should not be on the practitioner's desk beside his Operative Gynecology and his Essentials of Obstetrics. It should, however, contribute to the basic knowledge of the gynecologist or obstetrician dealing with the complaints of patients that seem to have no organic hm;is. It shm!ltl slwely be the clnty of some few in vestigators to attempt to relate certain of the Kinsey data to a variety of physiological disturbances, and perhaps to some organic lesions whose etiology and therapy remaiu yet undetermined. II. C. 1'.
Kosmak Festschrift The July ,JouRNAL will be devoted to articles written in honur of Dr. George Kosmak, who was editor of the ,JouRXAL through the last three decades when medical knowledge was advancing rapidly. Obstetrics and gynecology became a well-established specialty in the united States during this period, an aecomplishment to which Dr. Kosmak contributed to no small rxtent. All of the articles for the July JtmRN,\L were written on invitation, some by the colleagues of D1·. Kosmak 's years of activity, rna ny hy presrnt-llay leaders of the specialty in America, a few by outstamling persons fr·om alJt'oad. Articles on most of the important aspects of ohstetrics and gynecology today will be included. 1'he Editors