International Ophthalmological Congress

International Ophthalmological Congress

EDITORIALS 299 MEETINGS FOR 1921. The Societe Franchise d'Ophtalmologie meets in Paris, May 3, 4 and 5. The Annual Congress of the Oph­ thalmologica...

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MEETINGS FOR 1921. The Societe Franchise d'Ophtalmologie meets in Paris, May 3, 4 and 5. The Annual Congress of the Oph­ thalmological Society of the United Kingdom will convene in London, April 28, 29, and 30. The Oxford Ophthalmological Con­ gress will this year convene at Oxford, July 6, 7, and 8. The Section on Ophthalmology of the American Medical Association will meet in Boston, Mass., Wednesday to Friday, June 8, 9, and 10. The American Ophthalmological So­ ciety will meet at Swampscott, Mass., on the coast north of Boston, June 14 and 15. The Pacific Coast Oto-Ophthalmic Society will meet at Seattle, Wash., July 14 and 15. It has been found im­ practical to hold its meeting on the boat while taking a trip to Alaska. The Colorado Congress of Ophthal­ mology and Oto-Laryngology will be held in Denver late in July, probably on the 29th and 30th, altho the dates are not yet definitely fixed upon. The American Academy of Ophthal­ mology and Oto-Laryngology will hold INTERNATIONAL OPHTHALits annual meeting at Philadelphia, Pa., MOLOGICAL CONGRESS. October 17, 18 and 19, to be followed As elsewhere announced, the dates on October 20, 21 and 22 by the in­ set for the International Congress of tensive Postgraduate program ar­ Ophthalmology at Washington, D. C , ranged by a committee appointed at its in 1922 have been changed to one week last meeting. later, April 25-29. This has been done in order to make the best possible ar­ CORRECTIONS. rangements for the hotel accommoda­ tions of the large number of members In the editorial of our colleague M. who will be in attendance. LTribe-Troncoso upon the classification All papers intended for presentation at of Cataracts, page 141, the term in­ this meeting must be sent to the chair­ tended "paranuclcar" was erroneously man of the Committee on Scientific Busi­ "perinuclear" in the legend accompa­ ness, Dr. Edward Jackson, before Jan­ nying the diagram used. The error uary 1, 1922. This is necessary in was the more serious because the point made was that the opacity appeared order that the papers may be printed near the nucleus, not surrounding it. in a presession volume to be distrib­ In the "book notices," p. 224, the uted to the members at the opening of first sentence of the first paragraph the Congress, and to the authors of should read : In the preface the author papers and those expected to open dis­ states that: "This book aims to be a cussions upon them before that date. collection of facts and not of theories."

may be more readily absorbed by vis­ ualizing thru, charts, lantern slides, and other means, other than by dry read­ ing. The demonstrators for the coursehave been selected for their unusual fitness for that particular line of work, and some of them stand preeminent. The round table talks planned will also serve the purpose, it is hoped, of en­ abling members to become better ac­ quainted, and permit a broad discus­ sion and exchange of thought. Depending on the success and im­ pression made on the members of this first departure from the usual proced­ ure of the society, the committee con­ templates expanding the idea in the future with a view of offering many short selective courses which will be more or less complete, and will enable a member to devote his entire time, for example, to muscles, pathology, operative surgery and the like. A large registration is expected and it is hoped that those who expect to take advantage of this unusual opportunity will enroll early. M. W.