S. S., and Schmidt, C. F.: The Effects of Active and Passive Hyperventilation of Cerebral Blood Flow, Cerebral Oxygen Consumption, Cardiac Output and Blood Pressure of Normal Young Men. J. (‘Iin. Investigation 25: 107 (Jan. I, 1946.
Both active by a diminution
hyl,erventilation 1-j~ normal hurtlan sul),jevt:: is accompanied t1loo11 fforr amrlnntiug to XI to L? ~ber c.tant Car, erage‘l of the C’arhon rlioritle content, cartmu Ilio.\idr tensiorl, and hydrogen ion contra1 \~olLlme flow, content of arterial ~)ICJCIII Ilimillish rignificantly, anti thra ecwt)ral artcriu\ enous osg-gen difFerc1lve invrcaws. I)uring acti\-e h~l~er’ventilation cardiac I,utput ins,reases hy an aver a~gi’ of L’ pvr (tent whewas cluriag l)as:“ive hyperventilation varlliac outljut decre;t,ws 11 pc’r vent I~elow the control values. AIean arterial pressure invrcases 12 per rent aho~e the control (luring nvtivo hvl~rrventilation and 8 per cent above the control during passi\-o Ilpper\entilation. It ih’ 01 vonsi~lrrathle intclrest t,hat cerebral oxygen twnsnmpt,ion is iw