15th Annual Meeting
June 18–23, 2009
San Francisco, CA, USA
53 SA-AM
The Neural Substrate of Decision Making with Prior Information: Empirical Data and a Formal Model, BU Forstmann, S Brown, G Dutilh, J Neumann, E-J Wagenmakers, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
55 SA-AM
An fMRI evaluation of the Probability-Time Tradeoff (PTT) model, M A Pastor, M Aznarez-Sanado, M A Fernandez-Seara, F R Loayza, E Salamon-Klobut, F H Heukamp, Functional Neuroimaging Laboratory, Centro de Investigacion Medica Aplicada (CIMA), University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain
57 SA-AM
Lesion Mapping of Cognitive Abilities of Contributing to Domain-Specific Intelligence, J P Gläscher, D Tranel, L K Paul, D Rudrauf, C Rorden, T Grabowski, A Hornaday, H Damasio, R Adolphs, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
COGNITION AND ATTENTION Space, Time and Number Coding Neural Systems for Counting, Estimating and Comparing Durations, B Morillon, CA Kell, AL Giraud
61 SA-AM
Mode-independent representation of numerosity in the right intraparietal human sulcus, V. Dormal, G. Dormal, M. Pesenti, Unité de Neurosciences Cognitives, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
63 SA-AM
Deciphering pattern codes for non-symbolic and symbolic number in human parietal cortex, E Eger, V Michel, B Thirion, A Amadon, S Dehaene, A Kleinschmidt, INSERM U.562 COgnitive Neuroimaging Unit, CEA/Neurospin, Gif/Yvette, France
65 SA-AM
Time perception, brain rhythms and polymorphisms of DAT VNTR gene, O.V. Sysoeva, E.V. Esipenko, N.V. Maluchenko, A.M. Ivanitsky, Institute of HNA&Hph, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
67 SA-AM
Feature Differences in Number Knowledge Revealed using MVPA, V Troiani, JE Peelle, M Grossman, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
69 SA-AM
Distinct and common cerebral correlates related to three (observer-based, route and survey) learning perspectives of a spatial environment. Preliminary fMRI results, A Gomez, S Rousset, E Cousin, C Pichat, E Guinet, M Baciu, Laboratoire de psychologie et neurocognition, UMR CNRS 5105, Université Pierre Mendès France, Grenoble, France
71 SA-AM
Individual differences in mathematical competence modulate brain responses to arithmetic errors: an fMRI study, D Ansari, RH Grabner, K Koschutnig, G Reishofer, F Ebner, C Neuper, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada
73 SA-AM
The processing and representation of fractions within the brain. An fMRI investigation., AK Ischebeck, M Schocke, M Delazer, University Graz, Graz, Austria
75 SA-AM
The importance of LoLA: Brain and behavior indices of the organization of arithmetic facts in bilinguals, E. Salillas, N. Wicha, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, USA
Changes in Brain Serotonin Transporter and Glucose Metabolism in Alzheimer's Disease, Y Ouchi, E Yoshikawa, M Futatsubashi, T Kanno, S Yagi, Y Tanizaki, T Torizuka, M Sakamoto, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Molecular Imaging FRC, Hamamatsu, Japan
79 SA-AM
Test-Retest of fMRI Activity in Hippocampus and Default Network in Non-demented Elderly Subjects., D. Putcha, K. O'Keefe, P. LaViolette, I. Hamdi, J. O'Brien, A. Atri, R. Sperling, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
Schedule of Poster Presentations
Saturday, June 20, 2009
59 SA-AM