and consequently it is difficult t o give advice t o one's client as t o preventive measures. In this case, h owever, the withdrawal of all concentrates from the lambs' ration as a precautionary m easure has been followed by a cessation of the fatalities.
Interdigital Cysts. By HERBERT BUCKI NGHAM, M.R.C.V.S. Norwich. T HE subj ect of this photograph had another cyst , quite as big, on one of its hind feet . All three made their appearance within thirty-six hours.
P h otograph showing some typical interdigital swellings.
If I receive a case of an unbroken cyst , I clear away hair and amesthetise with ethyl chloride. I then use a dental syringe with a
very short and fine needle, prick the cyst , and let any liquid escape. I then fill the same syringe with a saturat ed solution of common washing soda and ordinary t ap water, and introduce the needle into the cavity through the same small orifice. This is done carefully because if the orifice is t oo big the solution will escape. (Keep clear of any joint. ) The wat er should be put on the carbonate of soda and allowed to stand several weeks, and kept at a t emperature of 70° F. before u sing it. In about two t o four days a wash-leather ulcer will make its appearance. It will look ugly and big at first , but heals q uickly. I do not do anything t o the lesion for two clear days. There may be pain lasting two t o three minutes, but I have never known another cyst t o appear between the two same digits. Som etimes I have a . complicat ed cyst , and in these cases I use ethyl chloride and lance deeply, bringing the scalpel well up t owards the joint above, and then well down , even dividing the skin connecting the two toes at lower extremity. In some cases I inj ect the solution under the sub-dermal tissue. I never have had any bad results. I have yet t o be convinced tha t any inocula tion or any medicine per mouth is of any use whatever.
Curious results of Canker of the Ear. By J. C . GAUNT, M.R.C.V.S. Searcroft , L eeds . ' A W ORKI NG sheep dog (Cur-Gordon Setter) developed canker which r eacted to treatment quickly. The ear was cleansed and dressed three times with blue ointment (ung. h ydrarg.). Although apparently cured, he would answer the " echo " of any whistle, and actually go away from m e, although he could see me. H e died in 1929. His successor, a young cur bitch, occupied the same brick kennel, and recently showed signs of canker. Treatment was the same as before. She recovered , and now does the same thing, namely, answers the whistle" ech o." She certainly did not do this a few months ago . The canker seems t o have left this bitch slightly deaf, b ut I do not think myoid dog was. H ow can the above symptoms be accounted for ?
The Value of X-Ray in Diagnosis and Prognosis of Fracture of the Femur in the Dog. By J. H. WHITE, M .R. C.V.S . L iverpool.
History.- A bull-terrier, four years old, was brought t o me on September 5th, 1930. He had been run over by a motor car about half an hour previously .