Information for Contributors to THE PROFESSIONAL ANIMAL SCIENTIST 1. The purpose of the American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists (ARPAS) is to provide certification of professional status for qualified members of the Society, to strengthen animal sciences among the professions, and to promote animal sciences and the profession of Animal Scientists. Continual education is required of all certified professionals to keep abreast of rapidly changing technology in their field. The official publication of ARPAS, "THE PROFESSIONAL ANIMAL SCIENTIST," serves as a vehicle for publishing manuscripts on technology that is or near ready for application. 2. Manuscripts may be submitted which deal with subject matter and results that are clearly ready or near ready for application. The papers must be based on adequately replicated experiments which clearly relate to applied problems in the animal sciences, including dairy, poultry, meat animals, and other species. The data on which the papers are based may be from original unpublished research, gleaned from field trials, experiment station reports and scientific literature or a combination of original and gleaned data. Data gleaned from the literature are acceptable only if pooled together for the purposes of reanalyzing, summarizing, and interpreting. Any exceptions to this rule must be accompanied by approval of the author and printer of published information. 3. At least one author of each manuscript must be a member of the American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists or the paper must be sponsored by a member of the Registry and have the approval of the Governing Council. 4. Manuscripts wi" be subject to critical review by the Editorial Board or others designated by the Editor. Papers will be returned to the authors for needed revision. Papers not suitable for publication will be returned to the author with an explanation of reasons for unacceptability. The reviewers will be selected as experts in the respective field and their names will be published, as a footnote to the title unless requested otherwise by the reviewers. This policy is established for the specific purpose of strengthening and adding to the credibility of the paper. 5. There will be a $55 per page charge for publication, payable at the time page proofs are returned to the Editor. Reprints wi" not be provided except on special arrangement with the Editor. The Governing Council may waive the page charges on papers sponsored by the Coucil. 6. General style and form is as follows: a. The format of THE PROFESSIONAL ANIMAL SCIENTIST wi" be 8 1/2" x 11" page size with double columns measuring approximately 31/4" x 9". Tables and diagrams should be planned for single or double column widths. All diagrams should be drawn with India ink or diagrams and photographs be submitted as glossy, black and white prints. b. Manuscripts must be typed, double-spaced, and submitted in triplicate. The copies submitted should be of good quality, either the original ribbon copy and two carbon copies or good quality copies from a copier. c. Pages should be numbered consecutively, and the lines on all pages should be numbered. Tables should be on individual pages. Figures should have authors and figure number on the back and the typed legend on a separate numbered page. d. Tables should be kept to a minimum and should not include irrelevant or superfluous data. e. The paper should include: 1. an abstract of not more than 250 words (about 25 lines) including explicit conclusions, followed by Key Words on a separate line; 2. an introduction which clearly describes the importance of the subject and the purpose or objective of the study; 3. a methods section which describes the materials and methods used and the source of literature data if appropriate; 35
4. a combined results and discussion session which presents the results in brief and points out the significant conclusions to be drawn from the data and the application to the industry; the text should not repeat results that are obvious from the tabular or illustrative material; 5. appropriate acknowledgements; 6. a literature citation section. f. The literature citations in the text should be typed as follows: Black (1); Black and Jones (1) or Black et al. (1). For documenting a statement or conclusion , the author may refer only to the numeral identifying the reference or references. In the literature citation section, list the references by authors in alphabetical order and numbered sequentially, e.g.; 1. Bartholemew, W. V. 1965. In: W. V. Bartholemew and F. W. Clark (eds) Soil Nitrogen, 285-306. Am. Soc. Agron. Madison, WI. 2. Britt, J. H., H. D. Hafs and J. S. Stevenson. 1978. J. Dairy Sci. 61 :513-518. 3. Snedecor, G. W. and W. G. Cochran. 1967. Statistical Methods (6th Ed.), pp. 51--55. Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames. To conserve space and reduce costs, titles of articles will be excluded. The aim is to provide sufficient information to allow the reader to easily find the material referred to. g. The approved abbreviations and editorial details approved for the Journal of Animal Science will be accepted as presented in Volume 66, pages 823-834 (1988). 7. Manuscripts should be submitted to the Editor, F. H. Baker, Winrock International, Rt. 3, Morrilton, AR 72110. 8. Correspondence concerning subscriptions to THE PROFESSIONAL ANIMAL SCIENTIST should be addressed to the Business Manager of the American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists, 309 West Clark Street, Champaign, IL 61820 (ph. 217-356-31821FAX 217-398~4119). 9. Papers should be reviewed internally (your own department) and submitted to your Experiment Station Director for a manuscript number (or whatever procedure prevails in your particular situation). Note: These will be considered to be Refereed Publications.