539 On the first day in hospital he expectorated about a pint of pus. The expectoration rapidly CHILDREN. diminished and ceased in a week. The pus It conDr. Alexander Arnfinsenhas tested 80 school was creamy and of a putrid odour. children between 6 and 18 years of age at tained colon bacilli and streptococci in abundance. Trondhjem, in Norway, with von Pirquet’s reaction, Recovery quickly took place. Evidently the attack and found that it was positive in only 37’8 per cent. of abdominal pain indicated gastric perforation, Although Trondhjem is an old city, tuberculosis which was followed by subphrenic abscess, and until comparatively recently was almost unknown finally by perforation of the lung. The complete there. The surrounding country, from which the evacuation of the abscess led to recovery. In gastric city partly draws its population, had been relatively perforation producing subphrenic abscess the pus protected from infection up to 1850, when the con- usually accumulates rapidly and the symptoms are struction of railways and good highroads brought very acute. There is often sudden severe pain in about a change in the situation. In spite of the the epigastrium or hypochondrium radiating to the low percentage of the tuberculin test, the mortality shoulders with dyspnoea due to pressure on the from tuberculosis is higher at Trondhjem than in diaphragm. There are usually vomiting, hiccough other Norwegian cities. The writer, therefore, and weakness, and acceleration of the pulse. Fever, suggests that the greater the dissemination of with chills and sweating, is not uncommon. Dr. tuberculous infection the lower is the mortality Friedenwald could find recorded only four casesfrom the disease owing to the population having all German-in which perforation of a gastric ulcer acquired a relative immunity. The state of was followed by rupture through the lung. nutrition of the children is very good, probably owing to the fact that 82 per cent. had been breastINTELLIGENCE TESTS. fed up to the age of 3 months or more. Children IT was announced some months ago that the from tuberculous homes showed a positive cuti- I reaction in 68 and 64 per cent. for boys and girls authorities of Columbia College, New York, had resolved to replace their matriculation examination respectively. from July last by a series of psychological tests for the selection of those candidates for admission who PERFORATION OF THE LUNG A SEQUEL OF could profit most by a University course of study. PERFORATION OF THE STOMACH. For many years past the utility of special mental IN the Anierican Journat of the Medical Sciences tests has been gaining increasing recognition. for August,Dr. J. Friedenwald has reported a very Their value was finally established during the war, rare sequel of gastric perforation-subphrenic and nowhere so conclusively as in the United A man, States abscess perforating through the lung. Army, in which they were applied to about aged 51 years, was seen in consultation. He com- one and a half million recruits. A brief report of the plained of gastric symptoms for 35 years, mainly methods adopted for measuring intelligence by these fullness after meals and belching. For the past eight Army mental tests has now been issued from the or ten years there were periodic attacks lasting Government Press,Washington, showing also some of three or four weeks to several months, characterised the results obtained and the practical applications by pain in the stomach appearing two hours after secured. Men of too low-grade intelligence were meals, and relieved by soda and rest. Pyrosis and rejected, while those of superior intelligence were hunger pain frequently occurred. He vomited at considered for advancement, the most suitable times, but there was no history of haematemesis or being selected for special training or for specific melaena. After an attack lasting some weeks Army duties. On the basis of these tests endeavours he was seized with agonising pain in the were made to provide each unit (save in certain upper abdomen requiring injections of morphine. arms of the Service) with its proportion of superior, The abdomen was distended and there was a tender average, and inferior men, instead of leaving the epigastric area. Next day there was dull pain in proportion to chance. In this way were formed the left kidney region which radiated towards the units of uniform mental strength which could be epigastrium. The pain lasted ten days, and was trained at a uniform rate. Intelligence, of course, accompanied by a temperature ranging from 101° to is only one of the factors in military efficiency, but 1030 F. Cough and hiccough developed and purulent it is probably the most important single factor. expectoration followed. During the first day he The results obtained from intelligence tests and expectorated about a quart of pus. When the from other mental tests by the United States Army expectoration began the temperature and pain and by our own Admiralty during the war are clear diminished. He was admitted to hospital. On indications of their future value in the work of examination he was thin and pale. The tongue human selection and vocational guidance. was coated, and there marked pyorrhoea was alveolaris. In the chest only some impairment of ANTHROPOLOGY AS AN IMPERIAL STUDY. the percussion note in the region of the right could was be detected. Auscultation scapula THE Mackie Anthropological Expedition to negative. The abdomen was somewhat distended. Uganda, postponed for obvious reasons on the and the recti were spastic. There was a tender outbreak of the war, is now to get to work. area in the epigastrium and left lumbar region, over Under the direction of the Royal Society, the which was a burn caused by hot applications. The mission will be in the personal charge of the liver extended a finger-breadth below the costal Rev. John whose thorough acquaintance Roscoe, margin. X ray examination showed a high stomach with the subject and long residence in Uganda as with rapid expulsion and defect at the pyloroa missionary, constitute exceptional qualifications. duodenal junction (revealing an ulcer), dilatation The original idea was that the Colonial Office of the bronchi, and cloudy infiltration below should finance the scheme, but Mr. Lewis the right clavicle. The temperature was 100°. not did full TUBERCULOUS INFECTION
1 Norsk
Laegevidenskaben, 1919, lxxx., 508-530.
Accordingly, Mr.
Jeffrey Mackie, of