Ionization of argon in the upper atmosphere

Ionization of argon in the upper atmosphere

1204 Abstracts and forecasting of meteorological conditions, an estimate is made of the minimum necessary area of the element to be resolved in phot...

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and forecasting of meteorological conditions, an estimate is made of the minimum necessary area of the element to be resolved in photographing cloud fields. Criteria of accuracy in determination of air temperature at different altitudes and the temperature of the underneath surface are calculated. D. DANKOV: Ionization of argon in the upper atmosphere (pp. 256260) Aspects of the formation and disappearance of argon ions are considered. It is shown that radiative recombination alone cannot be the mechanism for the disappearance of these ions. An estimate is made of the lower boundary of the constant of the rate of ion-exchange reactions which must be responsible for the vanishing of Ar+ ions. The altitude profile of these ions is obtained.


V. G. ISTO~~IN: Concemin~ the discovery ia the upper __ atmowhere of Of ions with greater energy thaa thermal energy (pp. 261-266) For measurements of the ion composition of the atmosphere a radio-frequency mass-spectrometer in the renion of “molecular shadow” at an altitude of 250 km has recorded a large number of 0+ ions on the de&ending arm of the trajectory. This appears to indicate a considerable &crease in the velocities of 0+ ions (the main ionized component of the FZ-region) above the thermal velocities of neutral components. The effect may possibly be due to directional motions of the O+ ions (downwards or horizontal) at velocities of the order of lo6 cm@, or to high velocities of the chaotic motion of Of ions. A. A, POKH~JNKOV:~~~orne~ rn~~~n~ of the ~~10~ of He+, N+, O+, NO+ and O,+ ions ia the E&tb’s atmosphere at altitudes up to 430 km (pp. 267-270) A profile of the absolute concentrations of atmospheric ions at 130-430 km is given, as obtained by a radio-frequency mass-spectrometer installed on a geophysical rocket. The presence of helium ions is detected at altitudes above 370 km. B. M. Gorovw, G. M. GRIGOR’EVA, A. P. LANDSMAN et al.: The effect of hii-eaergy protons on silicon photo-electric cells (pp. 271-286) A theoretical study is made of the mechanism of the formation of displaced atoms in the bombardment of solid bodies by electrons, neutrons and protons with energy up to 1000 MeV. The influence of radiation by protons with energy of 650 MeV on the performance of silicon n-p photo-electric cells is studied experimentally. Using simplifying assumptions, the relationship between power output and the time spent by the cell in the central parts of the Earth’s inner and outer radiation belts is evaluated. V. A. PAVLENKO, A. E. RAFAL’SON and M. D. SHTJTOV: A range of mhdature mass-spectrometers for investigating the neutral and ionized gas composition of the upper archaic layers (pp. 287-295) The theory of radio-frequency mass-analysers is briefly expounded and a description is given of the circuit and design of Soviet MX6401, MX6403 and MX6405-type r.f. mass-spectrometers intended for investigating the ion and neutral gas composition in the mass range from 1-4 amu to 12-56 amu. Examples of the use of these devices are given with results at various high altitudes. M. YE. SLIJTSKII. B. I. ZARKHIN and M. A. PUSHKINA: A miniature wide-band electrometer ampiiiier (pp. 296-302) ’ A d,c. amplifier with input impedance of IOr* fi and a low time constant of the order of lo-* set is described. The amplifier has one valve, which is a Soviet I-l type electrometer pentode; all the other stages are transistorized. The system ensures high non-stability and a low level of noise with a non-stabilized direct-voltage supply 14 f 2V. Its compactness and mechanical strength make it a very suitable amplifier for spaceborne apparatus. Weight 300 g, dimensions 100 x 50 x 50 mm. V. V. ANT~~v, Yu. I. YEFREMOV, M. D. NIKITIN et al.: Radiation precautions in the flight of “Vostok-?)” aad “Vostok4” (pp. 303-308) Data are given about the radiation conditions in outer space before and during the group fIight of Nikolayev and Popovich. Details of the cosmic radiation are given. The main precautions taken against radiation are stated. al.: The cosmic radiation dose in the “bio-packs” on “Vostok-3” and “Vostok4” (pp. 309-311) Special biological packs were carried on “Vostok-3” and ‘Vostok-4” in which the dose of cosmic radiation was measured by nuclear emulsions (Soviet types P and K), a scintillation photo-dosimeter and XX-type X-ray film. The total measured dose during the flight was 41 i 6 mrad for “Vostok3” and 30 f 4 mrad for “Vostok-4”. V. N. LEBEDEV, V. S. MOROZOV, G. F. MIJRIN et

L. DELONE, P. R. POPOVICH,V. V. ANTIPOV et al. : The effect of space llight environment on microspores of Tradescantia @udosa on “Vostok-J” aad Vostok-4” (pp. 312-325) In the tests on microspores of Trudescantiapalu~sa some of the material was ‘fixed’ for testing Popovich during the flight 56 hr after launching, which eliminated the effect of vibration and acceleration on the
