Inhalation toxicity study of 4-ethylotoluene in experimental animals

Inhalation toxicity study of 4-ethylotoluene in experimental animals

Sensory raspwamry initalian of Cerhfllcluene we5 studied in BalblC male mice usmg the plethvsmegraphu merhoo. Ice concentration which decreased the re...

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Sensory raspwamry initalian of Cerhfllcluene we5 studied in BalblC male mice usmg the plethvsmegraphu merhoo. Ice concentration which decreased the respira,ory rate I,? 50% (RD50 value1 ‘.~a5determined to be 857 ppm (56bt 139 ppm for 95% confidence limits). To study inhalation toxicity, male and lemals outbred Wistar rats were 8%. posed in dynamic inhale,& chambers lo vapors of ðyltcluene in conce”,rat,ans at 1130and 500 ppm. 6 hours/day. 5 dayshwek for 4 weeks. NC significant changes were observed in water apd food cow sumplion and bcdywrghtgsln. SteliStiCallye~gnlfiean,.ccncenrretiondependen, changes in tc7al cell numbere and macrophage end grew ulocyte numbers were found in bronchoalveolar lavage IBAU In BAL superne,ant a signdicant. ccncen,reticn+?la,ed increase in tctal pmtan, LDH. yqlutamvl,ransferase. pglucuronidase, acid phosphatase and muccprcteins was ncted l11etopalhobgy revealed an increased rate of bronchitis and pneumonia in male rate exposed 10 500 ppm of 4-elhvlloluene. No signiiicant cha?zr? were observed I” rewraiory tract and BAL of female r& expcsed :o ~ethylotoluene Keywcrbs’ Qelhylc4aluene: organic s.akents: inhalaion,orici,y; ehoalwlar lavage IBALI: eew-orv irrltatian


cc, affected by the combin&,. The ukeroge;ic &ec, cl the combinat~cn was not significantb increased. Aspirin abne decreased lIpid percxideticn and OEX increased aniline hvdrcwlaseactivitv. The ccmbin&n signilicenlly increased cyiochrome P-450 cocten,. E,hflmcrphine Ndemelhylase and aniline hydmxylase activities, cylachmme b-5 and lipid pemxidation were not effec,ed by the combination. The analgesic effect increased significantly a!,er single or muhiple I4 da-s) xlminietra,ianof thecombination The ~lationshipbetwesnthehlgher ssplrin loxsin/. the icxcased analgaic elfem and ,he changes in bib chemical paramelhen were discussed Kqwcrds: aspirin: dexacwthascne; tochrome P-450


toxicity: monooxqgena~e8: cy_

IPPN4nducad ~klnwlr

In DlWsllc Rata

M.Tariq.S. Al Deeb. K. AI Mctiair”, H A Khan. Neuroscience Research rimu~. Armed Forces HovitaL W 9 r2.6?0. Box 78.97. fliuadh, Saudi Arabia Chronic adminie,radcnti p.fl lmincdiprcpioni,rileiIDPN~. a neurctcxin ,D rats pmduces a persistent behavioral sycdmme characterized by certain dyskinetic movements. 1llPN+,duced dpkinesia has been et. tnbuied to abncrmalilies in neur~lrensminar splem including activa-

is no evidence oiindfpendent yenctc& of this age”,. For a betier undsrsta~~ding of the acliw of rhe drug wetesled ,he possible mutegenie or clastogenic effect ot pan,cx~fyUine ORhuman peripheral &?ohocvles m \i,rc. The number of abemnt cells increased in a dobepehdsnt manner. A delailed analysis of chromoscmal aberrations shows ,hat chramacd type of abervaons prevaled. The experiment showed that pentc#ltVlline has a claslcgenic effen in this testing wstern. The resulls confirm cur previous obsewatlons of a clastogenic effect of lh~s drug in Y 79 ceils. which is pmbaMy CcnsisP of lhe inhi. bnicn cf a new repliccn initialian and DNA chain elongation. 11,sl~mcnwd 0 .?I111. MlMllD” “I1I.322.275,ww ;$words:

pentoxifylline: human peripheral lymphacyles: mutsgenic-

Human Alak Due to Mercury In Paad -Twenty Yews tidy in Poland 1.Szpreng~er-Ju5zkiewicr. De~amnen:clPhamMcc/o~and l-icolcgK

National Velwmery Innirure Pufaw Poland

Summary ~lall~t!c~ of data Irom random sampling studies conducted durq ,97&1990 in Polish laboratories. investfgating :he presence 01 mercury in food, ars presented. Over 16 thousand results obrained by meanscf atomic rbscrptwn spectrcphotomelrywere c&&d. Mean ccnccs:raiicns 1016 kinds of Iwd o, animal and plan, originwere calctdared.Theccmpar~sonofmercunlbvelsin,waccnsecut~vadecades indicates a certain uend of decreasing ifi mercuw concentration in food Based on the results obtained for Ihe Ian decade m ,hlS sludy. dietary imdke cf mercury m Pcland was calculated. Keywords: mercury: ccnlamma,~on: food; dietary Intake; risk ewess. men,

devaopeddyskinesia on 12th day of shady. The ssverih’ d dy&inesii in diabetic rats was also signlcamly less as compared ,c IDPN only treated rats. The treatment of animals with insulin attenuated diabetes lndrrced delay of 1DPNd@kinesia. Suppcrred by Research tr Ethical Committee. AKW. Saudi Arabia.


AaWaolitm of Chlopromcalne (CPZ) In 3T3

J.M. Thorndike. V. Awhcnvpiltai. MN. Moore,, PH. Bach.

Swiss rnousa 3T3fibroblasrs are pariicularlv sensilive IlCec = 10 rhll to CPZ 111Ouan,~tst~vas,mc,ure ec,wi,vrele,icn~h~~ data wasdewed from CPZ analogbee and metabolites u;mg Ihe Uli assay 121Lo mea surs nabilitv. N.Ndimethvl-prawnamine substhuted tricvclics with an unoxidised 6.7.5. Bring or a 6.9 or 7. Ed~hydtcxysubsli,uUcn were cflotcxic 7.BD~hydmxy.CPZ was ,he rnc~t cytotox~c compound IIC, < P pM). Anticxlddnls prctezted cells expcaed M the I& of CPZ. IITcccpheml110 rrM1 increased cells survival by 30%. L-axcrbic acid (10 )I,‘.,) and glu,a,h,ons 110 PM, by 1%20%. but oni~ L.aworb,e a&d