63 a place too where, above all’ Aston Key, Senior Surgeon of Guy’s Hosothers, the "officers," from Benjamin Har- pital, for whom I have constructed an inrison downwards, profess to be immaculate ? strument which bids fair to effect more in
exist, and in
for the statement 1 have lithotrity than has hitherto been done. an eye witHad the Baron given me the credit for I am, Sir, yours. &c., share in the invention which is justly ness of the fact. A PUPIL. due to me, I should have no complaint to This is a " Free Hospital case " for make; but he has thought fit, not only to hold himself out as the inventor, and withthe interference of Mr. Bransby Cooper, hold any little merit that belongs to me, but an official inquiry be instituted by the go- to decry the utility of my instruments, and vernors. With regard to the motto of "equal depreciate them in public estimation. I rights," we may observe that our corre- beg, moreover to say that I did not make instrument which bent in the bladder of spondent would have prefaced his statement the the unfortunate patient alluded to by Sir more appropriately, by adopting the rallyCharles Bell.—I beg to remain, Sir, your " ing point of " equal wrongs,"-a"clamour obedient servant which has hitherto been the loudest at JOHN WEISS. 62, Strand, March 27, 1836. Guy’s. The Borough-market doctor may now join in the cry with some title to speak
pledge myself
made, having many times been
up for " vested interests " and
To the Editor.—SirIt is with extreme reluctance that I again obtrude myself on the notice of the profession, to substantiate my claim to the invention of the lithotrite. 1 hoped, from all that had been written on the subject, that my right to it was fully
S., aged 24,
under the
admitted, Nov. 20th,
of Mr. LisroN.
She is
prostitute of very intemperate habits, having been for some time in the habit of drinking large quantities of gin. She has also been much exlacsed to cold, and has frequently admitted, and it was with surprise that I saw lain out for nights in the street. On Saturin the last number of the Medical Gazette, day night, the 16th, she received a blow or a letter from Sir B. Brodie to Sir Charles pinch on the nose, which gradually assumed Bell, in which the priority of invention of a dark appearance. At present there is a the curved instrument is given to Baron gangrenous surface near the apex of the nose, surrounded by a livid margin ; the part Heurteloup. The invention, whatever may be its merits, is moist, and has a few vesicles upon it. is mine, and for the truth of this assertion She complains of a dull aching pain in the I appeal to the Baron himself, to whom, in part; pulse 83, feeble ; tongue clean, but the presence of Dr. Boyton, 1 showed an tremulous; thirst and languor; bowels open. instrument of the same construction as that She was immediately placed on full diet, and now used by him, namely, a curved instru- a quarter of a grain of the muriate of mor’. ment with an inner sliding blade. At that phia given her every three hours. No time he was using the straight drill of application to the affected part. 22. The gangrene ’has not extended, and Civiale, but he immediately laid it aside, and adopted the curved instrument. True he she says she is better and stronger. was the first who applied it, but that does 25. The slough has separated, but the not invalidate my claim to the invention, surface beneath appears unhealthy; comnor is it affected by shortening the curve of plains of thirst; tongne moist, but rather the instrument. The substitution of the loaded ; pulse 70, feeble. A pint of porter hammer for the screw he is entitled to, but it is well known that the screw has superseded the hammer in almost every instance, and has been used with complete success by the following gentlemen : Sir Benjamin Brodie, Sir Charles Bell, Mr. Guthrie, Mr. Stanley, Mr. Tyrrel, and others; Itherefore must contend that not only the priority and the of invention, but even the perfection of the instrument at present in use, belong to me. This may appear, to those who have not examined the different instruments, a very bold assertion, but in further
COlToooration I begleave to refer to Mr.
daily. 30.
Gradually improving;
the ulcer heal.
ing. Dec. 3. Discharged well. March 8. She returned to the hospital to-day, having been in St. Pancras work. house during the last month of her absence. For two months she continued her irregular course of life, drinking as largely as her means allowed her, and passing the night in the open air. The dark colour of the nose soon returned after such exposure, but it was not attended with much pain. About a
week before her entrance into the work-