44 you drive off the water of crystallisation, 1808, the disease disappeared. In some and they become of a green or blue colour, dogs, the complaint ...

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you drive off the water of crystallisation, 1808, the disease disappeared. In some and they become of a green or blue colour, dogs, the complaint made its appearance

on being again dissolved, they acquire twice ; but a bite from the animal with the red colour, and weak solutions of their second attack, was not followed by any salts are therefore employed for sympathetic serious consequences.—Zeits. ton Henke. inks. In the next Lecture, we shall go through HYDROPHOBIA. several of the metals of little importance, Doctor Barbantini,* of Lucques, re. and enter on the history of arsenic. lates a case of hydrophobia, which de. serves being noticed. A person was bitten his at which he was very much dog, by alarmed ; and the alarm was increased, by the circumstance of the dog not being afterFOREIGN DEPARTMENT. wards seen. The disease made its appearance, and for four days the patient could On the HEMIPLEGIA TREATED BY THE ALCOHOLIC neither swallow fluids nor solids. ninth day, the dog returned in perfect EXTRACT OF NUX VOMICA.* when it was immediately let into the ROSA BArFon, æt. 56, had experienced health, of its master, whom he caressbed-chamber fifteen years before, during her pregnancy ed as usual. From that moment, the hydroan attack of apoplexy, of which she hac phobic gradually disappeared.symptoms been nearly cured, a slight impediment onl) Ibid. of the speech remaining. In the month o. August, 1824, she had a fresh and mort TABLES OF MORTALITY. violent attack. Dr. Chiavelli employed, for 0 dire has been lately engaged in msome time, the antiphlogistic plan of treatment, under which the symptoms diminished; vestigations on the average duration of life but, at last, an incomplete hemiplegia of the in Geneva, all of which show a gradual exleft side remained. The arm was completely tensionof the period. The inquiries of paralysed, but the leg could be moved in a M. Odier go as far back as 1.560, and may slight degree. M. Chiavelli proposed trying be fully relied on. From 1560 to 1600, the the strychnine, which is considered by M. average duration of life was eighteen years Magendie to possess a peculiar influence on and five months ; from 1600 to 1700, it was the spinal marrow. On account of the de- twenty-three years and four months; from bilitated state of the patient, M. Chiatime, the period became gradually velli was unwilling to employ the pure longer ; and, from 1815 to 1826, the average strychnine, and only ventured on the alco- was thirty-eight years and ten months.holic extract of nux vomica, which was at Bibioth. Univer. de Genev. t. xxxvi. 36.1827. first administered in half grain doses, and afterwards given in one and two grain DERANGEMENT OF THE CIRCULATION. doses, morning and evening. The mediIn addition to the physical and moral cine, at first, caused considerable excitement and disturbance of the system; these causes which are acknowledged to produce symptoms, however, soon disappeared, and derangement of the circulation, M. Broussais under the use of the remedy, the patient mentions certain morbid phenomena which completely recovered. appear to exert a peculiar influence on the circulating apparatus ; these are reddened HYDROPHOBIA. and inflammatory appearances of the bloodIn no part of South America, says M. vessels, which are observed in some persons after death, particularly those who have died Unaneu, in his topography of Lima, was of eruptive diseases ; as small-pox, measles, It known. hydrophobia formerly appeared, &c.—Annal. de la Med. Physioloe. Oct. 1827. of for the first time, in the summer 1804, to the north of Peru, during an excessive heat, INOCULATION OF THE PLAGUE.† on which occasion Fahrenheit’s thermometer The consul-general of Sweden, at Tanger, was sometimes at 99-"’; nearly all the aniJ. Graberg, in a communication which mals were seized with madness, especially sent on the 10th of August, 1819, to the dogs. It was only in 1807, that it appeared in the capital: in the town of Jea, forty-two College of Health, of Stockholm, that the Spanish physician, Sarnfiiio persons died of the bites of rabid dogs. On the north coast, the disease developed itself who has resided there from the comspontaneously in several individuals. In







Royal states,

i Sola, *


Giorni Orit. di Med. Anclitica. Milano.




T. x. Giornale di Fisica, Chimia, &c. Zeitsch. für die Staatsarz: 6e Jarg.

Heft. p. 224.


mencement of the

plague, has inoculated, wards your professional bretliren has borne permission of the government, the character of dignified moderation. some Spanish deserters, with the pus from To your learning, perspicuous examjnae pestilential buboes, mixed with an equal tions, and mild authority, we have hitherto quantity of olive oil. The pus was taken trusted for the creation of our metropolitan from those persons who had the most severe physicians ; and in these deliberations conattacks of the plague : fourteen individuals cerning the fitness of a candidate, you have were inoculated with twelve punctures in the body of censors the generous assisteach of the lancet. In eight out of nine, ance of a council. But with surprise I find four incisions, two inches in length, were you have a competitor, an iatropoietic rival, made with a knife, and olive oil, mixed with a man of a different cloth ; a spiritual nosopus, was injected into them. In seven of logist, who, by some mysterious afflatus, can these cases, not the least trace, not even local instantaneously blast a man-midwife into a or general symptoms were observable ; in the doctor. Are these metamorphoses, which the seven others, between the fourth and tenth hour after the inoculation, a few trifling wand of Harlequin would have disdained, to symptoms were obseived, viz. in three, a be legitimately incorporated with the consmall pustule in the groin ; in one, a car- versions of an ecclesiastical primate ? buncle at the spot of inoculation ; in three Having commenced with this uteroothers, general symptoms, and great irrita- astrictus, may not the same prelate extend bility around the incisions. They were the like discrimination and favour to others ; confined in a room, and as the symptoms and proceed to dub his tooth-drawer, his began to appear, olive oil was administered chiropodist, or the " callidus aliptes," that internally, and employed externally. All shampoos his Grace?No class of men unthe patients enjoyed very good health, with- derstand better the value of learning than out the use of any other means, the greater the clergy ; it is the great instrument by number in twenty-four hours, and the re- which they have been advanced to temporal mainder in a very short time. distinctions, and to their contingent emolu. ments. The whole of the existing bench of with the


bishops have been educated at Oxford or Cambridge, and they feel reluctant in or(POLYGALA SENEGA, L.)* as present themselves from M. Giacomo Folchi, professor of materia daiiiiiio- such other universities. The College of Physimedica at Rome, has been lately engaged cians insist on a residence at certain uni. in examining the component parts of the versities, and a diploma, before remedy. He has found the root of polvgala they will proceed previous to the examination of a of Virginia, to be composed of a thick oil, in candidate. Why then should the mitre, in part volatile, of free gallic acid, acrid mat- defiance of these wholesome establishments, a small ter, yellow colouring matter, portion an unrepealed abuse, an obsolete of wax, extractive gum, an azotic matter interpose remnant of monkish fraud and imposture, similar to gluten, and ligneous fibre ; of the to sanction a on the subcarbonate, sulphate, and muriate, of health of his probable depredation UnMajesty’s loyal subjects? potass ; of the caibonate, sulplinte, and of der the act of toleration, any miserable fanaa small portion of the phosphate, of lime ; tic or canting hypocrite, may purchase at of the carbonates of magnesia, iron, and CHEMICAL



the quarter- sessions, for his, the title of a licensed teacher, and infest the liighways and hedges, or the 11âns of a


fillien theatre, with his rant and denunciations ; but the alchbishop does not countenance these extravagancies and profllna-


Conjectures on the Process, by which the Arch. bishop of Canterbury creates u Ductar 0/’ ]}/e.


dicine; addressed



tions of his own craft. Why then should his Grace

honourable profession, by tearingdegrade

Y HA LFORD, fences that



down the

entrance to the


oppose Royal College of Physicians. Why should the public health SIR,-The high professional rank, and be endangered by the introduction of such the law has disqualified? The Archbishop distinguished situation you so deservedly as is aware that his formidable and dele-




qualified ?

me to address you on the pre. occasion. Since your elevation to the chair, you have exhibited a very pure specimen of classical composition’; your urbanity has been proverbial, and your conduct to-

hold, induce



Bibliotheca Ital. Milano, Octobre,


terious power cannot constitute a surgeonhe is unable to appoint any of his retainers a member of the Company of A pothpcaries-he is incapable even in the city of Canterbury, in the soil of his own domination, of setting up a barber, with the prurient emblems of 1827. the long pole, and the phlebotomising gar-