Subject and Author Index: Volumes 51-60, 1992-1994 Compiled by Linda Anderson-Courtney CJniversit.y qf Wisconsin-Milwaukee
The subject index uses keywords as the basis for its organization. This allows the user a wide choice of words or phrases to look for when trying to locate an article on a particular topic. It also gives the user quick access to other articles concerning the same topic. There are two types of keywords used ~ those that result from a word in the title of an article and those that result from an important word or phrase describing the contents of an article. All keywords are listed in alphabetical order. They are also printed in italicized type to set them apart from the rest of the title. An example will make this procedure clear.
Identification Asymptotic and finite sample distribution theory for IV estimators and tests in partially identified structural equations. In Choi and Peter C.B. Phillips. How common is ~ in parametric models? Douglas A. McManus. Nonparametric ~ and estimation of polychotomous choice models. Rosa L. Matzkin. Identification and estimation of dynamic models with a time series of repeated cross sections. Robert Moffitt. Impulseresponses * Misspecifications in vector autoregressions and their effects on ~ and variance decompositions. Phillip A. Braun and Stefan Mittnik.
51 (1992) 113-150 53 (1992) 5-23
58 (1993) 137-168 59 (1993) 99-123
59 (1993) 319-341.
The last entry is for the keyword Impulse responses. There is only one article for which it is a keyword. In this case both the keyword and the title appear on the same line, separated by an asterisk (*). If a keyword is used for more than one article, as is the case with Identi$cation, the keyword is listed on one line and all titles using this keyword are listed below. If the keyword is the first word of an article, it is italicized and the remainder of the title follows it. When a word 0304-4076/94/$07.00
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which is in the title of an article is used as the keyword it is omitted from the article title and replaced by -which shows exactly where in the title this keyword fits in. For example in: Nonparametric ~ Rosa L. Matzkin.
and estimation
of polychotomous
choice models. 58 (1993) 137-168
the __ stands for identification. Thus, the complete title is ‘Nonparametric identification and estimation of polychotomous choice models’. The author is Rosa L. Matzkin and the article appears in Volume 58,1993, on pages 137-168. The author alphabetical