Letters to the Editor GP FUNDHOLDER
At the Royal London Hospital, with the assistance of our Contracts Department WChave collated a list of procedures from the fundholder list which is now being distributed to fundholders along with the DOH list for their Specialties. May I suggest this as a template which might be used by other Units. See the Table below.
The tumours described by Siar and Ng’ in the Journal as reprcscnting either combinations of amcloblastoma and odontogcnic keratocyst or kcratinizing ameloblastomas are interesting and unusual. However: I believe that their second suggestion that the tumours are simply unusual keratinizing ameloblastomas is the appropriate conclusion from the evidence that they present. I see no reason why some epithelial islands in such lesions could not resemble odontogenic kerdtocysts but I hesitate to conclude that their doing so implies a combined ameloblastoma and an odontogenie keratocyst. Incidentally. canine amcloblastomas often exhibit abundant keratinizdtion,2*3 although it is rare in human ameloblastomas.
J. L. B. Carter Head of Service The Royal London London El 1BB Table - Fundholder DayCaSeS (any procedure In-patients
list procedures
D. Gardner Professor of Oral Pathology University of Colorado School of Dentistry Campus Box C284 4200 East Ninth Avenue Denver, CO 80262 USA.
as a daycase) OPCS 4 code
Maxillary antrum procedures (related to oroantral listula. includes mouth and orbit problems)
Panendoscopy,‘pharyngoscopy head and neck tumours)
E24, E25. G43
Major salivary gland procedures (includes lesions of parotid glands)
F44. I -F44.4,
F45. I
lntermcdiate salivary procedures (including duct procedures)
F44.5-F44.9, F45.2-F45.9, F58
F48, F50,
gland excision
Minor salivary gland and duct procedures (includes incision)
F46, F52, P53. F55
Manipulative removal or extraction of calculus from salivary duct
F51, F56
Endoscopy minor (undertaken for specific head and neck conditions)
G45. I
Complex skin and sub-cutaneous tissue proccdurcs of head and neck
S05. I. S05.2
Major skin and sub-cutaneous tissue procedures (includes laser treatment)
Intermediate skin and subcutaneous tissue procedures (includes biopsy and repair)
S09.1, S09.2, SO6.1. S06.2
Minor excis/biop (also undertaken
SlO.2, Sll.2. Sl3-s15. S09. I, S09.2, S06.3 -SO6.9
Block dissection of neck, major cervical lymph node excision
Bone implant procedures (and removal of implanted substances)
*Intra-articular procedures (into the tempomandibular joint only. including arthroscopy, arthrography and injections)
Out-patients (the charge is per referral, means that all follow-up attendances are free)
skin/s&cut tissue in plastic surgery)
node excision
Siar CH: Ng KH. Combined amcloblastoma and odontogenic keratocyst or keratinizing ameloblastoma. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1993; 31: 183. Dubielzig RR, Thrall DE. Ameloblastoma and kerdtinizing ameloblastoma in dogs. Veterinary Pathology. 1982; 19: 596. Gardner DG. Dubielzig RR. The histopathological features of canine kcratinizing ameloblastoma. J Comp Pathol 1993. In press.
WC wish to draw to the attention of all trainees in the speciality of oral and maxillofacial Surgery the requirement. in common with all other surgical specialties, for trainees to pass the Intercollegiate Examination before the SAC as the agent of the Joint Committee for Higher Surgical Training and the Joint Committee for Higher Training in Dentistry can recommend the award of a UK Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training (CCST) by the General Medical Council. The first Intercollegiate Examination in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery will be held in Guildford on 15 September 1994. Advertisements for this examination will appear in the relevant journals in due course and application forms and copies of the Regulations may be obtained from: Central Administration Office, lntcrcollegiatc Specialty Boards, IO Hill Square, Edinburgh EH8 9DR. A recent ruling given by the new Senate of Royal Surgical Colleges of Great Britain and lrcland at its first meeting on
The Royal London Trust welcomes enquiries from fundholders on all procedures and services including those not listed here. 130