Influences on functional outcome and subjective recovery in individuals with and without First Episode Psychosis: A metacognitive model

Influences on functional outcome and subjective recovery in individuals with and without First Episode Psychosis: A metacognitive model

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Influences on functional outcome and subjective recovery in individuals with and without First Episode Psychosis: A metacognitive model ⁎

Abigail Wrighta,b, , David Fowlerb,c, Kathryn Greenwoodb,c a

Center of Excellence for Psychosocial & Systemic Research, Massachusetts General Hospital University of Sussex, School of Psychology c Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust b


Models of functional and subjective recovery in psychosis suggest that the path between neurocognition and functioning is mediated by cognitive processes, which may include metacognition, considered ‘thinking about thinking’. Metacognition has several components: metacognitive ability, experience and efficiency, connected by metacognitive monitoring and metacognitive control processes; akin to executive control processes. This study aimed to explore whether metacognitive components are fragmented, how individuals with FEP perform on the metacognitive scores compared to healthy control participants, and whether metacognitive components are associated with functioning and, for FEP only, subjective recovery. 62 individuals with FEP and 73 matched healthy controls completed measures of metacognition, functional capacity, functional outcome, and subjective recovery; covariates: IQ and symptoms. Factor analysis, to assess loading of metacognitive items onto separate factors, demonstrated that metacognitive ability, experience, efficiency and monitoring were separate components, with limited association. Metacognitive ability and metacognitive control process were reduced in FEP sample, but metacognitive experience and monitoring process were higher in FEP. Metacognitive ability predicted functional capacity, functional outcome and subjective recovery. Metacognitive experience predicted functional capacity. This is the first study to assess key metacognitive components within a large model and consider the distinct contributions to both functional and subjective recovery.

1. Introduction Functional and symptomatic recovery has been an important focus of research in psychosis (Andreasen et al., 2005; Harvey and Bellack, 2009), with recent studies demonstrating more favorable outcomes after long follow-up periods within schizophrenia and First Episode Psychosis (FEP) (Harrison et al., 2001; Harrow et al., 2005; Henry et al., 2010; Robinson et al., 2004; Wunderink et al., 2009), in comparison to earlier studies. Research has now begun to consider the subjective perspective of recovery, including quality of life, finding hope, stability, re-establishment of identity, and empowerment (Andresen et al., 2003; Leamy et al., 2011; Sheridan et al., 2012). These subjective recovery models identify recovery as both a process and an outcome (Ramon et al., 2009) which mimics the peaks and troughs in the recovery trajectory shown in FEP (Hodgekins et al., 2015a). These two streams of recovery (e.g. subjective and objective outcomes) have been positively associated (Provencher et al., 2002) and may have considerable overlap (Malla and Payne, 2005). Research has now started to consider both objective and subjective outcomes in order to understand the ‘breadth of success’ across recovery (Harvey and Bellack, 2009) and to improve overall recovery. Despite advances in psychological research and interventions for

psychosis, for some, outcomes remain poor. There is value in the identification of those with psychosis who are at risk of poor functioning across time, to target interventions to reduce this disability. Functional outcome in psychosis is shown to be predicted by neurocognition (Green et al., 2000), including IQ (Leeson et al., 2009), functional capacity (measured using real-life performance skills task) (Bowie et al., 2008, 2006), and negative symptoms (Greenwood et al., 2005; Milev et al., 2005). Beck and Rector (2005) proposed that the path between neurocognition and functional outcome is mediated by other cognitive processes: including defeatist performance beliefs, selfstigma (Berry and Greenwood, 2018) and, importantly here, metacognition (Davies et al., 2017). Metacognition is considered ‘thinking about thinking’ (Flavell, 1979) and involves forming an integrated representation of oneself, others, and the world and using these representations to implement an effective action strategy to perform or accomplish a task (Semerari et al., 2003b). Metacognition has been considered fractionated and can appear in many different forms and representations of the self (Lysaker et al., 2014; Shea et al., 2014). Three aspects of metacognitive have been described. The highest level is metacognitive ability: capacity to think about one's own cognitions, as well as others’, and to use this to respond to challenges (Lysaker and Dimaggio, 2014).

⁎ Corresponding author. Abigail Wright Massachusetts General Hospital, Center of Excellence for Psychosocial & Systemic Research, 151 Merrimac St. | 6th Floor | Boston, MA 02114, USA E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (A. Wright). Received 7 June 2019; Received in revised form 22 October 2019; Accepted 24 October 2019 0165-1781/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Abigail Wright, David Fowler and Kathryn Greenwood, Psychiatry Research,

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Table 1 Description of metacognitive variables and measures. Levels

Variable name


Level 1

Metacognitive efficiency

Level 2

Metacognitive experience

Process which connects the levels from top-down Process which connects the levels from bottom-up Level 3

Metacognitive control process Metacognitive monitoring process Metacognitive ability

Visual metacognitive efficiency (meta-d’-d’) Auditory metacognitive efficiency (meta-d’-d’) Visual metacognitive experience (–100–100) Auditory metacognitive experience (–100–100) BCIS self-reflectiveness subscale (0–27) Trail-Making Task (B-A) (seconds) Metacognitive Assessment Interview (total score)


Intact metacognitive experience in schizophrenia may require appropriate metacognitive monitoring and control processes (Gilleen et al., 2016). However, metacognitive monitoring (measured using self-reflectiveness scale of the Beck Cognitive Insight Scale) and control (setshifting using Trail-Making Task) are considered poor in psychosis (Engh et al., 2007; Medalia and Lim, 2004; Riley et al., 2000; Warman et al., 2007) and positively associated with functioning in schizophrenia and FEP (Davies et al., 2017; Giusti et al., 2013; Strassnig et al., 2018). Thirdly, metacognitive efficiency is deficient in psychosis (Bliksted et al., 2017; Davies et al., 2018). Due to the lack of research, it is unclear how metacognitive efficiency may be associated with functioning. Identification of early metacognitive deficits may help understand which components are driving other metacognitive difficulties and later predict functional difficulties. This study hypothesized that individuals within the FEP group will score significantly poorer on all metacognitive measures, compared to the healthy control group. It is hypothesized that metacognitive variables load onto separate factors but are related with each other in such that there is a hierarchical relationship between the distinct metacognitive components. Finally, these metacognitive variables predict functional capacity and functional outcome in young people with and without psychosis, independent of neurocognition (IQ) (and negative symptoms for the psychosis group). In the clinical group only, metacognitive ability will also be positively associated with subjective recovery outcome in FEP, independent of negative emotion.

Metacognitive ability may impact the second level, metacognitive experience: “online” appraisal of one's experience (e.g. reflection of one's performance within-the-moment). Metacognitive experience may then impact the lowest level, metacognitive efficiency: unconscious knowledge used to generate a feeling of “knowing that you know” (Sherman et al., 2015). Theoretically, these components have been suggested to be positively associated within a dynamic model (Nelson and Narens, 1990) via metacognitive control processes [i.e. top-down process used to guide and correct ongoing action (Wells and Purdon, 1999)] and metacognitive monitoring processes [i.e. bottomup process of monitoring experience in order to update beliefs (Efklides, 2006)]. These metacognitive processes must work in harmony to ensure metacognition is effectively harnessed to enable cognitions to guide thought and behavior, e.g., to ensure that changes in metacognitive experience is updated to metacognitive ability, or vice versa. All three levels of metacognition [ability, experience and efficiency] are suggested to represent different hierarchical levels of metacognitive processing (see Table 1), which may be associated, via metacognitive monitoring and control processes, and a deficit in one level may drive the onset of deficits in another level. No study has yet empirically assessed all of these metacognitive components within a model and little is known how these components independently influence functional and subjective recovery outcome. Firstly, metacognitive ability is poorer in psychosis (Lysaker et al., 2018, 2005), and is shown to have a direct impact on functional, social and work outcomes in psychosis (Arnon-Ribenfeld et al., 2017; Brüne et al., 2011; Davies and Greenwood, 2018; Luedtke et al., 2012; Lysaker et al., 2010), independent of neurocognition and symptoms (Lysaker et al., 2014, 2011). Metacognitive ability is shown to mediate the relationships between neurocognition and functional outcome in FEP (Davies et al., 2017; Wright et al., 2018a,b). However, negative symptoms have been negatively associated with metacognition and functioning (Hamm et al., 2012; James et al., 2016; McLeod et al., 2014) and limited research has assessed the role of metacognitive ability on functional outcome in FEP, whilst controlling for the effect of negative symptoms; which may influence these variables independently, and their relationship. Metacognitive ability has also been positively associated with subjective recovery outcome (Kukla et al., 2013; Phalen et al., 2015) and quality of life in schizophrenia (HassonOhayon et al., 2015; Lysaker et al., 2013). Morrison et al. (2013) recently demonstrated that negative emotion (including depression and anxiety) had a direct influence on subjective recovery; aligned with previous research on optimism and personal agency (Ho et al., 2010). There was no impact of neurocognition nor negative symptoms on subjective recovery. No study has yet assessed the association between metacognition and subjective recovery in FEP, whilst controlling for the effect of negative emotion. Secondly, metacognitive experience (online appraisal) has also been positively associated with real-world functioning (Gould et al., 2015; Stratta et al., 2009; Verdoux et al., 2010). However, Gilleen et al. (2014) demonstrated that “online” awareness is, on average, intact within schizophrenia. This finding highlights a potential dissociation between metacognitive ability and metacognitive experience, which may be the result of impaired metacognitive processes.

2. Methods 2.1. Participants Individuals with psychosis were recruited through a convenience sample from Early Intervention in Psychosis services in Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, with a minority of these from a previous first episode psychosis (FEP) sample. Inclusion criteria for the study were:

• Enrolled in Early Intervention Services at entry into the study. All • •

participants received a diagnosis of First Episode Psychosis (Unspecified nonorganic psychosis, F29) by a psychiatrist; 18 – 40 years of age; Able to read and communicate in English. Exclusion criteria for the study were:

• Primary diagnosis of substance misuse disorder; • Neurological impairment. Healthy control participants were recruited as a comparison group, matched with the clinical group on age and gender. Participants with current mental health problems or family history of psychosis were excluded. Participants were recruited through advertisement within the local community, for example, in libraries and cafes, and online, for example, through social media and Gumtree. 2

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decentralization, describing the mental state of the other which is independent of their own view. This measure has demonstrated good inter-rater reliability and internal consistency (α=0.90 for total metacognition), factorial validity, and reliability (r = 0.62 to 0.90) (Semerari et al., 2012).

2.2. Design This is a cross-sectional study exploring the different components of metacognition and the contribution to functional and subjective outcome measures, independent of IQ and symptoms. Ethical and Health Research Authority approval was obtained through Camberwell St. Giles Research Ethics Committee (reference number: 17/LO/0055). Full details of the study are outlined in the protocol (Wright et al., 2018a,b).

2.5. Function 2.5.1. Functional outcome Time Use Survey (adapted from Short, 2006) is a structured interview [inter-rater reliability 0.99 (Hodgekins et al., 2015)] during which participants are asked questions regarding the number of hours spent engaged in specific structured activities for the preceding month, including hours spent in paid work, voluntary work, educational activity, childcare, sports, leisure, and housework activities. This measure has been used within a First Episode Psychosis sample (Cella et al., 2016; Hodgekins et al., 2015), has good reliability (inter-rater reliability at 0.99) (Hodgekins et al., 2015), coder reliability (89% accuracy) (Short, 2003), good validity as TUS is comparable to studies using functioning measures (Hodgekins, 2012).

2.3. Measures Further details of all measures can found in the protocol paper (Wright et al., 2018a,b). 2.4. Metacognition 2.4.1. Metacognitive efficiency Visual and auditory metacognitive efficiency were assessed using a separate computer–based visual and auditory detection tasks. The critical task is to make two forced-choice binary judgments of (i) whether a visual or auditory stimulus (dot or tone) was present or absent within a noisy picture or presentation of white noise, and (ii) whether confidence in this decision was high or low. The second judgment captures metacognitive sensitivity (meta-d’): the ability to discriminate between correct and incorrect judgments. Metacognitive efficiency involves taking into account objective performance (Fleming and Lau, 2014; Maniscalco and Lau, 2012), and is calculated as meta-d’/d’ (metacognitive sensitivity divided by perceptual sensitivity) (Rounis et al., 2010). Full details are found in supplement A.

2.5.2. Functional capacity The UCSD Performance-Based Skills Assessment (Patterson, Goldman, McKibbin, Hughs, & Jeste, 2001) provides a total score for real-life performance skills based on role-play tasks. This measure is divided into five sections: (i) finance, e.g., counting money, (ii) communication, e.g., re-arranging a medical appointment, (iii) comprehension/planning, e.g., planning a visit to a theme park, (iv) transport, e.g., reading a bus timetable, and (v) household, e.g., creating a shopping list from a recipe. During each role-play the individual is given points by the researcher from the manual guidelines. These raw scores are totaled for each domain, converted into 0–20 scale then multiplied by 2 and summed to provide a total out of 100. This measure demonstrates high internal consistency (α = 0.88), good validity with other scales (Direct Assessment of Functional Status scale, r = 0.86) and good test-retest reliability (r = 0.91) (Harvey et al., 2007; Mausbach et al., 2011, 2009).

2.4.2. Metacognitive experience (appraisal) Participants were asked to rate retrospectively their performance on the detection tasks above: “How well do you think you performed overall on the task? For instance, if you think you were right every time, select 100 (all correct). If you think you were correct none of the time, select 0 (none correct)”. This scale was adapted from a previous scale (Rouault et al., 2018). The participant's accuracy score [S = percentage of correct answers on the computer-based (visual or auditory) task out of total judgements outlined above] was subtracted from their retrospective rating [R] to provide a metacognitive experience accuracy score [ME] [R – S = ME]. This score ranged from −100 (under-confidence) to 100 (overconfidence). A score of 0 is perfect accuracy. This measure provides two separate metacognitive experience scores (visual and auditory).

2.5.3. Subjective recovery outcome The Questionnaire of Process of Recovery (Neil et al., 2009) is a 22item self-report questionnaire which provides a score for an individual's subjective recovery outcomes; hope, empowerment, confidence, connectedness with others, and reliance (psychosis participants only). The participant rates declarative statements from 0 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree) (for example, “I feel that my life has a purpose”) with a higher score indicating recovery. Studies have reported scores in the range of 50–60 for schizophrenia samples (Morrison et al., 2013; Neil et al., 2009). This possesses good internal consistency (intrapersonal subscale, α=0.94, interpersonal subscale, α=0.77), construct validity (GHQ total score: intra, r=−0.83 inter, r = 0.52) and reliability (intra, r = 0.87, inter, r.77) (Neil et al., 2009).

2.4.3. Metacognitive processes (monitoring and control) Monitoring processes will be assessed using self-reflectivity subscale (9 items) of Cognitive insight scale (Beck et al., 2004), appropriate to assess metacognitive monitoring (David et al., 2012; Gilleen et al., 2016). This measure possesses good internal consistency (α=0.68), convergent validity (with SUMD-A delusions, r= −0.67) (Beck et al., 2004) and test-retest reliability (r = 0.90) (Pedrelli et al., 2004). Control processes will be assessed via set-shifting using trail-making task part B-A, (Reitan, 1958), appropriate to assess metacognitive control processes (Gilleen et al., 2016). This measure possesses good internal consistency (TMT-A α=0.39, TMT-B α=0.71), convergent validity (with Task Switching Paradigm r = 0.32) (Sánchez-Cubillo et al., 2009), and good reliability of other forms of TMT (r = 0.78) (Franzen et al., 1996).

2.5.4. Covariates Three measures will be used as covariates: IQ (measure of neurocognition), negative symptoms and anomalous experiences, as these concepts have been associated with metacognition and to functioning and, therefore, important to hold constant when assessing the relationship between metacognition and functioning. 2.5.5. IQ Two IQ tasks (Verbal IQ; a measure of an individual's verbal knowledge and performance IQ; a measure of an individual's ability to mentally manipulate abstract symbols and perceive the relationship among them) were used from the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (WASI) and were combined to produce a two-part IQ score, as outlined in the WASI manual (Wechsler, 1999).

2.4.4. Metacognitive ability The Metacognitive Assessment Interview (Semerari et al., 2012) required the participant to reflect on a recent difficult interpersonal experience and answer a series of questions to assess i) monitoring, identification of feelings and thoughts, ii) differentiation, distinguishing between dreams, beliefs or assumptions, iii) integration, reflection on different mental states and rules governing them, and iv) 3

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monitoring process” in the model. BCIS-SR as one factor had poor fit indices, [χ2(27) = 76.19, p<.001, CFI = 0.69, TLI = 0.59, RMSEA = 0.12] (see Table 3). BCIS-SR 6–8 were excluded as these did not load onto the one factor, with factor loadings <0.3 (“Even though I feel strongly that I am right, I could be wrong”; “If somebody points out that my beliefs are wrong, I am willing to consider it”; “There is often more than one possible explanation for why people act the way they do”). The next CFA, using the remaining six factors showed improved fit [χ2(9) = 36.4, p<.001, CFI = 0.8, TLI = 0.67, RMSEA = 0.15] (see Table 3). All variables significantly loaded onto one factor.

2.5.6. Symptoms Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (Kay et al., 1987) is the most widely used standardized instrument for assessing symptom severity in schizophrenia (Hermes et al., 2012). This study used the individual item scores for depression and anxiety (negative emotion) when assessing the role of metacognition on subjective recovery in this sample, as negative emotion has been associated with poor subjective recovery (Morrison et al., 2013). We assessed anomalous experiences as a covariate using the anomalous experience subscale of the Schizotypal Symptom Inventory (Hodgekins et al., 2012) including 8 items; with good psychometrics (Hodgekins et al., 2012), as studies have highlighted the association between metacognition and anomalous experiences (Gaweda et al., 2013; Gawęda et al., 2018, 2014), as outlined in the protocol paper (Wright et al., 2018a,b).

3.5. Full exploratory factor analysis (EFA) We hypothesised that visual and auditory metacognitive experience would be correlated and load onto one factor and similarly with visual and auditory metacognitive efficiency, so two separate factors were created: experience and efficiency. Metacognitive control process was not included in the factor analysis was it was a single item (TMT-BA score), which meant that it was conceptually indefensible as a single factor. An EFA was conducted which included all individual metacognitive variables (metacognitive ability [four items], metacognitive experience [six items loading]), metacognitive efficiency [two items loading] and metacognitive monitoring process [two items loading]) to identify loadings onto separate, specified factors within the full sample. Most of the items showed appropriately loading onto the separate factors (metacognitive ability [four items loading], metacognitive efficiency [two items loading] and metacognitive monitoring process [two items loading]). However, two of the BCIS-SR (metacognitive monitoring) items did not load onto any factor. The two items were removed, in such that metacognitive monitoring was four items (BCIS SR-4) and this four-item metacognitive monitoring factor will be used in the next regression analyses. The final model (metacognitive ability [four items loading], metacognitive experience [four items loading]), metacognitive efficiency [two items loading] and metacognitive monitoring process [two items loading]) showed good fit indices, [χ2(24) = 13.79, p=.95, CFI = 0.97, TLI = 0.96, RMSEA = 0.00]. Table 4 presents the factor loadings. A correlational matrix was conducted with the metacognitive variables (factor scores) ,1 outcome variables and covariates (Table 5). Due to the lack of correlation between metacognitive variables (efficiency, experience, ability, control and monitoring), the mediation analysis was not conducted.

2.6. Planned analysis Firstly, ANOVAs were conducted to assess the differences in metacognitive scores between the FEP and healthy control group. Two Confirmatory Factor Analyses (CFA) were conducted: One to confirm the factor loadings for the four metacognitive ability variables (Metacognitive Assessment Interview subscales: monitoring, differentiation, integration and decentralization) onto one latent ‘metacognitive ability’ variable; and the second to confirm the factor loadings for nine metacognitive monitoring items from self-reflectiveness subscale of Beck Cognitive Insight Scale onto one latent ‘self-reflectiveness’ variable. Next, metacognitive variables [metacognitive ability, experience (visual and auditory), monitoring and efficiency (visual and auditory)] were converted into Z scores, using mean and SD within this current data, to be included in the factor analysis, and an Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was conducted, using these metacognitive variables, to confirm the loading onto separate metacognitive factors. Next, correlations between the metacognitive variables for all participants across both groups were explored. Following this, metacognitive ability, experience, monitoring and control processes were used as predictors within a multiple regression analysis to assess the role on functional capacity and functional outcome, independent of IQ (and negative symptoms for FEP group), and on subjective recovery outcome in FEP, whilst controlling for variance in anxiety and depression; which are related to subjective recovery (see Morrison et al., 2013). 3. Results 3.1. Sample characteristics

3.6. Functional capacity

A total of 135 participants took part (62 participants with FEP and 73 healthy control participants). Within the factor analyses, we combined FEP and healthy control group in order to increase variance and sample size.

Separate stepwise multiple regression analyses were used to assess the role of metacognitive variables (see Table 1, metacognitive ability, efficiency, experience, control and monitoring) on functional capacity, whilst controlling for IQ and, in the FEP group only, controlling for negative symptoms. Metacognitive ability (MAI) was a significant predictor of functional capacity, R2=0.23, F(1, 131) = 38.98, p<.001, and remained so after controlling for IQ, R2=0.33, F(2, 128) = 30.72, p<.001. Metacognitive ability predicted 6% of this variance (ΔR2=0.06, F(1, 126) = 10.43, p=.01). Metacognitive monitoring is measured using the four-factor solution from the EFA (named BCIS-SR-4) and metacognitive efficiency were not significant predictors of functional capacity (p>.05). Metacognitive control (TMT-BA) was a significant predictor of functional capacity, R2=0.11, F(1, 130) = 16.16, p<.001, and remained so after controlling for IQ, R2=0.29, F(2, 127) = 25.29, p<.001. Metacognitive control predicted 2% of this variance (ΔR2=

3.2. Hypothesis testing See Table 2 for sample characteristics and ANOVAs for comparing metacognitive scores between groups. 3.3. CFA: metacognitive ability (MAI) A CFA was conducted which included all individual metacognitive ability variables. Model fit suggested one factor (see supplement A & B) and had excellent fit indices, [χ2(2) = 0.035, p=.98, CFI = 1.00, TLI = 1.02, RMSEA = 0.00]. 3.4. CFA: metacognitive monitoring [BCIS-Self-reflectiveness (SR)] A CFA was conducted which included individual items from BCISSelf-reflectiveness subscale, which make up the “metacognitive

1 Note: Following the outcome of factor analysis in which BCIS-SR factor had 4 factor loadings, this factor score was used in the following analysis.


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Table 2 Sample characteristics and descriptive statistics with difference tests between the two groups. FEP sample (N = 62) Age, yrs. (SD) Gender Male Female Educational levelb Up to GCSE education A-level education Degree or higher

26.24 (5.66) range 18–43


Healthy control sample (N = 73)

Differences test

26.3 (S.D 6.6) range 18–40

t(132.99) = −0.004, p=.99 Ӽ² (1, 135) = 0.31, p = 0.58

46 (74%) 16

51 (73%) 22

20 (32%) 22 (36%) 18 (30%)

6 (8%) 49 (67%) 18 (25%)

30 (49%) 14 (23%) 17 (27%)

36 (50%) 5 (7%) 31 (42%)

25 (40%) 7 (9%) 29 (47%)

17 (23%) 11 (15%) 45 (62%)

Mean (SD) 52.39 (8.53) (range 26–66) 51.25 (13.1) (range 20–70) 104.54 (14.99) (range 61–131) 3.15 (0.87) (range 1.19–4.56) −20.2 (19.96) (range −53.7–17.3) −20.47 (19.72) (range −69.7–26.7) −0.45 (0.43) (range −1.87–0.96) −0.41 (0.53) (range −2.1–0.98) 15.3 (4.44) (range 6–25) 7.1 (2.7) (range 2–12) 39.63 (39.7) (range −7.7–261.2) 38.45 (24.14) (range 5–109.69) 80.9 (9.58) (range 54.87–96.9) 61.29 (13.4) (range 31–88) 12.44 (4.66) (range 7–26) 11.53 (4.04) (range 7–26) 26.86 (5.84) (range 17–39)

Mean (SD) 52.04 (7.6) (range 30–68) 54.76 (8.65) (range 33–70) 106.13 (10.78) (range 75–131) 3.64 (0.65) (range 2.38–4.69) −29.08 (18.27) (range −66.7–14.7) −26.5 (21.06) (range −65.0–16.3) −0.49 (0.55) (range −2.29–0.72) −0.43 (0.43) (range −1.65–0.23) 12.68 (3.48) (range 5–21) 4.85 (2.19) (range 0–9) 27.0 (16.9) (range 5.2–89.86) 55.46 (19.99) (range 8.27–110.9) 84.38 (9.29) (range 56.6–98.18)

Ӽ² (3, 134) = 17.88, p<.001***

Work status Full-time or part-time Not in employment Other: Student, Looking after home, or Long-term sickness Accommodation status Parent's house Other: Family carer home, support living, or NHS accommodation Lives independently Matrix reasoning (t-score) Vocabulary (t-score) 2-part IQ MAI total (0–5) Visual metacognitive experience


Auditory metacognitive experience



Visual metacognitive efficiency Auditory metacognitive efficiency (meta,-d,’-d’) BCIS self-reflectiveness subscale (0–27) BCIS self-reflectiveness subscale (4 items)c (0–12) TMT-BA (seconds)d Time-Use Survey (hours in activity per week) UPSA total (0–100) QPR total (0–88) PANSS Positive (7–49) PANSS Negative (7–49) PANSS General (16–112)

Ӽ² (2, 135) = 0.7.89, p=.02*

Ӽ² (2, 134) = 5.19, p=.08

Difference tests t(131) −0.25, p=.8 t(98.79) −1.78, p=.08 t(102.8) −0.68, p=.5 t(111.36) 3.68, p<.001*** t(121) −2.57, p=.01** t(124) −1.64, p=.1 t(122) −0.34, p=.74 t(125) −0.25, p=.8 t(132) −2.35, p=.02* t(114.98) 5.26, p<.001*** t(131) −2.12, p=.04* t(132) −4.46, p<.001*** t(130) −2.12, p=.04*

Note: MAI = Metacognitive Assessment Interview; Visual/Auditory metacognitive experience = Post diction accuracy of visual/auditory performance; BCIS = Beck Cognitive Insight Scale; TMT-BA = Trail Making Task (B-A); UPSA = UCSD Performance-Based Skills Assessment; QPR = Questionnaire of Process of Recovery; PANSS = Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale. a As this study involved re-contacting individuals from an early cohort study, one participant was above the 18–40 range. b Due to the way educational level, martial status, ethnicity, work status and accommodation status were measured and the assumptions of chi-square tests, we had to collapse the groups. Participants who preferred not to state their answer were removed from these chi-squared analyses. c BCIS self-reflectiveness 4 items was derived from the factor analyses below. d Trail-Making Task (B-A), PANSS positive and PANSS negative were all negatively skewed and transformed using Log10 transformation. Table 3 Exploratory factor loadings for BCIS (SR) (one factor). Item BCIS BCIS BCIS BCIS BCIS BCIS BCIS BCIS BCIS

BCIS (factor 1) (SR) (SR) (SR) (SR) (SR) (SR) (SR) (SR) (SR)

1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9:

At times, I have misunderstood other people's attitudes towards me Other people can understand the cause of my unusual experiences better than I can I have jumped to conclusions too fast Some of my experiences that have seemed very real may have been due to my imagination Some of the ideas I was certain were true turned out to be false Even though I feel strongly that I am right, I could be wrong If somebody points out that my beliefs are wrong, I am willing to consider it There is often more than one possible explanation for why people act the way they do My unusual experiences may be due to my being extremely upset or stressed

-.39 -.33 -.36 -.74 -.79 -.12 -.06 .09 -.41

experience and metacognitive control were included within a multiple regression (see Table 6). Even when controlling for IQ, metacognitive experience, control process and ability predicted an additional 10% of the variance and improved the model (ΔR2= 0.1, F(1, 111) = 18.42, p<.001). Including anomalous experience as a covariate did not change this result. In the FEP group only, metacognitive ability, experience and control

0.02, F(1, 125) = 4.25, p=.04). Metacognitive experience was a significant predictor of functional capacity, R2=0.101, F(1, 131) = 14.6, p<.001, and remained so after controlling for IQ, R2=0.34, F(2, 128) = 31.8, p<.001. Metacognitive experience predicted 6% of this variance (ΔR2= 0.06, F(1, 126) = 12.01, p=.01). All significant predictors: metacognitive ability, metacognitive 5

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Table 4 Exploratory factor loadings for metacognition. Item


MAI: Monitoring MAI: Differentiation MAI: Integration MAI: Decentralization BCIS 1: At times, I have misunderstood other people's attitudes towards me BCIS 4: Some of my experiences that have seemed very real may have been due to my imagination BCIS 5: Some of the ideas I was certain were true turned out to be false BCIS 9: My unusual experiences may be due to my being extremely upset or stressed Visual metacognitive experience Auditory metacognitive experience Visual metacognitive efficiency Auditory metacognitive efficiency

.8 .8 .87 .78

Metacognitive efficiency

Metacognitive experience


-.42 −.75 −.8 −.39 -.5 -1.04 .41 .85

highlighting the value of separating these components to understand their impact on functioning and recovery. Contrary to our hypothesis, those in the FEP group demonstrated more accurate metacognitive experience (appraisal of experience), previously shown by Gilleen et al. (2014), and higher scores on metacognitive monitoring, previously shown by (Kimhy et al., 2014; Mass et al., 2012), compared to controls. Metacognitive monitoring, measured using BCIS self-reflectiveness scale, assessed objectivity and openness to feedback. This concept has been shown to fluctuate acrosstime (Bora, Erkan, Kayahan, & Veznedaroglu, 2007; O'Connor et al., 2017) as Bora et al., (2007) demonstrated overtime self-reflectiveness improved in FEP as symptoms decreased. As this current sample had fewer symptoms and better functioning than other FEP studies (Hodgekins et al., 2015b; Leucht et al., 2005), this group may have been further along in their recovery and can now more accurately reflect on their experiences. In terms of metacognitive experience, the higher metacognitive monitoring may then also explain the higher metacognitive experience (more accurate appraisal of their ability); as individuals become more aware of their own experiences then they may become more aware of their own abilities. Metacognitive experience, control and ability, but not monitoring, predicted functional capacity, independent of IQ. Poor metacognitive control and ability predicted poorer functional capacity. However, poorer metacognitive experience predicted higher functional capacity score, even when controlling for negative symptoms. It may be proposed that those with more awareness of poor performance may be less likely to want to engage in functional tasks, to protect themselves from feeling low about potentially performing poorly and this lack of practice may actually corrode their skills (see Greenwood et al., 2005). Conversely, individuals who engage in functional skills daily may be less aware of specific abilities and more focused on their overall experience. Metacognitive ability was significantly poorer in First Episode Psychosis sample and was the only predictor of functional outcome, whilst controlling for IQ, which supports research in schizophrenia (Arnon-Ribenfeld et al., 2017) and FEP (Davies et al., 2017). When negative symptoms were included, metacognitive ability was not a significant predictor. This may suggest a large overlap between negative symptoms and metacognition. For example, poverty of speech/lack of spontaneity or difficulty in abstract thinking may impact the assessment of metacognitive ability using MAI. Therefore, the MAI may be capturing aspects of negative symptoms which are associated with, and difficult to separate from, metacognitive ability (Hamm et al., 2012; McLeod et al., 2014). Wright et al. (2019) conducted a longitudinal study which explored the role of metacognitive ability at baseline predicting a change in functional outcome scores at a threeyear follow-up in those with FEP. When assessing the specific contribution of metacognition, whilst controlling for baseline functional outcome, functional capacity and negative symptoms, metacognition predicted 34.6% (β = 0.61) of the variance in functioning. Future

were not significant predictors of functional capacity when controlling for IQ and negative symptoms (p=.71, p=.14, p=.09), but this result may have been impacted by the smaller sample size. 3.7. Functional outcome Separate stepwise multiple regression analyses were used to assess the role of metacognitive variables (see Table 1, metacognitive ability, efficiency, experience, control and monitoring) on functional outcome, whilst controlling for IQ and, in the FEP group only, controlling for negative symptoms. Metacognitive ability (MAI) was a significant predictor of functional outcome, R2=0.104, F(1, 133) = 15.39, p<.001, and remained so after controlling for IQ, R2=0.12, F(2, 129) = 8.77, p<.001. Metacognitive ability predicted 11% of this variance (ΔR2= 0.11, F(1, 127) = 15.74, p<.001). In the FEP group only, MAI was no longer a significant predictor of functional outcome when controlling for IQ and negative symptoms (p=.2) but may have been impacted by the smaller sample size. Metacognitive experience was a significant predictor of functional outcome, R2=0.03, F(1, 132) = 4.15, p=.04. Whilst controlling for IQ, metacognitive experience was not a significant predictor of functional outcome (p=.1). Metacognitive monitoring, control (TMT-BA), and efficiency were not significant predictors of functional outcome. 3.8. Subjective recovery outcome Whilst controlling for depression and anxiety (significantly associated with subjective recovery, see Table 5), metacognitive ability was a significant predictor of subjective recovery outcome in FEP, R2=0.39, F(3, 57) = 11.55, p<.001, predicting 10% of this variance. No other metacognitive variable was associated with subjective recovery outcome (p>.05). Table 7 describes how metacognitive components differ between those with FEP and healthy controls, and their association with functional capacity, functional outcome and subjective recovery. 4. Discussion This was a cross-sectional study including a large group of individuals with First Episode Psychosis (FEP) and matched healthy controls. This study demonstrated that those with FEP had lower metacognitive ability and metacognitive control processes, and both predicted functional capacity and, metacognitive ability specifically, predicted functional outcome and subjective recovery outcome. However, those with FEP demonstrated higher metacognitive experience and metacognitive monitoring ability with the former predicting functional outcome and functional capacity. There were no differences in metacognitive efficiency and this component demonstrated no association with outcomes. These metacognitive variables showed limited association, suggesting independence of the metacognitive components and 6




r = 0.15 p=.09 r = 0.13 p=.17 1

r= −0.22** p=.01

Metacog experience

r = 0.01 p=.95 r = 0.15 p=.09 r= −0.12 p=.21 1

r = 0.05 p=.61

Metacog efficiency r = 0.32*** p<.001 r= −0.15 p=.08 r= −0.04 p=.68 r= −0.18* p=.04 r = 0.01 p=.99 r= −0.24** p=.01 1

r= −0.33*** p<.001 r= −0.01 p=.96 r= −0.32*** p<.001 r = 0.08 p=.41 1


r = 0.48*** p<.001


r = 0.2 p=.13 r = 0.08 p=.56 r = 0.02 p=.91 r = 0.11 p=.48 r = 0.11 p=.41 r = 0.44** p<.001 1

r = 0.23 p=.08


r=−0.32*** p<.001 r = 0.17 p=.05 r= −0.13 p=.15 r= −0.02 p=.87 r = 0.52*** p<.001 r = 0.11 p=.21 r = 0.11 p=.43 1

r = 0.55*** p<.001


r = 0.12 p=.37 r = 0.09 p=.49 r = 0.05 p=.69 r= −0.04 p=.79 r= −0.5*** p<.001 r= −0.38** p=.01 r= −0.35** p=.01 r= −0.23 p=.09 1

r=−0.56*** p<.001

PANSS Negative

r = 0.18 p=.16 r= −0.12 p=.37 r = 0.01 p=.98 r= −0.02 p=.86 r= −0.02 p=.9 r = 0.08 p=.55 r= −0.16 p=.23 r= −0.49*** p<.001 r= −0.06 p=.65 r = 0.16 p=.22 r = 0.66* p<.001 1

r= −0.07 p=.58 r = 0.16 p=.23 r = 0.04 p=.74 r = 0.14 p=.33 r= −0.01 p=.92 r= −0.26* p=.04 r= −0.5*** p<.001 r= −0.06 p=.67 r = 0.09 p=.5 1

PANSS Depression

r = 0.11 p=.42

PANSS Anxiety

r = 0.08 p=.38 r = 0.22** p=.01 r = 0.15 p=.08 r= −0.06 p=.49 r= −0.15 p=.09 r= −0.21* p=.02 r= −0.44** p=.01 r= −0.13 p=.13 r = 0.33* p=.01 r = 0.42** p=.01 r = 0.31 p=.02

r=−0.11 p=.23


MAI = Metacognitive Assessment Interview; TMT = Trail Making Task (B-A); BCIS = Beck Cognitive Insight Scale; SR-6 = Self-reflectiveness scale 6 items; Metacog exp = Metacognitive experience; UPSA = UCSD Performance Based Skill Assessment; QPR = Questionnaire of Process of Recovery; PANSS = Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale; SSI AE = Schizotypal Symptom Inventory Anomalous Experiences. a N=58 (Data collected on FEP group only). b N=59 (Data collected on FEP group only).

PANSS Depression

PANSS Anxiety

PANSS Negativeb





Metacog efficiency

Metacog experience


r = 0.01 p=.99

r= −0.2* p=.02


r = 0.08 p=.34 1



N = 135

Table 5 Correlational matrix with metacognitive variables, outcome variables and covariates.

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be higher-functioning, e.g. this sample were scoring higher on functioning and lower on symptoms than the average psychosis sample (Hodgekins et al., 2015b; Leucht et al., 2005). Caution should be taken when applying these results to a lower functioning group.

Table 6 A stepwise regression model for predictive value of metacognitive components on functional capacity in full sample. B Model 2 Constant IQ Metacognitive ability (MAI) Metacognitive control process Metacognitive experience



p value


5. Conclusion

48.8 .26 2.55

.07 1.09

.37 .21

<0.001*** .02**

.13, 0.39 .39, 4.72





−7.82, 1.08





−0.13, −0.02

This study demonstrated that metacognitive components described within the psychosis literature are independent and distinct, focusing on particular aspects of reflection. Metacognitive ability and control processes were poor in FEP, compared to metacognitive monitoring and experience which were higher in FEP, compared to a healthy control group. This study demonstrated the role of metacognitive ability and experience in predicting functional capacity, and the role of metacog-

*<0.05, **<0.01, ***<0.001. Table 7 Description of metacognitive variables results. Levels

Variable name


Association with functional and subjective recovery

Level 1

Metacognitive efficiency

No association with functional/subjective recovery.

Level 2

Metacognitive experience

No difference in groups Higher in FEP

Top-down process

Metacognitive control process

Lower in FEP

Bottom-up process

Metacognitive monitoring process Metacognitive ability

Higher in FEP

Level 3

Lower in FEP

Negatively associated with functional capacity and functional outcome, independent of IQ; but not negative symptoms. No association with subjective recovery. Positively associated with functional capacity, independent of covariates. No association with subjective recovery. No association with functional/subjective recovery. Positively associated with functional capacity and functional outcome, independent of IQ; but not negative symptoms. Positively associated with subjective recovery outcomes in FEP.

studies should aim to assess the overlap in metacognition and negative symptoms within a larger sample. This was the first study to demonstrate the association between metacognitive ability and subjective recovery outcomes in FEP, where recovery may be more variable, supported by this FEP sample demonstrated subjective recovery outcome scores slightly higher than previous schizophrenia samples (Morrison et al., 2013; Neil et al., 2009). The role of metacognitive ability on subjective recovery in FEP suggested that subjective recovery is associated with an individual's ability to think about their own mind and different states of mind throughout the process of recovery; which may later facilitate their mental health recovery. There is clear importance of tackling metacognitive ability within the early stages of psychosis to improve both functional and subjective outcomes. Metacognitive Insight and Reflection Therapy (MERIT) enables an individual to integrate their current experiences, increase their sense of agency and improve their ability to manage their experiences (Lysaker and Klion, 2017). MERIT has been shown to improve metacognitive ability (de Jong et al., 2018), which in turn has been shown to improve job satisfaction and social functioning (De Jong et al., 2016; Dubreucq et al., 2016).

nitive ability and control processes in predicting functional outcome in people with and without psychosis. This study was the first study to provide evidence for the role of metacognitive ability on subjective recovery outcome in FEP, independent of negative emotion. In terms of clinical importance, metacognitive ability in particular is a clear and viable target for improving functional and subjective recovery in FEP.

4.1. Limitations


There are limitations to the study. This was the first study to empirically explore the structure of a proposed metacognitive model from multiple perspectives. Within this analysis, we combined FEP and healthy control group in order to increase sample size and range of scores in order to assess these experiences and behaviours using a continuum approach. However, this may not have been the most appropriate analysis as individuals with FEP differed on these measures compared to the healthy control group. It was not feasible to assess the factor structure in the two separate groups, due to the limited sample size. This was an early exploratory study and future research should expand the sample size to replicate this metacognitive factor structure. Secondly, individuals who typically engage in research studies tend to

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