356 Fellow of the Royal College of Sur. dent, for with drugs, in the literal sense: of the word, they had nothing to do, geons, Edinburgh. By noticing this comtherefore his practical acquaintance withmunication as early as- possible, you will them would avail him nothing. oblige your obedient servant, I am, Sir, JOHN MACFARLANE. A PUPIL. Hutton Rudley, May 23, 1834.
University, May 24,1834. INJURIES CAUSED BY AN ALLEGED
To the Editor
SIR,—As you have always endeavoured, the medium of your Journal, to through To the Editor of THE LANCET. I send you expose and abolish STR,--The subjoined is submitted to the following cases for insertion. I have your attention and reprobation, because it the honour to remain, Sir, yours, very redisplays the folly and ungenerous spirit spectfully, WILLIAM WALTHEW, which actuates some men when dressed in Mem. Roy. Liccn. of Rov. Coll. Surg., and Licen. a little brief authority. Your obedient Apoth. Hall. London. Apoth. Hatl, servant, 1834. A CONSTANT READER. ’, Holyhead, May 22nd, King’s Road Chelsea, May 22, 1834. An old woman to
j belonging this parish, of the medical officers and a patient of mine, whom I knew to be of the Clielsea, Brompton, and Belgrave Dis- hypochondriacal, applied to me to have pensary, at the Dispensary House, May what she called a " wild wart" extracted 14th, 1834, present, Dr. Boyton, in the from the side of her nose. I examined chair, and Messrs. Woolley, Bowden, the nose and face minntely, without deand Dickinson, it was resolved unani- tecting the least change of structure, or mously,That it is the opinion of the any cause for her fancy. The symptoms medical officers, that no gentleman should dwelt only in the old woman’s imagina. henceforth be admitted as a candidate for tion. She said that it sometimes suddenly the vacant office of apothecary and secre- showed its head by the side of her nose, tary to this institution, who has not ob- and that when she tried to grasp it with tained a license to practise from the So- her finger and thumb, it would instantly ciety of Apothecaries, which is the legal run back, but that one morning she was and best proof of his possessing the neces- beforehand with it, and just caught its sary knowledge for performing the duties tip, since which it has never appeared, but of the office.’ seemed to be enraged at the treatment it " W. M. BOYTON, Chairman. had experienced, ever since’ poking her "I perfectly agree with the above reso- nose from side to side, and dragging at JOHN PERRY." lution. face like so many fiends. It also often got to the crown of her head, and We need not reprobate. The resoannoyed her exceedingly. I could lution is self-reprobating.-ED. L. not, although I saw her often, reaSOH this false impression; however, " At
there away I
promised if she would come to me whenever the wart made its appearance CARIES’ COMPANY. again, I would cure her. A short time after this, I was informed that she had gone to a man in the neighTo the Editor of THE LANCET. bourhood of Slangefni, eighteen miles di8SIR,—I have just received THE LAN- tant, who was famed for curing cancer. CET for May 3rd, and beg leave to correct otis diseases. This man or ignoa mistake into which your Yorkshire cor- rantly coincided with her whims, and set respondent has fallen, viz., that I was adtreating her, but in the most barba. mitted for examination at Apothecaries’ rous manner. From what I can learn, he a paste made with some powerful Hall, London, on the strength of my Edinburgh diploma, without agi indenture of (perhaps potassa fusa) across apprenticeship. My Edinburgh diploma the bridge of her nose, which caused the was received at the Hall, instead of the healthy skin covering that part to slough course of study ordered in the regulations away, and which he persuaded the old ef the Company; but I also served an ap- woman was the wart. At this she was prenticeship of five years to H. Johnson, notwithstamling all she had sufMR. MACFARLANE AND THE APOTHE-
escharotic rejoiced,
properties of the method nor arrangement as to the apnow safely de- pointed time for the performance of opeher was tormenter paste ; a tea-cup, well salted, for in- rations generally, each surgeon operating posited inand in this state I saw it on her when most convenient to himself. This spection, return home; her mind, after this, for a has arisen from a want of unanimity short time only was at ease, for she fan- and common courtesy existing between cied some of the roots of the wart still re- the surgeons, and the indifference they mained. Accordingly, back she went to show to the pupils generally. To correct the man, and now has returned a second this inconvenience, I would suggest that time most inhumanly treated. The carti- the surgeons should not allow their prilages of her nose are destroyed, portions vate feelings to operate against their puof the nasal processes of the superior max- pils’ advantage, and that the latter should illary bones have exfoliated, the skin and be more attentive to the hospital pracmuscles of the face up to the lower eye-tice, and not absent themselves from the lids are eaten away, and she has become,, hospital during the stated attendance of from being a good-looking old woman, athe former. Hoping these hints may be most frightful object, a living monumentuseful, 1 am, Sir, yours very obediently, of the butchery of a man who will most SPECTATOR. probably escape unpunished, as she isLondon Hospital, May 19, 1834. poor and friendless. The second case is that of a woman in a more comfortable station of life, who was GUY’S HOSPITAL. induced, through the celebrity the man fered from the burning
had gained by the former case, to become his patient! She also consulted me, but TUESDAY last, the 27th, was a. " field was not satisfied, because I said her com" at this hospital. Four operations that it was not and was malignant, plaint an inflammation of the bones of her nose, were performed in the theatre, three of of which she would get well by taking. which were justly named " capital operaproper medicines. She has returned, a tions." There were present, besides the attached to the hospital, many similar object to the former, the ala nasil on one side completely destroyed, the car-students from St. Bartholomew’s, and tilages of the nose injured, and her face; some from the London University. LIGATURE OF FEMORAL ARTERY.—The very much disfigured. She has since been my patient, and is now getting well by first operation, that of tying the right taking sarsaparilla and alterative doses of femoral artery for popliteal aneurysm, was mercury. performed by Mr. MORGAN, on Joseph This showed herself the other Tomkins, a middle-aged man, who was day to Mr. Kirby of Dublin, who was sur- admitted into Naaman’s Ward on Friday prised that she should allow herself to be last. According to the man’s account che treated so barbarously, and took pains to tumour has not been forming longer than convince her of her error. She also pre- nine but at the present time it has sented herself to Mr. Corbett, of the same attained a considerable size. The operaplace, who considered it a case of noli me tion was performed in the usual manner, tangere, barbarously treated. It was natu- at about the middle third of the thigh, the ral enough, upon seeing her extensive’ first incision being about three inches in and guided by the inner edge of scars, for Mr. Corbett to fancy something had been the matter with the skin or other the sartorius muscle. The artery was parts of her nose, to account in some way exposed and secured. No dressfor the treatment she had undergone ; I was placed on the wound whilst the ing can, however, positively state that there ! patient was in the theatre, that step being was no cutaneous affection whatever, but deferred till he had been some little time merely pain in the bones of her nose, and his ward. On visiting him some few that not severe. hours after the operation, wefound that he had dosed for some short space of time, and that he was tolerably free from pain; and skin moist, but he exIRREGULARITIES AT THE LONDON HOS- pulse good PITAL.—To the Editor of THE LANCET.— pressed a feeling of faintness. LITHOTOMY.—The second operation Sir, The notices of the irregularities of the London Hospital Surgical Officers has, I was for stone, on a child about four years think, occupied more space in your truly of age, performed also by Mr. MORGAN. valuable columns than was necessary. The with much skill, and completed in about fact is, that since the death of Mr. Head- half a minute. Mr. MORGAN, as is his ington, there has been observed neither usual practice, used the curved staff and