Introduction to modern liquid chromatography

Introduction to modern liquid chromatography

Jortrttal uf Clrrotnalography, 109 ( 1975) 206 0 Elscvicr Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam CI-IROM. Book - Printed in The Ncthcrlands 823...

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Jortrttal uf Clrrotnalography, 109 ( 1975) 206 0 Elscvicr Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam CI-IROM.




in The Ncthcrlands




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chr.on7atogra/~/t?~, by L. R. Snyder 1974, XVI -t- 534 pp., price f 9.20.


Wiley, New York.

and J. J. Kirkland,

Modern liquid chromatography, in this context, refers to the techniques which have been developing during the past decade and which are variously referred to as high-pressure, high-speed or high-resolution liquid chromatohigh-performance, graphy (LC). Dr. Snyder and Dr. Kirkland have contributed much to the popularisation of these techniques and their much acclaimed short courses sponsored by the American Chemical Society form the basis of the present book. In many ways, it can be considered as being a completely revised and up-dated version of an earlier book, Modern practice of liquid chromatography. published in 1971 by Wiley, and edited by Kirkland, to which Snyder and others made significant contributions. There are two important differences, however. The technique and theory of modern LC have now matured to the point where a reasonably complete and logical treatment is possible and therefore much of the repetitive and haphazard presentation featured in the earlier book has been eliminated. Secondly, although the present book may lack the depth of treatment given in the former, the reader is given clear guidance towards further reading, should he so desire. As a result, despite the inclusion of recent advances, the increase in size and price of the book has been kept well within bounds. The authors’ aim of balancing essential theory and principles with practical details is successfully achieved in a series of easily digestible chapters suitable for both beginners and the more experienced. The latter, seeking more detailed information, will find it in the appendices, or in a comprehensive list of references and bibliographies. The first three chapters on basic principles are followed by descriptions of equipment, detectors and columns. It is a pity that the opportunity was missed to emphasize strongly the excellent performance achievable by a well-packed column in conjunction with simple equipment of good design, for there exists, especially outside the United States, a large number of paper and thin-layer chromatographers who are rightly cynical of the expensive and grossly over-sophisticated equipments which, even today, still appear upon the market, Four further chapters discuss each of the basic chromatographic methods in turn, liquid-liquid, liquid-solid, ion-exchange and gel chromatography, whilst a fifth, useful chapter offers guidelines on choosing the methods to try out for solving a particular problem. A chapter prepared by J. J. De Stefano discusses large-scale separations. There is no separate chapter on applications. These are either used in the text to describe a particular point of technique, or else mentioned as references. This book will be much sought after both by beginners and by those who have had considerable experience in the field. It should also give much encouragement to the many who are still wondering whether to take the plunge! -. . _, ‘. Abingdon

