Kinetics of Diazepam, Midazolam, and Lorazepam in Cigarette Smokers

Kinetics of Diazepam, Midazolam, and Lorazepam in Cigarette Smokers

Kinetics of Diazepam, Midazolam, and Lorazepam in Cigarette Smokers· Hermann R. Ochs, M.D.; David]. Greenblatt, M.D.; and Martin Knuchel, M.D. Ten o...

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Kinetics of Diazepam, Midazolam, and Lorazepam in Cigarette Smokers· Hermann R. Ochs, M.D.; David]. Greenblatt, M.D.; and

Martin Knuchel, M.D.

Ten otherwise healthy cigarette smokers (mean, 31 cigarettes per day), and ten nonsmoking control volunteers matched for age, weight, and sex received single intravenous doses of diazepam (5 to 10 mg), midazolam (5 mg), and lorazepam (2 mg) on three separate occasions. Kinetics of each benzodiazepine were determined from multiple serum concentrations measured after each dose. In non-

smoking vs smoking subjects, there was no signi6cant difference in mean clearance of diazepam (0.44 vs 0.47 ml/min/kg), midazolam (9.6 vs 7.1 ml/min/kg), or lorazepam (0.96 vs 1.08 ml/minlkg). Thus, differences in pharmacokinetics are unlikely to account for altered sensitivity to benzodiazepines that may occur in cigarette smokers.

The hydrocarbons contained in cigarette smoke are known to be inducers of hepatic microsomal drug metabolizing enzymes. Clinical studies have shown enhanced clearance of a number of drugs in cigarette smokers as compared to nonsmoking control subjects.!" Many individuals who take benzodiazepines for the treatment of anxiety or sleep disorders also are cigarette smokers, and some studies have suggested reduced sensitivity to diazepam and chlordiazepoxide in patients who smoke cigarettes. 6 The present study was designed to evaluate whether alterations in benzodiazepine pharmacokinetics among cigarette smokers might explain apparently reduced clinical sensitivity, since increased clearance ofbenzodiazepines would lead to reduced steady-state concentrations during multiple dosage. We evaluated the kinetics of intravenous (IV) diazepam and midazolam, two benzodiazepines metabolized principally by microsomal oxidation," as well as the kinetics of IV lorazepam, a benzodiazepine biotransformed by glucuronide conjugation. 8

Control and cigarette smoking subjects did not differ significantly in age, weight, or gender composition. All were healthy, active, ambulatory adults with no history of medical disease and were taking no other medications. Female subjects were not taking oral contraceptives.


Subjects Cigarette smoking subjects were ten healthy volunteers, six men and four women, aged 22 to 37 years (mean, 27 years). Their mean weight was 68 kg. They smoked an average of 31 cigarettes per day (range, 25 to 45) and had been cigarette smokers for at least one year prior to the study. Control subjects were ten healthy nonsmoking volunteers, six men and four women, aged 22 to 31 years (mean, 26 years). Their mean weight was 66 kg. Cigarette smoking or nonsmoking habits were accepted as valid as stated by the volunteers; we did not attempt other means of validation. *From the Medizinische Universitatsklinik, University of Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany; and the Division of Clinical Pharmacology, Tufts-New England Medical Center, Boston. Supported in part by grant Oc 10/6-4 from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, and by grant MH-34223 from the United States Public Health Service. Manuscript received April 23; revision accepted July 17. Reprint requests: Dr. Greenblatt, Box 1007, Division of Clinical Phannacology, Tufts-New England Medical Center, Boston 02111

Diazepam Study Control subjects and cigarette smokers each received 5- to lO-mg of diazepam by rapid IV infusion. Venous blood samples were drawn into additive-free tubes prior to and at multiple points in time during the first 24 hours after dosage, then every 24 hours up to seven days after the diazepam dosage. Blood samples were centrifuged, and the serum separated and frozen until the time of assay. Concentrations of diazepam and its major metabolite, desmethyldiazepam, in each serum sample were determined by electron capture gas liquid chromatography. 9 The extent of diazepam binding to plasma protein in a single sample from each subject was determined by equilibrium dialysis. 10 M idazolam Study

The ten control subjects and eight of the ten cigarette smokers received a single 5-mg dose of midazolam IV. Venous blood samples were drawn into additive-free tubes at multiple points in time during the next 24 hours. The samples were centrifuged, and the serum separated and frozen until the time of assay. Concentrations of midazolam in all samples were determined by electron capture gas liquid chromatography.l':" The extent of midazolam binding to plasma protein was determined by equilibrium dialysis. 10

Lorazepam Study Control subjects and cigarette smokers received a single 2-mg dose of lorazepam IV. Multiple venous blood samples were drawn during the first 24 hours after dosage. then every 12 to 24 hours until 72 postdosage. Venous blood samples were centrifuged. and the serum separated and frozen until the time of assay. Concentrations of lorazepam in all samples were determined by electron capture gas liquid chromatography. 13 The extent oflorazepam binding to plasma protein for each subject was determined by equilibrium dialysis. 10

Pharmacokinetic Analysis Serum concentrations of diazepam. midazolam, or lorazepam were analyzed by iterative nonlinear least-squares regression techniques." Data points were fitted to a linear sum of two or three exponential terms. Coefficients and exponents from the fitted function were used to determine volume of distribution using the CHEST I 87 I 2 I FEBRUARY, 1985


Tahle I-Kinetics of Diazepam, Midazolom, and Lorazepam in Cigarette Smokers and Nonsmokers Mean (± SE) Values A~ent

Diazepam Volume of distrihution, IJk~ Elimination half-life. hr Total AVe, ILlt"ml x hr Total clearance, ml/rnin/kg Free fraction, % unbound Midazolam Volume of distribution, rJk~ Elimination half-life, hr Total AVe, ILlt"ml x hr Total clearance, ml/min!kJ1; Free fraction, % unbound Lorazepam Volume of distribution. 11kJ1; Elimination half-life, hr Total AVe, lL!1:Iml x hr Total clearance, ml/min/kg Free fraction, % unhound



1.22( ± .10) 3.1.5(± 2.9) 4.73(± .58) O.44(±.OS) 1.42(± .05)

1.20(±.1O) 31.3(±3.5) 3.83(±.34) 0.47(±.04) 1.33(± .04)

0.17 (NS) 0.49 (NS) 1.32 (NS) 0.42 (NS) 1.38 (NS)

1.60(± .17) 2.0(±.2) O.l.'j(± .01) 9.6( ± 1.2) 3.41 (± .09)

1.31( ± .25) 2.2(±.28) 0.17(±.03) 7.1(±.9) 3.19(± .08)

0.99 0.54 0.73 1.57 1.72

(NS) (NS) (NS) (NS) (NS)

1.30( ± .07) 16.4( ± 1.2) 0.58(±.07) 0.96(±.09) 8.0(±.3)

1.22(± .03) 13.3(±O.7) 0.47(±.02) 1.08(±.OS) 7.9(±.1)

1.10 2.32 1.61 1.13 0.50

(NS) (p<.05) (NS) (NS) (NS)

diazepam was lower in smokers than in control subjects (3.51 vs 4.54 f.Lg/ml X hr; t = 2.27, p<.05), but the difference was not significant when AVC was normalized for body weight (246 vs 298 f.Lg/ml x hr x kg, t = 1.35; NS). For midazolam, there was no difference between the two groups in any of the kinetic variables. In the case of lorazepam, volume of distribution did not differ significantly between groups. Elimination half-life was slightly shorter in smokers as compared to control subjects (p<.05), but the slight increase in total lorazepam clearance (1.08 vs 0.93 mllminlkg) did not reach significance. Lorazepam free fraction was no different between the two groups.

area method, elimination half-life, total area under the curve (AVe), and total clearance. Desmethyldiazepam, the major metaholite of diazepam, appeared in the serum of all patients after IV injection of diazepam. Although the duration of sampling was not sufficient for formal pharmacokinetic analysis, AVe for desmethyldiazepam from time zero to seven days after diazepam dosage was determined by the trapezoidal method. Differences between control and cigarette smoking subjects were evaluated by Student's independent t test. RESUl;rs

Table 1 summarizes pharmacokinetic findings in nonsmoking control suhjects and cigarette smokers (Fig 1). For diazepam, differences hetween groups in volume of distrihution, elimination half-life, total AVC, total clearance, and free fraction did not approach significance. Mean AVC for desmethyl-


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Diazepam Desmethyldiazepom


• 10

• 10

. . . . _-<)0.



Cigarette smoking is known to induce the activity of






300 100

Student's t test









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FIGURE 1. Serum concentrations in a nonsmoking volunteer following intravenous administration of diazepam, midazolam, and lorazepam,


Diazepam. Midazolam, Lorazepam in CigaretteSmokers(OChs. Gl8flnblatt. KnOChel)

certain microsomal enzymes. A number of studies have demonstrated increased clearance of drugs in cigarette smokers.!" and some clinical studies have suggested decreased clinical efficacy and/or decreased rates of clinical toxicity in cigarette smoking populations as compared to matched control subjects. 6.15-17 Such clinical findings have been reported in the case of the benzodiazepine derivatives chlordiazepoxide and diazepam." However, the apparently reduced clinical sensitivity to benzodiazepines among cigarette smokers has not yet been directly related to alterations in benzodiazepine pharmacokinetics. The present study evaluated the kinetics of three benzodiazepines in moderate to heavy cigarette smokers as compared to age-, sex-, and weight-matched control subjects. Diazepam is metabolized principally by microsomal oxidation, having a total clearance considerably less than hepatic blood flow. 7 As such, its clearance should be influenced primarily by hepatic microsomal drug metabolizing activity." Diazepam clearance is enhanced by rifampin," and inhibited by isoniazid, 19 oral contraceptive steroids." cimetidine," and propranolol. 22 However, there were no significant differences between control and cigarette smoking subjects in any of the kinetic variables for diazepam, Midazolam likewise is metabolized principally by microsomal oxidation, but its hepatic clearance is considerably higher, being approximately 50 percent of hepatic blood flow. 12.2.1 Midazolam clearance after IV dosage will depend on microsomal oxidizing activity, as well as hepatic blood How IH Again, however, there was no difference between control and smoking groups in the kinetics of a single IV dose of midazolam. In the case of lorazepam, metabolized principally by the usually resistant pathway of glucuronide conjugation, H there was a small and statistically insignificant trend toward increased clearance of lorazepam in smokers as compared to control subjects. In previous studies from our laboratory that were not specifically designed for assessment of smoking effects on drug metabolism, multiple regression analysis has demonstrated a small contribution of cigarette smoking to the clearance of a number ofbenzodiazepines, in the direction of increased clearance attributable to smoking.":" In one study, cigarette smoking was associated with significantly increased clearance of a single oral dose of oxazepam. 26 In the present study, specifically designed to evaluate the effect of smoking as such, minimal if any influence of smoking on benzodiazepine kinetics could be observed. The findings suggest that pharmacokinetic changes do not explain any alterations in clinical sensitivity to benzodiazepines that might occur among cigarette smokers. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: We are grateful lor the assistance of Rita Matlis, Ann Locniskar, and Marcia K. Divoll.

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Dlaz.pam, Mldazolam, Loraz.pam In Clga,.n. Smok.rI (OChl, Ore.nblatt, KnOCh")