Jerry Peers to retire in 1983
Jerry G Peers
AORN’s Executive Director Jerry Peers has announced that she will retire in January 1983. As executive director since 1970, she has led the Associationthrough more than a decade of rapid growth. Under her guidance, AORN has become a dynamic, growth-orientedorganization, effectively serving the needs of OR nurses. A search committee has been appointed by the Board of Directors to review candidates and recommend a successor to the Board. In announcing her retirement, Jerry Peers said Some time ago, I notifiedthe AORN Board of
my intent to retire in 1983. I did so with very mixed feelings, which I still have. AORN has been a very rewarding experience, and I mean that in an allencompassing way. AORN is not just a job, but rather a way of life. It has afforded me many pleasures, as well as a few heartaches. In no other way could I have met and worked with so many beautiful peoplestaff, Boards, members, and associates. Few people have been as privileged as I have been to have been part of this organization’s maturation. However, it is time to make a change, and I look forward to doing somedifferent things and at a different pace. AORN has occupied a large share of my life, and I trust it will be possible for me to maintain some kind of liaison with the organization as a volunteer, consultant, or whatever is deemed appropriate by the Board and my successor. Thanks to all of you for sharing AORN with me. Commenting on Jerry’s retirement, AORN President Nancy Mehaffy stated During the past decade, I have witnessed a fledgling organization grow into a sophisticated specialty organization. Being a part of the Board of Directors for the past six years has provided me with the opportunityto gain firsthand knowledge of the management aspect of AORN. With a sound background in OR nursing and management, Jerry Peers has been a strong influence in that growth. I have seen how Jerry’s talents and expertise have assisted AORN and its membership in growth and development. The Board considers it essential that AORN continue to grow and contributesignificantly to the profession of nursing. Such a prospect is possible only if the successor to Jerry Peers possessesthe necessary attributes, managerial talents, and skills vital to AORN’s progress and success. For this reason, the Board has appointed a search committee. Together the five individuals appointed have expertise in management, nursing, finance and economics, professional relations, medicine, and law. The Board believes that the search committee will be able to objectively appraise potential candidates and recommend to the Board those candidates who appear best qualified.
AORN Journal, September 1981,Vol34, No 3
Members appointed by the Board to the search committee are: Nancy Ertl, RN, president of AORN 19771978, director of patient care, Mercy Health Center, Dubuque, Iowa. She is currently chairman of the AORN Standards of Administrative Practice, OR committee. She served on the Project 26 Task Force, which planned implementation of the perioperative role and other AORN committees. The Board believes that her experience as an OR manager, her indepth knowledgeof AORN and nursing, and the respect she has gained among AORN members make her a logical choice as chairman of the committee. William Beck, MD, FACS, president of the Donald Guthrie Foundation for Medical Research, Sayre, Pa. An eminent physician and surgeon, Dr Beck is past-president of the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI). He has served on the AORN Technical Standards Committee and has a long-time interest in AORN. Col Darlene McLeod, RN, ANC, nursing consultant, Office of the Surgeon General, Department of Army, Washington, DC. An AORN member for 15 years, she has served on the Recommended Practices Subcommittee of the Technical Practices Coordinating Committee for four years. She is on the Board of Directors of the AAMl and has served on the AAMl Sterilization Committee and other working groups. She is on the Food and Drug Administration Advisory Committee of Good Manufacturing Practices. Robert Collins, president and chief operating officer of Cobe Laboratories, a manufacturer of health care products in Denver. An economist, he is knowledgeable in organization and finance. Joe Radzius, Esq, a partner in the law firm of Burditt and Calkins, Chicago, 111, specializingin food and drug law. As consumer advisor to the Board of Directors for three years, he has become familiar with nursing issues and AORN’s concerns. Initiallythe search committeewill review and screen the qualifications and curriculum vitae of those interested in the position.The committee will also seek out candidates.AORN members are encouraged to submit names of any individualsthey believeto have the credentials and qualifications for the position.
Selected candidates will be interviewed by the committee at AORN Headquarters. A report with recommendations will be prepared for the AORN Board of Directors. The chairman of the committee will meet with the executive committee of the Board on March 3, 1982, before Congress in Anaheim. The executive committee will interview candidates during Congress, and the Board will meet with them informally. At the post-Congress Board meeting, the Board will deliberate and select an executive director. The Board of Directors believes that participation of the AORN membership is imperative and encourages members to identify potential candidates. The search committee will begin accepting applications immediately. The qualifications for the executive director have been identified by the AORN Board of Directors. The candidate must be a registered nurse with a baccalaureate. A master’s degree is preferred. The candidate must possess experience in nursing, preferably operating room nursing, and have a sound background in both fiscal and human resource management. Additional experiences in policy development, new program development, recruitment, and planning are necessary. The candidate must have skills in public speaking and writing. Proven leadership ability is essential. The salary is negotiable based on education and experience. Please send resum6s and the names of two professional and two personal references to Nancy Ertl, Chairman AORN Search Committee 217 Country Club Drive Peosta, Iowa 52068
AORN Journal, September 1981, Val 34, No 3
Board of Directors