Inflation expectations: Does the market beat econometric forecasts?

Inflation expectations: Does the market beat econometric forecasts?

North American Journal of Economics and Finance 22 (2011) 298–319 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect North American Journal of Economics and ...

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North American Journal of Economics and Finance 22 (2011) 298–319

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

North American Journal of Economics and Finance

Inflation expectations: Does the market beat econometric forecasts? Makram El-Shagi Halle Institute for Economic Research, Dpmt. of Macroeconomics, Kleine Maerkerstr. 8, D-06108 Halle (Saale), Germany

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history: Received 13 July 2010 Received in revised form 22 May 2011 Accepted 25 May 2011 Available online 6 July 2011 JEL classification: E31 E37 Keywords: Inflation expectations Inflation forecasts Recursive filter

a b s t r a c t The present paper compares expected inflation to (econometric) inflation forecasts based on a number of forecasting techniques from the literature using a panel of ten industrialized countries during the period from 1988 to 2007. To capture expected inflation, we develop a recursive filtering algorithm that extracts unexpected inflation from real interest rate data, even in the presence of diverse risks and a potential Mundell–Tobin-effect. The extracted unexpected inflation is compared to the forecasting errors of ten econometric forecasts. In addition to the standard AR(p) and ARMA(1,1) models, which are known to have the best performance on average, we also employ several Phillips curvebased approaches, VAR, dynamic factor models and two simple model averaging approaches. Finally, we show that the quality of the expectations clearly matches the quality of the forecasts derived with the techniques that are currently proposed for this purpose in the economic literature. © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction There are few phenomena where expectations have played a prominent role in economic debate for long as has been the case for inflation. The importance of the role of the expected inflation for the choice of a growth-enhancing monetary policy has been an essential problem of monetary economics since the emergence of the dispute between the Keynesian and Monetarist schools of thought in

E-mail address: [email protected] 1062-9408/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.najef.2011.05.002

M. El-Shagi / North American Journal of Economics and Finance 22 (2011) 298–319


the 1960s. The rationality of expectation formation in general has often been questioned, especially because of observations made in the highly volatile financial markets. However, the results presented in this paper show that the quality of the inflation expectations matches the quality of the best available econometric forecasting techniques that are commonly employed to forecast inflation. For this purpose, we compare unexpected inflation, which is estimated with a recursive filter mechanism based on real interest rate data, with the forecast errors of ten different econometric inflation forecasts. The data cover ten OECD countries for the period from 1980 to 2007, allowing for the comparison of (reasonably precise) forecasts from 1988 to 2007. Other than the development of the filtering algorithm, the main contribution of this paper to the literature is the comparison of expectations and forecasts that is made possible by this technique. Previous papers on this issue usually had to rely on survey data. However, the expected inflation that is manifested in the market results is unlikely to be an unweighted average of individual expectations. If labor, money and commodity markets are working, then reasonably formed expectations of wellinformed agents should dominate the results. Survey data do not reflect the heavy weight of some agents, resulting in a distorted picture of aggregate expectations. The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 discusses the relevant literature. In Section 3, we develop the filtering mechanism that is used to extract unexpected inflation and present the forecasting techniques used. In Section 4, the employed data is presented. Finally, Section 5 presents the results and their interpretation. Section 6 concludes the paper. 2. Expected inflation, inflation forecasts and the real interest rate The formation of inflation expectations, which in turn affect real values, plays a substantial role, particularly in the theoretical literature. There is a broad body of literature on information and learning as applied to this issue.1 The obvious problem when tackling these issues empirically is to measure expected and unexpected inflation. Nevertheless, there is a rich body of literature on this topic that is based on survey data. In the United States in particular, several surveys, which focus partially on experts (Livingston, ASA-NBER-Survey of Professional Forecasters) and partially on private households (Michigan Survey), have been performed annually for several decades. There is a large body of literature comparing household surveys to expert surveys. As experts are heavily influenced by econometric inflation forecasts made by these experts and other experts, this body of literature is closely related to this paper. An early comparison of survey results can already be found in Gramlich (1983), who finds that randomly selected households outperform experts. However, he finds substantially distorted expectations of households and experts and concludes that expectation formation is an irrational process. Bryan and Gavin (1986) show that this alleged bias of private households is caused by a misspecification of Gramlich’s econometric model and that, surprisingly, only the biased expectations of experts persist in an improved version of the model.2 Similarly, Rich (1989) who accounts for the heteroscedasticity of inflation cannot reject the hypothesis of rational inflation expectations based on the Michigan Survey. Grant and Thomas (1999) confirm this result with more recent data from the Michigan Survey and find that the same is true for the Livingston Survey. Andolfatto, Hendy, and Moran (2008) achieve the same result using a calibrated DSGE model.3 Thomas (1999) and Mehra (2002) find in their comparison of surveys that households and experts both are more precise than naive econometric forecasts. Contrary to many other papers, Ang, Bekaert, and Wei (2007) find that experts outperform households; however, they also find that both expert and


Recent contributions include Orphanides and Williams (2005) and Adam, Evans, and Honkapohja (2006). Thus, while criticizing Gramlich, the authors also strengthen his result that private households outperform professionals. 3 All of these papers use the rationality definition of Muth (1961). However, rational inflation expectations according to Muth’s technical criteria do not necessarily match inflation expectations that are formed based on all available information when (rationally) considering information (and computing) costs. Branch (2004) shows that heterogeneous and imprecise expectations are well in line with rationality when information is not free of cost. 2


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household surveys are more precise than econometric forecasts. This finding is an interesting result because these authors include quite sophisticated forecasting techniques in their analysis. Some other papers discuss household and expert expectations in more detail and (partly) go beyond looking at the mere averages of the polls. Mankiw, Reis, and Wolfers (2003) show, for example, that private households’ expectations have a significantly wider dispersion than do the expectations of professionals. Furthermore, this spread seems to depend on inflation. Carroll (2003) finds some evidence that the expectations of private households are more rigid than those of professionals.4 Doepke, Dovern, Fritsche, and Slacalek (2008) have similar findings based on European data. Lein and Maag (2008) have slightly different results, however, they analyze inflation perception and not inflation expectations. To the best knowledge of the author, the present paper is the first comparison of econometric forecasts and expected inflation that is not based on survey data but on an (econometric) estimate of expected inflation. The idea to identify unexpected inflation by looking at real interest rates is not new to the literature, and its implementation has already been attempted by Fama (1975). However, unlike previous approaches, the present paper does not rely on the (very rigid) assumption of a constant planned real interest rate. Our estimate of unexpected inflation considers the possibility of differences in the real interest rate between countries (due to risk) and the development in the real interest rate over time. Although the methodology is loosely based on the Fisher effect (Fisher, 1930) in the sense that we assume that the nominal interest rate is the sum of the planned real interest rate and expected inflation, we do not rely on the strict Fisher effect that implies that any change of the (realized) real interest rate is due to a change in unexpected inflation. However, even this limited version of the Fisher-effect is controversial. Mishkin (1992) finds that inflation and the nominal interest rate (of the previous period) are only correlated in times where both, interest rate and inflation, follow a time trend. He concludes that a long-term relationship exists (causing the reoccurring correlation) but that there is no short term relationship. However, Evans and Lewis (1995) show that short sample periods (like Mishkin’s) cause substantially biased results if inflation is regressed on interest rates. This finding is mostly due to the autocorrelation of errors that arises when inflation does not change immediately after some (observed) event that is known to have an impact on inflation and thus affects expected inflation.5 The results supporting or refuting the existence of a strict Fisher effect still are heterogeneous. Herwartz and Reimers (2006) find a Fisher coefficient (i.e., the correlation of inflation and nominal interest rates) of less than one on average in a panel study covering more than 100 countries. Weidmann (1997) confirms this result for Germany, but he also shows that this is explicable because inflation expectations in industrialized countries rarely exceed certain thresholds, even if inflation is high for some time. In a threshold model accounting for this phenomenon, he cannot reject the Fisher hypothesis. Also, Panopoulou (2005) cannot reject the null hypothesis of a Fisher coefficient of one for a panel of 14 OECD countries. Some recent papers even find clear evidence supporting a strong Fisher effect. Ang, Bekaert, and Wei (2008) show that 80% of the fluctuations of US nominal interest rates can be explained by expected inflation and risk. Westerlund (2008) finds evidence for a Fisher effect using a panel cointegration approach for 20 OCED countries. These results are the most relevant for our approach because the samples have a strong overlap. Hall, Hondroyiannis, Swamy, and Tavlas (2010) confirm this result using an approach that accounts for possible nonlinearities. Crowder and Hoffman (1996) even find evidence for a Fisher coefficient that is larger than one (which would be in line with the neutrality of money if taxation is considered), but they nevertheless also find a negative short run impact of expected inflation on the real interest rate. To be safe, we control for a possible effect of expected inflation in the present paper. While theoretically and empirically controversial, there are several arguments for an impact of expected inflation

4 Furthermore, there is a broad, mostly older, body of literature that only focuses on the Livingston Survey and thus on experts only. See, e.g., Paquet (1992); Keane and Runkle (1990); Mullineaux (1978); Pesando (1975). 5 The same applies when there is some unobserved shock causing a long term shift in inflation. If persistence of the change is not realized immediately, then the inflation is over- or underestimated for several subsequent periods (Johnson, 1997).

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on interest rates that cannot be ruled out.6 By controlling for expected inflation, we also cover the possible feedback of inflation on interest rates that arises if the central bank follows a Taylor rule. Our key idea of filtering inflation expectations from interest rate differentials is quite close to the path followed by the literature on the break even inflation rate (BEIR) of government indexed bonds (see, e.g., Garcia & van Rixtel, 2007). We thus face similar problems, most notably the problem of how to account for risk premia (see, e.g., Kajuth & Watzka, 2008; Shen & Corning, 2001). However, our procedure several features that potentially strongly distinguish it from the BEIR approach. First, it is theoretically applicable to any country for any period where a reasonable assessment of risk is possible, even if there are no indexed or exclusively indexed bonds. Second, by exploiting the cross section dimension of the data in addition to the time series dimension, we are able to provide a more robust integration of the macro framework in our analysis. The obvious caveat of our approach is, that – contrary to the BEIR approach – it is not applicable to forecasts or nowcasts of inflation expectations. 3. Models and methods 3.1. Extracting unexpected inflation from real interest data 3.1.1. The model The analysis is based on a slightly modified version of the real interest parity, accounting for diverse risk and the Mundell–Tobin-effect. Because of imperfections in the global capital market, domestic factors such as a possible impact of expected inflation on interest rates are not entirely prevented (or compensated for) by competition between international assets. Combining the Fisher equation unexp

rit = r˜it − it


that links the ex post real interest rates rit with the ex ante (or planned) real intrest rate r˜it through unexp unexpected inflation it in country i at time t with the interest rate parity r˜it = r˜t ,


we obtain a very simple model of perfect and risk-free international capital markets: unexp

(rit − r˜t ) = −it



However, capital markets are neither risk free nor perfect. Eq. (3) must therefore be adjusted for the risk premium and for national factors that affect interest rates and are not compensated for by the international competition that exists in capital markets due to imperfections: unexp

(rit − r˜t ) = −it

+ it + it ,


where  is the country-specific risk premium and  is the additional impact of national factors. As we employ interbank interest rates in a pre-crisis panel of industrialized economies, it seems reasonable to assume that the markets expected a default risk that has virtually been zero. Therefore, the risk is reduced to the remaining uncertainty that is present given a de facto certain nominal payment. This risk can be captured by measuring the uncertainty of price movements. We proxy the price risk by including the predicted standard deviation of the error term using an ARMA(1,1) model of inflation with ARCH(1) residuals. To control for any remaining differences in the economic situation that might affect the overall risk premium in an economy, we also include relative GDP per capita. Additionally, we account for central national driving forces of real interest rates on imperfect capexp ital markets. First, we include a proxy of expected inflation it to capture a potential Mundell–Tobin effect. Second, we include an indicator of real economic activity that might, for example, affect

6 E.g., Tobin (1969); Mundell (1963); Fama (1981); Fama and Gibbons (1982); Danthine and Donaldson (1986); Stulz (1986), to name just a few. For reasons of simplicity, we will refer to any negative effect of expected inflation on real interest rates as the “Mundell–Tobin” effect for the remainder of the paper, without implying the theoretical reasoning that is presented by Tobin or Mundell.


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interest rates through a Taylor-type interest rate policy of the central bank. In the baseline specification, this real indicator is GDP growth. The precise definition of the data used is given in Section 4. While the factors that are included explicitly in the model should explain the most substantial deviations from the real interest rates, a large number of mostly unobservable country-specific conditions, for example, the capital taxation policy, has not yet been included. To capture these factors, we employ fixed effects. The resulting model takes the form: (rit − r˜it ) = ˇT Rit − it



+ ıit

+ ui


where rit is the real interest rate, and r˜it is the planned real interest rate, which is proxied by a global reference interest rate, Rit , and is a vector of the remaining economic indicators for country i at time t. ˇ and ı are regression parameters (or vectors of regression parameters). It must be emphasized that, according to the model used, real interest rates do not have their own truly idiosyncratic component. Volatility in the differences between planned real interest rates and realized real interest rates is fully attributed to changes in (un)expected inflation, risk or the unobserved component. From what we know about real interest rates, this is quite realistic. It is unlikely that planned real interest rates fluctuate strongly because this would imply frequent changes in the time preference rate. However, the small, unavoidable inaccuracies in economic (and econometric) modeling, for example, because of the necessity to proxy the planned real interest rate and risk premia, make it unlikely that this absence of a random component is fully reflected in the available data. Because the model we employ charges all of the unexplained volatility in the data to unexpected inflation, the quality of expectation formation is more likely to be underestimated than overestimated. Thus, it is very unlikely that the rationality hypothesis is falsely accepted. The models is estimated using a recursive filter algorithm that is outlined in the following sections. 3.1.2. Initial estimations We begin estimation with slightly modified versions of the model specified above. In this initial estimation unexpected inflation is substituted by the forecast error of a simple ARMA(1,1)-model of inflation. Correspondingly, the forecasts themselves replace expected inflation. Unexpected inflation is not measured precisely by this proxy; thus, a one unit change in forecast errors, which are used as a first approximation to unexpected inflation, does not necessarily correspond to a one unit change in interest rate deviation. Furthermore, this imprecision causes random deviations. Therefore, the model must be respecified as follows: ˆ it ) + ı ˆ it +  vt + εi + uit (rit − r˜it ) = ˛ + ˇT Rit + (it − 


where the “hat” indicates estimated values.7 The additional time effect ( vt ) is necessary due to the approximation of the planned real interest rate. A global average of (realized) real interest rates is only a good measure of the planned real interest rate if the unexpected inflation is independent between countries. Global shocks to unexpected inflation cause a distorted estimate of the planned real interest rate. The precise specification of the time specific effects used herein is found in Section 3.1.4. The model (6) is estimated using a simple FGLS approach with country specific fixed effects.8 3.1.3. The recursive extraction algorithm The mechanism. Beginning with the estimation presented above, the unexpected inflation is proxied in any subsequent recursion by the part of the real interest rate differential that has been

7 As inflation forecasts are estimated, not measured, the standard errors should actually be bootstrapped. However, the significance of these initial results is not truly important for the following filtering algorithm, which works with the point estimates only. Thus, we do not bootstrap the standard errors here. 8 Random effects are rejected by a Hausman-Test.

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explained by the previously used proxy and the unexplained part of the real interest rate differential unexp ˆ n,it ) in recursion (i.e., the error term of the previous recursion). The proxy for unexpected inflation ( n is thus given by: unexp

ˆ n,it 


ˆ n−1,it ∗ n−1 + un−1,it ) = −(


Using this new proxy for the unexpected inflation and replacing expected inflation by a corresponding estimate, the model of choice is estimated anew. This process is repeated until the estimates converge, and the error term approaches the zero bound. By construction, the regression parameter , which describes the relationship between the unexpected inflation and the real interest rate differential, converges to one in this process.9 This is important because unexpected inflation should actually cause interest rate deviations of exactly the same size (if assets with a maturity of one year are considered). As the error term converges to zero by this mechanism, we get closer to the original specification (Eq. (5)). The logic behind this mechanism is as follows. Planned real interest rates most likely are not subject to many random shocks. Thus, most of the inexplicable fluctuation of the real interest rate differentials (uit ) can be attributed to unexpected inflation. A critical estimate of unexpected inflation therefore includes not only these error terms, but also the share of the real interest rate differential that can be explained by the forecast error of an econometric inflation model because the it includes the truly inexplicable part of inflation, namely, unpredictable shocks, and hence should be at least roughly correlated with unexpected inflation. However, this interpretation is not consistent if it is applied to the initial estimate. Expected and unexpected inflation must add up to inflation. Thus, if we find that the previously used proxy for unexpected inflation (i.e., the initial forecast) must be adjusted, then the same adjustment must be applied to expected inflation, which is included as an explanatory variable to capture the Mundell–Tobin effect. This in turn implies that a part of the error term actually is not a part of unexpected inflation but has been caused by the bias in the proxy for expected inflation. However, the Mundell–Tobin effect is not very strong. Therefore, the larger portion of the error is correctly attributed to unexpected inflation. While we do not necessarily obtain the precise value of the unexpected inflation by adding up the error term and the part of the real interest rate differential that is explicable by the previous proxy of unexpected inflation, the estimate improves by doing so. Thus, this adjusted measure of unexpected inflation is a reasonable starting point for repeat estimation and adjustment. By repetition until convergence is achieved, we obtain the recursive mechanism that is described above.10 Comments on the recursive filtering. Although the final estimate is perfectly consistent with theory, it remains an approximation. There is a small bias because the unobservable country-specific drivers of inflation are likely to affect real interest rates as well. This kind of multicollinearity causes a bias in the initial estimates that cannot be entirely corrected by the filtering mechanism. Furthermore, the estimate is based on rigid assumptions about how much of the explicable part of the real interest rate differentials should be attributed to unexpected inflation or to between-country differences in planned real interest rates. The interpretation of controls for risk is largely uncontroversial. Risk premia to real interest rates seem much more likely than do differences in unexpected inflation in these cases. A problem can arise concerning the regression parameter describing the correlation between forecasts errors, which are used as initial proxies of unexpected inflation, and real interest rate differentials. As explained in the model specification, correlation between expected inflation and real interest rates or real interest rate differentials can be caused by a Mundell–Tobin effect if capital markets are imperfect. However, it is also possible (albeit unlikely) that economic agents systematically underestimate inflation in high inflation periods. In this scenario, high econometric inflation forecasts would coincide with high unexpected inflation. This would cause a correlation between

9 10

A proof is found in Appendix A as “proof of proposition 1”. We tested the mechanism thoroughly by Monte Carlo experiments, as described in Appendix B.


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inflation forecasts and real interest rate differentials that stems not from a Mundell–Tobin effect but rather from the unexpected inflation of market participants that is involuntarily included in the forecast. However, a closer examination of the initial estimation results allows us to exclude this problem. If the expectations of market participants are systematically biased in high inflation periods, then this essentially means that unexpected inflation is either rising faster than the error term of inflation forecasts or is independent of inflation forecasts in times when inflation is increasing. The former implies a parameter  of more than one (in absolute terms) in the initial estimates. The latter implies a low significance of the parameter estimate because the forecast error would include a substantial component that is not strongly correlated with unexpected inflation. Neither of these outcomes is found in the results.  is close to one in the initial estimates and is highly significant. In any case, the outlined problem is only relevant to the initial estimates because  by definition equals negative one in the adjusted final estimate. Another difficulty is the interpretation of the unobserved country-specific effect. Interpreting fixed effects as a consequence of differences in planned real interest rates, for example, due to different risk or macroeconomic, seems very plausible. Even if the possibility of irrationality is taken into account, it is very unlikely that market participants have a country-specific systematic bias in the expected inflation.

3.1.4. Remarks on time-specific effects If an unexpected shock affects inflation in all countries simultaneously, then this shock affects the average realized real interest rate. The difference between the real interest rate and the planned real interest rate is then no longer equal to the difference between the real interest rate and the average real interest rate. Because the inflation shock nevertheless causes unexpected inflation in the analyzed countries, which is not reflected in real interest rate differentials, it is essential to correct for these time-specific effects. However, in a small n, large t sample such as the one used here, time dummies potentially create biased results because of the substantial reduction in degrees of freedom. Thus, instead of using time dummies, we employ an alternative approach to correct for time-specific effects. In a sample of 30 industrialized countries covering 40 years, we analyze the error terms of a simple AR(1) model of inflation. The global error is computed as the unweighted average of these error terms. We interpret the global error as a shock, if it exceeds a certain threshold. This threshold is chosen in a manner that guarantees that any value exceeding the threshold is not drawn from the distribution of global errors that would arise if the national errors were uncorrelated with 90% probability. The variable vt is zero if the deviation of the global error from this hypothetical distribution is insignificant and otherwise takes the value of the global average error. Fig. 1 plots the global shocks that are identified with this method.

3.2. Inflation forecasting 3.2.1. Univariate time series models Following Ang et al. (2007), we use two traditional time series models of inflation as benchmark models: an AR(p) model, where the lag order p is separately determined for each country in every year based on the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC),11 and an ARMA(1,1) model as proposed by Hamilton (1985).

11 While the AIC (Akaike, 1973) does not perform as well as the subsequently developed Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) (Schwarz, 1978) in determining the “true” model, it usually indicates models with better forecasting performance (Kuha, 2004). Therefore, in this paper, the choice of the lag number is always based on the AIC where the choice of the forecasting model is concerned; otherwise, it is based on the BIC (i.e., for choosing the right model in stationarity tests, etc.).










1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989

Fig. 1. Global shocks.

1990 1991 1992

1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

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3.2.2. Phillips curve models In the 1990s, Phillips curve12 -based forecast models gained new popularity, mostly because of the emerging New Keynesian school of thought.13 Most of these models do not rely on a naive The Phillips curve approach at least partially includes the Phelps–Friedman critique by concentrating on the correlation between the change in inflation and (the level of) unemployment instead of the correlation between inflation and unemployment (or other real activity indicators). However, Atkeson and Ohanian (2001) show that Phillips curve-based forecasts do not perform better than naive univariate inflation forecasts for the period from 1985 to 2000 in the US. Because of their widespread use, Phillips-based forecasts are included in this paper. However, Stock and Watson (2008), who essentially confirmed the results of Atkeson and Ohanian (2001), note that there are episodes where Phillips forecasts have an excellent fit, while they perform very poorly in others. Also, it has been shown by Rumler and Valderrama (2010) that Phillips curve forecasts perform quite well on longer forecast horizons. This makes them potentially interesting candidates to be included in the model selection or model averaging approaches as they are also used in this paper. The Phillips curve approach selected for this paper is loosely based on Stock and Watson (1999) and includes further lags of both inflation and the employed real activity indicator: a (+4 −  ) = ˛ + ˇ(L)x + (L)( − −1 ) + ε+4


ˇ(L) and (L) are polynomials of the lag operator, a is the annual inflation rate in quarter , and  is the quarterly inflation rate expressed in percent per year. x is the employed real activity indicator. Lacking the data that allows Stock and Watson (1999) to compute a generalized real activity index out of 85 different variables, we stick to the standard indicators that are used in the literature, that is, unemployment and output gap. Although usually performing worse than the output gap in inflation models, unemployment is included because the estimates of the output gap are often substantially distorted at the end of the sample (Orphanides & Norden, 2002; Watson, 2007).14 The output gap is estimated using two different approaches: first, with the well-known Hodrick–Prescott (HP) filter, and second, using a bandpass filter that was developed by Christiano and Fitzgerald (2003). The advantage of a bandpass filter is that it sorts out fluctuations of a certain frequency. This allows the identification of output movements that are likely to be true business cycle movements, freed simultaneously from the seasonal component and the trend component. Contrary to this, the HP filter only identifies a trend component. In any case, this effect should be negligible as only seasonally adjusted data are used in forecasts in this paper. Both filters are used in the implementation of Baum (2006). 3.2.3. Time-variant Phillips curves Even if a Phillips curve exists in the short run, it is by no means guaranteed that its parameters will remain constant over time. Learning by economic agents can lead to a shift in expected inflation and thus to the necessity of an even more expansive monetary policy to “use” the Phillips effect. Learning can even change the general economic conditions and subsequently the alleged relationship between unemployment and unexpected inflation. By modeling the parameters of a Phillips curve as states in a state space model that can in turn be estimated using a Kalman filter, it is possible to take these changes into account. The model we use is based on the proposition of Nadal-De Simone (2000):  = ˛ + ˇ −1 +  x + ε


12 The term “Phillips curve” is used in a broad sense here; i.e., it is not restricted to the original relationship between unemployment and wages or prices as discussed by Phillips (1958), but includes any relationship of inflation and real activity indicators. 13 For a literature review on inflation modeling using the New Keynesian Phillips curve, see, e.g., Scheufele (2010). 14 Kamada (2005) provides some insights on inflation forecasting using real time estimation techniques for the output gap in the Japanese Economy.

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˛ ˇ 


˛−1 ˇ−1 −1


 + ut ,

where ˛, ˇ, and  are the time-variant parameters, x is the real activity indicator, and u is the vector of errors, that is, the change of the parameters. Because this kind of model is quite data intensive and because the official unemployment statistics do not cover our full sample, the real activity indicator chosen for this approach is the output gap (estimated with the HP filter). 3.2.4. VAR forecasts The VAR forecast used in this goes back to Mishkin (1990), but it is also found more recently in Ang et al. (2007). The model tries to capture the interactions between inflation, interest rates, interest rate spreads (between short and long-term interest rates) and growth. The resulting model has the form:

  ⎜ rs ⎟ ⎜ rs ⎟ ⎝ r − r ⎠ = ˛ + A⎝ r − r ⎠ + ε+1 , s s l l y y −1 t


where rl and rs denote long and short-term interest rates. A is the coefficient matrix. This model is only one representative of a large class of models employing asset prices and interest rates as explanatory variables.15 One should keep in mind, however, that there is no single asset price (or corresponding interest rate) that has been found to explain inflation over several decades for many countries. 3.2.5. Dynamic factor models: an automatic leading indicators (ALI) approach In recent years, dynamic factor models have become increasingly popular in inflation forecasting; currently, they are frequently used as auxiliary forecasting models at central banks (Eickmeier & Ziegler, 2006). These models do not regress inflation on the common set of economic indicators but instead on a number of factors that are extracted from a large dataset using dynamic factor analysis.16 In this paper, we use a so-called ALI model (see Camba-Mendez, Kapetanios, Smith, & Weale, 2001; Qin, Cagas, Ducanes, Magtibay-Ramos, & Quising, 2006). Similar methods have been used by Stock and Watson (2002) and Banerjee, Marcellino, and Masten (2005). The inflation forecast itself is made using a VAR model. However, instead of the large number of variables that are partially used in standard VAR approaches, this setup only includes inflation and a small number of extracted factors. This restriction allows us to summarize the information that is contained within a large number of variables, which could not be simultaneously included in a VAR without risking substantial multicollinearity and therefore a reduction in the forecast performance. To extract the factors of interest, we use a dynamic factor model in state space form that is given by: Z = BF + e


F = AF−1 + u where Z is the vector of potentially relevant variables, F is the vector of extracted factors, and A and B are coefficient matrices.


For a survey of this literature, see Stock and Watson (2003). The core idea to extract the key determinants of the economy using dynamic factor models can be found in Stock and Watson (1990). 16


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On the basis of the factors extracted with this model, we estimate the VAR:


= ˇi (L) 


+ εt



The factor time series which are meant to represent economic key developments are estimated using a Kalman filter algorithm. However, for the Kalman filter to be (reasonably) applied, the coefficient matrices A and B must be known. To obtain the first estimate of A and B, a preliminary estimate of the factor F is generated using a simple principal components analysis. Initial values for A and B are computed based on this first estimate of F. The estimate of F is then refined using the Kalman filter algorithm. New values of A and B can now be computed using this new estimate of F. On the basis of these new coefficient matrices, the Kalman filter algorithm can be applied again to refine the estimate of F even further. This process is repeated until convergence is achieved.17 The number of factors is chosen based on the initial results of the principal component extraction for the first forecast period. The factors are selected so that every factor with an Eigenvalue of more than one is included and that more than 75% of the total variance of all variables is explained by the chosen factors. This procedure gives 5 factors for Sweden, 6 factors for Canada and Norway, 7 factors for Australia, Japan and the US, 8 factors for Switzerland and the UK and 9 factors for New Zealand. The lag order is determined using an AIC for each forecast period separately. 3.2.6. Model averaging It has already been shown by Granger and Bates (1969) that model combination approaches usually outperform single model approaches because of the unavoidable simplification of any econometric model and the resulting model uncertainty. In recent years, this general result has been reconfirmed several times, in particular when considering inflation forecasts (see Wright, 2003; Dijk, 2004). As a representative for the class of model combination approaches, we use unweighted model averaging. In contrast to the more commonly employed Bayesian model averaging, where the individual forecasts must be from the same class of forecasts and may only differ by the variables considered, our more general approach allows us to consider all of the forecasts that are used in this paper. As the portions of the forecasts are only available for a brief period of time, two averages are computed. The forecast AVG3 includes the ARMA(1,1) forecast, the Phillips curve forecast with an HP-based output gap estimation and the VAR forecast. All of these forecasts are available for almost 20 years. The forecast combination AVG5 additionally includes the moving Phillips curve forecast and the ALI forecast. This reduces the forecast sample roughly by half. 4. Data 4.1. The sample The sample consists of ten industrialized nations: Australia, Canada, Denmark, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland, Sweden, the UK and the US. Essentially, these are most of the OECD members that are neither part of the European Monetary Union (EMU) nor part of the Warsaw Pact. The exclusion of EMU members is necessary because differences in expected inflation do not cause nominal interest rate differences between member states. The former Warsaw Pact countries are excluded because data are not available for most of them for a sufficiently long period. Furthermore, their development is strongly affected by the transition process. Thus, it is problematic to compare them to fully industrialized nations. Mexico and Turkey are similarly excluded because of their significantly different level of development. In the case of Korea, the data are insufficient. The GDP is measured as the GPD per capita, converted to US dollars according to the purchasing power parity as reported by the World Bank (in the World Development Indicators). The relative GDP,

17 Simplified versions of this approach work with the initial estimate of F based on principal component analysis. If the fluctuation of the factor loadings over time is low, then this simplification is not problematic, as was shown by Stock and Watson (2002).

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as used in the core model that is used to filter unexpected inflation, is defined by dividing this measure by the maximum GDP per capita in the sample in the same year. Inflation is measured as a percentage of the change in the GDP deflator. Annual inflation is defined as the change in the price level from the fourth quarter of one year through the fourth quarter of the next year. In contrast to annual inflation measures that capture rates year over year rates, this closely measures the change of the price level within the year of interest. Data on inflation and GDP are available for all of the countries from 1980 with the exception of New Zealand, which is available from 1987. This availability of data allows for recursive forecasts over 20 years for nine out of the ten countries. The real interest rate differentials that are used to identify unexpected inflation are computed based on interbank rates for 12 month maturity on the first day of January every year. The sample ends in 2007. The final interest rate thus is from January 1, 2007, that is, from before the current financial crisis. The reference rate that is employed as a proxy for the global real interest rate is calculated as an unweighted average of the high income OECD countries. All of the predictor variables used in the forecasting models are available quarterly. The Phillips curve models are based on unemployment rates and output gaps. The output gaps are calculated based on real GDP per capita, again as reported by the World Bank. The long and short-term interest rates used in the VAR forecast refer to government bonds because the IMF reports interest rates that are separated by maturity for most countries. The precise definitions and maturities differ by country. As the inflation forecasts are made for the individual countries and are not based on panel data, these differences do not matter substantially. However, it must be kept in mind that the varying precision of the VAR estimates is partly because of these differences. The data was not sufficient for Norway or Denmark. The VAR thus covers only eight countries. The ALI models include a large number of real economic and monetary indicators, including alternative (lagged) measures of inflation based on consumer or producer prices, depending on the availability. Generally, data on price levels, wages, monetary aggregates and production are usually used in the form of growth rates, while unemployment rates, interest rates and the like are included as level variables. 4.2. Seasonal adjustment Every method employed is based on seasonally adjusted data. Seasonal adjustment is performed for every forecast separately, using only data from before this point in time. This procedure is necessary because seasonal adjustment is problematic at the end of a sample. It is therefore guaranteed that the data used to create the forecast include this bias because these data were included in the actual forecasts from this time. This repeated seasonal adjustment is not necessary when the objective is merely the comparison of different forecast methodologies and when there is no reason to believe that the different methods are differently affected by the end of sample bias. However, as we want to compare forecasts to expectations that were formed based on the data available at this time, it is necessary to recreate this situation for the econometric forecasts. Seasonal adjustment is performed using the X12 algorithm which is also used by the US Census Bureau. 4.3. Stationarity For most of the methods employed, stationarity is an essential prerequisite. Although forecasts are made on the national level, stationarity is tested for the entire panel. Even if some indicator shows a trend-like behavior in one country, it is unlikely that this reflects true nonstationarity if this behavior is not found in other countries. Consequently, a correlation of these seemingly trended variables is unlikely to be spurious.


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Table 1 Results of the initial and final iterations of the fixed effects model. GAP Unexpected inflation Expected inflation Global shock Risk indicator Real indicator Relative GDP Const.

Initial −0.85 (−15.50) −0.63 (−6.33) 0.69 (1.35) 0.58 (1.88) 0.20 (1.51) −4.09 (−1.11) 2.51 (0.90)

GR Final −1.00 −0.25 0.56 0.36 0.50 −12.23 8.51

Initial −0.85 (−15.40) −0.72 (−7.22) 0.79 (1.57) 0.53 (1.69) −0.10 (−1.23) −2.01 (−0.58) 1.49 (0.56)

Final −1.00 −0.27 0.82 0.29 0.06 −9.64 6.69

Note: GAP denotes the estimates using the HP filtered output gap as indicator of real activity, GR denotes the estimates using growth of per capital as real indicator. t-values are given in parenthesis for the initial iteration of the model.

Stationarity is tested using a test that was developed by Fisher (1932) as recommended by Maddala and Wu (1999). The test statistic of the Fisher test is computed based on the significance levels at which the null hypothesis of stationarity is rejected in individual stationarity tests for every country. The resulting indicator is 2 -distributed, and the degrees of freedom depend on the number of series included in the panel but not on their length. This is the source of the two major advantages of the Fisher test. First, it can be applied to unbalanced panels, contrary to the most widespread panel stationarity test, which was developed by Im, Pesaran, and Shin (2003). Second, any unit root test can serve as a basic test for the actual Fisher test. In the present paper we use augmented Dickey–Fuller tests. The number of lagged first differences used in the test is chosen based on the BIC for every country separately. All variables are found to be stationary. Additional tests are run for inflation and the real interest rate differentials, where stationarity is sometimes doubted. Inflation is tested by using the quarterly data that are used for forecasting and the annual data that are used in the filtering algorithm. As we find a substantial number of correlations in worldwide inflation (as proven by the relatively large number of “global shocks” that we identify), we test the robustness of the stationarity results by using a test that was proposed by Pesaran (2007) and that is robust to cross-sectional dependence. Additionally, we replace the individual time series ADF tests in the Fisher test with the test proposed by Cavaliere and Taylor (2008). This test employs bootstrapped critical values that account for the heteroscedasticity that is found in the sample period. Again, we find real interest rate differentials and inflation to be stationary. Furthermore, as shown in the Monte Carlo study in Appendix B, our filter is robust to a large number of nonstationary inflation time series within the panel. 5. Results 5.1. Parameter estimates Although we mostly focus on the filtered expectations, we begin with a brief look at the parameter estimates that were obtained by our filtering algorithm to show that the underlying model produces economically reasonable results. Table 1 summarizes the results of the parameter estimates of the initial estimation and the final estimation of the fixed effects model. Although we find a seemingly substantial Mundell–Tobin effect in the original estimation, this effect mostly disappears upon filtering. It maybe that the impact of expected inflation that is mistakenly aligned to unexpected inflation in the initial equation, where the ARMA forecast is used as a proxy, causes this bias. Unsurprisingly, the risk indicator, that is, the predicted variance of inflation, has a significant positive impact in the initial estimation, which reflects the risk premium. While the impact of the GDP gap is insignificant in the original specification, it increases substantially during filtering. It seems as if a large part of the central bank reaction to the current economic conditions is not compensated for by international competition in the short or medium run. GDP growth that is tested as an alternative indicator of real activity does not perform very well in terms of explaining the interest

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Table 2 Comparison of forecast accuracy. p-Values of individual Giacomini and Rossi (2010) tests a

ALI ARMA ARP Phil.(CF) Phil.(HP) Phil.(MO) Phil.(UE) RW VAR AVG3 AVG6















2.64 2.58 2.58 2.58 2.58 2.58 2.78 2.58 2.16 2.14 1.96

2.86 2.42 2.61 3.79 7.94 3.18 6.93 3.01 2.40 1.96 1.67

72 156 156 153 153 153 84 156 124 121 60

0.90 0.60 0.50 0.80 0.40 0.60 0.50 0.50 0.90 0.60 0.45

0.80 0.80 0.17 1.00 0.70 0.70 1.00 0.60 0.90 1.00 0.60

– 0.80 0.90 0.90 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.00 – – –

1.00 0.30 0.60 0.35 0.28 0.24 1.00 0.35 0.50 0.40 1.00

0.80 0.70 0.45 1.00 0.60 0.19 0.90 0.80 0.45 0.40 0.45

0.70 0.80 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.90 1.00 0.90 – – –

1.00 0.90 0.45 0.90 1.00 0.70 1.00 0.50 0.70 0.60 1.00

0.60 0.90 0.80 0.80 0.70 0.70 1.00 0.80 0.80 1.00 0.70

0.80 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.80 0.60 0.80 0.80 0.60 0.60 0.90

0.80 0.90 0.90 0.80 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 1.00 0.90 0.90

1.00 0.99 0.89 1.00 0.96 0.88 1.00 0.98 0.98 0.94 0.98

a Beyond a p-value of 0.2, Giacomini and Rossi (2010) only report critical values in 5 (and subsequently 10) percentage point steps.

rate differential. The coefficient is very small and changes its sign during filtering. This might create a bias in the estimation of unexpected inflation. We thus use the estimation based on the output GAP in the following section, where expectations and forecasts are compared. Relative GDP has a negative impact that is initially insignificant but increases substantially in size during filtering. While we cannot test significance in the final estimation, this trend indicates a certain importance. As the specification includes fixed effects and the parameters must therefore be considered as the impact of changes over time, we can conclude that faster growing countries pay lower interest rates.

5.2. Inflation forecasts vs. inflation expectations Among the individual forecasts, only the (best-performing) ARMA(1,1) forecast outperforms market expectations. We employ an LM-type test proposed by Giacomini and Rossi (2010) to test whether these differences are significant and whether there are (meaningful) reversals in the relative performance. However, we find that the differences in predictive ability are not significant. These tests are run on the country level and are aggregated to the panel level using an approach that was first proposed by Fisher (1932). The Fisher test tests the null hypothesis that the individual null hypothesis (of equal and stable predictive abilities) cannot be rejected in any of the cross sections. We therefore account for country heterogeneity and do not risk accepting the null hypothesis of identical forecast accuracies mistakenly because of some countries with difficult prediction conditions that might increase the average error of forecasts and expectations. The test, however, is prone to one caveat. It rests on the assumption that the forecasts are generated using a rolling window. While this is true for the forecasts, we do not know for sure the model that underlies the market expectations. However, the results for equal predictive ability do still hold even if a conventional Morgan–Granger–Newbold test, that is, a model-free test, is employed. In addition to the p-values of the individual country, Giacomini and Rossi (2010) tests and the joint Fisher test, Table 2 reports the root mean squared errors (RMSE) of the forecasts and the “root mean squared unexpected inflation” (RMSUE) filtered from the real interest data. As the forecast techniques partially require a different amount of data to allow for forecasting, they are not all available for the same time period. Therefore, the expectations are separately compared to each forecast within the respective sample of this forecast. This comparison guarantees that certain forecasting techniques are not advantaged or disadvantaged because of stable or highly volatile inflation during the period where forecasts are available using these forecasting techniques.


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Table 3 Results of Giacomini-Whilte auxiliary regression.

i,t i,t | i,t | Di,t


Phillips curve

−0.128 (−1.929) −0.029 (−0.559) −0.182 (−2.993) 0.121 (0.497)

−0.188 (−2.203) 0.027 (0.404) −0.359 (−4.556) 0.219 (0.695)

Note: t-Values in parenthesis.

It can clearly be seen in the data that only the ARMA(1,1) model and model averaging outperform the expectations. The filter indicates highly precise expectations. However, as indicated above, neither do market expectations significantly outperform most forecast techniques, nor do the averaging approaches outperform market expectations significantly. Using the multiple forecast encompassing test proposed by Harvey and Newbold (2000), we surprisingly find that the ARMA(1,1) specification does not encompass the expectations, and the expectations do not encompass the more poorly performing forecasts. That is, we find rather strong evidence that, on the one hand, market participants form their expectations in a quite sophisticated manner and include information beyond the past development of inflation,18 while on the other hand, they ignore readily available information. This finding is especially noteworthy as we cannot reject the hypothesis that the ARMA(1,1) forecast does encompass the alternative econometric forecasts. 5.3. When do expectations outperform forecasts? While there are times when expectations outperform forecasts, at other times forecasts yield more precise results. Because the differences in performance between expectations and most forecasts are not significant, this general result is not surprising. However, the clustering of years in which expectations outperform forecasts indicates that the alternation in superiority is not randomly driven, but rather follows a structure. We adapt a test proposed by Giacomini and White (2006)19 to identify the economic conditions under which expectations perform better or worse. We account for the level of inflation, the uncertainty and the direction of change. The test is applied to a comparison of unexpected inflation to the ARMA(1,1) model, that is, the best-performing individual model, and the moving Phillips curve model. We start from an auxiliary regression that takes the form exp

est (|i,t − i,t | − |i,t − i,t |) = ˛ + ˇXi,t + ui + εi,t ,


where X = [i,t | i,t | i,t Di,t ]T . Di,t is a dummy that indicates turning points in the inflation series, i.e.:

Di,t =

1 if i,t i,t−1 < 0 0 otherwise.


From Table 3, we see that both the level of inflation and the absolute change in inflation seem to have a significant negative impact on the relative quality. That is, expectations perform especially well if inflation is high or if the economic conditions are highly volatile.20 In contrast, neither the direction

18 Professional forecasters are known to use information in addition to the past macroeconomic time series like for example ECB announcements, this as been shown by Ullrich (2008). 19 Giacomini and White (2006) are interested in whether the predictive ability is foreseeable and hence use lagged explanatory variables in the auxiliary regression and the corresponding Wald test. However, because we are interested in explicablity rather than predictability, we use contemporaneous variables. 20 This result holds even if the absolute change in inflation is replaced by the predicted variance of an ARCH(1) model.

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of change nor the presence of turning points seems to make a substantial difference. The results hold for both benchmarks, that is, the ARMA(1,1) forecast and the Phillips curve forecast. The Wald-type test for conditional predictive ability introduced by Giacomini and White (2006) confirms the implications of the auxiliary regression for both models.21 Plots of inflation and expectations and an ARMA forecast are given in Appendix C (Fig. C.1 to gain a visual understanding of the relevant kind of systematic behaviors of relative performance. While the ARMA(1,1) (like most forecasts) is unable to capture the dynamics of inflation, the market expectations perform quite well under difficult conditions. Surprisingly, they seem to perform worst in the US during the “great moderation”. However, this poor performance might actually be caused by the specific conditions that apply to the US as the single largest economic power of the world. These conditions might create interest rate differentials that are not captured by our filter and thus are mistakenly attributed to inflation.22 In general, the inflation expectations of market participants seem to be based on a surprisingly complex implicit model of inflation behavior. Market participants capture the behavior of inflation over the business cycles quite well while at the same time avoiding the problems of Phillips curve forecasts, which usually perform substantially worse than univariate time series forecasts in the long run. 6. Conclusions It could be shown very clearly that the expectations prevailing in the market results outperform most econometric forecasts slightly but not significantly. Even the best-performing forecasts that are derived from model averaging approaches do not significantly outperform expectations. Essentially, this finding means that the rational expectations hypothesis cannot be rejected. Furthermore, it could be shown not only that expectations are based on the past development of inflation but that further economic indicators are obviously considered by market participants. However, the encompassing tests imply that despite their complex reasoning, market participants ignore some easily available information. Furthermore, expectations seem to capture certain nonlinearities in inflation behavior very well compared to forecasts, leading to far better results in times of high inflation and in times of volatile inflation. Acknowledgments The author gratefully acknowledges the valuable comments of Oliver Holtenöller, Sebastian Giesen, Rolf Scheufele, Hubert Gabrisch and two anonymous referees. Appendix A. Proof of proposition 1 If the values converge, we know that: n ≈ n−1 and unexp



≈ n−1,it

etc., i.e., the iteration number n can be ignored.

21 The Wald statistic is 2q -distributed, where q is the number of exogenous variables. Given the test statistics of 25.4 for the ARMA(1,1) model (21.2 for the Phillips curve model), we can reject the null of non-explainable predictive ability at the 5% significance level (10% significance level). 22 There is also evidence that inflation became harder to predict in the US after the late 1970s (Stock & Watson, 2007). A structural beak in inflation might explain why expectations formed based on experience suddenly perform substantially worse than a simple ARMA(1,1) forecast.


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By substituting this into Eq. (7), we get unexp



= −it

∗  − uit

or unexp

(1 + )it

= −uit

We assume that  = / − 1 and therefore1 +  = / 0. The equation above then indicates that the error term u of the real interest differential model is determined by an explanatory variable of this very model. As the error term is by definition not correlated with an explanatory variable, the assumption of  = / − 1 causes an inconsistency. Thus, it is proven that  = − 1. This turn implies that uit = 0 for any combination of i and t. Appendix B. Monte Carlo simulations The recursive filtering algorithm has been tested with artificially created time series of expected inflation and real interest rate differentials. Inflation has been partially simulated, and real time series have been partially used. The following problems in the data have been taken into account: • country-specific effects in the real interest rates • period-specific effects in the real interest rates • Multicollinearity due to fixed effects in the inflation time series which affect the fixed effects in the real interest rate series The quality of the estimate is evaluated using the benchmark regression: unexp



ˆ it =ˇ∗

+ εit


The coefficient ˇ and the R2 value of this regression are used as quality indicators. If unexpected inflation is correctly filtered, then ˇ is close to one and R2 is close to 100%. In all tested scenarios, there is a strong convergence toward the simulated “true” unexpected inflation. However, there is a small (and nonsystematic) bias in small samples. Unexpected inflation is initialized in the filtering algorithm with a random number series that is drawn from a standard normal distribution. B.1. Baseline specification Real interest rates are simulated by the process: exp

(rit − r˜it ) = −ıit


− (it − it )


Inflation is simulated by the mean-reversion process: ¯ i − it−1 ) + εit it = it−1 + ˛i (


ε∼N(0, 1) ¯ and the parameter ˛ differ between countries. They are drawn from Both the average inflation the following distributions: ˛∼N(0.7, 0.1) ¯ 0.5) ∼N(3,

M. El-Shagi / North American Journal of Economics and Finance 22 (2011) 298–319


Table B.1 Results of the control regressions using the baseline specification.

Mean(ˇ) (ˇ) Mean(R2 ) (R2 ) Regression runs

ı = 0.2, t = 100, n = 100

ı = 0.4, t = 100, n = 100

ı = 0.6, t = 100, n = 100

ı = 0.2, t = 20, n = 10

0.996 0.009 0.979 0.002 1000

0.992 0.010 0.975 0.003 1000

0.989 0.015 0.970 0.003 1000

0.983 0.080 0.835 0.041 2500

B.1.1. Large samples Tests are made for three time series of simulated inflation in a sample of 100 countries over 100 years using the parametersı = 0.2, ı = 0.4, and ı = 0.6. For each inflation series, 20 different series of unexpected inflation are randomly generated and are in turn used to compute the simulated series for the interest rates. The filter algorithm is applied to each of these 20 simulated data sets 50 times using different randomly generated starting values for each repetition, resulting in 1000 total repetitions for each inflation series. The R2 statistics all lie between 0.96 and 0.99. The coefficient ˇ is very close to one, without exception. The following table summarizes the key indicators for all 3000 test runs (1000 for each of the three specifications). It can clearly be seen that all results have been very precise. Obviously, the algorithm is able to determine the correct series of unexpected inflation in this setup, independent of the starting values. B.1.2. Small sample Using the inflation time series with ı = 0.2, the algorithm is tested for small samples of 20 years and 10 countries. Fifty panels of unexpected inflation are simulated, and each is tested 50 times. On average, the ˇ coefficient is still close to 1. However, the dispersion is larger. A closer inspection shows that the estimates of unexpected inflation do not vary much for a single series of simulated unexpected inflation. Independent of the starting values that are used by the filter algorithm, the mechanism converges to the same estimate. That is, all ˇ estimates that measure the correlation between the “true” unexpected inflation and the filtered unexpected inflation are very close to each other for a given simulated sample. While the average ˇ of one shows that the estimator is not systematically biased in small samples, this signals a certain lack of precision in small samples (Table B.1). B.1.3. Unit root inflation We also test whether the algorithm is robust to a higher share of unit root or near unit root inflation processes in the panel. To do so, we adjust the inflation simulation as follows: ˜ i ( ¯ i − it−1 ) + εit , it = it−1 + alpha


ε∼N(0, 1) where ˛ ˜ i = max(˛i , 0) ˛∼N(0.05, 0.1). The inflation series are thus generally more persistent. About 30% are nonstationary. However, the results reported above remain robust for both the large T and the small T panel. B.2. Specification including fixed effects Further tests were made based on the following simulation processes for the real interest series: First, with country-specific effects: exp

(rit − r˜it ) = −ıit


− (it − it ) + ui



M. El-Shagi / North American Journal of Economics and Finance 22 (2011) 298–319

Second, with country and time-specific effects: exp

(rit − r˜it ) = −ıit


− (it − it ) + ui + vt


Third, with country and time-specific effects, the country-specific effects being correlated with the country-specific effects of the inflation time series: exp

(rit − r˜it ) = −ıit


− (it − it ) + ui + vt


¯i ui = εi + 0.3 Using a simulated inflation series with ı = 0.2, each of these specifications has been tested 1000 times for a large sample (n = 100, t = 100) and 2500 times for a small sample (n = 10, t = 20). The large and small sample tests were performed using 50 different time series of unexpected inflation. The results almost precisely match those of the tests without fixed effects. The mechanism obviously not substantially affected by fixed effects of any kind. Appendix C. Country plots of inflation, expectations and ARMA(1,1)-forecasts Fig. C.1.


Fig. C.1. Inflation, inflation expectations and forecasts.

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