

ITEMS Announcements of major meetings and other significant activities must be received at least 8 weeks before the desired month of publication . Al...

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Announcements of major meetings and other significant activities must be received at least 8 weeks before the desired month of publication . All announcements carry a charge of $30.00 U.S. and the fee must accompany the request to publish . Information will be limited to title of meeting, date , place, and an address to obtain further information. Send announcements and payment, payable to this JOURNAL, to The C. V. Mosby Company, 11830 Westline Industrial Drive, St. Louis, Missouri 63146.

4th World Congress of the International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy, June 18-21, 1984, International Congress Center RAI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. For further information contact: 4th World Congress of the International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy, c/o Organisatie Bureau Amsterdam by Europaplein, 1078 GZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Tel.: 0204408 07. Telex: 13499 raico nl. The High Risk Pregnancy From Embryo to Neonate, The George Washington University School of Medicine, March 12-14, 1984. FOI' further information contact: Dr. Joseph D. Schulman, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2150 Pennsylvania Ave., N .W., Washington, D. C. 20037. Tel.: (202) 676-5060. Current Management of Problems in Gynecology and Gynecologic Oncology, April 13-14, 1984, Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Chicago, Illinois. Sponsored by the University of Chicago, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. For further information contact: University of Chicago CME Office, 5841 S. Maryland, Chicago, Illinois 60637. Tel.: (312) 962-1056. Gynecologic Endocrinology, Infertility and High Risk Pregnancy, March 5-9,1984, Cancun, Mexico. For further information contact: Leslie Nies, Director, Serono Symposia U.S.A., 280 Pond St., Randolph, Massachusetts 02368. Tel.: (800) 225-5185, or in Massachusetts (617) 963-8154.


Congress on Laser Neurosurgery, III, May 7-9, 1984. Sponsored by Northwestern University Medical School Division of Neurological Surgery, The Midwest Bio-Laser Institute, and The Laser Assn. of Neurological Surgeons, International. Held at The Alumni Center for Continuing Education, Northwestern University Medical School, 301 E. Chicago, Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60611. Tel.: (312) 649-8533. Endocrinology in Clinical Practice, May 8-10,1984, at the Tower Hotel, London, England. Sponsors: Health Science Seminars and Extended Programs in Medical Education, University of California at San Francisco. For further information contact: Cynthia Vaughan, Health Science Seminars, P. O. Box 22023, San Francisco, California 94122. Tel.: (415) 861-2713. National Abortion Federation wishes to announce its 8th Annual Meeting, "Victory and Its Consequences," May 13-16, 1984, Hyatt Regency at Broadway, Los Angeles, California. For more information, please contact NAF. Tel.: (202) 546-9060. Hands-on Workshop on Personal Computers in Obstetrics and Gynecology, April 2-4, 1984, Los Angeles, California. Sponsored by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Southern California School of Medicine. For more information contact: Rosie Gutierrez, Women's Hospital, Room 5K40, 1240 N. Mission Road, Los Angeles, California 90033. Tel. : (213) 226-3306.