Inhibition of nitrogen fixation in salt marshes measured by acetylene reduction

Inhibition of nitrogen fixation in salt marshes measured by acetylene reduction

Estuarine and COaStal l%fUYi?Ze SCienCe (1974) 2, 301-305 Notes and Discussions Inhibition of Nitrogen Fixation in Salt Marshes Measured by Ac...

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Notes and Discussions Inhibition of Nitrogen Fixation in Salt Marshes Measured by Acetylene Reduction0 Charlene D. Van Raalte,” Ivan Carpenter’ and John M. Teal’




bBoston University Marine Program, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass., 02543 and ‘Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole Mass. 02543, U.S.A. Received 6 February I974

Nitrogen fixation as estimated by acetylene reduction takes place in intertidal sand and mud in salt marshes and is inhibited by additions of nitrogenous compounds such as sewage sludge or urea. Fixers on the marsh use combined nitrogen available from other sources in preference to nitrogen fixation. Marshes can remove substantial amounts of nitrogen from eutrophic waters by this shift in the nitrogen cycle.

Introduction The nitrogen cycle in the marine environment is poorly understood yet is particularly important since nitrogen is a main limiting nutrient (Ryther & Dunstan, 1971; Goldman et al., 1973). Estuarine areas such as salt marshes are being increasingly contaminated with nitrogenous










(Ketchum, 1972). Such enrichments may have effects on the nitrogen cycle. Nitrogen fixation is probably important in salt marshes since nitrogen fixing blue-green algae and bacteria are abundant. The extent of nitrogen fixation in marshes and the effect of enrichment by nitrogenous compounds upon fixation rates is unknown. In laboratory cultures, nitrogen fixation and the abundance of heterocysts in blue-green algae can be reduced by adding nitrogen containing compounds, but the effect of combined nitrogen on fixation measured in the field remains unclear (Fogg, 1949; Dugdale & Dugdale, 1965 ; Stewart, 1969; Horne & Fogg, 1970). We have been conducting a study of the effects of sewage sludge and urea enrichment on Great Sippewissett salt marsh, Massachusetts, since 1971. Within the marsh, there are two habitats where fixers are found. The largest is the surface of the marsh under the grass canopy. Seaward is the blue-green algal mat, a flat expanse over sand and devoid of higher vegetation.

Methods We added fertilizer (IO'& N, 6% P,Os, 4% K,O), made (Kerr-McGee Corp.), every other week to salt marsh plots of drainage ditches in Great Sippewissett Marsh, Cape November during 1972 and 1973, in a high dosage of 25-2 “Contribution








commercially from sewage sludge m in radius located at the head Cod, Massachusetts from May to g/mz/week (HF) and a low dosage IO




C. Van Raalte et al.

of 8.4 g/ms/week (LF). There were two replicate plots for each dosage. Details on the chemical composition of the sludge fertilizer are given elsewhere (Valiela et al., 1973). Two other plots were treated with urea fertilizer (46% N by weight) at a dosage of 5.6 g/m2/week. Nitrogen fixation was measured by acetylene reduction (Stewart, 1971) on triplicate cores (0.5 cm2 x 0.5 cm deep) from each plot. Since the plots were separated by as much as 200 m, there was substantial variability among the parts of the marsh where the plots were located. To account for this variability, triplicate cores were taken 5 to IO m outside of each plot to act as controls. The fertilization effects did not extend beyond the edges of the plots (Valiela & Teal, 1974). After incubation in Is-ml serum bottles for two hours in situ, ethylene production was measured by flame ionization gas chromatography on a Hewlett Packard gas chromatograph with a 0.3 cm x 2.7 m Poropak R column. The moles of ethylene were converted to moles of ammonia using a factor of 1-5 (Stewart et al., 1968). To relate fixation rates to levels of ammonia nitrogen in sediment water, samples of pore water from the top IO cm of marsh sediment were obtained at ebbing tide by removing a core 6 cm in diameter and collecting water percolating into the core hole. The concentration of NH, N was measured by the method of Salorzano (1969). To evaluate the effect of sludge and urea enrichments on nitrogen fixation on the bluegreen algal mat, we established eight I ms plots, two each treated with the sludge fertilizer at the LF and HF dosage, two with the urea dosage and two controls. The plots were located at least 5 m apart to reduce mutual contamination. The sampling and gas chromatographic analysis were identical to those described for the marsh surface.

Results Nitrogen fixation was measured during the summer months of 1972 and 1973 (Tables I and The heterocystous blue-green algae, Cdothrix contarenii and purple photosynthetic bacteria are known fixers and are found in the marsh and mat. The blue-green Lyngbya aesturii also comprises the algal mat and may be a fixer. Fertilization with the high dosage of sewage sludge significantly inhibited nitrogen fixation in the salt marsh surface in both years (Table I). The low level of sludge fertilizer had no clear effects on fixation rates. Fertilization with urea significantly decreased the fixation of nitrogen in 1973. This suggests that the addition of nitrogenous compounds is responsible for the inhibition of nitrogen fixation, rather than being the result of toxic effects from other substances in the sewage fertilizer (Horne & Goldman, 1974). The standard error of the means are substantial, demonstrating the heterogenous distribution of algae (Estrada et al., 1974). The inhibitory effect of combined nitrogen enrichment can also be seen in Figure I which shows the relationship between nitrogen fixation rates and the amount of NH, N in the pore water. We use the O-IO cm sample since preliminary measurements show that there seems to be no consistent gradient in NH, N in the pore water between the surface and a depth of IO cm. High fixation rates may or may not occur at low NH, N concentrations. This may reflect algal response to patchy NH, concentrations at a scale much smaller than that measured in our water samples. Nevertheless, fixation is inhibited as the NH, N concentrations in the pore water increases. The lower fixation rates observed in August 1972 relative to June 1972 (Table I) were probably caused by the increased shading due to grass growth. We have measurements of fixation at midnight compared to mid-day which show that about 98.5% is light dependent 2).




in salt



(unpublished results). Shading by the grass canopy must therefore be of importance determining fixation rates. I. Algal nitrogen fixation in ng of N/cm2/h marsh plots treated with the high (HF) and low fertilizer (U). TABLE


Inside June


106.8k39.3 224’2 192.6


9.2 zt4’3 22.9119’3 100.7i26.3



74.7 f5.6 46.0 zt34.5 X09.0 &60.8 230.0&o 92.0&o


3.8 & 1.6 21.5*1.8 19’6+5’0 3.6f1.2

5.5 NS


28.7k5.6 155.0*86.2 119~of69~0

inside and outside salt dosage of sludge and urea



August 100** 92** 79 NS

“/o Reduction”


100** 100** 30 NS 36 NS

0 0

13.6ho.5 2.3 i 1.3

June 1973



63.2f5.6 23.0&o



186k30.3 121f19.1

“6 Reduction

E* -7oNS -89NS 73** 75"'


-83.9 142’3 zt37.4 78.8 + IO.9

29’9 f23’9 23.418.9 264.6 i 24’9

s”.y* -7oNS

130.6&16.4 463.2k14.9 14.8rk1.9

168.513'7 3'9iO.S

- 23NS 99**





There are two plots under each treatment and three replicate samples taken inside and outside of each plot. The outside samples in each plot are the controls for that specific plot. Double asterisks indicate significance at the 0.01 level of a t test between inside and outside means. Single asterisks indicate significance at the 0.1 level. Non-significance is shown as NS. O-I “O,& reduction computed as = IOO where 0 is the rate for the outside ( 0 1 (control) samples and I is the rate for the experimental samples.

Nitrogen fixation was similarly inhibited in all the fertilized blue-green algal mat plots, including the urea treatments (Table 2). This suggests that here also the inhibition of nitrogen fixation is due to the additions of combined nitrogen in the algal mat as was the case in the marsh surface. The algal mat shows greater susceptibility to the additions of fertilizer, responding even to the LF dosage.

0 NH4N

Figure I. Nitrogen fixation fertilized and control plots.

(pgat/O plotted

in sediment




N concentration

in pore




C. Van Raalte et al.

Discussion The amount of nitrogen fixed seemsto be significant to the vegetation and probably contributesto the high productivity of salt marshes.Taking a rough averagevalue of IOO ng/cm2/h for May-July, we calculate that enough nitrogen is fixed (1.2 g N/m”) to account for the nitrogen contained in maximum standing crops in the unfertilized plots (1-5 g N/m2) (Valiela & Teal, 1974). 2. Algal nitrogen fixation in ng of N/cm*/h (.?&s.E.) in two replicate plots in the blue-green algal mat treated with a high (HF) and low (LF) dosage of sludge and urea (U) fertilizers as compared to control plots.


Treatment May



ng of N/cme/h

0h Reduction” 100**



LF U Control July


HF LF U Control

6.39 lo.62 Ij~Io~6~08 19.80f6.64 5’07 k2.27 7I.go-cs.67 86.90 f2.36 2.17io.04 2’57 ho’70 3’09iO.40 3’52*0’1 I 2.57 fo.08 2.40 ho.20 4.4’30 ho,80 33.56*I.o9o

Double asterisks indicate significance means at the 0.01 level. Single asterisk

91** 81* 75* 93** 94* 93* 92* 9I* 93* 94* -

of a 1 test between indicates significance

treatment at the 0.1

and control level.

‘Seefootnoteto Table I. Even though nitrogen fixation is lowered in the fertilized plots, measurementsof chlorophyll, algal productivity and bacterial oxygen uptake show that there is no decreasein algal photosynthesisor bacterial respiration (Estrada et al., 1974; Van Raalteet al., in preparation; Teal et al., in preparation). This must mean that the micro-organismsare finding other nitrogen sources,perhapsobtaining nitrogen directly from the added fertilizer. Through the use of fertilizer nitrogen, the bacteria and algaewould avoid the energy-requiring fixation processesand still achieve growth rates asgreat or greater than those obtained with fixation asthe main nitrogen source. The ability of salt marshmicro-organismsto usevaried sourcesof combined nitrogen may be involved in making salt marsheseffective removers of nitrogen from coastal waters (Valiela et al., 1973). Additions of combined nitrogen, such as may occur through sewage contamination, may therefore change the structure of the nitrogen cycle in a salt marsh environment, replacing nitrogen fixation as a nitrogen input. This work was supported by NSF Grants GA-28365, GA-29272, GU-3846 and GA-37993. N. Corwin performedthe NH, N Analysis. S. Golubic helped to identify the blue-greenalgae, K. Bums provided help with the gas chromatographic analysis, and K. Smith reviewed the manuscript.




in salt



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