The Vienna range of computer and office information systems recently announced by Northern Telecom is designed to provide full integration of industry standard communications, commercial data processing, personal computing and applications portability. The family comprises three shared-resource computers, a multifunction terminal available at four different levels of capability, and a range of peripherals. Vienna is based on an openended systems architecture. Systems can be added to in order to accommodate new features and facilities. Northern Telecom Data Systems has adopted Intel iAPX 186 and iAPX 286 processors, and a twin MS-DOS/XENIX standard in operating systems. The central processor is built around the Intel iAPX 286 processor and includes a high-speed dual ported memory and data bus. Up to 2 Mbyte of addressable memory is currently available, with plans to extend to 8 Mbyte over the next 12 years. The operating system, Microsoft's
Xenix, is ported directly to the processor, and has several features such as on-chip memory management and instruction prefectching and caching facilities. High-speed communications are handled by a dedicated processor based on an Intel 8088 and running its own real-time operating system, iRMX. In monolithic computer architecture systems, Xenix has to compete for resources with communications. By offloading the communications function from the central processor, Vienna is able to provide fast throughput without compromising either Xenix or the high-speed communications. Via the 8088-based emulator, industry standard high-speed protocols are supported with up to nine operating concurrently on the largest SRC. The system can handle IBM BSC protocols 2780/ 3780, HASPMLV and 3270, as well as IBM SNA 3274 PU2 and 3776 SLU and MLU communications. Also supported are public networking protocols X.25/X.29, Teletex and X.21. Vienna also
supports local area networks under Ethernet via its dedicated Ethernet controller. Terminal input/output is handled over a high-speed RS422 100 kbit/s channel or via the standard RS232 for remote terminal support. The terminal controller in the SRC is based on an iAPX 80188 processor accommodating up to eight interfaces for intelligent terminals, terminal computers, terminal systems and printers in any combination. Up to four terminal controllers can be incorporated in the largest SRC. An Ethernet controller and two high-speed communications controllers (giving 4 channels) a r e available, plus 16 terminal interfaces. A twin DM80 150Mb disc drive is optional. Vienna supports software to accommodate a range of business applications. Xenix, MS-DOS, full ANSI Level II COBOL and graphics (GW-BASIC) are available on the systems, which are fully compatible with 3274 SNA, X.25, Ethernet and Teletex protocols. In addition, Vienna can handle word processing, spreadsheet, electronic messaging and business graphics. (Northern Telecom Data Systems, Data House, Arden Grove, Harpenden, Hefts. AL5 4UD, UK. Tel: 05827 63161) []
Intelligent typewriters
the hardware and software of the basic ETV 300. Extra storage is added in the form of two 1 Mbyte floppy disc drives, an implementation of the CP/M operating system and extended word processing and house-keeping software. Peripherals such as an external keypad and fast printer are also available. The Multinet 1000 is upgradable into a fully networked office automation system (the Multinet 3000 system) linking into a central processing unit with over 70 Mbyte of storage. Multinet 3000 is supplied with Mailbox electronic mail and centralized communications, which enable each screen to send messages to any of the other screens and
access data stored on other mainframes and minicomputers. Multinet also links to other Wordnet products. The networking system also gives extra private storage for each user in addition to their local storage, plus shared resources and functionality. Housekeeping facilities allow back up from hard disc or an integral tapestreamer, and centralized printing and queueing is achieved with the attachment of fast daisywheel or dot matrix printers to serve individual needs or to act as a shared resource. (Wordnet International Ltd., Gillingham House, 38-44 Gillingham Street, London SW1, UK. TeL : 01 630 5357) []
Integrated office information systems
Wordnet International has announced an office automation system, Multinet, which allows users to upgrade a typewriter into an intelligent interactive workstation, as part of a fully automated electronic office. Muitinet is based on an enhanced version of the Olivetti ETV 300 electronic typewriter. The Multinet 1000 stand alone system combines the facilities of a personal computer and enhanced word processing. Wordnet have upgraded both
vol 7 no 3 june 1984