Kinship care policy and practice

Kinship care policy and practice

110 Cd for Pqmrs Only laws act to create a climate of discnminat~on and fear All of these fac- to~nomlc, social, and po&ical--advemely aBct &a&lo f...

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Cd for Pqmrs

Only laws act to create a climate of discnminat~on and fear All of these fac-

to~nomlc, social, and po&ical--advemely aBct &a&lo fkmilles and their chddren. Yet, very little IS known about Latmo children m the child welfare system or the unpact of factors, both micro and macro, that kreaseiiskoftheir entering the child welfare system. Tlus special issue will m together empirical research, qualitative studic$ at&policy a#lm that will add to our knowledge about Latmo chtldren at-&c fix child welfigvr sernces. Manuscripts should be sent to Rosina M kerra, &boo1 of Public Policy 8t Social lkearch, 3250 Pubbc Pobcy Bldg, Umversity of California, L.os Angeles, CA. 90095- 1656

Kinship Care Policy and Practice Forthcoming

Special Issue



The Urban Institute

University of Califonria, Berkeley

~ethe~~yhaalongplayedarolemcsrinefbrctuldrcn~ parts wem unable to do so, child wellbre agencies’ reliance on kin to act as ibster parenta ls relatwely new. However, states’ use of kin fosber parents w ~yd~thelatc198Osand199osartdnowonc-tltirdof~~c~drenarecaredforbyrel~ves.Despiteitswidespread~,~queaionsrcnasin about the safety and qua&y of larkship care placemerIts; the outcomes of kmship care &&ken, and chid welfke agencies’ treatment of kin&p care children and caregivem This special issue ~11 draw on emptrical research qualitatxve studi* andpolicy~tobe~guidc~~pcarepolicydevtlopmtnt practice. We welcome resea& on all aspects of km&p care incklingz the charactenstics of the km&p caregivers and chilw the needs and motivation of kinship careg~ven; state policies and local practices for assessmg, supporting, and serving kin; the quality and safety of kin&p csre homes, the outcomes of chddren placed m kinskp care, mnovative kinship care programs or servxe delivery approaches; and the nupact of welfare refosrh on kinship care. Manuscrqrts should be sent before March 1,200l to Robert Geen, The Urban Institute, 2100 M Street, NW, Washmgton, DC 20037

Fragile Families and Welfare Reform F&hcoming Irsoin@r&a&l

Columbia Uni-ity

Special Issue surNL8Baka

Prin&cm University