Vacuum News presented featuring subjects such as blast cleaning with zinc-coated abrasives; effects of impact peening and nonwoven abrasives on steel’ surfaces; and zinc-plus-paint system for corrosion protection of a steel bridge.
how they can be used to maximum effect. These aspects will be illustrated by examples, provided by a large multi-product company, of typical applications of such systems. The afternoon will be devoted to case studies from users in a range of industries.
During the session on Safety Practices, a paper was presented entitled Three Mile Island-Two Years Later. The effects on worker productivity and safety in construction of coatings on steel was discussed.
Intondod audience. The seminar is aimed principally at plant managers, production managers and senior operations staff in industries employing medium and small scale processes, either for continuous or batch production. It will be of interest to those in virtually all sectors of industry including: Engineering Printing and packaging Food, beverages, tobacco Paper and board Chemicals Glass Pharmaceuticals Textiles Soap and cosmetics Public utilities
The symposium was held in conjunction with the ASTM standards development meetings scheduled for 23-28 January at that same location. There is no fee to attend these standards-writing meetings. A special technical publication is anticipated by ASTM on the symposium proceedings. A non-profit organization with headquarters in Philadelphia, ASTM is the world’s largest source of voluntary consensus standards for materials, products, systems and services. ASTM Standards, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19103, USA
Conferences and seminars organized by Sira Institute Ltd in 1993, include: Ion-selectiveelectrodesand relatedeeneom.
Recent induetrial applications. Seminar, 22 February at Chislehurst, Kent. Eleotro-analytical techniquea. Seminar, 22 February at Chislehurst, Kent. Low-cost programmable industrial control systems: how they ten improve your busineae. Seminar, 8 March at the Press Centre, London EC4 (more details given below). Film preparation and qtching using vacuum or plasma teohnology. Seminar, 22-24 March at the University of Sussex, Brighton (more details given below). Fibre Optioa ‘83. International exhibition and conference on applications of fibre optics, 19-21 April at Porter Tun Room, The Barbican, London. Tutorial day is 18th April. Sira Institute Ltd, South Hill, Chislehurst, Kent 8R7 5EH
Low-Cost Programmable Industrial Control Systems-How they can improve production efficiency 8 March 1983, Press Centre, London EC4 This 1 -day seminar aims to examine recent developments in lowcost programmable industrial control systems and to show how such systems can be used with effect in industry to improve productivity and efficiency of operation.
Exhibition. An exhibition of commercially available equipment will accompany the seminar. For information on participation in the exhibition, please contact C Pickup, Technivise Ltd. South Hill, Chislehurst, Kent BR7 5EH (telephone 01-467 5555).
Documentation. Delegates will receive a final programme, lists of participants and exhibitors and a book containing summaries of the papers presented. Sponsomhip. The seminar is sponsored by the Institute of Measurement and Control.
Registrationfoes. A registration form is provided. Fees, which include lunch and light refreshments, are as follows: The delegate named first on each registration form, f80+ f 12 VAT=f92. For Sira members, this fee is reduced to f72+f 10.80 VAT=f82.80, provided the reduced fee is claimed on the registration form. Additional delegates named on the registration form, who are from the same company as the first-named delegate, f70+f 10.50 . VAT = f 80.50 per person. Fees will be refunded in full for cancellations received at Sira up to and including 25 January 1983. For cancellations received after 25 January up to and including 8 February an administration charge of f 10 will be deducted. There will be no refund for cancellations received after 8 February. Sira Institute Ltd. South Hill, Chislehurst, Kent BR7 5EH
International Seminar-Film Preparation and Etching Using Vacuum or Plasma Technology 22-24
March 1983, University of Sussex, Brighton, England
There is a wide range of programmable control systems now in use in industry, from basic devices capable of performing simple logic control to systems capable of controlling a complete process unit. Many recent examples have digital communications facilities for program and data exchange, enabling their use in master/slave or distributed systems. This seminar will cover the ‘low-cost’ end of the range, ie systems which cost from a few thousand pounds to a few tens of thousands of pounds, and which are available in a sufficiently packaged form that a typical company can be expected to install, employ and maintain them on medium-sized production units.
Three-day international seminar with accompanying exhibition of commercially available equipment. The event is sponsored by the British Vacuum Council, which comprises the Institute of Physics, the Institution of Electrical Enginwrs and the Metals Society. For further information contact the Conference Unit, Sira Institute Ltd. Chislehurst, Kent BR7 5EH.
Programme. The morning session will consist of a pair of tutorial papers outlining the programmable control systems available for use, the types of task they can perform, how they are commissioned and maintained, how they fit into process control or product control and
The programme will cover both physical and chemical-based techniques, such as those using sputtering and gas reaction mechanisms and will include film growth by rf and magnetron sputtering, and by plasma enhancement; etching in plasmas and by
The seminar is a follow-up to that held in March 1981. The theme of the programme is the application of low pressure and plasma processes to film preparation and etching at low pressures in ionized and activated gases.
Vacuum News low-energy ion beams; film assessment techniques; and the design of process apparatus and control instruments. Speakers are drawn from industrial, government and university establishments in the UK and overseas. The seminar will conclude with visits to the Solid State Group and the Plasma Processing Laboratory of the University of Sussex to see examples of current research work. An exhibition of commercially available equipment will be held on the first two days of the seminar. There will also be an evening session devoted to short presentations by manufacturers. The seminar will be of value to those concerned with thin film technology and surface etching in electronics and electro-optical device fabrication, metal finishing and corrosion-protective layers in metallurgy. It aims to bring together users of the techniques and those who are developing the technology, and to give a balanced view of what is established practice and what is still experimental.
The aim of the conference is to bring together specialists in the fields of ion source development, beam transport, ion beam machines and ion beam surface interactions. In this rapidly developing field ion beams and plasma deposition processes are being deployed for damage studies, fusion research, semiconductor processing and machining, materials modification in metals and insulators and surface scattering analysis. The common thread to these important technological areas is the production and manipulation of beams and plasmas of varying properties and quality depending on their end use.
Organizing Committee WA Grant, Salford (Chairman) I H Wilson, Surrey (Secretary) C Clipstone, Gillette
For further information about the seminar and exhibition please contact the Conference Unit, Sira Institute Ltd, South Hill, Chislehurst, Kent BR7 5EH. England. Telephone: 01-467-2636. Telex: 896649.
J S Colligon, Salford S K Erents, Culham 8 Farmery, Sussex J A Grimshaw, RMCS J L Moruui, Liverpool K G Stephens, Surrey J M Shannon, Philips J M Walls, Loughborough
Liste PrOvisoire des Activites SW. Annee 1983
Exhibitors, including the companies listed below, will exhibit a wide range of products and technology, such as equipment for high vacuum technology, ion beam machines, ion sources and ion assisted deposition techniques. Technical publications will also be represented.
et Manifestations
de la
Seminairs et Colloques 5cole d’Hiver sur les Spectroscopies d’Electrons ESCA-AugerLes Arcs-24 au 28 Janvier 1983. Colloque International sur la Visualisation par Ecrans Plats-l 9 au 23 Septembre 1983. JournCs ‘Surface-Vide et Industrie’. Toulouse-4 au 6 Octobre 1983.
Cows d’Enseignement des techniques du Vide Spectrometrie de Masse des Gaz ResidueIs0 au 14 Janvier 1983. Les Plasmas et leurs Applications-28 Fevrier au 4 Mars 1983. Caracterisation des Couches Minces--l 8 au 22 Avril 1983. Vide et Traitements de Surface-l 7 au 28 Octobre 1983. Obtention des Couches Minces-5 au 9 DBcembre 1983. Enseignement General des Techniques du Vid+30 Mai au 24 Juin 1983. Formation Pratique: 16 au 24 Mai 1983 1 ere Session 26 au 30 Septembre 1983 1 24 au 28 October 1983 12 au 16 Septembre 1983 2rhe Session 10 au 14 Octobre 1983 14 au 18 Novembre 1983 For further information contact: Societe Francaise du Vide, 19 rue de Renard, 75004
Paris, France.
Low energy ion beams--3 (LEIB 3) (With a manufacturer’s exhibition on 29 and 30 March 1983 at Loughborough University of Technology). The conference is to be from 28-31 March 1983. Further details about this conference are given below. Later on are given extra details about the exhibition. The conference is organized by the Atomic Collisions in Solids Group of the Institute of Physics. 364
Participants will include: Vacuum Science Workshop Ltd, Manchester Oxford Applied Research, Witney VG Gas Analysis Ltd. Middlewich Edwards High Vacuum Ltd, Crawley Vacuum General Ltd/Megatech Ltd, Havant Danfysik A/S, Jyllinge, Denmark ’ Cameca, Cheadle Dubilier Scientific Ltd, Abingdon Balzers High Vacuum Ltd. Berkhamsted VG Scientific Ltd, East Grinstead Kratos Analytical Instruments. Manchester Atomika GmbH, Munich, West Germany.
Exhibition Organizer: Dr R Howson, Loughborough University of Technology, Department of Physics, Loughborough, Leicestershire LEl 1 3TU. England. The Meetings Officer, The Institute of Physics, 47 Belgrave Square, London SW1 X 8QX
15th National Conference
and Molecular
The Atomic and Molecular Physics Sub-Committee of the Institute of Physics is organizing the 15th National Atomic and Molecular Physics Conference to be held at the Schuster Laboratory, The University of Manchester, from 6-8th April 1983. The reviews and invited speakers include: Applications of Quantum Defect Theory-M J Seaton (UC London) Inelastic Collisions Using Lasers-K Bergmann (Kaiserslautern) Atoms in Rydberg and Non-Rydberg States-J P Connerade (IC London) Violating the Golden Rule: Resonant Multiphoton Processes-P L Knight (IC London)