The on-the-energy-shell multiple scattering corrt,rihut,ion differerrtial equation which is solved exactly. The double solution is shown to agree with other calculat~ions.
can be found from an integroscattering approximation to the
f!f ~“rO//Uc’tiOn ~‘Wc’eSSeS. s. kIAxI1ELST.4iV, J. E. P.4TOS, R. F. PEIERLS, A. &. ~ARKEH. 1)epartment of iblathematical Physics, Univewity of Birmingham, Birmingham. l*:ngl:tnd The three particle term in the unitarity relation is approsimatcd try pairs of particles as isobars. The method is applied to investigate the (33) resonance contribution to inel:&ic r-5 scattering and to the model for the second X-S resonance proposed by one of us (lil. F. I’.).
An incorporation of AS = -AQ decays into the theory of weak int.crnctions is discussed. To this, end, a ntod~l of weak interactions is prolrose(l on the assumption of intermediate vector trnson fields of :I particular kind. The fields represent, two sets of positive, negat,ive, ant1 neutral charged bosons, t#hc tw-o sets being hermitian conjugates. The weak currenb coupled to the fields are dcrivetl from the invariance of the Jveak interactions under two sets of gauge transform:tt,ions, each set, forming :t Lie group of rank 1 and order 3. Various predictions of the modrl arc consistent with experiment and further ways to test t,he modrl arc tlisrussrtl. ‘l’~,clnsl‘~~‘-Lo~.Itol/ls h?tnd it& u (‘qsld. CURIA I
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j’mttl the ~“ree ~‘wo-~~\‘ucdcor~ Putential. ,J. F. J)A\I:Institut’e of Thcoreticnl Phy-sits, Ikpartment of Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, California The 1 wo-neutron binding energy and excitation spectrum of Or8 are computed using the free nucleon-nucleon potential of Hrlleckner-(:ammel-Thaler (which contains a hard core). The problem is discussed within the frame’l\-ork of the Ikthe-Goldstone theory using harmonic oscillator wave functions as t)he unperturbed solutions. The interaction is diagonalized among the degenerate states and matrix elements are computed by a transformation to relative and renter-of-mass The energies in relative s-states are obtainetl by a nrmrerical int,egration of the relative s-wave Schrijdinger equnt.ion and then corrected for the presence of filled levels. The ordering of the first five states of 018 is given correctly and the binding energy and level spacings are quite close to the r.qerimental values. SOS,
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