dominance studies, by Frank Morell; Speech sound discrimination by cats, by James Dewson; Spectrographic diagnosis of speech disturbances, by Peter Ostwald; Profiles of non-verbal children, by John Eisenson; Defective revisualization, by Donald Macrae; The problem of visual agnosia, by Macdonald Critchley; Clinical and anatomic studies of visual agnosia, by J. M. Nielsen; Etiologic factors in learning disorders of children, by Helen Gofman; Psychologic aids to the diagnosis of language disorders, by Lucie Lawson; Therapeutic approaches to perceptual disorders of children, by Richard Flower; Emotional problems in aphasic patients, by Robert M. Tager and Howard S. Barrows. March 8
Oculo-pharyngeal dystrophy, macular pigmentary degeneration and hearing-loss (a case report), by R. G. Scherrnan and W. A. Hoyt;
Focal encephalitis as a cause of unilateral progressive epilepsy, by J. W. Kernohan, D. 1). Daly and J. R. Green; The rise of the "enteroid processes" in the 19th century, by F. Schiller; Mechanisms of action of intravenous dilantin. by B. O. Rand, William A. Kelly and Arthur A. Ward; Cerebrospinal fluid shunting in aduhs, by Wallace Nelson. Symposium on Trauma
Thrombosis of the internal carotid artery by endoral trauma, by Robert S. Lichtenstein; Mechanism of brain damage in closed craniocerebral injuries in infancy and early childhood, by Cyril B. Courville; Trauma in multiple sclerosis, by Henry Miller; Cerebral infarction masquerading as a subdural hematoma, by Arthur Lyons; Traumatic porencephaly, by Philip Wright and John C. Kennady.
I N T E R N A T I O N A L L E A G U E AGAINST EPILEPSY, BRITISH B R A N C H (Twenty-second Annual Meeting held at the National Hospital, Queen Square, Friday, 13 March, 1964) Mr. Douglas Northfield, Chairman Symposium on classification of epilepsy, with D. A. Pond, C. W. M. Whitty, D. Northfield, D. Janz, J. Margerison; M. V. Driver: Film on drug-induced seizures; A. Elithorn, M. Painter, and L. Hersov: The classification of epilepsy in childhood with special reference to psychological disturbance; G. Pampigtione: Seizures in children; J. Cooper: Epilepsy in a longitudinal survey of 5000 school children; K. Jones and A.
Tillotson: Survey of the adolt epileptic colonies of England; F, Clifford Rose and M. Sarner: Epilepsy following ruptured intra-cranial aneurysm; P. O'Connor: Epilepsy caused by plane propeUors interrupting sunlight; B. Dunlop: Neurological survey of Lingfield hospital school; N. Richman: Psychiatric survey of Lingfietd hospital school.
SOCII~TI~ FRAN(~A1SE DE N E U R O L O G I E (S6ance du 5 Mars, 1964) MOlanosarcome de la dure-mdre cervicale. MM. A. Sicard et A. Julliard, pour compl6ter une observation publi~e Acette soci~t~ en 1960, font connaitre la r6cidive de la tumeur 2 ans apr6s l'intervention, et le d&zb,s du matade 6 mois plus tard, ce qui souligne la gravit~ bien connue de cette observation exceptionnelle de tumeur m~lanique. Encdphalite ou enc~phalopathie d'dvolution subaigue caract~risde anatomiquement par des n~croses oed~mateuses dtendues et de classification difficile. MM. A. Fontan, P. Verger, L. van Bogaert, J. Radermeeker, P. Loiseau et J. Battin prOsentent l'observation d'une jeune lille de 14 arts atteinte d'un syndrome enc6phalitique mortel en 6 mois qui 6voquait cliniquement une ene,Aphalite scl~rosante subaigue et dont l'~volution s'est fair vers un syndrome de d~cortication et de d~c~r~bration l i ~ ~ une n~crose des
noyaux du pont. Mais ni les donn6es 61ectroenc~phalographiques, ni les donn~*s anatomiques ne permettent de faire entrer cette affection darts te cadre des leueoenaiphalites scl6rosantes subaigues; l'61ectroen~phalogramme n'a jamais montr6 de paroxysmes l~riodiques r6guliers et les 16sions de n6crose et de spongiose par leur extr6me importance rendent cette observation atypique et singuli~re. Un cas anatomo-etinique de nystagrnus retractorius: ramollissement dans le territoire de l' art~re choroMienne postdrieure. MM. M. Devie, F. Michel et J. P. Lenglet rapportent un cas de nystagmus retractorius assoei6 h une paralysie de la vertiealit6, une ar6flexie pupillaire et un d6fieit du r6flexe de fixation dam l'l~miehamp visuel gauche. La l~sion responsable est un ramollissement dans le territoire de la l a m e quadrijumelle, du tubercule quadrijumeau ant6J. neurol. Sei. (1964) [: 590-598