervosa (Hubble) 1124 Anoxia in newborn, 96 B283 (A) 499 Antabus,’ pharmacology of (A) 1247 Baar, H. S.—lactosuria (C) 978 ; liver and Antibiotics—adrenocorticomimetic effects endocrine dysfunction (C) 516 of (Barnard) (C) 612; Dictionary of Babies-anoxia in newborn, 96 ;; Bact. Antibiosis (Karel and Roach) (R) 856 coli meningitis in newborn (Fraser) gastro-intestinal reactions to (A) 352 (C’) 420 ; Battle for Mental Health in amœbiasis (A) 655, (Malhotra) (C) 823 ; (Moloney) (R) 596 ; crippled, register manufacture to aid (Franklin, Fairfield, and Rattenof, in U.S.A., 1026 ; routine testing of sensitivity of bacteria bury) (C) 109 ; dehydrated (A) 911 ; to (May and Morley) 636 fatty liver in (A) 1151 ; feeding risks in in Anticoagulants congestive heart-failure early life (A) 754 ; haemolytic disease of newborn, antenatal prediction of 1012 auricular Anti-histamine ha-molytic disease of drugs-and (Bevis) 395 : fibrillation Anti-histamine newborn, treatment of (Mollison and (A) 408 ; infusion Walker) 429 ; splint for Agents (film) 829 (Barrie) (NI) 1001 ;Muskulare SchiefAnus—imperforate (Rickham) 334 ;; see hals beim also Proctalgia fugax Neugebornen (R) 1096 ; neonatal surgery (Rickham) 332 ; ophAnxiety states, acetylcholine in (A) 862 anomalies of aortic thalmia neonatorum, Aorta-congenital terramycin in arch (Dolt on and Jones) 537 ; unusual attempted prophylaxis of (O’Brien) aortic murmur (Whiteside) (C’) 1023 347, (O’Brien) (C) 675 ; paroxysmal tachycardia in (Neubauer) (C) 106, Apologie and Treatise of Ambroise Paré ; (Keynes) (R) 906 (Keizer) (C) 160 ; Pathology of Fetus Newborn and (Potter) (R) 1290 ; Apperly, F. L., Patterns of Disease 293 (R) Physiology of Newborn Infant (Smith) nerve block for ’ , effect of ’ AureoN., postural (R) 494 ; premature, Appleton, intranasal operations (C) 1162 mycin ’ on survival and growth of (Robinson) (C) 52 ; self-demand feeding Appliances, surgical—for outpatients (P) of 929 ; number supplied (P) 929 (Illingworth, Stone, Jowett, and Scott) 683, (Wallace) (C) 821, (Neville) Applied Anatomy for Nurses (Bocock and Haines) (R) 1146 (C) 927, (White) (C) 1022 ;slipping rib in newborn (Arthurton) 1142 ; sudden Applied Statistics, 932 death in (LA) 1291 ; see also Congenital Appointment-Irish, 573 ; system- for malformations outpatients (Welch and Bailey) 1105, (Murley) (Hawksley) (C) 1208, (Denness) Bach, F., Rheumatism and You (R) 596 (Stanford) (C) 1209, (Lee) (C) 1262, Bacilli, see Bacteriology (P) 1302, (Spencer) (Bowring) (C) ’, Bacitracin in amosbiasis (A) 655 1307 ; to boards of governors of pro- Bacteriology—Bacteria (Bisset) (R) 1194 ; continuous culture of bacteria, 1120 ; vincial teaching hospitals, 969 flagella (A) 88 ; L forms of bacteria (A) Aqua pura (A) 145 Armstrong, J. R., herniation of nucleus pul- ’, 1008 ; Medical Bacteriology (Whitby and Hynes) (R) 83 ; new mycobacterium pcsus (C’) 264 (A) 145 ; Recent Advances in BacterioArmy, see SERVICES logy (MacLennan) (R) 294 ; routine Arquiros Brasileiros de Medicina, 1122 testing of sensitivity of, to antibiotics Arquiros de Clinir’a., 1122 Artane ’ in parkinsonism (Farquhar) 638 (May and Morley) 636 ;see also StaphyArteries-aberrant renal (Bensusan) lococci, Tubercle bacilli ((’) 317 ; arterial grafts (Lanari) ((’) 1021, Badenoch, J., idiopathic steatorrhcea, 238 preservation of, by freezing (Hufnagel Baikie, A. G.—autosensitisation in skin diseases ((’) 21:3 : ’ Ciba 92U5,’ 1144 and Eastcott) 531 ; congenital anomalies of aortic arch (Dolton and Jones) Bailey, D., acute infections of hand, 167 537 ; effects of arterial arrest (A) 1245; Bailey, N. T. J., appointment systems for outpatients, 1105 temporal arteritis (A) 455 ; unusual aortic murmur (Whiteside) ((’) 1023 Baking flour, agents in, 1050 for Arthritis—bicycling polyarthrities BAL, sec Dimercaprol (Nightingale) (C) 5,i ; Spondylarthrite Baldness, use of A.C.T.H. in (Wilson) 646 (Forestier, ankylosantc Jacqueline, and Ball, J., agglutination tests for rheumatoid arthritis (C’) 614 see also Rotes-Querol) (R) 1145 ; .
Rheumatoid arthritis
Arthroplasty (LA) 37 Arthurton, M., slipping
in newborn,
Arvidsson, I’.B., breast-feeding and diet (C) 317 Ascorbic acid, see Vitamin C Asherson, N., Leonardo da Vinci’s left hand (C) 874 Aspin, J., spread of tuberculosis in contact households, 502 Association
Industry, 981 Association of Hospital mittees, 1265
Management (’oiii-
Asthma—Asthmatic Child (Walker) 1216 ; Management of Bronchial Asthma (Herxheimer) (R) 1145 Atterman, K.—cortisone and experimental exophthalmos, 1143 ; eortisone-induced precocious puberty in rats, 545 Atkin, I.. leucotomy (C) 61U, (C) 768 Atkins, H. J. B.—pain in breast, 271 (C’) 510 ; sealed drainage (C) 1310 Atkinson, L. C.. Havgarth House (C) 312 Atla- of General Affections of Skeleton (Fairbanks) (R) 952 Atropine and cancer (Holm) (C) 618 ..
Aureomycin—administration of (LA) 1100 ; effect of, on survival and growth of premature infants (Robinson) (C) 52 gastro-intestinal reactions to (A) 352 ; in amcebiasis (A) 655 ; in burns (Lowbury. Topley, and Hood) 1036 ; intra-
Bastards (ML) 320 Bath, exercises in, and physical fitness (Hill) (C) 422 Batten, L. W., patchwork (C) 51 Batteries, standard, for hearing-aids, 220 Battle for Mental Health (Moloney) (R) 596 Batty Shaw, A., cerebral symptoms in cardiac infarction (C) 763 Bauer, F., tension pneumothorax following tracheotomy (C) 560 Bauer, W., eosinophil-counts, 129 Bavin, E. li., nisin, 127 Bax, H. R., regenerative power of liver, 75 Baylis, J. H., dimercaprol in hypertension, 1092 B.c.G. vaccination-(Tattersall) 203 ; and tuberculin allergy (Palmer) 935, (LA) 953 ; compulsory for child contacts of tuberculosis in France, 100 ; in Eire, 1074 A. 127 S., nisin, Beach, Beach, F. A., Patterns of Sexual Behaviour (A) 407 Bearn, F. A., corsets and chlorosis (C) 675 Beaumont, G. E.-cat-bite fever (C) 718 ; Recent Advances in Medicine (R) 1242 Beck, A. C., Obstetrical Practice (R) 906 Becker, B. J. P., infestation of human brain with larvse of Multiceps multiceps (correction) 112
Beds-amenity, 305, 1121, charges for, British standard, 1076 ; for 1109 ; elderly and senile (Cook, Dax, and for Maclay) 377 ; permanent invalids (P) 770 ; private, 1121, in London hospitals (P) 1118 ; right patient in right bed, 663 ; sanatorium (Tattersall) 203, use of (Lowe and Geddes) 92 ; see also Emergency Bed Service Bedson, S. P., cat-scratch fever (C) 516 Bed strippers, British standard, 934 Beechgrove home for aged sick, 1265 BEFORE
OUR TIME.—Brown-Séquard (Jefferson) 760-Leonardo’s left hand (Capener) 813
and Behaviour-effect of hormones Patterns of environment on, 508 ; Sexual Behaviour (Ford and Beach) (A) 407 Beit Fellowships for medical research, 1314 Bell, E. T., Hypertension (R) 450 Bell, J., Treasury of Human Inheritance (R) 546 Bell, R., epilepsy after injection (C) 1072 Bencze, E., test of hypocorticoidism (C) 103 Bender, A. E., cancer research (C) 1311 Bendit, L. J., barbiturates (C) 467 Benefits, see National Insurance ‘ Benemid ’ with procaine penicillin (Walker and Hunter) (C) 104 Benjamin, B., effect of vitamin B12 on underweight children (C) 264 Benson, R., restrictions in heart-disease (C’) 1020 Bensted, H. J., cat-scratch fever (C) 1067 Bensusan, A. D., aberrant renal arteries (C) 317 Bentley, F. J., tuberculosis services (C) 417 Benyesch, M., sickle-cell trait in Arab (C) 1213 Benzhexol hydrochloride in parkinsonism (Farquhar) 638 Ballantine. R. 1. W.—anæsthesia for tuberculous ((’) 671 ; hiccup during Benzi—Ugo Benzi (Lockwood) (R) 402 515 anæsthesia ((.’) Beresford, 0. D., splenectomy (C) 819 Berg, (’., Unconscious Significance of Ballistocardiography, 1011 Hair (R) 294 Banks. H. S.—treatment of peniciilinresistant staphylococci with chloram- Bergh, H., zinc in A.C.T.H. (C) 1308 phenicol (C) 560 ; Waterhouse-Friderich- Berlyne, ::B .-peptic ulcer (C) 265 ; reaction to procaine penicillin (C’) 1309 sen syndrome treated with cortisone
(C) 1305 Berry, D. C., temporomandibular joint, 82 Banner. H., skin response to Trafuril Besnier’s prurigo (A) 4C6 in rheumatoid arthritis. 699 in Barber, G. O., colleges and faculties Beta-naphthyl-di-2-cliloroethylamine 314 multiple melanomatosis (Marcus, Black, and 764 Barbiturates—(A) 4o6, (Bendit) (C) 467, Parry) ((’) Davies) (C) 562 ; poisoning by (Loeket Beta rays-Biological Effects of External Beta Radiation (Zirkle) (R) 1146 and Angus) 580. (ML) 879 Barium enema in diaguosi-; of cancer of Bett, BV. R., Osler : Man and Legend (R) 1052 colon (Haggie) 21 R. D.—adrenocorticomimetic Between Life and Death (Williams) (R) Barnard, 294 effect- of antibiotics ((’) 612 ; hypoBetz. H., salicylates, 1083 kalæmia in ieukn-mia ((’) 371 Barnicot, X. A., urinary output of 17-kcto- Bevis, D. C. A., antenatal prediction of steroids in African Negroes, 93 hæmolytic disease of newborn, 395 Bevnon, A. E., mass radiography (C) 319 Baron, C. J. F., coroners (C) 873 H. Barrie. H.. infusion splint for infants Bhatia. M., new blood-group character. 903 (XJ) 1061 Barrow. M., needs and means (C’ 364 Bhende, Y. M., new " blood-group Barwell. C. F., appointment. 1264 character, 9u3 Basal metabolic rate—of normal people Bibby, C.. Health Education (R) 1194 in Britain. standards for (Robertson Bickel, H., cystuie storage disease with and Reid) 940, (LA) 954 ; versus radioamino-aciduria. 1093 iodine (Foote, Mackenzie, and Maclagan) Biekford, J. A. R., unusual epidemic (C) 511 486, (LA) 496. (Robertson) (C) 511, (Macgregor. Wayne. Miller, and Good- Bicycling for pojyarthritics (Xightingale) win) (C) 616, (Robertson) (C) 768 (C) 55
Bidstrup, P. L.-poisoning by phosphorus compounds used in agriculture (C) 262 ; prevention of acute D.N.O.C. poisoning, 794,(C) 1213 Bielschowsky, F., experimental cancer of thyroid (C) 310 Bile-duct, common, stone in (A) 1153 Bilirubinaemia as defensive factor (XajibFarah) (C) 1114 Billingham, R. E., homografts ((’) 976 Binger, C., More About Psychiatry (R) 138
Bintcliffe, E. W., (C’) 673
and Physio-
Biochemistry—Biochemistry logy of Protozoa (Lwoff) Biochemistry for Medical
83 ;
(Thorpe) (R) 32 Biology—Animal Welfare and Teaching of Biological Biology (Dark) 110 ; Effects
(Zirkle) (R) 1146 Birds-and encephalitis (A) 501 ; ornithosis, 57, (Duncan, Thomas, and Tobin) 696 Birth control, see Contraception Bishop, J. M., acute sore throat, 1183 Bishop, P. M. b’.-effect of cortisone on
excretion of 17-ketosteroids in adrenal virilism and in simple hirsutism, 1287 ; I
(Gynaecological Endocrinology (It) 138 ; ’ regrowth of hair in pregnancy (C) 1258
Bismuth, economy in, 58 Bisset, K. A., Bacteria (R) 1194 Black, D. A. K.-acute renal failure (C) 1262 ; potassium depletion, 244 Black, K. 0., pituitary growth hormone in
Black, T., R48 in multiple melanomatosis (C) 764 Blackcurrant syrup, effect of long-continued treatment with (Charley, Mumford, and Yudkin) (C) 267 Bladder, see Urinary bladder Blainey, J. D., hexamethonium compounds in treatment of hypertension,
Bones—Atlas of General Affections of Skeleton (Fairbank) (R) 9.52 ; Bone Lesions of Yaws in Uganda (Hackett) Metabolic Interrelations (lt) 1241 ; (Reifenstcin) (R) 1002 ; see also I)is-
locations, Fractures, Osteomyelitis
Bonham Carter, R. E., endocardial fibrosis
(C) 311
Vinci on Movement of Blood (Keele) (R) 1096 ; Phagocytosis of Cocci by Polymorphs (film) 58 ; plasma-cystine levels in cystinuria (Fowler, Harris, and Warren) substitutes plasma 544 ; (Garcia-
Bristol’s new health centre (Wofinden and Parry) 1297 British Academy of Medicine (Finch) 4 British anti-lewisite, see Dimercaprol British Encyclopaedia of Medical Practice (Horder) (R) 194, (R) 494 British Epilepsy Association (LA) 249, 1312
Bonnell, J. A. L., prevention of acute British
Bleeding, see Haemorrhage Blind, register of, 827 Blindness, see Eyes Blond, K., functional disorders of small bowel after gastrectomy and vagotomy (C) 1067, (C) 1259 Blood—Actualités hematologiques (Glaiin6s) (R) 194 ; adrenaline eosinopenia and pituitary-adrenal function (Kark and Muehrcke) 1189 ; bilirubinBlood eemia (Najib-Farah) (C) 114 ; Clotting and Allied Problems (Flynn) (R) 1290 ; blood-sugar, endocrine control of (Long) 325 ; Clinical Hematology (Wintrobe) (R) 294 ; cross-matching of (Drummond and Stratton) (C) 1067 ; dinitro-ortho-cresol, estimation of, in (Harvey) 796, (Bruce and Mackay) (C) 1115, (Harvey and Bidstrup) (C) 1213, (Bruce and Mackay) (C) 1310 ; eosinophil-counts (Swanson, Bauer, and Ropes) heemo129, (Shattock) (C) 1116 ; poietic effect of vitamin B12 prepared from fish (Hausmann and Mulli) 185 ; in faeces, simple test for (A) 1102 ; insulin hvpoglycæmia and eosinophilcount (Shattock and Micklem) 1239 ;
(C) 564
poisoning, 794 1., hiccup during
Booth, W. G., hallux valgus (C) 1258 Coxsackie
(Brown, Liddle, and Tobin)
Borrie, P., mepacrine in rosacea (C) 1113 Bosanquet, F. 1)., intrathecal aureomycin in meningitis, 433 Bourg, R., Quelques aspects de la gynécologie actuelle (R) 800 Bourne, J. G.-hiccup during anaesthesia (C) 1067 ; succinylcholine, 1225 Bourne, L. B., industrial dermatitis (C)
Bourne, L. H. J., varicose ulcers (C) 1260 Bourne, W. A., peptic ulcer (C) 421 Bowels, see Intestines Bowesman, C., reduction of strangulated inguinal hernia (C) 822 Bowles, G., grind your own breakfast (C) 1306
Bowring, W., appointment systems for outpatients (C) 1307 Boycott, J. A., poisoning from plants (C) 373
Heart and
Blood-pressure-Factors Regulating Bloodrepair of dural defects with gelatin Pressure (Zweifach and Shorr) (R) 1242 ; film (McKissock) 943; Speech Habilitation in Cerebral Palsy (Cass) (R) 83 ; venous, and digitalis (A) 1200 : see also see also Electro-encephalography, EnceHypertension, Hypotension of endocrine control Blood-sugar, (Long)phalitis, Epilepsy, Leucotomy, Menin325 gitis, Mental defideney Blood-transfusion-Blood Transfusion in Brain. W. R., Diseases of Nervous System (R) 138 Clinical Medicine (Mollison) (R) 245 ; .equipment (A) 553 ; error in (ML) 879 ; Bramwell. E.. death of, 656, (0) 726, 774 in disease of (correction) exchange, hæmolytic newborn (Mollison and Walker) 429 ; Brash, J. C., Cunningham’s Textbook of Anatomy (R) 84 (Discombe) (Mourant, incompatible Parkin, and Maycock) (C) 1019, (Dis- Brauer, L. (0) 164 combe) (C) 1111, under anaesthesia Bray, 13. M., effect of cortisone on excretion of 17-ketosteroids in adrenal virilism (Hodges) (C) 923, (Hughes) (C’) 1308 ; and in simple hirsutism, 1287 plastic bag for, 1313 ; reactions, prevenrubber tubing as Brayshaw, A. J., our crime-sheet (C) 1304 tion of (A) 1009 ; of infusion cause thrombophlebitis Bread—agents in baking. 1050 ; specifications for, in 1-.S.A. (A) 1103 (Hanclfield-Jones and Lewis) 585, (Smith) for infants (C) 823 ; splint (Barrie) (NI) Breakfast, grind your own (Bowles) with blood kept in wrong (C) 1306 1001; Breast-aspiration of cysts of (Mailer) refrigerator (ML) 557 cancer Blood-vessels—Bruits du coeur et des (C) 419, (Atkins) (C) 510 ;; (Atkins) 273, (Corry) 274, 713, (LA) vaisseaux (Calo) (R) 294 ; intracranial in treatment of 271, 1245; ; (Mailer pain (Atkins) (correction) aneurysms, 60 ; splenic venography (Dreyer and (C) 419, (Atkins) (C) 510, (Corry) 274 ; Budtz-Olsen) 530 ; post-starvation gynæcomastia (A) 601, vasospasm after Tumeurs removal of prolapsed intervertebral (Polymenakos) ((’) 1021 ; du sein (Hartmann) (R) 952 disc (Forty) (C) 1214 ; see also Angiodiet ThromBreast-feeding-and (Walker, Arvidsgraphy, Arteries, Embolism, bosis son, and Draper) (C) 317, (Gunther) Boardman, R. H., longer life (C) 216 (C) 367 ; filmstrips on, 322 Boards of governors of provincial teaching Breathing exercises in attempted prophylaxis of postoperative pulmonary comhospitals, appointments to, 969 Bocock, E. J.-Applied Anatomy for plications (Palmer and Sellick) 345, Nurses (R) 1146 ; infection in hospital (Johnson) (C) 510, (Palmer and Sellick) (C) 366 (C) 613 Boe, F., placental A.C.T.H. (C) 1210 Breen, G. E., cortisone in WaterhouseFriderichsen syndrome, 1140 Boheimer, K., introducer for plastic cannulte (NI) 1051 Breese, H. W., Dentists Bill (C) 766 Bone-meal, dangers of infection from (P) Brett, G. Z., mass radiography (C) 418 1117 Briggs, J. N., scleroderma, 346
Boyde, H. C. (0) 1025 Boyd-Orr, Lord, presentation to, 1169 Braasch, W. F., Clinical Crography (R)
British Medical Association, 677 British North Greenland Expedition (Brown) (C) 466 British Rheumatic Association, 519 British Sociological Association, 1288 British Standards Institution specifications for-beds and cots, 1076 ; bed strippers, 934 ; hæmoglobinometers, 1314 ; hospital bedside screens, 220 ; hospital linen textiles, utensils, 520 ;; 323 ; mattresses, 323 ; sintered disc filters 1266 films and screens, 574 ; X-ray Broadmoor Institution, 982, (P) 1024 Brock, R. C.-Life and Work of Astley Cooper (R) 1242 ; Lung Abscess (R) 1051 Brodmann’s area 24 (Whitty, Duffield, and Tow) 475 Brodribb, H. S., infective hepatitis in boarding-school, 339 Bronchi—Chronic Bronchitis (Howell) (R) 749 ; Management of Bronchial Asthma
(Herxheimer) (R) 1145 ; postural drainage for young children with bronchiectasis, 1216 ; Segmental Resection of Lung in Bronchiectasis (film) 58 Broom, J. C.-diagnosis of Weil’s disease, 1088 ; penicillin in Weil’s disease (C) 315 Brown, C. M., Bornholm disease and
Coxsackie virus, 445 749 Bracken poisoning (LA) 140, (Naftalin) Brown, C. L., expedition to Greenland (C) 466 Llaurado) (C) 565 ; (C) 928 platelets, Brown, J. B., Plastic Surgery of Nose clotting factor in (van Creveld and Bradshaw, D. B., diphtheria carriers, 558 (R) 138 Paulssen) 23 ; pulmonary haemosiderosisBraille, Louis (A) 1248 (Fisher and Makin) 540, (LA) 1005,Brailsford, J. F.-cancer research (C) 1311 ; Brown, K. T., colleges and faculties (C) 156, 265 in film (A) 1101, (Cudkowicz) (C) 1164 ; resus159, (C) 314 ; (C) (C) X-ray economy value of radiological investigation, 679, Brown, W. (0) 1073, 1119 pension in plasma of human red bloodW. T., psychology and maternity : in Brown, cells frozen (C) 878 glycerol (Lovelock) unit (C) 468 ] treatment of (A) 144 ; 1238 ; septicaemia due to paracolonBrain-abscess, Disorders Browne, bacillus (Kernohan) 1090 ; serum-lipoMetabolism and Cerebral 1)., edampsia (C) 263 proteins. inicro-electraplioresis of (Fasoli) I (R) 750 ; Brodmann’s areaBrown-Séquard, C. E. (Jefferson) 760 (Himwich) 24 (Whitty, Dutfield, and Tow) 475 ; :Bruce, H. M.—assay of A.C.T.H. on thymus (C’) 106 ; triiodothyronine in human of nestling rat, 790 ; slow-release cerebral air embolism complicating sponplasma (Gross and Pitt-Rivers) 439 ; medium for A.C.T.H., 71 taneous pneumothorax (Laha) ((’) 1211 ; urtcmia, traumatic (A) 1245 estimation of D.X.O.C. in blood Blood-flow—effects of arterial arrest (A) in infarction Bruce. J., cerebral symptoms cardiac am 1245 ; (C) 1113, ((’) 1310 Kreislaufuntersuchungen (A) 652, (Batty Shaw) (C) 763, (PickMenschen mit fortlaufend registrierenden worth) (C) 874 ; cysticercosis cerebri Bruises on children (ML) 4711 Methoden (Matthes) (R) 596 (A) 1057 ; human, frontal lobes of (A) 1Bruit- du cceur et des vaisseaux (Calo) Blood-groups—(A) 1009 ; and reproduc407, (Winnicott) (C) 514 ; human, (11) 294 tion (Allan) (C) 102, (Sanghvi) (C) infested with larvæ of Multiceps multi- Brumpt, E. (O) 772 1 and (LA) 551 214, ’Allan) (C) 370 ; Human Blood (Becker Jacobson) (correction) Budget ceps Groups and Inheritance (Lawler and 112 ; intracranial aneurysms (correction) 1Budtz-Olsen, 0. E., splenic venography, Lawler) (R) 648 ; in disputed paternity 530 60 ; ipsilateral representation in cerebral new " blood-group char(LA) 296 ; cortex (Glees and Cole) 1191 ; ’ Kem- Iliull, G. M., appointment. 1075 acter related to ABO system (Bhende, adrin in postencephalitic parkinsonism 1Bull, H. C. H., proctalgia fugax (C) 424 Deshpande, Bhatia. Race, and IBull, J. P., lactosuria fC’1 978 danger, Prescott, (Montuschi, Phillips, Morgan, and W’atkins) 903 ; Rh Blood Green) 5S3 ; medulla oblongata, tumours IBull-fightiiig, 817, (Rochei (C) 1210 and their Clinical Effects Groups of (A) 912 ; mumps meningo-encephalitis IBurge, H., flexible csaophagoscope (NI) 595 (Mollison. Mourant, and Race) (R) 700 (Henderson) 386 ; (LA) 404; Normal IBurke, N. H. M., provision for mentally see also Rhesus factor Cerebral Angiogram (Ecker) (R) 1146 ; defective (C) 1262
vi Burn.
(R) 1095
Childhood (Higgins, Williams, and Nash) (R) 31 ; virus pneumonia in (LA) 803 ;see also Schools (Wigley) (C) 365, (Willcox) (C) 470, (Bedson) (C) 516. (Garai) 646, (Willcox)Chiropodial Orthopaedics (Charlesworth) (R) 800 (Foshay) (C) 673, (Beaumont) (C) 718, (A) 958, (Campbell and Wheaton)Chirurgie der Schilddruse (Florcken) (R) 1067 402 (C) 975, 1012, (Bensted) (C) Causey, G., appointment, 166 Chloramphenicol-gastro-intestinal in amœbiasis reactions to (A) 352 ; Cawley, R. H., acute sore throat, 1183 Cawthorne, T., surgery in peripheral (A) 655 ; in impetigo (Sneddon) (C) 668 ; facial palsy, 1219 in penicillin-resistant infection (LA) Central Council for Care of Cripples 550, with staphylococci (Banks) (C) 560 ; Film Central insufflator (Magauran) (C) 672 Library, 220 Central Health Services Council, 678, Chlorination of London’s water-supply (A) 959 (A) 145 Central Midwives Board, 773 Chlorine dioxide, 1050 Cepharanthin and tuberculosis (Stamm Chlorosis and corsets (LA) 598, (Bearn) and Dumbell) (C) 720 (C) 675 Cerebral, see Brain Cholangiography (A) 1153 for Certificates-medical, charges (P) Choremis, C.-bone-marrow cultures of Koch’s bacillus, 749 ; sickle-cell anomaly 1065 ; of birth, marriage, and death, of in Greece (C) 1069 charges for, 1122 ; incapacity, National Insurance, 1122, (P) 1160 Christian Heritage in Medicine (Seddon)
Pharmacology Cation-exchange
(Fourman) 1042
Cat-scratch fever (A) 302, (Cox) (C) 364,
Burn, J. L., mass radiography (C) 567 Burnet, G., artificial respiration (C) 618, (C) 821, (C) 1069 Burnet, J., economy in prescribing (C) 976 Burns—caused by electric blanket (ML) 217 ; chemotherapy of Staph. aureus in (Lowbury, Topley, and Hood) 1036 ; disinfectant barrier in dressings applied to (Low-bury and Hood) 899 ; prophylaxis against tetanus in (Limbos) (C) 566 ; units (LA) 908 Bursaries, Anglo-French exchange, 1217 Burton, J., joint strain in sleep (C) 1020 Butcher, F. S., nurse’s education (C) 1304 Butterfield, W. J. H., A.C.T.H. and homografts, 737 Byrne, E. A. J., malarial therapy in nephrosis, 844
(Robinson) (C) 163 Chandler, G. N., cortisone and
infection A.C.T.H.
in exophthalmic ophthalmoplegia, 847 Charcot joints in diabetic neuropathy Cabbage (LA) 549 Cade, Sir S.-Chemotherapy of Cancer (Lister and Maudsley) 50 (R) 450 ; Malignant Disease and its Charlesworth, F., Chiropodial Orthopsedies Treatment by Radium (R) 1193 (R) 800 Calciferol, see Vitamin D. Charley, V. L. S., blackcurrant syrup (C)
colloids (A) 1198
Charnley, J., imbibition
Calman, R. M., drug resistance of microorganisms (C) 768 Calo, A., Bruits du cœur et des vaisseaux (R) 294 Caminopetros, J., sickle-cell anomaly as sign of Mediterranean anaemia, 687, (C) 1068, (C) 1212 Campbell, E. S. K., cat-scratch fever (C) 975
Campbell, M., Clinical Pediatric Urology (R) 596 Canada-Directory and Catalogue of Collec tions of Micro-organisms maintained in Canada (R) 648, (correction) 1076 ; nursing in (Carter) 707, (Lawson) 708 Cancer-atropine in (Holm) (C) 618 "; Cancer. 1122 ; " Cardigan cancer cure (P) 1159 ; centres for diagnosis of (A) 456 ; Chemotherapy of Cancer (Cade) (R) 450 ; colonic, indications for barium enema in diagnosis of (Haggle) 21 ; Diagnosis and Treatment of Intrathoracic New Growths (Davidson,
Smithers, and Tubbs) (R) 402 ; experimental, of thyroid (LA) 85, (Bielschowsky, Griesbach, and Purves) (C) gastro-intestinal, 714 ; genito310 ; urinary, 714 ; in Africa (Croot and Davies) (C) 158 ; Malignant Disease and its Treatment by Radium (Cade) (R) 1193 ; mammary (Atkins) 273, (Corry) 274, 713, (LA) 1245 ; nursed at home, 1061 ; of thyroid gland (LA) and 85, Griesbach, (Bielschowsky, Purves) (C) 310, (A) 805 ; pancreatic (LA) 1197 ; prostatic, 714 ; publicity (P) 770 ; pulmonary, 99, 714, (P) 770, (P) 1301 ; registration in England and W’ales, 1215 ; research on, 868, (Donaldson) 1206, (Brailsford) (Bender) (C) 1311 ; survey of, in London (LA) 858 ; Symposium on Geographic Pathology and Demography of Cancer (Clemmesen) (R) 1052 ; Tumeurs du sein (Hartmann) (R) 952 ; uterine, 714 Candida albicans (Taylor and Rundle) (Wolff) 1236, (A) 1247 Cannabis indica—Indian Hemp (Johnson) (R) 1096 Cannulæ, plastic, introducer for (Boheimer) (NI) 1051 Cantlie. Sir Xeil (A) 706 Cantor, S. M., Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry (R) 1290 Capencr, X.. Leonardo’s left hand, 813 Carbohydrate chemistry—Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry (Hudson andl (’antor) (R) 129U metabolism—(LA) Carbohydrate 599 ;: and adrenaline 329, (Long) 599 ;; adrenaline cortex and (Long) 327 ’
Carcinoma, see Cancer Cardiac, see Heart Cardiolipin antigens (A) 353 Caries,
Dental caries
Carling, E., nurse’s education (C) 874 Carling, Sir E. R., colleges and faculties (C)) 217
by doctors
Carter, G. B., Canadian nursing, 707 Caspersen, J., in Scandinavia (C) 161 Cataract, see Eyes Catarrh-Rational Treatment of Catarrhi (Troup) (R) 138, (Troup) (C) 214 Cat-bite fever (Beaumont) (C) 7 18 Catcheside, D. G., Genetics of Mero-
Organisms (R) 449
of fluid as cause of herniation of nucleus pulposus, 124 Chatterjee, C. C., Human Physiology (R) 450 Cheek, E., anaemia in Africans (C) 566 Chemistry-Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry (Hudson and Cantor) (R) 1290 Chemotherapy and Antibiotic Drugs, 829 Chemotherapy of Cancer (Cade) (R) 450 Foundation Cheshire Home for Sick (LA) 295 Treatment of Intraand Chest-Diagnosis New Growths thoracic (Davidson, Smithers, and Tubbs) (R) 402 ; mediastinitis following perforation of cesoprevention of phagus (Korkis) 4 ; infection of thoracic surgical wounds by staphylococci from patient’s skin (Harrison and Cruickshank) 288 ; Tuberculosis Traqueo-broncopulmonar (Saye) (R) 450 ; Verletzungen der Lungen und des Brustkorbes (Steffen) (R) 246 ; see also Heart, Lungs, Pneumothorax Child, J. P., domiciliary consultation in psychiatry (C) 977 Children-adolescents with psychological illnesses, inpatient treatment of (Warren) 147 ; adoption of, 1169 ; Asthmatic Child (Walker) 1216 ; B.C.G. vaccination compulsory in France for child contacts of tuberculosis, 100 ; bruises on (ML) der Chronik Kinderheilkunde 471 ; (Peiper) (R) 800 ; Clinical Pediatric
596 ;
valescent (Falkner) 657 ; deaf, training of (Owen) (C) 51, (LA) 403, (Whetnall)
375 Chronic Bronchitis (Howell) (R) 749 Chronik der Kinderheilkunde (Peiper) (R) 800 ’Ciba 9295 ’ (Baikie and Smith) 1144 Ciba Foundation, 621 Cicuta virosa (Boycott) (C) 373 Cingulectomy (Whitty, Duffield, and Tow) 475 CIOMS, 883 Circulation, see Blood-flow Civil Service doctors’ pay (LA) 142 Clapham, J. C. R., hallux valgus, 1180, (correction) 1266 Clark, J. V., cranial osteomyelitis, 901 Clark, W. E. Le G., Tissues of the Body (R) 750 Clarke, S. K. R., hospital cross-infections, 1132 Clarkson, P., acute infections of hand (C) 367, (C) 471 Clay, A. A., Pongos (C) 670 Clayton, S. G.-Queen Charlotte’s Textbook of Obstetrics (R) 800 ; relaxation in labour (C) 973 Clea,rkin, K. P., A.C.T.H. in haemolytic anæmia, 183 Cleft Lip and Palate (Holdsworth) (R) 800
Clemmesen, J., Symposium
on Geographic Pathology and Demography of Cancer (R) 1052 Clifton, C. E., Annual Review of Microbiology (R) 402 Clinical Hematology (Wintrobe) (R) 294 Pediatric Clinical Urology (Campbell)
(R) 596 Clinical Practice (Harries,
Infectious Diseases and Taylor) (R)
348 Clinical Urography (Braasch and Emmett) (R) 749 Clothworkers’ Company, 1170 Clotting, .see Blood
Clutton-Brock, J., hiccup during anbesthesia (C) 615 Cluver, E. H., Social Medicine (R) 1290 Coalminers’ pneumoconiosis (Triger) (C)
(C) 414, (Robin) (C) 469, (Ewing) (C) 611 ; 105 delinquency (LA) 1149 ; dental service (P) 1065, school-children, Cobalt (LA) 197 209, (LA) 649 ; drug addiction in Cochran, J. B., islet-cell tumour of panadolescents (A) 654 ; education of handicreas, 289 capped, filmstrip on, 427 ; effect of Cochrane, A. L., mass radiography (C) 418 of schoollong-continued treatment with and children blackcurrant disease-(Hubble) 1125 ; syrup Coeliac ketosis (Morgan and Tylden) (C) 973 ; and Yudkin) (Charley, Mumford, and wheat (Anderson, Frazer, French, (C) 267 ; handicapped, in Scotland, Gerrard, Sammons, and Smellie) 836, 1076 ; health of school-children, 209 ; Hengrove Child Health Centre (Cook) (LA) 857, 921, (James) (C) 928 and 412, (Franklin, Paulett, Tepper, Cohn, W., leptospirosis (C) 562 Tuckman) ((’) 470, (P) 662 ; illegitimate, Cole, J., ipsilateral representation in and law (ML) 320 ; infective hepatitis cerebral cortex, 1191 in hoarding-school (Brodribb) 339 ; College of General Practitioners (Finch) 4. Innersekrctorischen des Krankheiten (LA) 139, (Brown) (C) 156, (Neale) (0) Kindes und ihre Behandlung (Thomas) 157, (Brown) (C) 265, (Crombie) (C) 314, of inoculation of, (R) 856 ; (Hunt) (C) 1303 right parents to know dangers of (A) 301 ; mal- College of Pathologists (Jordan) (C) 156 nutrition in young, 110 ; neglect and Colleges and faculties (LA) 139, (Jordan) ill-treatment of (P) 517 ; (Brown) (C) 156, (Neale) (C) 157, pallor in school-children (Yudkin) 239 ; periodic (Carling) (C) 217, (Brown) (C) 265, diseases of (Franklin) 1267 ; (Barber) (Crombie) (C) 314, (Jackson) polioin (C’) 3711 (A) 1103 ; postural drainage myelitis for young children with bronchiectasis, Collier, H. 0. J., succinylcholine, 1225 1216 ; protection of school-children Colloids and calculi (A) 1198 against tuberculosis (A) 754 ; psychiatry Colon-cancer of, indications for barium in Scotland (P) 1065 ; enema in for, Psychodiagnosis of (Haggie) 21 ; Analytic Study of Child (Eissler and psychological findings in Crohn’s disease Freud) (R) 1052 ; psychoses in (A) 602, ((’rocket) 946 (Creak) (C) 718;strangulated femoral Colonial doctors (P) 1065 hernia in young boy (Temple) 594 ; Colonial Medical Research Committee, 219 tonsillectomies in school-children, 210 ; training of, 206 ; treatment of parkinson- C’olquhoun, D. B., serum test for syphilis ism in a child (Farquhar) 638 ; Tubercu(C) 1260 losis Among Children and Adults (Myers) Commonwealth exchange (A) 41 (R) 856 ; tuberculosis in school entrants Commonwealth Myocological Institute, tuberculous English, 1075 (Parkes) 361 ; Danish sanatorium treatment for, 622 ;; Compound F acetate in acquired hsemolytic anfemia (Rosenthal, Spaet, Golden* underweight, effect of vitamin Ba on (Benjamin and Pirrie) (C) 264 ; Urology berg, and Dameshek) 1135
for children
vii CONFERENCES AND CONGRESSES.—Annua conference of prison medical officers 1122 ; Conference of Educational Asso
(Brown. Liddle, and
(C) S74 ; Leonardo da Vinci
445, (A)
of RoyaCraig, D. B., inguinal hernia (C) 672 206 ;; congress Sanitary Institute (A) 913, 917 ; fiftlCreak, E. -Al., psychoses in childhood (C) 718 annual symposium of Colston Researctti inaugural conferencee Cremation Bill (P) 1117 Society, 814 ; of Mental Health Research Fund. 665 Cremerius, J., Psychotherapie als Kurzbehandlung in der Sprechstunde (R) international conference on rehabilita 194 tion, 882 ; jubilee conference of Institutte of 1013Cretinim (Hubble) 1123 Hospital Administrators. Crime—convictions under Dangerous Second National Cancer Conference Drugs Act, 1951 (P) 662 ; criminal 713 ; seventy-second annual congresss in England and responsibility, 30 ; of Ophthalmological Society of United Wales (LA) 1149, (Stevenson) (C) 1214, Kingdom, 1062 ; Standing Conference of Societies Registered for Adoption punishment in penal institutions. 207 1169 ; symposium on fatigue (Edholrr R. Crocket, BB’., findings annua: 1 psychological and Floyd) 868 ; thirty-first in Crohn’s disease, 946 I session of American College of Physicianss 1011 ; World Congress of International1 Croft, H. M., reinfection in sanatoria1 ’ 51 (C) Society for Welfare of Cripples, 622 ;&midot; World Health Organisation conference onCrofts. X. F., longer life (C) .53 Crohn’s disease, psychological findings 44 public-health administration,
(Brayshaw) (C)1304 ;
in ((’rocket) 946 D. L., colleges and faculties
Congenital malformations-deaths due tcCrombie, 314 (Rickham) 333 ; of aortic arch (Dolton
C’root. H. J., cancer in Africa (C) 158 and Jones) 537 Congenital porphyria, splenectomy ini Cropper. C. F. J., education of nurses (C) 716 (Gray and Keuberger) 851 Conglutination," meaning of (Wiener)) Cross-infection, see Infection Crowd behaviour (A) 300 (C) 266 Crowe. H. W’., ’ Trafuril ’ (C) 873 Conium maculatum (Boycott) (C) 373 Cruelty charge at Farney Close School Consultants, pay of, 208 (ML) 1167 Contraception—basic research into (Pirie) (C) 54, (Pirie) (C) 470 ; populationiCruickshank, B., examination of synovial membrane (C) 55 increase and (Preece) (C) 216 ; " Safe Cruickshank, D. B., prevention of infection Period," 58 ; with matar oil, 57 of thoracic surgical wounds by staphyloConvulsion therapy-induced convulsions3 cocci from patient’s skin, 288 prolonged by oxygen (A) 1102 Conwell, H. E., Management of Fractures,, Cruickshank, E. W. H., Food and Nutrition (R) 84 Dislocations and Sprains (R) 84 Cook, L. C., geriatric problem in mental Cryptococcus neoformans causing meningoencephalitis (Roantrce and Dunkerley) hospitals, 377 1274 Cook, N. J., Hengrove experiment, 412 Cubitt, R., unusual epidemic (C) 670 R. Human 32 Cook, C., Fertility (R) Cudkowicz, L., experimental pulmonary Coope, R., Quiet Art, 572 hæmosiderosis (C) 1164 Cooper, Astley—Life and W’orks of Culpin, M., psychosomatic symptom formaAstley Cooper (Brock) (R) 1242 tion (C) 515 Cope, R. «’., injection routine in operatingCunningham’s Textbook of Anatomy theatres (C) 669 (Brash) (R) 84 Cope, Z., Early Diagnosis of Acute Abdomen (R) 32 Cupulograms (LA) 752 Copeman, W. S. C., herniation of nucleus; Curriculum, see Education Currie, J. A., unusual epidemic (C) 468 pulposus (C) 265 Copithorne, R. E. C., artificial respirationLCurtiss, E. S., postural nerve block for intranasal operations, 989 618 (C) Corneal grafts (A) 500, (Wakeley) (C) 510,Cushing’s syndrome (Walters) 223 Cycling for polyarthritics (Nightingale) (P) 1065, (P) 1263 (C) 55 Cornforth, J. W’., organic phosphates and tuberculin sensitivity, 950 Cyclopropane, risks with (Russell) (C) 878, (Panton) (Weisz) (C) 977, (Rickards) Coronary, see Heart (C) 1022, (Galley) (C) 1072, (Salt) Coroners, appointment and qualifications of (Baron) (C) 873 (C) 1309 Corporal punishment-Survey of RewardsCysticercosis cerebri (A) 1057 and Punishments in Schools (Highfield Cystine storage disease with aminoaciduria (Bickel and Smellie) 1093 and Pinsent) (R) 1290 274 D. in cancer of Cystinuria, plasma-cystine levels in (Fowler Corry, C., pain breast, Corsets and chlorosis (LA) 598, (Bearn) Harris, and Warren) 544 Cysts of breast, aspiration of (Mailer) (C) 675 Cortisone-and experimental exophthal(C) 419, (Atkins) (C) 510 mos (Aterman) 1143 ; effect of, on excretion of 17-ketosteroids in adrenal virilism and in simple hirsutism (Bishop, Bray, de Mowbray, Merivale, and D Vaughan-Morgan) 1287 ; from sisal, 1120 ; hyaluronidase and (Pelloja) 233 ; in adrenogenital syndrome (LA) Dakin, H. D. (0) 426 in 1292 ; exophthalmic ophthalmo- Dalal, P. A., stethoscope tubing (C) 1307 plegia (Chandler and Hartfall) 847, Daley, Sir A.-dinner to,219 ; retirement of (A) 356 (Shubert) (C) 1307 ; in peptic ulcer (A) 201 ; in rheumatic fever (Stewart) Dalgleish, P. G., hospital cross-infections, in rheumatoid 1132 arthritis ((’) 213 ; (A) 911, (Schmidt) (C) 1018 ; in Water- Dalley, G., hysterosalpingography with Viskiosol Six ’ (C) 108 house-Friderichsen syndrome (Breen, Emond, and Walley) 1140, (Banks) Dameshek, W., Compound F in hæmolytic anæmia, 1135 (Lynch) (C) 1305 ; " precocious puberty" induced in rat-: by (Aterman and Green- Danckwerts, Mr. Justice, adjudication of662 ; berg) 545 ; report of Working Party on, supplies of (P) 1160 ; 1’ntowat’d Reactions of Cortisone and 1155 ; sequel to (LA) 1147 A.(-,.T.14. (Derbes and Weiss) (R) 1145 Dangerous Drugs Act, 1951—60 ; number of convictions under (P) 662 Cosslett, V. E., Practical Electron MicroDaniel, 0., rise of serum-acid-phosphatase scopy (R) 647 level after palpation of prostate, 998 Costal, see Ribs Cost of Health (Roberts) (LA) 597 IJarget, R., Tumeurs malignes de la Cost of Sickness and Price of Health vessie (R) 348 J. tension Dark, (Winslow) (A) 38 F., pneumothorax Cots, British standard. 1076 following tracheotomy, 398, (C’) 718 Dark. S. T. E., Animal Welfare and Cotton sutures (Patrick) (C) 1162 Cough mixtures (A) 959 ; Teaching of Biology, 110 potassium iodide in (Herxht’imer and McAllen) Darroch, R. B. M., infection in hospital (C) 1213 (C) 366 Cough-suppressing drugs (Hillis) 1230, Davidson. M., Diagnosis and Treatment of 1310 Intrathoracic New Growths (R) 402 (Hudson) Council for Coordination of International Davidson. W. M., anæmia in Africans Congresses of Medical Sciences, 883 (C) 566 Council for International Organisations Davies, G. L.. barbiturates (C) 562 of Medical Sciences, 883 Davies, J. N. P., cancer in Africa (C) 158 Cowen, J., domiciliary consultations in Davies, R. M., recovery ward, 865 Davies, T. --z., acute thyroiditis and psychiatry (C) 977 Cowpox virus, variant of (Downie and glutamic acid (C) 217 da Vinci, Leonardo-as anatomist (A) 554 ; Haddock) 1049 Cox, P. J. N., cat-scratch fever (C) 364 left hand of (Capener) 813, (Asherson)i ) *’
of Heart and Blood (Keele) (R) 1096 Davis. L., hypertension, 11.1 Dax, E. C’.. geriatric problem in mental ment
hospitals. 377 Day-nurseries, charges for
of, 1109
D.D.T.. 473 Deaf. see Ears Deane, X. B.. psychology and maternity unit (C) 414 Death-after dental extraction (ML) 359 ; due to congenital malformations (Rickham) 333 ; euthanasia (Millard) (C) 720 ; from administration of anaesthetie (ML) 1167 ; sudden, in infancy (LA) 1291 ; time of (Leacock) (Lumsden)
(C) 106
Decompression Sickness (Fulton) (R) 401 De Filippis, V.. insulin-neutralising activity of gamma-globulins derived from serum of insulin-resistant patient, 1192 de la Loma, V., Anemias (R) 546 de Lavergne. V., La maladie infectieuse (R) 595 Delinquency, juvenile (LA) 1149 de Mowbray, H. R.—effect of cortisone on excretion of 17-ketosteroids, 1287 ; regrowth of hair in pregnancy (C) 1258 Denmark, national health service of
(Frandsen) 357 Denness, T., appointment outpatients (C) 1209 Dental ancillaries (LA) 649
caries-fluorine and (P) 827 ; of, by administration of nuorine in water-supply (Mackenzie)
961, (P) 1023, (Sykes) (C) 1112 ; selenium
and (A) 1246 Dental clinic in London, first (HadenGuest) (C) 925 Dental extraction, death after (ML) 359 Dental nurses, school (A) 88 Dental Practitioners’ Formulary, 1952, 1312 Dental service for--children (P) 1065 ; schools, 209, (LA) 649 Dental treatment-charges for, 305, 1109 ; given in N.H.S. (P) 516, (P) 568 Dentists Bill (P) 363, (LA) 649, (Breese) (C) 766, (Roper-Hall) (C) 818, (C) 879 Dentists Register, 980 Dentures-demand for (P) 827 ; grants for (P) 516 Deoxyribonuclease (A) 959 Derbes, V. J., Untoward ]Reactions of Cortisone and A.C.T.H. (R) 1145 Dermatitis, see Skin diseases " new Deshpande, C’. K., blood-group character, 903 Dextran solution, analysis of reports on infusion of (Maycock) 1081 Diabetes mellitus—Charcot joints in diabetic neuropathy (Lister and Maudsley) diabetic acidosis without (C) 50 ; ketonuria (Henneman) 797, (Lawrence, and 923, Martin) (C) Oakley, (Henne’ man) (C) 1018 ; due to growth hormone (LA) 35 ; stress and (A) 959 ; treatof diabetic ketosis ment (Nabarro, Spencer, and Stowers) 983, (A) 1007 ; tuberculosis and (A) 1058 ; types of (A) 653 ;see also Insulin Diagnosis and Treatment of Intrathoracic New Growths (Davidson, Smithers, and Tubbs) (R) 402 Diagnosis of Xervous Diseases (PurvesStewart and Worstcr-Drought) (R) 648, (correction) 728 Diaminodiphenylsulphone, toxic effects of (Molesworth and Narayanaswami) (C) 562 Diamorphine hydrochloride. 1026 Dible, J. H., serum hepatitis, 999 Dibothriocephalus anæmia, 1110() Dibromopropamidine in burns (Lowbury, Topley, and Hood) 1036 Dick, F. A., unusual epidemic (C) 76.5 Dickson, R. J., medicine within Atlantic community (C) 669 Dicoumarol in general practice (Scott) 488 Dictionary of Antibiosis (Karel and Roach) (R) S56 and Diet—and growth reproduction (Hubble) 1124 ; breast-feeding and (Walker, Arvidsson, and Draper) (C) 317. (Gunther) (C) 367 ; dietetic treatment of peptic utcer (Lawrence). 482 ;;. Modern Hietarv Treatment (Abrahams and Widdowson) (R) 138 Diethazine hydrocluoride. agranucytosis during trt-attitent with (Heller and Sime) 192 Digitalis and venous pressure (A) 1200 "
Dihydrostreptomycin sutphate, toxicity of, for auditory nerve (Don and Uregorv) 72. (A) 91, (Walker and Whetnall) (C) 159, (Hawkins) tC’) 369. (Perrin) (C) 416, (Don and Gregory) (C) 512 Dill-Russell, A. S., pancreaticogastrostomy, 589
viii 60, number of convictions under (P) 662 ;Electron microscopy--of spermatozoa (A) Practical Electron Microscopy 146 ; drug resistance of micro-organisms, 400, (Cosslett) (R) 647 (Sneddon) (Mennie) (C) 668, (Calman) (C) 768 ; economy in (A) 601 ; exports Electronics in medicine (A) 705 Dimond, W. E. R., injection routine, Indian of, 574 ; Hemp (Johnson) Elford, W. J. (0) 425 410 (R) 1096 ; Merck Index of Chemicals Ellis, M., acute infections of hand (C) 613 Dinitro-ortho-cresol—estimation in and Drugs (R) 856 ; New and Non- Ellison, D. R., McNaughten rules (C) 1257 of, blood (Harvey) 796, (Bruce and Mackay) official Remedies (R) 32 ; opium trade Elliston, G. L. C., tasks for M.O.H. (C) 163 1115, (C) (Harvey and Bidstrup) (A) 654 ; proprietary, advertised to Elman, R., Surgical Care (R) 246 and (C)1213, (Bruce Mackay) (C) 1310 ; doctors, pricing of (P) 1263 ; proprietary Embolism--cerebral air embolism comof acute and prevention poisoning by approved names of (A) 251 ; proplicating spontaneous pneumothorax (Bidstrup, Bonnell, and Harvey) 794, (Laha) (C) 1211 ; fat-embolism (LA) prietary preparations and N.H.S., 48, 930 (Smith) (C) 157 ; Supplement to British 196 ; Thrombosis and Embolism (film) Dinners—Buckston Browne-Gray Hill, of Pharmaceutical Codex (Maplethorpe) (R) 58 Harveian Society of London, 1076 ; Textbook of 647 ; Pharmacognosy Emergency Bed Service-60, (Aberfirst annual, of Association of 1’*’holecrombie) (correction) 60, 112, 166, 220, (Wallis) (R) 856 ; see also Pharmacology time Salaried Specialists. 375 ; ListerianDrummond, R., cross-matching blood 270, 324, 376, 428, 472, 520, 574, 622, of 813 : Hunterian festival, Society, (C) 1067 677, 728, 830, 884, 934, 980, 1028, 1076, 1121 1265 ; to celebrate 172nd anniversaryDubois-Poulsen, A., L’annee thérapeutique of Medical Society of London, .573 ; en ophtalmologie (R) 800 Emmett, J. L., Clinical Urography (R) 749 to Lord Horder, 111 ; to Sir Allen Duffield, J. A., depigmentation of skin Emond, R. T. D., cortisone in WaterhouseFriderichsen syndrome, 1140 Daley. 219 by nuinol (C) 1164 Duffield, J. E., cingulectomy, 475 Diparcol,’ see Diethazine hydrochloride Encephalitis-in mumps (Henderson) 386, Sir of Text-Book S., (LA) 404 ; meningo-encephalitis due to Diphtheria—carriers (Bradshaw, Dixon, Duke-Elder. Ophthaland Turner, Zinnemann) Mawson, mology (R) 1095 Cryptococcus neoformans (Roantree and 538. (Taylor) (C) 610 ; immunisation Dumbell, K. R., cepharanthin and tuberDunkerley) 1274 ; Murray Valley (A) 501 culosis ((’) 720 against, in Lancs, 929 ; inoculation Enderby, G. E. H., controlled hypotension and its effect on renal function, 1045, against, 1168 Dumping syndrome, see Stomach (C) 1259 Directories—Directory and Catalogue of Duncan, P. R., ornithosis, 696 Collections of Micro-organisms main- Dundon, C., rupture of testis, 903 Endocardial, see Heart tained in Canada (It) 648, (correction) Dunkcrley, G. E., meningo-encephalitis Endocrinology-endocrine control of blooddue to Cruptococcus neoformans, 1274 sugar (Long) 325; endocrine relationships 1076 ; Directory of Contributing Schemes, of thyroid, 1012 ; Gynaecological Endo830 ; directory of Rockefeller fellows Dunn, L. C., Genetics in 20th Century 1917—50, 165 ; Medical Directory 1952, crinology (Bishop) (R) 138 ; Inner(R) 401 sekretorischen Krankheiten des Kindes Dunndarm in Rontgenbild (Kuhlmann) 677, 1263 und ihre Behandlung (Thomas) (R) 856 Disabled in Modern World, 622 (R) 1002 Discombe, G., incompatible transfusions, Duodenum-first part of (Ogilvie) 1077 ; Enteritis due to paracolon bacillus (Lawy) of 1111 and Duodenum Stomach 734, (C) (C) 1260 Surgery
in Dimercaprol hepatolenticular degeneration (A) 199 ; hypertension (Baylis and Kauntze) 1092 ; pink disease (Holzel and James) 441 -
(Welch) (R) 246 ; see also Peptic ulcer Enticknap, J. B., kidney of scleroderma Durham County Council and trade(C) 316 union membership, 520, 608, (P) 1117 Environment, effect of, on behaviour, 508 Dwarfism (Hubble) 1123 Enzymes-Enzymes (Sumner and Myrback) (R) 1052 ; pancreatic, in kwashiDyke, S. C., Recent Advances in Clinical orkor (Thompson and Trowell) 1031 546 Pathology (R) Eosinophils, see Blood Conwell) (R) 84 Epidemiology-(LA) 1053 ; Global EpiDisseminated sclerosis (LA) 1196, (Paulley) demiology (Simmons) (R) 194 ; unusual E (C) 1305 epidemic (A) 299, (Worster-Drought) Divorce, 919 Early Diagnosis of Acute Abdomen (C) 371, (Rogers) (Williams) (C) 372, C. 558 Dixon, B’., diphtheria carriers, (Walford) (Franklin) (Jones) (Till) (C) (Cope) (R) 32 for D.N.O.C., see Dinitro-ortho-cresol 415, (Alcock) (Jewesbury) (C) 467, Ears—dihydrostreptomycin’s toxicity Dobriner, K. (0) 676 auditory nerve (Don and Gregory) (Currie) (Fry) (C) 468, (Bickford) (C) 511, Doctor in the House (Gordon) 829 72, (A) 91, (Walker and Whetnall) (Alexandrides) (C) 561, (Morey, Cubitt, Doctors—A Doctor’s London (Graham) and Wilson) (Roantree) (Miller) (C) 670, (C) 159, (Hawkins) (C) 369, (Perrin) (R) 856 ; civilian, employed by BVar (0) 416, (Don and Gregory) (C) 512;; (McConaghey) (C) 717, (Dick) (Marmion) Department, pay of (P) 972 ; Colonial Ear, Nose, and Throat Diseases for (C) 765, (Mouchot) (C) 875 of cars General Practitioner (McKenzie) (R) Epidermolysis bullosa (ML) 471 (P) 1065 ; hire-purchase by deafness from (P) 1024 oath of (Mohun) (C) 108 ; 855 ; streptomycin, (A) Epidermophyton floccosum (A) 1152 The Physician (Monro) (R) 8t6 ; un91 ; training of deaf children (Owen) Epilepsy-adrenal function and (Staple) employment among (Richards) (C) 719 ; (C) 51, (LA) 403, (Whetnall) (C) 414, (C) 372 ; after injection (Bell) (C) 1072, see also General practitioners, Registrars (Robin) (C) 469, (Ewing) (C) 611 ; (Webster) (C) 1165 ; doubtful, electroDoctor Viper (Gosse) (R) 1146 vestibular organ (LA) 752; see also encephalogram in (Jewesbury) 1029 ; Documcnta Ophthalmologica (R) 348 fatal fall of epileptic (ML) 824 ; following Hearing-aids, Labyrinthitis Dodd, H.-Skin reactions to adhesive Eastcott, H. H. G., preservation of brain abscess (A) 144 ; handicap of arterial grafts by freezing, 531 dressings (C) 922 ; " varicose " ulcers (LA) 249;Mysoline ’ in (Handley and (C) 1303 Easton, K. C., pregnancy and rheumatoid Stewart) 742 arthritis (C) 470 Dodds, E. C., Recent Advances in Medicine Erbpathologie der sogenannten angeborenen Huftverrenkuug (Idelberger) (R) 700 (11) 1242 Ecker, A., Kormal Cerebral Angiogram Dodgson, R. W. (0) 676, 931 Erdei, A., sublingual tubocurarine in (R) 1146 muscular spasm (C) 1070 Doll, R., rate of healing of gastric ulcers, Eclampsia, prevention of (Hamlin) 64, 171, (C) 563 Erythema multiforme, see Stevens-Johnson (Sophian) (C) 159, (Browne) (C) 263 Dolton, E. G., congenital anomalies of Edholm, 0. G., fatigue, 868 syndrome aortic arch, 537 Education—health, 154 ; health and (LA) Erythema nodosum (A) 1009 Don, C., dihydrostreptomycin, 72, (C) 512 956, (C) 1019, (C) 1112, (C) 1215; Health Essays in Surgery (Harris and Janes) (R) 494 Donaldson, M., cancer research, 1206 Education (Bibby) (R) 1194 ; medical A. Dornhorst, C., pulsus paradoxus, (Finch) 1, (A) 602, general practice in Ethical Basis of Medical Practice (Sperry) 746 in medical, India, 678 ; (R) 1242 495 ; (LA) of deaf children (Owen) (C) 51, (LA) 403, Etienne-Martin, P., L’hypertension arteDouglas, M., joint-strain in sleep (C) 927 rielle permanente (R) 1095 Douglas, B’. BB’., A.C.T.H.. 342 (Whetnall) (C) 414, (Robin) (C) 469, Douthwaite, A. II.. peptic ulcer (C) 212 of (C) 611 ; (Ewing) handicapped Euthanasia (Millard) (C) 720 of nurses Evans, B., controlled hypotension and its Downie, A. BB’., variant of cowpox virus, children, filmstrip on, 427 ; 104!) effect on renal function, 1045, (C) 1259 (LA) 7 03, (Cropper and Houghton) (C) 716. (Ottley) (C) 821, (Marriott) (C) Evans, E. I., A.C.T.H. and homografts, 737 Downie, V. J.—early dumping syndrome after gastrectomy ((’) 819 ; 873, 874, Evans, F. T., succinylcholine, 1229 economy (Carling) (Lambert) (C) in X-ray film ((’) 263. (C) 423 925, (Hodkinson) (C) 926, Evans, P., medicine within Atlantic (Hone) Drainage—postural, for bronchiectasis in (Ottley) (C) 1018, (Humphreys) (C) community (C) 470 young children. 1216 ; sealed (Sheppard) 1072, (Hodkinson) ((’) 1113, (C’) 1166, Everett, L. S., fungus infections of feet 1174. (Atkins) (C) 1310 in America (Butcher) (Taylor) (C) 1304, (C) 1307 Draper. BB-. L., breast-feeding and diet (Lawson) 708, in Canada (Carter) 707 Everidge, J., illuminated sucker tube (NI) 905 (C) 317 Edwards, M. M., infection in hospital Dressings—adhesive, skin reactions to (C) 55 Everyman in Health and Sickness (Roberts) (A) 861, (Dodd) ((’) 922 ; new field, Edwards, P. W., economy in X-ray film 572, (A) 755 used in Klorea. 473 ; rayon (P) 1263 (C) 50 Evolution, teaching of (A) 863, (Spanner) M. 617 alcoholism (T., (C) Dreyer. B., splenic venography, 5:30 (C) 1070, (Harvey) (Walker) (C) 1115 Eggleton, Dreyfuss, F., sickle-cell trait in Arab Eire—appointment of county surgeon Ewing, A. W. G., training of deaf children at Waterford, 573 ; compulsory hospital (C) 1213 (C) 611 Drink. see Alcoholism tuberculosis Exercises in bath (Hill) (C) 422 appointments in, 882 ; 648 also Vital Drinker (Fallada) (R) in. 1074 ; see statistics Exhibitions—centenary of Braille’s death Drinking-water, supply of. to London Eisler, R., Man into Wolf (R) 450 (A) 1248;Medical Art Society, 872; (A) 145 Eissler, R. S., Psycho-Analytic Study of Photography and Art in Medicine, 1264, Chitd (R) 1052 Drugs—addiction to. control of 1026 ; (correction) 1314 ; Royal Academy, 972 addiction to. in adolescents (A) 654 ; Elam, J. E., relief of pain in labour (C) 1163 Exomphalos (Rickham) 334 addiction to. publicity for. 830 ; anti- Elastosis dystrophica (A) 804 Exophthalmos, see Eyes coagulants in congestive heart-failure, Electric blanket, accident with (IL} 217 Explosion in operating-theatre (ML) 1117 1012 ; to anti-histamine, and auricular Elmtro-encephalyraphy—(A) 705, (Hoyle: Eyes-changes following exposure fihrillation (A) 408 ; anti-thyroid, 1013 ; and anaesthesia (A) 40 : metallic mercury (Locket and Nazroo) (C) 1211 ; in Clinica by-laws under Food and Drugs Act. 528 ; corneal grafts (A) 500, (Wakeley) Elect ro-encephatography 1938 (P) 1263 ; Praeticc (Schwab) (R) 750 ; in doubtfu (C) 510, (P) 1065, (P) 1263 ; Documenta cough mixtures (A) iodide 959, potassium in (Herxheimer epilepsy (Jewesbury) 1029 ; leads ir Ophthalmologica (R) 348 ; exophthalmic and McAllen) (C) 1213 ; cough-suppress(LA) 1099 ophthalmoplegia, cortisone and A.C.T.H. in (Chandler and Hartfall) 847. (Shubert) ing, assessment of (Hillis) 1230, (Hudson) Electron Microscopic Histology of Heari (C) 1310 ; Dangerous Drugs Act, 1951, (Kisch) (R) 647 (C) 1307 ; exophthalmos, experimental,
of Nervous Diseases System (Brain) (R) 138 Disinfection of skin (A) 250 Dislocations—Erbpathologie der sogenannten angeborenen Hiiftverrenkung (Idelberger) (It) 700 ; Management of Fractures. Dislocations and Sprains (Key and
is and cortisone (Aterman) 1143 ; familial cataract and mental deficiency (Kirman) 694 ; Hundert Jahre Augenspiegel (R) 750 ; intraocular acrylic lenses after cataract extraction
(Ridley) 118 ; (A)
500 ;
Fisher, R. E. W., pulmonary hæmosiderosis, 540
ophtalmologie (Jayle (R) 800 ; Ocular 494 ; (R) Toxoplasmosis (Hogan) ophthalmia neonatorum, terramycin in attempted prophylaxis of (O’Brien) 347, retinoblastoma, (O’Brien) (C) 675 ;; irradiation of (Stallard) 1046 ; Rotgrunblindheit als Erlebnis (Ahlenstiel) (R) of 750 ; Significance Heredity in Ophthalmology (Hamilton) (R) 952 ; of Synopsis Ophthalmology (MartinDoyle) (R) 138 ; Text-Book of Ophthalmology (Duke-Elder) (R) 1095 ; Trubungsformen der menschlichen Linse (Sautter) (R) 84 ; tuberculosis of (P) thérapeutique
and Dubois-Poulsen
W. S., Personality and Fitzgerald, Psychosis (R) 402 Flagella, bacterial (A)88 Fleetwood, J., History of Medicine in Ireland (R) 194 Fleischmann. P., auricular flutter (C) 767 Fleming, G. B. (0) 881, 931 Fleming, H. A., treatment for overdose of hexamethonium bromide (C) 1310 Fletcher, E., Medical Diseases of Locomotor System (R) 906 Fletcher, N. C. (0) 109 Flint, M. H., local use of chloramphenicol in wound infections, 541 Florcken, H., Chirurgie der Schilddrüse (R) 402 Flour-agents in milling and baking, 1050 ; ’, alternative process for improving (P) 1301 ; wheat, in cceliac disease (Ander0.
Fungus infections—Candida albicans (Taylor and Rundle) (Wolff) 1236 ; meningoencephalitis due to Cryptococcus neoformans (Roantree and Dunkerlev) 1274 ; offeet (A) 1152, (Everett) (Jago) (C) 1307
G Gil soap (A) 250
Gairdner, D.—nephrosis treated by malaria, 842 ; streptomycin in tuberculous men-
ingitis, 1176 Galley, A. H., risks with cyclopropane (C) 1072
Garai, 0. F., cat-scratch fever. 646 Garcia-Llaurad6, J., plasma substitutes (C) 565 Garnham, P. C. C., appointment, 1121 Gaskell, Sir A. (0) 268 Gastrectomy, see Stomach Gastric, see Stomach Gastro-enterology, see Intestines. Stomach " Gavey, C. J., Management of Hopeless Case (R) 1002 Gayid, I. K., nikethamide (C) 1165 Geary, R., cross-infection (C) 924 Geddes, J. E., use of sanatorium bed, 92 Gelatin film in repair of dural defects
Frazer, French, Gerrard, Sammons, Smellie) 836, (LA) 857, 921, (James) (C) 928 F Floyd, W. F., fatigue, 868 Fluids, non-injectable, eolcuring of, in Facial paralysis in poliomyelitis (Moore) operating-theatres, 917 1092 Fluorine-administration of, in waterFacial pigmentation with intestinal polysupply for prevention of dental caries posis (Wolff) 446, (correction) 520, (Mackenzie) 960, (P) 1023, (Sykes) (C) (McKissock) 943 and dental decay (P) 827 ; General Board of Control for Scotland, 934 (Montuschi) (C) 566 1112 ; content of Kilmarnock water-supply, 979 General Medical Council, 507, 1158 Factories, accidents in (A) 455 Blood Factors Pressure Fivnn. J. E., Blood Clotting and Allied General practice—Ethical Basis of Medical Regulating and 1242 Problems Shorr) (R) (Zweifach (R) 1290 Practice (Sperry) (R) 1242 ; hospital Faculty of Anaesthetists, 166, 322, 727, Fœtus—Pathology of Fetus and Newborn and, joint training in (correction) 60 ; 1314 (Potter) (R) 1290 hospitals, and future (Simmonds) 42, Faculty of Ophthalmologists, 1075 Foley, J., unestablished practitioners (C) (Smith) (Jameson) (C) 107, (Grenville7]9 Faculty of Radiologists, 219 Mathers) (C) 160 ; in curriculum (LA) in test for blood 1102 under Food Fseces, simple (A) Food-by-laws and Drugs 495 ; mass radiography and pulmonary Fairbank, Sir T., Atlas of General AffecAct, 1938 (P) 1263 ; consumption of tuberculosis in (Sutherland) 152, (Hofftions of Skeleton (R) 952 welfare foods (P) 827 ; feeding risks in staedt) (C) 217, (Sita-Lumsden) (C) 567 ; Fairley, H. B., accidental spinal injection early life (A) 754 ; Food and Nutrition opportunities in (Kent) (C) 819 ; peediaof ’ Xylocaine ’ (C) 316, (correction) 376 (Cruickshank) (R) 84 ; hygiene (P) 662 ; tric (Cook) 412, (Franklin, Paulett, meat inspection (P) 1301 ; specifications Fajardo, J., hiccup during ansesthesia (C) Tepper, and Tuckman) (C) 470, (P) 662 266 for (A) 1103 ; world’s (Nicol) (C) 313, General practitioners-access of, to materFalconer, R., nisin, 127 (Thrower) (C) 419 ; see also Bread, nity units, 1121 ; assistants to. number Falkner, F., convalescent child, 657 Flour, Milk of (P) 1065 ; health visitors and, 713 ; Fallada, H., The Drinker (R) 648 Foot, see Feet hospitals and (LA) 195 ; lists of (P) Family Allowances and National Insurance Foot-and-mouth disease (A) 299, (P) 1024, 1065 ; pay of (A) 652, 662, (Leeson) Bill, 1952, 932 (A) 1056, 1168, immunisation against (C) 720, (P) 770, (P) 827, (LA) 1147, 1168 972 Family Planning, (P) 1155 ; prescriptions of (Nettell) (C) 927 ; Farney Close School cruelty charge (ML) Foote, J. B., thyroid function, 486 unestablished (Russell) (C) 610, (Gray) 1167 Footwear, surgical (P) 463 (C’) 668, (Russell) (Foley) (C) 719, Farquhar, J. B.,’Priscol ’ in obstetrics Forbes, R., Anatomy Act (C) 611 (Manning) ((’) 765 (C) 613 Ford, C. S., Patterns of Sexual Behaviour Genetics-distal 755 ; myopathy (A) of Farquhar, J. W’., treatment parkinson(A) 407 Erbpathologie der sogenannten angeism in a child, 638 Forestier, J., Spondylarthrite ankylosante borcnen Hüftverrenkung (Idelberger) Fasoli, A., micro-electrophorcsis of serum(R) 1145 (It) 700 ; familial cataract and mental lipoproteins ((’) 106 Forrester, R. M., bovine tuberculosis (C) Genetics in deficiency (Kirman) 694 ; 926 Fat-fat-embolism (LA) 196 ; Fats and 20th Century (Dunn) (R) 401 ; Genetics Figures (Taylor) 58 ; intravenous ad- Fortschritte der Allergielehre (Kallos) (R) of Micro-Organisms (C’atcheside) (R) ministration of (A) 960 ; metabolism of 246 449 ; Human Blood Groups and Inheriafter of removal (LA) 599 ; obesity (C’rofts) (C) 53, Forty, F., vasospasm tance (Lawler and Lawler) (R) 648 ; maternal (Richardson) 525 ;; see also prolapsed intervertebral disc (C) 1214 hypopituitarism (Hubble) 1123 ; mediSteatorrhCL-a eine and Foshay, L., cat-scratch fever (C) 673 (A) 554 ; Significance of Fatigue (Edholm and Floyd) 868 Foster, P. A., ’Priscol ’ in obstetrics (C) Heredity in Ophthalmology (Hamilton) 1018 Fees, see Pay (it) 952 ; Soviet Genetics (Morton) (R) Feet-fungus infections of (A) 1152, Fourman, P., ability of normal kidney 293 ; Treasury of Human Inheritance 1042 conserve to (Everett) (Jago) (C) 1307 ; hallux valgus potassium, (Penrose and Bell) (R) 546 (Hardy and Clapham) 1180, (Booth) Fowler, D. I., plasma-cystine levels in Geriatrics, see Aged (C) 1258, (correction) 1266, (Keizer) (C) German measles, see Rubella cystinuria, 544 1305 Foy, H.—anæmia in Uganda (C) 416 ; Gerrard, J. W., eculiae disease, 836 Ferrokinetics (LA) 1054 Its Nature and penicillin in megaloblastic anaemia, 1221 Gestalt Psychology : Fertilisers (Nicol) (C) 313 Fractures-Fractures and Joint Injuries Significance (Katz) (P) 450 and (Allan) (C) 546; et Fertility-blood -groups Management Gestation (Watson-Jones) (R) cytologic vaginale (Pundel of Fractures, Dislocations, and Sprains 102, (Sanghvi) (C) 214, (Allan) (C) 370; and Van Meensel) (R) 1002 Human Fertility (Cook) (R) 32 (Key and Conwell) (R) 84 ; Marknagel- Ghose, R., hiccup during anæsthesia (C) 615 Fever, acute epidemic haemorrhagic (A) 757 ung nach Kiintscher (Hiibler) (R) 449 ; Gibbon, N., pancreaticogastrostomy, 588 Fibro-adenoma of breast (Atkins) 273 Ostéotaxis (Hoffmann) (R) 449 Gill, A. M., hvperthyroidism and peptic endocardial Fibrosis, (Bonham Carter, Frain-Bell, W., scleroderma. (C) 514 ulcer, 693 France—B.C.G. vaccination compulsory for Gillespie, W. A., hospital cross-infections, Swyer, and Pugh) (C) 311 Field dressing, new, used in Korea, 473 child contacts of tuberculosis, 100 1132 Film-gelatin, in repair of dural defects Frandsen, J., national health service of Gillies. Sir H., local use of chloramphenicol in wound infections, 541 (McKissock) 943 ;see also X-ray film Denmark, 357 Films—use of. in teaching, 607 ; S.F.A. Franglen, G. T., amino-aciduria after Gitmour, R. G., Welfare Services Manual of 1242 Medical Films 190 (R) burn, Catalogue Lysol’ (R) 246 Frankel, E., mercury and pink disease Gin-traps, 375 FILMS.—Anti-histamine Agents, 829 ; (C) 611 Girdlestone, G. R., tribute to, 1313 Cardiac Output in Man, 573 ; Phago- Franklin, A. BB’.-periodic diseases of Glaisher. C.. treatment of scarlet fever of Cocci children, 1267 ; register to aid crippled cytosis by Polymorphs, 58 ; ((’) 821, (C) 875 babies (f) 109 Segmental Resection of Lung in BronGlaser, E. M., prevention of motion sickchiectasis, 58 ; Sialography Technique, Franklin, li., unusual epidemic (C) 415 ness, 490 829 ; Thrombosis and Embolism, 58 Franklin, L. M., Hengrove experiment (C) Glasgow, pneumonia in (Grist, Landsman, son,
on breasteducation of handifeeding, 322 ; capped children, 427 ; on school medical service, 427 Filters, sintered disc, British standard, 574 Finch, Sir E., approach to specialism, 1 Findlay, G. M., incubation period of infective hepatitis (C) 467 Findlay, G. W. M., death of, 604, (0) 675, 772 Fingers, see Hand Finkbeiner, H., Röntgenbild des entwicklungsgestörten 1-terus (R) 84 Finland (Smith) 1109 Fire caused by electric blanket (ML) 217 Fire.guards (A) 500 Fish, hæmopoietic effect of vitamin Bl, prepared from (Hausmann and Mulli) 185
Filmstrips—catalogue of, 1266 ; on
Franks, E. H.—anæsthesia in casualty department (C) 1259 ; succinylchollne (C) 1309 Fraser. M. S., Bact. coli meningitis in newborn
(C) 420
vagotomy, 895
Fraser, R., subacute thyroiditis, 382 Fraser, Sir F., power and responsibility, 61 Frazer, A. (’., cœliac disease, 836 Freeth. D.. hysterosalpingography female infertility. 15
French. J. M., effiiac disease. 836
Freud, A.. Psycho-Analytic Study of Child (R) 1052 Friedmann, R., nisin. 127 Frozen limb, warming of tA) 146 Fry. J., unusual epidemic (C) 468 J. F., Decompression Sickness (R)
Fulton, 401
and Anderson) 640 Glaunès, J. P.. Actualites hématologiques (R) 194 Gla7.ehrook, A. J., functional diseases of small bowel after gastrectomy and
cerebral cortex, 1191 Glioma retina*, irradiation
Global Epidemiology (Simmons) (R) 194 Glove;-, surgical, infection of (Harrison and Cruickshank) 2SS Glucose—endocrine control of blood-sugar
(Long) 325) acid and Glutamic (Davies) (C) 217
Godding, E. W., --fandardised Goitre, see Thyroid gland
(C) 719
hæmolytic IHair—effect of A.C.T.H. on growth of, inHearing-aids—bone-conduction (P) 1160 ;; number issued and cost of (P) 363, (P) alopecia (Wilson) 646 ; effect of cortisone on excretion of 17-ketosteroids in simple Goldsmith, W. N., unusual skin condition 463 ;standard batteries for, 220 ;supply hirsutism (Bishop, Bray, de Mowbray, of (P) 516 (C) 515 J. and 630, Goligher, C., dumping syndrome, Merivale, Vaughan-Morgan) 1287 ; Heart—angiocardiography, 1011 ; antiHair and Scalp (Savill) (R) 906 ; re(C) 1114 coagulants in congestive heart-failure, Goodall, J. ’%V. D., cross-infection in growth of, in pregnancy (Bishop and 1012 ; auricular fibrillation and antide Mowbray) (C) 1258 ; auricular Unconscious histamine drugs (A) 408 ; hospital, 807 flutter Goodwin, J. F., B.-Ni.R. versus radio-iodine (A) 251, (Halm) (C) 368, Significance of Hair (Berg) (R) 294 I D.—functional disorders of small (C) 61G Haler, (Fleischmann) (C) 767 ; ballistocardiobowel after gastrectomy and vagotomv Gordon, R., Doctor in the House, 829 graphy, 1011 ; Bruits du coeur et des 573 670 vaisseaux varicose ulcers Gorillas, (C) 1067, (C) 1259 ; (Clay) (C) (C) (Calo) (R) 294 ; cardiac arrest 1021 Gorrill, R. H., agglutination test for (Woodward) 82, (Smart) (C) 1116 ; IHallpike, C. S., operating-spectacles for cardiac contusion (McGill) 997, (Rabson) rheumatoid arthritis, 389 aural surgery (NI) 1193 Gosse, P., Doctor Viper (R) 1146 (C) 1211 ; Cardiac Output in Man (film) Goth, A., test of hypocorticoidism (C) 103 Hallux valgus (Hardy and Clapham) 1180, 573 ; Cardiac Pain (Rinzler) (R) 1194 ; cerebral symptoms in cardiac infarction Gould, A. G., Your Health, 572 (Booth) (C) 1258, (correction) 1266, M. in Gould, (A) 652, (Batty Shaw) (C) 763, (PickE., infection hospital (C) 366 (Keizer) (C) 1305 Gould, R. B.-anaesthesia for tuberculous IHalsted, William Stewart (LA) 1100 worth) (C) 874 ; coronary reserve (Pitt) (C) 160 ; coronary thrombosis (Shute) (C) 671 ; controlled hypotension and IHamilton, J. B., Significance of Heredity in Ophthalmology (R) 952 its effect on renal function (C) 1259 (C) 108, (Sbarigia) (C) 265, (Shute) (C) I R. H. J., prevention of eclampsia, 717, (Sbarigia) (C) 1072, (Shute) (C) Gourevitch, A., metabolic effects of total Hamlin, 64 1309 ; disease, restrictions in (LA) 858 ; pancreatectomy, 180 and electronic I infections of flngers heart-rate recorder (A) 705 ; Grafts-arterial (Lanari) (C) 1021, preser- Hand—acute Electron Microscopic Histology of Heart vation of, by freezing (Hufnagel and (Bailey) 167, (Love) (Lowden) (C) 262, (Kisch) (R) 647 ; endocardial fibrosis Eastcott) 531 ;see also Homografts (Harty) (C) 315, (Clarkson) (C) 367, (A) 90, (Bonham Carter, Swyer, and Graham, H., A Doctor’s London (R) 856 (Herford) (C) 368, (Pilcher) (C) 424, heart-failure cells (Clarkson) (C) 471, (Ellis) (C) 613 ; Pugh) (C) 311 ; Graham, J. D. P., modified starch as Hand in Psychological Diagnosis (Wolff) substitute for talc, 590 (LA) 1005 ; infarcts, localisation of (LA) 1099 ; Leonardo da Vinci on (R) 595 Gray, C. H., splenectomy in congenital Movement of Heart and Blood (Keele) Handbook of Surgery (Ledlie and Harmer) porphyria, 851 E. Portrait of a 856 401 (R) 1096 ; mitral valvulotomy in pregA., (R) Gray, Surgeon (R) nancy (Logan and Turner) 1286 ; Gray, F., unestablished practitioners (C)Handbook to Social Services in London, 6G8 324 mortality from coronary and myocardial R. P. C., rubber tubing ; disease by social classes (Logan) 758, Handfield-Jones, Gray, P. W. S., succinylcholine, 1229 as cause of infusion thrombophlebitis, (Harrison) (C) 878, (Heggie) (C) 928, (C) 160 Gray, St. G. B. D., " utilecon 585 Great Ormond Street Journal, 321 (Morris) (C) 1017 ; paroxysmal auricular : in Greek to patient (Solomon) (C) 1020 fibrillation, 761, 830 ; (correction) Handley, R.,* Mysolinc ’ epilepsy, 742 paroxysmal tachycardia in infancy Green, A. F., ’Kemadrin,’ 583 (Neubauer) (C) 106, (Keizer) (C) 160 ; Greenberg, S. M., cortisone-induced pre -Handwriting, 111 cocious puberty " in rats, 545 Hans, S. F., braided tantalum wire, 949 pericarditis, chronic constrictive (LA) Greenfield home for aged sick, 981 Hansen, K. B., A.C.T.H. in haemolytic 1055 ; pulsus paradoxus (Dornhorst, aneemia (C) 419 Howard, and Leathart) 746 ; research Greenland, expedition to (Brown) (C) 466 on heart-disease (Logan and Morris) (C) R. hallux H., Greenwood, J. M., chronic sick unit, 303Hardy, valgus, 1180, in heart-disease restrictions 1116 ; (correction) 1266 Gregory, H. H. C. (0) 218 (Benson) (C) 1020 ; results of BlalockGregory, J., dihydrostreptomycin, 72, (C) Hargreaves, A., penicillin in megaloblastic see also 512 Taussig operation, 1011 ; anemia, 1221 Electrocardiography Grenville-Mathers, R.-general practice, Hargreaves, E. R., tuberculosis in a Cornish District, 710 Heating Appliances (Fireguards) Bill (P) hospitals, and future (C) 160 ; mass 608 Harmer, M., Handbook of Surgery (R) 401 (C) 319 radiography BV. E. H. Heberden round, 882 cancer of R.-C’linical Practice in Harries, Grieshach, E., experimental Infectious Diseases 310 treatment Hecogenin,1120 (R) 348 ; thyroid ((’) of scarlet fever (C) 767 Grist, N. R., pneumonia in Glasgow, 640 Heggie, J. F., coronary and myocardial disease (C) 928 Gross, J.—physiological activity of tri- Harris, H., plasma-cystine levels in Heier, A., zinc in A.C.T.H. (C) 1308 cystinuria, 544 lodothyronine, 593 ; triiodothyronine in Heller, G. C., agranulocytosis during treatmyxocdema, 1044 ; triiodothyronine in Harris, L. J., Vitamins (R) 596 ment with diethazine hydrochloride, 192 Harris, R. I., Essays in Surgery (R) 494 plasma, 439 Growth hormone—(Hubbe) 1123 ; and Harris, R. S., Vitamins and Hormones (R) Hemlock (Boycott) (C) 373 749 Hemp-(Johnson) (C) 820 ; Indian hemp carbohydrate metabolism (LA) 35, (Johnson) (R) 1096 (Long) 328 ; as aid in postoperative Harrison, B. B., colonic replacement of nutrition (A) 756 ; in hyperinsulinism Henderson, W., mumps meningo-encephastomach, 25 islet-cell due to adenoma litis, 386 (Black, Harrison, C. V., coronary and myocardial disease (C) 878 Hendrie, J., hiccup during anaesthesia (C) Macdougall, Reid, and Young) 19 466 of of G. infection H. adrenal extract Harrison, K., prevention M., effect Grundy, of thoracic surgical wounds by staphylo- Hengrove experiment (Cook) 412, (Franklin, on mineral metabolism, 122 cocci from patient’s skin, 288 Paulett, Tepper, and Tuckman) (C) 470, Gunther, M.,breast-feeding and diet (C) 367 Harrison, R. J., subacute thyroiditis, 382 (P) 662 Henly, A. A., formaldehydogenic steroids, Gynæcological Endocrin- Hart, F. D., rheumatic fever, 1000 Gynaecology 697 ology (Bishop) (R) 138 ; Quelques Hartfall, S. J., cortisone and A.C.T.H. in Henneman, J., diabetic acidosis without exophthalmic ophthalmoplegia, 847 aspects de la gynecologic actuelle (Bourg) Tumeurs du sein Textbook of Hartmann, H., 952 ketonuria, 797, (C) 1018 (R) (R) 800 ; Gynaecology Hepatic, see Liver (Shaw) (R) 750 ;; see also Hystcro- Hartmann, M. (0) 374 Labour, Maternity, Harty, M., acute infection of hand (C) 315 Hepatitis, see Liver salpingography, Hepatolenticular degeneration treated with Harvey, C. C., evolution (C) 1115 Obstetrics, Pregnancy dimercaprol (A) 199 Gynæcomastia, post-starvation (A) 601, Haivey, D. G.—estimation of D.N.O.C. in of Hei-a(-Ieum (Middleton) (C) 418 blood, 796, (C) 1213 ; prevention (Polymenakos) (C) 1021 acute D.N.O.C. poisoning, 794 Heredity, see Genetics Herford, M. E. M.—acute infections of Harvey, William, remains of, 774 hand (C) 368 ; industrial health services Hashish—Indian Hemp (Johnson) (R) 1096 (C) 415 Haslam, R. M.—determination of urinary H prcgnanediol, 399 ; urinary ketosteroids, Hernia-diaphragmatic, congenital (Rick285 ham) 335 ; femoral, strangulated, in young boy (Temple) 594 ; inguinal, Haas, H. E., McNaughten rules (C’) 1257 Hausmann, K., vitamin B12 from fish, 185 repair of (Craig) (C’) 672 ; inguinal, Häbler, C.. Marknagelung nach Kuntscher Hawker, H. W., antidiuretic hormone strangulated, reduction of (Bowesman) (R) 449 during and after pregnancy (C) 53 W) 822 Hackett, C. J., Hone Lesions of Yaws in Hawkins, J. E., toxicity of dihydroHerpes simplex (LA) 1244 Uganda (R) 1241 streptomycin sulphate (C’) 369 J. for 1-). variant of BB’.. C., appointment systems Hervey, G. R., prevention of motion Haddock, cowpox virus, Hawksley, Goldenberg, H., Compound
F in
ansemia, 1135
Haden-Guest, Lord, first dental clinic in London (C) 925
HæmatologycoBlood Hæmochroniatosis (LA) 650, (LA) 1005 British Hæmoglobinometers, standard, 1314 Hæmolytic disease of newborn—antenatal prediction of (Bevi.,) 395 ;treatment of (Mollison and Walker) 429 Hæmophilia (P) 1302
Hæmmorrhage—control of, during surgical operations, 854 ; hæmothorax following artificial-pneumothorax refills (Mashiter) 188
Hæmosiderosis, pulmonary (Fisher and llakin) 540. (LA) 1005, (A) 1101, (Cudkowiez) (C’) 1164 Hæmothorax, see Hæmorrhage Haggie, M., barium enema in diagnosis of cancer
of cololi. 21
Hahn, L., auricular flutter (C) 36S Haines. R. W., Applied Anatomy Nurses (R) 1146
sickness, 490 outpatients (C) 1208 Haygarth House (Taylor) 253, (Atkinson) Herxheimer, H. G. J.—Management of Bronchial Asthma (R) 1145 ; potassium (C) 312, (Taylor) ((’) 513 iodide in cough mixture (C’) 1213 Health—centre at Harlow (Taylor) 253, M. (0) 620 Heseltine. (Atkinson) (C) 312, (Taylor) (C) 513 ; centre in Bristol (Wofinden and Parry) Heteroplasma ’ (Carcia-Llaurado) (C)
565 1297; Cost of Health (Roberts) (LA) .5HT ; Cost of Sickness and Price of HealthHewitt, M., industrial dermatitis (C) 466 (Window) (A) 38 ; education. 154 ; educa-’ Hexachlorophene (A) 250 tion and (LA) 956, ((’) 1019, ((’) 1112,Hexamethonium—bromide, hypotension controlled with, and its effect on renal ((’) 1215 ; Everyman in Health andL Disease (Roberts) .572 ; Health and function (Evans and Enderby 1045, Citizen (Walker) (R) 245, (Kennedy) (Locket) (C) 1166, (Endcrby and bromide, (C) 318 ; Health Education (Bibby) Evans) (Gould) ((’) 1259 ; in hypertension (Kilpatiick and Smirk) international (R) 1194 ; (A) 652 ;; 8. 493, 494 ; nutrition and (P) 308 ; price of (A) 38, bromide, treatment for overdose of (Fleming) (C’) 1310: com(LA) 597, (Titmuss) 6o5 ; Queen’s Roadl Health Centre, Camberwell, 323 ; :erpounds in treatment of hypertension vice, L.C.t’. school, changes in. 608 ;; (Blainey) 993 ; iodide in controlling service of Denmark (Frandsen) 357 ;; bleeding during surgical operations, 854 study of, 905 ; visitors and general practitioners, 713 ; Your Health (SmileyHiccup, see Anaesthesia and Gould) 572 ; see also Industry,Hicks, A. R. H., artificial respiration (C) Mental health, Xational Health Service 718 .
xi Higgins, T. T., Urology of Childhood (R) 31 Highfield, M. E., Survey of Rewards and Punishments in Schools (R) 1290 Hill, Sir L.-death of, 706, (0) 771 ; physical fitness and exercises in bath (C) 422 Hilliard, C., early dumping syndrome after gastrectomy (C) 819 Hillis, B. R., cough-suppressing drugs, 1230
Himwich, H. E., Brain Metabolism and Cerebral Disorders (R) 750 Hindmarsh, D., treatment of subacute intestinal obstruction (C) 162 Hinson, K. F. W., isonicotinic acid hydrazide and streptomycin resistance (C) 1113
Hunger and land (LA) 351 Hunt, J. H., college of general practice (C) 1303 . Hunter, D., poisoning by phosphorus
(P) 724 ;costs of (LA) 597, (P) 1065 ; in (LA) 801, (Goodall) 807, (Geary) (C) 924, (Mottram) (C) 976. with staphylococci resistant to several antibiotics (Clarke. Dalgleish, and Gillespie) 1132 ; difficulty of filling junior medical posts in (A) 705 ; economy in (LA) 451, (C) 514, (MacWilliam) (C) 565, (Bintcliffe) (C) 673, 1265 ; finance of (A) 499, in Newcastle region (P) 769 ; food in (P) 462 ; general practice, and future (Simmonds) 42, (Smith) (Jameson) (C) 107, (Grenville-Mathers) (C) 160 ; general-practitioner (P) 1065 ; general practitioners and (LA) 195 ; house-appointments, compulsory, 507 ; infection in (Edwards) (C) 55, (Gould, Darroch, Taylor, and Bocock) (C) 366, (P) 1302 ; in Newcastle region (P) 462 ; law and Italian, 1254 ; (Marshall) ((’) .53 ; negligence and (ML) 725 ; number of full-time staff per inpatient (P) 1117 ; pay of medical superintendents of, 323, in Scotland (P) 724 ; in, 375, 428 ; public and prayers (LA) 1195 ; recovery wards (Davies and Hunter) 865, (Ovens) ((’) 1209 ; research in regional (Jones) (C) 922 ; staff, totals of (P) 1301 ; standard utensils for, 520 ; sums allocated to and spent by (LA) 33 ; teaching, and tuberculosis nursing (A) 89 ; voluntary contributions to, 270 ; voluntary service to (LA) 295 ; see also Mental hospitals cross-infection
compounds used in agriculture (C) 262 Hunter, John-memorial to, 322, 427 ; Portrait of a Surgeon (Gray) (R) 856 Hunter, J. T., recovery ward, 865 Hunter, R. B., procaine penicillin with Benemid ’ (C) 104 Hunter, William, memorial to, 1217 Husain, 0. A. N., rheumatic fever, 1000 Hussain, K. K., acute gastric dilatation .
der sogenannten angeHiiftverrenkung (Idelberger) (R) 700 ; arthroplasty of (LA) 37 Hire-purchase of cars by doctors (P) 1024 Hirsutism, see Hair Histology-Electron Microscopic Histology of Heart (Kisch) (R) 647 ; Pathological Histology (Ogilvie) (R) 138 ; Tissues of Body (Clark) (R) 750 Histoplasmosis, 1011, (LA) 1148 History of Medicine in Ireland (Fleetwood) (R) 194 Hobson, D.—agglutination test for rheumatoid arthritis, 389 ; medicine within Atlantic community (C) -124 Hodges, R. J. H., incompatible transfusion under anaesthesia (C) 923 Hodkinson, S., education of nurses (C) 926, HOSPITALS.—Bethlem Royal and Maudsley (C) 1113 Hospital, London, 1063 ; British Hertford Hospital, Paris (P) 972 ; Charing Hoffbauer, F. BV., Liver Injury (R) 800 Cross 1063 ; Hoffmann, R., Osteotaxis (R) 449 Hospital Connaught Hoffstaedt, E. G. W., mass radiography Military Hospital (P) 463 : Eastman Dental Hospital, London, 1064 ; Glasand pulmonary tuberculosis (C) 217 gow Royal Cancer Hospital, 932 ; Hogan, M. J., Ocular Toxoplasmosis (R) 494 Guy’s Hospital, 518, 1063 ; Hospital for Diseases of Chest, London, 1064 ; Hogg, A. H., herniation of nucleus pulHospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond posus (C) 616 urticaria from Street, 427, 1063, 1120-. Hospital for (Middleton) Hogweed, Tropical Diseases, London, 1263 ; Kings(C) 418 bury Maternity Hospital, London, 830 ; Holdsworth, BV. G., Cleft Lip and Palate King’s College Hospital, London, 1063; (R) 800 London Middlesex Holm, A., atropine in cancer (C) 618 Hospital, 1063 ; for Hospital, 1063 ; Moornelds, Westminster Holtermann, H.-slow-release medium and Central zinc in A.C.T.H. A.C.T.H. Eye Hospital, 1063 ; (C) 468 ; National Heart Hospital, London, 1064 ; (C) 1308 Holzel, A., mercury and pink disease, 441 Nottingham General Hospital, 375 ; Home care at Cambridge, 1216 Rowley Bristow Orthopædic Hospital, Pyrford, 428 ; Royal Beatson Memorial Home-help service (P) 1301 Home for-aged sick, 474, 981, 1265 ; Hospital, 932 ; Royal Cancer Hospital, 1154 mothers London, 1064 ; Royal Dental Hospital, incompetent (A) London, 1026 ; Royal Free Hospital, Homografts and A.C.T.H. (I3utterfield, London, 1063 ; Williams, and Evans) 737, (Billingham, Royal Hospital of Saint Bartholomew (Whitterldge) (R) Krohn, and Medawar) (C) 976 Hone, R. A., education of nurses (C) 925 84, 1063 ; Royal Infirmary for Children, Waterloo Road, 427 ; Royal National Honours and awards-574, 622 ; birthday 1201, 220, 324, (A) 1205 ; foreign, 60, Orthopsedic Hospital, London, 1064 ; 428, 830, 934, 1122 ; for services in Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Korea, 982 Hospital, London, 1063 : St. George’s Hood, A. M.—chemotherapy of Staph. Hospital, London, 1063 ; St. John’s in burns, aureus 1036 ; disinfectant Hospital for Diseases of Skin, London, barrier in dressings applied to burns, 899 1663 ; St. Mary’s Hospital, Paddington St. Peter’s and Hookworm anaemia (Hutton) (C) 105 (LA) 495, 1063 ; St. Paul’s Hospital, London, 1064 ; Horder, Lord-British Encyclopaedia of Medical Practice (R) 194, (R) 494 ; St. Philip’s Hospital, London, 11’l ; dinner to, 111 St. Thomas’s Hospital, London, 1063 ; Sheffield Street Hospital, London, 112 ; Hormones—anterior-pituitary (Hubble) United Sheffield Hospitals, 883 ; Uniantidiuretic hormone 1123 ; during and after pregnancy (Hawker) (C) 53 ; versity College Hospital, London (LA) Middlesex inactivation of, by liver (LA) 350, West 495, 571, 1063 ; (Haar) (C) 516 ; in peptic ulceration Hospital, Isleworth, 259 ; Westminster White Hart (A) 201 ; metabolic, of anterior pituitary Hospital, 1063, 1217 ;; (Lung) 327 ; (pstrogenic, in treatment Hospital, Harrogate, 981 of and vaginal hypoplasia aplasia (Ripman) 744 ; pigment hormone (A) Houghton, P., education of nurses ((’) 716 1150, (Morris) ((.’) 1210 ; secreted by House-appointments, compulsory, 507. 882 suprarenal cortex, 815 ; steroid (Tait, Houses—design of, 210 ; for aged (1’) 516 Simpson, and Grundy) 122, (LA) 350, Howard, P., pulsus paradoxus, 746 D. and behaviour, 508 ; thyroid hormone Howat, D. (’., accidental spinal Vitamins and (A) 600, (A) 1056 ; injection of ’Xylocaine’ Hormones (Harris and Thimann) (R) Howell, T. H., Chronic Bronchitis (It) 749 749 ; see also Adrenocorticotropic hor- Howitt repoit (LA) 142 Growth hormone, mone, Œstrogens, Howkins, J., braided tantalum wire. 949 borenen
(<_’) 51 Home. J. L.. t’ouperation in
of tuber-
culous ((’) 974
Horse Shoe Club (Nicol) (C’) 561 Hosford. J. S. (0) 881
Hospital appointments. compulsory, 507, in Eire, 882
of. 1014 :
annual of, 1255; appointment systems for outpatients (Welch and Bailey) 1105, (Murley) (Hawksley) (C) 1208. (Denness) (Stanford) (C) 1209, (Lee) «’) 1262, (P) 1302, (Spencer) (Bowring) boards and (C) ’) committees 13u7 : of boards of governors (P) 1160 ; of tt-aching. appointments to, in London, 1063, in provinces, 969 ; changes in names of (P 1263 ; costing (L A) 1243 ; cost of administration of, in Scotland
reports of. 1120 ;
17-Hydroxycorticosterone, see Compound F
acid in scleroderma (Briggs and Illingworth) 346 Hydroxysteroids (Haslam and Klyne) 285 Hynes, M., Medical Bacteriology (R) 83 Hyperidrosis, control of (Rollason) (C) 1166 Hyperinsulinism due to islet-cell adenoma, growth hormone in (Black, Macdougall,
Reid, and Young) 19
Hypersplenism (Maingot) 629 Hypertension-aberrant renal arteries and (Bensusan) (C) 317 ;; dimercaprol in (Baylis and Kauntze) 1092 ; hexamethonium compounds in treatment of (Blainey) 993 ; Hypertension (Bell) (R) 450 ; Hypertension arterielle permanente (Etienne -Martin) (R) 1095 ; medical treatment of, 492 ; methonium salts in (Kilpatrick and Smirk) 8 ; physiological principles underlying treatment of, by thiocyanates and sympathectomy (Davis) 1171; portal (Maingot) 628 ; portal, location of obstruction in (Dreyer and Budtz-Olsen) 530 ; portal, pathology and treatment of (Walker) 729, (LA) 1097 ; primary pulmonary (A) 604 ; protoveratrine in, 1012 Hyperthyroidism—and peptic ulcer (Gill and Walton) 693, (McEwan) (C) 822;
Sex hormones Hornc, (’. 0.. insulin loss during injection
282. (C) 613 Hutton. P. W., anaemia in Africans in Uganda (C) 105, (C) 617ï Hyaluronidase, role of pituitary and adrenal glands in inhibition of, by salieylates (Pelloja) 233 Hydrazine, toxicity of (A) 1294
treatment of, 1012
Hypnotism-Hypnotism Bill (P) 1301; in labour (Newbould) (C) 1071 ; on stage (1iL) 725 Hypocorticoidism, test of (G6th, Bencze, and Lengyel) ((’) 103 Hypogonadism (Hubble) 1123 Hypokalsemia, see Potassium Hypopituitarism (Hubble) 1123 Hypotension, controlled-and its effect on renal function (Evans and Enderby) 1045, (Locket) (C) 1166, (Enderby and Eyans) (Gould) ((’) 1259 ; in surgical operations, negative-pressure device for (Saunders) 1286 Hysterosalpingography in female infertility (Freeth) 15, (Dalley) (C) 108, (Stallworthy) (C) 212, (Pygott) (C) 213, (Preiskel and Pollock) (C) 374, (Pygott) (C) 465, (Osborn) (C’) 671
I Iannaccone, A., insulin-neutralising activity of gamma-globulins derived from serum of insulin-resistant patient, 1192 Ice-cream, heat treatment of, 978 Idelberger, K., Erbpathologic der sogenannten angehorencen Hiiftverrenkung (R) 700 Identity cards, 473 Heitis, regional, psychological findings in ((’rocket) 946 Illingworth, R. 3.—scleroderma, 346 ; self-demand feeding of babies, 683 in Immunisation against—diphtheria
Lanes, 929 ; foot-and-mouth disease (1’) 972 Research How Was I Burn? 58 Cancer Fund, 868 Imperial Hoyle, E. B.. electro-encephalogram (C) Impetigo, chloramphenicol in (Sneddon) 1211 (C) 668 Hubble. D.. anterior hypopituitarism, India—first family-plannittg clinic in, 1123 : 727 ; insurance scheme in,572 ; medical in 678 Advances education in. Hudson, C. S., Carbohydrate Indian Hemp (Johnson) (R) 1096 Chemistry (R) 1290 Hudson, K. H.. cough-suppressing drugs Individual and His Religion (Allport) (R) 137 (C) 1310 Hufnagel, C. A., preservation of arterial Industry—accidents in factories (A) 455 ; 531 coalminers’ pneumoconiosis (Triger) (C) grafts by freezing, industrial dermatitis (Bourne) 10:, ; Hughes, G., incompatible transfusion (C) 3fiS, (IIcwitt) (C) 466 ; under anæsthesia (C) 1308 Industrial Health Rexearmh Board reports. 323 ; Hughes, W., geriatric hospital service, 1249 industrial health services, 150, (Parker) Human Blood Groups and Inheritance (C) 312, (Herford) (C) 415, cI’arker) (C) 499, (C) 513 ; international regula(Lawler and Lawler) (R 648 Human Fertility (Cook’ (R) 32 tions for occupational diseases (A) 1247 ; N.H.S. and industrial medicine (LA) Human Physiology (Chatterjee) (R) 450 ’ 142: Norwegian, nledit-al supervision Humphreys, K. G.. nurse’s education (C) 1072 in, 572 ; silicosis in ball-clay and chinaHundert Jahre Angenspiegel (R) 750 , clay industries (Thomas)133 ’
globulins derived from serum of insulin- Jaundice-(LA) 34, (A) 1296 ; congenital obstructive homoresistant patient (Rickham) 335 ; (De Filippis and Iannaccone) 1192 ; loss during injection logous-serum, inquiry into, 220 ; intra—" 1248 hepatic obstructive (A) Apologie for Forgetfulnesse," 155 (Horne) (C) 51 ; timing of (A) 553 ; see also Hyperinsulinism -Applause, 509-Appointing new regisJaws-request for specimens of (King) trar, 211-" Asparagus," 667—"Assis- Insurance-India’s scheme of, 572 ; see (C) 468 ; temporomandibular joint tant with a view," 1066-" Asthma also National Insurance (Berry) 82 of hair follicles," 1111-Bats, 1110, Intermedin (A) 1150 Jayle. G. E., L’année thérapeutique en ophtalmologie (R) 800 1160, 1208, 1257-Black eyes, treat- International Fertility Association, 1028 ment for, 609--Cetrimide, shampoo, International Organisation for Standardisa- Jefferson, M., Brown-Sequard, 760 tion (A) 553 Jenkins, M. E., modified starch as substi1016--Clocks, 261---Coelia.c disease, 961 tute for talc, 590 --Consulting-room, new use for, 309- Intervertebral disc-inhibition of fluid as cause of herniation of nucleus pulDoctors in Hollywood films, 1066Jennings, D., peptic ulcer (C) 464, (C) 670 Drill knee, 1016-Embryology, 1256posus (Charnley) 124, (Armstrong) (C) Jewesbury, E. C. O.—electro-encephaloin doubtful 264, (Copeman) (C) 265, (Sayle-Creer) gram Expectorants, 1302-Final fellowship epilepsy, 1029 ; unusual epidemic (C) 467 viva, 872-First-aid, 559-Fish=fight, (C) 310, (Hogg) (C) 616, (Naylor) (C) 720 ; 49-Frost, 463, 667-Gambling, 609vasospasm after removal of prolapsed Johnson, D. M.—Indian Hemp (R) 1096 ; Pont St. Esprit (C) 820 Health education, 1303-Holland, 1110 (Forty) (C) 1214 - Hospital administration, 1110—King’s Intestines-bulges in, in drug addicts Johnson, H. D., procaine penicillin and funeral, 413-King’s lying-in-state, 364 breathing exercises in prophylaxis of (A) 91 ; cancer of, 714 ; Diinndarm im Rontgenbild (Kuhlmann) (R) 1002 ; postoperative pulmonary complications - Lady Macbeth, 609—Lecturer’s bellfirst (C) 510 duodenum, part of (Ogilvie) push, 463, 559-Leonardo da Vinci, extensive resection of small Johnson, M. C., relaxation in labour (C) 872-Letter from posterity, 261—Letters 1077 ; 1016 bowel (Johnston) 799 ; familial intestinal with 1207-Medical Art patients, Society’s exhibition, 872-.Money-boxes, polyposis with pigmentation of lips, Johnston, J. H., extensive resection of small bowel, 799 oral mucosa, face, and digits (Wolff) 446, 817—Mrs. 716-Monkey’s escapade, Pinkie listens, 309, 464, 509-Necropsy (correction) 520, (Montuschi) (C) 566 ; Joint Committee on Psychiatry and Law, functional disorders of small bowel under 559-News from report of (ML) 320 difficulties, after gastrectomy and vagotomy (Glaze- Joint Emergency Committee of Professions, school, 464, 716, 1016, 1066, 1161, 608 brook) 895, (Haler and Blond) (C) 1067, 1208, 1303-Occupational injuries, 102and 9 21-Onions red (Stanley) (C) 1116, (Haler and Blond) Joints-arthroplasty (LA) 37 ; Charcot, Occupations, in diabetic neuropathy (Lister and Modern in Trends 817Gastrocells, 817-Pamplona fiesta, (C) 1259 ; femoral head Maudsley) (C) 50 ; Enterology (Jones) (R) 1002 ; obstrucParish-magazine tips on "nursing," tion of, subacute, treatment of (Hind763-Parson Woodforde’s prosthesis (LA) 37 ; Fractures and Joint medicines, Injuries (Watson-Jones) (R) 546 ; jointmarsh) (C) 162 ; 309-Pathological thirst, 715-Plant paracolon-bacillus strain in sleep enteritis (Lawy) (C) 1260 ; rate of , (A) 756, (Douglas) pathology, 509-Poisoning from plants, 155-Primitive midwifery, 1066-Pro(Pai) (C) 927, (Burton) (C) 1020 ; passage through (A) 408 ; reactions of, of Dislocations to antibiotics Fractures, Management (A) 352 ; splenic-flexure jector, 1256-Racquets champion, 973and Sprains (Key and Conwell) (R) 84 ; syndrome, 1012 ; Surgery of Stomach Reporting lectures, 509-Royal Academy and Duodenum (Welch) (R) 246 synovial membrane, examination of exhibition. 972—Rum and growth of (Cruickshank) (C) 55 ; temporomandihair, 211-Safe, 1303—Sassafras-pith, Intubation, endotracheal, potential danger bular joint (Berry) 82 ; see also Arthritis, in (Middleton) (C) 566 261-Shower-baths, 715-Society for Dislocations General 972-Stage- Invalid Children’s Aid Association (FrankMicrobiology, Joint Tuberculosis Council, 58 lin, Fairfield, and Rattenbury) (C) 109 coaches, 49-Statistics, 921-Statues Diseases of Thyroid Gland (Rundle) Joll’s as of doctors, 1302-Steriliser, 921-Sys- Iodine, radioactive-(LA) 85, 1013 ; (R) 32 temic agricultural insecticides, 1161therapeutic agent (A) 805 ; B.M.R. versus Touch," 1207-Tropical hospital, 667 (LA) 496, (Robertson) (C) 511, (Mac- Jones, F. A.—Modern Trends in GastroEnterology (R) 1002 ; peptic ulcer -Vaccines, 309—Water-snails, 762gregor, Wayne, Miller, and Goodwin) (C) 318, (C) 421, (C) 563, (C) 720 ; " We’ve got carpets," 309-’ Yetisone,’ (C) 616, (Robertson) (C) 768 ; uptake of, research in regional hospitals (C) 922 1294 50-Yugoslavia, 1160 Ireland-appointment of county surgeon Jones, H. E.-congenital anomalies of aortic arch, 537 ; subdural effusions at Waterford, 573 ; compulsory hosInfants, see Babies in purulent meningitis, 891 pital appointments in Eire, 882 ; Infarction, cardiac, cerebral symptoms in History of Medicine in Ireland (Fleet- Jones, I., unusual epidemic (C) 415 (A) 652, (Batty Shaw) (C) 763, (Pickwood) (R) 194 ; Old People in Northern Jordan, A., colleges and faculties (C) 156 worth) (C) 874 of Bibliography Ireland, 1118 ; prescribing in Northern Journals-Annotated Infarcts, cardiac, localisation of (LA) 1099 Medical tuberculosis in Mycology, 1075 ; Arquivos Ireland (LA) 198 ; Infection-benign neurotropic (A) 409 ; de Brasileiros statistics Medicina, 1122 Arquivos see also Vital cross-infection in hospital (LA) 801, Eire, 1074 ; de Clinica, 1122 ; Cancer, 1122 ; Journal (Goodall) 807, (Geary) (C’) 924, (Mottram) Irish Conjoint Board,773 Clinical renamed of Endocrinology of Iron—hæmochromatosis from 976 ; bone-meal, dangers (LA) 650, (LA) (C) Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and 1005 ; metabolism of (LA) 650, (LA) (P) 1117 ; hospital cross-infections with Metabolism, 520 ;; Journal of Clinical 10.54 : pulmonary hæmosiderosis (Fisher staphylococci resistant to several antiInvestigation, 830 ; new : Acta Geneand Makin) 540, (LA) 1005, (A) 1101, biotics (Clarke, Dalgleish, and Gillespie) tiece Medicœ et Gemellologiœ, 621 ; (Cudkowicz) (C) 1164 1132 ; in hospital (Edwards) (C) 55, Annals of Physical Medicine, 427; (Gould, Darroch, Taylor, and Bocock) Irradiation-Biological Effects of External Radiation Applied Statistics, 932 in sanatoria Beta Family Plan(R) 1146; (Zirkle) (A) (C) 366. (P) 1302 ; ning, 1168 ;Great Ormond Street Journal, of retinoblastoma (Stallard) 1046 39, (Croft) (C) 51 ; of thoracic surgical 321 ; Metabolism, Clinical and Experiwounds, prevention of (Harrison and Irwin, D. H., psychosomatic symptom mental, 1216 ;; Prescribers’ Notes (A) formation (C) 515 Cruickshank) 288 ; spread of, in Isoniazid-resistance to (LA) 1293 ;; see 653; Review of Medical and I’eterinary families (A) 914 also Isonicotinie acid Mycology, 1075 ; Revista de Diagnostico Infectious diseases-Clinical Practice in
IN ENGLAND Now.—Abbreviations of titles of journals, 1256-Abominable snowman, 101-Anatomy and art, 1257
Infectious Diseases (Harries, Mitman, in Sweden in and Taylor) (R) 348 ; La ntaladie infectieuse 1951, 471 ;
culosis, 557 ; derivatives released in U.S.A., 1217 ; hydrazide and streptomycin resistance (Hinson) (C) 1113 ; hydrazide in tuberculosis (A) 454, 518, (LA) 547, 571, (LA) 702, 713, (P) 1023, (LA) 1293, 1313; hydrazide, M.R.C. test of (P) 568 Isoplasma ’ (Garcia-Llaurad6) (C) 565 Isotopes, radioactive, radiography with (Mayneord) 276, (LA) 298 Italy, hospitals in, 1254
(R) 595 ; monthly Lavcrgne) lists of, 100, 306, 507 771, 978, 1215 ; of London in 1951, 101 Infertility, see Hysterosalpingography Inffluenza—double (A) 653 ; in aetiology of pneumonia in Glasgow (Grist, Landsman, and Anderson) ti43 ; information on, intluenza 56 ; unusual attack of (Roche) (C) 618 ; vaccines (A) 457 ; virus, structure of (Smith) 885 ; viruses (LA) 907 Infusion—splint for infants (Barrie) (XI) 1001 ; thrombophlebitis caused by J rubber tubing (Handfield-Jones and 823 585, Lewis) (Smith) (C) Inheritance, see Genetics Jackson, H. L., death of, 1170 Injections—epilepsy after (Bell) (C) 1072,Jackson, L. N., colleges and faculties (C) 371 (Webster) ((’) 1165 ; injection routine’ in operating-theatre (Dimond, Pollard,Jackson, M. -N., Everyman in Health and and Adamson) 410, (Trillwood) (C) 510, Sickness. 572, (A) 755 Jackson, S. L. 0.. calciferol in pulmonary (Cope, Prescott, and Whittet) (C) 669 (de
Biologico, 1216 ; Sundial, 1026 Jowett, G. H., self-demand feeding of babies, 683 Judet operation (LA) 37 ,
Jung-Psychology (R) 596
of C. G.
Jung (Jacobi)
K Kallos, P., Progress in Allergy (R) 246 Karel, L., Dictionary of Antibiosis (R) 856 Kark, R. M., adrenaline eosinopenia,
1189 Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, 934 Kastendieck, H., Muskuläre Schiefhals beim Xeugebornen (R) 1096 Katz, 1)., Gestalt Psychology : Its Nature and Significance (R) 540 Kaufman, L., hiccups during anaesthesia.
(C) 466 Kauntze, R., dimercaprol in hypertension, H)92
Keele, K. D., Leonardo da Vinci on Movement of Heart and Blood (R)
tuberculosis (C) 1165 Krankheiten des Innersekretorischen 1096 Kindes und ihre Behandlung (Thomas)Jacobi, J., Psychology of C. G. Jung (R). Keizcr. D. P. R.—hallux valgus ((’) 1305 ; 596 (R) 856 infestation of human brain paroxysmal tachycardia iu infancy (C) Inoculation—against diphtheria, 1168;Jacobson, S.. 16() of larvæ of children, right of parents to know ofE with Multiceps multiceps KckBvick. A.. (correction) 112 electrolyte disturbances dangers of (A) 301, after ureteric transplantation (C) 568 G.. Jacoby, M. benign lymphocytic Inquest quashed (ML) 824 Insecticides. 473, nomenclature of, 1121 Kelly, J. J., A.C.T.H. in Stevens-Johnson meningitis (C) 874 Institute of Almoners. 72S syndrome (C) 875 Jacqueline, F.. Spondylarthrite ankylo1145 ’ Kemadrin ’ in postencephalitic parkin9S1 ante (R) Institute of Biology, sonism (Montuschi, Phillips, Prescott, Institute of Hospital Administrators, 1013Jago. W. J., fungus infections of feet and Green) 583 Institute of Orthopædics, 830 (C) 1307 Institution of Professional Civil Servants,Jame, T—cœliac disease (C) 928 ; Kemp, L. A. W., Students’ Radiological Mathematics (R) 84 memorandum of. 150 mercury and pink disease, 441 Insulin—hypoglycæmia and eosinophil-Jameson. H. P.. general practice, hospitals, Kendrick. B., varicose ulcers (C)975 and and future 107 Micklem) 1239 ;; (C) Kennedy, W. P., Health and Citizen (C) count (Shattock insulin-neutralising activity of gamma-- Janes, R. M., Essays in Surgery (R) 494 318
xiii Kent, M., opportunities in general practice (C) 819 Keratoplasty, lamellar (A) 500 Keratosis follicularis contagiosa (Goldsmith) (C) 515 Kernohan, R. J., paracolon-bacillus septii cæmia, 1090 Ketosis—and coeliac disease (Morgan and diabetic (Xabarro, Tylden) (C) 973 ; Spencer, and Stowers) 983, (A) 1007 Ketosteroids, urinary-effect of cortisone in on excretion of 17-ketosteroids adrenal virilism and in simple hirsutism (Bishop, Bray, de Mowbray, Merivale, and Vaughan-Morgan) 1287 ; estimation of (Haslam and Klyne) 285 ; output of urinary 17-ketosteroids in African Negroes (Barnicot and Wolffson) 893 Key, J. A., Management of Fractures, Dislocations and Sprains (R) 84 Keynes, G., Apologie and Treatise of Ambroise Pare (R) 906 Kidney-ability of normal kidney to
potassium (Fourman) 1042 ; of (A) 1200, (Sophian) acute (C) 1261, (Black) (C) 1262 ; tubular nephrosis, late prognosis in (Lowe) 1086 ; chronic renal failure, ansemia and nitrogen retention in (Roscoe) 444 ; controlled hypotension and its effect on renal function (Evans and Enderby) 1045, (Locket) (C) 1166, (Enderby and Evans) (Gould) (C) 1259*; control of blood-sugar by (Long) 325 ; human, shunting in (Solymoss and Molnar) (C) 564 ; hypertension and (Davis) 1171 ; Kidney (Allen) (R) 32 ; nephrosis treated by malaria (Gardner) 842, (Byrne) 844 : nephrotic syndrome complicating troxidone therapy (Nabarro and Rosenheim) 1091 ; of seleroderma (Moore and Sheehan) 68, (Milne, Sommerville, and Rennie) (C) 264, (correction) 324, (Enticknap) (C) 316 ; salt-losing nephritis " (A) 912 ; Traitement des nephrites aigues anuriques par les methodes d’épuration extrarenale (Tzanck et al.) (R) 1194 ; traumatic uraemia (A) 1245 Kilpatrick, J. A., methonium salts in hypertension, 8 King, J. J. D., request for specimens of jaws (C) 468 King Edward’s Hospital Fund for London, conserve
Lambert, D. P.—nurse’s education (C) 874 ; scarlet fever (C) 922 Lamberth, D. L., relaxation in labour (C) 1017
Lanari, A., arterial grafts (C) 1021 Land and hunger (LA) 351 Landsman, J. B.. pneumonia in Glasgow, 640 spasm, fatal (ML) 1167 su-abs (A) 301 D. R., mephenesin in spastic paralysis, 178 Law—hospitals and (Marshall) (C’) 53 ; McNaughten rules (Haas and Ellison) (C) 1257 ;see also MEDICINE AND THE LAW Lawler, S. D., and Lawler, L. J.. Human Blood Groups and Inheritance (R) 648 Lawless, D. J., mass radiography (C) 567
mit fortlaufend registrierenden Methoden (Matthes) (H) 596 ’ Krilium,’ 57 Krohn, P. 1,., homografts (C’) 976 Kuhlmanu, F., Dünndarm im Röntgenbild
(R) 1002 Kwashiorkor—ætiology of (Malhotra) (C’) 1164 ; pancreatic enzyme activity in duodenal contents in (Thompson and Trowell) 1031
L Labels—for
1255 ;
1207 Laboratory—Roscoe B. Jackson Memorial Laboratory (A) 252 Labour—relaxation in (C’layton) (C) 973, on
bottles (ML)
(Johnson, Ransom, Tibbetts, Williams, and Lamherth) (C) 1017, (Newbould) (C) 1071, (van Pelt) 1116 ; relief of pain in (Elam) (C) 1163 Labyrinthitis, zirute, see 7Unusual epidemic Lactenin (A) 354 Lactosuria from cutaneous absorption (liaar and Bull) (C) 978 Lady Tata Memorial Fund. 111. 1265 Lab.l, P. N., cerebral air embolism complicating spontaneous pneumothorax tco 1211
Lahev, F. H., Surgical Practice of Lahey Clinic (R) 1096
498 ;
goitre, 549 ;
85-Tubercontacts, examination of, treatment of, 547, 702,
of, 751 ;
Ureteric transplantation, electrolyte disturbances after, 453-Uterine dysfunction, 1004 Vestibular organ. 7 52-Viruses, influenza 907-Vitamin B12, sources of, 197
((’) Leacock, A., time of death (C) 106
Learmonth, Sir J., after fifty-six years,
Learoyd, C. G., new treatment for tuberculosis (C) 717 Leathart, G. L., pulsus paradoxus, 746 L.E. cells (Loewi) ((’) 1112 Ledlie, R. C. B., Handbook of Surgery (R)
248cortex, surgery of, 1292adrenogenital - syndrome, Alastrim again ? 405—Aneurine ver-
bracken, 140-Approved schools, punishment in, 141—Artificial respiration, 548—Aureomycin, 1100 Basal metabolism, standards for, 954 —B.C.G., 953-Blood -groups in disputed paternity, 296—B.M.R. versus sus
Lee, E. S., appointment systems for outpatients (C) 1262 Lee, H., varicose ulcers (C) 924 Lee, J. A., hiccup during anaesthesia. (C)
496-Bracken radio-iodine. versus aneurine, 140-Breast cancer, 1245 -Budget, 551-Burns units, 908 Cancer : of breast, 1245 ; of pancreas,
1197 ;
Lee, J. E. S., vasectomy (C) 1212 Lee, M., illuminated sucker tube
thyroid, experimental, 85 ;
Leeson, H., adjudication (C) 720 Leggat, P. O., radiological investigation (C) 823, (C) 928 Lehmann, H., succinylcholine, 1229 Lehmann, J.—anæmia in Africans in Uganda (C) 311 ; sickle-cell anomaly in Greece (C) 1068 Leigh, D., domiciliary consultation in psychiatric practice, 915 Lempert, H., acute yellow atrophy of liver,
surveyed, 858—Carbohydrates, metabolism of, 35, 599-C’hildren : training of deaf, 403 ; virus pneumonia in, 803-Chloramphenicol in penicillin-resistant infection, 550-Clinical research, 907—Cœliac disease and wheat, 857-College of General Practitioners, 139-Colleges and faculties, 139-Corsets and chlorosis, 598Costing of hospitals, 1243--Crimesheet, 1149—Cross-infection in hospital, 801—Curriculum, general practice in, 495 Danckwerts award, sequel to, 1147 - Deaf but not dumb, 403-Death, sudden, in infancy, 1291—Dentists Bill, 649-Disseminated sclerosis, 1196 Education : of nurses, 703 ; synergy of health and, 957-Electrocardiography, leads in, 1099-Electrolyte
cause of simple cancer of,
1293 ; notification gaps in, 297
111, 981
of-war, 58 Korkis, F. 13., mediastinitis following perforation of oesophagus, 4 Krarup, N. B., scarlet fever (C) 671 Kreislaufuntersuchungen am Menschen
culosis :
Lawrence, J. S.. peptic ulcer, 482 Lawrence, R. 1).. diabetic acidosis without ketonuria (C)923 ’ Lawson. M. G., nursing
King’s-death (LA) 349 ; funeral, 413 ; lying-in-state, 364 King Solomon’s Ring (Lorenz) 1313 Kirby, R. A. (Haden-Guest) (C) 925
campaign (A) 757, (Mayer) (C) 974 ; new field dressing used in, 473 ; prisoners-
Thyroid :
548—’ Rimifon,’ 547 Scotland. support from, 195—Smallpox, 405-Social services, 247—Study of rational Health Service of Great Britain (Peterson) 910-Suprarenal cortex, surgery of, 248 Thymus and myasthenia gravis, 802-
65 1 -Respiration,
Laryngeal Laryngeal
B. H., familial cataract and mental deficiency, 694 Kisch, B., Electron Microscopic Histology of Heart (R) 647 Klyne, W.—determination of urinary pregnanediol, urinary keto399 ; steroids, 285 Koch’s bacillus, see Tubercle bacillus Kondi, A.—anæmia in Uganda (C) 416 ; penicillin in megaloblastic anaemia, 1221 Korea—awards to. R.A.M.C. officers for services in, 982 ; health survey of, medical 1265 ; aspects of Korean
1055—Pneumonia in children, virus, 803—" Politics," 701—Prescribing in Northern Ireland, 198-Punishment in approved schools, 141 Queen, 1097 Radiography with radioactive isotopes, 298-Radio -iodine versus B.M.R., 496 -Research: clinical, 907 ; on mental
Lengyel, L., test of hypocorticoidism (C) 103 Lennox, B., toxic thyroid (C) 315 Lenses, intraocular acrylic (Riclley) 118 Leonardo da Vinci-as anatomist (A) 554 ; left hand of (Capener) 813, (Asherson) (C’) 874 ; Leonardo da Vinci on Movement of Heart and Blood (Keele) (R) 1096
Leprosy-histology of early lesions of (A) 655 ; Leprosy (Rogers and Muir) plantation, 453-Epidemiology, (R) 700 ; p-acetamidobenzaldehyde thiospectus of, 1053-Epilepsy, handicap disturbances
semicarbazone in (Lowe) 436 of, 249 Fat-embolism, 196-Femoral head pros- Leptospirosis bovis (Cohn) (C) 562 see ieterohtiemorrhagica, thesis, 37-Ferrokinetics, 1054-From Leptospirosis Weil’s disease generation to generation, 349 General practice in curriculum, 495 Leucotomy - cingulectomy (Whitty, Duffield, and Tow) 475 ; frontal (A) - General practitioners, 195-Getting and spending, 33-Goitre, cause of 407, (Winnicott) (C) 514, (Atkin) (C) 610, (Mackenzie) (C) 675, (Atkin) (C) 768 simple, 549-Growth hormone and Leukæmia—hypokalæmia in (Barnard) carbohydrate metabolism, 35 (C) 371 ; research on, 573 Hæmochromatosis, 650—Hæmophilus meningitis, 1003—Hæmosiderosis, pul- Le Vay, 1)., assessment of rapidly acting agents in rheumatoid arthritis, 1280 monary, 1005-Halsted, W. S., 1100 - Health and education, synergy of, Levitt, T., toxic thyroid gland (C) 215,
957—Heart-disease : chronic constrietive pericarditis, 1055 ; restrictions in,
(C’) 422 Lewis, H. B. M., rubber tubing as cause of infusion thrombophlebitis, 585 Leys, D.—mercury and pink disease sickness-benefit anomalies (C) 560 ; (C) 161 ; tuberculin-jelly test (C) 54 Liberia, research on tropical medicine in,
858—Hepatotropic virus. 34—Herpes simplex, 1244—Histoplasmosis, 1148 - Hospitals : and public, 1195 ; costing, 1243 ;dividends, 597 ; economy in, 451 ; voluntary service to, 295323 Hunger and land, 351 Ideas of mind, 955—Influenza viruses, Liddle, D. C., Bornholm disease and Coxsackie virus, 445 907—Isonicotinic acid hydrazide, 547, Life and Work of Astley Cooper (Brock) 7(12, 1293 (R) 1242 King’s death, 349 Liver : and endocrine dysfunction 350 ; Life, longer (Crofts) (( ) 53, (Parnell) cirrhosis, new approaches to, 1097 (C) 105, (Boardman) (C) 216, (Parnell) infective hepatitis and cirrhosis of, (C) 316 452—Lungs, htcmosiderosis of, 1005 Limbos, P., prophylaxis against tetanus in burns (C) 566 virus pneumonia in children, 803 Marsilid,’ 547—Maternal mortality and Limbosch, J., right to know risk (C) 366 J. J., scarlet fever (C) 922 hifmoLinehan, morbidity, 85—Meningitis : philus. 1003 ; mumps, 404—Mental Linen textiles, British standard, 323 health. research on, 651—Mind, ideas Lipiodol ’ (Freeth) 15 of of, 955—M.O.H.. tasks for, 87— Lipoproteins—micro-electrophoresis Mumps meningitis, 404—Myasthenia serum-lipoproteins (Fasoli) (C) 106 gravis and thynnus, 802 Lips-Cleft Lip and Palate (Holdsworth) rational Service. Health 142. 701, (R) 800 ; pigmentation of. with intestinal 910—Needs and means, 247—Neither polyposis (Wolff) 146, (correction) 520, Bevan nor 142—Northern Bevin, (Montuschi) (C) 566 Ireland. prescribing in, 198—Nurses, Lister (Learmonth) 831 education of 703—’ Nydraxid,’ 547 Lister, J.. Charcot joints in diabetic carcinoma 1197— Pancreas, of, neuropathy (C) 50 Paternity, blood-groups in disputed. Liver—acute yellow atrophy of, after chronic treatment with phenylacetyl-urea (Liver296—Pericarditis, constrictive, ‘
xiv M Martin, K. W., non-return nozzle (XI) 545 sedge, Yates, and Lempert) 242 ; cirrhosis (LA) 452, 1011, (LA) 1097 ; Martin, L., economy in X-ray film (C) 216 M M endocrine dysfunction and (LA) 350, Martin, M. M., diabetic acidosis without ketonuria (C) 923 (Baar) (C) 516 ; fatty, in infants (A) M J. L. C., Synopsis of 1151 ; hepatic coma (A) 862 ; hepatitis,McAllen, M. K., potassium iodide in cough Martin-Doyle, mixture (C) 1213 Ophthalmology (R) 138 pathology and prognosis of (A) 1296 ; M J. A., intrathecal aureomycin hepatotropic virus (LA) 34 ; infectiveMacalpine, 1., psychosomatic symptom Martinez, in meningitis (C) 561 formation, 278 hepatitis among surgeons, 572 ; infective M hepatitis and cirrhosis of liver (LA) MacArthur, P., idiosyncrasy to methoin, Mashiter, W. E., hsemothorax following 592 452 ; infective hepatitis in boardingartificial-pneumothorax refills, 188 A school (Brodribb) 339 ; infective hepa- McAusland, S., varicose ulcers (C) 1021 Matar oil, 57 M titis, incubation period of (Findlay) McCloskey, B., residual paralysis after Matches, poisoning from (A) 200 M obstructive poliomyelitis following recent inocula- Maternity—benefits (A) 201 ; unit and (C) 467 ; intrahepatic Liver tion, 1187 1248 ; jaundice (A) Injury psychology (Tylden) 231, (Read) (C) 372, (Taylor) (Deane) (Tuckman) (C) 414, (Hoffbauer) (R) 800 ; regenerative McConaghey, R. M. S., unusual epidemic (C) 717 (Brown) (C) 468, (Stewart) (C) 564, power of (Schalm, Schulte, Bax, ltiiete, J. and anæsM., hiccup during Mansens, Rodrigues Pereira) 75 ; Macdonald, (Phillips) (Rowntree) (C) 565 ; units, serum hepatitis with recovery in severe thesia (C) 674 practitioners’ access to, 1121 ; young mother at work (A) 352 protein deficiency (Dible, McMichael, Macdougall, I., pituitary growth hormone N N. J. de V., domiciliary conin hyperinsulinism, 19 and Sherlock) 999 ; sodium studies in Mather, sultation in psychiatry (C) 977 hepatic cirrhosis, 1011 ;see also Hyper- McDowell, F., Plastic Surgery of Nose M in man and animals (A) 407 tension Mating (R) 138 Matthes, K., Kreislaufuntersuchungen am Liversedge, L. .-acute yellow atrophy of McDowell, L. A., mass radiography M Menschen mit fortlaufend registrierenden intrathecal 318 242 ; liver, aureomycin (C) Methoden (R) 596 in meningitis (C) 675 McEwan, P., hyperthyroidism and peptic M British standard, 323 ulcer (C) 822 Mattresses, Livestock, world’s (A) 456 M towards, 206 Maturity, Livingstone, J. L., Modern Practice in MacGibbon, J. P. (0) 970 M R. H., Charcot joints in diabetic Tuberculosis (R) 1095 Maudsley, McGill, R. J., cardiac contusion, 997 neuropathy (C) 50 Lobotomy, frontal (A) 407 Macgregor, A. G., B.M.R. versus radioM F. 616 iodine (C) Mawson, M., diphtheria carriers, 558 Locket, S.-controlled hypotension and D J. R., testing of sensitivity of bacteria its effect on renal function (C) 1166 ; McGregor, D., geriatric hospital service (C) May, to antibiotics, 636 1309 eye changes following exposure to metallic mercury, 528 ; poisoning by Mackay, R., estimation of D.N.O.C. in B Maycock, W. d’A.-dextran infusions, blood (C) 1115, (C) 1310 1081 ; incompatible transfusions (C) barbiturates, 580 1019 MacKenna, R. M. B., shields for ulcer Lockwood, D. P., Ugo Benzi (R) 402 M scars (N1) 855 Mayer, C. F., medical aspects of Korean Loewi, G., L.E. cells (C) 1112 486 in D. mitral campaign (C) 974 H., thyroid function, Logan, A., valvulotomy preg- Mackenzie, Mackenzie, E. F. W., prevention of dental MMayneord, W. V., radiography with nancy, 1286 radioactive isotopes, 276 caries with fluorine, 960 Logan, W. P. D.-mortality from coronary M Meat and myocardial disease, 758 : research Mackenzie, M., leucotomy (C) 675 inspection (P) 1301 M P. B., homografts (C) 976 on heart-disease (C) 1116 McKenzie, W., Ear, Nose, and Throat Medawar, M Mediastinitis Diseases for General Practitioner (R) following foreign-body perLondon-A Doctor’s London (Graham) of foration in 855 oesophagus (Korkis) 4 (Haden(R) 856 ; first dental clinic M and Medical Dental Defence Union of R. Handbook to Social bovine tuberculosis N., Guest) (C) 925 ; McKinstry, infectious human tuberculosis (C) 565, Scotland, 322 Services in London, 324 ; M Medical Artists’ Association of Great diseases of, in 1951, 101 ; supply of (C) 820 Britain, 166 drinking-water to (A) 145 ; survey of McKissock, W., repair of dural defects Medical Art Society’s exhibition, 872 cancer in (LA) 858 with gelatin film, 943 Medical Association for Prevention of Long, C. N. H., endocrine control of Maclagan, N. F., thyroid function, 486 W. 325 S. in mental War, 258 blood-sugar, Maclay, geriatric problem Medical Bacteriology (Whitby and Hynes) Long, D. A., organic phosphates and tuberhospitals, 377 culin sensitivity, 950 (R) 83 MacLennan, J. D., Recent Advances in Medical care, cost of (A) 38, (LA) 597, Longland, C. J., economy in X-ray film Bacteriology (R) 294 (Titmuss) 605, (Wilson) (C) 764 Macleod, 1., Social Services : Needs and (C) 367 Medical Directory 1952, 677, 1263 Lorenz, K. Z., King Solomon’s Ring, Means, 247 Medical Disorders of Locomotor System 1313 McMichael, J., serum hepatitis, 999 (Fletcher) (R) 906 Love, M., acute infections of hand (C) McNaughten rules (ML) 1064, (Haas and Medical ethics in relation to war, 258 262 Ellison) (C) 1257 Lovelock, J. E., resuspension in plasma of Macpherson, J. W., domiciliary consulta-Medical officers of health, tasks for (LA) 87, tion in psychiatry (C) 977 human red blood-cells frozen in glycerol, (Elliston) (C) 163 = 1238 Register, 773, (correction) 884 MacWilliam, H. H., economy in hospitalsMedical : J. Medical Research Council-industrial Lowbury, E. L.—chemotherapy of (C) 565 aureus in disE. C’. G. 218 injuries and burns research unit, 883 ; burns, 1036 ; Staph. Maddock, (0) 164, national tuberculin survey, 775 ; new infectant barrier in dressings applied toMagauran, W. H. B., chloramphenicol insumator (C) 672 chairman, 201 ; parliamentary questions burns, 899 about (P) 1024 ; unit for research on Lowden, T. G., acute infections of handMailer, R., pain in breast (C) 419 experimental pathology of skin, 883 (C) 262 Maingot, R., splenectomy, 625 Medical Sickness, Lowdon, A. G. R., acute perforated pepticMakin, R., pulmonary hsemosiderosis, 540 Annuity, and Life Assurance Society, 1217 ulcer treated by partial gastrectomy,, Maladie infectieuse (de Lavergne) (R) 595 1270 Malaria—control of, in British Guiana,Medical Superintendents of hospitals, Lowe, C. R., use of sanatorium bed, 1312, in Philippines, 474 ; in treatment, pay of, 323, in Scotland (P) 724 92 of nephi-osis (Gairdnert 842, (Byrne)) Medical treatment abroad (Williams) (C) 976 844 Lowe, J., p-acetamidobenzaldehyde thioMedicine-British Encyclopaedia of Medical semicarbaxone in leprosy, 436 Malaya, medical research in (A) 144 K. in of r Practice acute tubular S. kwashiorkor Lowe, Malhotra, (Horder) (R) 194, (R) 494 ; U., prognosis L.—ætiology Christian Heritage in Medicine (Seddon) nephrosis, 1086 ((’) 1164 ; antibiotics in amoebiasis (C’)) 823 3 7 5 ; electronics in (A) 705 ; genetics Lowry, J., penicillin in mcgaloblastie and (A) 554 ; History of Medicine in anæmia, 1221 Malignant Disease and its Treatment by Ireland (Fleetwood) (R) 194 ; Recent Radium (Cade) (R) 1193 Lowy, S., peptic ulcer (0) 465 Advances in Medicine (Beaumont and Loxton, C. E., assessment of rapidly Malnutrition—effect of (Hubble) 1124 ;; within Atlantic in early childhood, 110 Dodds) (R) 1242 ; acting agents in rheumatoid arthritis, see 1280 Breast community (Meiklejohn) 360, (Hobson) Mammary, Luce, R. H. (0) 517 (C) 424, (Evans) (C) 470. (Stammers) Management of Bronchial Asthma (HerxLumsden, T., time of death (C) 106 heimer) (R) 1145 (C) 514, (Nicol) (C) 561, (A) 656, (Dickson) (C) 669 : see also Tronical medicine Lungs—cancer of, 99. 714, (P) 770,Management of Fractures, Dislocations, and Sprains (Key and Conwell) (R) 84 (P) 1301 ; Lung Abscess (Brock)) (R) 1051 ; management of respiratory Management of " Hopeless " Case (Gavey) MEDICINE AXD THE LAW.—Accident with electric blanket, 217-Appeal to Privy infections in patients severely paralysed (It) 1002 Council, 260—Barbiturates in bulk, by poliomyelitis (Stevenson) 845 ;pro-Man and his animals (A) 456 879-Blood in wrong refrigerator, 557caine penicillin and breathing exercisesNanchester Regional Hospital Board in Bruises on children, 471-Case of Kuong (A) 705 attempted prophylaxis of postB. Li. 99-Cruelty charge fails, 1167=operative pulmonary complicationsMan into Wolf (Filer) (R) 450 and Selliek) Death after dental extraction, 359 345, nnestablished (Palmer (johnson)Manning. A. D., practitioner —" ,
(C’) 510. (Palmer and Sellick) (C) 613 :; ((’) 765 pulmonary hæmosiderosis (Fisher andd Mansens, B. J.. regenerative power of liver, 75 Makin) 540. (LA) 1005, (A) 1101L. (C’udkowicz) (f) 1164 ; Segmental ReManure (A)753, (Olix-er) (C) 876 of in Bronchiectasis section (film Maplethorpe, C. Lung W., Supplement to 58 ; Verletzungen der Lungen uncBritish Pharmaceutical Codex (R) 647 des Brustkorbes (Steffens) (R) 246 Marcus, R.. R48 in multiple melanomatosis ((’) 764 set also Pneumoconiosis, Pneumonia1, Tuber Marihuana—Indian Hemp (Johnson) (R) Pneumothorax, Respiration, 1096
V. .
it tes
Marknagelung nach
Lwoff, A.. Biochemistry and PhysiologyMarmion, D. E.. unusual epidemic ((’) 765 of Protozoa (R) 83 Marriage—and divorce, 919 ; Marriage (Walker) (R) 1M4 Lynch, M. J.. Waterhouse-Friderichsew with cortisone (CP) Marriott, M., nurse’s education (C) 873 syndrome treated 1305 Marsh, K., utilecon " (C) 264 ’ Lysol ’ burn followed by amino-aciduri.ia Marshall, O. R.. hospitals and law (C) 53 Spencer and Franglen) 190 Marsilid ’ (A) 454, (LA) 547 "
Deceased reappears, 824-Error in blood-transfusion 879-Evidence by in 154-Explosion stomach-pump, operating-theatre, 1117-Fatal fall of 824-Fatal laryngeal spasm, epileptic, 1167-Fatal misunderstanding, 824Filming a surgical operation, 155General practitioner with whole-time hospital post, 260-Hospital board v. professional staff, 1166-Hospitals and
negligence. 7*25-Hypnotism on stage, 72.)-Illegitimate children and law, 320 on Label 1207 bottle, McNaughten rules, 1064—Negligence, 1117—Nurse’s occupational risk, 725 -Royal College of Surgeons a charity, 824—Surgeon’s unsuccessful claim. 1064 -
—Unaccountable swab, 1065—Unlocked
drugs, 1302
Medulla oblongata, tumours of (A) 912 Milk—cow’s, antibacterial effect of (A) Meiklejohn, A. P.—American scene, 45 ;; 354 ;see also Breast-feeding medicine within Atlantic community, Milk-borne diseases, protection against (P) 1301 360 Melanomatosis, multiple, R48 in (Marcus, Millard, C- K., death of, 554, (O) 619 Black, and Parry) (C) 764 Millard, M. L., euthanasia (C) 720 Meningitis—Bact. coli, in newborn (Fraser)Miner, H., B.M.R. versus radio-iodine (C) 616 (C) 420 ; benign lymphocytic (Jacoby)I (C) 874 ; haemophilus (LA) 1003 ; inMiller, R. M., unusual epidemic (C) 670 W. H. (O) 164 386, (Henderson) (LA) 404 ; Miller, mumps in intrathecal aureomycin (Ainley- Miller, W. S.. death of, 518 Walker and Bosanquet) 433, (Martinez)Millichap, J. G., splenectomy (C) 764 (Cl 561, (Liversedge) (C) 675, (Shee)Milling of flour, agents in, 1050 (C) 924 ; purulent, subdural effusionsMills, W. G.,Priscol ’ in obstetrics in (Jones) 891 ; tuberculous, treated (C) 613 and Millwood, E. G., improved cell for spectrowith streptomycin (Robertson Gairdner) 1176 ; Waterhouse-Friderichmeter, 237 sen syndrome treated with cortisone Milne, J. A., kidney of scieroderma. (C) 264, and (Breen, Emond, Walley) 1140, (correction) 324 Milne, M. D., potassium depletion, 244 (Banks) (Lynch) (C) 1305 due Meningo-encephalitis to—Crypto- Mind (LA) 955 coccus (Roantree and Miners—coalminers’ neoformans pneumoconiosis
Dunkerley) 1274 ; mumps (Henderson) 386, (LA) 404 Mennie, A. T., drug resistance of microorganisms (C) 668 Mental deficiency-familial cataract and (Kirman) 694 ; mentally defective, provision for (A) 1198, (Burke) (C) 1262 Mental health-Battle for Mental Health (Moloney) (R) 596 ; research on (LA) 651, 664 ; service, 321 Mental hospitals-aged in, in Scotland (P) 827 ; geriatric problem in (Cook, Dax, and Maclay) 377 ; recruitment of nurses for, 143 ; Royal Commission on (Rowson) (C) 1114 Mental nursing, 519 Mepacrine in rosacea Mephenesin 178
(Borrie) (C) 1113 spastic paralysis (Laurence)
Merck Index of Chemicals and Drugs (R) 856 Mercury-and pink disease (Holzel and James) 441, (Walker) (C) 516, (Leys)
(C) 560, (Frankel) (C) 611 ; eye changes following exposure to metallic (Locket and Nazroo) 528 ; in teething-powders (P) 827 Merivale, W. H. H., effect of cortisone on excretion of 17-ketosteroids in adrenal
virilism and in simple hirsutism. 1287 ’Mesontoin,’ idiosyncrasy to (MacArthur 592
511, 496, (LA) (Robertson) (C) (Maegregor, Wayne, Miller, and Goodwin) ((’) 616, (Robertson) (C) 768 ;
Cerebral Discarbo750 ; hydrate, and adrenal cortex (Long) 327 ; carbohydrate, and adrenaline (Long) 329 ; carbohydrate, and growth hormone (LA) 35, (Long) 328 ; carbohydrate, roles of, in (LA) 599 ; effects Brain orders
pancreatectomy on (Whitand Thomas) 180 ; Metabolic Interrelations (Reifenstein) (R) 1002 ;; Metabolism, Clinical and mineral, effect Experimental, 1216 ; of adrenal extract on (Tait, Simpson, and Grundy) 122 ; of iron (LA) 650, (LA) 1054 ; standards for basal metabolism of normal people in Britain (Rohertson and Reid) 940, (LA) 954 ’Methedrine ’ to abolish hiccup during anæsthesia (Fajardo) (C) 266 Methionine sulphoximine, 1050 Met.hoin, idiosyncrasy to (MacArthur) 592 field,
Methonium salts—in control of bleeding in during surgical operations, 854 ; treatment of high blood-pressure (Kilpatrick and Smirk) 8, 493, 494 Metropolitan Water Board report (A) 14 3 Micklem, L. P., insulin hypoglycæmia and cosinophil-count, 1239 Microbiology—Annual Review of Microbiology (Clifton, Raffel, and Barker) (H) 4U2 Micrococcin (A) 499 Micro-electrophoresis of serum -lipoproteins
(C) 106
(Triger) (C) 105 Minister of Health-new (A) 1007 ; on economy in prescribing, 622 Ministry of Health-address of, 574 ; secretarial appointments, 1075 Mitchell, J. P., bladder-neck spreader (N1) 193 Mitman, M., Clinical Practice in Infectious Diseases (R) 348 Modern Dietary Treatment (Abrahams and Widdowson) (R) 138 Modern Practice in Tuberculosis (Sellors and Livingstone) (R) 1095 Modern Treatment Yearbook 1952 (Wakeley) (R) 1242 Trends in Modern Gastro-Enterology (Jones) (R) 1002 Mohun, A. F., doctors’ oath (C) 108 Moir, J. C’., gas-air analgesia machines and ’ C.M.’ attachment (C) 618 Mole, R. H. (0) 931 B. Molesworth, D., diaminodiphenylsulphone (C) 562 P. L.—mood Transfusion in Mollison, Clinical Medicine (R) 245 ; hæmolytic disease of newborn, 429 ; Rh Blood Groups and their Clinical Effects (R) 700 Molnar, J., shunting in human kidney ((’) 564 Moloney, G. E., hiccup during anaeathesia (C) 1020 Moloney, J. C’., Battle for Mental Health (R) 596 Moniliasis—(A) 1247 ; acute, of urinary tract 1236 ; (Taylor and Rundle)
pneumonia following aureomycin therapy (Wolff) 1236 Monohydroxybenzoic acids and ascorbicacid depletion of adrenal glands in intact rats (Smith) 991 Monro, T. K., The Physician (R) 856 Montessori, Maria (A) 1010 Montuschi, E.-familial intestinal polyposis ((’) 566 ; ’’ Kemadrin ’ in postencephalitic parkinsonism, 583 Moore, E. W., facial paralysis in poliomyelitis, 1092 Moore, H. C.. kidney of scleroderma, 68 More About Psychiatry (Binger) (R) 138 Morey, G., unusual epidemic ((’) 670 Morgan, G. D., cœliac disease ((’) 973 Morgan, P., Plastics Progress (R) 194 Morgan, W. T. J.-appointment, 322 ; new " blood-group character, 903 Morley, C. W., testing of sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics, 636 Moroney, J., early dumping syndrome after gastrectomy (C) 767 Morris, C. J. 0. R.. A.C.T.11. and pigment hormone (C) 1210 Morris, J. N.—coronary and myocardial disease (C) 1017 ; research on heartdisease (C) 111 Morton, A. G., Soviet Genetics (R) 293 Mostert, W. J., hiccup during anæsthesia (C) 1310 Mote, J. R., Proceedings of Second Clinical A.C.T.H. Conference (R) 346 Mothercraft, teaching of (A) 1154 Motion sickness, and Hervey) 490
MulU, K., vitamin Bu from fish, 185 Multiceps multiceps, infestation of human brain with larvee of (Becker and Jacobson) (correction) 112 Mumford, P., blackcurrant syrup (C) 267 Mumps meningo-encephalitis (Henderson) 386, (LA) 404 Murley, R. S., appointment systems for outpatients (C) 1208 Murray, J. B., proctalgia fugax (C’) 672? aturray Valley encephalitis (A) 501 Muscles—distal myopathy (A) 755 ; epidemic myalgia (Brown, Liddle, and Muskuläre Tobin) 445, (A) 80.5 ; Schiefhals beim Neugebornen (Kastendieck) (R) 1096 ; thymectomy in myasthenia gravis (Ross) 785, (LA) 802 ; tubocurarine in muscular spasm
((’) 1070 Mushin, W. W., anaesthesia for tuberculous (C) 617 Myalgia, epidemic (Brown, Liddle, and Tobin) 445, (A) 805
’ Myanesin,’ see Mephenesin Mvasthenia gravis treated by thymectomy (Ross) 785, (LA) 802 Mycobacterium, new (A) 145 Myers, J. A., Tuberculosis Among Children and Adults (R) 856
Myopathy, distal (A) 755 Myrbäck, K., Enzymes (R) 1052 ’ Mvsoline ’ in epilepsy (Handley
Stewart) 742 Myxdema, triiodothyronine in (Gross, Pitt-Rivers, and Trotter) 1041 Myxomatosis of rabbits in Australia (A) 501 N Nabarro, J. D. B-.-diabetic ketosiR, 983 ;
nephrotic syndrome complicating troxidone therapy, 1091 IVaftalin, J. li., bracken poisoning (C) 928 Najib-Farah, bilirubinaemia (C) 1114 Nan Williams Fund, 573 Narayanan, M. S., macrocytic anaemia (C) 1163
Narayanaswami, P. S., diaminodiphenylsulphone (C’) 562 Nash, D. F. E., Urology of Childhood (R) 31 Nash. F. A., mass techniques (C’) 673 Nassim, J. R., skin response to ’ Trafuril’ in rheumatoid arthritis, 699 National Advisory Committee on Employment of Older Men and «’omen, 573 National Assistance (P) 826 National Association for Mental Health, 1170 National Blood Transfusion Service, 574 National Coal Board advisory panels, 678 National Corporation for Old People, 474 National Council for Unmarried Mother and her Child, 829 National Formulary, 1952, 677 National Health Service—(LA) 142, (LA) of administration 701, (LA) 910 ; cooperation of branches (P) 721 ; coordination of (A) 860 ; of, 209 ; cost of dental and ophthalmic services (P) 463 ; crisis and (P) 462 ; dental services rendered (P) 516, (P) 568 ; effects of economy cuts on (P) 307 ; estimates. 661 : expenses of boards and committees (P) 1301 ; family and, 425 ; home-help staff, number of (P) industrial medicine and (LA) 1301 ; mental142 ; integration of, 101 ; health service, 321 ; needs and means
(LA) 247, (Harrow) (Andrews) (C) 364, (O’Reilly) (Nettell) (C) 469 ; new Bill, 305, (P) 307, (1’) 769, (P) 825, (P) 929, new (P) 971, (1’) 1023, (P) 1117 ; charges (A) 356, 1108, (P) 1159, 1170 ; numbers, 473 ; private practice and (Batten) ((’) 5i ; proprietary preparations and, 48, (Smith) (C) 157 ; publichealth service and (LA) 8 7 ; reinstatement of doctor in, 1122; Study of National
Britain (Peterson) (LA) 910 ; tuberCatalogue Motor-cars, hire-purchase of, by doctors of Collections of Micro-organisms mainculosis -service, gaps in (LA) 297 ; see (P) 1024 in tained Canada (R) 648, (correction) Mottram, R., cross-infection (C) 9i6 also Dentists Bill, Dentures, Drugs, 1076 ; drug resistance of. 460, (Sneddon) Mouchot, G., unusual epidemic ((’) 875 (.eneral practice, General practitioners, A. Pre(Mennie (C) 668, (Caiman) (’) 768 Mourant, E.—incompatibte transHospitals, Pay, Hearing-aids, fusions ((’) 1019 ; Rh Blood Groups Microscopy—Electron Microscopic Histoscriptions, Spectacles, Surgical appliand their Clinical Effects (R) 700 ances logy of Heart (Kisch) (R) 647 ; electron, of spermatozoa Practical Mouth—Cleft Lip for and Palate (Holds- National Insurance—benefits hos(A) 146 ; Electron Microscopy (Cosslett) (R) 647 Oral and Dental worth) (R) 800 ; pital inpatient-:. 1027 : certificates of Middleton, II-. potential danger in endoDisease (Stones) (R) 246 ; pigmentation Family incapacity, 1122, (F) 1160; tracheal intubation fC) 566 and National Insurance Allowances of. with intestinal polyposis (Wolff) Middleton. J. E., urticaria from hogweed Bill. 1952, 932 ; increased benefits (P) 446, (correction) 520, (Montuschi) (C) 566 (C) 418 induction of benefits artificial P) Moyes, E..*<., 826; maternity 826-; sickness benefit anomalies (Lt-ys) (C) Midgeley, R. I... economy in X-ray film pneumothorax by lung puncture. 1278 (C) 50 Moynihan lecture (Walters) 221. (correcItil ; sickness benefits paid (P) 972 ; tions) 324 time limits for claiming benent, 574, Midwifery , hospital versus domiciliary (A) 913, (Robinson) (C) 1023 727 Muchrcke, R. C., adrenaline eosinophilia, 1189 Midwives, training of, 269 National Institute for Medical Research, 269 Miete, M., regenerative power of liver, 75 Muir. E., Leprosy (R)760
xvi National Old People’s Welfare Committee, Nomenclature--of insecticides, 1121 ; of 830 rhesus factor (Wiener) (C) 266, (Allan) National Register of Medical Auxiliary (C) 615, (Wiener) (C)876, (Allan) (C) Services, orthoptists’ section, 1122 1210 ; radiological (A) 1199 ; proNational Registration numbers, 473 prietary and approved names of drugs National Service and medical students (A) 251 Normal Cerebral Angiogram (Ecker) (R) (P) 308 1146 of nucleus pulposus Naylor, A., herniation Northern Ireland-Old People in Northern (C) 720 Ireland, 118 ; prescribing in (LA) 198 Nazroo, 1. A., eye changes following Norway, medical supervision of industry exposure to metallic mercury, 528 in, 572 Neale, A. V., colleges and faculties (C) 157 Neck—Muskuläre Schiefhals beim Neuge- N ose-Ear, Nose, and Throat Diseases for General Practitioner bornen (Kastendieck) (R) 1096 (McKenzie) Plastic Surgery of Nose Needs and means (LA) 247, (Andrews) (R) 855 :*. and McDowell) (R) 138 ; 364, (Brown (Barrow) (C) (O’Reilly) (Nettell) postural nerve block for intranasal (C) 469 operations (Curtiss) 989 Negligence (ML) 1117 Nozzle, non-return (Martin) (NI) 545 Neill, A. G. C. (0) 517 Nucleus pulposus, see Intervertebral disc Neomycin in amoebiasis (A) 655 Nuffield Trust for Special Areas, 111 Nephrosis, see Kidney Nervous system-benign neurotropic in- Nurses-Applied Anatomy for Nurses Charcot joints in fections (A) 409 ; (Bocock and Haines) (R) 1146 ; Colonial and education of (LA) 703, diabetic (Lister (P) 1065 ; neuropathy of Maudsley) (C) 50 ;; Diagnosis (Cropper and Houghton) (C) 716, Nervous Diseases (Purves-Stewart and (Ottley) (C) 821, (Marriott) (C) 873,
Œstrogens—(LA) 351 ; oestrogenic hormone implants in vaginal hypoplasia and aplasia (Ripman) 744 Ogilvie, R. F., Pathological Histology (R) 138 Ogilvie, Sir H.-first part of duodenum, 1077 ; Practical Procedures (R) 1242 Old People in Northern Ireland, 1118 Oliven, J. F., potential suicide (C) 162 Oliver, J. H., manure (C) 876 Oliver, L. C., pituitary tuberculoma, 698 O’Meara, R. A. Q., potentiation of sulphonamides (C) 107 O’Xeill, D., peptic ulcer (C) 212 On Objective Study of Crowd Behaviour (Penrose) (A) 300 Operation, Judet (LA) 37 Ophthalmic, see Eyes Ophthalmic Nursing Board, 830 Ophthalmology, see Eyes Ophthalmoplegia, exophthalmic, cortisone and A.c.T.H. in (Chandler and Hartfall) 847 Opium trade (A.) 654 Opticians, proposed register of, 1014 Oral and Dental Diseases (Stones) (R) 246
(Carling) (Lambert) (C) 874, (Hone) (C) 925, (Hodkinson) (C) 926, (Ottley) 1018, 1072, (C) (Humphreys) (C) (Hodkinson) (C) 1113, (C) 1166, (Butcher) (Taylor) (C) 1304, in America (Lawson) 708, in Canada (Carter) 707 ; occupational risk of (ML) 725 ; recruitment of (P) 971, for mental hospitals, 143 ; school dental (A) 88 Nursing-Boots research fellowship in, 1075 ; Canadian (Carter) 707, (Lawson) 708 ; district, 165 ; domicilary, of in U.S.A. cancer, 1061 ; (Lawson) 708 mental, 519 ; Orthopaedic Nursing tuberculosis, and (Powell) (R) 32 ; teaching hospitals (A) 89 Nutrition-Food and Nutrition (Cruickshank) (R) 84 ; growth hormone as aid in postoperative (A) 756 ;; health and (P) 308 ; surveys of (A) 353 Nutrition Society, 1122 Nydrazid ’ (A) 454, 518, (LA) 547, 571 ‘ Nylon ’ dressings (A) 861
Order of St. John of Jerusalem, 111 O’Reilly, P. J., needs and means (C) 469 Ornithosis, 57, (Duncan, Thomas, and Tobin) 696 Orthopaedic Nursing (Powell) (R) 32
Worster-Drought) (R) 648, (correction) 728 ;Diseases of Nervous System (Brain) (R) 138; disseminated sclerosis (LA) 1196. (Paulley) (C) 1305 ; excitation and inhibition, 659 ; facial paralysis in poliomyelitis (Moore) 1092 ; facial paralysis, surgical treatment of (Cawthorne) 1219; functional diseases of small bowel after gastrectomy and vagotomy (Glazebrook) 895, (Haler and Blond) (C) 1067, (Stanley) (C) 1116, (Haler and Blond) (C) 1259 ; hepatic coma (A) 862 ; hepatolenticular degeneration treated with dimercaprol (A) 199 ; peripheral neuritis (A) 806, (correction) 884; postural nerve block for intranasal operations (Curtiss) 989, (Appleton) (C) 1162 ; Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry (Spiegel) (R) 348 : Surgsry of Peripheral Nerves (Seletz) (R) 1290 ; sweating, nervous control of (A) 864, (Ambrose) (C) 926, (Rollason) (C) 1166 ; sympathectomy in hypertension (Davis) 1171 ; .Textbook of Clinical Neurology (Nielsen) (R) 906 ; thymectomy in myasthenia gravis (Ross) 785, (LA) 802 ; toxicity of dihydrostreptomycin sulphate for auditory nerve (Don and Gregory) 72, (A) 91, (Walker and Whetnall) (C) 159, (Hawkins) (C) 369, (Perrin) (C) 416, (Don and Gregory) (C) 512 ; tumours of medulla oblongata (A) 912 ; vagus-phrenic anastomosis (A) 250 ; sec also Anæsthesia, Brain, Paralysis, Parkinsonism Nettell, A.-needs and means (C) 469 ; practitioner’s prescriptions (C) 927 Neubauer, C., paroxysmal tachycardia in infancy (C) 106 Neuberger, A., splenectomy in congenital porphyria, 851 Neurology, see Nervous system Neuroses—in animals, Neuroses 665 ; (Alvarez) (R) 245 Neville, A., self-demand feeding of babies .
(C) 927 New and Nononicial Remedies (R) 32 Newborn, see Babies Newbould, t... F., relaxation in labour (C)I 1071 NEW INVENTIONS.—Bladder-neck spreader (Mitchell), 193—Flexible æsophagoscope’ (Burge) 595—Illuminated sucker tube’ (Everidge) 905-Infusion splint for infants (Barric) 1001-Introducer for 1051ptastic cannulæ (Boheimer) Non-return nozzle for use with Foley-: type urethral catheter (Martin) 545’ —Operating-spectacles for aural surgery (Hallltike) 1193—Protective shields for ulcer scars (MacKenna) 855 Newns, G. R.—A.C.T.H. by subcutaneouss drip " (C) 466 ; allergy to bovine3 "
Orthopaedics, Osborn, S.
Surgery B., hysterosalpingography
(C) 671 Man and Legend (Bett) (R) 1052 Osteomyelitis-cranial, complicating acute sinusitis frontal (Thompson, Clark, and Simons) 901 ; sternal (Vellacott) Osler :
749 Ostéotaxis (Hoffmann) (R) 449 Ottley, L. J., education of nurses (C) 821,
(C) 1018 Outpatients, see Appointment Ova, grafting of (A) 553 Ovaries, grafting of (A) 553 Ovens, G. H. C., recovery wards (C) 1209 Overseas Science Students’ Association, 830
Owen, E. N., training of deaf children (C) 51 Oxfordshire Association of Helping Hand for Handicapped Workers, 1026
Oakley, C. L., appointment, 1122 Oakley, W. G., diabetic acidosis without P ketonuria (C) 923 Oath of doctors (Mohun) (C) 108 see Children Obesity (Crofts) (C) 53, maternal (Richard- Paediatrics, Pai, M. N., joint-strain in sleep (C) 927 son) 525 Pain-Cardiac Pain (Rinzler) (R) 1194 ; in breast (Atkins) 271, (Mailer) (C) 419, OBITUARY (Atkins) (C) 510 ; in cancer of breast Amsker, A. M., 1311 (Corry) 274 ; in labour, relief of (Elam) Bovde, H. C., 1025-Bramwell, E., (C) 1163 ; recurrent abdominal, in children also see 726-Brauer, L., 164-Brown, W., (Franklin) 1267 ; 1073, 1119-Brumpt, E., 772 Proctalgia 676 Palate-Cleft Lip and Palate (HoldsDakin, H. D., 426—Dobriner, K., - Dodgson, R. W., 676, 931 worth) (R) 800 Elford, W. J., 425 Pallor, significance of, in school-children Findlay, G. W. M., 675, 772-Fleming, (Yudkin) 239 G. B., 881, 931-Fletcher, N. C., 109 Palmer, C. E., B.C.G. vaccination and tuberculin allergy, 935 Gaskell, Sir A., 268-Gregory, H. H. C., 218 Palmer, K. N. V., procaine penicillin and Hartmann, M., 374-Heseltine, M., breathing exercises in attempted pro620-Hill, Sir L., 771-Hosford, J. S., phylaxis of postoperative pulmonary 881 complications, 345 (C) 613 Luce, R. H., 517 Palsy, see Paralysis J. MacGibbon, P., 979—Maddock, Pan-American Sanitary Bureau, 59 E. C. G., 164, 218—Millard, C. K., Pancreas-carcinoma of (LA) 1197 ; exW. ternal secretion of, 1012 ; 619-Miller, H., 164—Mole, R. H., growth hormone and (LA) 35 ; growth hormone 931—Muirhead, W. M., 619 in -Neill, A. G. C., 5]7 hyperinsulinism due to islet-cell adenoma Parfitt, C. D., 472-Purvis, J. A. S., (Black, Macdougall, Reid, and Young) 19 ; islet-cell tumour of 268 and Rasmussen, H.. 1312-Rees, Sir M., (Smith Cochran) 289 ; metabolic effects of total pancreatectomy (Whit930, 979—Robbins, F. H., 426 field, Gourevitch, and Thomas) 180; Sherrington, C’. S., 569-Skeels, P. B., 164, 218—Symes-Thompson, H. E., pancreatic enzyme activity in duodenal contents in kwashiorkor (Thompson and 268 Trowell) 1031 ; pancreaticogastrostomy Taylor, J. F., 1311-Thornton, G. L., 57 Sir (Wells, Shepherd, and Gibbon) 588, Wallace, D., 930—Wharton, J., (Dill-Russell) 589, (Sames) (C) 718 ; 1118, 1207
A.C.T.H. (C) 1308 New Worlds and Old (Singer) (R) 855 see also Cœliac disease New Zealand, contribution of, to medical1 O’Brien, D.. terramycin in attemptedl Pantazis, S., bone-marrow cultures of education in India, 678 Koch’s bacillus, 748 prophylaxis of ophthalmia neonatorum, Nicol. C. S., medicine within Atlanticc 34T. (C) 675 Panton, G. F., cyclopropane (C) 977 ((’) 561 thiosemiObstetrics—maternal and L Para-acetamidobcnzaldehyde mortality Nicol, H.. world’s food (C) 313 carbazone in leprosy (Lowe) 436 morbidity (LA) 85 : Obstetrical Practice Nielsen, J. M., Textbook of Clinical1 (Beck) (R) 906 ; ’ Priscol ’ in (FarquharParacolon bacillus-enteritis due to (Lawy) Neurology (R) 906 and Mills) (C) 613, (Foster) (C) 1018;; (C) 1260 ; septicaemia due to (Kernohan) Night—nocturnal symptoms (A) 3H ’Queen Charlotte’,.; Textbook of Obstetrics; 1090 Nightingale, H. I., bicycling for poly arthritics (C) 55 Paralysis—facial, in poliomyelitis (Moore) (Clayton) (R) 800 1092 ; facial, surgery in (Cawthorne) Nikethamide, prolonged use of (Gayid) Occupational diseases, international regulations for (A) 1247 1219 ; following poisoning by phos(C) 1165 O’Connell, P. J., Weil’s disease, 1088 phorus compounds used in agriculture Nipple discharge, cytology of, 713 Nisin in experimental tuberculosis (BavinOcular, see Eves (Bidstrup and Hunter) (C) 262 ; residual, Œnanthe crocata (Thomas) (C) 316 after Iieach. Falconer, and Friedmann) 127 poliomyelitis following recent inoculation (McCloskey) 1187 ; spastic, Nitrogen mustards, see R48 (Œsophagus—congenital atresia of (Rickin rena retention chronic 334 : ham) foreign-body perforation of,, Nitrogen mephenesin in (Laurence) 178; Speech failure (Roscoe) 444 followed by mediastinitis (Korkis) 4 ;; Habilitation in Cerebral Palsy (Cass) Nixon, W. C. W., analgesia machines anèd œsophagoscope, flexible (Burge) (N1) (R) 83 C.M.’ attachment (C) 674 5y5 ; transection of (Walker) 732 Paratyphoid B outbreak, 1073, 1215
xvii Ambroise—Apologie and Treatise of Ambroise Pare (Keynes) (R) 906 Parfitt, C’. D. (0)472 health services Parker, W. S., (C) 312,(C) 469 Paré,
Inspection of meat. 1301—Isonicotinic acid hvdrazide, 1023. M.R.C. tests of, 568 Meat inspection, 1301—Medical Research Council : question about. 1024 ; tests of isonicotinic acid hydrazide, 568 .
Parkes, A.
S.-assay of
A.C.T.H. on
response of megaloblastic anæmia in Africans to oral crystalline penicillin G —Medical students and rational 308—Medical Service, (Foy, Kondi. Hargreaves, and Lowry) superintendents of Scottish hospitals. 724—Mercury 1221; ses also Procaine penicillin utilicon in teething-powders. 827—Motor-cars Penman, J., (C) 108 for doctors, hire-purchase of, 1024 Penmanship, 111 S.-On National Assistance. 826—National Penrose. L. Objective Study of Health Service: Crowd Behaviour (A) 300 : Treasury administration of, of Human Inheritance (R) 546 of 1159: effect 721 ; charges, iodide in controlling economy cuts on. 307; expenses of Pentamethonium boards and committees of, 1301; hleeding during surgical operations, 854 new X.H.S. Bill, 307, 769, 825, 929, 971,1023, 1117 ;see also Charges Peptic ulcer-acute perforated, treated for—National Insurance : 826 ; sickby partial gastrectomy (Lowdon) 1270 ; factors influearcing rate of healing of ness benefits drawn, 972—National Service and medical students, 308 i gastric (Doll and Pygott) 171 ; horI mones in treatment of (A) 201 ; hvper—Nurses: Colonial. 1065 ; reeruitment of, 971—Nutrition and health, I, thyroidism and (Gill and Walton) 3o8 (Mc Ewan) (C) 822 ; night acidity and duodenal ulcer (Andrejevic) (C) 1306 ; Ocular tuberculosis, unit for, 1024Peptic Ulcer (Sandweiss) (R) 595 ; Old-age pensioners’ prescriptions, 463 of results partial gastrectomy for —Ophthalmic service, expenditure on. 463 (Pulvertaft) 225 ; surgery of (Patey) of (Todd) 113, 662treatment Pædiatric (’) 1161 ; general practice, (Douthwaite) (O’Xcill) (C) 212, (Tanner) Pay of : civilian doctors employed by
of nestling rat, 790 ; slow-release medium for A.C.T.H., 71 Parkes, W. E., tuberculosis in school entrants, 361 Parkin. D. M., incompatible transfusions (C) 1019 Parkinsonism—postencephalitic,Kemadrin ’ in (Montuschi, Phillips, Prescott, and Green) 583 ; treatment of. in a child (Farquhar) 638
of, 463, in Scotland, 826; in mental hosfor, 516 ; pitals, 827 ; old-age pensioners’ pre463—Agriculture: Agriscriptions, culture (Poisonous Substances} Hilt, toxic substances in, 9711263 ; Alastrim in Rochdale, 724—Animal, living, experiments on, 662—Applifor ances, surgical : outpatients, 929 ; number supplied, 517, 929— Articles freed from price control, care
827 ;
for permanent invalids, 770 ; private, in London hospitals, 1118Bill to enable supply of corneal grafts, 1065—Bone-meal, dangers of infection from, 1117-British Hertford Hospital, Paris, 972—Broadmoor under Institution, 1024—By-laws Food and Drugs Act. 1938, 1263 " Cancer : Cardigan cancer cure," 1159: of lung, 770, 1301 ; publicity, 770— Cars, doctors’, hire-purchase of, 1024Certificates, medical : charges for, 1065 ; National Insurance, 1160medical certificates, Charges for :
N.H.S., 1159 ; prescriptions, 608, 1301, collection of, 724, savings from, 1263-Children : general dental service for, 1065 ; neglect and ill-treatment of, 517 ; psychiatry for, in Scotland, 1065—Clinics, outpatient, doctors’ attendance at, 1302—Colonial nurses and doctors, 1065—Connaught 463-Corneal Military Hospital, grafts : Bill to enable supply of, 1065 ; Corneal Grafting Bill, 1263-Cortisone, supplies of, 1160--Cremation Bill,
1065 ;
Dangerous Drugs Act, convictions under, 662-Dental decay and fluorine, 827-Dental service : 516, 568 ; expenditure on, 463 general, for children, 1065-Dentists Bill, 363 - Dentures : demand for, 827 ; grants for, 516-Diseases, milk-borne, pro-
doctors, 972 ; Department, general practitioners, 770Pnenmoconiosis and Byssinosis Benefit Act, 1951, 516—Prescriptions: rharges for, 516, 608, 1301, collection of. 724. savings from, 1263 ; cost of, 827 ; dispensed, 568, 929 ; of individual doctors, cost of, 1263 ; oldage pensioners’. 46:3-Price control, articles freed from, 608-Psychiatry for prisoners, 1065 Radiography of Army entrants, 11171263-Recruits, Rayon dressings, medical rejection of. 929 Sanatorium waiting-lists. 463-Sickness benefits drawn, 972—Smallpox, 724— Social for services : agreements reciprocal, 972 ; and crisis, 462Social survey reports, 608—Spectacles: grants for, 516 ; supplied, 568 Teething-powders, mercury in, 827Telephone lines, shared, 1263—Tuberculosis : Bradford foreign among in workers, 724 ; Glasgow, 724 ; in Scotland, 308 ; new drug for, unit 568, 1023 ; ocular, for, 1024 ; on treatment of, Tyneside, 568 ; 1302, in Switzerland, 724 Wigs, 363, 929 War
608 Beds :
Parnell, R. W.. longer life (C) 105, (C) 316 Parrots (Prohibition of Import) (Revocation) Regulations, 1951, 56 Parry. R. H., Bristol’s new health centre, 1297
Parry, T. E., R48 in multiple melanoma1301-Doctors : tosis (C) 764 against, War civilian, employed by Depart- Partridge, A. J., varicose ulcers (C) 818 ment, pay of, 972 ; Colonial, 1065 ; Patchwork (Batten) (C) 51 general-practice trainees, 1065 ; hire- Paternity, disputed, and blood-groups purchase of cars for, 1024 ; lists of (LA) 296 patients of, 1065 ; pay of, 827 ; Paterson, D., appointment, 166 tection
Aged :
treatment of brain abscess (A) 144 ;; Weil’s disease (Broom) (C) 315, (Wolff) (C) H)22 ; penicillin-resitant staphylococci in outpatients (Summers) 135 ; reaction to (Wylie-Smith) (C) 1211; in
(Berlyne) (C’) 265, (Jones) (C) 318, (Todd) ((’) 365, (Bourne) (Tones) ((’) 421, (Jennings) (C’) 464, (Richardson) (Lowy) (C) 465, (Lawrence) 482, (I)oll and Pygott) (Jones) (Spira) (C) 563, (Jennings) (C) 670, (Richardson) (C) 671, (Jones) (C) 720 Percussion (A) 1201 Pereyra, C. R., Semiologiay Psicopato-
Intelectual (R) 348 Pericarditis, chronic
Perrin, L. F., deafness from dihydrostreptomycin (C) 416 Perry, W. L. M., assay of A.C.T.H. on thymus of nestling rat, 790 PERSONAL
PAPERS.—Gentle art of local
government, 460—Paroxysmal auricular fibrillation, 761, (correction) 830
Personality and Psychosis (Fitzgerald) (R) 402 Perspiration, nervous control of (A) 864, (Ambrose) (C) i)26, (Rollasun) ((’) 1166 Peterson, 0. L., Study of National Health -
Service of Great Britain (LA) 910 of Cocci by Polymorphs
Phagocytosis (film) 58
Pharmaceutical 981
standards, international,
Pharmacognosy—Textbook of Pharmacognosy (Wallis) (R) 856 Pharmacology—Practical Pharmacology (Burn) (R) 1095 Phenylacetyl-urea treatment followed by acute yellow atrophy of liver (Liversedge, Yates, and Lempert) 242 Philippines, control of malaria in, 474 Phillips, J.,’ Kemadrin ’ in postencephalitic parkinsonism, 583 Phillips, M., psychology and maternity unit (C) 565 Phlebography—splenic venography (1)rcyer and Budtz-Olsen) 530 Phosphates, organic, influence of, on tuberculin sensitivity in D.C.G. infected guineapigs (Cornforth and Long) 950 Phosphorus—compounds used in agriculture, poisoning by (Bidstrup and Hunter) (C) 262 ;poisoning by (A) 200 Physician (Monro) (R) 856 Physics—World Review of Physics (Weize.lcker) (R) 1051 Physiology—Biochemistry and Physiology of Protozoa (Lwoff) (R) 83 ; Human Physiology (Chatterjee) (R) 450: Physiology of Newborn Infant (Smith) (It) 494 Pickworth. F. A., cerebral symptoms in
unestablished, 1065-Dressings, rayon, Patey, H. H., peptic ulcer (C) 1161 1263-Drugs advertised to doctors, Pathology—Pathological Histology pricing of, 1263—Durham County (Ogilvie) (R) 138 ; Pathology of Fetus Council and trade-union membership, and Newborn (Potter) 1290 ; (R) 1117 Recent Advances in Clinical Pathology Economies, national, 267-Economy (Dyke) (R) 546 cuts and N.H.S., 307—Expenditure Patients-benefits for hospital inpatients, on dental and ophthalmic services, chronic (Greenfield) 303, (A) 1027 ; 46:3-Expenses of : hospital adirinis1295right patient in right bed, 663 ; tration in Scotland, 724 ; X.H.S. see also Appointment boards and committees, 1301—Experi- Paton, W. 1). M., A.C.T.H., 342 on 662 ments Patrick, 1. T.. cotton sutures (C) 1162 living animals, Flour, alternative processes for improv- Patterns of Disease (Apperly) (R) 293 dental Patterns of Sexual Behaviour (Ford and and ing, 1301—Fluorine: decay, 827 ;; fiuoridation of waterBeach)(A) 407 supplies, 1023-Food: hospital, 462 ; Paulett, J. D., Hengrove experiment hygiene, 662-Foods, welfare, coii(C) 470 sumption of, 827—Foot-and-mouth Paulley, J. W., disseminated sclerosis disease, 1024, immunisation against (C) 1305 972—Footwear, snrgical, 463 Paulssen, M. M. P., tlurd clotting factor in blood-platelets, 2:3 662 General-practice: peediatric, cardiac infatction (C) 874 trainees, 1065—General-practitioner Pay—for exceptional consultations, ’?u8 ; 1065-General of civilian doctors employed by War Pigmentation of tips, oral mucosa, face, hospitals, practitioners, and pay of, 770-Grants for spectacles Department (P) 972 ; of Civil Service digits with familial intestinal and dentures 516 Ö of general praetidoctors (LA) 142 : polyposis (W-olff) 446, (correction) 520, tioners (A) 652. 662. (Leeson) (C) 720, Haemophilia. 1302—Health and nutri(Montuschi) (C’) 566 tion, 308—Hearing-aids, 363. 463. (P) 770, (P) 827, (LA) 1147, 1155 ; Pigment hormone (A) 1150, (.Morris) 516. bone-conduction. 1160—Heating of headquarters staff of regional hos(’) 1210 R. S-, infections of hand (C) 424 Appliances (Fireguards) Bill. 608— pital boards. 1236; of medical superservice. 1301—Hospitals: intendents of hospital, 323. in Scotland Pink disease and mercury (Holzel and administration 1117. of, James) 441, (BBal-k-er) (C) 516, (Leys) (P) 724 expenses of, in Scotland. 724 ; boards and Peden. A. S., acute sore throat. 1183 (C) 560, (Frankel) (C) 611 committees of. 1160 ; changes in Peiper. A., Chronik der Kinderheilkunde Pinsent, A.. Survey of Rewards and names of. 1263 ; costs of, 1065; (R) 800 Punishments in Schools (11) 129o cross-infection in. 1302 ; finance of, Pelloja. li., r6)e of pituitary and adrenal Pirie, X. BB’., contraception (C) 54, (C) 470 in Newcastle region, 769 ; food in. glands in inhibition of hyaluronidase Pirrie. G. 1)., etTect of vitamin Bn on 462 ;general-practitioner, 1065; Hosby salicylates, 233 underweight children (C)264 pital for Tropical Diseases, 1263 ; Penicillin—in burns (Lowbnry, Topley, and Pitcher, L., bovine tuberculosis prevents in Newecastle 462. Hood) 1036; in leptospirosis (Cohn)I 769; region., human tuberculosis? (C) 214, (C) 766, staffs of. 1301—Hypnotism Bill, 1301 in panereatitis, ((’I 562; (C) 926 1012 ; in
xviii Pitt, W. 0., coronary reserve (C) 160 Pitt-Rivers, R.-physiological activity of triiodothyronine, 593 ; triiodothyronine in myxœdema, 1044 ; triiodothyronine in plasma, 439 Pituitary gland-adrenaline eosinopenia and pituitary-adrenal function (Kark and Muehrcke) 1189 ; anterior hypopituitarism (Hubble) 1123 ; metabolic hormones of anterior lobe of (Long) 327 ; role of, in inhibition of hyaluronidase by salicylates (Felloja) 233 ; tuberculoma of (Oliver) 698 ; see also Growth hormone Placental A.C.T.H. (C) 1210
Powell, M., Orthopaedic Nursing (R) 32 Power, S., Surgical Technique (R) 952 Power and responsibility (Fraser) 61 Practical Electron Microscopy (Cosslett) (R) 647 Practical Pharmacology (Burn) (R) 1095
Psycho-analysis—Psycho-Analytic Study of Child (Eissler and Freud) (R) 1052 ; Unconscious Significance of Hair (Berg) (R) 294 Psychology—accident proneness (A) 1295 ; crowd
Surgery of Nose (Brown and McDowell) (R) 138 Plastics Progress (Morgan) (R) 194 Platelets, third clotting factor in (van Creveld and Paulssen) 23 Pleurodynia, epidemic, see Bornholm Plastic
disease Pneumoconiosis—coalminers’ (Triger) (C) 105: Pneumoconiosis and Bvssinosis! Benefit Act, 1951 (P) 516 ; Pneumoconiosis Research Unit, Cardiff, 1169 Pneumonia-in Glasgow 1950-51, setiology of (Grist, Landsman, and Anderson)1
300 ; - Gestalt
Psychology : Its Xature and Significance (Katz) (R) 450 ; Hand in Psychological Diagnosis (Wolff) (R) 595 ; ipsilateral representation in cerebral cortex (Glees and Cole) 1191 ; maternity unit and (Tylden) 231, (Read) (C) 372, (Taylor) (Deane) (Tuckman) (C) 414, (Brown) (C) 468, (Stewart) (C) 564, (Phillips) (Rowntree) (C) 565 ; Neuroses (Alvarez) (R) 245 ; of chronic patients (A) 1295 ; Personality and Psychosis (Fitzgerald) (R) 402 ; psychological findings in Crohn’s disease (Crocket) 946 ; Psychology of C. G. Jung (Jacobi) (R) 596 ; psychoses in childhood (A) 602, (Creak) (C) 718 ; psychosomatic symptom formation (Macalpine) 278, (Ratcliffe) (C) 467, (Irwin) (Culpin) (C) 515 ; Semiologia y Psicopatologia de los Procesos de la Esfera Intelectual (Pereyra) (R) 348 ; suprarenal cortex and, 815 ;; see also Psycho-analysis Psychotherapie als Kurzbehandlung in der Sprechstunde (Cremerius) (R) 194 Puberty, precocious, induced in rats by cortisone (Aterman and Greenberg)
Practical Procedures (Ogilvie and Thomson) (R) 1242 Practice, see General practice Prankerd, T. A. J., acute sore throat,
Plants, poisoning from, 155, (Thomas) (C) 316, (Boycott) (C) 373, (Middleton) ’, (C) 418
Needs and
Powell. E., Social Services: Means (LA) 247
Prayers, hospital, 37.5. 428 Precepts and Counsels on Scientific Investigation (Ram6n y Cajal) (A) 355 Precoctic " (Lehmann) (C) 311 Preece. A. J. S., population increase and contraception (C) 216 Pregnancy—antidiuretic hormone during and after (Hawker) (C) 53 ; eclampsia, prevention of (Hamlin) 64, (Sophian) (C) 159, (Browne) (C) 263 ; ectopic Gestation et (A) 1058 ; cytologie vaginale (Pundel and Van Meensel) indications for (R) 1002 ; therapeutic abortion, 31 ; mitral valvulotomy in (Logan and Turner) 1286 ; regrowth of hair in (Bishop and de Mowbray) (C) 1258 ; rheumatoid arthritis and (A) 354, (Easton) (C) 470 ; tocography (Williams and Stallworthy) 330 ; treatment of maternal obesity (Richardson)
Public health-N.H.S. and public-health 525 640 ; moniliasis, following aureomycinL service (LA) 87 ; United States Public therapy (Wolff) 1236 ; virus pneumoniaL Pregnanediol, urinary, determination of ! Health Service 1798-1950 (Williams) in children (LA) 803 ; virus pneumonia (Haslam and Klyne) 399 Korea 757 in (R) 1241 : ways of learning, 1024 (A) Preiskel, E., hysterosalpingography (C) induction 374 of, Pneumothorax—artificial, by lung puncture (Moyes and Scott)) Prescott, F.-injection routine in operat- PUBLIC HEALTH.—Aged: care of, 154 ; in Northern Ireland, 1118 ; Kemadrin’ living at 1278 ; artificial, refills followed by7 ing-theatres (C) 669 ; in postencephalitic parkinsonism, 583 hæmothorax home, welfare of, 210-Athens School (Mashiter) 188 ; sponof Hygiene, 827-B.c.G. vaccination taneous, complicated by cerebral airr Prescribers’ Notes (A) 653 embolism (Laha) (C) 1211 ; tension,Prescribing--economy in, 622, (A) 653, compulsory in France, 100-Blind, register of, 827-Cancer : of lung, 99 ; (Dark) 398, (Burnet) (C) 976 ; extravagant, 932 ; following tracheotomy in Northern Ireland (LA) 198 registration in England and Wales, (Bauer) (C) 560, (Dark) (C) 718 1215-Dental service for school-children, Prescriptions-charge for (LA) 247, 305. POINTS OF VIEW.—Proprietary prepara209-Diphtheria : 666 ; carriers (Brad(Barrow) (C) 364, (P) 516, (P) 608, ,
678, (Alcock) (C) 819, (P) 1301, collection
tions and N.H.S., 48
of (P) 724
Poisoning-by barbiturates (Locket and Angus) 580, (ML) 879 ; by dinitroortho-cresol, acute, prevention of (Bidstrup, Bonnell, and Harvey) 794, 930 ; by hemp (Johnson) (C) 820 ; by phosphorus (A) 200 ; by phosphorus compounds used in agriculture (Bidstrup and Hunter) (C) 262 ; by tri-orthocresyi phosphate (A) 806 ; from bracken (LA) 140, (Naftalin) (C) 928 ; from matches (A) 200 ; from plants, 155, (Thomas) (C) 316, (Boycott) (C) 373, (Middleton) (C) 418 ; treatment for overdose
1 108
m 1 1263.
comparisono-f, costs of individual
(P) 1263 ; cost of (P) 827, (P) 929 ; National Formulary, 1952, 677 ; old-age pensioners’ (P) 463 ; practitioner’s (Nettell) (C) 927 Price control, articles freed from (P) doctors’
608 ’Priscol ’
in obstetrics (Farquhar and Mills) (C) 613, (Foster) (C) 1018 Prisoners, psychiatry for (P) 1065 Prisoners-of-war, 58 Pritchard, J. J., appointment, 1075 322, 933 ; Prizes—Conway Evans Hallett prize, 427, 621 ; Hunterian Jacksonian prize, 1265 ; prize, 773 ; Leon Bernard Foundation prize, 1075 ; Treacher Collins prize, 1075 Problems of Aging (Shock) (R) 648 Procaine penicillin-in attempted prophylaxis of postoperative pulmonary complications (Palmer and Sellick) 345, (Johnson) (C) 510, (Palmer and Sellick) (C’) 613 ; reaction to (Yuval) (C) 163, (SmolnikofE) (C) 1022, (Berlyne) (C)
shaw, Dixon, Mawson, Turner, and Zinnemann) 558 ; inoculation against, 12561168-Diseases, notifiable, D.N.O.C. poisoning, precautions against, 930-Fluorine tests on Kilmarnock’s water-supply, 979-General practitioner and health visitor, 713-Hea,lth : education, 154 ; in Scotland, 770 ; of schoolservice for L.C.C. children, 209 ; schools, changes in, 608 ; services and family, 425 ; visitor and general practitioner, 713-Houses, design of, 210Ice-cream, heat treatment of, 978 - Influenza : 666 ; information on, 56 - Immunisation in Lanes, 929-Inoculation against : diphtheria, 1168 ; yellow fever, 770-Isonicotinic acid hydrazide, 713-Lung, cancer of, 99-National Health Service, integration of, 101Old People in Northern Ireland, 1118Ornithosis, 57-Paratyphoid-B outbreak, 1073, 1215-Parrots, lifting of import ban on, 56-Poliomyelitis in 1951, 56 ; world incidence of, 880-Population of great towns, 154-Psittacosis, 57Public health, ways of learning, 1024Radiography, mass : and pulmonary tuberculosis in general practice (Sutherin Islington, 154-Salland) 152 ; monella minnesota infection, 100-Sanitary Inspectors Working Party, 978 - School-children : changes in health for service L.C.C’. dental schools ; service for, 209 ; health of, 209 ; school meals for, 210 ; tonsillectomies in, 210 ; tuberculosis in school entrants (Parkes) 361-Skin disease, unusual, 425—Smallpox: help in diagnosis of, 771 ; variola major suspected, 930, proved to be chickenpox, 1025 ; variola minor in Lancs, 425, 471, 507, 558,. 608, 666, 713, 771, 827, 881, 930, 978, 1025, 1073-Tonsillectomies in school210—Trichiniasis outbreak, children,
(Fleming) (C) 1310 Poisons used in agriculture (P) 971 Poliomyelitis-acute dilatation of stomach as late complication of (Hussain) 282, (Westlake) (C) 373, (Hussain) (C) 613 ; facial paralysis in (Moore) 1092; following recent inoculation, residual paralysis after (McCloskey) 1187 ; immunisation against (A) 552 ; immunity to, 1011 ; in 1951, 56, world incidence of, 880 ; in adults and in children (A) 1103 ; 1309 in four siblings (Worster-Drought) (C) Proceedings of Second Clinical A.C.T.H. of infecConference 103 ; management (Mote) (R) 546 respiratory tions in patients severely paralysed Proctalgia fugax (C) 52, (Tidy) (C) 314, by (Stevenson) 845; non-paralytic (Abrahams) (Bull) (C) 424, (Murray) (A) 409; vagus-phrenic anastomosis in ((’) 672 (A) 250 Progress in Allergy (Kallos) (R) 246, Pollard, A., injection routine, 410 (R) 294 Pollock. M., hysterosalpingography (C) 374 Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry for Polyarthritis, bicycling (Xightingale) (Spiegel) (R) 348 Prostate gland—cancer of, 714 ; palpation (C) 55 L. G., of, followed by rise of serum-acidPolymenakos, post-starvation gynæcomastia (C) 1021 phosphatase level (Daniel and Van Polymorphs, see Blood Zyl) 998 familial intestinal, with pig- Prosthetics-882 ; intraocular Polyposis, acrylic mentation of lips, oral mucosa, face, lenses (Ridley) 118 ; * Perspex ’ femoral and digits (Wolff) 446, (correction) head (LA) 37 520, (Montuschi) (C’) 566 Proteins—in food in different -,countries 1215-Tuberculosis : in a Cornish disPongos, 573, (Clay) (C) 670 (A) 4 56 ; micro-eleetrophoresis of serumtrict (Hargreaves) 710 ; in Eire, 1074 ;’, Pont St. Esprit (Johnson) (C) 820 lipoproteins (Fasoli) (C) 106 in school entrants (Parkes) 361 ; in increase and in 1012 Protoveratrine Population--global, 1131 ; hypertension, South-East Metropolitan region, 305 ; 01 contraception (Preece) (C’) 216 ;; Prot ozoa-Biochemistry and Physiology notification of, 880 ; pulmonary, and of Protozoa (Lwoff) (R) 83 great towns, 154 mass radiography in general practice Porphyria, congenital, splenectomy it Prurigo, Besnier’s (A) 406 infection Pseudomonas and (Sutherland) 152 ; spread of adult type (Gray and Neuberger) 851 pyocyanea Portrait of a Surgeon (Gray) (R) 856 cetrimide (Robinson) (C’) 163 of, in contact households (Aspin) 502Tuberculous : Potassium- ability of normal kidney tc Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (A) 804 cooperation in care of, conserve 1042 ; (Fourman) experi- Psittacosis, 57 880 ; employment of. 827—Uganda, mental depletion (Black and Milne progress in, 828—Vaccination in Lanes, Psychiatry—acetylcholine in anxiety states 929—Veneral diseases in Rhine ports, (A) 862; domiciliary consultation in 244; hypokalæmia in acute leukaemia 100—Yellow-fever inoculations, 770(Barnard) (C) 371;; iodide in cougl (Leigh) 915. (Mather) (C’hild. Cowen, and McAllen see mixtures (Herxheimer and iiacphersou) (C) 977 ; for childreni also Infectious Vital diseases, lack in for in Scotland statistics (C) 1213 ; (P) 1065; post-gastrectomy prisoners dumping syndrome (W-elbourn) (C (P) 1065 ; inpatient treatment of 158 adolescents with psychological illnessesPugh, R. C. B., endocardial fibrosis (C) 311 Potter, E. L., Pathology of Fetus an( (Warren) 147; More About Psychiatry Pugmire, S. L., geriatric hospital service. Xewhorn (R) 1290 1249 (Binger) (R) 138 ; Progress in Neurology and Potter, M., formaldehvdogenic steroids Psychiatry (Spiegel) (R) 348 ; Pullar-Strecker. H., alcoholism, 555 69i 448 rôle in, psychologist’s Pulmonary, see Lungs
xix Pulsus paradoxus (Dornhorst, Howard, and Leathart) 746 Pulvertaft, C. N.—early dumping synafter gastrectomy drome (C’) 767 ;
partial gastrectomy, 225 Pundel, J. P., Gestation et cytologie vaginale (R) 10022 punishment—in approved schools (LA) 141 ;in penal institutions, 207 ; Survey
of Rewards and Punishments in Schools (Highfield and Pinsent) (R) 1290 Purpura haemorrhagica, idiopathic thrombocytopenic (Maingot) 627 Purves, H. D., experimental cancer of thyroid (C) 310 Purves-Stewart, Sir J., Diagnosis of Nervous Diseases (R) 648, (correction) 728 Purvis, J. A. S. (0) 268 Pycazide,’ 571 in Pygott, F.-hysterosalpingography ’
female infertility (C) 213, (C) 465 ; rate of healing of gastric ulcers, 171, (C) 563 Pyrford ’ trailer, 428
Q Queen (LA) 1097 Queen Charlotte’s Textbook of Obstetrics (Clayton) (R) 800 Quelques aspects de la gynecologic actuelle (Bourg) (R) 800 Quiet Art (Coope) 572 Quincy, John, 110 Quinol, depigmentation of skin by (Duffield) (C) 1164 R R48 in multiple melanomatosis (Marcus, Black, and Parry) (C) 764 Rabbits, trapping of, 375 Rabson, S. M., cardiac contusion (C) 1211 Race, R. R.-" new " blood-group character, 903 ; Rh Blood Groups and their Clinical Effects (R) 700 Radioactive isotopes, radiography with (Mayneord) 276, (LA) 298 Radiography-angiocardiography, 1011 ; barium enema in diagnosis of cancer of colon
(Haggie) 21 ; cholangiography (A) 1153 ; Clinical Urography (Braasch and Emmett) (R) 749 ; dangerous X-ray mirror for dentists, 773 ; in tuberculosis (Tattersall) 202 ; mass, and pulmonary tuberculosis in general practice (Sutherland) 152, (Hoffstaedt) (C) 217, (Sita-Lumsden) (C) 567 ;mass, in Eire, 1074 ; mass, in Islington, 154 ; mass, of school entrants (Parkes) 362 ; mass, ways of using (A) 199, (McDowell) ((’) 318, (Beynon) (Rushworth) (Grenville-Mathers and Trenchard) (C) 319, (Cochrane) (Brett) (C) 418, (Lawless) (Burn) (C) 567, (Nash) (C) 673, (Anderson) ((’) 764 ; Normal Cerebral Angiogram (Ecker) (R) 1146 ; of Army entrants (P) 1117 ; of teachers (A) 754; Sialography Technique (film) 829 ; splenic venography (Dreyer and Budtz-Olsen) 530 ; with radioactive isotopes (Mayneord) 276, (LA) 298 ; see also Hysterosalpingography Radio-iodine-(LA) 85, 1013 ; as therapeutic agent (A) 805 ; uptake of, 1294 ; versus B.M.R. (Foote, Mackenzie, and Maclagan) 486, (LA) 496, (Robertson) ((’) 511, (Macgregor, Wayne, Miller, and Goodwin) (C) 616, (Robertson) ((’) 768
Radiology-Biological Effects of External Beta Radiation (Zirkle) (R) 1146 ; Clinical cholangiography (A) 1153 ; and Emmett) (Braasch Urography (R) 749 ; Diinndarm im Rontgenbild (Kuhlmann) (R) 1002 ; early results of radiological investigation after colonic replacement of stomach (Harrison) 25 ;
functional disorders of small bowel after ga...-trectomy and vagotomy (Glazebrook) 895 ; Normal Cerebral Angiogram (Ecker) (R) 1146 ; of dumping syndrome
Riley) 630 ; Rontgenbitd
de entwicklungsgestorten Uterus (Finkbeiner) (R) 84 ; Students’ Radiological liathematies (Kemp) (R) 84 ; terminology of (A) 1199 ; value of radiological investigation (Brailsford) 679, (Leggat) ((’) 823, (Brailsford) (C) 878, (Leggat) (C) 928 Radiotherapy of retinobIastoma (Stallard) 1046
Disease and its Treatment by Radium (Cade) (R) 1193 Raffel. 8., Annual Review of Microbiology (R)402 Ralli, E. P., Adrenal Cortex (R) 546 R.A.M.C., see SERVICES
Rameu y Cajal. S., Precepts and Counsels on Scientific Investigation (A) 355 Random. S. G.—analgesia machines and ’C.M.’ attachment (C) 674; relaxation in labour (C) 1017 Rasmussen, H. (0 1312 Ratcliffe, A. H., psychosomatic symptom formation ((’) 4677 Rational Treatment of Catarrh (Troup) (R) 138, (C) 214 Rats—control of (A) 913 ; nesting behaviour of, 508; precocious puberty induced in, by cortisone (Aterman and
354. (Easton) (C) 470 ; assessment of rapidly acting agents in (Loxton. Le Vay, and Stanford) 12$() ; cortisone in (A) 911, (Schmidt) (C) 1018 ; skin response to local ’ Trafnril ’ in (Nassim and Banner) 699, (Crowe) (C) 873 ;
trauma and. 932 , Ribena ’ (Charley. ’-%I" ni ford, and Yudkin) (C) 267 Ribs—little-known costal syndronieq (Ross) (C) 104 : slipping, in newborn (Arthurton) 1142 Richards, A. G., unemployment among doctors (C) 719 Green berg) 545 Rattenbury. G-. register to aid crippled Richardson, J. E., peptic ulcer (C) 465, babies ((’) 109 (C) 6.11 Rayon dressings (P) 1263 Richardson, J. S., maternal obesity, 525 191 RB (A) 499 Riches, E. «-., electrolyte disturbances after ureteric transplantation (C) 568 Read, G. D., psychology and maternity unit (C) 372 -? Rickards. J. F., cyclopropane ((’) 1022 332 Read. R. F., abdominal injury from cricket Rickham, P. P., ball (C) 717 Ridley. H., intraocular acrylic lenses after in Recent Advances cataract extraction, 118 Bacteriology (MacLennan) (R) 294 Right to know risk (A) 301, (Limbosch) Recent Advances in Clinical Pathology ((’) 366 T. R., dumping syndrome 630, (C) (Dyke) (R) 546 1114 Recent Advances in Medicine (Beaumont and Dodds) (R) 1242 Rimifon ’ (A) 454, 518, (LA) 547, 571 Rinzter, S. H., Cardiac Pain (R) 1194 RECONSTRUCTION.—Cost of medical care Ripman, H., oestrogenie hermone implants in vaginal hypoplasia and aplasia, 744 (Titmuss) 605-General practice, hospitals. and future (Simmonds) 42- Rivlin, S., varicose ulcers (C) 877 Hengrove experiment ((’ook) 412- Roach, E. S., Dictionary of Antibiosis (R) Industrial health services, 150-Marriage 856 W. and divorce, 919-Right patient in right Roantree, B.—meningo-encephalitis due to Crytococcus neoformans, 1274 bed, 663-Senior registrar, 97 unusual epidemic (C) 670 Recovery wards (Davies and Hunter) Robbins, F. H. (0) 426 865, (Ovens) (C) 1209 Roberts, F., Cost of Health (LA) 597 Rectum, see Proctalgia, fugax Roberts, H., Everyman in Health and Reductone (O’Meara) (C) 107 Sickness, 572. (A) 755 9 Roberts, P. A. L., varicose ulcers (C) 1071 Rees, Sir M. (0) 930, 979 Regional hospital boards-appointed, 919 ; Robertson, F’., streptomycin in tuberincreased power of (A) 499 ; method culous meningitis. 1176 of appointing (LA) 295 ; pay of head- Robertson, J. D.—B.M.R. versus radioiodine in diagnosis of thyroid disease quarters staff of, 1256 of Register-of blind, 827 ; speech (C) 511, (C) 768standards for basal of metabolism of normal people in Britain, therapists,574 ; Register Biological to aid 946 981 ; Consultants, crippled babies (Franklin, Fairfield, and Ratten- Robertson, R. P., varicose ulcers (C) 818 Robin, 1. (_., deafness in childhood (C) bury) (C) 109 469 Registrars-1109 ; senior, 97, (Williams) (C) 215 ; statement of chief medical Robinson, C. R., cetrimide and Ps. pyoofficer of Ministry of Health, 1061 cyanea infection (C) 163 Registration, medical, provisional and Robinson, P., controlled trial of aureomycin in premature twins and triplets (C) 52 full, 507 Reid, D. A. C., local use of chloramphenicol Robinson, T. G., confinement in hospital in wound infections, 541 (C) 1023 1210 Reid, D. D., standards for basal metabolism Roche, M., fiesta in Pamplona (C) " of normal people in Britain, 940 influRoche, M. J., unusual attack of enza" (C) 618 hormone in Reid, E., pituitary growth ’ Rockefeller fellows, directory of, 165 hyperinsulinism, 19 Reifenstein, E. C., Metabolic Interrelations Rockefeller Foundation. 934 Rocket propellants, toxicity of (A) 1294 (R) 1002 Religion-Individual and His Religion Rodriguez Pereira, A., regenerative power of liver, 75 137 (Allport) (R) Renal, see Kidney Rogers, S. C., unusual epidemic (0) 372 Rennie, J. B., kidney of scleroderma, (C) 264, (correction) 324 Rogers, Sir L., Leprosy (R) 700 Reproduction and-blood -groups (Allan) Rollason, BV. N.—hiccup during aneesthesia (C) 674 ; control of nervous (C) 102, (Sanghyi) (C) 214, (Allan) (C) 370 ; diet (Hubble) 1124 sw-euting (C) 1166 Research—clinical (LA) 907 ; in regional Röntgenbild des entwicklungsgestorten Uterus (Finkbeiner) (R) 84 hospitals (Jones) (C) 922 ; in U.S.A. (Meiklejohn) 46 ; medical, Beit Fellow- Rook, A. J., scleroderma ((’) 514 ships for, 1314 ;; medical, in Malaya Rook, J. R., anaesthesia in casualty department, 1202 (A) 144 ; medical, unintentional confounding in (White) 458 ; on cancer, Roper-Hall, H. T., Dentists Bill (C) 818 868, 1206, (Donaldson) (Brailsford) Ropes, M., cosinophil-counts, 129 (Bender) (C) 1311 ; on contraception Rosacea treated with mepacrine (Borrie) (C) 1113 (Pirie) (C’) 54, (Pirie) (C) 470 : on heartdisease (Logan and Morris) (C) 1116 ; on Roscoc. M. H., anaemia and nitrogen in on mental health retention chronic renal failure. leukremia, 573 ; 444 4 (LA) 651, 664 ; on tropical medicine Roscoe B. Jackson Memorial Laboratory in Liberia, 323 ; on twins, 621 Resin, cation-exchange (Fourman) 1042 (A)252 M. L., nephrotic syndrome Rosenheim, Respiration-artificial (LA) 548, (Btu’net) troxidone therapy, 1091 (C) 618, 718, complicating (C) (Hicks) (Copithorne) (Burnet) (C) 821, (A) 1007, (Burnet) Rosenthal, M. C’.. Compound F in haemolytic anaemia, 1135 (C) 1069 ;; see alsu Breathing exercises Retinoblastoma, irradiation of (Stallard) Ross, J. A., little-known costal syndromes 1046 ((’) 104 Review, of lledical and Veterinary Myco- Roa., R. T., thymectomy in myasthenia gravis, 785 logy, 1075 Reristu de Rotes-Querot, J.. Spondylarthrite ankyloBiologico, 1216 sante (R) 1145 Rhesus factor—in incomplete transfusions nomenclature of Rotgrünblindheit als Erlebnis (Ahlenstiel) (Discombe) 734 ;; (Wiener) (C) 266, (Allan) (C) 615, (11) 750 (Wiener) (C) 876, (Allan (C) 1210 ; Rowntree, G.. psychology and maternity Rh Blood Groups and their Clinical unit (C) 565 Effects (Mollison, llourant, and Race) Rowson. A. L., Royal Commission on 700 mental hospitals (0 1114 (R) Rheumatic fever—acute fatal, in adult Royal Army Medical Corp*:. see SERVICES (Hart and Husain) cortisone Royal College of Midwives, 1218 10UO ; in (Stewart) (C’) 213 Royal(’ollege of Obstetricians and Gynæcologists—elections, 1169; fellowships and Rheumatism—269; Medical Disorders of Locomotor System (Fletcher) (R) 906; ; memberships. 269, 1169; grant from new clinic. 572; Levurhulme Rheumatism and You Foundation, 883 ; passG (l3acit) (H) 59H list 883 arthritis—agglutination test Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh for (Hobson and Gorrill) 389, (Scott) --elections. and 165 ; fellowships 392, (Ball) tC) 614 ; and pregnancy (A) memberships, 428, 1027
neonatal surgery,
H. L., kidney of scleroderma, 68 for (A) 88 ; Sheehan, g 649 ; infectiveShepherd, J. A., . panereatieogastrostomy, 588 573, 1216 hepatitis in boarding-school (Brod4 ribb) 339 ; L.C_C., changes in health :Sheppard, M. D., sealed drainage, 1174 Royal College of Physicians of Londonon service committee at, 608 ; meals in, 210 ; mumpsSherlock. S., serum hepatitis, 999 appointments, 322 ; in S. 569 Evans school C. encephalitis preparatory (Hen- Sherrington, (0) poliomyelitis, 10 7 6 ; Conway for ulcer scars derson) 386 ; school medical service,Shields prizes, 322, 933 ; diplomas, 322, 933 ; (Maokenna) election of president. 806 ; fellowships, filmstrip on, 427 ; Survey of Rewards (N1) 855 and memberships, and Punishments in Schools (High- Shock, X. W., Problems of Aging (R) 648 licentiates 933 ; field and Pinsent) (R) 1290 ; tuber- ;Shorr, 322, 933 E., Factors Regulating Blood culosis in school entrants (Parkes) 361 Pressure (R) 1242 Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, 1265 :Schulte, M. J., regenerative power ofShubert, S., cortisone and A.C.T.H. in liver, 75 Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, exophthalmic ophthalmoplegia (C) 1307 Schwab. R. S., Elect ro-encephalographyShubsachs, S., rubella in adult (C) 1111 59, 1121 in Clinical Practice (R) 7.50 ; W. E., coronary thrombosis (C) Royal College of Surgeons of EnglandShute, adjudged to be a charity, 773, (ML) Science-impact of, on literature (A) 108, (C) 717. (C) 1309 824 ; admissions, 1027 ; appointments, 1246 ; Precepts and Counsels onSialography Technique (film) 829 Scientific Investigation (Ramon y Cajal)Sick—chronic sick unit (Greenwood) 303 1264 ; awards, 621 ; chair of human and comparative anatomy, 166 ; dip(A) 355 ; Science for Peace Committee, Sickle-cell anomaly as sign of Mediter259 ranean anaemia (Caminopetros) 687, lomas, 166, 427, 621, 773, 1027, 1264 ; elections, 427, 773, to Faculty of Anæs- Scintillation counter (LA) 1054 (Lehmann) (Caminopetros) (C) 1068, (Choremis) (C) 1069, (Caminopetros) thetists, 727 ; examiners, 1265 ; fellow- Scleroderma—case of (Briggs and Illingworth) 346 ; Kidney of (Moore and (C) 1212, (Dreyfuss and Benyesch) ships, 1264, of Faculty of Anaesthetists, Sheehan) 68, (Milne, Sommerville, and (C) 1213 166 ; first annual dinner of Association Sickness-benefit anomalies (Leys) (C) 161 ; of Whole-time Salaried Specialists, 375 ; Rennie) (C) 264, (correction) 324, of benefits treatment Hallett prize, 427, 621 ; Hunterian paid (P) 972 ; Cost of Sickness (Enticknap) (C) 316 ; and Price of Health (W’inslow) (A) 38 memorial Jacksonian service, 427 ; (Rook and Frain-Bell) (C) 514 prize, 773, 1027 ; Leverhulme scholar- Sclerosis, disseminated (LA) 1196, (Paulley) Siderophores (LA) 1005 (C) 1305 Significance of Heredity in Ophthalmology ships, 773 ; Listerian festival, 813 ; memorial to John Hunter, 322 (Hamilton) (R) 952 Scotland—aged in mental hospitals in of aged in (P) 826 ; Silicosis in ball-clay and china-clay indus(P) 827 Royal Commission on-marriage and in cost of administration tries hospital (P) (Thomas) 133 divorce, 1060 ; mental hospitals (Row724 ; handicapped children in, 1076 ; Silk, E., succinylcholine, 1229 son) (C) 1114 pneumonia in Glasgow (Grist, Lands- Sime, D. A., agranulocytosis during treatRoyal Institute of Public Health, 883 ment with diethazine hydrochloride, 192 man, and Anderson) 640; psychiatry for Royal Medical Benevolent Fund (C) 52 children in (P) 1046 ; tuberculosis in Simmonds, B. S., general practice, hos1120 ; Royal Society—conversazione, pitals, and future, 42 (P) 308 ;see also Vital statistics foreign members, !)82 ; new fellows, 656 ; research professor, 59 ; synl- Scott, F. E. T., agglutination test in Simmons, J. S., Global Epidemiology rheumatoid 392 on and excitation arthritis, (R) 194 inhibition, posium 659 Scott, J. F., self-demand feeding of babies, Simons, J. A., cranial osteomyelitis, 901 683 Simpson, S. A., effect of adrenal extract Royal Statistical Society, 933 on mineral metabolism, 122 cause of infusion Scott, J. K., induction of artificial pneumoRubber tubing as thorax by lung puncture, 1278 Singer, C., New Worlds and Old (R) 855 thrombophlebitis (Handfield-Jones and Scott, R. A. M., dicoumarol, 488 Sinusitis, acute frontal, complicated by Lewis) 585, (Smith) (C’) 823 cranial osteomyelitis (Thompson, Clark, Rubella—in adult (A) 1057, (Shubsachs) Scottish advisory committee, 361 and Simons) 901 Scottish 573 3 in 1073 Board, Conjoint Manchester, (C) 1111 ; Rundle, F. F., Joll’S Diseases of Thyroid Scottish Health Services Council, 166, Sita-Lumsden, E. G., selective radioGland (R) 32 (LA) 195 graphy (C) 567 Rundle, J. A., acute moniliasis of urinary Scottish Regional Hospital Boards, 813, Skeels, P. B. (0) 164, 218
Royal College of Physicians of Irelandfellowship, 1216 ; memberships, 322,
(ML) 1167 ;dental
dental service for (LA)
tract, 1236 .
Rushworth, J. 9 31
radiography (C)
Skevington, Sir J., death of, 501 Skin-depigmentation of, by quinol (Duffield) (C) 1164 ; disinfection of (A) 250 ; (Glaser and Hair and Scalp (Saville) (R) 906 ; reaction of, to adhesive dressings Heritage in (A) 861, (Dodd) (C) 922 ; response of,
Screens—hospital bedside, standard, 220 ; X-ray, standard, 1266
Seasickness, prevention of Hervey) 490 Seddon, H. J., Christian Medicine, 375 in to local Trafuril ’ rheumatoid Segmeutal Resection of Lung in Bronchiectasis (film) 58 arthritis (Nassim and Banner) 699, 873 Selenium in dental 1246 decay (Crowe) (C) (A) S Seletz, E., Surgery of Peripheral Nerves Skin diseases-autosensitisation in (A) 90, 13esnier’s prurigo " Safe Period," 58 (Baikie) (C) 213 ; (R) 1290 (A) 406 ; dermatitis from matches (A) Salicylates-and neuro-endocrine stimula- Sellick, B. A., procaine penicillin and tion (Van Cauwenberge and Betz) 1083 ; 200 ; elastosis dystrophica (A) 804 ; breathing exercises in attempted prorole of pituitary and adrenal glands in phylaxis of postoperative pulmonary epidermolysis bullosa (ML) 471 ; ery613 nodosum inhibition of hyaluronidase by (Pelloja) thema 345, (C) (A) 1009 ; herpes complications, 233 Sellors, T. H., Modern Practice in Tubersimplex (LA) 1244 ; impetigo, chloramculosis (R) 1095 Saliva test of sex of unborn foetus (A) 604 phenicol in (Sneddon) (C) 668 ; indusdermatitis trial Salmonella minnesota infection, 100 Semiologia y Psicopatologia de los Procesos (Bourne) (C) 368, de la Esfera Intelectual Salt, H., risks with cyclopropane (C) 1309 (Hewitt) (C) 466 ; keratosis follicularis (Pereyra) I Salvesen, S., placental A.t’.T.H. (C) 1210 (R) 348 contagiosa (Goldsmith) (C) 515 ; new Sames, C. P., pancreaticogastrostomy Senna, standardised (A) 655, (Godding) mycobacterium from skin lesions (A) (C) 718 ((’) 719 145 ; pseudoxanthoma elasticum (A) ’Senokot’ (Godding) (C) 719 Sammons, H. G., coeliac disease, 836 804 reactions to adhesive dressings Sanatoria—beds in (Tattersall) 203, use Septem Contra Pijper (A) 88 (A) 861, (Dodd) (C) 922 ; rosacea treated with mepacrine (Borrie) (C) of (Lowe and Geddes) 92 ; infection Septicaemia due to paracolon bacillus; in (A) 39, (Croft) ((’) 51 ; waiting-lists 1113: Stevens-Johnson syndrome (A) (Kernohan) 1090 3 40, (Steigman and Kelly) (C) 875 ; Serum, see Blood (P) 46 tinea pedis (A) 1152 ; unusual skin Sandiford, H. B. C., anæthesia for tuberculous (C) 820 disease, 425, (Goldsmith) (C) 515 ; SERVICES.—Army: awards to R.A.M.C. urticaria from hogweed (Middleton) (C) officers for services in Korea, 982 ; Sandweiss, 1). J., Peptic Ulcer (R) 595 new director-general of Army Medical 418 ; vitiligo treated with Ammi Sanger, It., new blood-group character, of entrants ;{ 9()3 Services, 728 ; radiography majus (A) 1059 ; xeroderma pigmentoR.A.M.C. and R.A.D.C. sum L. and sexD., blood-groups (Smithers and Wood) 945 ; see also Sanghyi. (P) 1117 ; officers and medical protection societies Alopecia, Scleroderma ratio (C) 214 R.A.M.C. prisoners-of-war, Skin grafts—A.C.T.H. and homografts (A) 454; sanitary Inspectors Working Party. 978 Saunders, J. ’., negative-pressure device (Butterfield, Williams, and Evans) 58; retirement of director-general of 737 for controlled hypotension during surArmy Medical Services (A) 706 Skull, osteomyelitis of, complicating acute gical operations, 1286 frontal sinusitis (Thompson, Clark, and Sautter, H., Trübungsformen der men- Services—General: medical rejection of recruits (P) 929 schlichen Linse (R) 84 Simons) 901 Savill, A.-Hair and Scalp (R) 906 ; Sex—cortisone-induced "precocious pu- Smallpox-alastrim (LA) 405, 425, 471, 507, 558, 608, 666, 713, 771, 827, 881, berty " in rats (Aterman and Greenunexpected protest (C) 318 930, 978, 1025, 1073 ; help in diagnosis berg) 545 ; hypogonadism (Hubble) Sayé, L., Tuberculosis Traqueo-broncoof Sexual Patterns Behaviour of, 1123; 771 ; suspected variola major, pulmonar (R) 450 of nucletts and herniation W., Beach) (A) 407; prenatal 930, proved to be chickenpox, 1025 Savie-Creer, recognition of (A) 604 ; sex hormones Smartt, C. G. F., cardiac arrest (C) 1116 pulposus (C) 310 (LA) 350, anterior-pituitary (Hubble) Smellie, J. M.—cœliac disease, 836 ; Sbarigia, G., coronary thrombosis (C) 265, sex-ratio and 1123 ; cystine storage disease with amino(C) 1072 (Allan) (0 102, (Sanghyi) (C) 214, aciduria, 1093 Scalp-Hair and Scalp (Savill) (R) 906 sexual behaviour Scandinavia (Caspersen) (C) 161 (Allan) (C) 370; Smiley, D. F., Your Health, 572 of in F. H., methonium salts in hyper407. 508 Scarlet fever, treatment rabbit;, Smirk, (A) (Krarup) (C’) 671, (Harries) (C) 767, (Glaisher) S.F.A. Catalogue of Medical Films (R) tension, 8 1242 A. X., islet-cell tumour of pancreas, (C) 821, (Glaisher) (C) 875, (Linehan) 289 Shanks, S. C., economy in X-ray film (Lambert) (C) 922 Smith, C. A., Physiology of Xewborn Schalm, L., regenerative power of liver, (C) 263 75 Infant (R) 494 Shattock, F. M.—eosinophil-counts (C) Schmidt. L.. cortisone (C) 1018 a 1116 ; insulin hypoglycæmia and eosino- Smith, D. H., hiccup during anaesthesia School-children, see Children (C) 365 phil-count, 1239 School Health Service (LA) 956 Shaw, W., Textbook of Gynaecology (R) Smith, G., proprietary preparations and Schools-absence from school (A) 409 ; 750 X.H.S. (C) 157 approved, punishment in (LA) 141; Shee, J. C., intrathecal aureomycin in Smith, J. C., rubber tubing as cause of 924 cruelty charge at Farney Close School infusion thrombophlebitis (C) 823 meningitis (C)
Russell, F. R., risks with cyclopropane (C) 878 Russell, L., L.’nesta.blished Practitioners’ Group (C) 610, (C 71!)9
xxi Smith, J. R., ’Ciba 9295,’ 1144 Speech therapists’ register. 574 G.—amino-aciduria after Smith, M. J. H., monohydroxybenzoic acids Spencer, A. and sitamfn-C depletion of adrenals in Lysol’burn, 19u ; diabetic ketosis,
and Blond) (C) 1067, (Stanley) (C) 1116, (Haler and Blond) (C) 1259 ; Modern Trends in Gastro-Enterology (Jones)
9s3 Spencer. B. D.. appointment systems for outpatients (C) 1307 Spermatozoa, electron microscopy of (A)
intact rats, 991
Smith, R. E., Finland, 1109 Smith, R. G., general practice, hospitals. and future (C) 107 Smith, W., influenza virus, 885 Smith, W. R. L., utilecon (C) 216 Smithers, D. W.—Diagnosis and Treat"
Intrathoracic New Growths xeroderma pigmentosum, 945 V. P., reaction to procaine 2 (C) 1022 B., drug resistance of micro(C) 668 Truth : Alcoholic Realities Sober (Williams) (R) 32 Social Medicine (Cluver) (R) 1290
(R) 402 ; Smolnikoff, penicillin Saeddon, 1. organisms
146 W’. L., Ethical Basis of Medical Practice (R) 1242 Spiegel, E. A., Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry (R) 348 Spine-spina bifida (Rickham) 335 ; Spondylarthrite ankylosante (Forestier, Jacqueline, and Rotes-Querol) (R) 1145; see also Intervertebral disc Spira, J. J., peptic ulcer (C) 563
Spleen—splenectomy (Maingot) 625, (Millichap) (C) 764, (Beresford) (C) 819, in congenital porphyria (Gray and services-agreements, reciprocal (P) 972 ; Handbook to Social Services Xeuberger) 851 ; surgery of (Whit by)
Social _
in Social Services : London, 324 ; Needs and Means (Macleod and Powell) (LA) 247 Social survey reports (P) 608
(R) 1002 ; pancreaticogastrostomy (Well, Shepherd, and Gibbon) 588, (Dill-Russell) 589, (Sames) (C) 718 ; partial gastrectomy for acute perfor-ated peptic ulcer (Lowdon) 1270 ; potassium laek in post-gastrectomy dumping syndrome (Welbourn) (C) 158 ; reactions of, to antibiotics (A) 352 ; results of partial gastrectomy (Pulvertaft) 225 ; Surgery of Stomach and Duodenum (Welch)’ (R) 246 ;see also
Splenic-flexure syndrome, 1012 Splint, infusion, for infants (Barrie) (XI) 1001
’, ’
Peptic ulcer
Stone, D. G. H., self-demand feeding of babies, 683 Stones, H. H.,Oral and Dental Diseases (R) 246 Stowers, J. M., diabetic ketosis, 983 Stratton, F., cross-matching blood (C) 1067
Streptomycin—and deafness (A) 91 ; in tuberculous meningitis (Robertson and Gairdner) 1176 ; resistance and isonicotinic acid hydrazide (Hinson) (C) 1113 ; see also Dihydrostreptomycin sulphate Students-medical, and National Service (P) 308 ; Students’ Radiological Mathe-
Spondylarthrite ankylosante (Forestier, SOCIETIES, MEDICAL Jacqueline, and Rotes-Querol) (R) 1145 Sprains—Management of Fractures, Dislocations and Sprains (Key and Conwell) ASSOCIATION FOR STUDY OF LIVER DISEASES.-6077 (R) 84 matics (Kemp) (R) 84 OF ASSOCIATION PSYCHIATRISTS OF Springett, V. H., statistical trends in Study of National Health Service in Great Britain (Peterson) (LA) 910 SCOTTISH WESTERN REGION.—219 tuberculosis, 521, 575 and ASSOCIATION OF WHOLE-TIME SALARIED Sprue, fruit needed in (C) 315 Collier, Succinylcholine—(Bourne, SPECIALISTS.-3 7 5 Somers) 1225, (Franks) (C) 1309 ; Sputum. green (Robertson) 12 BAHREIN MEDICAL SOCIETY.-57 sensitivity to, in relation to serumStaggers, (LA) 140 cholinesterase (Evans, Gray, Lehmann, BRITISH ASSOCIATION OF OTOLARYNGO- Stallard, H. B., irradiation of retinoand Silk) 1229
blastoma, 1046
A.—hysterosalpingography Sucker tube, illuminated (Everidge) (Jsl) in female infertility (C) 212 ; toeoCAERNARVONSHIRE AND ANGLESEY 905, (Lee) (C’) 1162 PÆDIATRIC CLUB.-573 Sugar endocrine control of blood-sugar graphy, 330 CHELSEA CLINICAL SOCIETY.-621 Stamm, W. P., cepharanthin and tuber(Long) 325 culosis (C) 720 DEVON AND EXETER MEDICO-C’HIRURSuicide-1288 ; attempted (A) 1059 ; GICAL SOCIETY.-571 Stammers, F. A. R., economy in hospotential (Oliver) (C) 162 ; with barbiStallworthy,
experimental meditherapeutics, 1050 ; medi(A) 806 ; cine, neurology 493 ; orthopaedics (A) 552 ; pathology, 400 ; psychiatry, 30, 448, (A) 602, (A) 1059 ; surgery (LA) 1100 914, (LA) 1053 ;
cine and
HYGIENE.—1075, 1312
in scleroderma studies
(Briggs and Illingworth) 346 ; in hepatic cirrhosis, 1011 Soi), reconditioning of, 57 Solem.
H.. slow-release ((’) 468
Solomon, (;., Greek to patient (C) 1020 Solymoss, .B., shunting in human kidney ((’) 564
Somers, G. F., succinylcholine, 1225 Sommerville, J., kidney of scleroderma (C) 261. (correction) 324
Sophian, J.—acute renal failure (C) 1261 ; eclampsia (C) 159
Sound (AI 1201 Soviet Genetics (Morton) (R) 293 T. H.. Compound F in heemolytic amf-tnia, 1135 Spanner, D. C., teaching evolution (C)
Specialism, approach
to (Finch) 1 for (P) 516 ; operatingfor aural surgery (Hallpike)
Spectacles—grants spectacles (XI) 1193
Hartridge reversion, improved cell for Waither and Millwood) 237
Speech Ylabilitati4-)n (Cass) (R) S3
pitals ((’) 514
turates (ML) 879 rapidly acting Sulman, F. G., simple test for bloodA.C.T.H. (C) 1161 agents in rheumatoid arthritis, 1280 Stanford, R., appointment systems for Sulphonamides, potentiation of (O’Meara) 1209 (C) 107 outpatients (C) Stanley, B. E. C., functional disorders Summers, G. A. C., penicillin-resistant after gastrectomy (C) 1116 staphylococci, 135 Staphylococci—chemotherapy of Staph. Sumner, J. B., Enzymes (R) 1052 in aureus burns (Lowbury, Topley, Sunburn cream (Smithers and Wood) 945 and Hood) 1036 ; from patient’s skin, Sundial, 1026 of of infection thoracic Supplement to British Pharmaceutical prevention Codex (Mapletliorpe) (R) 647 surgical wounds by (Harrison and Cruickshank) 288 ; penicillin-resistant, Suprarenal glands—Adrenal Cortex (Rani) in outpatients (Summers) 135 ; (R) 546 ; adrenal cortex and carbopenihydrate metabolism (Long) 327 ; adrenocillin -resistant, treated with chloramgenital syndrome (LA) 1292 ; Colston phenicol (Banks) (C) 560 ; resistant Research Society symposium on suprato several antibiotics (Clarke, Dalgleish, renal cortex, 814 ; effect of adrenal and Gillespie) 1132 extract on mineral metabolism (Tait, Staple, P. H., adrenal function and Simpson, and Grundy) 122 ; effect of epilepsy (C) 372 cortisone on excretion of 17-ketosteroids Starch, modified, as substitute for talc in adrenal virilism (Bishop, Bray, (Graham and Jenkins) 590 de Mowbray, Merivale, and VaughanSteatorrhœa-idiopathic, results of protracted treatment of (Badenoch) 238 ; Morgan) 1287 ; epilepsy and (Staple) latent, 1012 (C) 372 ; hypertension and (Davis) Steel wire, braided stainless (Aiken) (C’) 1172 ; monohydroxybenzoic acids and vitamin-(’ depletion of, in intact rats 1022 (Smith) 991 ; r61o of, in inhibition of Steffens, W., Verletzungen der Lungen und des Brustkorbes (R) 246 hyaluronidase by salicylates (Pelloja) 233 ; surgery of adrenal cortex (LA) Steigman, A. J., A.C.T.H. in StevensJohnson syndrome (C) 875 248 ; surgical treatment of hyperSteriliser for Cheatle’s forceps, 269 functioning lesions of adrenal cortex (W-alters) 221, (corrections) 324 Sternum, osteomyelitis of (Vellacott) 748 Steroids-adrenal- (Walters) 221 ; estima- Surgery-after fifty-six years (Learmonth) tion of urinary corticosteroids, 816; 831 ; braided tantalum wire (Howkins and Hans) 949, (Aiken) ((’) 1022 ; formaldehydogenic (Henly and Potter) (’hiropodial Orthopeedics (Charlesworth) 697 ; hydroxysteroids (Haslam and (R) 8UO ; Chirurgie der Schilddriise Klyne) 285 ; steroid hormones (Tait, (Floreken) (R) 402 ; code of surgical Simpson, and Grundy) 122, and beSteroids in haviour, 508 ; operations, 932 ; control of hæmorExperimental and Clinical Practice (White) rhage during surgical operations, 854 ; (R) 700 drainage. sealed 1174; (Sheppard) Essays in Surgery (Harris and Janes) Stethoscope tubing (A) 89, (Dalal) (C) 1307 (R) 494 ; Handbook of Surgery (Ledlie and Harmer) (R) 401 ; Judet operation Stevens-Johnson syndrome (A) 40, (Steigman and Kelly) (C) 875 (LA) 37 ; neonatal (Rickham) 332 ; of spleen (Whitby) 623 ; Stevenson, A., our erime-sheet (C) 1214 orthopedic Plastic Surgery Stevenson, F. H.. management of respirajudgment (A) 552 ; of Xose (Brown and McDowell) (R) 138 ; tory infections in patients severely postural nerve block for intranasal paralysed by poliomyelitis, 845 in A. S. R., ’ Mysoline’ epilepsy, Stewart, operations (Curtiss) 989 ; repair of dural defects with gelatin film (McKis742 sock) 943 ; Stewart, D. B., psychology and maternal Segmental Resection of unit ((’) 564 Lung in Bronchiectasis (film) 58 ; Stewart. 1. M. G., cortisone in rheumatic splenectomy (Maingot) 625 ; Surgery fever (C) 213 of Peripheral Nerves (seletz) (R) 1290 ; Still no applicants (A) 705 Surgery of Stomach and Duodenum
Stanford, B., assessment
dilatation of, as late complication of poliomyelitis (Hussain) 282. (Westlake) (C) 373, (Hussain)
colonie (C) cancer 613 ;-. of, 714 ;-. replacement of (Harrison) 25, (Moroney) (C) 767 ; early dumping syndrome after gastreotomy (Goligher and Riley) (Pulvertaft) (Moroney) (C) 767, 630, (Downie and Hilliard) (C) sl9, (Goligher and Riley) (C) 1114; functional disorders of small bowel after gastrectomy and vagotomy (Glazebrook) 895, (Haler
(Welch) (R) 246 ; Surgical Care (Elman) (Rr 246 ; Surgical Practice of Lahey
(Laheyt (R) 1096 ; Surgical Technique (Power) (R 952; vagusphrenic anastomosis (A) 250 ; vasectomy (Lee and Young’ (’) 1212 Surgical appliances supplied in N.H.S. Clinic
(P) 517 727 7 Rewards and Punishments in Schools (Highfield and Pinsent) (.R) 1290
Surgical Travellers’ Club, Survey
xxii H., mass radiography and Thomas, E., Innersekretorischen Krank- Trichophyton rubrum (A) 1152 heiten des Kindes und ihre Behandlung _’ Tridione,’ see Troxidone pulmonary tuberculosis in general practice, 152 (R) 856 Triger, K., coalminers’ pneumoconiosis Sutures, cotton (Patrick) (C) 1162 Thomas, G., metabolic effects of total (C) 105 Swabs-laryngeal (A) 301 ; unaccountTriiodothyronine—(A) 600, (A) 1056 ; pancreatectomy, 180 able (ML) 1065 identification of, in plasma (Gross and Thomas, R. ti-., silicosis, 133 Pitt-Rivers) 439 :in myxœdema (Gross, Swanson, J. N., eosinophil-counts, 129 Thomas, BV. E., poisoning from plants Pitt-Rivers, and Trotter) 1044; physioSweating, nervous control of (A) 864, (C) 316 1166 M. D., pancreatic enzymes (Ambrose) (C) 926, (Rollason) (C) logical activity of (Gross and PittThompson,
Sweden-infectious disorders in, in 1951, 471 ; vital statistics for, in 1948, 471 Swedes (LA) 549 Swyer, P. R., endocardial fibrosis (C) 311 Sykes, «’. M., fluoridation of watersupplies (C) 1112 Symes-Thompson, H. E. (0) 268 Sympathectomy in hypertension (Davis) 1171
in kwashiorkor, 1031 W. L., cranial
Thompson, 901
Thomson, W. A. (R) 1242 Thorax, see Chest Thornton, G. L. (0) 57 Thorpe, W. V., Biochemistry for Medical Students (R) 32 Throat—acute sore (Bishop, Peden, Prankerd, and Cawley) 1183, (Wheatley) Symposium on Geographic Pathology and Demography of Cancer (Clemmesen) Ear, Nose and Throat (C) 1262 ; for General Practitioner Diseases (R) 1052 of Symptoms—formation psychosomatic (McKenzie) (R) 855 nocturnal 39 Thrombosis-coronary (Shute) (C) 108, (Ratcliffe) (C) 467 ; (A) Synopsis of Ophthalmology (Martin-Doyle) (Sbarigia) (C) 265, (Shute) (C) 717, (R) 138 (Sbarigia) (C) 1072, (Shute) (C) 1309 ; in calf, prevention of (A) 1060 ; rubber Synovial membrane, examination of (Cruickshank) (C) 55 tubing as cause of infusion throiuboSyphilis, serum tests for (A) 1152, phlebitis (Handfleld-Jones and Lewis) 585, (Smith) (C) 823 (Colquhoun) (C) 1260 Thrower, W. R., world’s food (C) 419 ,
Rivers) 593
osteomyelitis,Trillwood, BV., injection routine (C) 510 Tri-ortho-cresyl phosphate, poisoning by R., Practical Procedures (A) 806
Tropical medicine-diseases affecting man and animals in tropics, 1075 ; research on, in Liberia, 323 Trotter, W. R., trilodothyronine in myxcedema, 1044 Troup, W. A., Rational Treatment of Catarrh (R) 138, (C) 214 Trowell, H. C., pancreatic enzymes in kwashiorkor, 1031 Troxidone therapy complicated by nephrotic syndrome (Nabarro and Rosenheim) 1091 Triibungsformen der menschlichen Linse (Sautter) (R) 84 Tubbs, 0. S., Diagnosis and Treatment of Intrathoracic New Growths (R) 402 Tubercle
(Choremis and Pantazis) 748 ; in success laryngeal swabs (A) 301 ; against (A) 454 Tuberculin-allergy and B.c.G. vaccination (Palmer) 935, (LA) 953 ; jelly test (Leys) (C) 54, (Lutwyche) (C) in B.c.G. infected sensitivity 369 ; guineapigs, influence of organic phosphates on (Cornforth and Long) 950 ; survey, 775, (A) 804 ; testing (Tattersall) of
Thulium (Mayneord) 276 Thymus—of nestling rat, assay of A.C.T.H. T on (Bruce, Parkes, and Perry) 790 ; thymectomy in treatment of myasthenia gravis (Ross) 785, (LA) 802 Tachycardia, see Heart Tait, J. F., effect of adrenal extract on Thyroid gland-acute thyroiditis and mineral metabolism, 122 glutamic acid (Davies) (C) 217 ; antiTalc, modified starch as substitute for thyroid drugs, 1013 ; cancer, experimental (LA) 85, (Bielschowsky, Gries(Graham and Jenkins) 590 203 bach, and Purves) (C) 310 ; cause of Tanner, N., peptic ulcer (C) 265 , Tantalum wire, braided (Howkins and simple goitre (LA) 549 ; Chirurgie der Tuberculosis-age at onset of (Anderson) Bradford foreign Schilddruse among (C) 876 ; Hans) 949, (Aiken) (C) 1022 (Florcken) (R) 402; comworkers (P) 724 ; aneesthesia for tuberTattersall, W. H., control of tuberculosis, parison of radioactive and metabolic culous (Mushin) (C) 617, (Ballantine) methods of investigating function of 202 (Gould) (C) 671, (W’right) (C) 718, (Foote, Mackenzie, and Maclagan) 486, Taylor, F., infection in hospital (C) 366 511, (Sandiford) (C) 820 ; bovine, prevents (LA) 496, (C) (Robertson) Taylor, H., nurse’s education (C) 1304 human tuberculosis (Pitcher) (C) 214, Taylor, Hermon, acute moniliasis of urinary (Macgregor, Wayne, Miller, and Good(McKinstry) (C) 565, (Pitcher) (C) 766, tract, 1236 win) (C) 617, (Robertson) (C) 768 ; endocrine relationships of, 1012 ; evolu(McKinstry) (C) 820, (Pitcher) (Forrester) Taylor, I.—Clinical Practice in Infectious Diseases (R) 348 ; diphtheria carriers tion of toxic (Levitt) (C) 215, (Lennox) (C) 926 ; cepharanthin and (Stamm and Dumbell) (C) 720 ; chemotherapy (C) 610 (C) 315, (Levitt) (0) 422 ; exophthalmic of (A) 454, (A) 499, 518 ; contacts, Taylor, J. F. (0) 1311 ophthalmoplegia, cortisone and A.C.T.H. examination of (LA) 498 ; control of in (Chandler and Hartfall) 847 ; goitre, Taylor, M. J., psychology and maternity unit ((’) 414 (Tattersall) 202 ; cooperation in care of iodine-deficiency, in Mendoza, 1294 ; hormone (A) 600, (A) 1056 ; hypertuberculous, 880, (Horne) (C) 974 ; Taylor, Selwyn, non-toxic goitre, 175 Danish sanatorium treatment for tuberand ulcer and Taylor, Stephen-Fats thyroidism peptic (Gill Figures, 58 ; culous English children, 622 ; diabetes and Walton) 693, (McEwan) (C) 822 ; ’, Haygarth House, 253, (C) 513 and (A) 1058 ; employment of tuberTeachers, radiography of (A) 754 hyperthyroidism, treatment of, 1012; in a Cornish district, Teeth-Oral and Dental Disease’ (Stones) Joll’s Diseases of Thyroid Gland (Rundle) culous, 827 ; in Eire, infection in 710 ; 1074 ; (R) 32 ; radio-iodine as therapeutic (R) 246see also Dental caries sanatoria (A) 39, (Croft) (C) 51 ; in disease pink agent (A) 805 ; size of follicles in nonTeething-powders-and in entrants in toxic subacute school (Hoizcl and James) 441 ; mercury Glasgow (P) 724 ; goitre (Taylor) 175 ; (Parkes) 361 ; in Scotland (P) 308 ; (1)) 827 thyroiditis (Fraser and Harrison) 382 ; meningitis, tuberculous,treated with thyrotropic hormone (Hubble) 1123 ; Telephone lines shared by doctors (P) 1263 Television, public, of surgical operation triiodothyronine in myxosdema (Gross, streptomycin (Robertson and Gairdner) in r.S.A., 728 Pitt-Rivers, and Trotter) 1044 1176 ; Modern Practice in Tuberculosis (Sellors and Livingstone) (R) 1095 ; Temple, J. L., strangulated femoral Tibhetts, M. B., relaxation in labour (C) 1017 new remedies for hernia in young boy, 594 (A) 454, (A) 499, Sir anorectal of 314 H., 518, (LA) 547, 557, (P) 568, (LA) 702, Tidy, spasm (C) Temporomandibular joint, movement meniscus of (Berry) 82 Till, A. S., unusual epidemic (C) 415 717, (Learoyd) (C) (P) 1023, (LA) 1293, 1313 ; nisin in experimental (Bavin, Tepper, R., Hengrove experiment (C) 470 Tinea pedis (A) 1152 Beach, Falconer, and Friedmann) 127 ; Terramycin—distribution of, 980, 1026 ; Tissues of Body (Clark) (R) 750 notification of (LA) 751, 880 ; nursing gastro—intestinal reactions to (A) 352 Titmuss, R. M., cost of medical care, in amœbiasis (A) 655 ; in attempted! 605 and teaching hospitals (A) 89 ; ocular prophylaxis of ophthalmia neonatorum Tobin, J., hiccup during anaesthesia (P) 1024 ; pituitary tuberculoma (Oliver) 5 365 67 347, (C) (C) 698 ; (O’Brien) (O’Brien) protection of school-children Testis—ischæmia of (A) 1245 ; rupture of Tobin, J. O’H.—Bornholm disease and against (A) 754 ; pulmonary, and mass Coxsackie virus, 445 ; ornithosis, 696 (Dundon) 903 radiography in general practice (SutherTetanus, prophylaxis against, in burns Tocography (Williams and Stallworthy) land) 152, (Hoffstaedt) (C) 217, (Sita330 (Limbos) ((’) 566 Lumsden) (C) 567 ; pulmonary, calciJ. see ’Anta365 ferol in (Jackson) (C) 1165, (White) (C) Todd, Tetraethylthiouramdisulphide, W., peptic ulcer. 113, (C) bus ’ Togna’s exercises in bath (Hill) (C) 422 1306 ; sanatorium bed, use of (Lowe and Geddes) 92 ; service, gaps in (LA) Tetra-hyduo-furfuryl nicotinic acid ester Tonsils and adenoids, 5711 (Nassim and Bannister) 699 297, (Wilkinson) (Bentley) (C) 417 ; Topeotomy—cingulectomy (Whitty, DufTextbook of Clinical Neurology (Xielsen) field, and Tow) 475 spread of adult-type, in contact households (Aspin) 502 ; statistical trends in (R) 906 Topley, E., chemotherapy of Staph. , Textbook of Gynæcology (Shaw) (R) 750 aureus in burns, 1036 treatment in (Springett) 522, 575 ; of Text-Book 705 Switzerland Tuberculosis 724 ; Ophthalmology (Duke- Toposcope (A) (P) Torticollis—Der muskeläre Schiefhals Elder) (R) 1095 Among Children and Adults (Myers) (R) Textbook of Pharmacognosy (Wtillis) (R) beim Neugebornen (Kastendieck) (R) 856 ; Tuberculosis Traqueo-broneopuL856 1()’J6 monar (Save) (R) 450 ; waiting-list for sanatorium treatment (P) 1302 ;; see Tow, P. M., eingulectoray, 475 THE WIDER WORLD.—American scene Toxoplasmosis—Ocular also B.c.G., Sanatoria Toxoplasmosis (Meiklejohn) 45—In Finland (Smith) (Hogan) (R)494 Tubing—rubber, as cause of infusion ten-ion 1109—National health service of Den- Tracheotomy, pneumothorax thrombophlebitis (Handfield-Jones and mark (Frandsen) 357 following (Dark) 39S, (Bauer) (C) 560, Lewis) 585, (Smith) (C) 823 ; stethoscope (Dark) ((’) 718 (A) 89, (Dalal) ((’) 1307 Thicknesse, Philip-Doctor Viper (Gosse) Trade-union membership and Durham Tubocurarine. sublingual, in muscular 608 (R) 1146 County Council. 520. spasm (Erdei) (C’) 1070 Thimann, K. V., Vitamins and Hormones ’ Traiunt ’ (Nassim and Banner) 699, Tuckman. E.—Hengrove experiment (C) (Crowe) (C) 873 (R) 749 470; psychology and maternity unit (C) 414 Thiocyanates in hypertension (Davis) Traitement des nephrites aignes anuriques 1171 par Ie- methodes depuration extra- Tumours—Diagnosis and Treatment of renale (Tzanck et al. ) (R) 1194 Intrathoracic New Growths (Davidson, Thiopentone. use of, by newly qualified doctor (ML) 1166 Treasury of Human Inheritance tPenrose Smithers, and Tubbs.) (R) 402 ; islet*
Thiouracil and germination of seeds (A) 1153 Thiourea derivatives in vegetables (LA) 549 Thomas, A. E., ornithosis, 696 utilicon"(C) 160 Thomas, D. H. H., "
and Bell) (R) 546 Trenohard, H. J., mass radiography (C) 319
Tribute to Great Surgeon. 1313 Trichiniasis outbreak, 1215 Trichophyton interdigitale !At 1152
cell adenoma, pituitary growth hormone in hyperinsulinism due to (Black,
Macdougall, Reid, and Young) 19 : of islet-cell, (Smith and pancreas Cochran) 2S9 ; mammary fibro-adenoma (Atkins) 273; of adrenal cortex (Walters)
xxiii 222, (corrections) 324 ;R48 in multiple melanomatosis Marcus, Black, and Parry) (C) 764 ; retinoblastoma, irradiation of (Stallard) 1046 ;-, Tumeurs du sein (Hartmann) (R) 952 ; Tumeurs de la vessie malignes (Darget} (R) 348 Turner, G. H., diphtheria carriers, 558 Turner, R., mitral valvulotomv in preg-
771 ;of Scotland in third quarter of 1951, 154 ; of Scotland in 1951, 771; of Sweden in 1948, 471 ; provisional,
U.S.A.—American scene (Meiklejohn) 45 ; animal welfare in (A) 1104 manufacture of antibiotics in, 1026; nursing in (Lawson) 708; public television of operation in, 728 ; United States Public Health Service 1798-1950 (Williams)
for England and Wales for first quarter of 1952, 929 ; world statistics of notifiable diseases in 1939-46, 1256
Vitamin-B complex (LA) 350, (A) 352 714 ;; dysfunction of Vitamin B12—effectof on underweight children (Benjamin and Pirrie) (C) (LA) 1004, (Williams) (C) 163 ; Rontdes 264; prepared from fish, hæmopoietic genbild entwicklungsgestörten effect of (Hausmann and Mulli) 185 ; Uterus (Finkbeiner) (R) 84 ; tocography sources of (LA) 197 (Williams and Stallworthy) 330 ; see C—effects of also Hysterosalpingography Vitamin long-continued blackcurrant treatment with -L7tilecon " (Penman) (C) 108, (Thomas) syrup and 216 Yudkin) (C) (Charley, Mumford, (Gray) (C) 160, (Smith) (C) Ctilibus" (Marsh) (C) 264 267; monohydroxybenzoic acids and
(R) 1241
Uterus—cancer of,
nancy, 1286
Turnips (LA) 549
Twins, research on, 621 Tylden, E.—cœliac disease (C) 973 ; psychology and maternity unit, 231 Tzanck, A., Traitement des nephrites aiguës anuriques par les methodes d’epuration extra-réuale (R) 1194
in of adrenals vitamin-C depletion intact rats (Smith) 991 Vitamin D. in pulmonary (Jackson) (C) 1165, (White) (C) 1306 Vitamin E in - coronary thrombosis (Sbarigia) (C) 265 Vitamins—Vitamins (Harris) (R) 596 ;; Vitamins and Hormones (Harris and Thimann) (R) 749 Vitiligo treated with Ammi majus (A) 1059 Voluntary service and State (LA) 295 Vomiting-cyclical, in children (Franklin) 1268 ; infantile, underfeeding as factor in (Wood) 28, (Keizer) (C) 512
see also Lanes, 929 ;; Uganda—anæmia in Africans in (Hutton) Vaccination-in B.c.G. (C) 105, (Lehmann) (C) 311, (Foy and Vaccines, (A) 457 Kondi) (C) 416, (Whelan and Cheek) Vaccinia influenza virus, variant of (Downie and (Davidson) (C) 566, (Hutton) (C) .617 ; 1049 Haddock) Bone Lesions of Yaws in Uganda Vagina—Gestation et cytologie vaginale (Hackett) (R) 1241 ; progress in, 828 (Pundel and Van Meensel) (R) 1002; Ugo Benzi (Lockwood) (R) 402 hypoplasia and aplasia of, treated with Ulcer, see Peptic ulcer, Varicose ulcers oestrogejiic hormone implants (RipUnconscious Significance of Hair (Berg) man) 744 (R) 294 functional diseases of small Underfeeding as factor in infantile vomit- Vagotomy, bowel after gastrectomy and (Glazeing (Wood) 28, (Keizer) (C) 512 brook) 895, (Haler and Blond) (C) 1067, on UNESCO report abstracting and (Stanley) (C) 1116, (Haler and Blond) indexing (A) 41 (C) 1259 Unestablished Practitioners’ Group (RusValnùotomy, mitral, in pregnancy (Logan sell) (C) 610 and Turner) 1286 United States of America, see U.S.A. Van Cauwenberge, salicylates, 1083 UNIVERSITIES.—Aberdeen: degrees, 59- van Creveld, S., third clotting factor in blood-platclets, 23 Birmingham : appointment, 1264 :-, bust of Dame Hilda Lloyd unveiled, Van Meensel, F., Gestation et cytologie yaginale (R) 1002 932 ; clinical course, 219 ; degrees, 219-Bristol : pass-lists, 59, 883, 1313- van Pelt, S. J., relaxation in labour (C) 1116 British Columbia: chair of peediatrics, Van Zyl, J. J., rise of serum.acîd-phosphate ! level after palpation of prostate, 998 166-Cambridge : chair of biology, 677 : chair of experimental psychology, 219 ; Varicose ulcers-(A) 706, (Robertson) chair of physiology, 269 ; degrees, 111, (Partridge) (C) 818, (Rivlin) (Anning) (C) 877, (Lee) ((’) 924, (Willson-Pepper) 322,427,519,621,773,1075,1168,1264; (Kendrick) (C) 975, (Mc Ausland) (Haler) vice-chancellor appointed, 1216-Dublin : (Anning) ((’) 1021, (Wright) (Roberts) appointment, 621 ; diplomas, (C) 1071, (Bourne) (C) 1260, (Dodd) (C) 678-Edinburgh : Boots research fellow1303 ; shields for scars of (MacKenna) ship in nursing, 1075 ; installation of (NI) 855 rector, 473-Glasgow : degrees, 59, see Smallpox Variola, 219, 773, 932-Leeds : appointments, 473, 1122, 1314 ; chair of bacteriology, Vasectomy (Lee and Young) (C) 1212 1122 ; gift from Anna Fuller Fund, Vasospasm after removal of prolapsed intervetebral disc (Forty) (C) 1214 , 473-Liverpool : pass-lists, 727-London : appointments, 59, 621, 1121 , Vaughan-Morgan, J., effect of cortisone on excretion of 17-ketosteroids in chair of bacteriology, 1264 ; chair of biochemistry, 322 ; chair of chemistry, . adrenal virilism and in simple hirsutism, 1287 830 ; chair of medical protozoology, 1121 ; degrees, 219 ; pass-lists, 59, Vellacott, D., sternal osteomyelitis, 749 110, 573, 1027, 1169 ; recognition of Venereal diseases-in Rhine ports, 100 ; 2 serum tests for syphilis (A) 1152 teacher, 1313 ; School of Pharmacy, 1218—Manchester: appointments, 322 Venography, splenic (Dreyer and Budtz530 Olsen) - National University of Ireland : appointment, 830-Oxford : appoint- Veratrum viride, 493 ments, 111, 473 ; clinical school, 1168; Verdoperoxidase (Robertson) 12 Veriloid,’ 493 degrees, 219, 322, 573, 1027, 1075, 830- ’ Verletzungen der Lungen und des Brust1264 ; honorary fellowship, korbes (Steffens) (R) 246 Queen’s, Belfast : chair of anatomy, 1075 ; chair of medicine, 1075 ; degrees, Vestibular organ (LA) 752 59-St. Andrews : appointment, 269 ; Virilism, adrenal, effect of cortisone on excretion of 17-ketosteroids in (Bishop, degrees, 165—Sheffield: appointments, Bray, de Mowbray, Merivale, and 473, 727, 1075 ; degrees, 59 ; J. G. Graves medical Vaughan-liorgan) 1287 research fellowship, 1075 Virus--cowpox, variant of (Downie and Haddock) 1049 ; Coxsackie, and Bornholm disease Universities—(Fraser) 61 ; financing of (Brown, Liddle, and (A) 457 Tobin) 445, (A) 805 ; hepatotropic
li ,
Universities Federation of Animal Welfare
Societies, 375 University Grants Committee (A) 457 Untoward Reactions of Cortisone and A.C.T.H. (Derbes and Weiss) (R) 1145 Unusual epidemic (A) 299, (Worster-
W Wakeley, Sir C.-corneal grafts (C) 510 ;; Modern Treatment Yearbook 1952 (R) 1242 Walford, P. A., unusual epidemic (C) 415 Walker, A. R. P., breast-feeding and diet (C) 317 Walker, A. S., deafness from dihydrostreptomycin (C) 159 Walker, G. F., Asthmatic Child, 1216 J. Walker. V.-evolution (C) 1115 ; Health and Citizen (R) 245 ; mercury and pink disease (C’) 516 Walker, K., Marriage (R) 194 Walker, M., Who Leaves the Crowd, 1075 Walker, R. M., portal hypertension, 729 Walker, W.—hæmolytic disease of newborn, 429 ; procaine penicillin with ’ Benemid ’ (C) 104 Wallace, Sir D. (0) 930 Wallace, W. H. S., self:demand feeding of babies (C) 821 Walley, R. V., cortisone in WaterhouseFriderichsen syndrome, 1140 Wallis, T. E., Textbook of Pharmacognosy (R) 856 Walters, W., surgical treatment of hyperfunctioning lesions of adrenal cortex, 221, (corrections) 324 Walther, W. W., improved cell for spectrometer, 237 Walton, F. W., hyperthyroidism and peptic ulcer, 693 War (A) 300, medical ethics in relation to, 258 Warren, F. L., plasma-cystine levels in cystinuria, 544 of Warren, W., inpatient treatment adolescents with psychological illnesses, 147 Water dropwort (Thomas) (C) 316 Water hemlock (Boycott) (C) 373 Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome treated with cortisone (Breen, Emond, and Walley) 1140, (Banks) (Lynch) (C) 1305 Water-supplies—chlorination of London’s (A) 145 ; fluoridation of (Mackenzie) .
of structure (LA) influenza, 34 ; (Smith) 885 ; influenza viruses (LA) 907 ; 960, Ip) mosaic, inhibited by thiouracil (A) 1023, (Sykes) (C) 1112 ; 9 fluorine content of Kilmarnock, 979 1153 ; multiplication of (A) 960. 970 ; of Murray Valley encephalitis (A) 501 ; Watkins, BV. M., "new" blood-group of ornithosis isolated (Duncan, Thornas, character, 903 and oncolytic, 715; Watson-Jones, Sir It.. Fractures and Tobin) 696 ; in children Joint Injuries (R) 546 (LA) 803; pneumonia variation Wayne, E. J., B.M.R. versus radio-iodine search for viricides (A) 860 ;
I)ruught) (C) 371, (Rogers) (Williams) (C) 372, (BB’alford) (Franklin) (Jones) 415, (Alcock) (Jewesbury) (Till) (<-’) of (A) 603 (C) 467, (Currie) (Fry) (C) 468, (Bick(C) 616 ford) (C’) 511, (Alexandrides) (C) 56t, ‘ Viskiosoil Six’ (Freeth) 15, (Dallev) Webster, R. C., epilepsy after injection and 465 Cubitt, (Morey, Wilson) (Roantree) (C) 1165 (C) 108, (Pygott) (C) 213, (C-’) (Miller) (C) 670, (McConaghey) (C) 717, Vital statistics—births, infant mortality, Week-end diseases, 621 and deaths in England and Wales in Weil’s disease—diagnosis of (O’Connell (Dick) (Marmion) (C) 765, (Mouchot) and Broom) 1088; treated with peni(C) 875 death-rates in England 1951, :306 ; cillin (Broom) (C) 315, (Wolff) (C) 1022 and Wales in 1951. 978; estimate of Ureemia, traumatic (A) 1245 Ureters, electrolyte disturbances after live births in England and Wales in Weiss, T. E., Untoward Reactions of Cortisone and A.C.T.H. (R) 1145 transplantation of (LA) 453, (Riches quarters ending March 31 and June 30, and Kekwick) (C) 568 1952, 306 : estimate of live births in Weisz, H. H., cyclopropane tC) 977 Urethritis, non-specific (Willcox) (C) 470 England and Wales in quarters ending Weizsäcker, C. F.. World View of Physics Urinary bladder—bladder-neck spreader June 30 and Sept. 30, 1952, 1025; (R) 1051 (Mitchell) (XI) 193 ; Tumeurs malignes infant mortality and deaths in Scotland Welbourn, R. B., potassium lack in postde la vessie (Darget) (R) 348 in 1949, 306; of Eire in third quarter gastrectomy syndrome (0 158 Urinary tract, acute moniliasis of (Taylor of 1951, 154; of Eire in last quarter of BVeIch, C. E., Surgery of Stomach and and Rundle) 1236 Duodenum (R) 246 1951, and -ummary for 1951. 1118; Pediatric of Urology—Clinical Urology England and Wales in third quarter Welch, J. D.. appointment systems for of 1951, 153 ; of England and Wales (Campbell) tR’= 596; genito-urinary outpatients- 1105 714; in last quarter of 1951, 880; of great Welfare Services Manual (Gumour) (R) 246 cancer, l’rology of Childhood (Higgins, Williams, and Nash) (R) 31 Wells, C., pancreaticogastrostomy, 588 L7r,ti.-aria from hogweed (Middleton) (C) and 1951. 101; of London in 1951, Welsh Board of Health, 884 ’
townsof England and Wales in I9.)() of Northern Ireland in 101 ;
Welsh National School of Medicine, 1266
xxiv Williams, H.--Between Life and Death Worster-Drought, C.-Diagnosis of Ner(R) 294 ; medical treatment abroad ,OU3 Diseases (R) 648 ; poliomyelitis in four siblings unusual (C) 103 ; (C) 976 epidemic (C) 371 Williams, L.-review of 200 chronic alcoholics, 787 ; Sober Truth : Alcoholic Wright, A. D., varicose ulcers (C) 10711 Realities (R) 32 Wright, R. B., anaesthesia for tuberculous (C) 719 Williams, M., relaxation in labour (C) 1017 Wright, Sir A., memorial to, 981 «’illiams, R. C., United States Public Writing to be legible, 111 Health Service 1798-1950 (R) 1241 Wylie-Smith, R., reaction to penicillin (C) 1211 Willson-Pepper, J. K., varicose ulcers (C) 975 975 Wilson, H., unusual epidemic (C) 670 X Whelan, J. P. F., anaemia in Africans (C) Wilson, J. G., cost of medical care (C) 764 566 Wilson, R. A., effect of A.C.T.H. on hair in 646 E.-deafness from Whetnall, dihydroalopecia, growth pigmentosum (Smithers and training of Winnicott, D. W., frontal lobes of human Xeroderma streptomycin (C) 159 ; Wood) 945 deaf children (C) 414 brain (C) 514 film-automatic X-ray developing of, Whitaker’s Almanack 1952 (R) 402 Winslow, C.-E. A., Cost of Sickness and in 883 ; economy (Edwards and Price of Health (A) 38 Whitby, Sir L.—Medical Bacteriology (R) Midgley) (C) 50, (Brailsford) (C) 159, Wintrobe, M. M., Clinical Hæmatology 83 ; surgery of spleen, 623 (Martin) (C) 216, (Shanks) (Downie) White, A., Steroids in Experimental and (R) 294 (C) 263, (Brailsford) (C) 314, (Longland) Clinical Practice (R) 700 Wofinden, R. C., Bristol’s new health (C) 367, (Downie) (C) 423 ; standard White, A. M., self-demand feeding of centre, 1297 sizes of, 1266 babies (C) 1022 Wolff, C., Hand in Psychological Diagnosis ’Xylocaine,’ accidental spinal injection White, C., unintentional confounding in (R) 595 of (Howat) 81, (Fairley) (C) 316, medical research, 458 Wolff, F. W., moniliasis pneumonia (correction) 376 White, R., calciferol in pulmonary tuberfollowing aureomycin therapy, 1236 culosis (C) 1306 Wolff, H. H., familial intestinal polyposis Whiteside, J. D., unusual aortic- murmur 446, (correction) 520 Y J. W., penicillin in Weil’s disease Wolff, (C) 1023 ’ Whitfield, A. G. W., metabolic effects of (C) 1022 total pancreatectomy, 180 Wolffson, in D., urinary output of 17-keto- Yates, P. O., acute yellow atrophy of steroids African Negroes, 893 Whitley Councils, 773 liver, 242 of Saint B. S. Wood, B., underfeeding as factor in Yaws-1027, (A) 1151 ; Bone Lesions of Whitteridge, G., Royal Hospital infantile vomiting, 28 Bartholomew (R) 84 Yaws in Uganda (Hackett) (R) 1241 Wood, J. H., xeroderma pigmentosum, Young, F. G., pituitary growth hormone Whittet, T. D., injection routine (C) 669 945 Whitty, C. W. M., cingulectomy, 475 in hyperinsulinism, 19 W.H.O., see World Health Organisation Woodward, W. W., treatment of cardiac Young, H. B., vasectomy (C) 1212 Who Leaves the Crowd (Walker) 1075 arrest, 82 Your Health (Smiley and Gould) 572 Widdowson, E. M., Modern Dietary Treat- World Health Assembly, 1027, 1075, 1120, Ytterbium (Mayneord) 276 1248 ment (R) 138 Yudkin, J.-blackcurrant syrup (C) 267 ; Wiener, A. S., rhesus-factor nomenclature World Health Organisation-budget, 323 ; pallor in school-children, 239 (C) 266, (C) 876 campaign against venereal diseases in Yuval, A., reaction to procaine penicillin Rotterdam, 100 ; conference on publicWigglesworth, V. B., appointment, 677 (C) 163 health administration, 44 ; control of Wigley, R. I)., cat-scratch fever (C) 365 cardiolipin (A) 353 ; control of malaria Wigs—number supplied (P) 929, and cost in Philippines, 474 ; health survey of of (P) 363 Z international sanitary Wilkinson, M. C., tuberculosis services Korea, 1265 ; 417 of ninth (C) regulations, 1216 ; meeting executive board, 270 ; Willcox, R. R., cat-scratch fever (C) 470, regions, 351 ; Zangwill, 0. L., appointment, 219 (C) 673 report for 1951 (A) 1101 ; report on ’Zeo-Karb 225 ’ (Fourman) 1042 incidence of poliomyelitis, 880 ; report Zinc in A.C.T.H. (Holtermann, Heier, and Williams. A. M., A.C.T.H. and homoon notifiable diseases, 1256 ; symposium Bergh) (C) 1308 grafts, 737 on control of yaws (A) 1151 ; task of Zinnemann, K. S., diphtheria carriers, Williams, D. I., Urology of Childhood 558 3t 38 (R) (A) World of Learning (R) 1194 Williams, D. O., senior registrar (C) 215 Zirkle, R. A., Biological Effects of External Beta Radiation (R) 1146 Williams, E. A.—tocography, 330 ; uterine World Veterans’ Federation, 574 World View of Physics (Weizsacker) (R) Zweifach, B. W., Factors Regulating dysfunction (C) 1163 Blood Pressure (R) 1242 1051 Williams, E. W., unusual epidemic (C) 372 West,
by subcutaneous (C) 466 ; allergy to bovine A.C.T.H. (C) 1308 Westlake, E. K., gastric dilatation in poliomyelitis (C) 373 Wharton, J. (0) 1118, 1207 and coeliac Wheat—(Bowles) (C) disease (Anderson, Frazer, French, Gerand rard, Sammons, Smellie) 836, (LA) 857,921, (James) (C) 928 Wheatley, D., acute sore throat (C) 1262 Wheaton, C. E. W., cat-scratch fever (C)
" drip "
1306 ;