3.2.2. The interaction between the node and the T-component. 3.2.3. Other options for T-components. 3.3. The CSM node. 3.3.1. Node overview. 3.3.2. Welcome procedure for an agent. 3.3.3,The execution environment. 3.3.4. Node services. 3.35. User profiles and policies. 3.4. Agent interface. 3.5. Security and resource control. 3.5.1. Communication protection. 3.5.2. Security layers of the node. 3.5.3. Resource control. 3.5.4. Agent security. 3.6. The home application. 3.6.1. Implementation overview. 3.6.2. The transmission of a request to the node. 3.6.3. The callback displayer. 3.6.4. Genereic views of the agent results. 3.7. CSM internetworking support. 3.7.1. Name and topology information. 3.7.2. Routing. 3.8. Organization of the source code. 4. Applications of service monitoring agents. 4.1. Monitoring a virtual private network service. 4.1.1. Functionality of a VPN control agent. 4.1.2. Statistical tests on cyrptographic algorithms. 4.2. Service level agreement monitoring. 4.3. Agents for measuring QoS parameters. 4.3.1. Throughput measurements. 4.3.2. Coordination of distributed measurements. 4.4. Agent security. 4.4.1. Classification 4.3.3. One-way delay measurements. 4.3.4. The ping measurements. of attacks. 4.4.2. The semantics of the agent. 4.4.3. Attacks on the input of the agent. 4.4.4. Evaluation of the threat situation. 4.5. Extended application scenarios. 4.5.1. Further applications independent of new node services. 4.5.2. Future CSM extensions. 5. Performance evaluation. 5.1. Performance of the node environment. 5.1.1. Throughput of the execution environment. 5.1.2. Node throughput including the TCP receiver. 5.2. Agent performance. 5.3. Communication performance of the CSM system. 5.4. The T-component. 5.5. Discussion and improvements. 6. Comparison and related work. 6.1. The Internet2 initiative and the QBone. 6.1.1. The QBone. 6.1.2. QBone measurements. 6.1.3. Comparison to our approach. 6.2. Network measurements and monitoring. 6.2.1. IP measurements methodology. 6.2.2. The simple network management architecture. 6.2.3. Measurement testbeds. 6.3. Mobile agents for management and monitoring. 6.3.1. Network management with mobile agents. 6.3.2. The script MIB. 6.3.3. Network management with active networks. 6.4. Open issues. 6.4.1. Collaboration of monitoring agents. 6.4.2. Routing. 6.4.3. Artificial intelligence. 7. Summary and conclusion. List of figures. List of tables. List of abbreviations. Bibliography. Combinatorics for Comnuter Science. By S. Gill Williamson. Dover, Mineola, NY. (2002). 479 pages. $22.95. Contents: Preface. Acknowledgments. Suggestions on how to use this book. Study guide for Part I: Linear order. Study guide for Part II: Graphs, trees, and recursion. Part I: Linear order. 1. Basic concepts for linear order. 2. Topic I: Sorting. 3. Topic II: Basic combinatorial lists. 4. Topic III: Symmetry-orbit enumeration and orderly algorithms. 5. Topic IV: Some classical combinatorics. A. Generating functions. B. The principle of inclusion-exclusion. C. Mobius inversion. D. Network flows. References for linear order. Part II: Graphs, trees, and recursion. 6. Basic concepts of graphs, trees, and recursion. 7. Topic I: Depth first search and planarity. 8. Topic II: Depth first search and nonplanarity. 9. Topic III: Triconnectivity. 10. Topic IV: Matroids. References for graphs, trees, and recursions. Index. Java Precisely. By Peter Se&oft. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. (2002). 118 pages. $14.95 Contents: Preface. Notational conventions. 1. Running Java: Compilation, loading, and execution. 2. Names and reserved names. 3. Java naming conventions. 4. Comments and program layout. 5. Types. 5.1. Primitive types. 5.2. Reference types. 5.3. Array types. 5.4. Subtypes and compatibility. 5.5. Signatures and subsumption. 6. Variables, parameters, fields, and scope. 6.1. Values bound to variables, parameters, or fields. 6.2. Variable declarations. 6.3. Scope of variables, parameters, and fields. 7. Strings. 8. Arrays. 8.1. Array creation and access. 8.2. Array initializers. 8.3. Multidimensional arrays. 8.4. The utility class arrays. 9. Classes. 9.1. Class declarations and class bodies. 9.2. Top-level classes, nested classes, member classes, and local classes. 9.3. Class modifiers. 9.4. The class modifiers public, final, abstr.act. 9.5. Subclasses, superclasses, class hierearchy, inheritance, and overriding. 9.6. Field declarations in classes. 9.7. The member access modifiers private, protected, public. 9.8. Method declarations. 9.9. Constructor declarations. 9.10. Initializer blocks, field, initializers, and initializers. 9.11. Nested classes, member classes, local classes, and inner classes. 9.12. Anonymous classes. 10. Classes and objects in the computer. 10.1. What is a class ? 10.2. What is an object? 10.3. Inner objects. 11. Expressions. 11.1. Table of expression forms. 11.2. Arithmetic operators. 11.3. Logical operators. 11.4. Bitwise operators and shift operators. 11.5. Assignment expressions. 11.6. Conditional expressions. 11.7. Object creation expressions. 11.8. Instance test expressions. 11.9. Field access expressions. 11.10. The current object reference this. 11.11. Method call expressions. 11.12. Type cast expressions and type conversion. 12. Statements. 12.1. Expressions statements. 12.2. Block statements. 12.3. The empty statement. 12.4. Choice statements. 12.5. Loop statements. 12.6. Returns, labeled statements, exits, and exceptions. 12.7. The assert statement. 13. Interfaces. 13.1. Interface declarations. 13.2. Classes implementing interfaces. 14. Exceptions, checked and unchecked. 15. Threads, concurrent execution, and synchronization. 15.1. Threads and concurrent execution. 15.2. Locks and the synchronized statement. 16. Compilation, source files, class names, and class files. 17. Packages and jar files. 18. Mathematical functions. 19. String buffers. 20. Collections and maps. 20.1. The collection interface. 20.2. The list interface and the LinkedList and ArrayList implementations. 20.3. The set interface and the HashSet and LinkedHsshSet implementations. 20.4. The SortedSet interface and the TreeSet implementation. 20.5. The map interface and the HashMap implementation. 20.6. The SortedMap interface and the TreeMap implementation. 20.7. Going through a collection: Iterator. 20.8. Equality, comparison, and hash codes. 20.9. The utility class collections. 20.10. Choosing the right collection class or map class. 21. Input and output. 21.1. Creating streams and other streams. 21.2. Kinds of input and output methods. 21.3. Imports, exceptions, thread safety. 21.4. Sequential
character input: Readers. 21.5. Sequential character output: Writers. 21.6. Printing primitive data to a character stream: PrintWriter. 21.7. Reading primitive data from a character stream: StreamTokenizer. 21.8. Sequential byte input: InputStream. 21.9. Sequential byte output: OutputStream. 21.10. Binary input-output of primitve data: DataInput and DataOutput. 21.11. Serialization of objects: ObjectInput and ObjectOutput. 21.12. Buffered input and output. 21.13. Random access files: RandomAccessFile. 21.14. Files, directories, and file descriptors. 21.15. Thread communication: PipedInputStream and PipedOutpufStream. 21.16. Socket communication. References. Index From Animals to Animats 7. Edited by Bridget Hallam, Dario Floreano, John Hallam,l Gillian Hayes, and JeanArcady Meyer. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. (2002). 420 pages. $70. Contents: Preface. The Animat approach to adaptive behavior. Constructing complex minds through multiple authors (M. Humphrys and C. O’Leary). Agept-based modelling and the environmental complexity thesis (A.K. Seth). Perception ‘and motor control. The origii of“fee1’ (J.K. O’Regan and A. N&). Environment-specific novelty detection (S. Marsland, U. Nehmsow and J. Shapiro). Navigation in unforeseeable and unstable environments: A taxonomy of environments (L. Signac and J.-D. Fouks). On the use of sensors in self-reconfigurable robots (K. St@y, W.-M. Shen and P. Will). Whisking: An unexplored sensory modality (M. Lungarella, V.V. Hafner, R. Pfeifer and H. Yokoi). Using IIDs to estimate sound source direction (L.S. Smith). Visual orientation and motion control of MAKRO-Adaptation to the sewer environment (M. Kolesnik and H. Streich). Adaptive leg placement strategies in the fruit fly set an example for six-legged walking systems (S. Pick and R. Strauss). Action selection and behavioral sequences. Comparing a brain-inspired robot action selection mechanism and winner-takes-all (B. Girard, V. Cuzin, A. Guillot, K. Gurney and T.J. Prescott). Simulations of learning and behaviour in the hawkmoth Deilephila elpenor (A. Balkenius, A. Kelber and C. Balkenius). Behaviour selection on a mobile robot using W-learning (M. Hallerdal and J. Hallam). Behavior coordination for a mobile visuomotor system in an augmented real-world environment (D. Surmeli and H.-M. Gross). Compromise candidates in positive goal scenarios (F.L. Crabbe). A context-based architecture for general problem solving (R.C. Peterson). An activation baaed behaviour control architecture for walking machines (J. Albiez, T. Luksch K. Berns and R. Dillmann). Relating behavior selection architectures to environmental complexity (0. Avila-Garcia, E. Hafner and L. Cafiamero). Internal world models and processes. Global localization and topological map learning for robot navigation (D. Filliat and J.-A. Meyer). Cortico-hippocampal maps and navigation strategies in robots and rodents (J.P. Banquet, P. Gausaier, M. Quoy, A. Revel and Y. Burnod). Learning to authonomously select landmarks for navigation and communication (J. Fleischer and S. Marsland). Localization of function in neurocontrollers (L. Segev, R. Aharonov, I. Meilijson and E. Ruppin). Articulation of sensory-motor experiences by “forwarding forward model”: From robot experiments to phenomenology (J. Tani). Learning default mappings and exception handling (F. Linaker and N. Bergfeldt). Self-organization and learning. Self organization in a simple task of motor control (C.R. Linder). Timed delivery of reward signals in an autonomous robot (W.H. Alexander and 0. Sporns). Using Markovian decision problems to analyze animal performance in random and variable ratio schedules of reinforcement (J. Jozefowiez, J.C. Darcheville and P. Preux). Testing the ecological rationality of base rate neglect (P.M. Todd and A.S. Goodie). Asynchronous learning by emotions and cognition (S.C. Gadanho and L. Custbdio). Behaviour control using a functional and emotional model (I. Cos and G. Hayes). The road sign problem revisited: Handling delayed response tasks with neural robot controllers (M. Thieme and T. Ziemke). Development of the first sensory-motor stages: A contribution to imitation (P. Andry, Ph. Gaussier and J. Nadel). Introducing Chronicity: A quantitative measure of self/non-self in the immune response (Y. Kashimori, Y. Ochi, M.H. Zheng and T. Kambara). The digital hormone model for self-organization (W.-M. Shen and C.-M. Chuong). Evolution. Active vision and feature selection in evolutionary behavioral systems (D. Marocco and D. Floreano). A sensorimotor account of object Genetic programming for robot vision (M.C. Martin). Active perception: categorization (S. Nolfi and D. Marocco). Levels of dynamics and adaptive behavior in evolutionary neural controllers (J. Blynel and D. Floreano). Evolving integrated controllers for autonomous learning robots usmg dynamic neural networks (E. Tuci, I. Harvey and M. Quinn). Using a net to catch a mate: Evolving CTRNNs for the dowry problem (E. Tuci, I. Harvey and P.M. Todd). A method for isolating morphological effects on evolved behaviour (J.C. Bongard and R. Pfeifer). An evolutionary approach to quantify internal states needed for the woods problem (D.E. Kim and J. Hallam). Evolution of efficient swimming controllers for a simulated lamprey (J.(H.) Or, J. Hallam, D. Willshaw and A. Ijspeert). Evolving hierarchical coordination in simulated annelid locomotion (E.E. Vallejo and F. Ramos). Evolution of a circuit of spiking neurons for phototaxis in a Braitenberg vehicle (R.L.B. E’lrench and R.I. Damper). Small is beautiful: Near minimal evolutionary neurocontrollers obtained with self-organizing compressed encoding (S. Boshy and E. Ruppin). How useful is lifelong evolution for robotics (J. Walker and M. Wilson)? Evolvability and analysis of robot control networks (T. Smith, Ph. Husbands and M. O’Shea). Co-evolving robot soccer behavior (E. 0Stergaard and H.H. Lund). Conditions for the evolution of mimicry (D.W. franks and J. Noble). Ecological disturbance maintains and promotes biodiversity in an artificial plant ecology (B. Clark and S. Bullock). Collective and social behavior. Competitive foraging, decision making, and the ecological rationality of the matching law (A.K. Seth). Multi-object segregation: Ant-like brood soring using minimalism robots (M. Wilson, C. Me1huis.h and A. Sendova-Franks). Building adaptive structure formations with decentralised control and coor-