In Memoriam JOSEPH H. WILLIAMS 1882-1956 OSEPII 11. WILLIAMS, St. Louis orthodontist, died Jan. ‘25, 1956, at the age of 73 years. Dr. Williams was bo...
In Memoriam JOSEPH H. WILLIAMS 1882-1956 OSEPII 11. WILLIAMS, St. Louis orthodontist, died Jan. ‘25, 1956, at the age of 73 years. Dr. Williams was born in Fenton, i\lissouri, on Sept. 5, 1882. He ~;IS graduated from St. Louis University School of ljentistry in 3911, and practiced general dentistry in Webster Groves, Missouri, until 1922, when he limited his practice to orthodont,ics. In 1032 he moved his office to t,he Beaumont Medical Building in St. Louis, where he practiced until the time of his death. Dr. U’illiams served on the facu1t.y of St. Ilouis University School of I)cnt,istry from 1933 to 1944. He was president of the St. 1,oais Society of 1)ental Science in 1926 and of the St. Ilouis Dental Society in 1934. In 1938 1~~ Hc had long was Supreme Grand Master of ljelta Sigma Delta fraternity. been a member of the American Association of Orthodontists and was a pastpresident of the Central Section of the A.A.O. He was a member of Omicron Kappa Upsilon and a fellow of the American Collrpe of Dentists. Dr. Williams belonged to the Masonic Lodge and was a mrmbcr of the Webster Groves I’rcsbyt,erian Church. J)r. Williams was well known among the members of the A.A.O. and also as a former Grand Master of J)clta Sigma Delta. He travclcd a great deal through11~.will 1~ out the lTnited States in the pursuit of his professional activities. greatly missed as one who contributed much of his time and energiw IO the actiritiw of dent&q throughout, his life. l)r. IVilliams is survi\-ed by his wife, Maud, and two sisters.