Journal Pre-proof Ketamine rapidly reverses stress-induced impairments in GABAergic transmission in the prefrontal cortex in male rodents
Sriparna Ghosal, Catharine H. Duman, Rong-Jian Liu, Min Wu, Rosemarie Terwilliger, Matthew J. Girgenti, Eric Wohleb, Manoela V. Fogaca, Emily M. Teichman, Brendan Hare, Ronald S. Duman PII:
YNBDI 104669
To appear in:
Neurobiology of Disease
Received date:
24 April 2019
Revised date:
29 October 2019
Accepted date:
5 November 2019
Please cite this article as: S. Ghosal, C.H. Duman, R.-J. Liu, et al., Ketamine rapidly reverses stress-induced impairments in GABAergic transmission in the prefrontal cortex in male rodents, Neurobiology of Disease(2019),
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Journal Pre-proof Article Type: Original Article
Ketamine rapidly reverses stress-induced impairments in GABAergic transmission in the prefrontal cortex in male rodents Sriparna Ghosal, Catharine H. Duman, Rong-Jian Liu, Min Wu, Rosemarie Terwilliger, Matthew J. Girgenti, Eric Wohleb, Manoela V. Fogaca, Emily M. Teichman, Brendan Hare, and Ronald S. Duman*
[email protected] Departments of Psychiatry and Neurobiology, Yale University School of Medicine, 34 Park
Corresponding author at: 34 Park Street, New Haven, CT
Street, New Haven, CT 06520
Dysfunction of medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) in association with imbalance of inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmission has been implicated in depression. However, the precise
cellular mechanisms underlying this imbalance, particularly for GABAergic transmission in
the mPFC, and the link with the rapid acting antidepressant ketamine remains poorly understood. Here we determined the influence of chronic unpredictable stress (CUS), an validated
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neurotransmission, and the influence of a single dose of ketamine on CUS-induced synaptic deficits in mPFC of male rodents. The results demonstrate that CUS decreases GABAergic proteins and the frequency of inhibitory post synaptic currents (IPSCs) of layer V mPFC pyramidal neurons, concomitant with depression-like behaviors. In contrast, a single dose of ketamine can reverse CUS-induced deficits of GABA markers, in conjunction with reversal of CUS-induced
impairments of GABAergic synapses as key determinants of depressive behavior and highlight ketamine-induced synaptic responses that restore GABA inhibitory, as well as glutamate neurotransmission.
Journal Pre-proof Introduction Depression remains a leading cause of disability worldwide (Kessler et al., 2003), yet our understanding of the neurobiology of this disorder and treatment response remains incomplete. Furthermore, the time lag of current medications to produce antidepressant effects (Greenberg et al., 2015), and the existence of high rates of non-responsive patients (Fournier et al., 2010) are major limitations that require the development of faster and more effective antidepressant drugs. The NMDA receptor antagonist ketamine produces rapid and sustained
antidepressant actions in depressed patients, even in those considered treatment resistant (Berman et al., 2000). Comparable rapid and sustained antidepressants-like effects are
observed in rodent models allowing for studies to determine the molecular and cellular
mechanisms underlying the actions of ketamine (Autry et al., 2011; Li et al., 2010; Maeng et
al., 2008).
Human and rodent studies demonstrate that depression and chronic stress are
associated with decreased volume, neuronal atrophy, and reductions of excitatory synapse
density in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) (Duman et al., 2016; McEwen et al., 2015;
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Savitz and Drevets, 2009). Rodent studies further demonstrate a reduction in synaptic proteins, including GluR1, PSD95, and synapsin 1 in the mPFC (Li et al., 2011). Conversely, the antidepressant actions of ketamine in rodent models are associated with reversal of the deficits caused by stress and increased synapse number and function in the mPFC (Li, et al. 2010; Li, et al. 2011). Together, these studies are consistent with the hypothesis that functional and structural deficits of mPFC excitatory synapses act as a potential locus for depression pathology and that rapid agents like ketamine act in part via reversal of these deficits. In addition to disruption of excitatory-glutamate function, there is consistent evidence that cortical inhibitory GABAergic dysfunction contributes to the pathophysiology of
Journal Pre-proof depression and may serve as a target for novel therapeutic interventions (Luscher et al., 2011, 2015; Duman et al., 2019; Lener et al., 2017; Mohler, 2012; Banasr et al., 2017; Ghosal et al., 2017). Clinical studies have demonstrated reduced GABA levels in the brains of depressed individuals compared to healthy subjects (Sanacora et al., 1999; Luscher et al., 2011, 2015). Postmortem studies also report deficits of one of the major GABA interneuron subtypes, somatostatin (SST) expressing cells in the brains of depressed subjects (Douillard-Guilloux et al., 2017; Seney et al., 2015; Tripp et al., 2011), consistent with preclinical studies reporting a
role of SST interneurons in rodent chronic stress models (Fee et al., 2017; Lin and Sibille, 2015; Prevot et al., 2017). Conversely, clinical studies have reported that normalization of
GABA levels is associated with remission of depressive symptoms in response to treatment
2010; Luscher et al., 2011, 2015).
with typical antidepressant therapies (Sanacora et al., 2002; Hasler et al., 2005;Shen et al.,
Animal models of stress show that behavioral phenotypes relevant to depression, such
as anhedonia and neophobia, are observed in GABA receptor mutant mice (Luscher and
Fuchs, 2015) or in mutant mice with a 50% tissue reduction in hippocampal and cortical
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GABA (Kolata et al., 2018). In addition, recent electrophysiology studies report that ketamine enhances GABA synaptic function (Ren et al., 2016), possibly via disinhibition of glutamate signaling (Widman and McMahon, 2018). However, the molecular determinants underlying these effects and whether rapid acting antidepressants can reverse GABA deficits caused by chronic stress have not been determined. Here, we investigated the influence of chronic unpredictable stress (CUS) on GABA, as well as glutamate synaptic proteins and function within the mPFC and tested the influence of a single dose of ketamine on these synaptic deficits. Based on the evidence implicating SST interneurons in stress and depression we also conducted studies on this GABA interneuron subtype.
Journal Pre-proof Materials and methods Animals The following lines of mice bred in house on a C57B L/6 (Jackson Laboratories; C57BL/6J; #000664) background were used (males only) at 8-10 weeks of age: Thy1-eGFP (Thy1-eGFP (MJrs/J, #007788; Jackson Laboratories, glutamic acid decarboxylase-67 (Gad1) cre recombinase (Taylor et al., 2014), and somastostatin (Sst)-tdTomato (Wohleb et al., 2016). Male Sprague-Dawley rats (Charles River Laboratories, MA, USA) were used for
electrophysiology studies of layer V mPFC neurons. All animals were allowed ad libitum access to food and water and maintained on 12-h light/dark cycle, unless otherwise noted. All
CUS exposure and drug administration
procedures were performed in accordance with Yale University and the NIH guidelines.
Animals underwent 21 days of CUS as previously described (Li et al., 2011). The CUS is a chronic stress paradigm that causes robust neurobiological changes that
contribute to the development of depressive-like behaviors (Li et al., 2011). CUS included
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random exposure to light overnight, cage tilt, wet bedding, rat odor, white noise, food deprivation, water deprivation, light off during day, isolation, restraint, and strobe light. CUS exposure generally occurred over 2-4 hour intervals in the morning and evening. Same sequence of stressors was followed for all animals included in this study. Control animals were handled daily, but otherwise left undisturbed in their home cage. On day 21, animals received a single acute dose of ketamine (10 m g/kg, i.p.) or saline (control); 24 hr after the drug
administration animals were subjected
recordings, or tissue collection.
Behavioral testing
behavioral testing,
Journal Pre-proof Forced Swim Test (FST) was conducted as previously described (Ghosal et al., 2018). Mice were placed for 10 min in a clear cylinder filled with water (24±1C, 18 cm depth). Sessions were video-recorded and scored for total immobility time. Time immobile during the 2-6 minute block is reported. Novelty Suppressed Feeding Test (NSFT) was conducted as previously described (Ghosal et al., 2018). Mice were food-deprived for 18 h and placed in a dimly lit, novel environment (24×40×14 cm, fresh bedding) with food in the center. The latency to feed was recorded.
Then, the amount of food consumption in home cages for 10 min was measured to verify motivation to feed.
Locomotor activity (LMA) was measured using the Med-PC software (Med Associates, St
Albans, VT). In LMA, each animal was placed individually in clean cages (30 cm × 19 cm ×
13 cm) for 30 min, during which time the number of beam breaks was measured as previously
Western Blot
described (Ghosal et al., 2018).
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Western blots on crude synaptoneurosome or cell homogenates of mouse whole PFC were carried out as previously reported (Li et al., 2011). Primary antibodies included rabbit antigephyrin (Abcam, ab32206), rabbit anti-GAD 67 (Cell Signaling, 5305), rabbit anti-GAD 65 (Cell Signaling, 3988), rabbit anti-vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (Vglut1) (Cell Signaling, 12331), rabbit anti-vglut2 (Cell Signaling, 14487), rabbit anti-PSD95 (Cell Signaling, 2507), guinea pig anti-vesicular GABA transporter (VGAT) (Synaptic system, 131004), and rabbitanti GAPDH (Cell Signaling, 14C10). Densitometry was used to quantify protein bands using Image J Software (NIH) and proteins were normalized to GAPDH.
Immunofluorescence and Image Analysis
Journal Pre-proof Immunofluorescence labeling was performed on fixed brain tissues using standard techniques. Brains were collected from mice after transcardiac perfusion with saline and 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA). Brains were post-fixed in 4% PFA for 24 hours and incubated in 30% sucrose for an additional 48 hours. Fixed brains were frozen and sectioned at 25 um using a Microm HM550 cryostat. Free-floating sections were washed, then blocked for 1 hour at room temperature followed by incubation with primary antibody. Primary antibodies: guinea pig anti-VGAT (Synaptic system-131004), guinea pig anti-VGLUT 1 (Synaptic
system-135304), rabbit anti-VGLUT 2 (Synaptic system-135403). Washed sections were then incubated with secondary antibodies (Alexa Fluor 568-conjugated goat anti-guinea pig IgGs
#A21450 or Alexa Fluor 647-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgGs #A11011 (Life Technologies).
Sections were washed, mounted on glass slides and coverslipped with Prolong Gold Anti-fade
reagent (Life Technologies).
High-resolution images were acquired using an Olympus (FV1000) laser scanning
confocal microscope using a 60x oil-immersion objective (N.A. 1.42) with optimized pinhole
diameter. Z-stack images (16-bit depth) were collected using 0.3 um step size, 3x digital
Laser intensity,
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zoom, 2 us/pixel scan speed, 800 x 800 image size and 0.088 um x 0.088 um pixel size in xy. photomultiplier amplification and offset were optimized for maximum
dynamic range with no saturated pixels and were held constant for all image collection. Image stacks were deconvolved (AutoQuant X v.3.0.1, Media Cybernetics) and quantitative analysis was performed on thresholded images in ImageJ. Images were binarized using a threshold that was determined in an initial survey of images, to optimize the detection of moderate to bright label intensity while maximizing the visual separation of object masks. For a given label, the resulting threshold value was held constant for the analysis of the entire image set. Watershed segmentation was applied in ImageJ and particle analysis was set to include labelled structures < 2.3 for VGAT and VGLUT1, and < 3.8 um2 for the larger VGLUT2 terminals,
Journal Pre-proof consistent with reported sizes for these axon terminal boutons in mouse cortex (Nakamura et al., 2005). Two to four images were collected per cortical layer in each tissue section and were averaged from 1-2 tissue sections to give a value per animal for each layer.
Brain slice preparation and electrophysiology For the analyses of layer V pyramidal cells, mPFC brain slices were prepared as described previously (Li et al., 2011) with minor modifications. During recording, cells were voltage
clamped at -65 mV to simultaneously record inhibitory and excitatory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs and EPSCs). The PSC responses were tested in brain slices 24 hours following in vivo
injection of saline or ketamine (10mg/kg). Sst-tdT cells were recorded as previously described
(Wohleb et al., 2016). Recordings of the ChR2-positive GAD cells were performed at least
two weeks following virus injection as detailed in the supplementary materials.
Virus Injection and Optical Manipulation
Bilateral infusions of purified double floxed AAV2-EF1a-DIO-hChR2(H134R)-eYFP or
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floxed AAV2-EF1a-DIO-Arch-eYFP viruses were made in Gad-Cre positive and littermate wildtype mice at AP: +1.9, ML –0.2, DV –2.7 with immediate placement of optical fibers (200 µm core, 0.22NA, Doric Lenses). Optical stimulations were for 60 min (473 nm laser: 15 ms pulse width, 5 Hz, 5 mW at the tip of the fiber, 1 min on and 1 min off for 30 cycles) or (590 nm laser: 5 Hz, 1-3 mW at the tip of the fiber, continuous for 60 min).
Statistical Analysis For experiments that included two groups, the results were analyzed using two-tailed Student’s t-tests or two-tailed Mann-Whitney U test. For experiments including more than two groups, the results were analyzed by ANOVA; in the event of a significant interaction,
Journal Pre-proof differences between group-means were determined by Bonferroni or Fisher’s LSD post hoc tests. Significance was determined at P < 0.05. Viral expression and implant placement were verified before mice were included in the analysis.
Results Ketamine and CUS induce opposite effects on GABAergic and glutamatergic synaptic proteins.
Previous studies have demonstrated that a single dose of ketamine produces rapid and sustained antidepressant effects in rodent models consistent with the antidepressant effects in
depressed patients (see Duman et al., 2016). These behavioral effects are associated with
activity dependent, rapid and sustained increases in synapse number and function in the PFC
(Duman et al., 2016). In the current study we examined the influence of CUS and a single dose of ketamine on behavior and GABA and glutamate synaptic proteins in male mice 24 hr
after ketamine dosing. Behavioral studies were conducted to confirm a CUS-induced
depressive phenotype. CUS significantly increased immobility in the FST (Figure 1b) and the
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latency to feed in a novel environment (Figure 1c). Moreover, a single dose of ketamine significantly decreased both the immobility time in the FST and latency to feed in the NSFT in control as well as CUS mice (Figure 1b, c). There were no changes in baseline locomotor activity measured on day 25 or in home cage feeding which was measured for 24 hours following the NSFT (Figure 1d, e). To identify possible abnormalities in neural inhibition linked to these behaviors, we measured GABAergic synapse-associated proteins in the PFC; levels of glutamate markers were also examined for comparison. Levels of vesicular GABA transporter (VGAT), GABA synthetic enzymes (GAD65 and GAD67), and GABA-A receptor associated postsynaptic protein (gephyrin) were determined by western blot of PFC synaptoneurosomes. CUS
Journal Pre-proof exposure significantly decreased levels of GAD67, and gephyrin, and this effect was reversed by a single dose of ketamine for both GAD67 and gephyrin (Figure 1g).
A significant main
effect of ketamine was observed for all of the GABAergic markers tested (Figure 1g). Analysis of glutamate markers included the two major vesicular transporters, VGLUT1 and VGLUT2, which play an important role in the uptake of glutamate into presynaptic vesicles (Fremeau et al., 2001), and the postsynaptic protein PSD95. In the CUS exposure significantly decreased levels of VGLUT1 and this effect was Ketamine also significantly increased levels of VGLUT2
reversed by ketamine (Figure 1h).
present study,
and PSD95 (Figure 1h). We have previously reported the effect of CUS to decrease levels of
GluR1 and PSD95 (Li et al., 2011).
We also used immunohistochemical labeling for the vesicular transporters to examine
the effects of CUS and ketamine and obtained results consistent with the western blot findings. These studies were conducted in Thy1-GFP mice to allow visualization of the layer
5 pyramidal neurons, however we could not carry out our planned analysis of appositions of
labeled terminals onto GFP-expressing pyramidal cells due to the unexpected low incidence
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of GFP-expressing neuronal structures in the puncta quantification zone (the more superficial areas of the tissue sections where antibody penetration was optimal). Low power images of VGAT, VGLUT1, and VGLUT2 in mPFC illustrate the expected distribution of labeled puncta as has been reported (Chaudhry et al., 1998; Fremeau et al., 2001; Fujiyama et al., 2001) (Figure 2a,c,e). VGAT labelling in mPFC was significantly decreased by CUS (Figure 2a’, b), and this effect was reversed by a single dose of ketamine (Figure 2a’, b). Confocal images demonstrate close apposition of VGAT immune-labelled puncta with somatic and dendritic elements of GFP-positive pyramidal cells in layer V (Figure 2g), illustrating the potential for a direct influence of treatment-regulated, GABA changes on pyramidal cells in this region.
Journal Pre-proof CUS exposure significantly decreased the density of VGLUT1 puncta in mPFC (layers I, and II/III) and ketamine treatment normalized these effects (Figure 2c’, d). The density of VGLUT2 puncta was decreased by CUS (layer V), and ketamine normalized this effect (Figure 2e’, f). Higher magnification images from layer I of mPFC show immuno-labelled puncta for VGLUT1 and VGLUT2 in close apposition with GFP-labelled dendrites (Figure 2h, upper and lower panels respectively). These sites of apparent contact suggest the possibility that ketamine and CUS effects on glutamatergic inputs to mPFC could be directly
transmitted to layer V pyramidal cells; further studies are needed to confirm direct apposition onto dendrites. We also examined somatosensory cortex (S1) and found similar trends for
CUS to decrease and ketamine to increase immuno-labelling for the vesicular transporters
(Supplementary Figure 1), indicating that these effects may not be selective for mPFC. We
also examined the vesicular choline transporter (VCHAT) and found that CUS and ketamine had no effects on VCHAT puncta in layer I, II, and III, and actually increased levels in layer
V of mPFC, suggesting differential effects compared to what was observed with VGAT,
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VGLUT1, and VGLUT2 (Supplementary Figure 2).
Ketamine and CUS-induce opposite cells.
effects on postsynaptic currents in mPFC pyramidal
We have reported that the frequency of 5-HT- and hypocretin-induced EPSCs in layer V pyramidal neurons is decreased by CUS and reversed by ketamine (Li et al., 2011), but have not examined IPSCs under these conditions. Moreover, previous studies recording IPSCs from PFC pyramidal cells report heterogeneous results (increased or decreased IPSCs), possibly as a result of different types of stressors and length of exposure, as well as differences in the mPFC target region (Czeh et al., 2018; McKlveen et al., 2016). As in prior studies (Li et al., 2011), we used whole cell patch with voltage clamp at -65 mV and recorded
Journal Pre-proof IPSCs, as well as EPSCs simultaneously in the same cell. About two-thirds of the pyramidal cells recorded had a large hyperpolarizing voltage sag resulting from the presence of an Ihcurrent that is indicative of type 1 neurons, while the remaining cells lacked the Ih-current and are referred to as type 2 neurons (Supplementary Figure 3a) (Lee et al., 2014). We found that CUS exposure significantly reduced the frequency of baseline spontaneous (sIPSCs), as well as hypocretin-induced IPSCs in type 1 neurons in layer V mPFC (Figure 3a,b); there was also a trend for a reduction in 5-HT-induced IPSCs. Similar trends were observed in type 2 cells
although the effects of CUS did not reach significance (Supplementary Figure 3b,c) due to the smaller number of cells examined. Spontaneous IPSCs were unaltered when the two cell
types were combined due to increased variability in their synaptic currents (data not shown).
We also found that CUS significantly decreased the frequency of baseline sEPSCs, along with
5-HT- and hypocretin-induced EPSCs in type 1 layer V cells (Figure 3a,c), confirming our previous report (Li et al., 2011). In a subsequent experiment we examined the effect of CUS ketamine administration. Ketamine significantly increased 5-HT-induced
with or without
We also found that CUS decreased and a single dose of ketamine
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5-HT) (Figure 3d).
IPSCs although the effect of CUS on IPSCs did not reach statistical significance (P =0.06 for
increased baseline, 5-HT- and hypocretin- induced EPSCs (Figure 3e), consistent with previous work (Li et al., 2011). There was no change in the mean amplitudes regardless of the cell type, CUS exposure or ketamine treatment (Supplementary Figure 4). To determine whether these effects were specific to pyramidal cells, we also recorded from SST interneurons. In SST-tdTomato reporter mice, we found that SST+ neurons are distributed throughout the mPFC with higher numbers in layers II/III and V compared to layer I (Figure 4a) as expected (Markram et al., 2004). We found that CUS exposure significantly decreased sIPSCs on SST GABA interneurons (Figure 4b, c, d). There was no significant
Journal Pre-proof effect of ketamine treatment (Figure 4e, f). There was no change in the mean amplitudes regardless of the CUS exposure or ketamine treatment (Supplementary Figure 5).
Optogenetic studies of GABA interneurons in the mPFC The above results demonstrate opposing effects of CUS and ketamine on indices of GABA neurotransmission, suggesting that reduction of GABA function could contribute to the behavioral deficits caused by CUS and conversely that induction of GABA function could
underlie, in part the actions of ketamine. To directly test this hypothesis, the influence of inhibition or stimulation of GABA interneurons on antidepressant-related behaviors was
examined using an optogenetic approach. For stimulation studies, mice received viral
infusions of floxed ChR2-eYFP (AAV2-EF1a-DIO-hChR2(H134R)-eYFP) into the mPFC of
Gad1-Cre+ (Figure 5a, b) or littermate controls. Current clamp analysis of Gad1-ChR2-eYFP positive cells in mPFC slices shows that laser stimulation (1-50 Hz, 473 nm) causes high
fidelity activation of GAD interneurons, particularly in the range of 5-10 Hz (Figure 5c, d).
Based on this information we chose to use 5 Hz stimulation for the in vivo studies. For
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behavioral experiments, ChR2-eYFP virus was infused and mice were implanted with bilateral fiber optic cannula in the mPFC dorsal to the virus infusion sites. Ketamine and vehicle treatment groups were included to test the additional hypothesis that a ketamine effect depends on a glutamate burst (secondary to blockade of NMDA receptors on GABA interneurons) that could be blocked by photostimulation of Gad+ interneurons. (Duman et al., 2016; Widman and McMohan, 2018). Based on this hypothesis, we predict that photostimulation of Gad+ interneurons would block the actions of ketamine. Ten minutes after vehicle or ketamine administration, the mice received laser stimulation (1 min on, 1 min off, 1 hr) (Figure 5e); this stimulation time was chosen based on our previous studies showing that 1 hr stimulation of Camk2a expressing pyramidal neurons in the mPFC is sufficient to
Journal Pre-proof produce an antidepressant behavioral response (Fuchikami et al., 2015). Behavior analysis was conducted 1 to 3 days after stimulation to avoid testing during the stimulation period and to determine if the effects are sustained. Results show significant main effects of ketamine and GAD1-Cre+ genotype in the FST and NSFT (Figure 5f,g). The significant ketamine x genotype interaction and post hoc comparisons in the NSFT demonstrated that this behavioral effect of ketamine was blocked in GAD1-Cre+ mice (Figure 5g). Next, we tested the influence of laser-inhibition on behavior by infusion of Arch-YFP
(AAV2-EF1a-DIO-Arch-eYFP) bilaterally into the mPFC of Gad1-Cre+ or control mice followed by implantation of bilateral optic fibers (Figure 5h). Mice were then subjected to
laser stimulation (1 hour continuously), and behavior analyzed 24 hr later (Figure 5i-j). There
was no effect of GABA interneuron inhibition under these conditions on immobility in the
FST or latency to feed in the NSFT in the Gad1-Cre+ mice (Figure 5i, j).
In this study, we identify specific CUS-induced deficits of GABA neurotransmission
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in the mPFC that are associated with alterations of neuronal function and show that a single dose of ketamine rapidly reverses these deficits as well as associated behavioral changes. These findings extend previous studies, describing deficits of GABA interneurons that could contribute to the pathophysiology of depression (Luscher et al., 2011, 2015), and importantly demonstrate that ketamine rapidly increases GABA function in naïve mice and can reverse CUS-induced deficits of GABA neurotransmission in mPFC. CUS resulted in depression-like behaviors that were accompanied by reductions in levels of
vesicular GABA transporter (VGAT), synthetic enzyme (GAD67), and the
postsynaptic protein (gephyrin) in the mPFC (Figure 6). Reduction of GABA neurotransmitter function by CUS was also demonstrated by decreased frequency of basal and hypocretin-
Journal Pre-proof induced IPSCs in mPFC layer V pyramidal neurons. The recorded cells were primarily Type 1 pyramidal neurons, but similar trends were observed in Type 2 cells. These neurons differ in their morphology, projection patterns and response to neurotransmitters, and are thought to represent functionally distinct pyramidal cell subtypes in layer 5 (Lee et al., 2014). In addition, decreased frequency of IPSCs in SST-tdT+ interneurons in the mPFC provided further evidence of GABA deficits following CUS exposure. These findings are consistent with previous reports (Banasr et al., 2017; Ghosal et al., 2017, Ren et al., 2016) and support
the hypothesis that impairment of GABA neurotransmission represents a key determinant of chronic stress exposure and are consistent with GABA deficits reported in depression
(Luscher et al., 2011, 2015).
The results also demonstrate that ketamine reverses CUS-induced GABAergic deficits
in conjunction with antidepressant behavioral responses. A single dose of ketamine increased GAD67 and gephyrin in naïve animals and rapidly reversed CUS-induced deficits in GAD67,
VGAT, and gephyrin (Figure 6). These changes were accompanied by increased GABA
function indicated by increased 5-HT-induced IPSCs in mPFC layer V pyramidal neurons
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after ketamine treatment. Alterations of both pre- (GAD67, and VGAT) and postsynaptic (gephyrin) GABAergic proteins indicate that ketamine-enhancement of 5-HT -induced IPSCs could result from increased function of pre- and/or postsynaptic elements. The fact that sPSC amplitudes were unchanged by CUS and ketamine for both GABAergic and glutamatergic synapses, suggests that changes in gephyrin expression were secondary to presynaptic changes and representative of altered synapse numbers rather than altered strength of individual synapses,
although future studies are needed to directly test this hypothesis by
recording miniature EPSCS and IPSCs. We did not observe significant effects of ketamine on SST-tdT+
interneuron function, although further studies are needed to examine the
interactions between ketamine and CUS.
Journal Pre-proof The mechanisms underlying the up-regulation of GABA function by ketamine are unclear. One possibility is that increased GABA function is in part a compensatory induction of inhibitory neurotransmission in response to the initial ketamine-induced burst of glutamate and increased glutamate synaptic function. However, it is also possible that ketamine has direct effects on GABA function via an unknown mechanism that is independent of the increase in glutamate function. Ketamine is also reported to rescue gephyrin and IPSC deficits in mutant mice that are heterozygous for the GABA-A γ2-subunit receptor (Ren et al., 2016).
The results are consistent with the hypothesis that increased GABA function in the mPFC contributes to the antidepressant actions of ketamine. This could include rapid antidepressant
actions that are observed within hours and/or the sustained (1-week) effects of ketamine
observed in patients and in rodent models. The possibility that increased GABA function is
sufficient to produce an antidepressant response has been demonstrated in mice with heterozygous deletion of the GABA-A γ2-subunit from SST interneurons, which reduces
inhibitory control of these cells and results in antidepressant-like responses (Fuchs et al.,
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A strength of this study is the data demonstrating that chronic stress and ketamine dynamically regulate the glutamate, as well as GABA neurotransmitter systems in the same animals. These findings are consistent with previous studies of PSD95 (Li et al., 2011), but also extend this work by demonstrating regulation of VGLUT1 and VGLUT2 in mPFC (Figure 6). Neurons expressing VGLUT1 and VGLUT2 and the punctate terminal labeling for these transporters show distinct distributions that are largely non-overlapping. In general, VGLUT1-positive terminals originate from cortical cells and VGLUT2-positive terminals from thalamic projection neurons. Punctate and fiber immunoreactivity for VGLUT1 is relatively evenly distributed through cortical layers whereas immunoreactivity for VGLUT2 occurs more heterogeneously. Our results demonstrating that both VGLUT1 and VGLUT2
Journal Pre-proof are decreased by CUS and increased by ketamine indicate that both cortical and thalamic afferents to PFC are altered by these treatments. The results of our electrophysiological studies are also consistent with these findings, as 5-HT and hypocretin-induced EPSCs are associated with cortical-cortical, and thalamo-cortical projections respectively and we found both to be altered by CUS and ketamine (Liu and Aghajanian, 2008). Increased glutamate synaptic function opposes the neuronal atrophy caused by chronic stress and is associated with the rapid antidepressant actions of ketamine (Li et al., 2010,
2011). These effects of ketamine are dependent on increased neuronal activity and BDNF release (Maeng et al., 2008; Autry et al., 2011) resulting from a rapid, transient burst of
glutamate (Moghaddam et al., 1997). The burst of glutamate is thought to occur via blockade
of NMDA receptors on GABA interneurons, as these cells are tonic firing and are more
sensitive to the open channel blocking actions of ketamine (Homayoun and Moghaddam, 2007) (Figure 6). This is supported by evidence that ketamine administration leads to
decreased spontaneous firing of GABA interneurons in the PFC and a delayed increase in the
firing rate of pyramidal cells (Homayoun and Moghaddam, 2007). However, there is also
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evidence that the ketamine metabolite, (2R,6R)-hydroxynorketamine produces antidepressant actions that are independent of NMDA receptor blockade and that are mediated by a mechanism similar to blockade of mGluR2 autoreceptors (Zanos et al., 2016, 2019). In either case, stimulation of Gad1+ interneurons in the mPFC during a 1 hr period after ketamine administration, when glutamate is elevated (Moghaddam et al., 1997), was able to completely block the behavioral effects of ketamine in the NSFT. These findings indicate that increased glutamate transmission, which would be blocked by optogenetic stimulation of GABA interneurons, is required for the antidepressant behavioral actions of ketamine, consistent with the disinhibition hypothesis that the initial cellular trigger underlying the actions of ketamine is a transient blockade of NMDA receptors on GABA interneurons in the mPFC (Figure 6).
Journal Pre-proof Although
contradictory to evidence from postmortem depressed subjects and chronic stress in rodents that GABA hypofunction contributes to depressive behavior (Ghosal et al., 2017), this is a transient blockade and glutamate burst (~1 hr) by ketamine that drives synaptic plasticity of principle neurons. Based on the results of the current study, we propose that ketamine, either via the transient glutamate burst and/or a direct effect on GABA interneurons also enhances GABA neurotransmitter plasticity and function, in part via recruitment of SST interneurons.
The possibility that enhanced GABA neurotransmitter function could contribute to the antidepressant behavioral actions of ketamine is supported by a study showing that
potentiation of SST interneuron function via deletion of GABA-A γ2-subunit produces
anxiolytic and antidepressant-like responses (Fuchs et al., 2017). Together, these findings
raise the possibility that ketamine administration, possibly via disinhibition of glutamate transmission causes an adaptive response that restores GABA inhibitory function, as well as
glutamate neuronal actions.
Optogenetic studies to test the influence of GABA interneuron stimulation on
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depression-like behaviors were inconclusive (nonequivalent results for the FST and NSFT), while the results with optogenetic inhibition were negative. Gad1+ interneurons in mPFC were either stimulated or inhibited and behavioral tests were initiated the next day to avoid the acute effects of cell manipulation; this paradigm is based on our previous report that 1 hr stimulation (1 min on, 1 min off) of mPFC pyramidal neurons is sufficient to produce sustained antidepressant actions (Fuchikami et al., 2015). The 1 hr time point was also chosen to avoid possible tissue damage caused by more long-term laser exposure, although it is possible that the 1 hr paradigm is too short, and that more sustained or repeated stimulation or inhibition paradigms are needed to induce sustained alterations of GABA function and behavior. It is also possible that targeting a specific subtype of GABA interneuron, notably
Journal Pre-proof the SST using Sst-Cre recombinase mice could result in significant effects, as was shown for SST specific GABA-A γ2-subunit deletion mutant mice (Fuchs et al., 2017). Another study using a DREADD approach reported that acute inhibition of SST interneurons in the mPFC caused anxiogenic responses in the elevated plus maze and NSFT, while repeated, daily inhibition of SST interneurons (3 weeks) resulted in anxiolytic effects in these tests (Soumier and Sibille, 2014). However, behavioral testing in these experiments was conducted during the time when GABA neurons were being inhibited, which would complicate the outcome
and interpretation of these studies. We conducted preliminary DREADD studies to manipulate Gad1+ interneurons but so far the results have been inconsistent, and additional
studies are needed to further investigate this question.
GABA neurotransmission plays a crucial role in assembling microcircuitry during
development and in orchestrating cortical activity in adulthood, and the results of the current study indicate that CUS and ketamine impact the overall function of the mPFC. Dendrite-
targeting SST interneurons gate excitatory inputs from converging intracortical and thalamic
signals and maintain activated and baseline pyramidal neuronal output patterns (Gentet et al.,
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2012). SST interneurons also target and provide inhibitory control over the parvalbumin neurons that send projections to the soma of principal neurons, thereby controlling spike output. Hence, reduced SST/GABA function might result in decreased inhibitory gating of excitatory inputs to the dendritic arbor of pyramidal neurons, but could also result in reduced inhibitory control of parvalbumin neurons that target glutamatergic cell bodies, resulting in increased inhibition and decreased output of principal neurons. The net consequences would be imbalance of input output activity and altered cortical control of behavioral responses. However, it is possible that CUS exposure also decreases the function of parvalbumin interneurons, with opposing effects of ketamine. In any case, our results suggest that up-regulation of GABA markers and reversal of
Journal Pre-proof CUS-induced GABA neurotransmitter deficits could contribute to the sustained antidepressant response to ketamine (Figure 6). Further characterization of the neurotransmitter receptors that control GABA function could lead to new insights for targeting GABA interneurons that will provide alternative and more efficacious therapeutic strategies for the treatment of depression. In addition, future studies are needed to determine if chronic stress causes sexspecific effects on GABA function (e.g., greater loss of GABA function in females compared to males) that could contribute to the increased incidence of depression in women compared
to men. Together, these studies could identify novel therapeutic targets for the the
development of more efficacious antidepressant treatments for men and women.
Funding and disclosure:
R.S.D. has received consulting fees from Taisho, Johnson & Johnson, and Naurex, and grant support from Taisho, Johnson & Johnson, Naurex, Allergan, Navitor, Lundbeck, and Lilly.
All other authors declare no biomedical financial interests and potential conflicts of interest.
None of the above-listed companies or funding agencies had any influence on the content of
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this article.
This research was supported by NIMH Grants MH045481 and MH093897 to R.S.D and the State of CT. We would like to thank Xiao-Yuan Li for technical assistance.
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Journal Pre-proof Figure Legends
Figure 1. Ketamine normalizes CUS-induced deficits in behavior and GABAergic proteins. (a) Male Thy1-eGFP-mice were exposed to 21 days of CUS, followed by ketamine (10mg/kg, ip) or saline (control) administration on day 21 and then screened for depression-like behaviors. (b) CUS exposure significantly increased the immobility duration in the FST and ketamine administration significantly decreased the FST immobility duration [** main effect
of stress (F1,22 = 4.80, P < 0.05), ## main effect of ketamine (F1,22 = 40.45, P < 0.001)] (bars
indicate mean ± s.e.m.; number of animals (n) = 6-7/ group.. (c) CUS exposure increased the
latency to feed in the NSFT, and ketamine administration decreased the latency to feed in the
NSFT [** main effect of stress (F1,22 = 3.15, P < 0.05), ## main effect of ketamine (F1,22 = 18.93, P < 0.001)] (mean ± s.e.m.; number of animals (n) = 6-7/ group. (d) Home cage
feeding showed no differences regardless of stress exposure or ketamine treatment (mean ± s.e.m.; number of animals (n) = 6-7/ group). (e) Basal locomotor activity was not
significantly different in the stress exposed or ketamine administered mice (mean ± s.e.m.;
number of animals (n) = 6-7/ group). (f) Experimental timeline of CUS procedure, ketamine
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administration, and tissue collection of whole PFC.
(g) Western blot analyses of pre- and
post- synaptic protein fold change related to GABAergic transmission revealed significant changes in the PFC synaptosomes of CUS mice and ketamine-treated mice. Representative blots are shown above the graphs. CUS exposure significantly decreased levels of GAD67 and gephyrin, and ketamine reversed this effect [GAD 67: Significant stress x ketamine interaction (F1,15 = 6.25, P <0.05), *P < 0.05 vs. control, # P < 0.05 vs. CUS
Bonferronis test;.significant main effect of ketamine (F1,15 = 26.79, P < 0.05); for gephyrin: Significant stress x ketamine interaction (F1,15 = 14.42, P <0.05) *P < 0.05 vs. control, #
P < 0.05 vs. CUS
post-hoc Bonferronis test; significant main effect of stress (F1,15 = 5.55,
P < 0.05) significant main effect of ketamine (F1,15 = 47.08, P < 0.05)]. 27
## Significant main
Journal Pre-proof effect of ketamine for GAD 65 (F1,15 = 13.59, P <0.05), and VGAT (F1,15 = 9.80, P <0.05). (h) Western blot analyses of pre- and post- synaptic proteins related to glutamatergic neurotransmission also revealed significant changes in the PFC of CUS and ketaminetreatment mice. Representative blots are shown above the graphs.
Levels of VGLUT1 were
significantly decreased by CUS and ketamine reversed the cus-induced decrease [Significant stress X ketamine interaction (F1,15 = 11.71, P <0.05), post-hoc Bonferroni test, *P < 0.05 vs. control, and # P < 0.05 vs. CUS]. ## Significant main effect of ketamine to increase VGLUT1
(F1,15 = 27.05, P <0.05), VGLUT2 (F1,15 = 9.40, *P <0.05), and PSD95 (F1,15 = 14.86, *P
<0.05). Data represent mean ± s.e.m.; number of animals (n) = 5-7/ group.
Figure 2. Immunofluorescence analysis of GABA and glutamate markers in mPFC: effects of
CUS and ketamine. (a) Upper panel: Low power images showing immunofluorescence labelling for VGAT in PFC in (control) Thy1-GFP-expressing mice. Locations of sampling (a’) Lower panel: Higher magnification images
for cortical layers I, II/II and V are shown.
(b) VGAT
showing representative VGAT expression for each of the treatment groups.
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labeling in mPFC as determined by immunofluorescence, was decreased by CUS and this effect was reversed by a single ketamine administration.
[(Significant main effect of
ketamine: layer II/III (F1,19 = 11.45, P <0.05), layer V (F1,19 = 7.56, P <0.05); Significant stress X ketamine interaction: layer I (F 1,19 = 11.77, P <0.05), layer II/III (F1,19 = 11.45, P <0.05), layer V (F1,19 = 12.5, P <0.05). * P < 0.05 significantly different from control group; # P < 0.05 significantly different from CUS group, post-hoc Fischer’s LSD. Sal n = 6; ketamine n = 6; CUS n = 5; CUS+ketamine n = 6]. (c) Upper panel: Low power images showing distribution of VGLUT1 in mPFC. Locations of sampling for cortical layers I, II/II and V in PL PFC are shown. (c’) Lower panel: Higher magnification images showing representative VGLUT1 expression for each treatment group. (d) VGLUT1 expression was
Journal Pre-proof significantly decreased by CUS and this effect was reversed by ketamine. [Significant main effect of ketamine: layer I (F1,20 = 12.85, P <0.05), layer II/III (F1,19 = 4.30, P <0.05); Significant main effect of stress: layer I (F1,20 = 9.42, P <0.05), layer II/III (F1,19 = 5.74, P <0.05); Significant stress X ketamine interaction: layer I (F 1,20 = 21.69, P <0.05), layer II/III (F1,19 = 12.12, P <0.05). *P < 0.05, significantly different from control group; # P < 0.05, significantly different from CUS group, post-hoc Fischer’s LSD. Sal n = 6; ketamine n = 6; CUS n = 5-6; CUS+ketamine n = 6]. (e) Upper panel: Low power images showing
distribution of immunofluorescence for VGLUT2 in mPFC. Locations of sampling for cortical layers I, II/II and V are shown. (e’) Lower panel: Higher magnification images
showing representative VGLUT2 expression for each of the treatment groups. (f) VGLUT2
expression as determined by immunofluorescence, was significantly decreased in layer V in
CUS mice compared with control, and ketamine treatment reversed the CUS effect. [Significant main effect of ketamine: layer I (F1,12 = 6.79, P <0.05), layer II/III (F1,12 = 5.41, P
<0.05); Significant stress X ketamine interaction: layer I (F 1,12 = 4.92, P <0.05), layer II/III
(F1,12 = 5.81, P <0.05), layer V (F1,11 = 8.11, P <0.05). *P < 0.05 significantly different from
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control group; # P < 0.05 significantly different from CUS group, post-hoc Fisher’s LSD. Sal n = 3-4; ketamine n = 4; CUS n = 4-5; CUS+ketamine n = 3-4]. (g) VGAT immuno-positive puncta (red) can be seen in close apposition with a GFP-positive layer V pyramidal cell. Images are shown for sequential 1.2 um thick sub-stacks, each comprised of four 0.3 um Z sections. (h)
VGLUT1 (upper set) and VGLUT2 (lower set) expressing processes (red)
appear to contact GFP positive dendrites in layer I of mPFC. Scale bars: A,C,E = 200 um, A’,C’,E’ = 20 um, G = 5 um, H left panels = 2 um, right panels = 1 um.
Figure 3: CUS and ketamine exert opposite effects on spontaneous postsynaptic currents of mPFC pyramidal type 1 cells. (a) Representative traces of baseline, 5-HT and hypocretin-
Journal Pre-proof induced sPSCs in layer V type 1 pyramidal cell of mPFC brain slice from non-stressed control and CUS rats are shown. Two-thirds of the pyramidal cells recorded had a large hyperpolarizing voltage sag belonging to type 1 pyramidal cells. (b) CUS exposure resulted in a significant decrease in baseline and hcrt induced sIPSC frequency. [Baseline: t(34)=2.06, P=0.02, 5-HT: t(56)=1.58, P=0.06, hcrt: t(50)=12.21, P=0.02]. (c) CUS exposure resulted in a significant decrease in baseline, 5-HT and hypocretin-induced sEPSC frequency. [Baseline: t(54)=3.15, P=0.001, 5-HT: t(57)=2.73, P=0.004, hcrt: t(43)=5.02, P<0.0001]. N=30 cells/9
rats for control, N=29 cells/10 rats for CUS. * P<0.05, ** P<0.01 compared with control. (d) A single dose of ketamine increased the frequency of 5-HT induced IPSCs [## Significant
main effect of ketamine (F1,73 = 4.49, P <0.05), main effect of stress n.s. (F1,73 = 3.59, P
=0.06)]. There were similar but non significant trends for baseline IPSCs [main effect of
ketamine n.s., F1,73 = 2.76, P =0.10); main effect of stress n.s., F1,73 = 2.84, P =0.10) ]. (e) CUS decreased frequencies of baseline, 5-HT and hypocretin-induced sEPSCs [** Significant
Conversley, ketamine increased frequencies of baseline, 5-HT and
= 15.26, P <0.05)].
main effects of CUS: baseline (F1,73 = 8.68, P <0.05), 5-HT (F1,73 = 6.12, P <0.05), Hcrt (F1,72
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hypocretin-induced sEPSCs [## Significant main effect of ketamine: baseline (F1,73 = 6.11, P <0.05), 5-HT (F1,73 = 10.41, P <0.05), Hcrt (F1,72 = 5.89, P <0.05)].
Figure 4. CUS decreases IPSC frequency in layer II/III SST neurons. (a-b) SST-tdTomato mice were used for brain slice electrophysiology (triangle in b indicates patch pipette, scale bar,10 μm). (c) Sample traces of inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSC) and excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSC) recorded from SST neurons of control mice and CUS mice. (d) CUS significantly reduced IPSC frequency ** p<0.01, 2-tail t-test), but not EPSC frequency. (n=32 for control IPSC, n=28 for CUS IPSC, n=30 for control EPSC, and n=25 for CUS EPSC). (e Sample traces of inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSC) and excitatory
Journal Pre-proof postsynaptic currents (EPSC) recorded from SST neurons of control mice and ketamine treated mice. (f) There were no significant effects of ketaminetreatment on IPSC or EPSC frequencies in SST neurons . (n=29 for control IPSC, n=27 for ketamine IPSC, n=32 for control EPSC, and n=25 for ketamine EPSC).
Figure 5. Antidepressant behavioral response to optogenetic regulation of mPFC GAD+ interneurons. (a) Mice received viral infusions of floxed ChR2-eYFP (AAV2-EF1a-DIO-
hChR2(H134R)-eYFP) into the mPFC of Gad1-Cre+ or littermate controls. Representative image of ChR2-eYFP expression in mPFC after viral injection in Gad-Cre+ mice (white
triangle indicates cannula placement). (b) Representative image of layer II/III GAD+ neurons
(scale bar= 20 μm ). (c) Targeting of fluorescently labeled GAD+ neurons for current clamp
recordings scale bar,10 μm). (d) Example traces of GAD-ChR2 cell in the mPFC showing high fidelity, laser activation of GAD+ neurons in the mPFC upon laser stimulation at
different frequencies. (e) Schematic of the experimental timeline for laser stimulation and
ketamine administration using Gad1-Cre+ and wild type (WT) littermates infused with floxed
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ChR2-eYFP (AAV2-EF1a-DIO-hChR2(H134R)-eYFP). Mice underwent a pre-swim and the next day were administered saline or ketamine and 10 min later received laser stimulation for 60 min. Behavior was examined 24 hrs later in the FST (f), and 72 hrs later in the NSFT (g). Ketamine administration resulted in a significant antidepressant effect in the FST and genotype showed an opposite, depressive-like effect for GAD1- Cre+ mice [## Significant main effect of ketamine (F1,20 = 10.07, P <0.05); ** Significant main effect of genotype (F1,20 = 32.20, P <0.05); Interaction n.s. ( F 1,20 = 3.61, P = 0.07). (g) Ketamine administration resulted in a significant antidepressant effect in the NSFT that was absent in GAD1- Cre+ mice; [Significant ketamine x genotype interaction (F1,20 = 12.09, P <0.05), *P < 0.05 vs. WT-saline group, # P<0.05 vs. Wt-ketamine group, post-hoc 31
Journal Pre-proof Fischer’s LSD test. There were significant main effects of ketamine (F 1,20 = 25.04, P <0.05) and genotype (F1,20 = 6.64, P <0.05). Results are the mean ± S.E.M., n = 6 per group. (h) Schematic of the experimental timeline for laser inhibition using Gad1-Cre+ and WT littermates with bilateral mPFC infusions of Arch-YFP (AAV2-EF1a-DIO-Arch-eYFP). There was no effect of laser inhibition of GABA interneurons in the mPFC on immobility
time in the FST ( (i) or latency to feed in the NSFT (j). Results are ±S.E.M. n=4-6/ group.
neurotransmission, driven by tonic firing GABA interneurons is required for balance and
control of excitatory cortical function. Chronic stress or depression is associated with
decreases in the levels of the GABA transporter (VGAT) and synthetic enzymes GAD65 and GAD67, and functional capacity of GABA interneurons as demonstrated by decreases in the
frequency of basal and hypocretin-induced IPSCs in mPFC layer V pyramidal neurons. This
results in alterations in inhibition/excitation balance in the mPFC. In contrast, ketamine
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treatment increases synaptic features of GABA as well as glutamate, neurotransmission. Tonic firing of GABA interneurons is driven by glutamate and stimulation of NMDA receptor, and the active, open channel state allows ketamine to enter and block channel activity. Optogenetic experiments indicate that the actions of ketamine are blocked by simultaneous stimulation of GABA interneurons. Thus it is possible that disinihibition of GABA
depolarization. This leads to activation of voltage dependent Ca2+ channels, release of BDNF and stimulation of TrkB-Akt that activates mTORC1 signaling and increased synthesis of proteins required for synapse maturation and formation. However, further time-course investigation of the circuit level changes following chronic stress and ketamine treatment will 32
Journal Pre-proof help determine the directionality of connectivity changes in the PFC downstream
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Journal Pre-proof Highlights 1) CUS exposure causes lasting deficits in GABA synaptic function in the medial PFC. 2) Ketamine increases GABA synaptic function and reverses the CUS-induced deficits.
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3) These GABA alterations are accompanied by changes in glutamate synaptic function.