GROUNDWORK for the 1949 conven- Jacksonville, co-chairman of the convention tion of the AMERICAN PHARMACEUTI- committee. ~ CAL ASSOCIATION to be held in Jacksonville, Fla., the week of April 24 was laid at a com- N. E. Florida Association Sponsors mittee meeting held in Jacksonville on Oct. The meeting of the convention planning 29. Those attending the meeting included committee was held in conjunction with a Mr. J. K. Attwood, gener~l chairman and meeting of the Northeastern Florida Phar"; local secretary for the convention, members maceutical Association which will act as the of the local convention committee, and host for the convention. The Northeastern state association officials. -Dr. Robert P. Association is comprised, geographically, of Fischelis, secretary of the A. PH. A., was a sixteen counties in the Jacksonville region guest of the committee. The group of and the group, by resolution, has pledged pharmacists who will have much to do With its full cooperation and support to the comthe successful planning of the 1949 meeting . mittee in charge of arrangements. is shown in the accompanying photograph Secretary Fischelis was the principal taken at the home of Mr. Attwood. Stand- speaker at a meeting of the local Association ing, left to right, are: Robert Jackson, held the evening of October 28 in the SemJacksonville ; Walter Griffen, Jacksonville, inole Hotel, Jacksonville. R. Q. Richards president of the Northeastern Florida Phar- also addressed the meeting, reporting on the maceutical Association; Don Evans, Or- current activities of the two state groups he lando; L. W. Harrell, Gainesville; E. J. represents. Mundy, Jacksonville; R. Q. Richards, Fort Convention plans for the scientific, proMeyers, secretary of both the Florida State fessional and business sessions are well adBoard of Pharmacy and the Florida Pharma- vanced and will be reported in THIS JOURNAL ceutical Association; and C. G. Hamilton, monthly. All hotel reservations will be Pompano Beach. made through the housing bureau of the Seated, from the left are: J. K. Attwood, convention and full details will be sent to Jacksonville, general chairman of the local each member by mail and published in the committee; Dr. Fischelis and Ed Pierce, JOURNAL.