Internationalisation (A conference report)

Internationalisation (A conference report)

17 Energy (supplies, policy, economics, roreCaStS) 95103202 Energy resources In the future Tomabechi, K. Fusion Ena. Des., 1994. 24, (4). 343-347. A...

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Energy (supplies, policy, economics, roreCaStS)

95103202 Energy resources In the future Tomabechi, K. Fusion Ena. Des., 1994. 24, (4). 343-347. A review bn ail the conceivable energy reso&es and their use in the future.

95103212 Korea’s changing energy efficiency sustainable development Kim, J. D. World Energy Council J., Jan. 1995, 57-64 Discusses energy efficiency and conservation in Korea.

Energy resources: The challenges 95/03203 Williamson, P. and Sait, R. Queensland Governmenr Mining J., Jan. 1995, 96, p, 5. Reports on the inaugural Department of Minerals and Energy (Australia) exploration symposium held in Brisbane.

95tO3213 $35m energy package unvelled Queensland Government Mining J., Mar. 1995, 96, p. 37. Queensland Premier Wayne Goss and Minister for Minerals and Energy Tom McGrady recently released a ground-breaking $35 million package which they believe will make Queensland the Australian leader in altemative energy production.

95103204 Energy World Yearbook 1995 H. Howland Associates, The Mar&s, Easr Street, Harrietsham, Kent ME17 IHH, UK, f50.00 (UK) f55.00 (Overseas), March 1995. In addition to a comprehensive reference section and an extensive buyers’ guide, this year’s edition will also carry authoritative articles on subjects of all vital importance to the energy industries, including European user inspectorates, the future of clean coal technologies, combined heat and power and the outlook for biomass. 95103205 Energy, North Alrlca, and Europe Boussena, S. Revue de I’Energie, Mar. 1995, (466), 143-149. (In French) The energy situation in the North African countries not only offers a multitude of opportunities for regional cooperation, but also for consolidating ties with the Eurouean Union. What are the medium-term chances of uuttine these nossibiiities to use? The article reviews the enerev issues in Algeria, M&occo, and Tunisia, all in the middle of a compleGeconomic, political, and cultural mutations. Environmental policies and their effects on utility 95103209 planning and operations Hobbs, B. F. and Centolella, P. Energy, Apr. 1995, 20, (4), 255-271. The authors present a taxomony and analysis of public policies that address the environmental impacts of power production. The paper consists of two parts. The first is a classificatin of policy options, including command-andcontrol regulations, emission caps, taxes, marketable permits, emission adders, and environmental performance standards along with a review of recent develooments. Examoles are drawn from US institutions. but the principles invblved apply toknvironmentai regulation in any natidn. In the second part, the authors explore how various policies can affect a utility’s choice from among emission dispatch, fuel switching, and resource options. Some policies yield inefficient outcomes: i.e. strategies for which there exist alternatives that would result in both lower emissions and costs. 95103207 Europe’s gas and eiectrlcity: Where are were heading tomorrow? Ailleret, F. Revue de I’Energie, Dec. 1994, (464), 663-666. (In French) Electricitv is not like other goods. It is vital to the communitv. to its economy: and to public safetg It is part and instrument of many’iational policies, whether they be the general economic policy, industrial deveioptient, strategic energy, environmental protectioti, or land development, io name a few. In every country of the European Union, this sector is organized according to the missions of general interest assigned to it, and in line with the requirements of the transmission and distribution facilities. If a general energy policy were to be decided by the member countries, it could only be the outcome of a gradual process of converging national policies based on long-term common objectives, which could be defined as the competition among the companies, better service to the consumer, environmental preservation, and a certain level of reliability. 95/03208 Van Egmond, Flemish)

Gastec opens door to Energy Charter L. Gas (Netherlands), Mar. 1995, 115, (3). p. 25. (In

95/03209 Improving the efficiency of industrial energy use in Southern Africa Stiles, G. World Energy Council J., Jan. 1995, 25-37. A review of the regress of the energy efficiency programmes in the SADC countries o F Southern Africa, and their effectiveness and impact to date. 95/03210 lnternatlonai Conference on Energy - A report World Energy Council J., Jan. 1995, 65-70. A report on the International Conference on Energy, - ‘Energy for Tomorrow’s World: Concerns and Issues of Developing Countries’ held in New Delhi, 17-18 November 1994. 95103211 Internationallsation (A conference report) Fender, J. Energy World, Feb. 1995, (225). p. 16. The Institute of Energy saw out the old year with a conference of global proportions, in subject matter at least. Internationalisation was chaired by President David Jefferies CBE, in London on the 1 December 1994.



95103214 Moving forward Into snergy servlces Brown, C. Energy World, Mar. 1995, (226), p. 2. A viewpoint by Chris Brown, Head of Public Affairs, Energy Saving Trust. He states that over the course of the next few years, the energy market in the UK will go through tumultuous changes. We are about to embark on a pioneering process unsurpassed on a national basis anywhere else in the world. 95103215 New Delhi Declaration ot the WEC (India) World Energy Council J., Jan. 1995, 71-73. A report on the International Conference ‘Energy for Tomorrow’s World in the Developing Countries’, held New Delhi, 17-18 November 1994. 95103216 New energy challenges tar European industry Mer, F. Revue de I’Energie, Mar. 1995, (466), 131-134. (In French) In a world undergoing fundamental changes, the economic contest may very well turn out-to b% one between Amehca and Southeast Asia. Europe will be a participant in this contest only if, aside from some economic project, it adopts a long-term stand with an ambitious and generous cal plant embracing Eastern Europe and a tie with North Africa. foiitin the European sphere, it is these regions that constitute the energy reservoirs of the European producing countries. The energy requirements will remain, consumption pressures will have their effect on prices, and Europe will need to guarantee its energy reliability. Otherwise, it will not stand up to the economic emergence of Asia. 95103217 protesslonais EnTra, Watforg

Occupational UK fiO.00,





1994, 250 pp.



is ‘undue’

lor a US

Klein, C. C. UUies Policv, Oct. 1994. 4. (41, 267-272. Utilities in the USA are pro&ibited from. cha;&g prices that are unduly discriminatory, but the meaning of ‘undue’ is not clear. A review of recent court decisions reveals that regulators’ decisions are rarely overturned for this reason. The economics literature suggests that any set of prices falling between marginal cost and the unregulated monopoly price may be acceptable, but this provides little guidance for defining ‘undue’ in practice. The antitrust offence of price discrimination concerns effects on competition in a vertical chain, suggesting a growing role for vertical pricing effects in regulatory proceedings.

95103219 Regulation lor the common good Hain, P. Discussion Pamphlet, GMB, 2224 Worple Road, London SW10 400, flO.00, 1994. 95103220 Resldentiai energy use patterns in Cebu City, Phiiipplnes Bensel, T. G. and Remedio, E. M. Energy, Mar. 1995, 20, (3), 173-187. Results of a comprehensive survey of residential sector energy use in the second largest urban centre in the Philippines are presented. A total of 603 households were interviewed regarding their energy consumption and purchase patterns, fuel-switching history, and reasons for fuel-choice seiection. LPG and fueiwood are the most widely-used cooking fuels in the residential sector, followed in importance by kerosene, charcoal and electricity. Multiple cooking fuel use IS wide-spread. Electricity is used in 93% of the city’s households, primarily for lighting and appliances. Average household electricity consumption increases 1500% between the lowest and highest income groups, Indicating that future growth in residential electricity demand could be rapid under conditions of rising living standards. 95103221 Standards tor managing dards (final draft) Management Charter Initiative, Russell Square, London WCIB 5BZ. The publication analyses the competencies in managing energy.

energy-management Square House,


IO-12 Russell

required by all those involved

Fuel and Energy Abstracts

May 1995