Intracoronary thrombus formation causes substantial vasoconstriction of human epicardial coronary arteries in vivo
JACC Vol. 15, No. 2 February 1990:159A
al human epicardial atieries in vivo.
The etiolo raph~cal~y fdate its pathophysi normalities of corona studie...
The etiolo raph~cal~y fdate its pathophysi normalities of corona studied 17 patients ith this syndrome [63 sent, (SD)Iwears of doe. 76% male3 and 16 novae subjects r&i >nd after 1.;. .Jnfusionof d~py~ida~~~e tron emission tomography and IQ160 to qua perfusion. At rest, ~oc~rdi~~ ~erfwsion 0.37 ml/g/min On normal subjects and 1.38 f e tients (p < .05). After dipyridamo~e~ perfusl
th ang~~graphica~~y m-ma1 cors~13~~ pain in patients manifestatiow of disease of small arteries is often ssels reflected by high perfMs~o~ at rest and cardial perfusion reserve. Furthermore, these ons can be detected and quant.Jfiednoninpositron emission tomography with tQ60.