Infection control in alternate settings: Correctional institutions

Infection control in alternate settings: Correctional institutions

4 24 Abstracts THE IMMUNIZATION COALITION OF SUMMIT COUNTY-THE SECOND YEAR. L. Lmtu-Durlava. RN. RSN. MSN: Cldkkm’s Host&l Medical Cater of Akron. A...

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THE IMMUNIZATION COALITION OF SUMMIT COUNTY-THE SECOND YEAR. L. Lmtu-Durlava. RN. RSN. MSN: Cldkkm’s Host&l Medical Cater of Akron. Akron, OH.

In order to amtml infecdons Md prevent dlaeax, cbildlwod immunizatima must be given to all cbildnm. The Immunlzatim Coalkim of Summit county was formed in 1992 with qnwauauvca from city, L-oumy, and state kalth agenciu, the chilws lKmpitalllItdthe1oalJunimLcaguccbapkl. lltegc&oftbcCalitionwaetoshare immunization~bamcnPg&wtlntimmuniPtionscouldbePdminiatcrcdat tktimcofulcvisitrrgprdlwrof(heLmtioo;toprovidecommunitywidceducation rcgmllng the important need for immunizptimr; to pmvidc physiclam information rcgprding the simultamwus administration of multiple vaccitw and to pmvide free mmmunity was infomwd of tire vaccines to be given at kcal shopping malls tbmugh tckhion, radio, print ads, bus signs and billboards. While 300 children wue eqccted, wex 870 childm were immunized at “Immuniaim Saturdav’ in t&v. AU immuttiatiats were awed into the computerized tmckbxg sysim that b&l been operational for seveml months. There are cumntly 21,Wl patients in the backing system repwenting 160,ooO immunimtiona that have beat given as P result of this effort. Additionally, plans am undeway for ‘Immunization Saturday 94.’


AJIC 1994

INFECTION CONTROL IN ALTERNATE SETl-lNGS: CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS. S. SW&b. RN, MPH, CIC, CPHQ,’ M. Dyer, RN, MSN, ARNP, CNAA. Flmlda Ikpartment of ConWims, Tallahassee, FL. Infection Control (lC!) is a ‘universal language’ in all types of be&h care facilities. Healthcam in Corixaions is similar to an Ambulatory Care setting with impnhnt challaga related to security issw. Many similar&d to and diffuatcea from othnAmbulntory~nistincludingMdmtLimitcd(osrmchrrrofthcICprognm, geogr@ic disbibution, communication issuea, cmrdbwion of activities such as purchwblg, e4c. we will dwclibe devclopmmt sad future plans for our IC pmgmm with cdx-wms. srchitechlrsl and gcopphic limitations, spcckladspEltionsrclntedtowcluity htmwer of staff, need for education, and other isJuts specific to Corrstions ps well M those cmnmw to my pmgmms in abemate settings. Issues to he discussed will include: .

Dctiniticms of infections for tbe Correctional setting.


Data managemmt (c4ulectim, analysis and reporting) for ltosocomial infections and reportable communicable diseases for a statewide system.


Quality Management (QM) studies - incorporation of IC data and studies into the QM mvimnnmt.


Educational stratcgiw to provide orientation and continuing educatia~ to a divexse population of IC practitionas.

ANALYSIS OF AN EMPLOYEJ? HElALTH TUL~ERCULLX~S SCREWING PROGRAM IN A LARGE TEACHING HWPlTAL. A. Toledo, RN, BSN; J. Selva, RN, Bs, UC, M. NittlMggi, RN, MSN. UC, R. Howard. RN, A. Tan, RN, S. Forlaua, MD. Nassw County Medical Cater, E. Meadow, NV. HEFATITJS A OUTBREAK AMONG STUDENTS AND EMPLCWEPS OF A UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER. A. Earl, RN,* R. Lawxt, RN, S. Sewyn, MPH, P. O’KcCfe, MD. Layola Utiversity Medical Center, Maywod, IL, and Cook C~nty Dcpprtmcnt of Public Health, Gak Park, IL. Betwm August 30; 1993 and Sc+mbcr 12,1993,14 at0~1tndcdazrtcrbecPmeillwithHcmti6.sAVllhfcction.

employa and students Infcctedindividualr

Methotkx A3yearrWqwtivercvlcwofHCWtubandinskinOaWwas unckmka mcompassbtg the period of Jmwy 1991~Duxntba 1993. llte following ittfomutim WL( obtained on all PPD pcailive tacton: dqmrtmat, work lo&on and mvcrsimdat~ Anovemlloonvasimmtewer&xdatedforeachvcar. TbeEHTSP

37 mttvataa mcQg 943 tabxl(3.9%). 0ftk.w. 31(83%) tvui Few. In 1993 thex wm 27 catvuters among 1273 tested (2.1%). Of tbcse, 14 (54%) wcrr PCW. In 1993,4of7mn~~sPmongnuningrtlffoccumdononc~unit~chher tr@mJ an httensive invwtigption. No cpscs of sctive TR were found among any convutas. CoacLdom: 1) Implemamtlon of tbe 1991 CIX TLt guidelines resulted in P deaaseinPPDconvasionrattsamon~hospimlpa&mncl. _ . in occupstionslly wqukcd ittfectims. 3) Evabatim of EH TSP data allowed idmtitication of P clustu of catversions on one geopphk unit. 4) Computerizption of tbe datahue would have allowed P more detailed and accessibk analysis of the occupationally aqldrcd TR infection.

Palups this outbreak could have bm prevated if food service employee4 rroopni2cdtbennspsificsymptomsofmtcricinfectionandwenbdtcrmotiMtcdto practice good hygiae. Edwatimal pmgmms cmphaskiq early symptoms and signs of hcptitis. l-ephg of symptoms to sulxwisms, as well P( reinforcing of hattdwasbing and use of &ves have beat mandated for all diay employee. Hygienic behavior is reblfolwd daily lutd formal programs are presented at last monthly.