Inorganic constituents of coal and their impact on coal quality

Inorganic constituents of coal and their impact on coal quality

01 Solid fuels (sources, winning, properties) 95tQ2260 Dynamic detection of a phase transltlon for llllnols rldine by nuclear magnetic resonance l...

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Solid fuels (sources,

winning, properties)


Dynamic detection of a phase transltlon for llllnols rldine by nuclear magnetic resonance lmaglng ~~F;lpo,“,‘,‘“,R;6,Zdl?l~~ spectroscopy

95102268 The Impact of mineral matter In coal on Its combustion, and a new approach to the determination of the caloriflc value of coal

Hou, L. ef al., Energy & Fuels, Jan.-Feb. 1995, 9, (l), 84-89. An Illinois No. 6 coal preswollen in yridine was allowed to undergo slow deswelling by solvent evaporation. R e process was monitored by NMR and NMRI techniques in order to better understand coal’s macromolecular structure and mobility of solvent within the coal. Pyridine concentration profiles and spin-spin relaxation times measured by conventional ‘H NMR suggest that pyridine diffusion in the coal network during the initial stages of the deswelling process is Fickian and that the pyridine exists within two regimes of molecular mobility. NMR imaging perpendicular to and parallel to the coal bedding plane shows that the deswelling process follows nearly isotropic behaviour.

Shirazi, A. R. et al., Fuel, Feb. 1995, 74, (2), 247-251. To estimate the influence of mineral matter in coal on coal combustion, fluidized bed combustion and pulverized coal combustion were simulated by simple models. The theoretical calorific values of some hypothetical coals of different rank and mineral matter content were calculated. The calculated calorific values of coals tend to decrease with increasing mineral matter content. This is due to endothermic reactions of decomposition of the mineral matter as well as the heat capacities of such minerals. The resulting combustion energy loss can be very large. A new approach to the calculation of the calorific value of coals is also prepared.

The influence of geoloalcal factors on the concentratlon of boron In AustralIanand Canadian coals


95102261 Earthquake-Induced floodlng of a tro lcal coastal peat swamp: A modern analog for hlgh-sulfur coa P87 Phillips, S. et al.,


1994, 22, (lo), 929-932.

Estimating the combustlblllty of varlous coals by Chen, Y. et al., Energy & Fuels, Jan.-Feb. 1995, 9, (l), 71-74. To estimate the combustibility of 12 different coals involving anthracite, bituminous, and lignite, experiments of the coal combustion were carried out by usmg thermogravimetry (TG) and differential thermal analysis (DTA). High-reactivity combustibles region and low-reactivity wmbustibles region were observed during coal char combustion process. Also, two reaction rate constants (k, ad k3 for these two combustibles were determined. The value of the reaction rate wnstant of the low-reactivity combustibles (k3 is much smaller than that of the high-reactivity wmbustables (k,) in each coal and also k, shows lower temperature dependence. These are reasons why 5-101 unburned carbon remains in the ash discharged from most of the coal-fired power plants. The ignition temperature increases with decreasing volatile matter content of coal.

Extractable and bound fatty acids In core sedlments from the Nordllnger Rles, southern Germany

Goodarzi, F. and Swaine, D. J. Chem. GeoL, 1994, 118, (1), 301-318. Variations of B with ash wntent for Canadian coals of different age (Devonian to Oligocene-Ecocene) indicate that the B content of coals is not governed by the age of the coal. There is some evidence of variation of B with maceral wntent in Canadian coals, particularly as related to the inertinite and vitrinite content of coals. The B content of coal seams is sensitive to the environment of deposition, with B contents remaining relatively stable and within the range of values designated for each depositional setting. However, B values may show variation in the same seam laterally due to changes of the environment of deposition and/or the enrichment of B by a secondary source. Assessments are given for the degree of marine influence on Canadian and Australian coals. 95102270

Inorganic constituents of coal and thelr Impact on

coal quallty Goodarzi, F. CIM Bull., 1994, 87, (983), 46-56. Discusses the nature and distribution of the inorganic components and the concentration of certain environmentally sensitive elements! such as, As, Sb,.B, Br, Cd, Cl, F, MO, Pb, S, and Se, or elements detnmental to the utihzation by industry such as B, Na, P, and S are very important in determining coal quality.


Barakat, A. 0. and Rullkotter, J. Fuel, Mar. 1995, 74, (3), 416-425. Gas chromatography (g.c.) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (8.c.-m.s.) analyses of fatty acids directly extracted by organic solvents from five sulphur-rich lacustrine sediments in the Nordlinger Ries wmprise several homologous series. The results are discussed in terms of qualitative and quantitative variations of the fatty acids in the free and hound lipid fractions.


lrregularltles of methane emission Into degaslflca-

tlon wells Lavrik, V. G. IN. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved Corn. Zh., 1994, (3), 77-81. (In Russian) Describes the development of a mathematical model for the total methane release from all degassing wells of walfields. 95102272

Is elemental sulfur responsible for high sulfur

coal? 95102264 In0 of coal

Foam-gel stemming of boreholes In open-plt mln-

Ganov, I. B. Ugol’, 1994, (2). 44-46. (In Russian) Examines the use of foam-gel stemting of boreholes to suppress discharge of dust and toxic gases. Inlaboratory experiments, the foain gel was preared from waterglass, CaCl, coagulation agent, and PO-1 foaming agent. stemming instead of sand and gravel was e lse of the foam-gel recommended.


Generalized model of the structure of organic mat-

ter of coals Gyul’maliev, A. M. ef al., Khim. Tverd Topl. (Moscow), 1994, (4), 14-27. (1n Russian). A generalized model is proposed for the structure and properties of coal organic matter on the basis of literature data. Describes basic structural characteristics during metamorphism and is used to interpret coal reactivity during thermal conversion.

Baruah, M. K. Fuel Process. Technol., 1994, 40, (l), 97-100. Discusses the hypothesis for incorporation of elemental sulphur in organic ._ matter.

Mater and trace-element compositlon of the mlnera1 components of coals and overburden rocks of the Vostslbugol Productlon Assoclatlon


Shpirt, M. Y. etal., Khim. Tverd. Topl. (Moscow), 1994, (4), 169-176. (In Russian) The elemental and mineral compositions of mineral coal matter and overburden rocks and 21 toxic or potentially toxic elements are determined for coal deposits in the Irkutsk Basin and the Baikal Region. 95102274

Mathematical model of methane transport In coal

seam Zhang, G. et al., Congqing Dame Xuebao, 1994, 17, (4), 53-57. (In Chinese) A study on the effects of ground stress and ground electric field on methane transport in coal seams.


Geochemlcal characterlstlcs of brown coal from Nlanzlpln mine, Qlnzhou, Guangxl-blomarker assemblages of allphatlc Bractlon

Zeng, F. et al., Diqiu Huuxue, 1994, 23, (3), 300-308. (In Chinese) The brown coal is liotinite-rich humic type with R, = 0.44%. The liptinite principally consists bf liptodetrinite, and-the total abundance of hydrocarbon is as high as 23736 X 1O6. Affinity to ‘sapropelic’ organic matter is indicated by pyrolytic parameters. A high proportion of hydrogen-rich component and the hydrogen index suggest that the brown coal is a favourable hydrocarbon source rock.

Geochemlcal dlstrlbutlon of metallic elements In 95102267 the mlneral matter of Brazillan coals Teixeira. E. C. et al.. Environ. TechnoZ.. 1994. 15. (10). 989-996. Describds a studv of ihe Co. Du. Pb. Ni. er. Mn and tie I& mineral matter of’ coals of southern Brazil. The &id p&p& is to provide data for estimation of the potential mobility of these metals in aquatic and atmopheric environmenis due to coal usk. Five-step sequential extractions [e.g. by A. Tessier et al. (1979)] were used.

Maturatlon and bulk chemical propertles of a suite of solld hydrocarbons


Landis, C. R. and Castano, J. R. Org. Geochem., 1995, 22, (I), 137-149. Discusses the strong correlations of solid hydrocarbon reflectance (SHR,) to vitrinite reflectance and bulk geochemical properties (aromaticity, T,,, *, WC, etc). These correlations suggest that, like kerogen m coals and se&mentary rocks, solid hydrocarbons vary systematically during maturation. As a consequence, SHR, is especially useful as a maturity indicator in rocks lacking vitrinite, such as pre-Devonian rocks and many organic-rich marine rocks.

95102276 Bulaarla

Mineralogy and geochemistry of Bobov Dol coals,

Vaszlev. S. V. et al.. Int. J. Coal Geol.. 1994. 26. (3). 185-214. A study ‘of the mineralogy, elemental w&osidon,‘&d’modes of occurrence of 49 elements in rune composite samples of Bobov Do1 high-ash coals by optical microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffractometry and chemical analysis.

Fuel and Energy Abstracts May 1995