Rock fracture under dynamic stresses I037 AT.T.I~,N,V UNIV". MISSOURI, ROLLA, USA CIA/~K,GB UNIV. MISSOURI, ROLL&, USA I~OFF, ~ UNIV. MISSOURI, ROLLA, USA An investigation of combined thermal weakening and mechanical disintegration of hard rock. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT OF MISSOURI UNIV.ROLLA, ROCK MECH. AND EXPLOSIVES RESEARCH CE~i~qE,1973,48P.
~o44 RE SHALOV, YA Resistance of rocks to breaking by impact loads during drilling. IF, IT,5R. SOVIET MIN. SCI.V9, N1,1973 ,P97-100.
Io45 BLINDHEIM, OT New experiences with full face drillirg. TAPIR TRONDHEIM, 1974.
Drilling io38 BAIDIOUK, BW On the method of appraisal of the rock resistance to the failure caused by a drilling tool. Congress; Discussion. 1F PROCEED. 2 CONGRESS, I~I~LNAT. SOC. ROCK MECH. BELGRAD, 1970,V4,1974, P451-45 2. From a mathematical analysis involving the kinematic parameter of the action of the drilling tool against rock, it is concluded that in rotary a r ~ o r rotary percussion drilling, the rock resistance is mainly of the type related to complex tool penetration into the rock. This process of penetration may be called complex iud~tatlon. Laboratory Ir~entation tests for various rocks are reported to establish the influence of the kinematic parameter on rock resistance tinder this type of action against the rock. The results are analysed and presented gral~hically. 1039 GOLYSH~, IX UDOVENKO, AF ~MORODINOVA, LA Non-linear theQry of thermal drilling based on physical properties of the surface layer of rocks computed from experimental data. In Russian. IMPROVING MINING TECHNOLOGY AND EQUIPMENt, MOSCOW, 1968,P135-138. lO40 UDOVENKO, AP Stresses in rocks produced by thermal drillir~. In Russian; IMPROVING MINING TECHNOLOGY AND EQUIPME~,MOSCOW, 1968, P139-142. IC41 CHASHNIKOV, W Nomogram for controlling thermal drilling of holes with enlarged bases; In Russian. PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY OF MINING,LENINGRAD, NAUKA,1970, P213-218. I042 STARTSEV, IM Using gasoline thermodrills in the granite quarries of the Leningrad region. In Russian. 5R. NEW INVESTIGATIONS IN MINING,LENINGRAD, 1969,P155-164.
1~3 SOV~,GA KUZI N,YS Percussive rock breaking by r o d - t y ~ bits. IT,2R. SOVIET MIN. SCI .vg,NI, 1973. ~80-81. To stilly the fracture of rocks by a drill with spherical hard-alloy inserts specimen drilling bits were prepared. The labaratc~y tests were performed in a vertical impact tester on granite specimens. It was found that fracture efficiency depends markedly on the impact energy per unit cutting-edge length. A characteristic of multiplerod bits was found to be a virtual absence of wear on the spherical surfaces of the hard-alloy indenters. Thus, it seems, ~tltiple-rod bits can be efficiently used to drill deep boreholes.
MAIDL, B Drillability of rocks as a parameter for drilling equipment in urzlergroumd mines. Congress. Discussion. In German. 1T,1R. PROCEED. 2 CONGRESS, INTERNAT. SOC .ROCK MECH. BELGRAD,
v4,1974, ~55-457. Mathematical equations of drillability are presented as well as a table giving the drillability fQr different rocks.
IO47 PETERSON, CR RAPIDEX INC .BOXFOHD, MASS.USA Study of a continuous drill and blast tunnelling concept. FINAL REPORT,RAPIDEX INC.BOXFORD, MASS.USA, MAR.
1973, 59P. 1048 BLACK, WD Investigation of techniques in explosive drilling. FINAL REPORT,AAI CORP.COCKEYSVILLE, MD, ER-7338, FEB. 1973,79P.
lo49 FERTL,WH TIMKO, DJ How dcwnhole temperatures affect drilling. Part 9. Novel ways to detect abnc~nal pressure: 21R. WORLD OIL, V176, N2,1973, P47-50.
Blasting See also abstracts: 890,968. 1050 DA GAMA, CD Design of blasting patterns. Congress.~ Discussion.
9F. FROCkeD. 2 CONGRESS~ I~I~RNAT. SOC. ROCK MECH. BELGRAD, 1970, V4,1974, P443 -445. The results of a series of cratering tests are presented.A method of similitude analysis to tackle the problem of com~Inutlon theories in blasting arg fragmentation prediction is discussed. The analogy of results both in full-scale and model tests shows the method's reliability° i051 LUNDBORG, N Improved fragmentation in rock blastir~. Congress. Discussion. 4F,1T. PROCEED. 2 CONGRESS, I~ERNAT. SOC. ROCK MECH.BELGRAD,
1970,v4,1974, P447-4~8. Some data is presented from studies on blasting pattern design for m~xim~m fragmentation which were conducted in Rlexlgl~gs by model-scale blasting, and from later experiments on half-scale blasting in granite. Also more recent comprehensive full scale tests are briefly reported. 1052 ITO, I Rock fracture in blasting and dynamic characteristics of rocks under impulsive loads such as blasting. Congress. Discussion. PROCEED. 2 CONGRESS. IIV±'s~NAT.SOC. ROCK MECH. BELGRAD,
197o, v4,1974, P448-~49.