International Directory of Ethologists

International Directory of Ethologists

1 INTERNATIONAL DIRECTORY OF ETHOLOGISTS First edition Cornoiled Directory compiled to provide a specific communication service of Ethologis...

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First edition Cornoiled

Directory compiled

to provide

a specific



of Ethologists

(IDE) was

to the international

among them at an international

postgraduate work. In this respect, the IDE can be a useful complement to the Graduate Programs in animal behavior in North America published by the Education committee of the (North American) Animal Behavior Society. Editors of behavioural journals can search the present repertoire for potential reviewers. The present list does not limit itself to ethologists from academic settings; it includes colleagues working in research centres as well. A list of people working in the same field is quite handy when it comes to soliciting participation at a conference, a symposium or simply to establish and maintain contact with colleagues. Method & criteria for inclusion Two thousand questionnaires were mailed to potential ethologists over the world. Their names had been obtained by merging the list of members of the North American Animal Behavior Society to the one of people attending the Toulouse International Ethological Conference of 1985. A flyer was also distributed at the Madison IEC. Contributions were also solicited by means of announcements appearing in several newsletters of scientific associations around the world. To qualify, scientists whose name and research interests appear in the present edition had to satisfy the following criteria: l have asked to be included in the IDE, l have identified themselves as ethologists, l have substantially published in recent years, and l have submitted a written consent authorizing the IDE to publish the information made thus available (a Canadian law requirement). Inevitably, inaccuracies, errors, omissions and out-of-date information will be found in the listing. Please bring them to the editor’s attention for proper correction. Send corrections, deletions, additions directly to the editor using the form-to-fill which can be found at the end of the IDE. Individuals not included in the present edition of the directory will also find there a form-to-fill; please return it for inclusion in future editions. Availability of additional copies Printed copies of the IDE can be obtained in writing directly to EZsevier Science Publishers B.V., P.O. Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The IDE is also available on diskettes for personal computer (IBM compatibles and Mac), and on magnetic tape for mainframes. It can be easily used by various database managers for on-line query and printing of mailing labels. There are many format possibilities. Write the editor and specify your requirements. Future editions It is hoped that this first edition will incite other ethologists and behaviourists to join for future editions. Maintaining such a database, updating it, editing and publishing it on a regular basis, or simply answering queries about it is quite demanding. Its instigator now requests secretarial assistance. The LDE is a non-profit initiative. However, minimal charges will apply in the future in order to insure proper financing. Charges of $20. (US funds) will apply to ethologists joining for the first time, and of $5. (US funds) for members thereafter asking for modifications of their personal database. Charges will not be applied to ethologists who have already registered in the present (first) edition. However, they must confirm their interest in appearing in the second edition by sending back the appropriate form-to-fill which can be found at the end of the IDE. The same form can be used to bring corrections to the text already published.

Structure of the IDE The first edition of the IDE lists 752 scientists who are active in the general field of ethologv. The main section is a listing of researchers with their oersonal data. It is followed bv subject-and taxonomic indexes, and forms-to-fill. For each person, the sequence of information listed is:

APOCOPE FAMZLPNAME FirsPname + Postal address [alternative address) uphone number(a)o -electronic mail adds<>


-electronic mail addsare optional. The (alternative address), nphone number(s)o, The APOCOPE is a tag specific to each ethologist in the repertoire. It is obtained by taking the first five letters of her/his FAMZLPNAME (including any diacritic sign or dash, if present). To this, is attached the first letter of the First*nam>. For instance,-Seaugr&zd Jacques* becomes sBEAUGJ>p. If the FAMZLY*NAME is less than five letters. all letters are used. to which sequence is added the first letter of the FirsPname. For instance, <> becomes sHAJ>b. A space between a particle and the main body of a FAMZLy*NAME is not considered. For example, >. When the procedure generates identical apocopes for two persons, the second letter of the First*name is also added to the already existing apocope. When only the initial of the First*name is available, the second initial is used instead of the second letter of the First*name. Subject and taxonomic indewes point to these apocopes and not to page or entry numbers. Acronyms referring to persons are more useful than pages or item numbers. Entries are sorted alphabetically on apocopes and not, as usual, on keys obtained by appears in the list before concatenation of the family and first name. Thus, uBEAUGJ* .BEAUJ>), though the reverse order would be obtained when sorted on full names as in a telephone directory. Phone numbers The phone code corresponding to each country (e.g. 33 for France, 1 for Canada and the USA) has not been included into shone numbers uresented in the IDE. We have tried to standardize the presentation of phone numbers in the form nAAA-RrNNNNNNo, where AAA is the area or routing code and NNNRrNNNN a local number. The area or routing code is optional upon composition only when the call originates within the same area/routing code. The local number is made of several digits (seven in North America) conveniently separated by various punctuation signs (e.g. 282-4801 or 23.45.67). The first number of the local code is the *exchange number). Since the local code must (or can) always be dialled entirely, its various digits were simply joined by the present directory into one single number, without punctuation signs. Some ethologists have indicated several phone numbers. In order to save some space, only the changing particle has been indicated, preceded by a ) code. A dash is used as repeat code when the area/routing code remains the same as the immediately mentioned phone number. It is preceded by a bullet (0) when both the area/routing code and exchange numbers remain the same. For instance, a phone entry might appear as n&&656*3102, lOi%2n. The second phone number to dial is 418-6560722. Similarly, another entry of the IDE might look as @5242824801, -58436570. To obtain the second number from another area/routing code region, one has to dial 514-5843657, preceded by the appropriate long distance and optional country prefures. Some phone numbers have an extension which was indicated in the IDE by the letter ‘x” followed by the local extension (e.g. 91-224000 X43). Phone numbers are in some cases followed by a small letter, meaning: h

I m _

home laboratory messages (sec. or answering work/office


E-mail addresses Electronic addresses having the ‘@I” sign imbedded (e.g. as in R20370@UQAM) are, in principle, network compatible with Bitnet. Some addresses may not work from your installation without adding intermediate routing nodes. Check with your local postmaster. As for other types of electronic mail, their nature was indicated (e.g. Fax or Telex) when specified by the registering ethologist. Research keywords Listed keywords are textually those given by the registering ethologist.

3 Acknowledgements I would like thank Drs. Jean Bkgin and Robert Proulx for their helo in the preparation of the laser typescript. Special thanks must be expressed to colleague Fred Strayer, director of the Departement de Psychologie, Universite du Quebec a Montreal, who greatly helped in mobilizing secretarial assistance for computerizing the information from the returned questionnaires. Editorial work was ably assisted by MS Agn&s Lempereur from the editorial Secretariat of Behavioural Processes. Her expertise and encouragements were essential in pursuing the project. Also, all ethologists who have accepted to contribute to this first edition of the IDE are warmly thanked. Without their voluntary participation and friendly encouragements, the present directory would not exist. Finally, my gratitude goes to Drs. Nello J. Spiteri and Michael Wilk from Elsevier Science Publishers who were easily convinced that, by publishing the IDE in their journal, they would also be serving the scientific community. Jacques



Dhpartement de Psychologie, Universite du Q&bee & Montrt!al, BP 8888, Mont&al, Quebec, Canada H3C 3P8 Phone: 514-9874801 Bitnet: R203700UQAM FAX: 514-9877787


ABLE Kenneth P. *De t of Bioloav. State U.’ of New Y’ork at Al g anv. Albany, New York 12222, USA 051844243300 YQnimal . migration, orientation, birds, behavioral ecology of avian migration systems> _”



A.BR.AM#P ABRAMS, Peter A. +Dept of Ecologv and Behavioral Biologv. U. of Minnesota, 318 Church St. SE, h’&?neapolis, Minnesota 55455, USA o612-62509850 *Foraging theory, interspecific interactions, competition, mathematical modellingj>


ADAMEC Robert +De$of Psychology, Memorial d., St. Johns, foundland AlB 3X9, Canada q709-737.8121, 076710 *Defensive behaviour, cat, limbic system, individual differences, species characteristic, behavioural models of anxiety, kindling>>


ADZUNS-REGAN Elizabeth *Dept of Psychology, Uris Half, Cornell U., Ithaca, New York 14853, USA 0607-

25563040 Sexual behaviour, hormones, development, neuroendoctinology, birds>> ADLERP ADLER, Peter ‘H. +Dept of Entomology, 114 Long Hall, Clemson U., Clemson, SouthCarolina 29634, USA n80365650440 ulepidoptera, feeding behavior, puddling, aquatic insects, Simuliidae, black giant chromosomes, fZies, cytogenetics, isolating mechanism>> AFTONA AFTON, Alan D. *Wetlands Wildlife Research Group, Minnesota Dept of Natural Resources, 102 23rd Street, Bemidji, Minnesota 56601, USA u218-75539070 dnatidae, waterfowl, -OADQ@UMINNlmate selection, pair bonding, reproductive strategies, breeding behavior, forced copulations, parental investment, incubation behavior. time budgets. miaration~ AGBdGC AGBbGgA, Constance +Dept de Biologie animale, U. de Dakar, < AISNER AZSNER, Ran +Ramoth Menashe, Zip 19245, Israel 04-8950870 cultural transmission, Rattus *Learning, rattus, observational learning, field observations of feeding behavior, manipulating ability, learning in the wild, feeding on pine cone seeds) ALBRIJ ALBRIGHT, Jack L. +Dept of Animal Sciences. Purdue U., West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA u317-4948dlOu 4pplied ethology, domestic animals, early experience, social behavior, dominance and behavioral ecology, habitat selection in farm care, farm animal behavior, animals, management, and welfare>> ALEXANDER, James ALJ?XAJ Edward Jr. *Dent of Zoologv, U. of Okrahoma, Norman, -Oklahoma-- 73019, USA 0405-32559010 *Learning, predator-prey interactions, foraging, behavior ecology, aquatic ecology, gastropods, molluscs, crustaceans. insects. reoroductive behavior>


ALLEN,’ John A. +Dept of Biology, U. of Southampton, Bldg 62, Southamnton, SO9 3TU UK 0703-559122 X40 4’elect;ve predation, colour polymorphism, frequency-dependent selection, apostatic selection, search image, crypsisjj ALLEVE ALLEVA, Enrico +Section of Behavioural Pathophysiology, Istit. Superiore di Sanita (N.I.H.1. Viale Regina Elena 299, Roma I-00161, It&y 06-4996 X352L, -FOS@IRMISS*Ontogeny of 862382hn behaviour, rodents, learning and memory: behavioural pharmacology, aggressive behaviour, growth factors, sexual preferences, StresW ALlWEIR ALMEZDA, Roberval Tavares de +Rua Rio Solimoes 231 Areias, Recife Pe, 50780 Brazil *Primatology, Callithrix, Cebus, Alouatta sp>j



ALMO, Farina +Museo Di Storia NaturaIe Della Lunigiana, Fortezza Della Brunella, I-54011 AuIla, Italy Social behaviour of swifts, eco-ethology of bird communities, foraging strategies in birds>>


ALTMANN, Dagmar *Am Tierpark 125, D-1136 Berlin, DDR n5100111, 44915690 -112 657 TIBER DD~Mammals, zoo-animals, social behaviour, ontogenetic behaviour, behaviour descriptions of rare mammals, allelomimetic behaviour, behaviour of urination and defecation, wolf, wild boar, muflon, Per-e David’s Deer, Giant Elan, Takin, Pygmy Armadillo, Maned Wolf) ALTMAS ALTMANN, Stuart + AIlee Lab. of Animal Behavior, U. of Chicago, 940 E. 57 St., Chicago, Illinois 60637, USA n31270289190 < ALVARF ALVAREZ, Fernando +Estacibn Biol6gica de Dodana, CSIC Apdo. 1056, E-41013 Sevilla, Spain 0954-2323400 *Social behauiour, interactions, communication vatler;snim$a~;~~;n,, aggression, colour


ANDERSON James R *Lab. de Psvchonhvsiolohie. II. Louis Pasteur, 7 rue& de ~I’&iv., k-67000 Strasbourg, France 088-3582000 WREN &DREW R.J. &hooI of Bioloeical Sciences. U. df Sussex. Briehton. Suss& BNl 9QG, UK 0273-6067550 ) ANTHOM ANTHOUARD, Michel *Lab. de Psvchologie. 7. rue de 1’Univ.. Strasbourg F-6700< ‘France 088-3582130 *Fishes, learning, social, feeding, instrumental conditioning, social facilitation, environmental effects,-


ANTHONEY, Terence R. +Dept of Zoology, Southern Illinois U., Carbondale, Illinois 62901, USA n61852916600 -Evolution, vertebrate behavior, motor patterns, phylogeny, hiccup, singultus, yawning, regurgitation, comfort behavior, fixed action patterns, behavioral pathology, intractable hiccups, intractable motor patterns, intractable behaviors, physiological mechanisms>>


ANZENBERGER Gust1 A. + Attenhofer str. 9. CH-8032 Z&h. Switzerland *New world primates, monogamy, ‘ pairbond, social dynamics, sexual suppression, family systems, old world primates, birds, Hymenoptera, Carpenter Bees)> APFELR APFELBACH Raimund *Inst. fiir Biologie III, II. of ‘kibingen, Auf

der Morgenstelle 28, D-7400 Tiibingen, GFR n7071-292624”, 7157-62344hn *Mammals, ontogeny, behavioral mustelids, rodents, development, imprinting, learning, predatory neurobiology, brain aggression, olfaction, olfactory system, neural development, cell death, hormonphysiology, plasticity, psychopharmacology~> APPLEM APPLEBY, Michael C. *Edinburgh School of Agriculture, West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9 356, UK 4gricnlture, domestic, applied, housing, cages, husbandry, welfare, hen, chicken, poultry, pig, cow, cattle, red deer, stags, social behaviour, spacing, dominance, nesting, perching, egg-laying, feeding, hunger, abnormal behaviour, stereotypies, stress, development, motivationARCESP ARCESE Peter +Dept of Zoology, U. of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T lW5, Canada 060422833630 NBehaviour, territoriality, alternate strategies, life history, evolution, dominance, mating survival, song, song repertoires, systems, dispersal), ARCHIG ARCHIBALD Geor$;e William +Int. Crane Foundat&, E-113 6 Shady Lane Road, Baraboo, Wisconsin 53913-9778, USA 0608-35694620 > ARIASL ARIAS-DE-REYNA,, Luis +Dept Biologia Animal (Etologia), U. C6rdoba, 14004 Cordoba, Spain 09574112110

ARNOLD Keith A. +Delt of Wildlife and Fisheries Skences, Texas &M U., Coll. Station, Texas 77843-2258, USA 0409-84557770 4vian breeding behavior, avian feeding behavior, avian roosts>>


ASSEM van den, J. +Dept of Zoology (Ethology), U. of Leiden, PO Box 9516;-2300 gL&den, The Netherlands -ASSEM @ HLERUL57071-2750490 *Parasitic wasps, Chalcidoidea, Pteromainvestments in lidae, sex ratio, optimal quantitative modelling, ESS, offspring, sperm memory stores, proximate cues, competition, courtship behaviour, behavioural ecology, phylogenetic trends, comparative ethology*



ATEMA, Jelle *Boston U. Marine Proaram. Marine Bioloaical Lab.. Woods Hall, Maine 02543, USA 0617: 54837050 *Sensory Biology, aquatic animuls, fish, crustacea, molluscs, signal detection, chemicals signals, pheromone, odor plume, orientation, ratio, chemosignal-to-noise receptor, smell, taste, tuning, filters, search mate choice, marine image, patchiness, coastal habitat. vrey detection>


A&B& Thierry +CNRS-UA 667, Lab. d’Etholo&e Experimentale, StLucien. F-28210 Nogent-Le-Roi. France n378255630 &coustic - communication, birds, songs and calls, process of coding and decoding, analysis, synthesis, field experimentation, Oscines, Laridaeu BAENNR BAENNINGER Ronald *Dent of Psvchologv. Temnle I!., Philadelphia; Pennsylvania’ 19122, USA 021578773140 BAEREG BAERENDS Gerard P. + Zooloaisch Lab.. Biolo&sch Centrum, Kerklaan 30, NL-9750 AAHaren (Gn), The Netherlands Causation, ontogeny, function and evolution of behaviour, communicative behaviour of gulls and cichlid fish>> BAILEE BAILEY, Edward D. +De t of Zoology, U. of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario R 1G 2Wl,-Canada 05198244126 X38350 Cornmunication. non-verbal, development. bird

Colo;ido 80523, USA d303-4915307; -Animal communication, birdsong, behavioral ecology, population genetics, natural selection, evolutionary ecology>> BALDAN BALDACCZNZ,. Natale Emilio +Ist. di Zoologia, Via Umversita 12, I-43100 Parma, Italy q521-580.643, 06570 *Orientation. homing, migratory orientation, migration, Rock Dove, Sand Martin> BALTHJ BALTHAZART, Jacques +U. de Liege, Lab. General and Comparative Biochemistry, Bat. Ll, 17 Place De&our, B4020 Belgium 041-4344410 -II411301 @ BLIULGll-Neuroendocrinology. testosterone metabolism, sexual differentiation, male copulatory behaviour, Japanese Quail>>


BARFIELD, Ronald J. ;Dept of Bioloaical Sciences. Ruteers U.. New BrunswiFk, New Jersey 08963, USA OZOl93242700 *Hormones (estrogens, androgens), sexual and aggressive behavior, ultrasonic vocalization, rats, CNS mediation of behavior, neuroendocrine mediation of behavior>>


BARRAN, Christopher P.L. + Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, Box 28, Edgewater, Maryland 21037, USA 0301-7984424w, -9566633ho *Foraging, birds, energy, currency, Parus, predator, prey, experimental, theory, empi-

rical, stochastic, feeding behavioml ecology, eating, natural selection, social dominance, quantitative ethology, Chickadees, tempoml patterns, group size,> BARLOG BARLOW, G.W. +Dept of Zoology, II. of Califorma, Berkeley, California 94720, USA *Ethology, behavioral ichthyology, fishes, ecology, sociobiology, freshwater, coral reefs, mating systems, mate monogamy, aggression, coloration, choice, imprinting, predator-prey, development, communication -- visual, chemical, motivation, modal action patterns -- form of behavior, behavior genetics>>

2050;Johannesburg, RSA 0716-2243, -22990 -Mating systems, sexual selection, female choice, sexual competition, Vidua, copulation behavior, promiscuity, sperm limitation, vocalizations, timing of breeding, raptors, Africa), BARNES BARNETT Samuel Anthony +ORAM, Australian National U., BOX 4, GPO, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia &o&al stress, exploratory behavior, teaching of, Rattusja BARoNG BARON, Geor&o;tD,zpalt %le Sciences Biologioues, U. de 6128., succ. A,-Montreal, Quebec H3C 357, Canada Size of brains and brain structures in relation to niche diversification: habitat, social organization, feeding strategies, locomotor types in Znsectivom, Chiroptera, Primates, time budgets in small mammals, social behaviour in Chiropteraj,



BARRETTE, CyriZle D$n de Biologie, U. Laval, Quebec GlK 7 4, Canada 0418-65631810 -Behavioral ecology, Cervidae, Ungulates, Carnivores, morphology, mammalian skulls, dominance, group size, weaning, suckline BARROE BARROWS, Edward M. +Dept of Biology, Georgetown U., Washington, District of Columbia 20057, USA 0202-BARROWS@GUVAX*Insect 62588070 behavior, ecology and evolution, behavioral terminology, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, reproduction, parasitization, Coleoptera, terminology~~ BAUDOP BAUDONNIERE PierreMarie +CNRS, Lab. de Psycho-Biologic de l’Enfant, 41 rue Gay-Lussac, F-75005 Paris, France 043-291223 X1840 *Child psychology, cognitive development, social interaction, imitation, mixed-age, methodology, peer, socially directed behaviour, pretend play, friendshio. toddler. child. self recognition> ‘BAUEkH BAbER barold i +S ech Sci. 324 Derby Hall, bhio State U. l&? N. Oval. Columbus. Ohio 43210-1372, USA 0614~29282070 komparative and developmental bases of language (speech, vocalizations, speech acts), intrinsic pitch and vocal tract reconfiguration, orofacial correlates of

6 the frequency code, phonetic contrast in phonetic and language development, maternal correlates, hearing impairment. Markov chains, and nonrandom bibbUng>, Je rey R. ?Dept .of goBdJ BAYLIS , Birge Hall, K of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, USA 0608: -26210510 2635134, -JRBYLS @ WISCMACCCourtship behavior, parental care, quantitative ethology, evolution, behavioral ecology, adoption, applied ethology, domestic animals, human-animal interactions. communication. comoutersU

BEASOR BEASON, Robert k. + Biology Dept, State U. of New York, Geneseo, New York 14454. USA 0716-24553100 q BEAUGJ B~AUGR~D Jac ues P. +UEMSC Bionsvcholoaie. d. du 8 uebec a Montreal, CP- 8888, -St&c. A, Montreal, Quebec H3C 3P8, Canada n514-98748Ol’“o -R20370@UQAM*Determinants of dominance, mechanisms of hierarchy formation and maintenance in animals, effects of: prior experiences of dominance or subordination, prior residence, size/strength, incentive value of resources, individual recognition on conflict behaviour, application to domestic animals (aggression, use of space), methodosequential analysis, quantitative logy, ethology, modelling and theory construction (axiomatization), Swordtail Fish (Poeciliidue: Xiphophorus helleri), chicken, Muscovy duckw BEAUJ

BEAU Jac ues +Geneti ue et Comportements, fiER %iom&licale, ?J. de Paris V - Rene Descartes, 45 rue des SaintsPeres, F-75270 Paris Cedex 6, France *Mice, inbred strain, rhythms, activity, genetic, behavior-genetic analysis, circadian rhythm, infradian and ultradian rhythm, signal processing, spectral analysis,


BEAVER, Bonnie V. + Dept of Small Animal Medicine and Surgery, Texas A&M U., Coll. Station, Texas 77843, USA 0409-84523510 -Normal and problem _ behaviors of domestic animals>> BECKJ BECK J6zef +Dept of Physiology, Inst. of Physiological Sciences, Medical Academy of Warsaw, Ul, Krakowskie Przedmiescie 26/28 00-927 Warsaw. Poland 0261845, 2607780 Sexual and social behavior, male and female rats, mutual relations during mating, male-female set, sexual arousal, sexual inhibition, frustration, innate and acquired component of sexual behavior, exteroceptive and proprioceptive _ _ stimulations, rewarding values~~ BEILHR BEILHARZ Rolf G. + Apculture and Forestry U. of Melbourne Par vdle, Victoria, 3052 Australia 03-34450130 *Quantitative genetics, inheritance of reproduction, inheritance of behaviour traits,

adaptation, animal welfare, social dominance, mice, dogs, farm animals>> BELOUH BELOU-CHAPELLE Hubert + Castelnau D’Estretefonds, F-31626 Fronton, France 061-820508, -5335320 UBehaviour and psychology of interspecific relations between man and dog, sensory communication between man and dog, embryogen.y/ontogen.y, magnetic oscillators, intimate time after birth in-dog,,


BELS, Vincent +LJ. of Liege: Inst. of Zoology, 22 Quai Van Beneden, 4020 Liege, Belgium 041-4349180 MHerpetology, lizard, agonistic behaviour, locomotor behaviour, biomechanic, Anolis, display, action-pattern of Anolis lizards, ritualization, brain. feeding behaviour, feeding- cycle>> _ BENHAS BEkHAMOU &non *Lab de Neurosciences Fonctiormelles 2, CNRS; 31 Chemin Joseph-Aiguier, F-13402 Marseille Cedex 9. France n91-224000 X43-640 -BOVET@FRMOPll*Movements, home range, mammals, Wood Mouse, foraging behavior, models, spatial orientation, space use pattern, sedentariness, path integration, vectornavigation, klinokinesis, orthokinesis, area-restricted searching behavior, central place foraging> BElWES-BENvENUTI, Silvano +Di t. Di Scienze Del Comnortamento Anima Pe, Via A. Volta 6, I-56iOO Pisa, Italy 050: 202550 *Orientation, navigation, homing, migration, pigeon homing, wintering birds, winter Dhilooatrvu

BERlkk B&MAN Carol M. +Dept of Anthropology, State fi. of New York at Buffalo. Buffalo. New York 14261. USA 0716-63620870 ‘*Primates, primate ’ social behavior, social development, ontogeny, social structure, mother-infant relationships, Rhesus, Macaca mulutta, kinship, maternal behavior, Cayo Santiago>> BERNSI BERNSTEIN Irwin S. +Dept of Psychology, U. of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602, USA 0404-54231030 *Primate behavior, dominance, aggression, sexual behavior, reproduction, macaques, social adult males, organization, adolescence, testosterone, sociobiology, Cercopithecidae, Anthroooideau BEUkNG

BEUGNON, Guy +Centre de Recherche en Biologie du Comportement, 118 route de Narbonne, F-31062 Toulouse, France 061-5565700 -Neuroethology, behavioral development, spatial orientation, terinsects, crickets, ants, trajectometry, restrial cues, celestial cues, vision, polariration vision, learning, plasticity, electrophysiology. anatomy, ontogenya BINKLS BINZ&EY, s& *Biology Degt Temnle U.. Philadelnhia. Pennsvlvama. U A 0215-78788270 *Pine& bodi, rhy’thms, circadian, melatonin, sparrows, light, cycles, physiology, behaviour, chickens, Anolis, Xenopus, rat.9~



BZTTERBAUMic Erik J. +Offlce of the Provost, Nebras a Wesleyan U., Lincoln, Nebraska 68504, USA 04024652107”~ 4Tommunication: acoustic, behavioral ecology and natural history: birds, social behavior, territoriality and dominance, evolutionary theory, Swallows (Hirundinidae), Passeriformes>


BZACKSHAW, Judith K. +Dept of Animal Sciences and Production, U. of Queensland, St-Lucia, Brisbane, Australia 4067 07-37793311, l20880 <>


BLUM Murra S. +Dept of Entomology, U. of Georgia, rytherm, Georgia 30602, USA 0404-54223010 *Predator-prey interactions, chemical releasers of social behavior, social interactions of invertebrates, invertebrate sexual behavior-u

BOAGD BOAG, David A. +De t of Zoology, U. of Alberta, Edmonton, Af; erta T6G 2E9, Canada 0403-43236330 &Animal dispersal: causes and consequences, grouse, ground squirrels, gastropodsj BOAGP BOAG Peter T. Biology, Queen’s v’., Kingston, 0n~%?K7”Lf 3N6, Canada n613-54561280 -BOAGP @ QUCDN

BLACK, JeGfrey M. + Wildfowl Trust, Slimbndge, loucestershire GLZ 7BT, UK -Barnacle Geese, Branta leucopsis, Whooper Swans, parent-offspring relationships, agonistic behaviour, pairbonds, breedinglreproductive success, population dynamics, social relationships, foraging ecology, refuge management, mate choice, pair and parent quality>>

BOARMAN, William I. +Dept of Biological Sciences, Rutgers U., Piscataway, New Jersey 08854, USA q20193220770 +Avian vocalizations, bioacousticq behavioral ecology, song evolution, habitat patchiness, theory, adaptive radiation, sound transmission, territoriality, cultural selection, cultural evolution, sibling recognition, individual recognition>


BLAFFER HRDY Sarah +Dept of Anthropology, U. of California, Davis, California 95616, USA 091675226740 *Biological anthropology, evolution of primate behaviour, female reproductive strategies, infanticide,>


BOFHUZS J.J. +U. of Zoologrcal Lab. P.O. Box 14 NL-9750 AA Haren, The Ne’therlands [U. 0; Cambridge, Dept of Zoology, Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EJ, UK) 0506320620 KOntogeny, development, imprinting, learning, memory, spatial memory, neurobiology of memory* BONAVZTABONAVA COUGOURDAN, Annie *Lab. de Psychophysiologie, Ctre Univ. St-Jerome, Av. Escadrille Normandie-Niemen, F-13397 Marseille Cedex 13, France Social behaviour in ants, communications, pheromones, recognition, cuticular hydrocarbons, polyethism, interindividual variability>>


BZANCHETEAU, Marc +U. Paul-Valery, BP 5043, F-34032 Montpellier, France 067-639110 X5370

BLASS, Elliott M. +Johns Hopkins U., 33rd & Charles Streets, Baltimore, Maryland 21218, USA 030133870820 *Conditioning, development, ingestive behavior, maternal behavior, motor coordination, olfaction, opioids, reproduction, suckling>


BLOCKSTEZN, David Edward +Dept of Wildlife Ecology, 226 Russell Labs, 1630 Linden Drive, U. of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, USA 0608-22626710 &olumbiformes, Mourning Doves, Zenaida macroura, reproductive strategies, parental investment, conservation biology, field ornithology, behavioral ecology, evolution, life history strategies, natural history, endangered species, tropical islands,)


BLOZS, Catherine + Lab. d’Ethologie, U. de Rennes, Campus de Beaulieu, Ave. du G&&al Leclerc, F-35042 Rennes, France 099-2861230 &tisoptera, Odonata, predation, foraging strategy, spatial distribution, prey selection, aquatic insect, experience>>


BON, Richard *Lab. de Biologie du Comportement, U. Paul Sabatier, 118 Route de Narbonne, F-31062 Toulouse Cedex 3, France 061-2851240 UEco-ethology, socio-ecology, behavioral development, ungulates, from individual to the population>


BOUZSSOU, Marie-France +lNRA, Lab. du Comportement Animal, Physiologie de la Reproduction, BPl, F37380 Nouzilly, France 047-4277000 Social behaviour, domestic ungulates (cattle, horses, sheep), social dominance, affiliative relationships, ontogeny, reactivity (emotivity), hormonal influences on social behaviour, man-animal relationshins,


BOVET, ‘Jacr Biologie, U. Laval, Que ec Canada n418-65603102, 007220 rodents, beavers, red squirrels, humans, homing navigation,

+DBpt de GlK 7P4, *Mammals, wood-mice, orientation,

8 cognitive-map, exploration, activity-rhythms, circadian-rhythms, zeitgebers, social-synchronisationj


BOVET, Pierre *Lab. de Neurosciences Fonctionnelles 2, CNRS, 31 Chemin Joseph-Aiguier, F-13402 Marseille Cedex 9, France n91-224*000, l096n -BOVET@FRMOPll*Probabilistic behaviour modelling, optimal exploration and foraging, pecking behaviour in chick, exploration in ants and rodents*


BOWMAN, Robert I. +Dept of Biology, San Francisco State U., San Francisco, California 94132, USA 04154692440”, -8488953hn >


BOYCE, Mark S. +U. of Wyoming, Box 3166. Laramie, Wyoming 82071 USA 030776653730 *Evolution, lek behavior, parasites, red queen’s hypothesis, Sage Grouse, life history evolution, mating systems, sexual selection>


BRAASTAD, B’arne 0. +Dept of Animal Science, Agricu Jtural U. of Norway, Box 25, N-1432 Aas-NLH, Norway 02-9486570 > BRAZAF BRAZA, Francisco *Est. Biologia de Donana, CSIC, Ap. 1056, E41013 Sevilla, Spain 054-2323400 Social structure of wild ungulates (Dama dama, Sus scrofa, Capreolus capreolus, Cervus elaphus): parental investment, reproductive behaviour. Ethology of neotropical primates (Alouatta seniculus, Aotus azarae). Human Ethology: preschooler and first grade children (spontaneous groups, time-budget of activities and social interactions+ BREEDM BREED Michael +EPO Biology, Campus Box 534, U. of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309, USA 030349289810 -Social communication, evolution of eusociality, division of labor, honey bee, ant, Ponerinae, kin recognition, mating behavior, mate choice, pheromones) BREITR BREZTWZSCH, Randall James +Dept of Biology, Indiana U. of Pennsylvania, Indiana, Pennsylvania 15705, USA 0412-35723520 SAvian behavioral ecology, parental care, bird song, communication, sexual selection, foraging behavior, mating systems, monogamy, social behavior, mate choice, frugivory>>


BRZLLET, Charles *Lab. de Neurosciences Fonctionnelles 2, Equipe Ontogenese du Comportement et Vie Sociale, CNRS, 31 Chemin Joseph-Aiguier, F-13402 Marseille Cedex 9, France &ocial

and reproductive behaviour in lizard, comparative study, structure, ontogeny, communication systems, sexual and aggmssive displays>> BRODSL BRODSKY, Lynn M. +Dept of Zoology, U. of Western Ontario, London, Ontario N6A 5B7, Canada 0519-6792111 X67980 =Mate choice, male competition, male mating tactics, mating success* BROOKR. BROOKS, Ronald J. +Dept of Zoology, U. of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario NlG 2W1, Canada 0519-8244120 X39440 >


BROOM D.M. +U. of Cambridge, Dept of Clinical Veterinary Medicine, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 OES, UK 0223-3376970 BROWMH BROWMAN, Howard I. +Dept of Systematics and Ecology, U. of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045, USA 0913-86443750 *Fish, behavioral ecology, foraging behavior, ontogeny, vision, retina, morphogenesisu

BROWNJE BROWN, Jerram L. +De t of Biological Science, State II. of New Yor R, Albany, New York 12222, USA n5184424349”, 442-43OO”n *Behavioural ecology, helping behaviour, communal or cooperative breeding, social behaviour, mating systems, territoriality, major histocompatibility complex, kin recognition, individual recognition, field studies of birds in natuml populations>> BRQWNJO

BROWN, Jos~;~,~~ + Manne Sciences Research Lab., U. of Newfoundland, St. Johns, Newfoundland AlC 5S7, Canada u709-72666810 -JBROWN@MUN&shes, behaviourub>


BROWN, Richard +Degt of ova Psychology, Dalhousie U., Halifax, Scotia B3H 451, Canada 0902-424-36470 -REBROWN @ AC.Dal.CAeRodents, mammals, scent marking, olfaction, behaviour development, ultrasonic vocalizations, hormones, odour preferences, sexual behaviour, major histocompatibility, behavioural endocrinology, individual recognition, parental behaviour, social experience~~


BURGER, Joanna +Dept of Biological Sciences, Rutgers U., Piscataway, New Jersey 08855-1059, USA u201932.4318, a20770 -Behavioral ecology, behavioral development, birds, snakes, social groups, coloniality, roosting, feeding, nesting, territoriality, effects of heavy metals, agerelated behavioral differences, effects of incubation temperature on behavior of snakes~



BURGHARDT, Gordon M. +Dept of Psychology, U. of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 37996, USA 061597433000 &hemoreception, behavioral diversity, snake and lizard behavior, early experience, theory and history of ethology>> l%%$$Eghc?EEs %%%o,* De?? $ Illinois,’ UrbanaChampaign, 515 ’ Morrill Hall, 505 So. Goodwin Ave., Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA &erual selection, mating systems, evolution of communication, behavior, avian behavioral ecology>> BUSKIS BUSKIRK; Steven W. +Dept of Zoology and Physiology, Box 3166, U. of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming 82071, USA 0307-76623570 *Thermoregulation, Carnivom, Mustelidae, Canidae, Ursidae, habitats, predation, home range, allometryu BUSNEM BUSNEC, Marie-CZaire l G&retique, neurogenetique et comportements, U. Rene Descartes (Paris V), 45 rue des Saints-Peres, F-75270 Paris Cedex 6, France 042-603720 X42540 *Prenatal audition, effect of noise on foetus, effect of acoustic stimulation on premature babies, fetal heart-rate, fetal habituation, prenatal memory acoustic stimulus, fetal responses, voice, intrauterine environment, post-natal effects of prenatal acoustic stimulations> BYE&J BYERS, John A. +Dept of Biological Sciences. U. of Idaho. Moscow. Idaho 83843, USA 0208-88562560 &eha: vioral development, play, individual variation, strategies of inter-individual interaction, amicable behavior, scent marking, maternal investment, mating systems, ungulates>> CABANM CAZUNAC, Michel +U. Laval, D&t de Phvsiologie. Sainte-Fov. Quebec GiK 7P4, Canada- 0418-656.3068; 033470 *Motivation, pleasure, optimization, food intake, temperature regulation, comfort, money, play, cognition, CAINEN CAINE, Nan?, Gie;e~&& Psychology, Bucknell Pennsylvania 17837, USA 0717-52412066 *Primates, Callitrichidae, social behavior, antipredator behavior, TamarinsJ


CALDWELL, Roy L. + Dept of Zoology U. of California, Berkeley, California 94720, USA 0415-64213910 *Aggression, communication, mating systems, behavioral ecology of marine invertebrates, Crustacea, Insecta, Stomatopoda, dispersal>> CAMHIJ CAMHZ, Jeffrey +Dept Zoology, Hebrew U.. Jerusalem. Israel n2585.5-53, l960o :JEFFCU@HBUNOS-Escape behavior, neuroethology, insects, interneurons, giant interneumns, sensory systems, motor outputs, rhythms behavior, intracellular recording, cockroach, Periplaneta americana, invertebrates>


CAMPAGNA, Claudia + Centro National Patag&ico, 28 de Julio 28, 9120 Puerto Madryn, Chubut, Argentina -714680 -Telex: 87336 CEPAT 0965-71691. AR-Animal social behavior, biology of marine mammals, sexual selection> CAMPAM CAMPAN, Mireille +Centre de Recherche en Biologie du Comportement, U. Paul Sabatier. 118 route de Narbonne. F31062 Toulouse, France 061-5565720 > CAMPAR CAMPAN, Raymond +Centre de Recherche en Biologie du Comportement, U. Paul Sabatier, 118 route de Narbonne, F-31062 Toulouse, France 061556733, -2851250 -1RGMl @ FRINRA72*Orientation, insects, vision, field ethology, experimental psychology, neuroethology, neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, ontogeny, individual differences, wild ungulates, ecoethology, social behaviour, communication, mother-young relationships, population dynamics, human ethology, epistemology, history>>


CANDLAND Douglas U., + Program in Animal Behavior,‘Buckne Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837, USA 071752412000 -DCANDLAND@BUCKNELL>

CANEJ CANE James H. + 345 Funchess Hall, Dept of Entomology, Auburn U., Alabama 36849, USA 0205-82650060 *Insect chemical ecology, pheromones, kairomones, mate/host recognition, sibling defense, species recognition, evolution of isolating mechanisms, pollination ecology, optimal pollen foraging>> CARLSK CARLSTEAD Kathy +National Zoological Park, Smithsonian Institution, 3000 Connecticut Ave, Washington, DC 20008, USA 0202-67347830 *Applied ethology, behavior of farm and zoo animals, abnormal behavior of wild animals in captivity, effects of management practice on farm and zoo animal behavior> CARRAJ

CAZtZZANZA, Juan *Cat. de Biologfa y Etologfa, U. de Extremadura, E10071, Caceres, Spain 0927-2488000 *Acoustics, altruism, Cervus elaphus, cooperation, courtship, dominance, evolution, kin selection, mate selection, mating behaviour, parasites, parent-offspring interactions, Otis tarda radio-tagging, reproduc sex, sexual selection, social tive strategy, behaviour, social intemctions, social rank, social spacing, territorial behaviour, vocalization behaviour>>

CATONH CATON, Hiram P. +Div. of Humanities, Griffith U., Brisbane 4111, Australia 07-37898410 +Cultural evolution, biopolitics, human ethology, psychobiologyY


CATUSM CATUSSE, Mickel + Of&e National de la Chasse, BP 34, F-31800 Saint-Gaudens, France 4apercaillie, Tetrao urogallus aquitanicus, French pyrenees, lek temporal behaviour, spatial repartition, display behaviourjj fff&4+MN CHALMERS, N.R. *The Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, Bucks Mi(7 6AA. UK -Behavioural ontogeny, primate social behaviour, c&&m CHAZ’AZS Bernard *De t d’Anthronolosie. U. de Montreal. CP 612 5. Succ. A, Mon&eal, Quebec H3C 3J7, Canada 0514-34307568, 059750 *Primate social behaviour, dominance and alliances and politics, evolution of human behaviour, Javanese Macaoues. Macaca fuscata>b ChASEI &A&3, Zuan ’ D. +Dept of Sociology, SUNY, Stony Brook, New York 11794, USA 0516-632.7753, 077000 -ICHASEBSBCCVM> CHAUVR CHAUVZN, R4my *Chateau d’Ivoy-Le-Pre, F-18380 La Chapelle D’Angillon, France 048-5891720 CBehauiour of ants and bees>> CHENGK CHENG, Kimberly M. + Dept of Animal Science. U. of British Columbia. Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 2A2; Canada n604-22824800 CHENGM CHENG, Mei-Fang +Ruteers - The State U.. Inst. of Animal Behaher, 101 Warren ‘Street, Newark, New Jersey 07102, USA 0201-64858520 *Hermortal and neural control of species-specific vocalizations, endocrine effect of social behavior, mind and brain, mate recognition, neuroendocrine and neuroanatomical, electrophysiological analysis of breeding behauiorj> CHEVAP CHEVALET, Patrick +U. de Tours. Lab. d’Etholoeie et de Psvchonhvsiologie, ‘Part de Grandmont, F-3?200 ~T&rs, France CHICHM CHZCHERY Marie-Pa&e +Lab. de Psvchologie, U. de Caen, F-14032 Caen, France n3i-4555190 *Cephalopoda, Sepia, predatory behaviour, neuroethology, motor programs, visual motor control, guidance, lesion, electrical stimulation, neuropharmacology, neurohistology-

predatory behaviour, Neuroeth’ology, motor control, motor programs, visual guidance, neuropharlesion, electrical stimulation, macology, neurohistologyu C HItfuR J CHM6RZYNSKZ, Jerry Andrzej *The Nencki Inst. of Experimental Biology, Dept of Neurophysiology, Lab. of Etholoev. 3 Pasteur St.. P.O. Box 64. 00-973 Warsaw, Poland 0223681 X235”, 267604hn Spatial orientation (general and homing), insect homing from unfamiliar area, photic reactions in insects (taxes, cineses), recognition of sex-mates in Bembix, lunar behavioural (response) rhythms, evolution of aesthetic phenomena, general ethology>) CHRISS CHRISTIE, Susan J. Neil +Ulster Trust for Natural Conservation, Barnett’s Cottage, Barnett Demesne, Malone Road. Belfast BT9 5PB. Northern Ireland 0232:6122350 Konservation mating systems, game theory~r~~~~e holding potential, evolution>

Louisiana?0118 USA 0564-86553310 *Field research on reproductive strategies of orb weaving spiders>> C&KG CLAZU& Georqe A. +De6_“4;f Ecoloav and Evolutionarv Blo oav. Box . U. 07 Connecticut, Storrs, ?onnecticut 06268, USA 0203-48644590 &tegument, maintenance, behavior, foraging behavior, foot structure, bill structure, filoplumes, AvesJ> CLAYTN CLAYTON, Nicola S. +I_ehrstuhl fur Verhaltensphys., Fak. fiir Bioloaie. U. Bielefeld. Pf 8640. D-4800 BieleTeld 1, GFR n521-106281io Song learning, sexual imprinting, mate choice, assortative mating, food hoarding, animal memory, Zebra F&hes, Bengalese Finches, Estrildae finches. Marsh Tits, bird song, communication; behavioural ecology, ornithology, learning, communication, psvchobioloavja *C”LEMEJ CLEMENT Jean-Luc +U. Pierre et Marie Curie. Lib. d’Evolution, 105 Bld Raspail, F-75006 Paris, France .n422265500 4hemical communication, sex pheromones, allomones, insect-plant relationship, repellency, deterrency, defensive comoounds. attmction. social insect.9

CLEMEjP CLEMZ&, Pierre +&hologie, Bat. 401.C, U. Lyon 1 (IASBSE), F69622 Villeurbanne. France 078-898124 X3872141370 aNeuro-ethology: automatic tracking, trajectometry, orientation, inverteinformation, movements, brates, sensory taxis, kinesis, eyes, ocelli, vision: Rotifers, ultrastructure, sensory receptors, muscles, cilia, clones, aging, cytoplasmic inheritance,

11 didactic mology,,





CLOARA CLOAREC, Ann +Lab. d‘Ethologie, U. de Rennes, Campus de Beaulieu. F-35042 Rennes. France 0992861230 ‘*Development of behczviour, distance ;;stE-t;ion, foraging, predation, aquatic distribution, breathing > spatial behauiourx COE Christopher *De t of Psychology, d. of Wisconsin, l2OP W. Johnson. Madison. Wisconsin 53706. USA 0608-26335500 *Primates, Squirrel monkey, immunology, adrenal, stress, development, complement, immunoglobulin, aging, lymphocyte, proliferation, natural killer cell, infant, pregnancy, dominance, weaning, puberty)> COELHA COELHO, Anthony M. Jr. *Primate Etholoev and Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research, 7620 N.W. Loop 10, Box 28147, San Antonio, Texas 78284. USA 0512-6741410 X3320 *Primate ethology (nonhuman and human), behavioral development, social organization, social structure. social systems, ecology, evolutions COLGAP COLGAN Pa&k William +Biolow Dent. Queen% U. at Kin&on. Ontario”K7L 3N6, ‘Canada 0613-5456144’“, 1 5488188h~ -COLGANP@QUCDN*Fish, social behaviour, motivation, feeding, reproduction, aggression, schooling, predation, prey responses, mechanisms, modelling, mate selection, statistics, quantification, ontogeny, rhythms>>


COLLINS, David Anthony +Zoology Dept, Edinburgh U., West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JT, UK 031-6671081 X32110 SPapio, baboons: ecology, reproductive life-histories, social behavioral, mating. Pan, chimpanzees: ecology, insect-eating, tool-use. Primate ecology and behavior. Termites: ecology and behavior>> COLLOM COLLOPY, Michael W. +Dept of Wildlife and Range Sciences, 118 Newins-Ziegler Hall, U. of Florida, Gainsville, Florida 32611, USA 0904-39248510 SRaptors, wading birds, foraging behauiour, habitat use, nesting ecology, capture success, diet preference, nesting success, predation, predator-prey relationships, fmtricide, food consumationr


COLMENARES Fernando +MRC Unit on the Devefonment and Integration of Behaviour, Sub-Dent of Animal Behaviour, Cambridge U., _ High Street. Madinelev CB3 8AA. UK 43ocial us biolog;cal co&raints, structuralism us functionalism, development, social systems, integration of levels, group structure, demography, social relationships, interindividual interactions, individual behaviour, communication, social us reproductive careers, primates, Hamadryas baboons,


CONNOLLY, Kevin J. +Dept of Psychology, U. of Sheffield, Sheffield SlO 2TN, UK 0742-768555 X65440 *The genetics and evolution of behaviour in Drosophila, social interaction ‘and behavioural ecology of preschool children, motor development and acquisition of manual skills, tool use>>


CONOVM CONOVER, Michael R. +Dept of Plant Pathology and Ecology, The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. Box 1106. New Haven, Connecticut 06504,’ USA 0203-78972580 *Applied aversive conditioning, avian ethology, communication, conditioned food aversions, predator-prey interactions>>

COOLSA COOLS,,. A.R. +Dept of Pharmacology, U. of Nqmegen, Box 9101, NL-6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands n80-5136930 Social behaviour of monkeys, organization of behaviour (rats, cats and monkeys), cerebral programming of behaviour (animals and ma& CQRBAB CORBAZU, Brano *Lab. d’Etholosie et Sociobiologie. UA CNRS 667, U. Paris XIII, Ave J.-B.-Clement, F-93430; Villetaneuse, France &tts, social organization, polyethism, methodology, ethogenesis, social auto-organisation, sociogenesis, Ponerinae, photographic data recording technique>> CORBEL CORBETT, Laurence K. +CSIRO. Div. of Wildlife and Rangelands Research, PMB 44, Winnellie, N.T. 5789, Darwin, Australia 089-2217110 -Telex: 85294, Fax: 89-470052*Behavioural ecology, social organisation, feeding ecology, predator-prey interactions, dingo, Scottish wildcat, White-breasted sea-eagle, Whistling kite, Barking owl, Sand goanna, Agile wet-dry tropical ecowallaby, rodents, systems> CORDSM CORDS Marina +Etholoe und Wildforschung, &ologisches Inst., Zurich-Irchel, Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH8057 Zurich. Switzerland 012575276”. 17258512% -K557912@CZHRZUlA~Sociai behavior, relationships, aggression, mating systems, reconciliation, mixed-species groups, socio-ecology, primates, guenons, macaques, Blue Monkevs. Redtail Monkevsj> COSSR %bSS Richard 6 +Pg$Fm% Dept, U. of California, Da&, 95616, USA q916-75216260 > COTNdP COTNOZR Pierre-Alain +5304 J avenue du Pam, Montreal, Quebec H2V 4G7, Canada 0514-27671680 -R21254@UQAM&ocial behavior, domin-

12 ante, hierarchy, cultural trait>)




COUGOB COUGOUZLLE-GAUFFRETEAU. Beatrice *Lab. de Neurosciences FonctionnellesEthologie, CNRS, 31 Chemin Joseph-Aiguier, F-13402 Marseille Cedex 9, France n66-2261100 SEquids: horse. Social organization, hierarchy, mare’s androgen treatment: effects on sexual and sex-related from of social behaviour. Oestrous detection inter-individual variability, stallion, early selection to pasture breeding, sexual test.9

COWLEJ COWLEY, John J. +Psychology Div., The Hatfield Polytechnic, Box, 16, Coll. Lane, Hatfield, He&s All0 9AB, UK 0223-357120, 7072-796100 <> CRAMEC CRAMER, Catherine P. +Deut of Psvchologv, Dartmouth Coll.. Hanover, New Hampshire 03755, USA 06031 64634590 > CRANFJ

CRANFORD Jack A. +Virginia Polytechnic Inst., Biology Dept, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061, USA n70396153710 c-&%Pov emON DE CXAZ’ON$, Mane-Dommruue + Fak. Rir Biologic, Bielefeld, D-4860 Bielefeld 1, GFR-*Mate choice in cichlid fishes, ontogeny of olfactory and optical species discrimination. The use of fertile hybrids to test the accuracy of species discrimination and their possible importance for speciationj> CRAWFL CRAWFORD, Lawrence L. +Psychology Dept, James Madison U. Harrisonburg, Virginia 22807, USA n70356868350 -FAC_LCRAIJMUVAXl*Behavioral ecology, foraging, birds, rats, proximate mechanisms, learning, resource variability, rules of thumb>,

CREGIS CREGZER, Sharon E. + Editor Farm Animal Ethology: A Guide to Sources, U. of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island ClA 4P3. Canada n902-56606210 -CREGIER@UPEI’*Horse, transportation of the horse, transport, applied ethology, publishing, reference,> CROSSS CROSSLEY, Stella A. +Dept of Psychology, Monash U., Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia 03-56539590 -Courtship behaviour, Drosophila male songs, evolution,

genetics, Drosophila hybrids, speciation. Child development, attachment behaviour, autism>> CROWES CROWELL-DAVIS, Sharon L. +Coll. of Veterinary Medicine, U. of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602, USA n40454283430 *Equine behavior, maternal behavior, developmental behavior, applied animal behavior, veterinary animal behavior, clinical animal behavior, neurology, neurochemistry>> CSERMD CSERMELY, Davide +Ist. di Zoologia, U. di Parma, Viale delle Scienze, I43100 Parma, Italy 0521-5806320 -ZOOLBIPRUNIVSocial behaviour, parental behaviour, parent-young interinfant signals, early learning, actions, environmental influences on behaviour, dominance hierarchies, intensive husbandry, predatory behaviour, mice, Birds of prey, Domestic pig>> CUNNID CUNNZNGHAM,, Dan L. +Dept of Poultry and Avian Sciences, 204 Rice Hall, Cornell U., Ithaca, New York 14853, USA o607-25531680 > CURIOE CU?%, Eberhard +Arbeitsgruppe fiir Verhaltensforschung, Fak. fti Biologie, R&r-U., Pf 10 21 48, D-4630 Bochum. GFR 0234-70028580 *Behavioural ecology, predator prey relationships, antipredator mechanisms, ethological life history study (longevity, sexual differences, parental effort), optimality approach>> CYMBOB CYMBOROWSKZ, Bronislaw *Warsaw U., Dept of Invertebrate Physiology, 93 Zwirki i Wigury, 02-089 Warszawa. Poland 02-65957420 *Regulation of insect behavior, development and metaneuro-hormonal control of morphosis, circadian rhythmicity in insects, biological rhythms research, aggregation pheromone and insect behaviouru CYR.A CYR, And& +Dept de Biologie U. de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec JlK 2Rl. Canada n819-82170740 *Foraging, frugivory, social behavior, circadian hythms, drug effects on behavior, sterilization, bird control, reproductionD’AMAF +AMATO Francesca R. + Istit. Psicobioloaia e P&ofarmacoloaia de1 CNR, via Reno II, I-00198 Roma, Italy n6*Mother-offspring relationship, 84415970 reproductive cycles, primate infant abuse alloparental behavior, allogrooming, mice, ultrasounds, kin preferences, infanticide, neonatal stress, social dominance, reproductive success, displacement activities, ethonharmacolom~~ ‘DALYM--DALY, Martin +Dept of Psvcholoev. McMaster U.. Hamilton. Ontario L8S 4Ky ’ Canada 4i6-5259140’ X30180 -DALY@McMASTERSehavioural ecology


13 and sociobiology, homicide, jealousy, child abuse, comparative social behaviour, paternity uncertaintyu


DANCHZN, Etienne +CRBPO, 55 rue Buffon, F-75005 Paris, France -Role of social environment in the mechanism of regulation of populations of birds breeding colonially. Seabirds, Kittiwake, population dynamics, ethogram, coloniality, attraction, recruitment>>


DARDAZLLON, Maryse *Inst. de Recherche sur les Grands Mammif&es, CRA Toulouse BP 27, F-31326 Castanet-Tolosan, France UEcoethology, wildlife management, wild ungulates, wild boar, Sus scrofa, Camargue, radiotracking, biotelemetry, activity signs, habitat selection and use, spatial distribution feeding habits, home range, movements, dispersion, population characteristics, growth rates, activity patterns, seasonal variations, environmental social organization, social relationships, behaviour, mother-young relationships, family bonds, socialization, effects of previous experience>>

DATHEH DATHZ$ Ho1 er H Tierpark 125, Berlm, DDS-1136, DDR 4pplied ethology, reproductive behavior, zoo ethology, ethophysiology of reproduction> DAVISH DAVIS Hank +Dept of Psychology, U. of Guelph, Ontario NlG 2W1, Canada o519-8244120 X35040 -PSYHANK@UOGUELPH-Numerical perception, logical competence in animals, counting, number, cognitive behaviorism, subitizing>a DAWKIM

DAWKZNS, Marian Stamp *Animal Behaviour Research Group, Dent of Zoology, South Park Road, Oxford 6x1 EPS, UK 4nimal welfare, suffering, applied ethology, motor patterns, fundamental ethology>>


DE BRUIN Jan P.C. + Netherlands Inst. for Brain Research, Dept of Behavioural Neurobiology, Meibergdreef 33, NL-1105 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands 020-56655000 *Prefrontal cortex, mesocortical dopaminergic system, agonistic behaviour, sexual behaviour, activity, learning behaviour, rodents, behavioural recovery, lateralization,


DE JONGE Fran&en H. *Netherlands Inst. for Brain Research, Meibergdreef 33, NL-1105 AZ Amsterdam 20, The Netherlands *Rats, sexual behaviour, aggression, proceptivity, steroids, neurobiology, sexual motivation, sexual differentiation,

DELAEJ DE MT, Jenny +Dennenstraat 65, B-2700 Sint-Niklaas, Belgium nO317701580 -Determinants and ecological implication of social dominance and aggression in birds, Great Tits, Blue Tits, population dynamics in birds>>


DECOcrX: J.P. +38 route de Royan, F-24700 Montpon-Menesterol, France UBehavioural ecology, socio-ecology, ornithology, Coliidae, cooperative breeding according to demographic tactics and ecological factors)> DECOUP DECOURSEY, Patricia J. *Biology Dept, U. of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina 29208, USA 080377739340 *Circadian rhythms, biological pacemakers, photoentrainment, photoreception, SCN pacemaker (suprachiasmatic nuclei), SCN transplantation, ecology animal tidal rhythms, mammalian rhythms, rhythms> DEJEAA DEJEAN, Alain *Lab. de Zoologie, BP 812, Yaounde, Cameroun *Ants, predatory behaviour, foraging, prey capture, homing, learning, polyethism, plant protection, relations between ants and plants, relations between termites and ants preying upon termites>> DELLMG DELLMEZER, Gisela R. +Dept of Animal Science, Texas A&M U., Coll. Station, Texas 77843-2471, USA q40984552150 Specific action potential, instinct, drive-motivated behaviors, stress physiology, perception, learning, communication, play, fixed action patterns, animal welfare, effects of chronic close confinement, applied ethology, ontogeny)> DEPUTB DEPUTTE, Bertrand L. + Station Biologique de Paimpont, F-35380 Plelan Le Grand, France 099-0781810 *Ontogeny, primates, social development, social relationships, visual communication, vocal communication, gestuality, social dynamics, visual perception, multimodality of communication> DESSIF DESSZ-FULGHEZU, Francesco +U. di Firenze, Dip. Biologia Animale e Genetica, via Romana 17, Firenze r-50125 Italy 055-2292890 &‘ocial behaviour, sexual behaviour, hormones and behaviour, sex steroids, behavioural hormonal regulation, sexual suppression, mongoose, rabbit, Grey partridge, rat, behavioural ecology, evolution, play, parental behaviourja DEWSBD DEWSBURY, Donald A. +Dept of Psychology, U. of Florida, Gainsville, Florida 32611, USA n904-392.0596, 00601, -378038830 &Adaptive significance of behavior, reproductive behavior, Rodents, comparative method, history of comparative psychology and of the study of animal behavior>>


DHONDT Andre +Deyt,,of Biology U. of Antwerp, dL4 B-2610 Wi rnk, Belgium -DHONDT@BANUIA52NPopuiation biology, competition, ornithology, Parus sp., micro-evolution, social organisatiomj


DIESEL, Rudolf + ~axD’h& Inst. fur Verhaltensphysio ogre, Seewiesen, GFR 08157-292910 *Behavioral ecology, sperm competition, symbiosis, mate

14 choice, mating systems, crustaceans, decamating strategies, parental care, pods, maternal care)> DILLL DILL, Lawrence M. +Dept of Biological Sciences, Simon Fraser U., Burnabv, British Columbia V5A lS6. Canada n604-29136640 SBehaviourai ecology, optimality models, predator-prey interactions, decision rulesu DIMOCR DZMOCK Ronald V. *De t of Biology, Wake Forest II., Box 732 %, Reynolda Station, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27109, USA 0919-76153230 >


DZNGLE Hugh +Dept of Entomology U. of California, Davis, California 95616, USA <>

DOBKID DOBZUN David S. +Dept of Biology, Rutgers U., Camden, New Jersey 08102, USA 0609-75761650 *Behavioral ecology, animal-plant interaction, behavioral responses to microclimatic variation, avian vocal behavior, behavioral thermoregulationw DOMINW DOMZNEY, Wallace J: + Dept of Biological Sciences, Mississippi State II., P.O. Drawer GY, Mississippi 39762, USA n601-32575810 *Behavioral ecology, mating systems, alternative mating tactics, sexual selection, speciation, systematics, ichthyology, entomology, Hawaiian Drosophila, Bluegill Sunfish, African cichlid fishes, colonialbreeding, filial cannibalism> DOWNHJ DOW!NDOWER Jerry F. +Dept of Zoologv. Ohio State I?.. Columbus. Ohio- 43210, I&A 0614-29248870 *Evolu: tionary biology, behavioral ecology, sexual selection, mating systems, sex reversal, parental care, sexual dimorphism, parasitehost interactions, genetic structure of populations,, DRAULD

DRAULANS Dir-k *Inst. of Nature Conservation, Riewitdreef 3. B-3500 Hasselt, Belgium ‘all-2101100 ’ -Birds, herons, ducks, foraging, roosting, spatial distribution, time budgets, individual variability in behaviourJ> -


DZUCZGIMER, Lee C. +Dept of Zoology, Life Sciences 11, Southern Illinois U., Carbondale, Illinois 62901, USA 0618-53623140 -GA3687@SIUCVMB*Development of behavior, population

biology, signals behavior

rodent behavioral ecology, chemoinfluencing behavior, nesting of rodents>


DRUMMOND, Hugh *Dep. de Ecologia, Inst. de Biologia, II. National Autonoma de Mexico, A.Py 70-233, 04510 D.F., Mexico 05-505215 X24790 -Avian infanticide, siblicide, brood reduction, sex ratio, parent-offspring conflict, philopatry, boobies, Pelecaniformes, snake feeding foraging behaviour, food preferences, techniques, diet, garter snakes, specialization us generalization, micmevolution~~


DUMAS, Claude +Dept de Psychologie, U. du Quebec a Montrea , CP 8888, St&.. A, Montreal, Quebec H3C 3P8, Canada n514-987*4097, l4184”o *Cognition, development, Piaget, object permanence, sensorimotor intelligence, cats, human babies, evolution>

DUNBAR DUNBAR Robin +Dept of Anthropology, U. Coll. London, Gower St., London WClE 6BT. UK 01-3877050 X24660 Sociobiology, so&ecology, mathematical models, primatology, ungulates, human ethology, hominid evolution, reproductive strategies, parental strategies, evolution of mind, cognitive ethology, time budgets, social ethology, philosophy of science>> DUNCAI

DUiVCm, Ian J.H. + AFRC Inst. of Animal Physiology and Genetics Research, Roslin, Midlothian EH25 9PS, Scotland. UK 031-44027260 -PGROOB%UK AC.AFRC.PGROUK.AC{Dept of Animal Sciences, U. of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario NlG 2W1, Canada 0519-82441200) +Agonistic behaviour, conflict, domestic fowl, domestication, fear, feral populations, motivation, nesting, frustration, housing, population density, preference tests, sexual behaviour, social spacing, stress, vices, welfare,,

DURUPH DVRUP Henri *Lab de Neurosciences Fonctiormelles, CNRS, 3i Ch. Joseph-Aiguier, F-13402 Marseille Cddex 9, France 091-224000 X45800 *Behavioural sequences, choice behaviour, cues, decision, discrimination, dogs, exhaustive exploration, mazes, learning, mathematical models, orientation, planning of experiments, probability, psychology, random mechanisms, rodents space representation, spatial structures, strategies> DWALD

D WALL, David +Dept of Zoology, U. of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming 82071, USA 0307-76642070 *Behavioral ecology and ethology of free-ranging snakes, rattle snakes. Focuses and movements, reproduction, social structure. predation, Evolution, ecology and natural history of behavior,,

DYBKJL DYBKJBR, Lise @Royal Veterinary and Agricultural U. Dept of Forensic and State Veterinary Medicine, 13 Bolowsvej. DK-1870 Frederiksberg C.,

15 Denmark 001-351788 X23760 4bnormal behaviour, stress, early weaning, ethological markers, individual differences, pigs, piglets, development, belly-nosing, play behaviour, housing- systems, calves, sucking behauiour>> EHRETG EHRET, Giiiter +zooloaisches Inst., U. BOM, D-5300 Bonn, GFR 0228-7354540 *Auditory neuroethology, behavioral control by dopaminergic system, bioacoustics, brain mechanisms in hearing, categorical sound perception, development of hearing motivation and sound perception, perceptual lateralization of sound in the brain, psychoaccoustics, sound communication. sound recognition> EIBL-I EIBL-EIBESFELDT Ireniius + 8130 Seewiesen. Forschune~stelle fur Humanethologie in’ der Max-Pianck-Gesellschaft, GFR 08157-293850 ELI;ISD ELLIS David II. + Endangered Suecies Research Branch. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Patuxent ‘Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, Maryland 20708, USA n30149804930 r

Mudd Hall, Cornell U., Ithaca, New York 14853, USA n607-25547510
ENDLEJ ENDLER, John A. +De t Biological Sciences, U. of California, San ! a Barbara, California 93106, USA n80596182120 dnti-predator defense, animal colour patterns, crypsis, mimicry, sexual selection. vredatiorw ENSB’ ENS Bruno J +Veenwe 35 NL9728 NJ Gioningen, ‘The Net %erl’ands *Behavioural ecology, prey selection, feeding territories, costs and benefits of dominance, predator-prey relationships from the point of view of the prey, studies involving primarily field work on waders feeding in the intertidal* ERDMAD ERDMAN, Donald S. +890, N.E. 90th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97220, USA 0503-25359580 *Amphidromy, exotic

fishes, Gobiidae, habitat, juveniles, lunar metamorphosis, migrations, periodicity, nuptial color of males, names, postlarvae, seasonality, rhythmicity, river pulses, Sicydium* ERICKC ERICKSON, Carl J. +Psychologv Dept. Duke U., Durham North Carolina 27706, _ USA n919-68420470 &ourtship, reproductive behavior, hormones, breeding strategies, birds, nest building, damselflies, male-male comoetitionu


ERICKSON Eric H. +USDA!ARS, Carl Hayden Bee Research Center. 2000 E. Allen Road. Tucson. Arizona 85719,’ USA n602-62963860 j ?%oEy I?%+%~h~%,z?T%c?h%~ Norwav n7L596.295. 02970 HBio-communicasong dialects, ungulates, tion, bird-song, social organizations, social relationships, predator-prey strategies, behavioural ecology>> ESTEPD ESTEP, Daniel Q. +Dept of Psychology, U. of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602, USA 040454221740 &fZuences of the physical and social environment on reproductive and social behavior in rodents, evolution and ungulates and primates, adaptive significance of behavior, applied animal behavior>> ETIENA ETIENNE, Ariane S. +31 Ch. Ecorcherie. 1253 Vandoeuvres. Switzerland 022-5014830 > FAABOJ FAABORG, John +llO Tucker Hall, U. of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, Missouri 65211, USA n31488275410 SAvian behavioral ecology, territorial mating systems, polyandry, behavior>> FABREC FABRE-NYS, Claude + INRA, Station de Phvsioloeie de la Renroduction. Nouzilly, F-3?380 Monnaie, France 047: 4277000 Sheep, sexual behaviour, breeding season, diurnal rhythm, oestmdiol, progestestosterone, dihydrotestosterone, terone, mechanism of hormonal action, cerebml implantation, hypothalamus, preoptic area, sexual differentiation, FAJ Fi John E. +AP. 22-027 Mexico 22. D.F. 0573-79520 *Primates. macaoues. lagomorphs, rabbits, social’ behavior, agonism, ecology, feeding behavior, resource partitioning, use of time, use of space, habitat selection, FALTEU FALTER, Ursula +Biologie du Comportement, U. de Louvain, 2 Rte de Blocry, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium 010-4725350 -ETHO@BUCLLNll*Tilapia

16 Oreochromis sp. Haplochromis sp. (Cichlidae), aggressive behaviour, territorial maternal care, mate choice, organization, behaviour of hybrids, interspecific mating, sexual selections FANSEM FANSELOW, Michael S. +Dept of Psychology, Dartmouth Coll., Hanover, New Hampshire 03755, USA n60364627730 dntipredator behavior, defensive behavior, rats, endogenous opioids, endorstress-induced analgesia, response phins, selection, foraging, fear,, SP.,


FANTINO, Edmund +Psychology Dept, C-009, U. of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093-0109, USA n619-5343OOOn *Animal behavior, operant conditioning, choice, foraging, conditioned reinforcement, learning, motivation, comparative psychology, behavior analysis, reward effectiveness of information, reinforcement theory, behavioral ecology, behavioral economics, selfcontrol>> FARABF FARABOLLZNZ, . Francesca +I&. Fisiologia Umana, U. do Siena, Via Laterina 8, I-53100 Siena, Italy n5772874030 dominance, sub> FAURE J FAURE, Jean-Michel +Station de Recherches Agricoles, INRA Nouzilly, F-37380 Monnaie, France q474278280 -Telex: INRATOU 750954 F*Domestic chickens, Japanese quail, Muscovy Duck, open-field behaviour, tonic immobility, emotionality, fear, social behaviour, spacing behaviour, sexual behaviour, behaviour genetics, behavioural adaptation, welfare, operant conditioning, intensive husbandry>> FEDDED FEDDERSEN-PETERSEN, Don’t + Inst. fti Hatistierkuride, ChristianAlbrechts U. zu Kiel, Am Botanischen Garten 9, D-2300, Kiel 1 GFR n43188004506, 045270 *Canid behavior (Canis lupus lupus, Canis aureus, Canis latrans, Canis lupus X familiaris, Dingo), ontogeny of social behavior, communication, social organisation, behavior genetics of wolf-dog, and jackal-dog-hybrids, social play in different canidae and in hybrids>> FEDIGL FEDIGAN, Linda Marie +Dept of Anthropology, U. of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2H4, Canada *Primates, social behavior, life histories, reproduction, demography, sexual selection, sex differences, Japanese macaques, neotropical primates, Central America, Costa Rica, capuchins, spider monkeys, howler monkeys, females, reproductive successFERNAR FERNALD, Russell D. + Inst. of Neuroscience, U. of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 97403, USA Social signals, neuroethology, social regulation of development)>


FERNd, Anders +Dept of Fisheries Biology, U. of Bergen, P.B. 1839, N-5024 Bergen. Norwav 09547-3254900 &gression, territory, dominance, communication, colour mark, cichlid fish, behaviourlaquaculture, salmon, behastress, viourlfishing gear, behaviour towards bait>>

FERROJ FERRON, Jean + De t de Biologie et des Sciences de la Sang, %I. du Quebec a Rimouski, 300 ave des Ursuhnes, Rimouski, Quebec G5L 3A1, Canada 0418724*1614, 017860 xBehavioura1 ecology of sciurids, rodents and lagomorphs, habitat preferences, use of space, social organisation, scent marking, behaviouml development of sciurids), FICKEM FICKEN, Millicent S. +Dept of Biological Sciences, U. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Wisconsin 53201. USA n4149634363, 167568440 &vian ’ vocalizations and social behaviour, visual communication in birds, avian behavioural ecology, evolution of vocalizations~~ FIGLEM

FZGLER, Michael H. +Dept of Psychology, Towson State U., Towson, Maryland 21204, USA 0301-32132170 &gression, social dominance, territoriality, prior residence effect, human ethology, fish behavior, exploration and travel, hormones and behavior,, FILIAJ FILIATRE Jean-Claude + Lab. de Psychophysiologie, kte de Grey, F-25030 Besancon, France 081-5381220 *Child, pet dog, interspecific relationships, communication, behaviour, olfaction, scent marking, infant newborn, mother, child relationships>> FINCKO FZNCKE, Ola M. 4Dept of Biology, U. of Missouri, St-Louis, 8001 Natural Bridge Rd., St. Louis, Missouri 63121-4499, USA 0314-55362140 SBehavioral ecology, Odonata, territoriality, lifetime reproductive success, larvae, Pseudostigmatidae, Coenagrionidae, interspecific interactions, insects, tropical ecology,> FINEM FZNE, Michael L. +Dept of Biology, Virginia Commonwealth U., Richmond, Virginia 23284-2012, USA n80436715620 &‘ommunication, bio-acoustics, neuroethology, sound production, sexual dimorphism of the brain, neurobiology, neuroendocrinology, neuroanatomy, motor systems, mating systems, alternative reproductive strategies)> FITZGG FITZGERALD, Gerard J. +DBpt de Biologie, U. Laval, Ste Foy, Quebec GlK 7P4, Canada 0418-65717650 *Reproductive behavior, territoriality, aggression, mate choice, cannibalismFORESD FORESTER, Don C. +Biological Sciences, Inst. of Animal Behavior, Towson State U., Towson, Maryland 21204, USA 0301-32123850 Sensory biology, animal parental care, sexual selection, communication, social behavior, olfaction, audition, homing, reproduction, courtshipu



FORSYTHE, Chris +Dept of Psvcholozv. Memohis State U.. Memnhis. Te&ess&’ 3815i, USA n9Oi-67823756 *Lateralization, locomotion, hand use and species-typical behavior in prosimian primates* FOSTEW FOSTER Woodbridge A. +Dept of Entomology, bhio State U., 1735, Neil- Ave., Colom&, Ohio 43210, USA 0614-29222040 >


FOURCASSIE, V. + Centre de Recherche en Biologie du Comportement, U. Paul Sabatier, 118 Route de Narbonne, F-31062 Toulouse, France UFormicidae, Formica rufa group, orientation, learning. path analy&, &ion, foraging strategy>> FRAGAD FRAGASZY, D.M. +Dept of Psychology, Washington State U., Pullman, Washington 99164-4830, USA

FRANCQ, Edward N. +Zoology Dept, Spaulding Bldg., U. of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire 03824. USA 0603-86221040 > FmmL FRAZUCENBERG Eliezer 4 Nature Reserves Authority, 78 Pirmeyahu St., Jerusalem 94467, Israel 02-5362710 FRANRH FRANK, Harry +Dep$ of Psychology, The U. of Michigan-Flint, lmt, M&igan-48502-2186, USA-0313-76i3424d *Problem-solving, learning, cognition, wolves, dogs, canids, cognitive development, cognitive complexity, cognitive evolution, information processing>>

FRASEDA FRASER, David +~nimal Research Centre, Bldg. 59, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa KlA 0C6, Canada 061399360020 -Farm animals, maternal behaviour, nursing, suckling, animal welfare, animal environment, abnormal behaviour, pigs, sheep>> FRASEDO FRASER Douglas F. +Dept of Biology, Siena doll., Loudenville, New- York 122i1, USA 0518-78324670 >


FREED, Leonard A. + Dept of Zoolopv. U. of Hawaii. Honolulu. Hawaii 96822, USA 0808-948.8655, 086170 *Mating infanticide, sexual dichromatism, systems, delayed plumage maturation, kin selection, parental care, avian evolutionary ecology~~ FRENCJ FRENCH Je eyatAo;zzchology Dept, U. of tiebras% Omaha Nebraska 68182, USA 04021 *Primate behavior, 554.2558. a25920 behavioral endocrinology, communication, reproductive development, social regulation of fertility, captive propagation of endanmarmosets gered species, social behavior, and tamarinsu VI



GALEF, Bennett G. Jr. +Dept of Psychology, McMaster U. kamilton. Ontario L8S 4Kl. Canada 0416-5259140 -PSYCH@&Cvax.McMaster.CA x3i)170 &ocial learning, tradition, (Internet)observational learning, local imitation, information centres, food enhancement, choice, self-selection diet, poison avoidance, pheromones, development, weaning, wild Norway rats)>

GANSLU GANSLOSSER Udo *Zoology Inst. 1, Staudtstr. 5, D-9520 Erlangen, GFR 09131-8580730 *Ontogeny of social behaviour, play, socialization, sex differences, social relationship, quality development experimental studies, marsupial sp., Kangaroos. phylorrenetic implications> GAityN

GARY, Norman A. *Deft of Entomolow. U. of California Davis. Ca Ifornia 95616, USA 0916-75204800 4Zoneybee, mating, stinging, behavior, foraging, pesticides, cinematography, communication, parasite9 Y_


uBehavioura1 ecolorrv. 22858440 -_. animal memory, spatial intelligence, cognition, memory, territoriality, foraging)> GAUTHG GAUTHIER, Gilles + Dept de Biologie, U. Laval, Ste-Foy, Quebec GlK 7P4, Canada 0418-6565507, -87845460 UBioenergetic, reproductive strategy, mnting systems, parental care, food selection, plantherbivore interactions, ornithology, waterfowl ecolog.y, population dynamic>>

GAUTIJ GAUTIkR Jean-Yves *Lab d’Etholotie, U. de Re&es, Ave. du G&&rai Leclerc,F-35042 Renn&, France 0992861530 *Insect, Blattaria, ontogenesis, plasticity, phylogenesis, evolution, selection, social animal societies, socio-ecology, organisation, social structure, interindividual relationships, social hierarchy, agonistic interaction aggregation, cooperation, communication, pheromone, reproduction, reproductive success, parental care, habitat, territory, home range, resources exploitation, circadian rhythm, population, tropical forest, cave-


GERHAH GERHARDT, H. Carl *Div. of Bioloeical Sciences. 206 Tucker Hall, U. of Missour;, Colombia, Missouri 65211,. USA -BIOSCARL@UMCUMB0314-88272190 Communication, acoustic pattern recognition, mate choice, sound localization~ GERVEJ GERVET, Jacques )Lab. de Neurosciences Fonctionnelles - Ethologie, CNRS, 31 Chemin Joseph-Aiguier, F-13402 Marseille Cedex 9. France o91-224000 X43/670 *Paper wasp, social life, ontogenesis, system, epistemology, evolution, ethologv. digger wasvsw GETZL GETZ, -Lowell L. *De@, o,ff Ecology, Ethology, and Evolution, Illinois, Shelford Vivarium, 606 E. Healey St., Champaign, Illinois 61820, USA o21733365160 Social organization and mating systems of microtine rodents, GILLIJ GZLLZNGHAM James C. + Dept of Biology, Central Michigan U., Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 48859, USA 0517774.3291. 034620 Snake. turtle. Tuatara. foraging behavior, courtship behavior, behavioral ecology, behavioral morphology, Jacobson’s organ, vomeronasal organ, Elaphe, Thamnophis, Alsophis, Sphendon> GIRALL GZRALDEAD, Luc-Alain + Dept of Biology, Concordia U., 1455 Ouest, bvd. de Maisonneuve, Montreal, Quebec H3G lM8. Canada 0514-84834250 *Grout foraging, social learning, group size, producing and scrounging, birds (Columbidae, Estrildidae), mammals (Sciuridae), fishesGLATSA

GLATSTON An.eLa R. + Biological Research Dept, Royal otterdam Zoological and Botanical Gardens, Van Aerss&laan 49, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 010-465433 X1840 *Influence of captive environment on social and reproductive behaviour*


GOCHFELD, Michael +Environment Medicine Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Piscataway, New Jersey 08854, USA 0201-46347710 *Feeding, courtship, nesting, nest-site selection, synchrony, anti-predator, distraction display, isolating behavior, behavioral maturation, learning, neurobehavioral toxicology)> GONZAG GONZALES Geor es +lO rue Jean Chaptal, Bat A., F-31400%oulouse: France 061-3492930 *Wild mammals, ungulates, management, ontogenesis, interindividual variability, interspecific competition, mountain ecosystem, space and time use, sociability>>

GBODAG GOODALL, Glyn +Lab. d’Ethologie, U. de Paris XIII, Ave. J.B. Clement, F-93430 Villetaneuse, France 048216170 X60190 *Mutant functional recovery, adaptation, evolution, cerebellum, learning, behavioural plasticity,> GORDOD GOROON, D.M. *Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard U., Cambridge, Maine 02138, USA
ecology, daily activity rhythms, harvester ants, group-level and colony-level behavior, dynamics of behavior, ontogeny of group behavior>> GOTMAF GGTMARZ& Frank *De t of Zoology, U. of Gothenburg, Box 25059, Sp-400 31 Gothenburg, Sweden 031-8536500 Avian coloniality, foraging, function of coat colours, mixed-species nesting aggregations, fauna conservation, ecological evaluation, conservation>

GOUATJ GOUAT Janine *Lab. d’Ethologie, U. Claude Bernard-Lyon I, 86 rue Pasteur, F-69007 Lyon, France o787208650 Animal communication, social behaviour, ontogeny, biology of reproduction, rodents, evolution, ecology, biogeography, Ctenodactylidae, Ctenodactylus gundi, C. vali, Massoutiera mzabiG,OUATP

GOUAT, Patrick *Lab. d’Ethologie, U. Claude Bernard-Lyon I, 86 rue Pasteur, F-69007 Lyon, France o787208650 4iocioecology, social organization, ecology, populations dynamics, ontogeny, rodents, Ctenoevolution, biogeography, dactvlidae, Ctenodactylus _ -gundi, C. vali, Massoutiera mzabiu GOULDM GOULD BURKE Margaret +Dept of Biology, U. of North Dakota, Box 8238; U. Station, Grand Forks, North Dakota 88202, USA 0701-77726210 *Behavioral ecology, feral mammals, feral goats, social organisation, dominance, population dynamics, sex ratios> GRAFFC GRAFF Christian *Lab de Phvsiolosie Nerveuse) III. CNRS. Gif ‘sur Yvette, F-91190, France 069-077828 X0600 Communication, signals, discrimination, social structure, individual recognition, electric fish, electrocommunication~

GRANTJ GRANT, James WA. *De& of Biology, McGill U., 1205 Avenue Penfield:. Montreal, Quebec H3A lB1, Canada <
59715, USA 0406-9943801’, 5878577bo
GREENJ GREEN, John M. +Dept of Biology, Memorial U., St John’s, Newfoundland AlB 3X9, Canada 0709-43775270 -JMGREEN@MUNCA*Fish, homing, reproduction, feeding, mating systems~~ GREENM GREENFZELD, Michael D. +Dept of Biology, U. of California, Los Angeles, California 90024, USA 021320686440 *Sexual selection, mating systems, communication, acoustic signalling, pheroreproductive isolation, mones, chorusing,

19 herbivore-host-plant toriality, alternative

relationships, mating tactics>>


GREENN GREENBERG Neil *Lab of Physiological Ethology, U. ‘of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 37996-0810. USA social domi0615-97423710 4ggression, nance, reproduction, stress, reptile, lizard, neuroethology, neuroendocrinology, neurobehavior,>

effect, breeding site fidelity, population biology, conservation genetics, inbreeding, biogeography, species distribution, philopatry, life history patterns>


GRIFFD GRIFFIN, Donald R. *The Rockefeller U., 1230 York Avenue, New York, New York 10021-6399, USA &ognitive ethology, sensory physiology of animal orientationu

HAZLMAN, Jack P. +Dept of Zoology, II. of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, USA n608-262*2636”, l2648”, 233.1452%~ -JHAILMANIWISCMACC4?ommunication, ontogeny, evolution, behavioral ecology, sociobiology, vision, coloration, acoustics, information, bird, gull, Scrub jay, tit, chickadee, frog, sea turtle, fish, history of ethology, biological linguistics>>

GROSSBERG, Stephen *Center for Adaptive Systems, 111 Cummington St., Boston II., Boston, Maine 02215, USA Adavtive sensor-v-motor control. neural models, _ self-organization, visual perception, circadian rhythms, cognition, conditioning, attention, evoked potentials, speech and language>>

80523, USA n363-49158750 -JCHA @ CSUGREEN*Foraging, energetics, birds, mammals, home range, microcomputers, territoriality, game theory, feeding risk, autecology, behavioral ecology, physiological ecology>>





HALFFTER, Gonzalo *Inst. de Ecoloaia. Nuevo Bosaue de Chaouheoec. A.P. 18-845; 11800 Mexico, D.F., M&o-05: 4056200 dnsecta, Coleoptera, Scarabaeidea, beetles, nesting, subsocial, evolution, ecology, ecosystems, zoogeography, Mexican transition neotropical, taxonomy, zone, nearctic, biosphere reserves, germplasm, conservation, policies development, tropical rain foresb

GUYOMJ GUYOMARC’H, JeanCharles *Lab. d’Ethologie, Campus de Rennes, F-35042 Rennes, France n992861550 4oturnix c., quail, communication, reproduction, migration, food selection, social structure, galliform, nidification>

HAMILTON Paul V. +Dept of Biology, U. of West dorida, Pensaco a, Florida 32514, USA n904-47430610 uMolvision, marine, lusts, orientation, eyes, optics, swimming, migmtion> HAMPTR f&I&TON Raymond E. +Biology Dept, Central Michigan U., Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 48859, USA o51777439090 communication. -Courtship. _ habituation; parental care > uisces. mate selkctZ?essLon’

GUASTAVINO Jean-Marie *Lab. d’Ethologie, UA CNRS 667, U. ParisNord, F-93430 Villetaneuse, France 048216170 X60190 -Effects of the staggerer gene on the behavior-gene-environment interaction, recovery of altered behavior by 1) adaptation of environment, 2) changes in genetical environmental GUYOMARC’H, Catherine *Lab. d’Ethologie, Campus de Rennes, F35042 Rennes, France 099-2861550 Social factors, reproduction, vocalization, rhythms, birds, gallinaceous, Japanese Quail, European Quail>>


GYGER, Marcel *Inst. d’Anatomie, Bugnon 9, 1005 Lausanne, Switzerland n21-4929*00, 0160 ucommunication: general, ultrasonic, acoustic, tactile, in birds and rodents, somatosensory system in rodents, vibn’ssae~~


HAAS, Volker +Zollstockweg 35, D7118 Ktinzelsau, GFR Sociobiology, behavioral ecology, bird song, life history, Turdidae, cooperative an-d communal breeding, Pisces, Poeciliidaeja


HACCOU Patricia *Inst. of Theoretical Biology, deiden U., Groenhovenstraat 5, 2311 BT I.&den. The Netherlands Siostatistics, mathematical biology, ecology)>

HAIGS HAIG, Susan M. *De t of Zoo f ogical Zoological Research, National Park, Washington, District of Columbia 20008, USA -Mating systems, ornithology, shorebirds, Piping plover, Guam rail, Micronesian kingfisher, genetic diversity, dispersal patterns, mate choice, founder


iw\jNOS HANNON, Susan J. +Dept of Zool., U. of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E9, Canada 0403-43241620 -USERHNON@UALTANS*Aggression, mating systems, monogamy, dominance, parental investment, behavioral ecology, reproductive behaviourJ>


HANSELL, Michael Henry +Deot of Zooloav. U. of Glasgow. Glaseow. G12 -SQQ, Scotl%d 041-339881550 UTrichop: tern case building, evolution of insect social behaviour, nest building of wasps, Vespidae, Stenogastrinae, bird nest building, animal tool usew


HARMATA Wincenty +Dept of Zoopsychology and Ethology of Animals, Inst. of Environmental Biology, Cracov 30-060, Poland 033-6777 X4610
20 Aves, roosting behaviour season rh.ythmicityL,

in Aves,

day and


HARRINGTON Fred H *Mount Saint Vincent U.. Halifax. Nova Scotia B3M 256, Canada b902-443;4450’“, l6175’Q

HARTP HART, Paul J.B. +Dept of Zool., U. of Leicester, U. Road, Leicester L61 7RH, UK 0533-5233480 -PBH%UK.AC. LE.VAX@ACRL“Foraging behaviour in fish and other vertebratesHELBH

HELB, Hans-Wolfgang +U. of Kaiserslautern, Dept of Biology, Box 3049, D-6750, Kaiserslautern GFR n631-20523640 - Telex: 45 627 unikl d-


HELFMAN, Gene S. +Dept of Zoology, U. of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602, USA 0404-54233100 < HEMONY HEMQN, Yves-Alain +U. de Rennes I. Lab. d‘Etholotie. Campus de Beaulieu, F-35042 Rennes, France n99286123 X51-670 Social structure, European quails, individualisation by calls, radiotracking, home-range, activity pattern)

HENRYC HENRY, Charles S. + De$ $ Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Connecticut, 75 North Eagleville Rd., Storrs, Connecticut 06268, USA 0203-48644500 *Entomology, behavioral ecology, evolution, speciation, acoustical communication, Chrysopidae, Neuroptera, morphology, reproductive biology>) HEPPEP HEPPER Peter G. +Lab. for Recognition Research, bept of Psychology, The Queen’s U. of Belfast. Belfast. BT7 lNN, N. Ireland 0232-66111’1 X43850
range, habitat, communication, foraging, feeding, sexual behaviour, activity)> HERREE HERRERA, Emilio A. *Dep. de Estudio Ambientales, U. Simon Bolivar, Apdo. 80659, Caracas, Venezuela *Ecology, Capybaras, mammals, herbivores, lizards, tropical savannas, wildlife management>> HERTE HERT, Eva *Max-Planck-Inst. fiir Verhaltensphysiologie, Seewiesen, D8130 Starnberg, GFR 08157-292950 *Fish behavior, cichlids, reproductive strategies, male mating success, optical signals>>


HERZOG, Michael +MaxPlanck Inst. for Psychiatry, Dept of Primate Behavior, Kraepelinstr. 2, D-8000 Munich, GFR 089-30622 X5980 GYimates, social stimulus behauior, vocal communication, control, releasing mechanisms, visual and acoustic pattern recognition, field research, Squirrel Monkey, Cebus Monkey, Lion tailed Macaque, Nilgiri Langur, film documentation of freeranging primates, conservation~


HZDAKA, Toshitaka +Dept of Zoolosv, Kvoto U., Salvo. Kvoto. 606 Japan n75-75121il X46730 _ SBehaviour tactics, communication, human ethology, language, life-cycle strategy, logic of behaviour, mate choice, recognition, mating behaviour, releaser, reoroductive strategv. Urnwelt>>


HIDALGO DE TRUCIOS Sebastian J. *Cat. de Bioloeia v Etoloeia: U. de Extremadura, E-10071, &&es, Spiin *Activity patterns, brood parasitism, Ceruus elaphus, Clamator glandarius, courtship, environmental factors, Cyanopica cyana, Equus caballus, groups size, group structure, habitat preferences, lek behaviour, mate selection, mating behaviour, mating systems, nest site selection, Otis tarda, parasites, reproductive radio-tagging, polygyny, strategy, sexual selection, social behaviour, social snacing, snatial distribution, TetraxJ> HIEGTN %Z~ST&VD, ~a& Laurie *U-154, Dept of Biobehavioral Sciences, U. of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut 06268, ;;;N;g-48626520 -HIESTAND B &anidae. cosmition. dogs. domestication, genetics; problem-solving; sequential manipulation, spatial orientation, wolves>>

HINDER HINDE, Robert A. +MRC Unit on the Development and Integration of Behaviour, Madingley, Cambridge, CB3 8AA UK n954-2103010 *Development, social behaviour, preschool children, monkeys, relationships, communication>> HIRSCH HIRSCH, Jerry + Psychology Dent, U. of Illinois. 603 East Dame , Champaign, Illinois ‘61820, USA 0217: 33303730 *Behavior-genetic analysis, tropisms, instinct, excitatory states, conditioning, ‘intelligence’, individual differences, eugenics. racism ana’ historical analvsis>> HYIRTHD


HIRTH David H +School of Resources, d. of Vermont, Burling-

21 ton, Vermont 05405, USA 0802-65626840 >



CZaude Marcel

+Ecologie-Museum, 4 av. du Petit Chateau, F-91800 Brunov. France 060-4648510 *Primate feeding-behavior, digestive ability and taste>>

HLINAZ HLZNa Zdenek *Research Inst. for Pharmacy and Biochemistry, U Elektry 8, 194 04 Prague 8, Czechoslovakia &‘ex behaviour, patterning, interactions, hormonal and neural control, spontaneous behaviour: measurement, pharmacological intervention, laboratory animals: rat, mouse, gerbil)> HOECKH

HOECK Hendrik N. +U. Konstanz, FB Biologic, Post. 5560, D-7750 Konstanz 1. GFR ni’531-8827630 CqBehauioural ecology of mammals, social behavior, population dynamics, evolution of social systems, island biogeography, biotelemetry, physiology of hibernation, research and management for conservation))

HO&iNJ’ HOGAN, Jerry A. +Dept of Psychology, U. of Toronto, Ontario M5S lA1, Canada o416-97834040 *Behavior systems, development, motivation, feeding behavior, dust bathing, preening, aggression, junglefowl. Siamese fighting fish>>


H~LD%AVELL Barbara + Forschunasstelle fur Humanetholoeie.

Max-PlanckTinst., D-8133 Seewiesen, GFR 08151-7011~ )


HOLLDOBLER, Bert *Harvard U., Organismic & Evolutionary, 260 Oxford St., Cambridge, Maine 02138, USA

o\t”hf Psychology, Mount kolyoke Coll., Sp Hadley, Maine 01075, USA 0413-5382296, 538-2338”~ uBiology of learning, animal learning, Pavlovian conditioning, comparative psychology, psychobiology, territorial and reproductive behaviour in fish, learned signals, sexual imprinting, search images>>

HOLMED HOLMES, Donna J. +Dept of Psychiatry, U. of Medmme and Dentistry of New Jersey, 185 S. Orange Ave., Newark, New Jersey 07103, USA 0201-4566838”, 8197595’0 4’ocial evolution, chemical communication, “solitary” mammals, marsupials, Didelphidae, Didelphis virginiana, scent glands> HOODK HOOD Kathryn E. *S-110 Henderson, Pennsylvania State U., University Park, Pennsylvania 16802, USA 081486514470 -IG4@PSUVM*Aggressive behavior, sex differences, mice, selective

oestrus cycle, hormones and breeding, behavior, development, genetics of behavior, menstrual cycle, life cycle, ontogeny, sex roles. humans> HO’PFS HOPF Sigrid + Max-PlanckInst. ftir Psvchiatrle. Kraenelinstr. 2. D-8000 Miinchen 46, GFR 689-30622 X2166 > HOPKIC HOPKINS, Carl D. *Section of Neurobiology and Behavior, Seeley Mudd Hall, Cornell U., Ithaca, New York 14853, USA 0607-25522590 -ZBLY@CORNELLD(> HORNA HORN, Arthur D. +Dept of Anthropology, Colorado State U. at Fort Collins, Colorado 80523, USA *Primate ecology and behavior, naturenurture questions, the significance of sensitive periods in evolution, pn.mate evolution, evolutionary theory>> HORNG HORN, Gabriel +U. of Cambridge, Dept of Zoology, Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EJ, UK n2233366010 UNeurai mechanism of learning, analysis of information storage in the of filial imprinting in domestic process chicks> HOSEYG HOSEY, Geoffrey R. +Dept of Psychology, Bolton Inst. of Higher Education. Deane Road. Bolton. BL3 5AB. UK 0204-288510 uMammals,’ primates; social behaviour, captivity, zoos” HOUPTK HOUPT, Katherine +Dept of Physiology, N.Y. State Coll. of Veterinary Med., Ithaca, New York 14853-6401, USA -UK5i@CORNELLAo607-25334500 *Horse, cattle, dog, cat, pig, sexual behavior, maternal behavior, social behavior, aggression, feeding, drinking, vocalization, behavior problems, flehmen, human care of farm animals) ‘HUBERF HUBER, Franz *MaxPlanck-Inst. for Behavioral Physiology, D8131 Seewiesen, GFR u8157-293350 § acoustic communication, neuroethology, phonotaxisw


HUNTIF HUNTZNGFORD, Felicity Ann +Dept of Zoology, II. of Glasgow, Glasgow 912 899. UK 041-3398855 X59750 &ggYession, piedator, foraging, salmon, sticklebacks, swimming crabs, reproduction, development>> HURNIJ HURNZK J.F. +Dept of Animal and Poultry Sc;ence. U. of Guelnh. Guelph, Ontario NlG 2W1,’ Canada o5i9: 8244120 X33400 -Farm animals, with special emphasis on reproductive behaviour and neonatal behaviour, behavioural assessment of farm animal well-being,, HUTI’OR HUTTO, Richard L. +Dept of Zoology, U. of Montana, Missoula, Montana 59812. USA 0406-24342920 *Foraging ecology, community ecology, competition, migration, habitat selection, deforestation, mixed-species flocks, avian ecology, insectivorous birds, Mexico, census methods>

IGLESJ ZGLESZAS, Jaime +U. Autonoma de Madrid, Dep. de Psicologia, Bioloeica v de la Salud. Canto Blanco. E28046 Madrid, Espafia , IQALEP

ZOALZ?, Paolq +D$ia f Scienze Del Comportmento Ammale, Volta no 6, I-56iOO Pisa, Italy 05d-202550 *Orientation, navigation, homing, migration, pigeon homing, wintering birds, winter philopatry, hippocampal ablation, zimlst ablation, spatial behavior)> ITOY ZTO, Yosiaki *Lab. of Applied Entomology and Nematology, Nagoya U., Furocho, Chikusa, Nagoya 464 Japan n527815111 X62530 *Population dynamics, life table, entomology, integrated control, sterile insect technique, pest management, sociobiology, behavioural ecology, eusociality, social insects, Polistes, kleptoparasitism, evolution, sperm competition, sexual selection, dominance hierarchy, pleometrosis, altruism, cooperative breeding>>


JAC&ON, Robert R. +Dept of Zooloev. U. of Canterbury. Christchurch 1, New Zealand 03-667001 X60640 +Aggressive mimicry, conditional strategies, communication, courtship, courtship versatility, pheromones, phylogeny, predation, predatory versatility, Salticidae, Sociality, spiders>

JAEGER JAEGE% Robert G. + Dept of Biology, U. of Sout western Louisiana, Lafayette, Louisiana 70504, USA o31823152350 *Behavioral ecology of amphi-

bians, territorial behavior, mate selection, and foraging tactics of salamanders, behavioral mechanisms of interspecific and especially in intraspecific competition, Plethodontidae and Ambystomatidaeu ~e~r~~~,“~~~~~~i~~~p~~~~~ Caracas 1080,’ Venezuela ;2-962120; X81760 *Evolution, ants, insects, learning, biochemistry, pheromones, thermodynamics, memory, physiology, sociobiology, ecoethology, biodynamics, ethno-entomology, pestnectaries, control, insect-plant relations, neotropics, information analysis, communication, social, organisation, negentropy>>

JAMONM JAMON, Marc +CNRS, Lab. Neurosciences Fonctionnelles, 31 Chemin Joseph-Aiguier, F-13402 Marseille Cedex 9, France n91-2240860 -BOVET@FRMOPllUApodemus, home range, homing behaviour, learning behaviour, movements, orientation, population dynamics, rodents, scent trail, space use, trail following behaviour,, JARVIT J&VZ, Torbjiirn *Dir. for nature management, Tungasletta 2, N-7004 Trondheim, Norway n7-9130200 &ehavioural-ecology, status-signalling and matechoice in birds and salmons, anti-predatory behaviour in salmons, optimal foraging in Salmonidae, the influence of acid rain on learning-capacity of Salmonidae~> JEANNR JEANNE, Robert, L. +Dept of Entomology, Russell Labs., U. of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 52706, USA n60826208990 -JEANNE@WISCMAC3&xial insects, social wasps, Hymenoptera, division of labor, communication, pheromones, ants, nesting behavior, exocrine glands, evolution of so&l behavior,, JENNID JENNZ, Donald A. +Dept of Zoology, U. of Montana, Missoula, Montana 59812. USA 0406-24323930 -Polvandrv, social mating systems, social behavior, organization, description of behavior, instinctive behavior,, Lefevre Hall, Columbia, Missouri 65211, USA 0314-88274790 *Bats, echolocation, auditory neurons, vocalization, sensitivity, superior cerebellum, inferior colliculus, external ear, colliculus, auditory cortex, orientation, target detection>


JENSSEN, Thomas A. + Biology Dept, Virginia Tech., Blacksburg, Virginia 24061, USA 0703-96162460 -Behavioral ecology, herpetology, animal communication, Anolis lizards>>


JOHNSON L. Scott +Dept of Biological Sciences, U. of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta T2N lN4, Canada n403-22051020 *Function of bird song, polygyny, avian mating strategies and reproductive tactics, the House wren, Troglodytes aedona



JOLY, Pierre +Dept de Biologie animale et Ecologic, U. Claude Bernard Lyon I. F-69622 Villeurbanne, France n78898124’ X41330 uPopulation biology, demomigrations, orientation, feeding graphy, habits, amphibians>


JONES, Darryl y. *Div. of Australian Environmental tulles. Griffith U. Nathan, Queensland 4111, Australia n727574510 *Behavioural ecology of reproduction, mating systems in birds, parental care, precociality, Megapodesa


JONES, Robert Bryan of Animal Physiology and Genetics Research, Edinburgh Research Station. Roslin. Midlothian EH25 9PS. Scotland, UK 031-44027260 L’orticosterone; early environmental enrichment, fear, frustration, heterophil Ilymphocyte ratio, olfaction, open field, poultry, regular handling, stress, tonic immobility))


JOUANJEAN, Annick +U. de Rennes 1, Lab. d’Ethologie, Campus Beaulieu, F-35042 Rennes, France 699. 286123 X51-730 *Human ethology, development of interactive behaviour in the child, organization of vocal-verbal-behavioural communication, ethological methods and every-day life observations, pointing gesture)>


JOUVENTIN,, Pierre +CNRS, Centre d’etudes biologiques des animaux sauvages, Villiers en Bois, F-79360 Beauvoir sur Niort. France 049-0961110 uBehavioura1 ecology of seabirds and mammals from Antarctica>>


KACELNZK Alejandro +U. of Cambridge, Dept of Exper. PsychoYZoology, King’s Coll. Research Center, Cambridge CB2 IST, UK 0223-350411 X43414200 -AKlOG%PHXQCAM.ENG-JCF (.JANET)*Behavioral ecology, optimality models, learning, parental effort, resource allocation, timing mechanisms;;

KALETT KALETA, Tadeusz Agricultural Academy, Inst. of Animals, 05-840 Brwi&w, Poland *Behaviour of farm fur animals, Arctic fox, Racoon-dogs, Nutria, behaviour, activity, reproduction, tion, abnormal behaviourj>

*Warsaw Breeding 045-52290 Silver fox, agonistic domestica-

MIm KAMZL, Alan C. +Middlesex House. Dent of Psvcholopv. U. of Massachusetts, Amherst,- Massachusetts 01003, USA Q413-5450255’“, -6675793ho -ALANC @ UMASS*Foraging, learning, spatial memory, memory, caching, prey detection, patch detection, patch departure, Blue jays, nutcrackers, corvidsJ>


KAUFMAN Donald W *Div. of Biolow. __ Ackert H&l. Kansas State U., Manhattan, Kansas 66566, USA n91353266220 *Population, behavioral and community ecology of rodents, esp. genus Peromyscus~~


KAUFMANN Gerald W. +Dept of Biology, Loras boll., Dubuque, Iowa 52004-0178. USA 0319-5887231”, SBeha’vior of Rallidae: Grui2522481”~ formes, function of asynchronous hatching, bright coloration of the young>> BELIL KEEiZNG Linda J. *Poultry Science Dept. West of Scotland Agricultural Coll., Auchincruive, Ayr, KA6 &IW, UK <J KEENLM KEENLEYSZDE, Miles HA. +Dept of Zoology. U. of Western Ontario, London, Ontario- N6A 5B7, Canada 051966131530 <
1000 Lausanne 17, Switzerland 021-2283360 *Ants, Iridomyrmex humilis, kin recognition, reproductive strategies, energy investment, life-history, colony founding, energetics of flight), KENTJ KENT John P. +Dept of Ethology, Ballyrichard House, Arklow, Co. Wicklow. Ireland (Ren.1 0402-323840 < KILEYM KILEY-WORTHINGTON Mar-the +School of Aariculture. Anolied Ethology, King’s Buildings, West -Main Road, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK 068842280 4ommunication of mammals, within & between species, applied ethology, designing ethologically and ethically sound environments for animals as pets, in sports, as companions, in farm, in zoos, in circuses, animal psychiatry and horse behauiour, cognition, KINGD KING, David G. +Dept of Anatomv. School of Medicine. Southern Illinois U., Carbondale, Illinois 62901, USA 0618-53655130 ,

KLEIMD KLEZMAN, Dew-a G. +National Zoological Park, Washington, DC 20008, USA 0202-67348250 ~-Mating systems, reproduction, pair bonds, parental scent-marking, social care, monogamy, behavior. mammals. conservation bioloay>a KLEIND KLEZ&, David R *Alaska COOP, Wildlife Res. Unit, 209 Irving Bldg., U. of Alaska. Fairbanks. Alaska 99775-0990, USA 0907-47476730 .4Jngulate foraging behavior, habitat selection, energetics, forage selection, Arctic, caribou, deer, muskox, moose, reindeer>>


KLEMMW KLEMM, W.R. *De t Veterinary Anatomy, Texas A&M U., CoP1. Station, Texas 77843, USA o40984542Oln KLOPFP KLOPFER, P.H. +Zoology Dept, Duke U., Durham, North Carolina 27706, USA 0919-68439910 *Behaviorecology, imprinting, maternal-young relations, aggression>> KLOWDM KLOWDEN, Marc J. +Div. of Entomology, U. of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho 83843, USA 0208-88575460 -AEGYPTI 0 IDUIl-Mosquitoes, host seeking, blood feeding, physiology, endocrinology, behavior, oviposition, nutrition> KNAPTR

KNAPTON, Richard W. + Dept of Zoology, U. of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 3M2, Canada >


KOCH Patrice +Lab. de Psychophysiologie, Route de Gray, F-25030 Besancon, France 081-5381220 *Child behaviour, biological rhythms, behavioral rhythms, school behaviour, wake-sleep rhythms>>


KODRIC-BROWN Astrid +Dept of Biology, U. of New Me&o, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131, USA 050527793360 *Mating systems and social behavior in fishes, alternative male breeding strategies, sexual-selection models, territoriality, dominance hierarchy, male-male competition, female choice, geographic variation in sexually selected traits, pollinator-plant interactions) KOENIW KOENIG, Walter D. +Hastings Reservation, U. of California, Star Route, Box 80, Carmel Valley, California 93924, USA 0408-65926640 *Social behaviour, cooperative breeding, mating systems, territoriality, population ecology, breeding biology, reproductive tactics)> KONTAF KONTAR, F. +IJ. de FrancheComte, Lab. Psychophysiologie, Route de Gray, F-25000 Besancon, France > KORTLA KORTLANDT Adriaan +88 Woodstack Road, Oxford 6X2 7ND, England, UK 0865-5156020 Jnstinct. displacement, hierarchical organization, ‘ascending integration, play (Cormorants), animal perception (Umweltforschung sm von Uexktill). Tool-use: agonistic and technological (primate.+


KOVACS, Kit M. +Biolo Dept, U. of Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3 & Canada 0519-8851211 X20350 SBehavioural ecology, pinnipeds, parental investment, mating sexual investment, evolution, systems, social behaviourj> KOZLOM KOZLOWSKI Marek W. +Dept of Applied Entomology, Warsaw, Agricultural U., SGGW, 02766 W-wa, ul. Nowoursynowska 166, Poland *Insecta, Coleoptera, Curculionidae, ovipositional behavior, oviposition deterring pheromones, sexual behavior, sexual strategies, chemical ecology, chemoreceptors, behavioral convergencies, ethotaxonomy, behavioral ecology)>

KRAFFB KRAFFT, B. *Lab. de Biologie du Comportement, U. de Nancy I, BP 239, F-54506 Vandoeuvre Les Nancy, France Social interactions, development, maternal care, rat, prey-catching behaviour, competition, cooperation, social interactions, communication, sexual behaviour, maternal behaviour, functional aspects, spiders)

!$?*fBReg%~~%?%dR+e~~%r$ GFR 0941-943.2263, 022620 KRAMED KRAMER, Donald L. +Dept of Biology, McGill U., 1205, Doctor Penfie d Ave., Montreal, Quebec H3A lB1, Canada 0514-39864660 ~Behavioral ecology, respiration, breathing, foraging, teleost, fish, chipmunk, habitat selection, tropics, hypoxia, diving, oxygen> KRAMEM KRAMER, Matthew +Dept Zoology, U. of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 37996-0810, USA 0615-97419720 *Turtles, play behavior, Pseudemys nelsoni, social structure, individual recognition, sex determination, analysis of behavior sequences, home range, courtship, KREUTM KREUTZER, Michel +2 ch. de la Grimpette, Coulombs, 28 F-210 Nogent Le Roi, France 037-5198640 &‘ommunication, acoustic, vocalisation, call, display, song, bird, specific recognition, dialect, repertoire, territory, evolution of communication>>


KRZSTAL Mark B. *De&t of Psychology, State U. of New York at Bu alo, New York 14260, USA 0716-63636910 -PSYMARK@UBVMS*Reproduction, maternal behavior, parental behavior, mammal, parturition)

KRUYTJ KRUYT,Jaap P. +Zoolopl Lab., P.B. 14, 9750 AA Haren, The Net erlands 050-632066, -6320400 uDevelopment behaviour, social behaviour, imprinting (filial and sexual))> KURCZF KURCZEWSKI, Frank E. +EFB, CESF, Syracuse, New York 13210,

25 USA 0315-47067530 Xomparative ethology of predatory wasps> KURIAJ KURLAND Jeffrey A. +Dept of Anthropology, 416, darpenter Building, Pennsylvania State U., University Park, Pennsylvania 16802. USA 0814~865*9162. 02509; l2500’n Sociobiology, behavioral ecology, primatology, human evolution, behavioral anthropology, biological anthropology, cultural anthropology, Old World primates, macaques, human behavior, human sexuality, human parenting, kinship, kin selection, sexual selection, methodologyY

KUWAMT KUWAMURA, Tetsuo *Lab. of Biology, Chukyo U., 101-2 Yagoto-Honmachi, Nagoya -466, Japan 0528322151 X4950 Social behavior, social organization, territory, dominance hierarchy, mating system, monogamy, polygyny, harem, reproductive behavior, reproductive success, spawning behavior, sneaking, parental care, paternal care, maternal care, sexual role, mouthbrooding, guarding, hermaphroditism, sex change, life-historycleaning, mimicry, fish, coral-reef fish, Cichlidae, Apogonidae, Balistidae, Labroides, Paragobiodonj zwOVJ

LABOV Ja B. ‘De$& Golf., W&erville, 04901; USA -0207-87233290 eF&ultative manipulation of sex ratios, pregnancy blocking (Bruce effect), infanticide, effects of priming pheromones on reproductive physiology of rodents, relationship between vomeronasal organ and pheromone reception in rodents>

, Colby

LADE WJ LADEWIG, Jan *Inst. of Animal Husbandry and Animal Behavior, Federal Research Centre of Agriculture, Trenthorst, D-2061 Westerau, GFR o45392020 *Behavioural biology, behavioural physiology, neuroendocrinology, stress research, operant conditioning in farm animal9 LAIRH LAIR,H&?ne +Dept de Biologie, U. McGill, 1205 Ave. Docteur Penfield, Montreal, Quebec H3A lB1, Canada 051439864600 iResource defer&, territoriality, Sciuridae, optimal foraging, evolutionary ecology>> LAMBRM LAMBRECHTS Marcel 4 Dent of Bioloav. II. of Antwern. Qia B-2610. Wilrik, Belgium -DHONDT&BANUIA52*Behavioural ecology, individual differences of male quality, song quality, function of song variability, social dominance>> LAMPEH LAMPE Helene M. +Dept of Zoology, II. of Trondheim, 7055 Dragvoll, Norway 07-5962970 *Mate choice, territoriality, communication, bird song, song dialects, song repertoires> IANCAJ- LANCASTER, Jane B. +Dept of Anthronolopv, U. of New Mexico. AIbuquerque, New-Mexico 87131, USA 050522704323, -45240 UBiosocial anthropology, primate social behavior, evolution of human

behavior, parental tive strategies>


and reprodllc-

MDm LANDAUER, Michael R. +A.F. Radiobiology Research Inst., Behavioral Sciences Dept, Bethesda, Maryland 20814-5145, USA n301-295.0489, a46410 Social behavior, aggression, pheromones, locomotor activity, radiation, rodents, social preferences, submissive-dominance behavior, mice, rats, hamsters, defeat, attack, social radioprotective drugs, behavioral stress, toxicology, psychopharmacology, open-field socio-sexual behavior, taste aversion, behavior>>

LANGLR LANGLEY, Ronald G. +Dept of Biology, Colorado State U. at Denver, 1100 14th St.. Denver, Colorado 80202, USA -RLANGLEY@CUDENVER LANGLW LANGLEY, William M. 62267 N. Yale Wichita, Kensas 67220, USA 0316-68258800 LANKD LANK David B. +BioloE Dept, Queen’s II., Kingston, Ontario K 3N6, Canada 0613-5456129”, -5467048bn *Pooulation biologv -LANKDOQUCDN-_ of Snow Geese, intraspecific nest parasitism and extra-pair copulation in Snow Geese, behavioral and plumage polymorphisms in Ruff, social systems in shorebirds> IARSSK LARSSON Knut *Gothenburg U., Dent of Psychology, Box 14158, S406 20 G&eborg,Sweden 031-6316410 > LASALJ LASALLE, Jean-Michel +U. F. Rabelais, Lab. d’Ethologie et de Psychophysiologie, Part de Grandmont, F-37200 Tours. France 047-251422 X307. -2737090 , LAUBER LAUBE Ralf-Bernd +WB Haustiergenetik, Gediigelund KIeintierzucht, AG Ethologie, Karl-Marx-U. Leipzig, Fichtestr. 28. Leinzie. 7030 DDR *Applied animal behavior, beh&ioral sensory p-hysiology, acoustic communication, feeding intake behavior, communication ontogeny (both cattle and swine), learning behavior, memory, premortal management processes and behavior, biorhythms in farm animals>> IAUDEG LAUDER, Ge&e V. +School of Biological Sciences. II. of California, Irvine, -California 92717, USA 0714: 85643320 *Feeding, behavior, fishes, salamanders, functional morphology, muscle

26 function, prey capture, kinematics, homology, evolution, svstematics> mm&‘I LAUNAY Michel *Lab. de Psvcholoaie exn&iment&e et comuaree. BP 5043, F-54032 ‘Montpellier, France*&odknts, Golden hamster, hoarding, ontogeny, social and agonistic behaviors (rodents), spatial learning, behavioral ecology, learning, operant behavior, partial reinforcement effects in hamsters, signalled reinforcement, pavlovian model of conditioning, cognitive processes in animal learning>> LAWRES LAWRENCE, Simon E. +Dept of Biology, U. of Southampton, Building 62, Southampton, SO9 3TU UK 0703-559122 X42540 > MA&J LAZAZXJS, John +Dett of Psychology, The U., Newcastle upon yne, NE1 7RU, UK n91-23285110 < L&A, Stephen E.G. +U. of Exeter, Dent of Psvchologv, Washington Singer Labs, Exeter- EX4 2QG, UK n392-2646120 -LEAOUK.AC.EXETER*Foraging, economics, pattern recognition, operant behaviour, pigeons, hamsters, rats, feeding, hoarding, optimal sampling models, LEBOEB LE BOEUF, Burney J. *Biology, U. of California, Santa Cruz, California 95064, USA 0408-42928450 Social behavior, sexual selection, seals, sea lions, reproduction, diving, sociobiology>, LECRIE LBCRZVAZN, EZisabeth + INRA, Unite d’Ecodeveloppement, Domaine St-Paul, F-84140 Montfavet, France n90UDomestic animal behaviour, 3161910 spatial behaviour, grazing behaviour, visual observation, outdoor biotelemetry, rangelands, grasslands, shrublambing, lands, free ranging (conditions), husbandry (conditions), sheep, goatsLEEJ LE$ &Zian C. +Dept of Bioloy, U. of Miarm, Coral Gables, F orrda 331 4, USA 0305-28464200 Sexual selection, mate anurans, lizards, reproduction, choice, activity c.ycles>J LEFEBL LEFEBVZXE Louis +Dept of Biology, McGill U., 1405 Av. Docteur Per&&l, Montreal,. Quebec H3A lB1, Canada 0514-39864570 Social learning, cultural transmission, group foraging, observational learning, Columbid behaviourJ>



LEGER, Daniel W. +Dept of Psychology, U. of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska 68588-0308. USA 0402-47231540 acoustic signals, alarm 4ommunication, ’ calls, behavioral ecology, ground squirrels, humans~~


LEHNEZ?, Phili N. +Dept of Biology, Colorado State U., % ort Collins, Colorado 80523. USA 0303-49158750 -LEHNER@CSUGREEN-Ethology, behavioral ecology of vertebrates, Canids, Felids, Ungulates, domestic animals, applied animal behavior, ethological methods, social communication, social behavior, organization>>


LEJEUNE, Pierre *STARESO, BP 33, F-20260 Calvi, France SHermaphroditism, fishes, reproductive behaviour, mating systems, social systems, sexual selection, parental cares, Corsica, Labridae, Cottidae, Symphodus, Crenilabrus, Cottus, Coris, behavioral ecology>> LEMASG LE MASNE George8 *Lab. Neurosciences Fonctionneiles - Ethologie, CNRS, 31 Chemin Joseph-Aiguier, F-13402 Marseille Cedex 9, France 091-224000~ Social behaviour, ants, Myrmecophiles, animal communication systems, evolution of social behaviourJ> LEMONR, LEMON, Robert E. +Biolo Dent. McGill U.. Montreal. Quebec H B lBi, ’ Canada 0514-39864620 -> LEMPEA LEMPEREUR, Agn6.s +Biologie du Comportement, U. de Louvain, 1 Croix du Sud (Bte lo), B-1348 Louvain-laBeleiaue nlO-474079n Neuve. [email protected]*Editorial secretariat of “Behavioural Processes” (Elsevierju LENEIP LE NEZNDRE, Pierre *Lab. de la Production de Viande. INRA. Theix, F63122, Ceyrat, France o73:6240980 *Cattle, sheep, maternal behaviour, newborn activity,> LENOIA LENOZR, Alain *Lab. d’Ethologie et Sociobiologre, UA CNRS 667, U. Paris Nord, Avenue J.B. Clement, F93430 Villetaneuse, France Social behaviour, early experience, Formicidae, ants, social parasitism, colonial odour, hydrocuticle polyethism, pre-imaginal carbons, learning)> LEONAJ LEONARD, Janet L. +Dept of Zoology, U. of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma 73019. USA 0405-32555140 mating systems, 4nvertebrate behaviour, simultaneous hermaphrodites, quantitative ethology, neuroethology, behavioural organization, LEPAPG LE PAPE, Gilles +U. de Tours, Psvchophysiologie, Part de Grandmont,. F-37206 Tours,-France 047-2514220 > LETTD LETT, Diana W. *De@ ;f: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, .

27 Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721, USA 060262308740 4vian social behavior, cooperative breeding, post-fledging behavior, raptors, birds of prey, reproductive success*

LEVYP hk’ F +INRA Nouzill 37380 Monnaie. J&a&e 047-4277850 .&l&J maternal behaviour, olfaction, amniotic fluids, norolfactory learning oxytocin, adrenergic system>> LEWISA- LEWIS, Allen R. +Dept of Biologv. -_ U. of Puerto Rico. Mavarmez. Puerto Rico 00708 *Behavioral ecology: population biology, social systems, use of space, foraging strategies> LIBERO LZBERG, Olof +U. of Stockholm, Dept of Zoology, S-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden n946-46148599n Social behaviour, social system, spacing, territory, mating system, radioreproduction, mortality, tracking, sexual conflicts, combat, signals, marking, home-range, dispersal, philopatry, population dynamics, density dependence, kinship, behavioural ecology, Mammals, Felids, Cervids, Roe deer>> LILLYH

LILLYWHITE, Harvey B. +Dept of Zoology, U. of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611, USA n904-39211010 4omparative physiology, cardiovascular physiology, cardiovascular adaptation, blood circulation, hemodynamics, functional morphology, integument, osmotic regulation, physiological ethology, herpetology, behavior ecology, gravitational adaptation, cutaneous waterloss, skin lipids, snakes, reptiles>>


LISHAK, Robert S. *Auburn U., Dept of Zoology and Wildlife Science, Rm 215 Cary Hall, Alabama 36849-5508, USA n205-82651450 *Gray squirrel, sounds, vocalizations, predator-prey, alarm calls, anti-predator, calls, orientation, distress calls>>


LOMBARD0 Michael P. *Museum of Zooloev. Mich?iean Societv of Fellows, U. of Michigan, A& Arbor, M&igan 48109-1079, USA 0313-76405470 *Evolution, social behavior, avian behavioral ecology, evolution of cooperation, evolution of human behavior>> I”


LOPEZ MORENO Isrnael R. +Inst. de Ecologia, A.P. 18-$45, Miguel Hidalgo 11800. Mexico D.F. 05-2776960. 27118710 *Foraging behavior, seed-harvksting ants, seeds, desert, ants, Pogonomyrmex, Veromessor, Pheidole, Novomessor, seed predation, foraging strategies, Pinacate desert. social insects. desert ants>>


LOSE’Y, George S. *Hawaii Inst. of Marine Biology, Box 1346, Kaneohe, Hawaii 96744, USA OBOB-24766310 *Fish. ethology, behavior ecology, coral reei quantitative analysis>>


LOUNIBOS Leon Phili +Florida Medical Entomolbgy Lab., 200 St{ St. SE, Vero Beach, Florida 32962, USA 0305-56254350 -Insects, mosquitoes, Lepi-

doptera, ecology, behavior, oviposition, construction, flight, dispersal, chemotaris, evolution, reproduction, plants, phytotelmata. brooding, socialitv~~ LOVARS LOVARZ,- Sandro +Zoolo and Comparative Anatomy, Dept of Ceg?1 Biology, U. of Camerino, Via F. Camerini 2, I-62032 Camerino (Macerata), Italy 073740710 X2349”. 577-280436bo Se.‘lavioural ecology, Vertebrates, Ungulates, Caprins, Carnivores, social behaviour, feeding behaviour, Chamois, Red fox, reproductive behaviour, aggressive behaviour, management, conservation, systematicsp LUESCU LUESCHER Urs Andreas +Dept of Population Medicine, Ontario Veterinary Coll., Ontario N7M 2W1, Canada n519-8238800 X40540 > LUISN LUZS Nieder +Museo Di Storia Naturale, U. Di Parma. Via Universita 12, I43100 Parma, Italy u521-2088550 SMammals, Soricidae, rodents, carnivorous, Rattus, Arvicola, Vulpes, Meles, Clethrionomys, Microtus, eco-ethology, sociobiology, behavior & pollution socioecology, zoowildlife management, distrigeography, bution, population dynamics, systematics, feeding behavior>>


LUNDBERG U +M Arendsee Str. 24. Berlin 1140. ‘DDR’ *Beha: vioural theory,’ learning, ‘biosociology, behaviour of farm animals, ethometryj>


LUPO Concetta +Ist. di Fisiologia Umana, l?. di Siena, Via Laterina 8, I-53100 Siena, Italia Socio-sexual behaviour, sexual cycles, steroid hormones central action of steroid hormones, receptors, immobility reaction, rabbit, rat, toad, newt>> LYTVCHC LyNcH Carol B. *Biology Dept, Wesleyan U., Middletown, Connecticut 06457, USA 0203-3479411 X26580 > L-YNCHJ LYNCH > J +CSIRO Div. of Animal Production. P.‘M.B.: Armidale. NSW. Australia 2350 ;Behavioural studies of teat seeking, perinatal sheep, bonding, mortalities, lambing behaviour, sheltering behaviour, diet selection, grain preferences, behavioural thermoregulation, social organrsation of sheen>> MACKER MAGkERETH Robert W *Dent of Zoolow. U. of W&tern Ontario: London, Ontario”N6A 5B7, Canada 0519: 47356190 *Mating behaviour of convict cichlids. foraging behaviour. fish>> MCBiiIG MCBRIDE’ Glenorchl *Animal Behavior Unit. U. ‘of Queenslan _ St-Lucia, Queensland; -4067 - Australia n7-772763”, -8701177bQ -GM @ PSYCH.UQ.OZSecretary-general of the

28 International Ethological Council 1987-91, Applied ethology, welfare, spacing)> MCCLIM MCCLZNTOCK Martha IL +Dept of Behavioral Sciences, U. of Chicago, 5730 South Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60637, USA 0312-753.3872, 03860” 7026015”n MACDOC MACDONALD Cra% Dixon +Hawaii Inst. of Marine Biology, _. of Hawaii, P.O. Box 1346, Kaneohe, Hawaii 96744-1346, USA 0808-9486715, -24766310 <>

MCDONALD, Mar Victoria +Dept of Zoological Research, Ho rt


House, National Zoological Park of the Smithsonian Inst., Washington, D.C. 20008, IJSA 0714-7932121 X29240 <‘Bird behavior and vocalizations, bird song and mate choice, neuroendocrinology of bird behavior, and mate choice, hormones and song, behavior of birds, bird countersigning, geographic variation in bird song, biology of rare and endangered birds>>



Sue M. +u.

of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine, New Bolton Center, Kennett Square, Pennsylvania 19348, USA 021544458000 -REPROQNBC.UPENN.EDU*Horse, equids, stallion, mare, bovine, bull, reproduction, sexual behavior, farm animals, maternal behavior, erection, ejaculation, heterotypical, neuroendocrinology, endocrinology, applied ethology, domestic species, veterinary, libido>>

MCGLONE John J. +Deit of Animal Science, Texas +ech. U., Lubboc Texas 79409-4169, USA 0806-7422533; >


MCGREGOR Peter K. + Dept of Zoology U. of Nottingham, Notting-


ham NG7 2RD, UK 0602-506101 X31430 4ommunication, local song dialects, electric fish, song learning, playback, Corn buntings, neighbour recognition, repertoires, mimicry sound transmission, fitness, territory defencej>





+Dept of Psychology, U. of Stirling, Stirling FK9 4LA, Scotland, UK 0789-73171 X20890 [email protected]* Human et nonhuman primate ethology, socioecology of monkeys and apes, especially chimpanzees,

social life of tamarins, rehabilitation of captive apes, evolution of culture>> MCKAYK MCKAYE, Kenneth R. + Appalachian Environmental Lab.UMCEES, Gunter Hall - FSC, Frostburg, Maryland 21532, USA n301-68931150 -Ecology, evolution, behavior, fish, cichlidae, Africa, Latin America, community structure, altruism, parental care, sexual selection, mate choice, speciation, social behavior, feeding strategies>> MCKEOD MCKEOWN, Donal + Dept of Population Medicine, Ontario Veterinary Coll., U. of Guelph, Ontario NlM 2W1, Canada n519-8238800 X4041”, -8434353’0 Stereotypies, isolation of pheromones storage diseases in dogs, Valium in cats, human-animal bond, behavior dogs, cats and horses)> MCKINF MCZUNNEY, D. Frank +Bell Museum of Natural History, U. of Minnesota, 10 Church St. SE., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455, USA 0612-62416980 <> MCLEOP MCLE’OD Peter J. +Degt& Psych., U. of British Columbia, 2136, Mall. Vancouver. British Columbia V6T lW5; Canada 0664-22820380 -USERMCLD *Development, communica8 UBCMTSGtion, social behaviour, maternal behaviour, mother-infant interactions, humans, canids, aggression> MAGURA MAGURRAN Anne E. +School of Animal Biology, d. Coll. of N. Wales, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 2UW, UK <> MALACG MAZJCAZXNE, Giorgio +Via Academia Albertina 17, I-10123 Tormo, Italy nil-8319300 ucoloniality birds, swifts and swallows, pair bonds, vocalizations, parental care kin recognition aerial feeders adaptations, newt courtship pheromones)> MARCHR MAZXHZNTON R. Larry +School of Forest Resources, d. of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602, USA 040454239320 communication, ecology, NBrocket deer, escape behavior, hierarchy, hunting, management, dynamics, Sambar deer, signpost behavior, territoriality, trophy management, White-tailed deer, wildlife>> MARIMG MAZUMUTHU, G. +Dept of Animal Behaviour, School of Biological Sciences, Madurai Kamaraj U., Madurai, 625 021 India *Bats, circadian rhythms, mother young relation, echolocation, communication, foraging, ontogeny of vocalizations, prey detection and capture, roost organization, spatial memory, social behaviour, biological clock>> MARTIK MARTIN, Kathy +DBpt de Biologie, U. de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec JlK 2R1, Canada n819-82170610


-KMAAOUDESVM*Behavioral ecology, evolutionary ecology, mating systems, population ecology, parental care, life history, reproductive success, Boreal ecology, natal philopatry, renesting potential, breeding philopatry, Willow Ptarmigan, White-tailed Ptarmigan, waterfowl and grouse mating systems, predation, preincubation, breeding behaviour*




+Hokkaido Coll.. Senshu U., Bibai. Hokkaido 079-01, Japan 01266-343210 ‘UEtho-

behaviour, behaviour gram, play, mating sequence, visual communication, key stimulus, individual difference, habitat selection, ecology of cranes, birds, Emberiza, Grus .iaponensis~> MA&-ONW MASON William A

+California Primate Resiarch Ctr.. U. 0: California, Davis, California 95616, USA

Social organization, development, species comparisons, primates~~ MATTHE MATTHYSEN, Erik


+Dept of Biology, U. of Antwerp, B-2610, Wilrijk, Belgium 038-282528 X2560 -DHONDT@BANUIABB- &uthatch, Sitta

europaea, social behaviour, non-breeding, territory, juvenile settlement, dispersal, pairbond, group living, foraging, territory quality, territory shift, comparative social organisation> MEELZS, E. + Inst. of Theoretical Biology, Groenhovenstraat 5, NL-2311 BT Leiden, The Netherlands 071-1322980




biostatistics, ecology)> MENCH Jo A. 4De t of

Poultry Science, U. of karycnd, Coll. park, Maryland 20742, USA 0301-45450640

*Domestic fowl, farm animals, social behavior, stress, glucocorticoids, heart rate, telemetry. ontogeny, welfare>> MENDLM- MENDi Michael + Zoo-

logical Lab.. U. of Gron?naen Kerklaan 30. NL-9751 NI? Haren, The Netherlands 050: 6320690 *Ontogeny, parental-filial behaviour, mother-offspring relationships, siblings, litter size, individual differences, personality, parental investment, play, weaning, dominance, aggression, social behaviour, genetics of behaviour, cats, mice, mammalsu




*Dep. de Fisiologia E BiofIsica ICB/LJSP Cidade U.. 05508 Sao Paulo SP. Brazil oll21043110. *Behavioral rhythms, psychophysiology of sleep, development of sleep in humans, neural control of behavioral rhythms, electrical stimulation of the brain & mt behavioru





+Zoology Dept, Glasgow U., Glasgow G12 8GG. Scotland, UK 041-3398855 X66310

*Foraging, predation, vigilance salmon, fish, life-history strategies, growth, social behaviour, dominance, applied ethology, aggres-

s-ion, diet selection, aquaculture>> METZJ METZ,




(Hans) A.J. +Inst. of Theoretical Biology, Groenhoven Straat 5, NL-2311 BT Leiden, The Netherlands 0711322980 -SBQHAR@HLERUL57- *Models, statistics, state space, Markov chains, population M,EUDEM MEUDEC,

continuous time dynamics>> Madeleine 4 Lab.

d’Ethologie et de Psychophysiologie, Pam de Grandmont, F-37200 Tours, France &fant,

caretaker, mother, behavior, adaptation,

MEUNIM Christine

interaction, feeding, day-care center,,

MEUNIER-SALAm, Marie t INRA, Station Recherches

Porcines, St-Gilles, F-35590 L’Hermitage, France 099-2850570 -Pigs, piglets, feeding hehaviour, social behaviour, thermoregulatory behaviour, ontogeny, adaptation, space requirement, environment, welfare, confinement, performance>> MICHAR MICHAEL, Richard P.

+Dept of Psychiatry, Emory U. School of 1256 Briarcliff Road N.E., Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia 30306, USA q404-89459470 *Primates, macaques, motivation, communication, sexual behavior, agonistic behavior, social behavior, bonding, hormones, oestratestosterone, progesterone, mate diol, reproductive mate choice, competition, success, dominance proceptivity, receptivity, chronobiology, steroid attractiveness, receptors, h.ypothalamus, pheromones>> MICHEC MZCHENER, Charles D.

*Snow Entomoloaical Museum, Snow Hall, U. of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045, USA o913-86446100 Social behavior,

evolution of sociality, bees, Apoidea, optera, sociobiology, kin recognition>


+ Biological





Sciences, II. of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta TlK 3M4, Canada n40332925680 *Mating behaviour and social

systems of ground-dwelling squirrels, annual cycle of activity and reproduction in grounddwelling squirrels, reproductive energetics, nest-site selection and nesting success of Black-billed magpies>> MILLEDA MILLER, David B. +Dept

of Psychology, U. of Connecticut, Box U-20, 406 Cross Campus Road, Storrs, Connecticut 06268, USA 0203-48635160 *Development,

communication, auditory, perception, alarm call, ducklings, domestication, prenatal behaviour, cetaceans, parent-offspring interactions, Mallard Duck,> MILLED0 MZLLE& Don E. +Dept of

Zoology, Washington State U., Pullman, Washington 99164-4220, USA n50933556310 Social behavior, behavioral

ecology, avian behavior, auditory communication, parental behavior, behavioral reproductive behavior of development, colonial nesting gulls and other birds,>

30 MZLLOT, Jean-Louis *Lab. de Psychophysiologie, Route de Gray, F25030 Besancon, France Child, pet-dog, communicative behaviour, olfactory behaviour, new born infant, mother-infant interactions, tactile stimulations>>


MILLS, Andrew David +WRA. Station de Recherches Avicoles. Centre de Recherches de Tours, Nouzillg, F: 37380 Monnaie, France 047-4278280 -Telex: INRATOU 750954 F- <> MIL’FOK MILTON, Katharine + Dept Anthropoloav. U. of California. Berkelev. California--94720, USA 041564286076 ~~Primates, human hunter-gatherers, nonhuman primates, diet, digestive morphology and physiology, ecology, composition and production patterns of tropical forests, early human diet, quality and anti-quality components of tropical plant parts>>


MZNOT, Edward Otis +Dept of Botany and Zoology, Massey U., Palmerston North, New Zealand 063-69099 X7544”, -74421bn -E.Minot%Massey.AC.NZ Q RELAY.CS.NETSAvian breeding ecology, nestling behauiour, interspecific competition, competition, olfctctory communication)~


MZSSLZN Rend +U. L. Pasteur, Lab. de Psvchonhvsioloeie. 7 rue de I’Universiti, F-67000 Strasbonrg; France 088-3582140 > MOLLEP MOLLER, Peter *Hunter Coll. of the City U. of New York, Dept of Psychology, 695 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10021. USA 0212-7725197. -76958320 *Ethology and ecology of electric fishes, African Mormyrids, Malapterurus electricus, sensory determinants of social communication, orientation and social spacing, multisensory integration8 MONTEW MONTEVECCHZ, W.A. +Psychology Dept, Memorial U. of Newfoundland, St. John’s, Newfoundland AlB 3X9, Canada 0709-73776730 &Parental care, feeding ecology, energetics, foraging behaviour, behavioural development, predation, seabirds,>


MONTGOMERZE, Robert D. +Dept of Biology, Queen’s U., Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6. Canada 0613-54561270 -MONTGOME@QUCDNSexual selection, mate choice, parental care, territoriality, birds, damselflies, foraging, arctic, tropics, advertisement, song, behavioural ecology, intrasexual competition>


MOODY, Scott M. +Dept of Zoological and Biomedical Sciences, Ohio U., Athens, Ohio 45701, USA 0614-59323600 M~O’R~EB MOORE B&e R *De t of Psvcholoav. Dalhousie ’ U.. Hali’fax. & ova Scotia B3H 4J1, Canada 0902-42434280 -Avian navigation, homing pigeons, releasesite biases, flight paths, magnetoreception, vector statistics, evolution of learning>>


MOORE, Cka L. ;Dept of Psvcholoav. U. of Massachusetts. Boston. Maine 02125, USA n617-929*8109, 819Od <>



~‘,o,R~~o~~o~~te J~nicFeor~ ?!o?ti,“,f Colorado 80523, USA :303-4916764; < MORGAN, Zoology, U. of Birmingham, 2TT, UK &hronobiology, malacology~~


El ed +Dept of E 1 gebaston, B15 marine biology,

!!~~~l?ci~~~R~?&?$~ g. ‘cD,F&?f nes, Ontario L2S 3A1, Canada 04166885550 X33940 *Behavioural ecology, seabirds, breeding biology, parental care, terns, gulls, tropical nesting seabirds, parental investment, seabird conservation, colonial nesting, foraging ecology of seabirds, radiotelemetry>> MORSED MORSE, Douglass H. + Graduate Program in Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Div. of Biology & Medicine, Brown U., Providence, Rhode Island 02912, USA 0401-86331520 -Foraging ecology and behauior, especially with sit-and-wait predators (spider& MOS, J. +Duphar B.V., Dept of Pharmacoloav. P.O. Box 2. NL-1380 AA Weesp, The Netherlands ’ 02940-795400 > MOTAP MOTA, Paula Jorp Gama *Inst. de Antrowloaia da II. de oimbra. P3000 Coimbra, PO&gal 039-290510 *Behaviour of small mammals, agonistic behaviour, comparative behaviour of some Muridae, reproductive strategies, reproductive behaviour, biological evolution versus cultural evolutions




MOTTA, Phili J. 4Dept of Bioloav. __ I-I. of South Florida. $ amna. Florida 33620, USA 0813-97432500* iFeeding behaviour of marine fishes, marine fishes, ecomorphology, butterfly-fishes, sharks, coralsy MUMMER MUMME, Ronald L. +Dept of Biology. Memnhis State U., Memnhis, Tennessee ‘38152,-USA ~~Behavidral ecology; social behavior, cooperative breeding, ornithology, evolutionary biology, population ecologyu


MURIE, Jan 0. + Dsirt”,f Zoology, U. of Alberta, Edmonton, T6G 2E9, Canada q403-4323649’“u -MURI 0 UALTAMTSSocial behavior, communication, spacing behavior, territoriality, mating system, life history traits, demography, scentmarking, vocalizations>>


MURPHY Edward C +Inst. of Arctic Bioloav. -.. , bent of Bioloav: Fisheries and Wildlife, IJ: of Alaska; Fairbanks, Alaska 99775, USA o9074747154”, -4798224hn UEcology, evolution, population dynamics, seabirds, Dal1 sheep, woodpeckers, Alaska>>


MURPHY, Michael R. +Systems Research Labs., Box 35313, Brooks Air Force Base, Texas 78235, USA 0512-53457870 *Hamster, social behavior, mating, reproduction, brain mechanisms, endocrine mechanisms, neuroethology, endogenous opiates, learning, cholinergic mechanisms, history, Syrian hamster, Turkish hamster, Mesocricetus, sexual preferences, selective breeding, olfaction, pheromones. domestication>>


MYRBERG Arthur A. Jr +Rosenstiel School of Mgrine and Atmos: pheric Science, U. of Miami, 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, Florida 33149, USA 0305-36141410 -Ethology of fishes, bioacousticsu NADELJ NADEL, Jae ueline +CNRS, Lab. Psycho-Bioloaie de 1% nfant, 41 rue Gay-Lussac, F-75005 Paris, France n43291223 X1840 *Toddler, communication, imitation, social development, emotional development, peer social interactions, joint attention, matching activities, interpersonal exchange>> NAKASY NAKASHIMA Yasuhiro *Dent of Zooloa~. Kvoto II.. Sakyo. Kvoto, 606 japan o75-7512ill X46730 iReprod& tive strategy, sex change, hermaphroditism, sex, sex allocation, sexual selection, mate guarding, parental care, shrimps, sea-slugs, coral fishes, gobies fish, Crustacea, coloration, mimicry, aposematic color, paternity, sperm competition, alternative strategy, behavioral ecology. -_ evolutionarv biology>> NASHL NASH, Lea& T. -;Dept Anthropology, Arizona State Il., Tempe, Arizona 85287, USA 0602-965.4812, l6213”o *Primatology, social behavior,

ontogeny, ecology, prosimians, chimpanzees, aummivorv. galagosj hEILLS NEILL Sean R St J +Dept& Education. U. of Warwick.. Co&&v 7AL, UK 0203-5235230 4&nan e;hology, dominance, nonverbal communication, education, peer interaction, social skills, play>, NELISM NELISSEN, Mark H. J. *Lab. of General Zooloev. State U. of Antwern, Groenenborgerlaan ‘171, B-2020 Antwerpen, Belgium 032-1804660 *Dominance, hierarchy, aggression, communication, cichlid fish)) NICSLC NZCOL Christine +u of Bristol. Dent of Ani)mal Husbandry. Lanaford HouseLangford, Bristol BS18 ?DU, UK 0934-852581 X650 *Welfare, ethological needs, poultry, motivation, preference tests, spatial requirements, NICoLL NICOLAUS, Lowell I& ?De$ of Biological Sciences, Northern Ilhnois Dekalb,jllinois 601115, USA 0819-75378280 Conditioned food aversions, batesian mimicry, toxins, foraging, protection of endangered species> NIJSSA NZJSSEN A. *II. of Amsterdam, Dept of Psychofogy, Weesperplein 8, NL-1018 XA Amsterdam, The Netherlands 020-52531540 *Motivational systems, relation between systems, structure and function, sleep behavior, sleep mechanisms, neurotransmitters, neuropeptides, aging>>


NOAKES, David L.G. +Dgt of Zooloev. U. of Guelnh. Ontario NlG 2 1, Canada 0519-8-244120 X27470 -ZOONOAKES @ UOGUELPH> NOLANk NOLAN Val Jr. +De,$$ of Bioloav. Indiana U.. Bloominaton. In iana 47405, USA 0812-33574430 ZBirds, evoluselection, passerines, brood tion, sexual parasitism, clutch size, parental behavior, hormones, population dynamics, migration, site fidelity, juncos, sex ratio>> Y”



NOLTIE, Douglas B. ‘D$t of Zoology, U. of Guelph, Ontario NlG 2 1, Canada 0519-8244120 X60960

‘NOS RONCHERA+. Rosario +Museu de Zooloaia. Avinauda icasso SM. Part de la Ciutadella, Ap. 593, E-08003 Barcelona, Esparia n3-1969.12, 0500 &o&l social organization, social behaviour, hierarchy, aggressive behaviour, preening

communication, behavioural behaviour, Psittacidae>, NOVAKV NOVAEOVA,

ecology, feeding

Vera +Inst. of Phvsiolow, Dent of Ethology Vfdenska 1083. C!S--142-26 Prague, Czechoslovakia 02: 4911510 *Ethology of laboratory rats, postnatal ontogeny, genetically programmed behaviour, maternal behaviour, alloparental behaviour, muricide activity, infanticide, malnutrition, coprophagy in young rats, avoidance reactions, early experience, late effects, critical periods, cytochemistry of neuronal RNA, limbic system, hypothalamus)> NOWICS NOWZCZU, Stephen *The

Rockefeller U. Field Res. Ctr., Rd #2, Box 38B. Tvrrel Road. Millbrook. New York 12545 USA’a914-6’7753560 -NORWICHI@VASSAR- &tin& communi-

cation, bioacoustics, vocal production physiology, avian behavior, birds, neuroethology>+ NURSAJ NURSALL, J.R. *De t of

Zoology U. of Alberta, Edmonton, APberta T6G 2E9. Canada n403-43233080 *Fish.

Blenniidae, Ophioblennius, Gobiidaej Periophthalminae, territoriality, energetics, reproductive behaviour, ontogeny, coral reef communities> NYAIUAG




+U. of Nairobi, Dent of ifoolopv, PO Box 30197, Nairobi; Kenya n4318?&
and behaviour of ants (Formicidae) and their interactions with termites (IsonteraJ~

NYBYJ NYBY John +Dept of Psychology. Lehieh d.. Chandler. Blde.#l7. Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18015, USA-0215 75836250 *Mouse, ultrasound, communi-

cation, pheromone, chemosignal, social behavior, reproduction, courtship, aggression, steroids, hormones, experience, learnchemocommunication, precopulatory ing, behavior>)


+A icultural Research Centre, Trangie, 2%3 Australia -Wildlife management, applied O’BRZEN,


ethology, feral goat, feral pig, feralization, social organization, socio-ecologv~~


pest control, home range,

ODBERF ODBERG Frank 0 +Ghent U.. Lab. of Animal Gegetics and Livestock Production, Heidestraat 19, B-9220 Merelbeke, Belgium 091-521941 X130 dbnormal

behaviour, chronic stress, captivity, stereotypes, (neuro)biochemical parameters, Bank vole, applied ethology, farm animals, pigs, horses, rabbits,>

OLlVIB OLZVZER, B. +Dept of Pharmacoloav. Dunhar B.V.. Box 2. NL-1300 AA Weesp, The Netherlands ‘n2940-792290 I_

*Ethopharmacology, agonistic behaviour, aggression, maternal aggression, feeding, sexual behaviour, exploration, depression, anxiety, psychosis, drug discrimination>>

OMEDEA OMEDES, Anna +Fonoteca Zoolbgica, Museu de Zoologia, AP. 593, E08OOf Barcelona, Spain 03-1969120 UPriacoustic communication, vocalizamates, tions, pair behaviour, ontogeny, sonographic wildlife sound, wildlife sound analysis, libraries, Marmosets, Callitrichidaeu

Guelph, Ontario NlG2W1, 8244120 X24780 -Honey

Canada 05191

bee behavior, temporal polyethism, pheromone and kairomone mediated behavior, foraging ecology, behaviour of parasitic mites, population biology of insects, life history strategies>>

OWINGD OWZNGS, Donald H. +U. of California, Dept of Psychology, Davis, California 95616, USA- 0916752.1673, l18800 4Tommunication, predation anti-


ground squirrels, alarm calls>> PA&ARD Jane M. +De t of


Wildlife and Fisheries SAences, Texas B &M U., Coll. Station, Texas 77843-2258, USA 0498-84557770 *Reproduction, reproductive

suppression, weaning confZict, weaning, quantitative ethology, behavioral units, classification of behavior unit, Suidae, Sirenia, Enhydra, Canidae, Odocoileus, evolution of social systems, monogamy, artificial intelligence, movement patterns> PALLAB P&.LAUD Berthille +Lab.

des Neurosciences Fonct!onneIles. CNRS. 31 Chemin Joseph-Aiguier, F-13402 Marseille Cedex 9, France 042-2921260 uPrimates,

cognitive ethology, social Papio papio, organization, spatial representation, novelty, feeding strategies, feeding organization, social organization ontogeny, social facilitation, learning through observation, age, sex and hormonal state variables> PAPIF PAPI, Floriano *II. di Pisa,

Dim. di Scienze de1 Comnortamento Animale,-Via A. Volta 6, I-561bO P&a, Italy n50202550 Animal orientation, bird navigation,

pigeon homing, related ontogenetic phenomena, sensory and nervous mechanisms>>


Mauricio R. + Lab. de Fisiologia de1 Comnortaminto. Inst. de Biologia y-Medicina Ex~perimental;Obligado 2490, 1428 Buenos-Aires, Argentina nl7080710 4Tomparative analysis of associative mechanisms of learning esw. marsuwial mammals~~ P-ARZE-J PARZEFALL

in vertebrates,

J. +U of Hamburg, Zoology Inst., Mar&-Luther-King Platz 3. D-2000 Hamburg, 13 GFR 040412303871, 039440 ~Beha&ural adaptation

in cave living animals, e.g. cave fish, salamanders, Crustacea. Comparison of epigean and hypogean populations, study of the behaviouml differences in their hvbrids, aggression, schooling, alarm reaction, chemical communication>



PASSEZU, Luc *Lab. d’Entomologie, U. Paul-Sabatier, 118, route de Narbonne, F-31062 Toulouse, France Ants, social evolution, caste development, queen control, division of labor>> PATENF PATENAUDE Fran oise 43384 Beauvais. Ste-Fov. Qukbec Gl d 2A6. Canada 0514-98777016 -*Fur animals; mammals, behaviourat ecology, social behaviour, Beaver>> PEPPEI PEPPERBERG Irene M. *Dent of Anthronolow. Northwestern U.. 1816 Hihmen Aver E&&on, Illinois 60201; USA 0312-49178720 > PETHE J PETHERZCE, J. C&o2 + Inst. of Animal Phvsioloav & Genetics Research. Edinburgh Research Station, Roslin; Midlothian, Scotland, UK 031-44027260 *Pigs, chickens, animal welfare, environmental design, motivation, sow housing, agonistic behaviour, space requirements, space utilisation~ PIERST PIERSMA,. Theunis + Zoological Lab., U. of Gromngen, Box 14, NL9750 AA Haren, The Netherlands -Birds, vocal communication, foraging, migration, waders, Great crested grebe, Podicipedidae, Little gull, Larus minutus, predation, intertidal benthos, roosting, diving birds> PIGGID PZGGZNS, David +Dept of Psychology, U. of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario NlG 2W1, Canada 0519-8244120 X3959121620 ucomparative vision, recreational mathematics, depth perception, stabilised retinal imagery, modelling, perceptual polymorphism>> PINXTR PZNXTEN, Rianne +U. of Antwerp, Universiteitsplein 1, B-2610 Wilrijk, Belgium 038-282528 X2600 Starling, reproductive strategies, polygyny, mate desertion, cuckoldry, nest parasitism, sexual conflict, individual variation, parental care>> PLOOIF PLOOZJ, Frans X. +Paedological Inst. of the City of Amsterdam, Ijsbaanpad 9, NL-1076 CV Amsterdam, The Netherlands 020-643321 X1450 *Vulnerable periods, human infancy, chimpanzees, control system theory, developmental reorganizations, regressions, stage-organization, hierarchy, stress mother-infant relationship, distribution of diseases over age, aggression, maladaptive behaviour in oreschool>> POINDP POZNDRON Pascal + Lab. de Comportement Animal, &RA de Nouzilly, F-37380 Monnaie. France 047-4277850 UMaternal behaviour, sheep, endocrinology, genital stimulation, olfaction, recognition, lamb behaviour, parturition, experience, oxytocin, noradrenalineY PORTER PORTER Richard H. *Box 154, Peabody Coll., Vanderbilt U., Nashville, Tennessee 37203, USA 0615-32284190

*Chemical communication, kin recognition, social behavior, kin interactions> PORZIE PORZZG, Erhard + W.-PieckStr. 1. Mersebura 4200, DDR 02125300 SBehaviour disorders in cattle, feeding behaviour of cattle, biological behaviour aspects, effect of irregular suppression on eating habit of cattle, increased feeding frequency, mechanisms of short-time regulation in feed uptake behaviour>> POSHIV- POSHZVALOV Vladimir +Div. of Pharmacoloev, 1 st P&lov Medical Inst., L. Tolstoy Str. 618, Leningrad 197089, USSR 0238-71080 &omputetized ethological mathematical models of pharmacology, behaviour, agonistic behaviour, hierarchy, intraspecific behaviour of rodents and pn’mates neurochemistry and neuropharmacology of aggression and defense, psychopharmacology of aggressive behaviour, antiantidepressive aggressive, anti-anxiety, drugs> POWELR POWELL, Roger A +Dept of Zoology, North Carolina State U., Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-7617. USA n91973727410 *Predatorprey relationships, social organization and spacing patterns, esp. carnivores, home range, territory, ecological energeticsJ> PRIESTA PRESTON, Arthur P. *Pig and Poultrv Branch, Deut of Primary Industries, Box 46, Brisbane, 4001 Australia 07-2246103, -22750290 -Telex: AA41620, Fax: +6172214302- *Domestic fowl, poultry, layers, broilers meat chickens, welfare, environmental design, equipment design, management feeding, vices, strereotypies, diurnal patterns> PRICEE PRICE, Edward 0. +Dept of Animal Science, U. of California, Davis, California 95616, USA 0916-75267890 *Domestication, domestic animals, livestock reproductive behavior, sexual behavior, behavior, maternal behavior>> PROVOE PROVOST Eric +CNRS Equipe d’Ethologie UPR 51, 31 ch. Joseph: Aiguier, BP 79, F-13402 Marseille Cedex 9, France 091-2241490 Ants, Z.eptothorax spp, Camponotus, aggressivity, closure of the chemical nestmate recognition, society, recognition, role of the queen, colony odour, ‘gestalt” model, cuticular hydrocarbons> PULLIH PULLLAM, H. Ronald +Dept of Zoology, U. of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602, USA 0404-54234070 -0mnet: RPulliam*Behavioral ecology, foraging behavior of birds, habitat selection, population regulation> PYZAE PYZA, Elzbieta *Inst. of Zoology, Jagielloman U., Karasia 6, 30-060 Krakbw, Poland *Insects, Lepidoptera, Spodoptem littoralis, House cricket, locomotor activity, motor activity, circadian rhythm, rhythmicity, photoperiod>> I-



QUALIAGNO, David M. ent of Movement Science and Physical Education, Florida State U., Tallahassee, Florida 32306, USA <>





% + iology Dept. Rice U., Box 1892, Houston, Texas -772.51, USA 0713-5278101 *Kin selection, inclusive fitness, behavior, eusociality, relatedness, sexual selection, plants, altruism>

X27480 social wasps,

a+ ~~~~atat~~~y,B~~~ Section 172 NRB. 607 E. Peabodv Drive, Champaign, Illinois 61820, USA 0217: 33358980 *Bird migration, radar, infrasound, pigeon homing, animal communication, bird orientation, bird navigation, sensory ecology, behavioral ecology, sound propagation, acoustics, environmental acoustics, computer, image processing>>

QUINNJ QUINN James S. +Biolo Dept, Queen’s U., Kingston, Ontario K #Yi! 3N6, Canada 0613-54561240 *Parental investment, paternity, maternity, sexual selection, sexual dimorphism, parental roles, predation, breeding biology, reproductive effort. DNA fingerprinting, restriction fragment length -polymorphisms, birds, Laridae, Caspian terns, Black skimmers)> RALSTS

RALSTON, Sarah L. +Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Colorado State U., Fort Collins, Colorado 80523, USA -Feeding behavior, stress, vices, nutrition, horse>)





*Biology Dept San Francisco State U., Sans Franc&o, California 94132 0415-33815480

RASA, Olwen Anne Elizabeth

*Dent of Zoolotzv. U. of Pretoria. Pretoria 0002: R. South-Africa n12-42020170 SMongooses, social behaviour, ecology, social structure evolution, inter-specific interactions, aggression, stress, experience, altruism, division of labour,,

RASMUD + Wisconsin




Regional Primate Research Center, 1223 Capitol Court, Madison, Wisconsin 53715-1299, USA n608263*3511”, l3500” -9277777Lo [email protected] ecology, primatology, functional studies of behavior, primates, comparative psychology, sociobiology, social organization, reproductive success, kin selection, experimental analyses, decreased and delayed reproduction, field studies>>





+Dept of Biology, Queen’s U., Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6. Canada 0613-54561600 *Birdsong, species ‘recognition, mate choice, communication, kin recognition, syntax, Parus. Molothrus, Poephilaj,


REBACH, Steve *Biology Dept, U. of Maryland Eastern shore, Princess Anne, Maryland 21853, USA n3016512200 X3250 -SREBACH@UMES*Biological rhythms, chemosensory, migration, orientation, navigation, mariculture, Crustacea, crabs, optimal foraging>> RECUEY RECUERPA, Pilar +DeEt Biologia Animal (Etologia), U. Grdoba, 14004 Cbrdoba, Snain n957-112110 Social reproduction, behaviour, communication, _ Ungulates, management, Cervus elaphus, Ovis musimon, brood parasitism, Clamator glandariusa REDONT REDONDO Tomas *De&d; Biometria, UNEX, E-lOOf Caceres, 0927-2488000 Altricial birds, vocal ontogeny, parent-offspring conflict, parental investment, begging calls, brood parasitism, vocal mimicry, host-parasite coevolution, corvids, Pica pica, Clamator glandarius, Cyanopica cyana, Poeciliids, sexual selection, sexual dimorphism, female choice, alterna tive mating strategies, filial cannibalism, kinship recognition, Gambusia affinisb


REESE, Ernst S. +Dept of Zoology, U. of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, USA n808-94886170 Sociobiology, behavioral ecology, coevolution, Crustacea, coral reef fishes, corals, atoll biology, terrestrial ecolouv of oceanic islands> REICH0 REICHMAN, O.J. *Div. of Biology, Kansas State U., Manhattan, Kansas 66506. USA 0913-53262910 *Foraging, caching; food stomge, ecology, plantanimal interactions, rodents, burrowing behavior, burrow geometry>>




+CNRS-LNB.5. BP 71. F-13402 Marseille Cedex 9, France 091-2240000




+Zoology Dept, U. of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 37996-0810, USA n6159742371n *Behavioral ecology, genetics, evolution, competition, ESS, social structure, selective mode, optimization, game theory>>




+Mariendaal 1, ML-7322 HX Aneldoom. The Netherlands 055-6690990
35 social behaviour, sion>>




RIFAH RIFX, Hkctor *Dep. de Psicologia, U. de Oviedo, Spain -CMSFI2 @ EGWOVll
RINGLER, Neil H. +De t of Environmental and Forest Biology, S i; NY, Coll. of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, New York 13210, USA n3154706770, -63881280 >


RISTAU, Carolyn k *The Rockefeller U., 1230 York Avenue, New York, New York 10021, USA n212-57086570 *Alarm calls, animal cognition, anti-predator behavior, ape language, awareness, cognition, communication, deception, discrimination, injury feigning, intentional analysis, learning, parental behavior, predator-prey, purposive behavior, social behavior)> RITZMR RITZMANN, Roy E. +Dept of Biology, Case Western Reserve U., Cleveland, Ohio 44106, USA 0216-36835540 *Information processing, intracellular recording, invertebrate neurobiology, dye injection, neuroethology, cockroach escape, interneurons)>


RIVAULT, Colette + Lab. d’Ethologie, Campus de Beaulieu, Av. du General Leclerc, F-35042 Rennes, France 099-2861230 *Circadian rhythms, cockroach, Blattella germanica, Supella supelectilium, Blatta orientalis, social behavior, communication, population structure & dynamic, invading processes, ecological niche, comparison of field & laboratory populations>


ROBERTSON, Hugh M. + U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Dept of Entomology, 505 S., Goodwin Ave, Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA n217-33304890

ROBERTSON, Raleigh J. +Dept of Biology, Queen’s U., Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6, Canada n613-54561400 -ROBERTSROQUCDN>


ROBERTS, T.D.M. +ll Menzies Drive, Fintry, Glasgow G63 OYG -T.D.M.ROBERTS @ Scotland. UK UK.AC.GLASGOW.VME0360863940 ROBINJ ROBZNSON, John G. +Dept of Wildlife and Range Sciences, U. of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611, USA *Social organization, n904-39248510 demography, social structure, social interactions, sociality, communication, vocalizaprimates, monkeys, neotropics, tions, foraging, spatial structure, densities) ROBINM ROBINSON, Michael H. *National Zoological Park, 3000 Block of Connecticut Ave. N.W., Washington, District of Columbia 20008, USA n202-67347210 <> ROBINS ROBINSON, Scott K. +Illinois Natural History Survey, 607 E. Peabody Dr, Champaign, Illinois 61820, USA 0217-33368570 RODDAG RODDA Gordon H. *Arizona COOD. Fish and Wildlife Res. Unit, 210 Biological Sciences East, U. of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 85721, USA n602-883848Bh0 ) RODRIJ RODRIGUEZ-TEIJEIRO, Jose D. +Dpto. Biologia Animal, U. de Barcelona, Avda. Diagonal 645, E-08028 Barcelona, Spain -DSBAJRTO@EBOUBOll“Rhythm, orientation, homing, n3-3088510 ecoethology, echolocation, swift, dynamics of populations, Aves, activity>> ROEDEJ ROEDER, Jean-Jacques +U. Louis Pasteur, Lab. de Psychophysiologie, 7 rue de l’U., F-67000 Strasbourg, France n883582000 Social communication, scentcarnivores primates, Genetta marking, genetta, Martes martes, Lemur catta, Lemur fulvus, Cebus apella>> ROGERL ROGERS, Lesley Joy +Physiology Dept, U. of New UK, Armidale, New South W. 2351, Australia 067-7327330 -Development, brain, asymmetry, learning, memory, visual pathways, visual behaviour,

36 attention, hormones, pecking chickens, preferences> ROPERT ROPER, T.J. +School of Biology, U. of Sussex, Brighton, BNl 9Q9, UK %.73-6067550 *European badger, Meles social behaviour territoriality, meles, learning, foraging, aposematism, antipredator behaviour, sociobiology, mammals, MustelidsJ


ROSENBLATT Jay S. + Inst. of Animal Behavior. Rutgers U.. 101 Warren Street, Newark, New jersey .07102, USA UMaternal behaviour, n201-64858500 hormones and behaviour, behavioural development, mother-young interaction, home orientation, suckling, early learning>> ROSKAE ROSKAFT Eivin +Kongshaugvegen 12, N-7560, V)ikhamar, Norway n7-592108”, -977914hn > ROSSEY ROSSETTZ Yues +U. Claude Bernard, Lab. de Physi&logie, Chemin du Petit Revoyet, BP i2, F-69600 Oullins, France ULymnaea, snails, molluscs, thermoregulatory behaviour, behavioural fever, pyrogen, phylogeny of fever, conflict, motivation, cycles, photoperiod, entrainment, food intake>)

ROUCHJ ROUCHOUSE, JeanClaude *Lab. de Sociologic animale, Centre U. de Clichy, 106 Quai de Clichy, F-92110 Clichv. France 046-6017650 *Human ethology, non-verbal communication, infancy, urbanism and ethology, cartography, aggression, pictorial art, methodolog.y>> RGUGEY ROUGER, Yves iLab. de Physiologie des Poissons, INRA, Campus de Beaulieu, F-35042 Rennes, France n99285033, -0975030 Sexual behavior, fishes, molluscs, Ovisthobranchia. Rainbow Trout, Kokanee. Salmon, Coho Salmon, Hoplo: sternum littomle, Tilapia, Aplysia punctata, environment chemical stimuli, endocrine response, progesterone, testosterone, milt production, ROULLP ROULLET,, Pascal +U. F. Rabelais, Lab. d’Ethologie et de Psychophysiologie, Part de Grandmont, F-37200 Tours, France 047-2514220 *Early environment, early experience, learning, CNS, spatial memory, hippocampus, mice>> ROWLAW- RbkLkD William J. +Deut of Biolow. Indiana l!J.. Bloomington. Indiana 47405,--USA 0812-33534700 &ate choice, aggression, social behavior, visual signalling, behavioral conflict, behavior systems interactions, interspecific interactions, territoriality, courtship, communication, ethology, behavioral eco-evolution, fishes, newts, sticklebacks, cichlids> RUSHEJ + Animal

RUSHEN, Jeffrey Philip Research Centre, Agriculture

Canada, Ottawa, Ontario KlA 0C6, Canada n613-99360020 Unapplied ethology, abnormal behaviour, agonistic behaviour, social dominance, nursing and suckling behaviour, pigs, sheep, chickens, stress, animal welfare, mother-infant relations, consciousness in animals> RUTOWR RUTOWSZU, Ronald L. +Dept of Zoology, Arizona State U., Tempe, Arizona 85287. USA 0602-96543690 -ATRLR@ASUACAD&ommunication, courtship, sexual selection, insects, butterflies, mating system, evolution, male mate locating behavior>> RUlfElTJ RUWET, Jean-Claude +U. de Liege. Inst. de Zoologie, Quai Van Beneden, ‘22, B-4020 Liege, Belgique 0414349180 Socio-ecology of vertebrates, behavioral ecology, territoriality, reproductive strategies, Tetraonidae>> SA-NOR SA-NOGUEZRA SARAZVA, Rodripo De +U. de Lisboa, Fat. de Psycologia > de Cidncias da Educacao, Rua Pinheiro, Chargas 17, P-1000 Lisboa, mouse-like rodents, Portugal > SmK SALAZIZN Kenneth S. +Dept Bioloaical Science. Geo&ia Coll., Milledgeville,-Georgia 31661, USA 0912-45352900 > SALMOM SALMON Michael ;tzpf “df Ecology, Ethology & Evolution, or Vivarium, 606 E. Healey St., U. of Illinois, Champaign, Illinois 61820, USA q21733343290 4Iehavior of marine invertebrates, mating systems of marine animals, animal orientation/navigation, sexual behavior, communication>

SAMKOM SAMKOV Michael +Kalinin State U., Zoology Dept, Gheljabov Street 33, Kalinin 170013. USSR 060644-0 *Behaviour and orientation’of insects and other invertebrates, flight of insects to the natural and artificial light (methods and causes), influence of external factors on catches of insects in light traps, orientation of insects by sun and other methods of orientation, perception of visual stimuli, honey bees and their orientation mechanismsSANJC SAN JOSE HUGUENOT, Christina lEstaci6n Bioldgica de Dofiana Pabell6n Peru, Avda. Ma Luisa s/n, E-41013 Sevilla, Spain 054-2323400 *Ungulates,

37 Cervidae, Dama dama, sociobiology, reproductive behaviour, parental investment, mother-young relation>





dos Acores, Dept de Oceanogratia e pescas, P-9900 Horta (Acores), Portugal n9231323’, -22988”n sLittom ecosystems, rocky +U.

intertidal, Pisces, Teleostei, Blenniidae, behavioural ecology, homing ability, territoriality, aggression, reprod-u&ion, -alternative mating strategies, parental care, development>>





*Dent of Zoolorrv, tJ. bf Dhaka. Dhaka-2. Bangladesh &%63300
General Zoology, EbtvBs U., 1088, Bu apest VIII, Puskin u.3, Hungary <
ecology, reproductive effort, breeding success, continuous reinforcement, key pecking conditions, optimalization, observational learning of social behavior, feeding strategy, flocking behavior, aggressivity, social hierarchy, competition, resource partitioning, feeding behavior, species comparison, bird, tit, sparrow, thrush,> SATOS SATO, Shusuke +Fac. of

Agriculture, Miyazaki U., Miyazaki 889-21, Japan 09855828840 *Cattle, domesticated,

feral, applied ethology, animal science, social structure, social behaviour, maintenance behaviour, agonistic behaviour, affiliative behaviour, temperament, fear response, abnormal behaviour development, genetic, investigative behavior)> SAU%‘@J SAUV@ Jean-Pierre +CNRS

Lab. de Neuroscienies Fonctionnelles, II! 3bis, 31 Chemin Joseph-Aiguier, F-13402 Marseille Cedex 9, France 091-224000 X43640 *Path integration, orientation, models, space, locomotion, mammals, vector navigation, memory~~




man, G.

+Dept of Biologica Sciences, Towson tate U., Towson, Maryland 21204, USA 030132172940 *Reproductive and predatory











+Applied ethology, domestic animals, zoo ethology, biorhythms, behaviour and ethological methods, welfare environment, and rearing. ethonhvsiologv>J SCHIEii’ S&ZEFZ&HtjVEL, Wulf

+Forsch. ftir Humanetholoaie in der MaxPlanck-Gesellschafi, D-8131_Seewiesen, GFR 08157-293070 *Human birth and reproduc-

children’s socialization, nonverbal tion, communication (esp. facial expression), aggression and aggression control, human ethological and anthropological film documentation, traditional medical systems>> SCHILM SCHZLDEZ?, M.B.H. 4Lab. of

Comparative Physiology, Jan van Galenstraat 40, NL-3572 LA Utrecht, The Netherlands 030-7162210 *Zebra, horse, dog, cat, social behaviour, social organisation, vices. dominance. communication>

%rH,kEf,M ii%T&%l:~:~, t&3zf

Planck-Inst. fiir Verhahennhvsioloaie. D8131 Seewiesen, GFR &igni&mce 07 ddour for human short-term risonu

beings, time relations in human behaviour, intercultural compa


SCHLEZDT, Wolfgang M. + Savovenstrasse 1A. A-1160 Wien, Austria ul-462-1210 4’omm&cation, biologial basis of behavior, bioacoustics, human ethology, quantitative ethology, eco-ethology, ethographyja SCHMIW SCHMZDEz$~ernq Robert

*II. Sao PauIo, Dep. de isiologia, 14.049, Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil o16of rodents, 6346035 X1910 SBehaviour

individual differences, burrowing, hoarding, exploration, predation, sleep-wakefulness crcleSCHOLC SCHOLTEN, C J. +Pasto-

rienad 7. NL-9993 TL Wester&twerd, The Netherlands 05955-22710 iHumboldt penguins (Spheniscus humboldti), zoo behaviour, breeding biology, moult, eye colour, wild Peru* SCHOUW SCHOUTEN,, W.G.P.

+AgricuItural U., Dept. of Animal Husbandry, PB 338, NL-6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands *Ontogeny, adaptation,

SCHAAB SCHAAL, Benoist *Lab. Psychophysiologie, U. Franche-Comte, route de Gray, F-25030 Besancon, France *O-

early experience and later behaviour, physiology, ultrasonic communication, mts, pigs)> SCHRti J SCHRBDER, Johannes Horst + Ineolstadter Landstrasse 1. D-8042

ntogeny of behavior, perceptual development, maternal behavior, birth, mother-infant attachment, individual recognition, kin recognition, chemoreception, olfaction, social odor, cutaneous secretions, olfacto-endocrine relations, Homo sapiens, perinatal period, human ethology, chemical ecology, experimental ethology>>

mutagenesis of social and learning behavior of vertebrates (fishes, mice), population and ecology genetics, behavior altemtions as indicator for environmental contaminants, quantitative morphological and biochemical


of Asilid fliesw

Neuherbeqg bei Mtinchen, GRF n893187.2296, 023930 -Fax: 89-3187.3322, Telex: 898947=STRAL*Genetics and

38 characters liidsj

as evolutionary


in poeci-


SCHUSTERMAN Ronald J. *Long Marine Lab., U. of California, 100 Shaffer Rd, Santa Cruz, California 95060, USA n408-42933450


SCHWARZ, Abby L. +lOl1484 Charles St., Vancouver, British Columbia, V5L 2S8, Canada 0604-25336690 -USERCSTLOSFU<

SCHWAE SCHWANCZ& Erkki +De$; of Zoology, U. of Stockholm, S-106 Stockholm, Sweden 4ichlids, parental care, mate choice, filial cannibalism, courtship, Tilapia, applied research, pair bond, reproductive rhythms),

SCULLE SCULLY Erik Paul +Biology Dept, Towson State d., Towson, Maryland 21204, USA q301-3213012~ <
SEARCW SEARCY, William A. +De t of Biological Sciences, U. of Pittsburg R, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260, USA 041262442810 Sexual selection, mating systems, animal communication, bird song, song learning, female choice, species recognition, red-winged blackbirds, polygyny, territorialitySEIDE J

SEZDENSTZCKER John *National Zooloaical Park. Smithsonian Inst., Washington, District’ of Columbia 2000, USA 0202-67347830 4’onservation biology, behavioral ecology of carnivores, management of tropical wildlife>) SELEMA SELEME, Anibal +Calle 5 No 293, Brig, San Martin, 5147, Cordoba (Cba), Rep. Argentina <


SENAR Juan Carlos +Museu Zoologia, Ap. 5)93, E-08080 Barcelona, Spain 03196912 X90 Social behaviour, acoustic & visual communication, agonistic behauiour, flocking, home-range, allofeeding, interactions, population dynamics,

SHAFFJ SHAFFERY, James P. t Dept of Zoology, Seen 632, U. of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701, USA n50157545060 *Natural sleep patterns, ontogeny of sleep, sleep physiology, sleep function, time budgets, energy budgets, foraging ecology, foraging development, survival-mortality, costs and benefits, optimality, telemetry,

Northern Bobwhite, gulls, Mallard, Gadwall, Red-shouldered Hawk>, SHAPID SHAPIRO, Douglas Y. +Dept of Marine Sciences, U. of Puerto Rico, Box 5000, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico 00709 n80989931400 &oral reef fish, social behavior, social groups, sex change, behavioral ecology, hermaphroditism, reproductive behavior>>

SHAPIL SHAPIRO, L. James +Avian Behaviour Lab., Dept of Psychology, U. of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2, Canada n204-474*8257, l9338n SHAWK SHAW, Kenneth C. +Degt of Zoology, Iowa State U., Ames, Iowa 5 011, USA n515-29411800 q SHEPHD SHEPHERDSON, David John +Oakhurst, North Rd, Leigh Woods, Bristol, BS8 3PN, UK SHERMP’ SHERMAN Paul W. *Section of Neurobioloev &d Behavior. Mudd Hall, Cornell U., %haca, New York 14853, USA 0607-25533970 Social behauior, behavioral ecology, natural history, descriptive studies, mating systems, kinship, communication, kin recognition, Belding’s Ground Squirrel, Naked mole-rat, Bank Swallow)> SHERRD SHERRY, David F. +Dept of Psychology, U. of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5S lA1, Canada 0416-97833990 *Memory, spatial memory, learning, food storing, foraging, chickadees, Paridaej> SHERWC SHERWIN, Chris +Centre for Electronics in Agriculture C/- Physics Dept, U. of New England, Armidale, N.S.W. 2351, Australia -Telex: AA66050, Fax: 067733122*Applied ethology, farm animal behaviour, management systems, welfare, behavioural ecology, dominance, individual differences, thermoregulationj SHIELW SHIELDS William M. + State U. of New York, Co& of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, New York 13210, USA 0315-47067710 &en, sociobiodispersal, vocalization, logy> swallows, inbreeding, mobbing, coloniality, infanticide, birds, mammals, insects, adaptation, parental care, mating systems, speciation, culture, rape, crime, beetles, game theory, evolutions SIGNOJ

SZGNORET, Jean-Pierre +INRA, Lab. de Comportement Animal, Nouzilly F-37380 Monnaie, France n474277000 -Reproductive behaviour, domestic ungulates, endocrinology, pheromone, primer

39 pheromones, reproductive development izatiorw

olfaction animal production, physiology, animal welfare, of behaviour, play, sexual-

SIGURH SIGURJONSDOTTIR, Hrefna +Bollagata 3, 105 Reykjavik, Iceland al-219860 *Reproductive behaviour, alternative mating strategies, phenotypic limited strategies, fish behaviour in the wild, sexual dimorphism)> SIMMOK SIMMONS Kenneth Edwin Laurence + 66 Romwav Road. Leicester LE5 5SB, UK 0533-737614; SIMONC SIMON, Carol A. +Dept of Biology, City Coll. of the City II. of New York. New York 10031, USA SLOBOC SLOBODCHIKOFF, C.N. +Dept of Biology, Northern Arizona U., Flagstaff, Arizona 86011, USA 060252307231, 023810 Social behavior, behavioral ecology, communication, predator-prey interactions. mimicry>> SMALL2 SMALLWOOD John A. +Dept of Wildlife and Range Sciences U. of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611. USA 0904-39248510 *Behavioral ecology, ornithology, territoriality, habitat selection, foraging ecology, predation, predator avoidance, flocking dynamics, migration, evolutionary ecology, optimality theory, raptors, American Kestrel, Falco sparveriusj SMITHA SMITH, Andrew T. *Dept of Zoolom. -_ Arizona State II., Temue. Arizona 85287, USA n602-965.4024, l357io -Behavioural ecology, population structure, dispersal philopatry, social organization, mating systems, taxonomic: mammals, PikasJ> SMITHC

SMITH, Christopher C. *Div. of Biology, Kansas State U., Manhattan, Kansas 66506, USA 0913-53266560 *Mammalian social organisation, territorial behaviour, Tamiasciurus vocalizations, food caching behaviour, Tree Squirrel, Howler Monk&>>

SMITHH SMZTH, Henrik G. +Ecoloy Building, II. of Lund, S-223 62 Lun , Sweden 046-1093230 *Brood size manipula-

tion, feeding frequency, reproductive cost, sex-related tactics, natal dispersal, partial migration, social dominance, Parus spp., Ficedula hvnoleuca>, SMITH3-A SMZTH, Jamie *Deft of Zoology, U. of British Columbia, 62 0, U. blvd.. Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 2A9,’ Canada r&04-2283364”, -2243438’0 *Behavioral, evolutionary, and population territoriality, dispersal, brood ecology, parasitism, life history theory, mating systems, population regulation, density dependence, effects of age on breeding performance>>


SMITH, John W. +Dept of Biology, U. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-6018, USA n21589878890 <
SMITHP SMITH Peter IL +Dy$loof Psychology, U. of Sheffield, Sheffiel 2TN, L?k 0742768555 X65480 *Play, aggression, dominance, social development, children, human ethology>> SMITHR SMITH, R.J.F. +Dept of Biology, U. of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskat. S7N OWO, Canada 0306-96644190 -SMITHR 8 SASK.USask.CA*Alarm signals, alarm substance, alarm pheromones, Schreckstoff, alarm substance cells, club cells, fish, fish skin, fish reproduction, fish pheromones, orientation, migration, behavioural endocrinology, behavioural ecology, predator/prey interactions> %MOTfiW SMOTHERMAN, William P. + Lab. for Psychobiological Research, Dept of Psychology, Oregon State U., Corvallis, Oregon 97331, USA 0503-754a3078, l2311n ~~Mammalian foetus, behaviour development, psychobiology>> SNOWDC

SNOWDON Charles T. + Dept of Psychology, 1202 West Johnson St., U. of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, USA 0608-262.3974, 031680 -SNOWDON @ WISCMACC> SONODT SONODA, Tatsunobu + Gakuen-Kibanadai, Miyazaki, Miyazaki, 889-21, Japan 0985-5828110
40 school, circadian rhythms, child, adaptation>>

school behaviour,

SOUTHE SOUTHWICK+ E.E. +Dept of Biology, State U. of New ork, Brockport, New York 14420, USA 0716-39557430 4omparative physiology, thermoregulation, honey bee biology, bee behavior, pollination, foraging, social behavior, heat transfer, microclimate, cold temperature behavior and physiologyy SPANIE SPANIER, Ehud *Center for Maritime Studies, U. of Haifa, Mount Carmel, Haifa 31999, Israel n4-240.782, 06000 SPITZF SPITZ, Franp + Centre de Recherche en Biologic du omportement, U. Paul Sabatier, 118 route de Narbonne, F31062 Toulouse, France 061-2851240 -SPITZ@FRINRA72*Wild ungulates, home range, movement, habitat, activity budget, population d.ynamics, small mammals~ STACEPe STACEY Peter B. +Dept of Bioloav. U. of New Mexico. Albuaueraue. New Mexico 87131, USA ‘0505-27733i50 &ooperative breeding, breeding and mating systems, social organization, vocal behavior, foraging behavior, dispersal strategies, promiscuity, mate-sharing, genetic structure, ornithology, Acorn Woodpeckers, jays, kin selection, gene flow, conservation> STADDJ STADDON, J.E.R. +De~;~t”hf Psychology, Duke U., Durham, Carolina 27706, USA 0919-68443210 STAMPJ STAMPS, Judy +Dept Zoology, U. of California at Davis, Califorma 95616, USA *Territoriality, parental behavior of birds. lizard social behavior, habitat geometry and its effects on territorial behavior and population ecology,,

STARKW STARI& W.S. +Div. Biology Sciences, Lefevre Hall, U. of Missouri, Colombia, Missouri 65211, USA 031488274730 aPhotoreceptors, visual pigment, phototawis, ultraviolet light, rhodopsin, Drosophila fruit fl.y, _ color vision, retina, visual behavior), STAUFM STAUFFACHER, Markus +U. of Berne, Ethologische Station Hash, Inst. for Zoology, CH-3032 Hinterkappelen, Berne. Switzerland 031-3602360 Social behaviour, social structure, social organization, reproduction biology, animal husbandwelfare. Birds: albatrosses, ry, animal penguins, flamingos, turkeys, mammals: rabbits. horses>

STEINR STEIN, Roy A. +I735 Neil Ave, Dept of Zoology, Ohio State U., Columbus. Ohio 43210 USA 0614-292.7826, 080880 iBehavioral ecology of fishes; predator-prey Interactions, optimal foraging, community ecology, anti-predatory behavior of fishes and invertebmtes, microhabitat

competitive selection, aquatic organisms>



STEPHM STEPHENS,. Martin L. + The Humane Society of the Umted States, 2100 L Street NW, Washington, District of Columbia, 20037, USA n202-77861260 > STERCJ STERC, Jaroslav +Inst. of Physiology, Dept of Ethology, Viendska 1083, C&i42 20 Prague, Czechoslovakia 04911510 GNeuroethology of laboratory rats, genetically programmed behavior, sex and and drinking strain differences, feeding behavior, hydromineral balance, spontaneous defense reactions, stereotaxic brain lesions, brain lateralitation, elects-physiology, theta rhythm, limbic system, septum, hippocampus, hypothalamus> STEWAM STEWART, Margaret M. +Dept of Biological Sciences, State U. of New York, Albany, New York 12222, USA 0518-4424348”, -7654860hn *Amphibian population biology, behavior of tropical anurans, Puerto Rico, Eleutherodactylus, Ranid populations, community interactions, foraging biology, reproductive biology and behavior of anurans, seasonality, mate choice, polymorphism, habitat use, aggressive vocalizations in E. cooma> STODDP

STODDARb Phili +Dept of Psychology, NI-25 U. of %ag$? ton Seattle. Washineton 98195 USA 0206-BIRDMAN @ 5430883”,’ -78343G5bo *Animal communication, UWACDCmechanisms of migration and spatial orientation, social foraging, evolution of colonialitvjj

STOLLF STOLLNZTZ, Fred +Biological Basis of Behavior Program, Room 320, National Science Foundation, Washington, District of Columbia 20550, USA n20235779490 -FSTOLLNI@NSF. FSTOLLNI @’ NOTE.NSF.GOVSupport’ for research, animal behavior, learning, cognition, developmental psychobiology, animal motivation, animal communication, social ingestion, behavior, foraging behavior, reproductive behavior, orientation, compamtive psychology, ethology>>

fonmllanld AlB 3X9, Canada 0709-73776650 *Reproductive behaviour, pregnancy disruptions, paternal care, rodents, seabirds, communication> STRASJ STRASSMANN, Joan *Biology Dept, Rice U., Box 1892, Hazton, Texas 77251-1892, USA 0713-52449220 STRAYF STRAYER, Fred F. +LEH, Dept of Psychology, U. du Quebec a Mont-

41 real, CP 8888, Montreal, Quebec H3C 3P8, Canada 0514-9874854, -52377900 -R10350 @ UQAM- &o&l adaptation, social ecology, ontogeny, social relations, group structure, social constraints, primate behaviour, child development, social skill, social representation, procedural knowledge, bonding, dominance, peer relations, family systems, kinship,> STRICW STRICKLIN W. Ray +Deit of Animal Sciences, U. of Maryland, Co ege Park, Maryland 20742, USA 0301-45478340 Spacing Behavior, social behavior, domestic animals. kinshiwj STUARA STUART Alastair MacDonald +Dept of Zoology, U. of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts 01003, USA 0413-54509750 *Physiology, social insects, Isoptera, communication, chemical senses, caste regulation, foraging, recruitpheromones, ment, defence, reproduction, acoustics, sense organs, ultrastructure>> SUBBAR SUBBARAJ, R. +School of Biological Sciences, Madurai Kamaraj U., Madurai, 625 021, India 033171x2620 *Circadian rhythms, free-run, entrainment, phase-shifts, phase-angle, transients, temperature compensation, arrhythmicity, biological clocks, light-dark pulses, low-high temperature pulses, phase response curve, period length, pinealectomy, continuous light/darkness, locomotion and feeding, hormones, brain lesions, human rhythms, antidepressant drugs, spectral sensitivity, social synchronization, bats, birds, small mammals~~ SULLIK SULLIVAN, Kimberly A. +Dwt of Bioloaical Science. State U. o New York: Albany, New York 12222, USA 051844243410 *Development of behavior, time and energy budgets, ecological energetics, juvenile strategies for survival social foraging>> @ZEK&T S2@KEL~ Tam&s +Hunqarian Ormthological Society, Budapest, Kii to u. 21. H-1121. Hunearv 015621330 *Flocking bkhaviour ‘of tit, community ecology of forest birds, foraging behaviour of waders, conservation biology of waders> TACHAT TA&& Thomas C. *Life Science II. Room 251. SIU-C. Carbondale. Illinois 62901, USA n618-53677660 -Beha: vioral ecology, bioenergetics, Canada Geese, habitat, harvest, mallards, migration, migratory birds, nutrition, physiology, populations, reproduction, Sandhill Cranes, sociobiology, wildlife, winter, waterfowl, wetldndsu TAKAMK TAKAMURA, Kenxi eNational Inst. for Environmental Studies, Tukuba, Ibaraki 305, Japan n298-5161110 &ommunity ecology, fish, lake Tanganyika, Cichlidae, Cyprinidae, feeding, algal-grazer, competition, symbiotic relationship#


TAMARIN, Robert H. *Biology Dept. Boston U., Boston, Maine 02215,USA 66i7-3532462a.*Voles, Microtus, grasslands, population regulation, dispersal, fences, kinship, islands, mdioecology, nonelectrophoresis, seasonal environments, genetics, heritability, aggressive behavior, social systems, radiotelemetry~~ TAM&IS TAMM, Staffan +Pharmacia AB, S-751 8, 82 Uppsa a, Sweden 018163707”, -101278’0 -UUCP:.enea!pharmdia! tamm- -Foraging, displaying, nectarivores, hummingbirds,> TARTAA TARTABZNZ An elo +U di Calabria, Dip. di Scienze dell’E%ucazione, I87030Arcavacata di Rende, Cosenza, Italy 0984-391713, -3918530 *Mother-infant relationship and development of affection in macaques, proximity, body contact, play, maternal care, maternal rejection and infant’s reaction to the mother’s rejecting behaviour in macaques>> TAUTZJ TAUT& Jiirgen +Fak. fm Biologie, U. Konstanz, Postfach 5560, D7750, Konstanz, GFR 07531-8826210 uArthropods, bioacoustics, communication, crustacea, mechanoreception, neurobiology, orientation, sensory ecology, sensory physio1Ogp


TAYLOR Robert J. +Dept of Fisheries and Wildlife. Utah State U.. Logan, Utah 84322-5200, USA 0801: 75024650 *Predation, theory, artificial intelligence, wildlife, biogeograph.y>> _ _ TEILLP TEZLiAUi Pierre + Centre de Biolosie du Comnortement. UA 664. 118 Route de Narbonne, F-31062 To&use, France 061-5567330 *Wildboar, feeding strategy, social strategies, ontogenesis, so&ecology, space use, parental behaviour, theoretical models> TEMBRG TEMBROCK, Gtinther +Humboldt U., Berlin, Sektron Biologie, Invalidenstr. 43, Berlin 1040, DDR *General ethology, theoretical ethology, bio-communication, sociology, bioacoustics, evolution and development of behaviour, carnivores, birdsong, human ethology, chronobiology,, TEMRIH TEMRZN, Hans +U. of Stockholm, Dept of Zoology, S-10691 Stockholm, Sweden 008-164045, -164051”n *Reproductive strategies in Phylloscopus sibilatrix, singing behavior and polyterritorial polygyny,, TENCAC TEN CATE, Care1 +ZOOlogical Lab., U. of Groningen, Kerklaan 30, NL-9751 NN Haren, The Netherlands *Development of behaviour, ontogeny, sexual imprinting, filial imprinting, song learning, parental-filial behaviour, mate choice, sexual selection, sex differences in mate choice, sexual and reproductive behaviour, evolution and survival value, birds, Zebra Finch, Collared Dove, quail, chicka

~~p-vm~l’-;r sw~~yg$gLj Ty$?t


Scotia, B2N 5E3, Canada ‘o9028951571 X3170 *Applied ethology, cattle, fox, pigs, chickens, housing design, handling, animal welfare>) TERMAR TERMAN Richard C. +Lab. of Endocrinology and Population Ecology, Biology Dept, Coll. of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia 23185, USA n804*Population ecology, 253.4730, l4240n behavioral ecology, population control, orientation, reproductive physiology, sociology, population dynamics>> TERONE TERONI, Evelyne l 7 ch. du Cerisier, 1246 Corsier, Switzerland 05122370 and vision in

TERUYO, Oba +8-l-31 Sakurayama, Zushi, Kanagawa, Japan 249 n4687378360 uVocalization, song, call, communication, birds, owls, oscines, non-oscines, territoriality, individual recognition, sound spectography, vocal, repertoire, motivation, physical features of sound, function, meaning>> THIBOE THZBOUT, Eric +IBEAS, Part Grandmont, F-37200 Tours, France n47-2514220 *Plant-insect relationships, information, chemicals, Allium genus, phytophagy, parasitism, host research, oviposition behaviour, olfaction, attraction, larval feeding>, THIERB THIERRY, Bernard +Lab. de Psychophysiologie, U. Louis Pasteur, 7 rue de I’U., F-67000 Strasbourg, France n88358200 X4680 Social ethology, aggression, social systems, tolerance, ontogenesis, comparative ethology, primates, macaques, Macaca mulatta, M. fascicularis, M. tonkeanaJ>


THOMPSON C. *Biology Dept, Coll. City of New York, Convent Ave. at 138th st., New York, New York 10031, USA q212-69068000 -CBTCC@CUNYVM


THOMPSON, D.B.A. *Chief Scientist Directorate, NCC, 12 Hope Terrace, Edinburgh, EH9 2AS, UK n314474784~ -Mating and social systems, timing of breeding, philopatry and time/energy budgets of waders (Charadriidae), behavioural ecology of Miliaria calandra, parasite manipulation of host behaviour, kleptoparasitism in birds>> THOMPJ THOMPSON, John N. eDepts of Botany and Zoology, Washington State U., Pullman, Washington 99164, USA *Evolution of interspecific interactions, coevolution, insect-plant interactions, evolution of oviposition behavior and host preference in phytophagous insects>> THOMPN THOMPSON Nicholas S. +Clark U., Dept of Psychofogy, Worcester,

Massachusetts 01610, USA o617-79372610 Communication, sociobiology, philosophy of ethology>> THONB THON Bernard +Biolo ‘e du Comportement, U. Paul Sabatier, 118 % oute de Narbonne. F-1062 Toulouse. France Sequential analysis of behavior, motor learning,, TIMMEP TZMMERMANS, P. J.A. +Psychological Lab., Dept of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, Montessorilaan 3, Box 104, 6500 HE Nijmegen, The Netherlands n80-5125400 *Ontogeny, social infantile behaviour, maternal behaviour, behaviour, aggressrve behaviour, periparturitional behaviour, phobic behaviour, rat, Rattus norvegicus, Cynomolgus monkeys>

TITMAR. TITMAN, Roger D. +Dept Renewable Resources, MacDonald Co1 ., 21111 Lakeshore Rd., Ste Anne de Bellevue, Quebec H9X lC0, Canada 0514-39879330 Spacing behavior, territoriality, activitybudgets, pair formation, reproductive isolation, Anatidae>>


TZTTMAR, Heinz-Gunther + Dept of Psychology, U. of Ulster, Newtownabbey, BT37 OQB, N. Ireland &cohol, biogravity, biorhythms, development, emotionality, fertility, fetal alcohol syndrome, growth, mating, rat, reproduction, taste threshold, teratology, zeitgeber>j


TOKARZ, Richard R. +8331 S.W. 107th, Ave Apt. F, Miami, Florida 33173, USA ~Hormonal control of behavior in non-mammalian vertebrates>


TOPOFF, Howard +Dept of Psychology, Hunter Coll. of CUNY, 695, Park Avenue, New York, New York 10021, USA 0212-77256770 *Animal behavior, social insects, communication, slave-making ants, evolution of behavior>> TORRIP TORRZCELL!, Patrizia +Inst. Di Zoologia, St. delI’Universita 12, I43100 Parma, Italy *Fish, sounds, parental care, aggression, gobiesa TOWNSD TOWNSEND, Daniel S. +Dept of Biology, U. of Scranton, Scranton, Pennsylvania 18510, USA 0717-9616217”, 3472533bo *Reproductive behavior, sexual behavior, parental behavior, behavioral ecology, sexual selection, mating systems, behavioral endocrinology, amphibians, tropical frog.9


TRAIL, Pepper William Mammalogy, +Dept of Ornithology an California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California 94118, USA n415-75071760 *Mating systems, sexual selection, avian social behavior, leks, behavioral ecology, mate choice, evolution of behavior>>


TRANIELLO, James F.A. +Dept of Biology, Boston II., Boston, Massachusetts 02215, USA 0617-35328320


social caste beha-


TZUZ’P, Gene R. +Dept of Biological Sciences, California State II., Sacramento, California 95819, USA n91627862790 *Carnivore, ringtail, Bassariscus, behavioral ecology of carnivores, Procyonids, Canids, Californian carnivores>


TREMBLAY, Richard E. +Ecole de Psycho-education, U. de Montreal, CP 6128, Succ. A, Montreal, Quebec H3C 357, Canada 0514-38229720 <&ggression, development, children, family, parents, parent-child interaction, human ethology, child development, social development, nonverbal communication, social interaction, peers, juvenile delinquency, criminality, education, treatment)> TUBLIN TUBLZTZ, N. +Inst. of Neurobiology, U. of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 97403, USA n503-68645100 *Physiological and behavioral, significance of neuropeptides in insects>


TURNER, Dennis C. +Ethology & Wildlife Research, Zoology Inst., U. of Zurich-Irchel, CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland 01-25752720 <

TWENTJ TWENTE John W. *Div. of Biology Sciences, 213 Lefevre Hall, U. of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri 65211, USA 0314-88226630 *Hibernation, rhythms, mechanism of arousal, circadian rhythms, alarm clock, mammals, bats, Chiroptera, autonomic nervous system, ground squirrels, Citellus, light influence, duration of hibernation>> UDVARM

UDVARDY M.D.F. +Dept of Biology Sciences 114, California State U., Sacramento, California 95819, USA n91648718440 *Evolution of signal organs in vertebrates, signalling systems in Trochilidae (Aves), hummingbirds, UEDAK UEDA, Keisuke +Toyono-cho 25-2-301, Neyagawa, Osaka, Japan 572 -Ornithology, ecology, ethology, behavioural ecology, evolutionary biology, avian mating system, polygamy, polygyny, social structure, demography, warblers> UGOLIA UGOLZNZ, Albert0 +Dip. di Biologia Animale e Genetica, U. di Firenze, Via Romana 17, I-50125 Firenze, Italy 0552224480 reorientation, homing, social wasps, zonal orientation, Crustacea, parental care, Arachnida>>

URIBEF UZUBE, Francesc +Museu de Zoologia de Barcelona, Ap. Correus 593, E08003, Barcelona, Spain 093-31969.12, 0500 +&oustic communication, sound propaga-

tion, auditory Awes>>





VALENTZNCZC, Tine +Dept of Biology, Askerceva 12, 61000 Ljubljana, Yugoslavia 061-3142650 >


VALLORTZGAZU, Giorgio +Dip. di Psichologia generale, LJ. di Padova, Piazza Capitanianto 3, I-35139 Padova Italia 049-449000 -PSICOOl@UNIPAD. INFNET- &hicks, open-field, brain lateralispatial learning, zation, sex differences, simultaneous discrimination learning, vision, animal cognitionvmcm VANCATOVA, Marina A_ +Na Folimance 11, 120 00 Praha 2, Czechoslovakia 02504120 > VANCAMI’ VANCASSEL Michel *Lab. d’Ethologie, UA 373 CNRS, II. de Rennes I. Camuus de Beaulieu. F-25042 Rennes, Fr-ante 099-2863770 -MFORASTE@FRCICB81 VANCAV VANCATA, Vriclav +Na Folimance 11, 120 00 Praha 2, Czechoslovakia 02504120 *Higher primates, eco-ethology, tool-use, locomotion, behavioural adaptations, ontogeny of behaviour, evolution> VANDEJ VANDENBERGH, John G. t Dept of Zoology, Box 7617, North Carolina State U., Raleigh, North Carolina 276957617, USA 0919-73727410 VANRHJ VAN RHZJN Johan G. + Slochterweg 3, NL-9635 TA, Noordbroek, The Netherlands 05985-17930 Social organization, mate selection, pair formation, parental care, communication, game theory, models, birds, evolution, phylogeny)> VANVE J VAN VESSEM, Janine + Inst. of Nature Conservation, Kiewitdreef 3, B3500 Hasselt, Belgium nil-2101100 “Grey Heron, Ardea cinerea, radio tracking, coloniality, spatial distribution, time budget, behavioral ecology, breeding success, reproduction, optimal foraging success, foraging, population dynamics, wading birds, fish forms, Great Crested Grebe, Podiceps cristatus, Black Grouse, Tetrao tetrix, fauna management, survey, nature conservation~






+CNRS, 31 ch. Joseph-Aigmer, F-73402 Marseille Cedex 9, France &ognition, spatial behaviour, object manipulation, development, primates, apes, baboons> VAZ-FR VAZ-FERREZRA Raul + Isabelino Bosch 2482, Montevideo, Uruguay 07958030 *Ethology of pinnipeds, malefemale competence in otariids, pre-spawning and spawning behavior of annual fishes, nesting behavior of Furnariids, parental behavior of Leptodactyllus ocellatus, gregariousness of tadpoles, oviposition of Ophidia and Lacertilia in aericultural ant nests)>


+Zoolo ‘sch Lab. Pb 14, NL-9750 AA Haren, The a etherlands 050-6320.47. 0370 *Ecologv. Larid behaVEEN,” Jan

viour, breeding


behaviour, communication>> VEHERENCAMP, Sandra

*Biology C-016, U. of California San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093, USA n61953447870 *Behavioral ecology, cooperative

strategies, avian cooperative nesting, parental care strategies, mate choice, sexual selection, group size strategies, behavioral energeticsa


VERELL, Paul +Dept of Biology, The U. of Chicago, 940 East 57th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637, USA 03127026OOln UReproductive biology, courtship

behavior, isolation, (amphibia)

sexual selection, reproductive speciation, salamanders, newts H




FFCZJJS*II. Inst. Antwerpen, Universitei’t-

splein 1, B-2610 Wilrijk, 282528 X4930 &tarling,



reproductive strategies, breeding biology, nest parasitism, mate desertion, lizards, anti-predator, strategies, population dynamic, VERNEE VERNET-MAURY, Evelyne

*Lab. de Psychophysiologie, U. Lyon I, F69622 Villeurbanne, France 078898124 X39230 *Olfaction, pheromone,

repellent maternal behavior, stress odor (predator), ultrasonic vocalisation in rat, emotion in mt and man, neurovegetative parameters>> VESTAH VESTAL, Bedford M. +Dept

of Zoology, U. of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma 73019, USA 0405-32530820

*Behavioral recognition, mammals, Marsupials>

ecology, kinship, rodents,

social behavior, kin dispersion, dispersal, ground squirrels,


VESTERGAARD, Klaus + Royal Veterinary and Agricultural U., Dept

of Forensic and State Veterinary Medicine, 13 Biilowsvej, DK-1870 Frederiksberg C, Denmark nOl-3517880 <
Biologic et Genetique &olutives,


91190 Gif-Sur-Yvette, France 077828x9750 *Sexual behaviour,

n69sexual choice,

selection, genetic variation, mate assortative mating, Drosophila>> VICKEW VICKERY, William L. *D&t

des Sciences Biologiques, U. du Quebec a Montreal, CP 8888 Succ “A”, Montreal, Quebec, H3C 3P8, Canada 0514-98’744620

d’Ethologie, Campus U. de Beaulieu, F35042 Rennes, France 099-2863770
studies of autistic humans (infants and epistemology of ethology and adults), continuity/discontinuity anthropology, between animal and human behaviour (incest, motivations, self perception, modestYh




+Ist. di Psicoloaia, Via Aldrovandi 16B, I00197 Roma, &ha 06-878437, -8706900


VZSWNATHAN, N. lDept of Animal Behaviour. School of Biological Sciences, Madurai ’ Kamaraj U., Pall&lai Nagar, Madurai-625 021, India 033171x2620

*Maternal entrainment, ontogeny, free-run, presencelabsence cycles, Zeitgeber, period, circadian rhythm, locomotion, phase shift, phase response curve, continuous lightldarkness, mouse, pacemaker, rhythm, parturition, activity wheel, endogenous, sleep, PUPS, subjective day, subjective night, prenatal, post-natal>> VOGELP VOGEL Peter +Deg of

ona, Zoology, U. of the West Indies, Kingston 7, Jamaica SEtho-ecology, optimal

foraging, predation, harmful prey, learning, reptiles, lizards, Anolis, neotropics,w VOSSEJ VOSSEN Joseph M.H. +Dept

of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, U. of Nijmegen, The Netherlands 0805125440 *Classical conditioning, hypothesis

behavior, conflict behavior, biological bases of memory>> VRUGTA VRUGT Anneke lPs cho-

logisch Lab., Weesper)plein 8, NL-lOlzXA, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 020-52536460 *Sex differences in nonverbal communica-

nonverbal indicators of deception, tion, nonverbal signs of stress>> WADDIK WADDZNGTON, Keith D. + Dept of Biology, U. of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida 33124, USA 0305-28463010 *Foraging, behavioral ecology, communication, perception, insects, bees, Apis mellifem, nectarivores, energetics, pollination, floral preferences, costs, intakes,,


WALDMB WALDMAN Bruce +Biological Lab., Harvard I?., 16 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA u617-49591950 -BW@HARVARDA*Behavioral ecology, evolutionary biology, kinship theory, animal communication, social behavior, sexual selection, kin recognition, behavioral developmentWALDVJ WALDVOGEL, Jerry A. *Section of Neurobioloev & Behavior. Cornell II., 1140 Corns&k Hall, Ithaca; New York 14853, USA 0607-25520310 Avian navigation, orientation, migration, homing pigeons, olfaction, vision, polarized . light, ultmvtolet ltghtu *&LA.R WGLACE Robert A. +De t of Zoology, U. of Florida, Gainesville, Flora,a a 32607, USA 0904-33271740 -Behavioral ecology, islands, social behavior, sociobiology>> ~~~~JN~~T~~~~~~~U:‘D~~~ 7617, Rale&h, North Carolina 27695I7617. USA’ u919-73727410 -Behavioral ecology; ornithology, primatology, social behavior, comparative breeding, kinship, dominance, predator recognition, interspecific aggression, clutch size, parental behavior, shorebirds, woodpeckers, baboons>> WARING WARZNG, George H. *Deft of Zoology, Southern Illmois U., Carbonda e, Illinois 62901, USA 0618-53623140 -GA3609@SIUCVMB&x?lied etholorrv of wildlife and domesticated species, bioacoustics, zoosemiotics, vertebrate natural history, visual and auditory communication, equine behavior ontogeny of social behavior, mammalogy, ornithology, problem behaviors of confined animals, social organization, behavioral adaptation in zoos and aquariums, 11




WASER, Peter M. +De t of Biological Sciences. Purdue U.. W. La Pavette, Indiana 47907, USA u317-49481290 *Mammalian social behavior, dispersal, philopatry, carnivores, Heteromyidae rodents, parental investment, demography, spacing patterns, groups, communicationw


WASSERMAN, Fred E. +Dept of Biology, Boston U., Boston, Massachusetts 02215, USA 0617-35324760 *Territoriality, acoustic communication, foraging behavior, birds>

WEATHP WEATHERHEAD Patrick J. +Dept of Biology, Carleton U., Ottawa, Ontario KlS 5B6, Canada 0613-56438670 *Behavioural ecology, evolutionary biology, birds, snakes, mate choice, sexual selection, reproductive stmteaiesr WEISEC w&h, Ckartes M. +Dept of Biological Sciences. , U. of Wisconsin. Milwaukee, Box 413, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201, USA 0414-22943730

territory, survival, migration, annual cycle, birds. Chickadee, Parusw WELDOP WELDON Paul J +mp of Bioloev. Texas A&M U.. boll. Station. exas 7783, USA 0409-84577660 *Reptile, chemical senses, chemical ecology, predator-prey, defensive behavior. anti-predator functions> WERNET w~RNEA~ Trace; K *Deft Bioloeical Sciences. Darmouth Co1 . . Hanover, New Hampshire 03755, USA 0603: 6462903, 646-23780 *Foraging behavior, individual variation, foraging ecology, intraspecific variation, population variation, island population specialization, Pinaroloxias inornata, Geospizinae, Cocos Island, Costa Rica, Aves, Tropical biology, behavioral ecologyu WEYERM WEYERS,, Marc +Biolo ‘e du Comportement, 1 Croix du Sud (Bte 18 -, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique OlO4740890 -CHROBI@BUCLLNll+Chronocircadian affective disorders, biology, rhythms, animal /man, ambulatory recording, animal model of depression, daily mood fluctuation> ‘WHITEA WHITEN, Andrew + Psychological Lab., U. of St-Andrews, St-Andrews, Fife. Scotland. UK 0334-761610 *Development, evolution, primates, baboons, foraging, intelligence, social cognition, parent, parentoffsvring interaction, ecolog.yu tihI+EJ WHZTEiiiEAD James Matker *Dent Wildlife and Ran)ee Science, U. of Florida, Gainesville, Florrda 32611, USA u904-39248510 *Communication, primates, foraging, diet selection, ontogeny, spacing, long distance vocalizations, organismic biology, loud calls, zoosemiotics, conservation, behavioral models, artificial intelligence, cognitive ethology, evolution, behavioral ecology, sociobiology>> WHORIF i6IORISKEY-Fred + Dept Renewable Resources. MacDonald Coll. of McGill II., St-o-Anne de Bellevue, Quebec H9X lC0, Canada 0514-39879360 -Fax: 514-3987895, Telex: 05821788*Fish behavior, distraction displays, cannibalism, migrations, antipredator behavior, animal arctic habitats, reproductive coloration, strategies and behavior, feeding, introduced species - marine and fresh water*

WIEPKP WZEPKEMA, P.R. +Dept Animal Husbandry: section Ethology, Agricultural II., Wageningen Zodiac, Marijkeweg 40, Wageningen, The Netherlands n8370-843550 SBehaviour patterns, development behaviour, farm /zoo animals, disturbed behaviour, stereotypies, stress, welfare, health, ACTH, corticosteroids, endorphines, autonomic nervous system>> WIEREH

WIERENGA, H.R + Research Inst. for Animal Production “Schoonoord”, Box 501, 3700 am Zeist, The Netherlands o3404-296110 *Dairy cattle, fattening bulls, veal calves, housing systems, management

46 systems, automatic feeding, automatic milking, cubicles, group-housing, crates behaviour, health, production, social dominance, ontogeny, daily rhythms, lying behaviour, eating behaviour, aggressive abnormal behaviour, social behaviour, behaviour. stereotvves. arenutial sucking)>


WZxKiiSbN, Geralvd S. +Dept of Zoology, U. of Maryland, Coll. Park, Marvland 20742. USA 0301-45454100 *Behavioral ecology,. behavior genetics, sociobiology, bats, sexual selection, altruism, cooperation, food-sharing, relatedness, kin selection, reciprocity>> WIRTZP WZRTZ, Peter +Albert Ludwigs U., Zoologisches Inst., Albertstr. Zla, D-78 Freiburg, GFR 0761-20324410 evolution, behavioural Social behaviour, ecology, sociobiology, parental care, reproductive behaviour, sexual selection, alternative mating tactics, satellite males, interspecific competition, leeches, crustaceans, solitary bees, fishes, antelopes, man>> WOefTU8 WbJTUbZAK Janusz +Zooloeical Museum. Inst. hf Zoolow. Jagiellcmian U., Karasia 6, 30-060 Krak&; Poland *Insecta, Lepidoptera, locomotor activity, feeding activity, silking behaviour, larval instars, post-embryonic development, circadian rhythms-u


WOOD-GUSH, D.G.M. +School of Agriculture, U. of Edinburgh, West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH93JG, Scotland, UK


WRIGHT John C. +Psychology Dept, Mercer U., 1400 Coleman Avenue, Macon, Georgia 31207, USA o91274429730 -JWRIGHT@UGA*Dog, canine, cat, feline, domestic, aggression, exploration, socialization, dominance, rearing, bites,,


WUENSCH Karl L. +Dept of Psychology, East Carolina U. Greenvil e, North Carolina 27858-4353, USA o91975768000 -PSWUENSC@ECUVMl*Multivariate analysis, paternal care, developmental psychobiology, species identity, flesh eating, assortative mating, semiochemicals, sociobiology,>


WUNDEZUE, Joseph M. Jr. +Dept of Biology, U. of Puerto Rico, Cayey, Puerto Rico 00633 o809-738*2161x2177’“, l693lbn &man behavioral ecology, nectarivore foraging behavior, learning, avian vocal behavior and social behavior,,


mRS, Everett J. +Pssk,“,“; logy Dept, SUNY at Stony Brook, Brook, New York 11794, USA q51663278410 -EVWYERS @ SBCCVM*Evolution of learning and behavior, foraging and aggression fish, history of

comparative Psychology, assessment and individual identification in fish)>



WYMAN, Richard L. *Edmund Niles Huyck Preserve, Box 188, Rensselaerville, New York 12147, USA n518-79734400 uEthology, behavioralecology, physiological-ecology, fishes, amphibians, ontogeny social behavior>> YARDIM YARDIN Michel +Centre de Recherches Parodontaies, 2 Place Pasteur, F-35000 Renues, France o99-631955xl27n *Or-o-facial behaviour, mastication, postures, electromvograahvw YOM-%‘q YOM-TOV Yoram +De t of Psrael Zoolow. Tel Aviv U.: Tel Aviv. 69978034221010 UBehavioral ecology of birds and mammals, zoogeography, pest control, nature conservation, environmental physiology, bird migration> ZAHAVA ZAHAVZ Amotx *De t of Zoology, Tel-Aviv U., ‘!‘el-Aviv, Israel %9978 03-426812”, -224760b0 -DtiG@TAUNOS*Evolution of signals, information centers, altruism, mating systems, vocal communication, colour patterns> ZAYANR ZAYAN, Rend +Biologie du Comportement, U. de Louvain, 1 Croix du Sud, B-1348, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique 010-689452, -6564150 -ETHOl @ BUCLLNll*Aggression, dominance, hierarchv. individual recognition, fish. fowl. ter;itoriality; pigs, social “’ stress, models, animal welfare, applied ethology, animal cognition, social space, peck-order,, ZEIGLD ZEZkLEk, David D. +Dept of Biologv, Southwest Texas State U.. San Marc&, Texas 78666, USA 0512-24533730 Stoneflies, Plecoptera, Znsecta, substratum, systematic, temperature, drumming, vibmtional, sexual selection, communication, age,, L_


CPW & 79th St., New York City, New York 10042, USA 0212-76958370 SNeuroethology: ingestive behavior, sensorimotor, trigeminal motor control, system, eating, drinking, pigeon, motivation, neural, brain, visuomotor analysis: sensory, motor and central mechanisms controlling eating and drinking,, ZUCKEN ZUCkER, haida +D$t of exico Biologv. Box 30001. Dent 3AF. New State U., Las C&es, ‘New Mexico 880030001, USA 0505-64612000 *Social behavior, territoriality, social status, dominance hierarchies, mating systems, visual communication, lizard, Urosaurus, Zguanids, Crustaceans, Uca>)


ZUMPE, Doris +De$t. of Psvchiatrv. Emorv U. School of Me mine. 1256 Briarcliff road, N.E., Atlanta, Georgia 30306, USA 0404-89459470 *Primates, macaques, motivation, communication, sexual behavior, agonistic behavior, social behavior, bonding, hormones, oestradiol, testosterone, progesterone, mate competition,

47 mate choice, reproductive success, dominance proceptivity, receptivity, attractiveness, pheromones, chronobiologyja


ZUPANC, Giinther K.H. + Scripps Inst. of Oceanography, Neurobio-

logy Unit, A-002, U. of California at San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093, USA 0619-5342127”, -5220074’0 -WHEILIGE @ UCSD- *Neuroethology, weakly electric fish, neural plasticity in adult animals, social behavior in cichlids, conditioning techniques, environmental influences on behavior, computer application in ethology),











auditory SNOWDC
















awareness abnormal
























aesthetic CHMURJ affiliative BOUISM HOPFS SATOS aggression ALVARF ANDERJ





















































behavioural FRENCJ SACHSB

endocrinology SMITHR









behavioural behavioural HOLLDB





pharmacology physiology LADEWJ






























biostatistics brain APFELR






brain lesions STERCJ SUBBAR breathing CLOARA KRAMED AFTONA ARNOLK breeding