INTERACTING BOSONS A N D THE PROPERTIES OF LIQUID 4 He K. M. KHANNA, B. K. DAS and O. P. SINHA Department of Applied Physics, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, Bihar, India
Received 10 January 1974
Synopsis The properties of a system of bosons interacting through a repulsive core followed by the combination of repulsive and attractive gaussian potentials have been studied using the reaction matrix and Green-function methods. The properties studied are the ground-state energy per particle (Eo/N), the transition temperature (Tc), the excitation energy (Ek) and the structure factor (Sk). These properties are quite similar to those observed for liquid 4 He below the lambda-transition temperature. It is emphatically brought out that the net 4 He_4 He interaction potential is very weak but repulsive.
1. Introduction. Recently I ) we have studied the properties of a system of bosons interacting through a repulsive core followed by the combination of repulsive and attractive gaussian potentials. For the first time, we have been able to predict the energy excitation spectrum of a system o f interacting bosons, which agrees almost exactly with the experimental energy excitation spectrum of liquid 4 He as obtained by Henshaw and Woods 2). To establish the suitability of the potential, we feel that it is necessary to perform some more calculations in order to see if it can also predict other properties o f liquid 4 He. Many theoretical physicists have studied the properties o f dilute Bose systems with special reference to liquid 4 He. In most o f the earlier work along this line a purely repulsive interaction between the bosons a- 13) was assumed. Lee et al. 4) studied the low-temperature equilibrium properties of a dilute Bose system of hard spheres by the pseudopotential m e t h o d 3). Luban and Grobman 9) studied the Bose-Einstein phase transition of an interacting system assuming that the particles interact through a central repulsive two-body potential. Goble and Trainor 11 ) studied the Bose system using a hard-core type interaction and the methods o f Brueckner and Sawada 14) and Parry and Ter Haar is ). Following L o n d o n 16 ), and using the basic assumptions made by Lee et al. 4), Khanna 12 ) calculated 137
the normal-superfluid phase-transition temperature. Khanna and Phukan in another paper ~3) studied the thermodynamic properties of a dilute hard-sphere Bose gas. Although all these calculations with a hard-core potential only, gave a good deal of insight into the properties of liquid 4 He, the introduction of an attractive tail to study the properties of liquid 4 He was also quite tempting. Huang ~ ) studied the properties of bosons by adding an attractive tail to the repulsive potential by using the pseudopotential method. To account for the liquid state the existence of an attractive tail was considered necessary. No rigorous work had been done so far with this motivation, till Khanna e t al. la) did so. They studied the properties of bosons having a hard core followed by a square-well interaction of the type18): I U(r) =